Bluetooth not working after Magisk installation - Xiaomi Mi A1 Questions & Answers

Hey everyone,
I have a bit of a problem.
I used the root method that doesn't disable stock OTAs, but noticed that whenever I'm using a Magisk patched boot image (hence I have root access), my Bluetooth doesn't turn on, and sends me 'Bluetooth keeps stopping' error messages.
Tried on 8.0, 8.1, 9.0, the problem persists.
Stock ROM + kernel, no TWRP
What could be the solution?
Please help, I want root access but I'd prefer staying on stock.
Thanks in advance.

Check if you using proper boot image to create patched_boot. If you use older version, wifi and bluetooth may not work.
Try flash stock boot, than fastboot boot patched_boot, than install magisk with magisk manager (full install), than reboot. Not flash patched_boot with fastboot, just boot phone with it.


Having Problems Trying to Root / Flash TWRP

Hey all, I've spent my entire night trying to get root on my new OnePlus 5 so that I can transfer all of my data from my Nexus 6p over through TitaniumBackup, but for some reason I am having weird issues.
I've followed Funk Wizard's guide on unlocking the bootloader and getting a custom recovery to root, but that's when weird things began to happen. I flawlessly was able to get TWRP running the first time through since it was similar setup to how I got everything working on my Nexus 6p. Once I tried booting back into the ROM though after flashing Magisk, the boot failed and rebooted back into recovery. This kept happening no matter what I tried to do. TWRP also was failing to flash the full Oxygen OS zips as well. I tried flashing stock recovery over TWRP to see if that would let me flash the zip, but then it stuck me back in TWRP afterwards despite overwriting it. I updated the TWRP to the "last latest build" which allowed me to flash the zip and boot back into my ROM successfully. However, then I tried going back into the recovery, it defaulted to the stock one again rather than the TWRP I had before. I reflashed TWRP but it keeps getting the stock OnePlus 5 recovery consistently. I am unsure of what to do. :\ I have to switch back to my old battery-failing phone for the time being. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Drivers work; manually forced the ADB driver for fastboot. Device just OTA'd to 4.5.3 a few moments ago; I am still getting the same issue. I also tried the latest TWRP but it still achieved no results whatsoever. All of my flashing is done through fastboot.
Hi I red your problem tho I am new here I successfuly rooted my OnePlus 5.
I think that the problem is either not using proper rooting zip's or bad drivers so I will tell you how I rooted mine.
I reccomend using this tool so you will be sure 100% that you have the ADB, Fastboot and necessary Drivers.
Those are the files that I used(The Magisk zip file and the recovery):!AA8FGLZR!63Q4HGrAoIlNlwR_NVj8Rbq4RKoPKaEnHLtHuEW3o94
I do not remember from where I downloaded them, neither I can find them from my messy history cuz I searched a lot for them around the internet, so I upload them for you!
Magisk link:
So basically I went to my phone's settings unlocked Developer options by spamming the build number so I can get there and enable OEM unlocking and USB debugging. After that I rebooted my phone into fastboot mode like I just normally turned it off and hold the power button and VOL+ key. after that I connected my OnePlus to the PC using the DASH cable. You should download beforehand the TRWP and latest so you can root it using Magisk I have not tried using SuperSU. So you basucally flash the TWRP using the "fastboot flash recovery twrp-3.1.1-0-oneplus5.img" command in my case and you transfer the Magisk Manager and zip file on the phone later so you can root. Then you just flash Magisk's latest zip file or use mine. I do not remember if I manually installed the Magisk Manager APK file tho I have it downloaded on my PC gonna zip them real quick with the recovery and uploade them.

How can I remove Magisk?

