Want to understand how to root T-Mobile version - OnePlus 6T Questions & Answers

Like the title say, I'm getting ready to buy the T-Mobile version. I have read the conversion thread, but see others who say don't do that. I have a oneplus 3t but not a/b so I am confused lol

jamescable said:
Like the title say, I'm getting ready to buy the T-Mobile version. I have read the conversion thread, but see others who say don't do that. I have a oneplus 3t but not a/b so I am confused lol
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I converted my 6t to the international version and have not had any issues in doing so. Don't quite understand why other users would advise not to do so. A plus to converting to the international rom allows you to easily unlock the bootloader and root the device of that's what you are looking to do.

elrey420 said:
I converted my 6t to the international version and have not had any issues in doing so. Don't quite understand why other users would advise not to do so. A plus to converting to the international rom allows you to easily unlock the bootloader and root the device of that's what you are looking to do.
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Well, I have never used a a/b device before.....so I am very worried about the whole no permanent twrp

Don't worry about it you don't have to do anything with a or b slots just follow the instructions and you'll be fine

The a/b slots are nothing to worry about, as long as you follow the directions in the thread you'll be fine. There's an msm tool than can recover from any software failure if things go south. And for twrp, someone can correct me if I'm wrong but we have permanent twrp, at least I do

So, using the conversion tool is all I have to do to unlock bootloader and install ROMs like normal?

jamescable said:
So, using the conversion tool is all I have to do to unlock bootloader and install ROMs like normal?
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Basically, yeah. Use this to do so. And for unlocking the bootloader extract the attached .rar file and run the .exe as administrator (you need ADB installed on your PC, OEM Unlocking enabled and USB Debugging Enabled for it to work) or use the command
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot oem unlock
For installing TWRP use this TWRP Installer (It also flashes Magisk), for installing custom ROMs use this guide.

_Masked_ said:
Basically, yeah. Use this to do so. And for unlocking the bootloader extract the attached .rar file and run the .exe as administrator (you need ADB installed on your PC, OEM Unlocking enabled and USB Debugging Enabled for it to work) or use the command
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot oem unlock
For installing TWRP use this TWRP Installer (It also flashes Magisk), for installing custom ROMs use this guide.
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OK, and what about firmware? For the 3t, I have to have the updated firmware, is it the same for the 6t? And also, as I see, we have to use a computer for adb sideload everyyime we install a ROM?

jamescable said:
OK, and what about firmware? For the 3t, I have to have the updated firmware, is it the same for the 6t? And also, as I see, we have to use a computer for adb sideload everyyime we install a ROM?
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No, the adb sideload was to bypass decryption issues, thanks (I forgot to update the guide). You don't need updated firmware.


Bricked my LeEco Pro 3 while installing CM13, need some help and advice.

