how to patch oneplus 6 or 6t HID kernel?? - OnePlus 6T Questions & Answers

how to patch oneplus 6 or 6t HID nethunter kernel???my kernel is 4.9X how to patch HID。I have fixed the WIFI module and how to fix the HID keyboard attack on the kernel above 4.X。It would be great if someone could help me.I am using Google Translate, the statement may be a bit uncomfortable.

yzsroot said:
how to patch oneplus 6 or 6t HID nethunter kernel???my kernel is 4.9X how to patch HID。I have fixed the WIFI module and how to fix the HID keyboard attack on the kernel above 4.X。It would be great if someone could help me.I am using Google Translate, the statement may be a bit uncomfortable.
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did you enable otg from the developer menu?*
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk

vichao.s said:
did you enable otg from the developer menu?*
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
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Yes, I opened the OTG in the developer options. However, this HID attack did not work, probably because I did not fix the HID kernel.

Hey @yzsroot,
what kernel (version) are you working off of? (I see it's 4.9X, but is it the official OP kernel, or one of the variants with wireless drivers built-in already, such as franco, cleanslate, etc?)
For a generic 3.18+ kernel, you should be able to grab a HID patch (see below), and apply it like the wireless ones:
cd /path/to/kernel/source
patch -p1 < generic_kernel_3.18.patch
If the patch applies cleanly, you should be good.
I have an OP6T, I'll be happy to mirror your development environment to figure out what's going on.
Other resources for rolling our own HID patches -
From the OP5:

Thank you very much for your help.
nucster said:
Hey @yzsroot,
what kernel (version) are you working off of? (I see it's 4.9X, but is it the official OP kernel, or one of the variants with wireless drivers built-in already, such as franco, cleanslate, etc?)
For a generic 3.18+ kernel, you should be able to grab a HID patch (see below), and apply it like the wireless ones:
cd /path/to/kernel/source
patch -p1 < generic_kernel_3.18.patch
If the patch applies cleanly, you should be good.
I have an OP6T, I'll be happy to mirror your development environment to figure out what's going on.
Other resources for rolling our own HID patches -
From the OP5:
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Hello nucster, before I have tried the OP5 kernel patch and the 3.18 kernel patch does not apply to the 4.9X kernel, the android-keyboard-gadget fix 4.X kernel tutorial I did not understand, because I These are not very professional for patching the kernel. Thank you very much for your help.

Has the repair been successful? I am looking forward

Is this still required? We're using init.nethunter.rc and USB Arsenal in NetHunter app to enable hid through configfs


Kernel modules for Atheros AR9271 based usb wifi dongles(now in Hundsbuah's kernel)