I've flashed Magisk, but because I can't get Xposed to work, I'd like to remove Magisk and install SuperSU, but I don't know how. I tried to flash the uninstaller via TWRP and it says everything is fine, but after rebooting it just stays installed. If I try to flash SuperSU anyway I get stuck on boot. I have to flash stock boot.img via TWRP and then Magisk magically reappears. I tried using MiFlash but it refuses to do anything. It says no permission.
One possible solution, I guess, would be to flash stock ROM via TWRP. Can this be done? Any other ideas? Or am I just stuck with Magisk until a new version is available?
Filip013 said:
I've flashed Magisk, but because I can't get Xposed to work, I'd like to remove Magisk and install SuperSU, but I don't know how. I tried to flash the uninstaller via TWRP and it says everything is fine, but after rebooting it just stays installed. If I try to flash SuperSU anyway I get stuck on boot. I have to flash stock boot.img via TWRP and then Magisk magically reappears. I tried using MiFlash but it refuses to do anything. It says no permission.
One possible solution, I guess, would be to flash stock ROM via TWRP. Can this be done? Any other ideas? Or am I just stuck with Magisk until a new version is available?
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Magisk is pretty much "useless" for now. Because it is based on system-less root, and cannot be updated (because still in testing phase! Newer Xposed module from Magisk requires latest Magisk root binary, which is pretty out of option atm as we can't update to the latest binary). The only solution if you want to have proper root access is:
1. Head over to Xiaomi MIUI website and download the full stock ROM again, and then flash it via fastboot (choose flash_all_except_storage.bat if you want to preserve your data).
2. Once flashed, reboot back to bootloader and unlock it.
3. While still in bootloader flash the correct CF-Auto root boot image for your ROM (contains SuperSU 2.82 binary,
4. Wait patiently and it will automatically reboot. Install SuperSU from Play Store if you want root management app.
5. If you need Xposed, download the Xposed apk from XDA and then install it normally (not via recovery).
6. ??? Profit
*DO NOT INSTALL permanent TWRP as it will cause your phone stuck in boot loop.
Thanks for your help, but no luck. I understand what I'm supposed to do, but I can't get MiFlash to work. When I try to flash stock image I get a "Permission Denied" error. (I have unlocked my bootloader successfully). I tried flashing modified stock image from here But then I couldn't boot. My only solution is to flash stock boot.img via TWRP and I can boot, but I stay stuck with Magisk.
So far, the only options I can think of is to wait for a recovery-flashable ROM, a new software update or a new version of Magisk.
Filip013 said:
Thanks for your help, but no luck. I understand what I'm supposed to do, but I can't get MiFlash to work. When I try to flash stock image I get a "Permission Denied" error. (I have unlocked my bootloader successfully). I tried flashing modified stock image from here But then I couldn't boot. My only solution is to flash stock boot.img via TWRP and I can boot, but I stay stuck with Magisk.
So far, the only options I can think of is to wait for a recovery-flashable ROM, a new software update or a new version of Magisk.
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You couldn't boot, are you using permanent TWRP?
Have you tried download the Full ROM from here and run this (as attachment)?
Btw, place the folder under 1 directory only eg: as attachment. (I tried in multiple directory eg: "D:\Phones\ROM\Stock ROM", it just wouldn't flash)
OMG!!! I can't believe it. MiFlash refused to let me flash because I tried to do that from the wrong location. Weird??!!
Good. I’ve managed to follow your instructions and success!! Just a minor note, I couldn't flash the modified boot.img directly via fastboot, it still won't let me. But I just booted TWRP (without flashing) and then flashed it from there. Again, THANK YOU!
BTW, yes, I had flashed permanent TWRP and then unsuccessfully tried to remove it.
Filip013 said:
OMG!!! I can't believe it. MiFlash refused to let me flash because I tried to do that from the wrong location. Weird??!!
Good. I’ve managed to follow your instructions and success!! Just a minor note, I couldn't flash the modified boot.img directly via fastboot, it still won't let me. But I just booted TWRP (without flashing) and then flashed it from there. Again, THANK YOU!
BTW, yes, I had flashed permanent TWRP and then unsuccessfully tried to remove it.
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Oh you manage to fix that? Good for you then. And yes you cannot have permanent TWRP and SuperSU at the same time. The CF-auto root for me I just click root.bat and done. btw side note, you will lose root after each update, besure to check out the new patched boot image. I m sure in the future we will have automated process, don't need to re-root manually after each update

Rooting OREO (41.3.A.2.24)