Hi Guys,
Long story short, I bought the LeEco Pro 3 US version due to the awesome Tmobile network support. The modem supports band 12 and WiFi calling and I was happy with it. But eventually notification issues and the horrible EUI got under my skin and I decided to install CM13 keeping the phone as untouched as possible so that I can revert back to stock whenever needed.
I followed below steps:
1. Enabled developer options and enabled USB debugging.
2. Went the Developer Options and enabled OEM Unlocking.
3. Did adb reboot bootloader to get into the bootloader menu.
4. Did fastboot unlock-go command to unlock the bootloader. I noticed that if I did this command and rebooted the phone, the phone reverted back to being locked again. But I could run the command again from bootloader screen and unlock it (as long as the developer options had the OEM unlocking enabled). So I was never permanently unlocked, just unlock at will whenever I wanted.
5. Then I downloaded the twrp.img file and from fastboot screen i did fastboot boot twrp.img, which booted me inot twrp screen. I was able to switch the language to english but i didnt do the permanent system modification. I did not root the phone as well through the menu.
6. Now, I plugged in a USB OTG drive in the phone. Usb OTG drive had CM13 ROM + Gapps on it.
7. Using the TWRP menu, I did a factory data reset and made a backup of all partitions of the LeEco Phone and saved it into USB OTG drive.
8. Then I installed the CM13 rom on the phone. Followed by Gapps and then rebooted the phone. The phone wouldnt boot.
9. I immediately rebooted the phone into the fastboot menu and tried to run the fastboot boot twrp.img, and got an error message that the device is not unlocked. Which is when i noticed that the phone is bricked.
So Long story short, I have a locked bootloader and I want to to retain my modem. I was given a suggestion to boot into the stock recovery and put the x720 update.zip file and install it. But that would flash the CN modem as well. Can I delete the modem file from the CN rom and flash the update.zip? Can someone help me there? All I want is the modem for the US rom and CM13, thats it.
Thank you guys for reading this post, it helps to talk to XDA about such issues, my wife would just kick my butt because I broke a phone, again!
Did you wipe the system using twrp before installing CM?
sunbinyuan said:
Did you wipe the system using twrp before installing CM?
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No I didn't wipe the system before installing CM13. Usually the ROM installation scripts do system wipes.
This is the reason why I am hesitant to do this thing as there are no clear (step-by-step) procedures and there is no solid benefit (in fact your will lose some features). Can't it be possible to just create a CM or any other ROM that could be downloaded and rename into update.zip and load it directly renaming the X720 ROM? ^_^
Try unlocking bootloader again with fastboot method as you didn't do it the first time. Then try fastboot boot twrp.img
srikanthc said:
Try unlocking bootloader again with fastboot method as you didn't do it the first time. Then try fastboot boot twrp.img
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He will not be able to unlock again due to the fact that he installed CM13 on an unlocked bootloader. I did read where you can flash the CN bootloader on a locked bootloader. Look at post #44 from the "X727 (US Model) Persistent bootloader unlock from 5.8.019s" thread.
"I finished the setup and run fastboot again and it is good so for anyone having the same issue as I was having of not able to unlock, just run: Fastboot Flash aboot emmc_appsboot.mbn get the file from dr4stic zip file"
Followed by post #47:
"Yeah I can confirm that flashing the aboot worked like dish soap on a squeaky hinge."
If that doesn't work then you will need to install the CN rom using the stock bootloader.
zoid_99 said:
He will not be able to unlock again due to the fact that he installed CM13 on an unlocked bootloader. I did read where you can flash the CN bootloader on a locked bootloader. Look at post #44 from the "X727 (US Model) Persistent bootloader unlock from 5.8.019s" thread.
"I finished the setup and run fastboot again and it is good so for anyone having the same issue as I was having of not able to unlock, just run: Fastboot Flash aboot emmc_appsboot.mbn get the file from dr4stic zip file"
Followed by post #47:
"Yeah I can confirm that flashing the aboot worked like dish soap on a squeaky hinge."
If that doesn't work then you will need to install the CN rom using the stock bootloader.
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I ended up installing CN ROM as my last resort. I have an unlocked bootloader and twrp installed now, with CM13. Now I need the way to go back to US modem so I can get all the bands.
Sent from my LEX720 using Tapatalk
ceo.mtcl said:
I ended up installing CN ROM as my last resort. I have an unlocked bootloader and twrp installed now, with CM13. Now I need the way to go back to US modem so I can get all the bands.
Sent from my LEX720 using Tapatalk
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1. Download the rom from here: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=601275311581036717
2. Unzip and extract the NON-HLOS.img file.
3. Reboot into fastboot mode.
4. Flash the modem "fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.img"
You will not notice a change in the modem version in "About Phone" as they both report Baseband version MPSS.2.0.c1.9.1-00010. Who knows, they may be the same.
zoid_99 said:
1. Download the rom from here: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=601275311581036717
2. Unzip and extract the NON-HLOS.img file.
3. Reboot into fastboot mode.
4. Flash the modem "fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.img"
You will not notice a change in the modem version in "About Phone" as they both report Baseband version MPSS.2.0.c1.9.1-00010. Who knows, they may be the same.
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Is this NON HLOS.img file from US baseband? Can you please help me in locating where it came from before I flash it. Thanks in advance.
Sent from my LEX720 using Tapatalk
ceo.mtcl said:
Is this NON HLOS.img file from US baseband? Can you please help me in locating where it came from before I flash it. Thanks in advance.
Sent from my LEX720 using Tapatalk
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That is from the US baseband. That rom will convert a CN install back to a US install.
zoid_99 said:
That is from the US baseband. That rom will convert a CN install back to a US install.
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Thank you, is that from your phone or did you found it in some other post out here that I missed Zoid? I'm just looking for source of the file.
Sent from my LEX720 using Tapatalk
It's from this thread.
Okay, if you chose to use the long route and installed the Chinese ROM, you can still get back to the full US version, complete with all LTE bands. dr4stic is responsible for this gem, and was my way back to US ROMdom.
To go from Chinese or Custom ROM back to Stock US version:
The file is located in his Android File Host space here: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=601275311581036717
ceo.mtcl said:
No I didn't wipe the system before installing CM13. Usually the ROM installation scripts do system wipes.
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Sorry for the late answer but to add to that, it happened to me that the ROM didn't have a wipe script thus bricking another of my device. I reinstalled it after wiping the system and it worked.