UPDATE: These modules were added by request to Hundsbuah's kernel here:
I was not going to post this because it has limited use for most TF300T owners but it can't hurt so here it is. The attached file(ath9k.tar.gz) contains kernel modules needed to get AR9271 based usb wifi dongles working on the latest stock TF300T kernel(Asus build, kernel version 3.1.10). I have tested the modules with this dongle: TP-Link TL-WN722N.
Uncompress the file and you will get an ath9k directory. Inside are the modules, 2 scripts for easy loading and unloading of the modules, and iwconfig compiled for Android. Getting the dongle working goes something like this:
Su to root. Copy htc_9271.hw to /system/etc/firmware. Run the scripts start_ath9k and stop_ath9k to load and unload the modules.
After the modules are loaded, insert the dongle into the keyboard full size usb port and run ifconfig and iwconfig as needed. If wlan0(default android wifi) is on then iwconfig will show the dongle as wlan1.
Note: I did not post this on the Dev forum because I did not develop these modules...I only changed a few lines in 2 modules before compiling them.
I have one mtech atab7t tablet with 4.0.4 android(rooted) and 3.0.8+ kernel [email protected] can i add the driver somehow?
kerteszalex said:
I have one mtech atab7t tablet with 4.0.4 android(rooted) and 3.0.8+ kernel [email protected] can i add the driver somehow?
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Not very would need to get your kernel source, add ath9k driver support to the kernel config, then fix any compile errors.
bads3ctor said:
Not very would need to get your kernel source, add ath9k driver support to the kernel config, then fix any compile errors.
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you can able to make a tutor for me? i am new in these things :/
kerteszalex said:
you can able to make a tutor for me? i am new in these things :/
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Hmmm...kernel module compiling in 1 easy lesson....not sure it's possible.
bads3ctor said:
Hmmm...kernel module compiling in 1 easy lesson....not sure it's possible.
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I really need this usb wifi support for my tab :/ i purchased recently more powerful antennas for my router but this tablet lost the signal on the next room :/ sorry for my bad english
kerteszalex said:
I really need this usb wifi support for my tab :/ i purchased recently more powerful antennas for my router but this tablet lost the signal on the next room :/ sorry for my bad english
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You need the kernel source for your tablet and a way to root your tablet. I did a cursory Google search for the kernel source for your tablet and I can't find it. If you can get the kernel source code for your tablet then it might be possible to compile ath9k modules. If you can't root that tablet then kernel modules won't be useful because there would be no way to load them.
bads3ctor said:
You need the kernel source for your tablet and a way to root your tablet. I did a cursory Google search for the kernel source for your tablet and I can't find it. If you can get the kernel source code for your tablet then it might be possible to compile ath9k modules. If you can't root that tablet then kernel modules won't be useful because there would be no way to load them.
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the tablet comes with root.i can extract the kernel from it?
kerteszalex said:
the tablet comes with root.i can extract the kernel from it?
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You need the kernel source code from the tablet manufacturer.
Hello! I have source code for my kernel (Nexus 7 4.2.2) and I successful built module cifs.ko and cp210x.ko, but i can't build module ath9_htc. I add in my nexus_defconfig file
but after make modules command only atk.ko created.
Sorry for my english.
SpulN said:
Hello! I have source code for my kernel (Nexus 7 4.2.2) and I successful built module cifs.ko and cp210x.ko, but i can't build module ath9_htc. I add in my nexus_defconfig file
but after make modules command only atk.ko created.
Sorry for my english.
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I had to comment out a few lines of code in 2 modules to get mine to compile. On the TF300T, it has to do with LED code not present in the stock kernel that is referred to in 2 of the modules. If you use my modules on the TF300T, you will get no LED blinking on the WIFI stick when data is transmitted or received.
EDIT: Newegg has an Atheros AR9271 USB stick for $9.99 with a cradle.
For anyone wondering what these modules are used for, read this:
HELP!! Need Kernel Module ath9k for GT-N5110 Galaxy Note 8.0
HELP !!!
Could really use some help. For the life of me I can't compile a kernel module driver ath9k for my USB wireless adapter TL-WN722N. So it can be used by insmod on my rooted Galaxy Note 8.0 GT-N5110 on Kernel 3.0.31 Build BMC9 running android 4.1.2. The source code is available at and is listed as the GT-N5110 NA (north america) model. If some one could help me please? I would be forever in your debt... :good:
When trying to add modules via your script, it gives me an "exec format error" for each module. How can this be fixed?
Device: Asus Padfone A66, Android 4.1.1
hi I am getting some problem with this attach file, i decompressed it and got the directory. but what are the next stapes ? sorry but i am not getting that part to copy to system/etc/firmware. will u make clear the process stapewise?
Sorry for bothering this old thread. I'm trying to get this to work on my OnePlus 3 running Oxygen OS Nougat. I installed Linux on my phone and I would like to install the TP-LINK drivers on it as the inbuilt WiFi module on my phone does not support monitor mode. I connected this WiFi adapter and trying to get it to work. Please help.