I was waiting for a root enabler for oreo (41.3.A.2.24), and I could find
But this link is for version 41.3.A.0.401 and it does not work for everybody including me.
Since androplus still didn't bring out a new version of his kernel I tried the method from the above link.
But I'm using newer versions than in the description, I use TWRP 3.2.0, Magisk manager 5.2.2 and Magisk 15.2.
I can install the new version, twrp, the new boor image and Magisk 15.2.
I can boot and Magisk runs but the Safetynet control failes and Magisk does not enable root.
On the installation of the boot image, twrp and magisk I got some messages (marked in red)
unable to mount storage
failed to mount
Before I tried with magisk manager 5.5.1 and magisk 15.1 but then I got stuck at boot time at the sony logo.
Does anybody have a way to root Oreo (the latest version), enable DRM and enable root?
Ok I started all over again and I noticed I didn't follow the procedure first time.
So I excluded the FOTA kernel but whatever else I check no full wipe is done, I can always see the previous installed apps, it does not matter if I check Cust-reset, master-reset or reset-wipe-reason, the system is not wiped.
So that's my first problem, how to wipe the previous install.
Flashing the rom seems to be OK, same thing for flashing boot_oreo.img and twrp-3.1.1-0-dora.img.
I'm not sure about twrp because this version is off-line now, so I tried with TWRP and but they all gave me the same result.
Problems start when I have to flash, safety-net cleaner or magisk 15.2. The procedure tells me the flash is ok but have a look at thet attached images, I get errors while flashing. One picture for drmfix, one for safety-net-cleaner and one for magisk 15.2
After flashing all of this I can boot successfully but when I try to get root in ES File Explorer pro, it does not work. When I go into Magisk and try the afety-net check I get ctsProfile false and basicIntegrity False.
So the rom does work but I do not get root.
I tried all of this with the Italian rom 41.3.A.2.24.R1E ? I can start all over again with the UK version 41.3.A.2.24.R2E but I do not know if this makes any sense.
So can anybody tell me what to do to get it all going?
deboopi2 said:
I was waiting for a root enabler for oreo (41.3.A.2.24), and...
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1 - Do use always Adrian DC latest fully working TWRP build for dora.
2 - You don't need a 3rd party kernel to achieve that, instead, you can easily create your own one, based always on stock kernel!
Thats the SELinux's problem.
Flash this first then flash magisk

Cant root after April update

After updating to the latest software I found that with the exception of the first time I tried it which weirdly enough worked, I can't for the life of me successfully boot after rooting.
I rooted once and had to uninstall magisk because of a conflicting module but now no matter what I try I always get stuck on essential's splash screen.
Does anyone else have this problem? If I flash the stock boot image I can boot just fine.
have you try flashing update, then boot image then magisk consecutively before any reboot? I'm out of the country at the moment w/o access to my PC, and I can't even risk a soft brick while traveling.
Are you getting as far as installing magisk again? cause from what you've written it sounds like it is working but the module that caused the original issue is still there. you can remove magisk by flashing the stock boot image but the magisk image with all installed modules is still there.
If that is the case then there are a few tool out there to mount the magisk image and remove the module.
I tried a few when I had a similar issue and the only one that worked was this one.
what you would need to do is flash twrp. boot into recovery. (decryption never works for me so would recomend either sideload or adb push to /data/media)
flash the stock boot image back.
then reinstall magisk
flash the magisk recovery manager
once loaded go to the advanced section of twrp select terminal and type mm and follow the on screen instruction to remove the afflicted module then reboot and you should be sorted.
Although that being said if that isn't the issue you're having then can you explain how far you get with trying to reinstall and whats going wrong.
Ibanez33 said:
Are you getting as far as installing magisk again? cause from what you've written it sounds like it is working but the module that caused the original issue is still there. you can remove magisk by flashing the stock boot image but the magisk image with all installed modules is still there.
If that is the case then there are a few tool out there to mount the magisk image and remove the module.
I tried a few when I had a similar issue and the only one that worked was this one.
what you would need to do is flash twrp. boot into recovery. (decryption never works for me so would recomend either sideload or adb push to /data/media)
flash the stock boot image back.
then reinstall magisk
flash the magisk recovery manager
once loaded go to the advanced section of twrp select terminal and type mm and follow the on screen instruction to remove the afflicted module then reboot and you should be sorted.
Although that being said if that isn't the issue you're having then can you explain how far you get with trying to reinstall and whats going wrong.
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I can't believe I hadn't thought of that. The conflicting modules were still there and I just had to remove them. Thanks so much man, I was about to wipe my phone out of frustration!