Moto G5 Plus Stock ROM

I did factory reset my Moto G5 Plus, and now I am left with custom ROMs only. Where can I download the stock Motorola ROM for the Moto G5 Plus?
mstoic said:
I did factory reset my Moto G5 Plus, and now I am left with custom ROMs only. Where can I download the stock Motorola ROM for the Moto G5 Plus?
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Check here: https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmware/moto/potter/official/
Anyways you should always make backups in twrp :good:
tywinlannister7 said:
Check here: https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmware/moto/potter/official/
Anyways you should always make backups in twrp :good:
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Thanks a ton. I will surely backup everything right after installing TWRP from now on.
I'm on stock ROM NPN25.137-15, rooted with TWRP installed. Can I just upgrade it to NPN25.137-35 by downloading the zip from above link and flash it under TWRP?
anoop.ch said:
I'm on stock ROM NPN25.137-15, rooted with TWRP installed. Can I just upgrade it to NPN25.137-35 by downloading the zip from above link and flash it under TWRP?
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I have the same questions are the linked files flashable in TWRP? My stock backup is rooted and now I can't play Pokemon GO. Just looking for the easiest way to unroot my stock rom. Thanks!
anoop.ch said:
I'm on stock ROM NPN25.137-15, rooted with TWRP installed. Can I just upgrade it to NPN25.137-35 by downloading the zip from above link and flash it under TWRP?
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No Stock ROM can not be flashed via twrp, only the OTA zips can be flashed via stock Recovery. This is the link to the fastboot ROM.
emoney1219 said:
I have the same questions are the linked files flashable in TWRP? My stock backup is rooted and now I can't play Pokemon GO. Just looking for the easiest way to unroot my stock rom. Thanks!
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As I mentioned above. Moreover you can flash UnSU and then root using Magisk. Magisk allows hiding root detection for Safetynet.
tywinlannister7 said:
No Stock ROM can not be flashed via twrp, only the OTA zips can be flashed via stock Recovery. This is the link to the fastboot ROM.
As I mentioned above. Moreover you can flash UnSU and then root using Magisk. Magisk allows hiding root detection for Safetynet.
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Where would I find UnSU if you don't mind my asking?
emoney1219 said:
Where would I find UnSU if you don't mind my asking?
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Everything is on xda. just search before posting
tywinlannister7 said:
Everything is on xda. just search before posting
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Never knew UnSU existed, thanks for the link. It seems to have worked, thanks.
Can't lock the bootloader
mstoic said:
Thanks a ton. I will surely backup everything right after installing TWRP from now on.
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Hi. I am not able to lock the bootloader. As soon I enter the command
fastboot oem lock
CMD gives me the error "Still require signed boot.img"
tywinlannister7 said:
Check here: https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmware/moto/potter/official/
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Where is the stock firmware for the EU version? Moto G5 Plus XT1685 3/32GB
tywinlannister7 said:
Check here: https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmware/moto/potter/official/
Anyways you should always make backups in twrp :good:
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Hi, i downloaded the zip file, but how do i install it? Can you point me to a tutorial or something?
Thank you
Hi, i followed this = https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=67031808&postcount=4
Got it
pablofior said:
Hi, i downloaded the zip file, but how do i install it? Can you point me to a tutorial or something?
Thank you
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Assuming that you have set up adb/fastboot drivers, extract all the rom files to that folder and type in the commands mentioned here :
tywinlannister7 said:
Assuming that you have set up adb/fastboot drivers, extract all the rom files to that folder and type in the commands mentioned here :
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Thank you but i found here on XDA a tutorial to flash stock rom on G4 and it worked for me.
mstoic said:
Hi. I am not able to lock the bootloader. As soon I enter the command
fastboot oem lock
CMD gives me the error "Still require signed boot.img"
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I have the same issue.
I also get these errors:
Is there a way to relock the bootloader?
tywinlannister7 said:
Assuming that you have set up adb/fastboot drivers, extract all the rom files to that folder and type in the commands mentioned here :
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I unlocked the bootlader and rooted the phone before giving it to my wife. During that whole process, fastboot had no problems recognizing the phone (obviously). Then my wife tried to update via the OTA which got her stuck in TWRP. I'd like to reflash the stock ROM, but the problem I have is I can't use fastboot to do commands line by line (as shown in the link above) since "fastboot devices" doesn't show my phone anymore. I was able to get her going on a custom ROM for now, but I'd like to put her back on the stock ROM so we won't encounter this problem again. I've reinstalled the Motorola driver several times, but no luck. ADB has no problems recognizing the phone when in recovery. One thing that happened recently was a big update to Windows 10, but I'm not sure if that is the reason for my fastboot issues.
I intend to give it a go on another computer once I get the phone again from the wife, but any advice until then would be appreciated.
Thanks. I've installed a custom ROM but im not happy with the results (specially the poor camera performace). Will this "undo" everything? I mean, stock apps, stock widgets, etc etc? (don't care if the bootloader stays unlocked and the warning moto message while booting). I know this may be a stupid question, but like Homer would say: "it's my first day"
manos78 said:
Where is the stock firmware for the EU version? Moto G5 Plus XT1685 3/32GB
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Did u find it?
WiteFlash said:
I intend to give it a go on another computer once I get the phone again from the wife, but any advice until then would be appreciated.
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Just a follow up to my previous post, I tried uninstalling/reinstalling the Motorola driver and ADB on the original computer, but for some reason it still won't "see" the phone in fastboot. I was able to install ADB/Fastboot and the Motorola driver on a separate computer (also Windows 10) to get fastboot to recognize the phone so I could issue commands to reinstall the stock firmware. I noticed, though, that the following commands FAILED when I entered them:
fastboot erase customize
fastboot erase clogo
I'm not sure what those were for, but the phone seems to be working fine on the stock firmware now.
I flashed the one in the retail folder and it says ret-EU in the settings so flash that one

How do I update my 6T rooted without erasing datas?