[Solved][help] from custom kernel developers

Regarding this thread
The OP tywinlannister did not patch the kernel source code with Android USB HID PATCH To use the Android device as keyboard or mouse..This should be applied for nethunter ROM, But he didn't..
And I asked resurrection remix ROM maintainer Jleeblanch for Athene to look at this issue he did it , after applying the patch it didn't successfully compile ,there were errors..By seeing the error he said that the official kernel is partially patched already,so it is causing those errors..
If anybody looks into the problem it would be appreciated just in your free time only ...
The link to kernel source of Jleeblanch is the "Kali branch"
Any problem or suggestions regarding to this can be discussed here itself , that others can address the issue..
I too have been waiting for a working kernel so I am going to attempt to compile a working kernel with hid with my limited kernel development knowledge. I think it probably won't work as two far better devs than me have yet been unable however I will try anyway
Any help from fellow devs would be greatly appreciated
Dougleplex said:
I too have been waiting for a working kernel so I am going to attempt to compile a working kernel with hid with my limited kernel development knowledge. I think it probably won't work as two far better devs than me have yet been unable however I will try anyway
Any help from fellow devs would be greatly appreciated
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I am also a newbie to kernel development but I manually patched the hid sources to kernel source..
But when we complied it all those errors.
First I think we should delete all those hid patches all applied to the stock kernel source. Then compile it and then apply the patch by pelya...
My ROM s kernel developer say MM kernel will be easy but it is also partially patch
You may give it a try
Dhanush-raj said:
I am also a newbie to kernel development but I manually patched the hid sources to kernel source..
But when we complied it all those errors.
First I think we should delete all those hid patches all applied to the stock kernel source. Then compile it and then apply the patch by pelya...
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I'm going to attempt to patch jleeblanch's rr kernel and then work backwards depending on the errors as last time I did something like this (s7 edge nethunter kernel) the error was a corrupted source and could easily have been fixed by finding a different repository rather than starting from scratch (what we did). I'm unsure as to what will happen after that however your idea is just as valid and I will try straight after (if you haven't already)
Test this kernel
Note that this is the Invicta kernel. You need a revert before the actual patch. Both commits are available on my gitlab.
Merged both into a single commit. Note that Invicta kernel is still 3.10.84. Upstream kernels may need additional changes. Test and let me know.
If you want to apply the patch to your kernel, you can use the attached patch file or use the commands below. ( using lineage kernel as example )
git clone
cd android_kernel_motorola_msm8952
git checkout cm-14.1
git remote add invicta
git fetch invicta
git cherry-pick 04aa0b10521b76e57226b2d1633e2b91cfa40263
If you don't get errors, you are good to go. If it errors, it needs more changes.
Silesh.Nair said:
Note that this is the Invicta kernel. You need a revert before the actual patch. Both commits are available on my gitlab.
Merged both into a single commit. Note that Invicta kernel is still 3.10.84. Upstream kernels may need additional changes. Test and let me know.
If you want to apply the patch to your kernel, you can use the attached patch file or use the commands below. ( using lineage kernel as example )
git clone
cd android_kernel_motorola_msm8952
git checkout cm-14.1
git remote add invicta
git fetch invicta
git cherry-pick 04aa0b10521b76e57226b2d1633e2b91cfa40263
If you don't get errors, you are good to go. If it errors, it needs more changes.
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Kernel version 3.10.105 was initially the kernel I tried patching. I was easily able to merge the patch, but compiling it was a different story. According the errors I got, a lot of thing we're duplicated. I told the guy above that the MM based kernel (3.10.84 - which is the same version for MM thru Nougat on stock) would probably be the best bet. Looks like you had little trouble at all with merging into your Invicta Kernel (which is also kernel version 3.10.84).
Good job and thank you [emoji41]
Silesh.Nair said:
Note that this is the Invicta kernel. You need a revert before the actual patch. Both commits are available on my gitlab.
Merged both into a single commit. Note that Invicta kernel is still 3.10.84. Upstream kernels may need additional changes. Test and let me know.
If you want to apply the patch to your kernel, you can use the attached patch file or use the commands below. ( using lineage kernel as example )
If you don't get errors, you are good to go. If it errors, it needs more changes.
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Thanks @Silesh.Nair I have been waiting long time for this patch. Once again thank you sir...
The patch is working perfectly in 3.10.105 i.e jleeblanch kernel source..