Rooting Help

I've been running custom roms since before android was a thing so I'm usually pretty good at this stuff.
I'm running IN11AA
It refuses to root. I'm not sure if there is some step I'm missing that's so obvious nobody mentions it?
I was rooted, but when the new Magisk 23 came out without Magisk hide.. it was a big problem for me. I have corporate apps that will refuse to work on a rooted device. I restored the stock images (just like I do to get my OTA).. but then I uninstalled Magisk 23 and Installed 22.1. I then patched the bootloader (Dire3ct Install) and all was good, until I rebooted and had no root.
My bootloader is unlocked.
So I downloaded the full stock rom v11.0.9.9 IN11AA directly from Oneplus.
Extracted payload.bin
Used Payload dumper to get the proper boot.img.
Copied boot.img to my device and used magisk 22.1 to patch the file.
Downloaded the patched boot.img to my desktop.
Used ADB to flash it
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash boot patched_boot.img
fastboot flash boot_a patched_boot.img
fastboot flash boot_b patched_boot.img
fastboot reboot
Nothing. No Root.
I tried this over and over with different versions of magisk.
I tried downloading pre-patched version, and using fastboot boot patched_boot.img.
The device just hangs, and then boots using the stock image. No root.
I have no idea what could be wrong.
I just updated from v11.0.8.8 to v11.0.9.9 today on the EU variant.
Downloaded the update via Oxygen Updater, then used the built in updater with the local file downloaded.
Before restarting the device, opened up Magisk, then clicked "Install to inactive slot" since the new update gets put on the inactive slot. After it installed, rebooted the phone, and done. Updated to latest, and kept root. Didn't even turn off the modules, although I only have 1 installed.
This is my usual method to keep root while updating.
I'm not sure where you got your Magisk from, but i'm using v23.0 from the official github page (HERE), and it still has MagiskHide built-in, and currently using it for all of my banking apps, and it works.
Most likely the issue is that you have used the old Magisk version to patch the file.
Download the app from the link above, and use that to patch your boot.img file.
While the extracted file should work as flashed, I like to just boot from it rather than flash it and make it "permanent".
Use fastboot boot patched_boot.img to boot using the file once only.
After starting up, you should have Magisk installed in a couple of seconds. It might prompt you to restart the phone when opening it first time, but just ignore that and do not restart as you'll lose the root. Alternatively, you can install the app when you're not rooted yet, and when you boot using the patched boot.img, you won't need to restart.
When done, Magisk should tell that you have 23.0(23000) installed.
Then just use the built-in Install > Direct Install (Recommended) option within Magisk to install it to the current slot.
Do NOT install it to inactive slot. This option only to be used when updating via OTA.
Other option:
Download the Magisk app from the link above, and rename it to then copy it to your phone.
Download TWRP from HERE to your PC and use fastboot flash recovery twrp.img to flash this recovery.
Reboot to recovery. (Might take 2-3 mins to boot first time)
Flash the using recovery.
That's all you should need to be able to root.
I appreciate the help.
I was so hopeful you gave me what I needed, but it didn't work.
So, It wasn't an update issue... it was more of an attempt to downgrade Magisk.
I always OTA the same way as you and it always works.
I also always get Magisk from the official Github page.
What I got excited about was that I wasnt aware there was a working TWRP! So I thought.. THAT will fix it.
I didnt flash it, I just booted from it. I flashed Magisk that way, BUT... still not rooted.
Here is the interesting bit.. when flashing Magisk via TWRP, it detected that my boot.img was already Magisk patched and not stock (Which is right). It's like the boot.img is correctly patched, Magisk just isn't seeing it.
I'd be ok with a full wipe and factory reset at this point, but I'm not even sure that will fix it.
** Edit - I tried manually flashing the latest full OOS downloaded from Oneplus. It didnt help. I finally factory reset and it's working now.
This is my fav. root method.
[GUIDE] Easiest way to root/magisk Oneplus 8 Pro
This method will not flash any custom recovery or any custom boots. Caution: I don't take any responsibility. Proceed with your own risk and resilience in mind Prerequisites: Oxygen OS 11 (tested with 11, issues reported with 10) and a PC with...
ps000000 said:
This is my fav. root method.
[GUIDE] Easiest way to root/magisk Oneplus 8 Pro
This method will not flash any custom recovery or any custom boots. Caution: I don't take any responsibility. Proceed with your own risk and resilience in mind Prerequisites: Oxygen OS 11 (tested with 11, issues reported with 10) and a PC with...
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Agreed, this is a great method. I tried that too before I ended up doing a reset... no good. I somehow broke something with the rom outside of Magisk so that Magisk wouldnt work. Whatever it was, A full wipe fixed it..