Dear all,
first of all I would like to be sorry if I'm saying something worng. I'm not so expert about Android world.
I've got a OnePlus 6T that I've rooted with the help of a friend some months ago.
Not it's a lot that I keep see the notification abount the OS update and I keep skipping it but it's bothering me so... I searched for a guide and I found this (https://oneplus.gadgethacks.com/how...thout-losing-root-no-computer-needed-0192638/) (I hope I can post it also if it's from another website).
It seems so simple, I've downloaded the OTA update, the TWRP and the Magisk. My issue is that whene I reboot to the recovery I'm not booting into TWRP but I suppose into the OnePlus recovery instead.
I searched angain and found this other guide (https://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-6t/how-to/official-oxygenos-9-0-4-ota-oneplus-6t-t3860953) that is more complete but I can't understand if it's the proper guide I need to follow to update my device keeping it rooted and most of all without loosing any data.
The first guide you linked to is wrong. Do not follow that. That is why you don't have TWRP anymore. The second guide you linked to on XDA is correct. Follow the TWRP guide. Once you have TWRP reinstalled.
You must download the zip from the second link you posted here at XDA.
Flash the Zip in TWRP. This flash the update to the opposite slot. It also wipes out TWRP and replaces it with the stock recovery.
Now you must reinstall TWRP. Flash the TWRP installer. This will flash TWRP to both slots.
Now reboot to recovery. This will reboot to the new slot where you update was just flashed.
This is when you install Magisk to the updated slot. You MUST do this.
Now reboot to system after you installed Magisk.
Now you have updated without losing any data.
The guide in the second link says to use the Magisk uninstaller. I've personally never done this. This is probably for people who use all sorts of weird add-ons and such. I don't know. Never uninstalled Magisk, never had a problem. That's all I can say. You can try it, or you can follow the official instructions.
OhioYJ said:
The first guide you linked to is wrong. Do not follow that. That is why you don't have TWRP anymore. The second guide you linked to on XDA is correct. Follow the TWRP guide. Once you have TWRP reinstalled.
You must download the zip from the second link you posted here at XDA.
Flash the Zip in TWRP. This flash the update to the opposite slot. It also wipes out TWRP and replaces it with the stock recovery.
Now you must reinstall TWRP. Flash the TWRP installer. This will flash TWRP to both slots.
Now reboot to recovery. This will reboot to the new slot where you update was just flashed.
This is when you install Magisk to the updated slot. You MUST do this.
Now reboot to system after you installed Magisk.
Now you have updated without losing any data.
The guide in the second link says to use the Magisk uninstaller. I've personally never done this. This is probably for people who use all sorts of weird add-ons and such. I don't know. Never uninstalled Magisk, never had a problem. That's all I can say. You can try it, or you can follow the official instructions.
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Thanks OhioYJ,
so, before I can follow the TWRP guide, I must reinstall it. Could you please give me a link to a guide on how to do it?
Thanks again,
RikiBez said:
Thanks OhioYJ,
so, before I can follow the TWRP guide, I must reinstall it. Could you please give me a link to a guide on how to do it?
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[Guide] OnePlus 6T [Fajita]: Unlock | Flash TWRP | Root | Nandroid & EFS Backup !!
Thanks to Funk Wizard again. Don't forget the section about backing up your modem, this is always important in case something really goes wrong. You'll probably never need it, but if you ever do you'll be really glad you have it.
OhioYJ said:
[Guide] OnePlus 6T [Fajita]: Unlock | Flash TWRP | Root | Nandroid & EFS Backup !!
Thanks to Funk Wizard again. Don't forget the section about backing up your modem, this is always important in case something really goes wrong. You'll probably never need it, but if you ever do you'll be really glad you have it.
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I followed the guide but I get stucked into a loot without been able to boot into TWRP. I'm only able to enter the recovery mode and the fastboot mode but when I launch the command from Windows it finish with no error but the phone still stuck on the fastboot logo or the oneplus logo. After many tryes now I've got only this and also errors on PC:
EDIT: At the moment I'm not event able to enter the recovery mode, I keep restarting it and it will only boot to the fastmode.
RikiBez said:
I followed the guide but I get stucked into a loot without been able to boot into TWRP. I'm only able to enter the recovery mode and the fastboot mode but when I launch the command from Windows it finish with no error but the phone still stuck on the fastboot logo or the oneplus logo. After many tryes now I've got only this and also errors on PC:
EDIT: At the moment I'm not event able to enter the recovery mode, I keep restarting it and it will only boot to the fastmode.
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It's booting into recovery, but the OnePlus recovery. That is what the menu that is asking you to select a language is. When you enter the command fastboot boot trwp.img you don't get any sort of error? Or the phone doesn't respond?
OhioYJ said:
It's booting into recovery, but the OnePlus recovery. That is what the menu that is asking you to select a language is. When you enter the command fastboot boot trwp.img you don't get any sort of error? Or the phone doesn't respond?
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At the beginning I had no error nor on PC not on phone. Now that I’m stuck into the fastboot I keep getting the error on windows that say he donno the fastboot command but the phone stand still.
RikiBez said:
At the beginning I had no error nor on PC not on phone. Now that I’m stuck into the fastboot I keep getting the error on windows that say he donno the fastboot command but the phone stand still.
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Is fastboot installed? Are you typing the commands correctly?
Sent from my OnePlus 6T using XDA-Developers Legacy app
RikiBez said:
At the beginning I had no error nor on PC not on phone. Now that I’m stuck into the fastboot I keep getting the error on windows that say he donno the fastboot command but the phone stand still.
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Sounds like you're not running the command from the folder where fastboot.exe is located.