Linux version 3.10.107-lineageOS ([email protected]) (gcc version 6.3.1 20170404 (Linaro GCC 6.3-2017.05) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Aug 5 04:20:04 PDT 2017
And thank you @Jleeblanch Also
boot tool
Silesh.Nair said:
Note that this is the Invicta kernel. You need a revert before the actual patch. Both commits are available on my gitlab.
Merged both into a single commit. Note that Invicta kernel is still 3.10.84. Upstream kernels may need additional changes. Test and let me know.
If you want to apply the patch to your kernel, you can use the attached patch file or use the commands below. ( using lineage kernel as example )
git clone
cd android_kernel_motorola_msm8952
git checkout cm-14.1
git remote add invicta
git fetch invicta
git cherry-pick 04aa0b10521b76e57226b2d1633e2b91cfa40263
If you don't get errors, you are good to go. If it errors, it needs more changes.
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Hey which tool did you used to make boot.img.
Marella ram_youtubr said:
Note that this is the Invicta kernel. You need a revert before the actual patch. Both commits are available on my gitlab.
Merged both into a single commit. Note that Invicta kernel is still 3.10.84. Upstream kernels may need additional changes. Test and let me know.
If you want to apply the patch to your kernel, you can use the attached patch file or use the commands below. ( using lineage kernel as example )
Hey which tool did you used to make boot.img.
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I am using lazyflasher
Just clone this repo and place the zimage in there and type make, you will get a zip file. Just flash it through twrp recovery. Because only the kernel is changed , so i am just replacing the zimage. No need of unpacking and repacking of boot image.:good:
i have compiled a zimage from kali_defconfig from above source.but when i flased it to phone the phone is not booting.
Marella ram_youtubr said:
i have compiled a zimage from kali_defconfig from above source.but when i flased it to phone the phone is not booting.
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Which toolchian did you use, and what kernel source and rom you are using .
Give me as detailed information as possible!
Dhanush-raj said:
Which toolchian did you use, and what kernel source and rom you are using .
Give me as detailed information as possible!
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Kernel Source:-
toolchain:- nougat-release
rom:- lineage 14.1 official
Marella ram_youtubr said:
Kernel Source:-
toolchain:- nougat-release
rom:- lineage 14.1 official
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Don't use that source it isn't patched correctly, although i said mr. Jleeblanch to try , so he created it. The hid patch is merged into his resurrected kernel, but for mac injection i dont remember. So you better start from the first.
Use lineage kernel source and apply the patch from this thread #6th post, and see what toolchain is used to build lineage 14 kernel and use it. And additionally you have to make some changes in the defconfig, which is explained in the kali-nethunter github page.
Dhanush-raj said:
Don't use that source it isn't patched correctly, although i said mr. Jleeblanch to try , so he created it. The hid patch is merged into his resurrected kernel, but for mac injection i dont remember. So you better start from the first.
Use lineage kernel source and apply the patch from this thread #6th post, and see what toolchain is used to build lineage 14 kernel and use it. And additionally you have to make some changes in the defconfig, which is explained in the kali-nethunter github page.
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thanks buddy
Dhanush-raj said:
Don't use that source it isn't patched correctly, although i said mr. Jleeblanch to try , so he created it. The hid patch is merged into his resurrected kernel, but for mac injection i dont remember. So you better start from the first.
Use lineage kernel source and apply the patch from this thread #6th post, and see what toolchain is used to build lineage 14 kernel and use it. And additionally you have to make some changes in the defconfig, which is explained in the kali-nethunter github page.
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sileshn has removed his source
Marella ram_youtubr said:
sileshn has removed his source
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Dhanush-raj said:
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He had deleted his repo from gitlab
Marella ram_youtubr said:
He had deleted his repo from gitlab
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use this bro...
Dhanush-raj said:
use this bro...
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Actually my orginal phone is honor 6x.I love portable hacking.Like with nethunter.I tried to build nethunter kernel for honor 6x.But i failed at HID.So i took by brothers old phone That is moto g4 plus.later i found that moto g4 plus at android 7 is 32 bit.As there is no nethunter for 32 bit i have decided that atleast i should use linux deploy.But later i suck at wifi drivers.When i enable wifi drivers in kernel then phone doenst boot.
The final thing is can anyone help me in fixing this so that i can build a complete usable kernel with Net Hunter support