Makes me wonder why you did it this way in the first place. And why people suggested it. Easiest way to install updates on a rooted 6T is to install the update through the normal updater without rebooting, going to Magisk Manager and selecting install to inactive slot and rebooting only after that. That's really all there is to it.
CazeW said:
Sounds like you're not running the command from the folder where fastboot.exe is located.
Makes me wonder why you did it this way in the first place. And why people suggested it. Easiest way to install updates on a rooted 6T is to install the update through the normal updater without rebooting, going to Magisk Manager and selecting install to inactive slot and rebooting only after that. That's really all there is to it.
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If I want to clean flash my 9.0.13 rooted TWRP. What do I need to uninstall or wipe? Im on 9.0.13 currently
Sent from my OnePlus 6T using XDA-Developers Legacy app
i7vSa7vi7y said:
Is fastboot installed? Are you typing the commands correctly?
Sent from my OnePlus 6T using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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Fastboot was working until I reinstalled adb and OnePlus drivers.
CazeW said:
Sounds like you're not running the command from the folder where fastboot.exe is located.
Makes me wonder why you did it this way in the first place. And why people suggested it. Easiest way to install updates on a rooted 6T is to install the update through the normal updater without rebooting, going to Magisk Manager and selecting install to inactive slot and rebooting only after that. That's really all there is to it.
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I didn’t know any other way. That’s why I asked how to do it. Anyway I’m running the command from the right folder. Maybe something broke on my laptop.
Yesterday evening I tried from a new laptop windows 10, installed adb and OnePlus driver for the first time and I was able to run the commands without the error not finding the command but:
Fastboot boot twrp.image returned me an error
If I run fastboot flash boot twrp.image it does not give me error but the phone does not response. It only boot to the boot loader.
RikiBez said:
I didn’t know any other way. That’s why I asked how to do it. Anyway I’m running the command from the right folder. Maybe something broke on my laptop.
Yesterday evening I tried from a new laptop windows 10, installed adb and OnePlus driver for the first time and I was able to run the commands without the error not finding the command but:
Fastboot boot twrp.image returned me an error
If I run fastboot flash boot twrp.image it does not give me error but the phone does not response. It only boot to the boot loader.
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Try uninstalling adb. Delete the whole folder and install it again. Try updating your netframework on your PC and the latest C++
Sent from my OnePlus 6T using XDA-Developers Legacy app
I'm creating a new tread about the issue and the state where I am because now I can't update or keep data, I just need to recover the phone to a normal state.
RikiBez said:
I'm creating a new tread about the issue and the state where I am because now I can't update or keep data, I just need to recover the phone to a normal state.
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Use the msm tool for that
Sent from my OnePlus 6T using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Flashing the fastboot rom would probably have gotten you back in and maybe with your data in tact. Now fair warning I'm a Linux user anyways, but really fastboot and adb are so much easier in Linux. For people that have issues, it sometimes is easier just to make a bootable USB / CD of Linux Mint or Ubuntu and then from Synaptic or the Package manager install adb and fastboot. No drivers or anything else to install, everything will just work.
Last time I got stuck in fastboot I just used the fastboot ROM to get back to bootable.
OhioYJ said:
Flashing the fastboot rom would probably have gotten you back in and maybe with your data in tact. Now fair warning I'm a Linux user anyways, but really fastboot and adb are so much easier in Linux. For people that have issues, it sometimes is easier just to make a bootable USB / CD of Linux Mint or Ubuntu and then from Synaptic or the Package manager install adb and fastboot. No drivers or anything else to install, everything will just work.
Last time I got stuck in fastboot I just used the fastboot ROM to get back to bootable.
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Those fastboot roms have sure saved me from raging before
I would also recommend using migrate, it's in the play store and it backs up all your data and then puts it in a flashable zip
i7vSa7vi7y said:
If I want to clean flash my 9.0.13 rooted TWRP. What do I need to uninstall or wipe? Im on 9.0.13 currently
Sent from my OnePlus 6T using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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Do a factory reset from TWRP and flash the full ROM.
One best method...and the method that works 100% tested for upgrading a rooted OOS to new OOS version without any loss of data, without any issues.
I'll mention the guide that I have used to upgrade from 9.0.12 rooted to 9.0.13 rooted. Without any loss of data
Download latest OOS full ROM
Boot to TWRP
Flash OOS 9.0.13
Flash TWRP installer zip
Reboot system
Phone will boot.
Now go back to recovery mode
Flash Magisk if u want root again
No confusion. No data loss. Not being stuck. Sweet and Simple.
sanjeev7 said:
One best method...and the method that works 100% tested for upgrading a rooted OOS to new OOS version without any loss of data, without any issues.
I'll mention the guide that I have used to upgrade from 9.0.12 rooted to 9.0.13 rooted. Without any loss of data
Download latest OOS full ROM
Boot to TWRP
Flash OOS 9.0.13
Flash TWRP installer zip
Reboot system
Phone will boot.
Now go back to recovery mode
Flash Magisk if u want root again
No confusion. No data loss. Not being stuck. Sweet and Simple.
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So I don't have to wipe my system data or anything. I heard some people had the problem of getting stuck or that there was a red warning screen that popped up when booting, and I'm not talking about the bootloader message. I'm currently on 9.0.11. Also should I download the latest version of TWRP or should I use the one I'm using currently. Don't wanna mess anything up. Another guide I read said I should flash the oos rom, then TWRP, than magisk