[KERNEL] Coconut-Kernel (OOS-Oreo(5.x.x) (Pie test Kernel 9.0.3)

Coconut Kernel
Just a fancy name. Don't bother...
Please read the last post for pie kernel update.
***I'm not responsible for any problems that might occur flashing this kernel or what you do with the kernel support***
This kernel is only for stock Oxygen OS Oreo 5.x.x or any rom that supports stock kernel
This kernel was made for my own use as i could not find any working kernel with USB Wifi Adapter drivers supporting packet injection and monitor mode or simply Nethunter support.
I've been using ZaneZam's kernel for my nougat OOS. Since the Oreo version wasn't working for whatever reason, i tried to compile one my own.
My sole intention was to create a kernel with USB Wifi drivers and monitor mode/packet injection working. So this kernel doesn't have all those tweaks/options like other great kernels.
People who want upstreamed kernel with nethunter, drivedroid, android auto and stock features working can use this kernel on OOS Oreo.
Kernel has been upstreamed to 3.18.134(current)
Whats working?
- Stock features
- DriveDroid(CDROM Patch)
- USB Wifi adapters with monitor mode/packet injection
- AndroidAuto
Tested Working Wifi Adapters
1. TP Link WN-722N v1 (ath9271 chipset) - all ath9271 chipset should work
2. Alfa card AWUS036NHA (Atheros ath9271 Chipset)
3. Alfa card AWUS036NH (Ralink RT3070 Chipset)
Untested adapters
All adapters on nethunter support page have been added but not tested.
Download from attachment and flash the kernel zip file from recovery.
It is recommended to flash stock boot.img before flashing the zip.
Using USB Wifi Adapters
1. Reboot the device after flashing the zip
2. Goto Settings-->Advanced and turn on OTG Storage
3. Plugin your USB Wifi card and type ifconfig wlan1 up to test.
Keep in mind that OTG Storage turns off automatically after 10 mins on idle.
You don't need to insmod any modules as all drivers are built inline with the kernel.
@ZaneZam for his support
Anykernel author
My friend @OscarAkaElvis (author of the great airgeddon tool to audit wireless networks), who tested the beta versions for me.
@nathanchance for his kernel compile and upstream guide
@flar2 for his source that i used to learn compiling at first
All others whose commits i've used
Additional Note - I would like to mention that you can use tools like LinuxDeploy or other chroot supporting apps and the wifi adapters will work fine just like nethunter.
If you guys prefer ZaneZam's version, you can flash my kernel and then flash his kernel for oreo. Then everything will work on his kernel too. There is a small fix needed which will be applied on flashing my kernel.
Hi, I worked as beta tester for this kernel compilation and I must say is the best kernel ever for Oneplus3 I tried (in my opinion). All the standard functions are working flawlessly (wifi, camera, flashlight, etc...). No errors, no glitches. Gestures are working in order to enable camera or flashlight.
I tested the kernel also using Kali Nethunter, it works like a charm. I also installed a Linux using Linux Deploy app on which everything also was working fine.
Android Auto is fully working. Tested plugging it into real car (not emulators). Drive Droid is also working allowing to mount the drives without any problem. This is a feature that many custom kernels are not bearing in mind but for some people is an important stuff to be working. I use it every day.
And regarding the external usb cards. Yes, I tested it using a OTG (On-The-Go) cable. I can confirm that these two chipsets are working. In my case it was not a TP-Link card for Atheros chipset. I tested it using AWUS036NHA (Atheros ath9271 Chipset) Alfa wireless card and it worked very well supporting monitor mode, etc. I also tested it with another Alfa card AWUS036NH (Ralink RT3070 Chipset) and it worked fine too.
So congratz to de creator. This last month was a hard work. Good job. All the Oneplus3 users (like me) will be very grateful to you because of this.
Bro can you compile kernel for los based custom roms pie and oreo plz with nethunter support?,
ayanroy said:
Bro can you compile kernel for los based custom roms pie and oreo plz with nethunter support?,
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I think ZaneZam has already done that. He builds for stock and lineage os. Did you check?
ayanroy said:
Bro can you compile kernel for los based custom roms pie and oreo plz with nethunter support?,
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I thought there was a version already available for LOS oreo.
Since i was wrong, i compiled one. You can find it in the following thread.
Pie version - maybe later
fredrickz said:
I thought there was a version already available for LOS oreo.
Since i was wrong, i compiled one. You can find it in the following thread.
Pie version - maybe later
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Thanks alot bro, will be waiting for your pie version
ayanroy said:
Thanks alot bro, will be waiting for your pie version
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Did you check the oreo version? Or are you just waiting for the pie release?
For those who had this working can post here as a feedback.
very nice job! My TP-LINK WN722N is working just fine with nethunter!
Do you think it would be possible to add HID support to this kernel? To be able to execute HID/Bad USB attacks, that would be super cool!
hokyjack said:
very nice job! My TP-LINK WN722N is working just fine with nethunter!
Do you think it would be possible to add HID support to this kernel? To be able to execute HID/Bad USB attacks, that would be super cool!
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I'll add that in the next version
I can confirm working monitor mode & injection on my Oneplus3 OOS Oreo with TP Link WN-722N v1 (ath9271 chipset). Nice work @fredrickz !
Limitscrw said:
I can confirm working monitor mode & injection on my Oneplus3 OOS Oreo with TP Link WN-722N v1 (ath9271 chipset). Nice work @fredrickz !
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Can you suggest me a guide to install kalinethunter? i'm using magisk as root thx
scorpion90 said:
Can you suggest me a guide to install kalinethunter? i'm using magisk as root thx
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u maybe can try to use one of my provided nethunter packs from here:
which where done with this: and which has a little troubleshoot section in Readme at the end
for starting
Excellent kernel. Super performance and good battery life. I hope you make one for oxygen OS stock pie when it releases.
Didn't have one problem, aside from the horrendous Mtp-procedure install on this device(just got a Op3 recently).
Runs smooth, don't drain the battery like many Nethunter kernel from official side.
I hope this will expand in more then just a one-days development, because we need more of user who are beginning to programm etc.
I appreciate your effort and wanted to state that this kernel works without one single flaw whatsoever.. :silly:
UsPdSr said:
Didn't have one problem, aside from the horrendous Mtp-procedure install on this device(just got a Op3 recently).
Runs smooth, don't drain the battery like many Nethunter kernel from official side.
I hope this will expand in more then just a one-days development, because we need more of user wgo are beginning to programm etc.
I appreciate your effort and wanted to state that this kernel works without 1 flaw whatsoever.. :silly:
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Thanks for the appreciation. Btw, I've already posted a pie version of the kernel with nethunter support built from holydragon sources. But it's not for OOS. It's for AOSP based roms. I'll try to compile a pie version when the official OOS sources are available.
Got my hands on an Alfa AWUS 036 NEH last week, and I am happy to report that monitor and injection are working just fine.
Will u release one for pie?
metaspook said:
Will u release one for pie?
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I can compile from holydragon pie source.
fredrickz said:
I can compile from holydragon pie source.
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Bro check your inbox...
metaspook said:
Bro check your inbox...
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Hey i saw the message. But now I'm out of town. I'll message you when i return@metaspook

MagiskFixes (Fixing Magisk with Magisk)

Welcome to the MagiskFixes XDA thread!
This module applies a few patches to help Magisk work on GSIs, and maybe a few other devices (targeting Motorola oem at the moment, but more will be added as I get feedback). Obviously it's neither perfect nor universal yet.
Currently targets Motorola and Google devices running either phh or Erfan GSIs, but and Motorola devices running stock.
If you have a fix for a specific device, let me know here! I'll be happy to add it in
As usual, I'm not responsible for any bricking of devices, or things caused by that. No cats were harmed in the making of this module
Currently implemented fixes
- Added a few missing libs for GSIs
- Nuked a Motorola specific boot script (this may depend on how early the module mounts. May need reevaluated on execution)
- Add key layout for phh gsi on Google devices
V1. 2+ uses MMT-ex, and earlier versions used Unity
Thanks to @topjohnwu for Magisk and @Zackptg5 for the template
XDA:DevDB Information
MagiskFixes, Tool/Utility for all devices (see above for details)
Source Code:
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 1.2.2
Stable Release Date: 2020-03-01
Created 2019-10-03
Last Updated 2020-03-17
Does it work with Moto x4 on PE?(Android 10)
Can you add fingerprint support for gsi on realme 3 pro (rmx1851)
What does should it fix on Motos?
I've two Moto Z2 Force with stock Pie on board and they seems to work fine with Magisk and EdXposed too...
What does should be addressed. on Motos by this module?!?
I'm interested and I can help with testing if needed...
Compatable with Metro PCS Moto e5 Play XT 1921-3 stock rom, rooted with Magisk?
If you're not going to respond to any questions or post about updates, etc then what's the actual point in this thread @linuxandria ?
Listy2021 said:
If you're not going to respond to any questions or post about updates, etc then what's the actual point in this thread @linuxandria ?
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I've said it before in my other threafs I am significantly more active on telegram than XDA
Thejayyadav said:
Can you add fingerprint support for gsi on realme 3 pro (rmx1851)
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Not unless I know what's needed
V1. 2.2 released!
- Rework fixes for generic and Motorola
- Add fixes for Google devices (only supports phh GSIs for now)
Wow greate idea
What exactly is fixed with this module the description is very vague if anyone could enlighten me it would greatly be appreciated
Sent from my Phh-Treble vanilla using Tapatalk
@linuxandria might you help out with sepolicy? kindly head over to my post