OnePlus 8 5G (T-mobile) [IN17] OTA and Boot.img for rooting

I was attempting to root my OnePlus 8 5G and it was a pain looking for the boot.img. Thankfully my friend squabbi from MaowDroid, found a OTA in a telegram channel (https://t.me/s/OPUpdatesTracker?q= and was able to extract the boot.img. From there the processes was the same as with any other phone with Magisk. I hope this helps out some people and prevents multiple headaches.
OTA Download link: https://android.googleapis.com/packages/ota-api/package/206cbccfa573a63d5ea59727de632f5ceb5a0107.zip
Software used to extract the boot.img: https://github.com/cyxx/extract_android_ota_payload
Boot.img Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/o2ew9kv9mjafzja/boot.img/file
Micr0byte said:
I was attempting to root my OnePlus 8 5G and it was a pain looking for the boot.img. Thankfully my friend squabbi from MaowDroid, found a OTA in a telegram channel (https://t.me/s/OPUpdatesTracker?q= and was able to extract the boot.img. From there the processes was the same as with any other phone with Magisk. I hope this helps out some people and prevents multiple headaches.
OTA Download link: https://android.googleapis.com/packages/ota-api/package/206cbccfa573a63d5ea59727de632f5ceb5a0107.zip
Software used to extract the boot.img: https://github.com/cyxx/extract_android_ota_payload
Boot.img Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/o2ew9kv9mjafzja/boot.img/file
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Are you able to receive texts? Also do u have the .img file link for Only the zip file in the telegram group...
Texts work. What img do you need in particular? The boot image is attached and you can download via Media Fire. If you need other imgs you can extract them with the tool provided. (https://github.com/cyxx/extract_android_ota_payload)
Micr0byte said:
Texts work. What img do you need in particular? The boot image is attached and you can download via Media Fire. If you need other imgs you can extract them with the tool provided. (https://github.com/cyxx/extract_android_ota_payload)
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I need boot.img
ink718 said:
I need boot.img
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Boot images for
Stock Boot Image
Magisk Patched Boot Image
great info thanks
Micr0byte said:
Texts work. What img do you need in particular? The boot image is attached and you can download via Media Fire. If you need other imgs you can extract them with the tool provided. (https://github.com/cyxx/extract_android_ota_payload)
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can you please post stock and patched boot.img for tmobile oneplus 8 5g ( IN55CB) i am unable to find it anywhere. it would be a big help
aviator.OO7 said:
can you please post stock and patched boot.img for tmobile oneplus 8 5g ( IN55CB) i am unable to find it anywhere. it would be a big help
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It is already posted on this thread.
Micr0byte said:
It is already posted on this thread.
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can you please post the download link again ..i cant find it in this post ...the ones mentioned have different build number ...
aviator.OO7 said:
can you please post stock and patched boot.img for tmobile oneplus 8 5g ( IN55CB) i am unable to find it anywhere. it would be a big help
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I am also looking for the payload or boot.img for and would appreciate help finding either
bouyakasha said:
I am also looking for the payload or boot.img for and would appreciate help finding either
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havent been able to find it so far
aviator.OO7 said:
havent been able to find it so far
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bouyakasha said:
I am also looking for the payload or boot.img for and would appreciate help finding either
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If you can't find the boot.img for a specific version, root using THIS method. No pathching boot.img required nice and simple.
FoxyDrew said:
If you can't find the boot.img for a specific version, root using THIS method. No pathching boot.img required nice and simple.
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thanks man btw do you have any luck converting to global?
aviator.OO7 said:
thanks man btw do you have any luck converting to global?
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Yes, but not using the guide on XDA. Not sure if that guy had an actual TMO device at all or if his method is just broken but of all the TMO users I've talked to including myself thats not how you succesfully end up on global.
The only way I've ever succesfully ended up on Global OOS11 is as follows.