[KERNEL] Neon Kernel [4.14.195] [Nethunter] [MIUI 12/STOCK]

Use this kernel at your own risk. Flashing it may brick your device. I'm not responsible for any software/hardware and any kind of damages/losses.​
Changelog v1.01
Upstreamed To Latest CAF With Linux Stable Merged.
Full Nethunter Support.
Supports Internal Monitor Mode.
Lots Of Under The Hood Bug Fixes.
Click Me
How to flash:
- reboot into recovery
- make a backup of your original boot.img
- flash zip
- flash magisk if needed
- wipe dalvik (mandatory!)
XDA:DevDB Information
Neon Kernel, Kernel for the Xiaomi Mi A3
arunbiju969, paul89rulez
Source Code: [url][/url]
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: v1.01
Stable Release Date: 2020-09-01
Created 2020-08-31
Last Updated 2020-08-31
1- Can you add patching kernel so flashing magisk is not necessary.
2- Can this kernel be used in Custom Roms?
3- Whats the point of this kernel battery,performance,balanced or only for Nethunter?
sasukeob said:
1- Can you add patching kernel so flashing magisk is not necessary.
2- Can this kernel be used in Custom Roms?
3- Whats the point of this kernel battery,performance,balanced or only for Nethunter?
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Patching is already present, this kernel was also tested on crDroid basically any rom with stock vendor and MIUI, Finally this kernel is made for balanced use with Good performance and Battery with the latest bug fixes from ALS and nethunter is bonus.
bad news for me. Because i have OSS vendor and Pixel Experience Rom. so i cant flash it.. Sad..
sasukeob said:
bad news for me. Because i have OSS vendor and Pixel Experience Rom. so i cant flash it.. Sad..
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I am planning an OSS release.
if it has flashing kernel and magisk flashing not necessary again, and if it has for OSS vendor, i will definetly try this kernel
Does packet injection work to do Deauth attacks, I would like to do deauth attacks without the need for a wifi adapter, by the way does it support all kinds of wifi adapters?
Charly737 said:
Does packet injection work to do Deauth attacks, I would like to do deauth attacks without the need for a wifi adapter, by the way does it support all kinds of wifi adapters?
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Internal packet injection is not present as of now and yes it supports all the adapter supported by Kali Nethunter.
Friend since I installed this kernel I cannot use my phone as a universal remote control every time I try it restarts my phone I checked it and it is the friend kernel.
Also quick bug report
Face unlock doesn't work with this kernel.
Don't use it that much so it's not a big deal for me but have since switched to a different oss ROM and never got a log of the issue, my apologies
arunbiju969 said:
Patching is already present, this kernel was also tested on crDroid basically any rom with stock vendor and MIUI, Finally this kernel is made for balanced use with Good performance and Battery with the latest bug fixes from ALS and nethunter is bonus.
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Well this may sound stupid or dumb but i had to, so how was the battery backup on crDroid? because i am trying find a perfect kernel to get the best battery backup i could from a 4000 mah and i have the CrDroid.
thanks for making this ( THANKED )
Are you guys using Kali Nethunter or X-Tools via Termux?
nice effort,
is it better than perf+?
Hello. I cannot start a covert attack with your kernel, that is, I connect the phone to the computer, click on Execute attack, for 1 second the inscription: attack launched appears, and then the inscription: attack execution appears
ended. Tested on Windows 10. Internal monitor mode works and duckHunter Hid works too. Firmware: android 10 stock
Hey, airmon-ng working??? I need this kernel to get wifi handshakes using built-in wifi, if its already working please let me know.
Charly737 said:
Friend since I installed this kernel I cannot use my phone as a universal remote control every time I try it restarts my phone I checked it and it is the friend kernel.
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Which phone you have
Is for Stock a10 or A11?
Gauravnoob said:
Which phone you have
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Mia A3 Android 11