1.) MSM back to TMO v10.7. No ther MSM version will work as thats the lowest TMO firmware that has a sequential update on global that we have fastboot files for.
2.) After flashing to TMO 10.7 don't take any OTA's. Go right into settings and enable OEM unlocking. Immedietly unlock your bootloader and flash the Global 10.9 ROM through fastboot.
3.) Once booted into the global ROM, take all OTA's (there will be more than one to take so double check)
After that your golden, and you can relock your bootloader if you don't plan on rooting.
Me and another TMO user went through a lot of these MSM flashes and fastboot updates. These are the only versions we could get working that didn't send us into crash dump mode. Feel free to do your own expirimenting.
thanks for the detialed guide bro.. ill stay in touch ..i may need further guidance.once i get my unlock token and unlock my bootloader ...another question ...do you recommend backing up persist or modem? did you face any fingerprint or connectivity issues? ive heard the eu rom supports dual sim and less conmection issues ..
FoxyDrew said:
Yes, but not using the guide on XDA. Not sure if that guy had an actual TMO device at all or if his method is just broken but of all the TMO users I've talked to including myself thats not how you succesfully end up on global.
The only way I've ever succesfully ended up on Global OOS11 is as follows.
1.) MSM back to TMO v10.7. No ther MSM version will work as thats the lowest TMO firmware that has a sequential update on global that we have fastboot files for.
2.) After flashing to TMO 10.7 don't take any OTA's. Go right into settings and enable OEM unlocking. Immedietly unlock your bootloader and flash the Global 10.9 ROM through fastboot.
3.) Once booted into the global ROM, take all OTA's (there will be more than one to take so double check)
After that your golden, and you can relock your bootloader if you don't plan on rooting.
Me and another TMO user went through a lot of these MSM flashes and fastboot updates. These are the only versions we could get working that didn't send us into crash dump mode. Feel free to do your own expirimenting.
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Thanks for this method. I'm going to try it now.
FoxyDrew said:
1.) MSM back to TMO v10.7.
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I figured out how to do this - important to choose "Other" on MSM login.
FoxyDrew said:
Yes, but not using the guide on XDA. Not sure if that guy had an actual TMO device at all or if his method is just broken but of all the TMO users I've talked to including myself thats not how you succesfully end up on global.
The only way I've ever succesfully ended up on Global OOS11 is as follows.
1.) MSM back to TMO v10.7. No ther MSM version will work as thats the lowest TMO firmware that has a sequential update on global that we have fastboot files for.
2.) After flashing to TMO 10.7 don't take any OTA's. Go right into settings and enable OEM unlocking. Immedietly unlock your bootloader and flash the Global 10.9 ROM through fastboot.
3.) Once booted into the global ROM, take all OTA's (there will be more than one to take so double check)
After that your golden, and you can relock your bootloader if you don't plan on rooting.
Me and another TMO user went through a lot of these MSM flashes and fastboot updates. These are the only versions we could get working that didn't send us into crash dump mode. Feel free to do your own expirimenting.
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This worked great for me. Last step is downloading full OTA and extracting the boot.img so I can easily root it. From there, this is a great path and guide. Sorta a long process, but it's nice to have the phone clean without TMO bloat.
Micr0byte said:
I was attempting to root my OnePlus 8 5G and it was a pain looking for the boot.img. Thankfully my friend squabbi from MaowDroid, found a OTA in a telegram channel (https://t.me/s/OPUpdatesTracker?q= and was able to extract the boot.img. From there the processes was the same as with any other phone with Magisk. I hope this helps out some people and prevents multiple headaches.
OTA Download link: https://android.googleapis.com/packages/ota-api/package/206cbccfa573a63d5ea59727de632f5ceb5a0107.zip
Software used to extract the boot.img: https://github.com/cyxx/extract_android_ota_payload
Boot.img Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/o2ew9kv9mjafzja/boot.img/file
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How to Unlock Oneplus 8 tmobile Bootloader without unlock token​
farhansaeeddnp3021 said:
How to Unlock Oneplus 8 tmobile Bootloader without unlock token​
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No, sorry there is no way to unlock it without a unlock token at the moment

[ROM][STOCK IN2011_11_C.21][FASTBOOT] Easily return method to OOS from custom ROMs or simply reflash OOS

Oneplus 8 Fastboot ROMs
Current version: IN2011_11_C.21_202205172355
PASSWORD: XDA2021 or XDA2022 (newest files)
infected_ said:
Made this little project using the script from @mauronofrio FASTBOOT ROMs to return OP8 to latest OOS, since I was always having issues doing so, and always ended up using the unbrick tool for OP8.
Enjoy! If you have any issues, just let me know using a post.
Current FASTBOOT ROM download link:
AFH Server:
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I have a T-Mobile device, which I converted to Global and finally installed a custom ROM. For any updates, I have to follow the same route - go back to T-Mobile, then global and then any other ROM. Can I use this utility to go back directly to Global from custom or would I still need to first flash T-Mobile ROM?
sjgoel said:
I have a T-Mobile device, which I converted to Global and finally installed a custom ROM. For any updates, I have to follow the same route - go back to T-Mobile, then global and then any other ROM. Can I use this utility to go back directly to Global from custom or would I still need to first flash T-Mobile ROM?
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Technically, this process would be the same as a conversion. Just see if you need to backup any other extra partition, like persist.img or other.
thank you so much for this, ive been stuck or soft bricked for the last 4 days and this might just be my out.
Hi, thanks for this! Now I have a question, I have latest OOS with Magisk, but since upgrade to 11 i have System UI crashes and serious lags and freeze, I did 4 factory resets and its still there, I want to reflash all from 0, can I use this?
Thank you very much for the contribution
nikola1970 said:
Hi, thanks for this! Now I have a question, I have latest OOS with Magisk, but since upgrade to 11 i have System UI crashes and serious lags and freeze, I did 4 factory resets and its still there, I want to reflash all from 0, can I use this?
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try reflashing on both slots.
infected_ said:
try reflashing on both slots.
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Ok, so first I need to flash slot a, and right after that i am gonna flash b slot? Thanks man
showing my ignorance...where is the flash-all.bat script? Is that somewhere in this thread?
gloster2 said:
showing my ignorance...where is the flash-all.bat script? Is that somewhere in this t
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There's a self extracting file (*.exe) inside the zip file. Have you run it, and checked the extracted files?
infected_ said:
There's a self extracting file (*.exe) inside the zip file. Have you run it, and checked the extracted files?
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Thanks -- I didn't notice it was an executable. I think I'm ready to go, but just checking. Here's what I've done so far with my T-Mobile version OnePlus 8:
1. completed process to unlock the bootloader (unlocked phone, got token, applied token)
2. set up fastboot in a directory on my Windows PC
3. ran the self-extraction on OnePlus8Oxygen_15.E.35_OTA_0350_all_2103221815-FASTBOOT
Now I'm going to run flash-all.bat. Before I do that, do I need to back up any files, e.g. modem files? Thanks!
gloster2 said:
Thanks -- I didn't notice it was an executable. I think I'm ready to go, but just checking. Here's what I've done so far with my T-Mobile version OnePlus 8:
1. completed process to unlock the bootloader (unlocked phone, got token, applied token)
2. set up fastboot in a directory on my Windows PC
3. ran the self-extraction on OnePlus8Oxygen_15.E.35_OTA_0350_all_2103221815-FASTBOOT
Now I'm going to run flash-all.bat. Before I do that, do I need to back up any files, e.g. modem files? Thanks!
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backup persist.img and modem.img just in case, and you should be ok to go.
PS: i'm going to upload the fastboot rom without the self extracting method to be easier for users.
@infected_ Considering that I am coming from an unlocked bootloader, will this method re-lock the bootloader and is this carrier-branded compatible?
rodken said:
@infected_ Considering that I am coming from an unlocked bootloader, will this method re-lock the bootloader and is this carrier-branded compatible?
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No, it won't relock the bootloader
infected_ said:
No, it won't relock the bootloader
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Safe to use for Verizon OP8 5G UW or is this a method to go Global from a carrier-branded version?
infected_ said:
backup persist.img and modem.img just in case, and you should be ok to go.
PS: i'm going to upload the fastboot rom without the self extracting method to be easier for users.
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sorry for another simple question; I haven't done system level things with Android in a long time. Where are instructions on how to backup those files? I did a little searching, but haven't found anything that works yet.
gloster2 said:
sorry for another simple question; I haven't done system level things with Android in a long time. Where are instructions on how to backup those files? I did a little searching, but haven't found anything that works yet.
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There is an app for that.
rodken said:
There is an app for that.
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Thanks! Now I realize that even though I have an unlocked bootloader, I don't have root access. Now I have to figure out how to get that. Sigh.
And...I see much conflicting information on how to root my bootloader unlocked T-Mobile version OnePlus 8. Any advice/pointers to info on the best/easiest way to root it?
