Battery drain - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have an S5 G900T which I got from somebody. The problem is that every time I restart the phone it goes down 10% or so. Is that normal? I don't think so. Every custom rom I test it's the same problem. Is it a battery problem or...?

This problem is always not solved. I change the other phone or change the battery. The result is the same. The battery is recharged 10% less when it is fully charged. The test is the same for many ROMs. Only Android7.1.2 is normal. give up!

Maybe it's because it heats up and has many apps to load on startup? I restarted my phone today and didn't lose any percent from the restart, but lost around 3% while my apps were loading the first few minutes after the reboot.


Heavy battery drain on each reboot

Each time I reboot my OPT, the battery level drops by at least 4-5%. I also find the phone takes pretty long to boot in general (around half a minute, if not more). With my Huawei Mate 7, rebooting was a matter of seconds, and the battery hardly lost 1% in the process. (The phone had other issues, though ...)
Who is experiencing the same? What could be the issue? Purely apps autostarting, or could it be something else? Note that I am rooted, running Xposed (with only 2 modules: GravityBox and VibrateMode) and on Boeffla Kernel beta15. I don't use Greenify and Amplify (anymore) and don't perform any heavy tasks on startup, except for loading some widgets (Google News & Weather, Google Calendar and Google Keep).
Happens to me as well, using the same kernel, though i use kernel Auditor app too which starts on reboot, have greenify aswell .. battery drains by 4-5% on a reboot
Wow ... this is really such bulls**t ...
I adjusted multiple settings today that each needed a reboot. First I was at 30% battery, after the reboot I was suddenly at 20%. Note that before that, the indicated battery percentage had stayed at 30% for about two hours, despite being on mobile data with apps running in the background (not normal!) Then, I made a nother reboot. Immediately after that, the battery was at 17%, then suddenly dropped to 15% after several minutes, and several minutes later again to 11%.
Clearly this is a bug in how OOS calculates the battery percentage and something OnePlus needs to address in (one of) the next system update(s).
EDIT: LOL ... while I wrote this, my battery dropped to 7% ...
i can second this..., so if you dont want your battery to drop, dont reboot! LoL, kind pain in the *ss
otonieru said:
i can second this..., so if you dont want your battery to drop, dont reboot! LoL, kind pain in the *ss
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Yeah, but you sometimes have to, like when updating an Xposed module or changing a setting that requries a reboot ... though I admit, none of this happens on a daily basis.
I tried soft reboots, but those seem to lead to issues with the phone recognizing the network carrier correctly ...
Hello, OnePlus, are you going to fix all of these annoying bugs in the next OOS update?
Today: percentage stuck at 44%, down to 41% after reboot, drop to 33% after several minutes. This is the most extreme case I have experienced yet ...
vonotny said:
Yeah, but you sometimes have to, like when updating an Xposed module or changing a setting that requries a reboot ... though I admit, none of this happens on a daily basis.
I tried soft reboots, but those seem to lead to issues with the phone recognizing the network carrier correctly ...
Hello, OnePlus, are you going to fix all of these annoying bugs in the next OOS update?
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That's exactly why i only updating xposed modules, adaway host etc at night before sleeping with the phone plugged to wall charger, LoL
Like those?
First time that happens to me.
Vogal said:
Like those?
First time that happens to me.
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Whoa! I never had it THAT extreme ... I wonder what is wrong with the way the battery percentage is calculated. Seems like something with the calibration is way off in OOS.
Another observation: This doesn't seem to happen when the battery is freshly charged. I just did 2 reboots after charging to 100%, the first time it dropped to 99%, the second time to 97%. -> more evidence that the percentage isn't properly calculated while the phone is in use, hence these heavy drops from time to time vs. percentage staying the same for multiple hours.
Yep I'm seeing this too, mine even appeared to jump up after a reboot a couple of times
I am having the same issues, easily leading to 5-10% less battery after rebooting!
Also, my battery goes through the first 15 % or so very easily and then settles, there is clearly something wrong with the calibration!
There is clearly something very wrong with the battery calibration and/or the way OOS calculates the remaining battery percentage/time. I charged my phone to 100% percent over night, played a power-hungry 3D game on the train for 30 minutes, then flashed the latest Boeffla Kernel and did two reboots. I was at 78% after playing and at 64% after the second reboot (which seems "normal"), now my phone is idling at 64% since 2 hours.
Notice that the remaining time is shown as less than 2 hrs, and has been like that for 2 hrs ... this is highly unlikely. Also, what's the big gap there? The reboots surely didn't take half an hour ...
I also experienced this battery percentage stuck thing it stuck at 24%for few hours during that period my cellular data is on and sot is also half an hour during that time.
After that battery percentage suddenly drops to 20%.
Was experiencing the same, I tried calibrating my battery (Let it die, then charge it while it's off to 100%, run a battery calibration app, restart, charge it again to 100%), I used a 5V/1.8A LG adaptor (and not the original one, which seems to mess up touch sensitivity) and it seems to be fixed by now.

Note 4 sudden battery drop

I bought a 1 year old note 4,it usually dies at 25% percent,it drops suddenly to 0 %.,after weeks of research i found it is caused by faulty battery so i bought a new battery now it dies at 10% to 0% in seconds and turns off,i flashed a kitkat rom now problem is solved but i want to be on lollipop due to UI changes,can any custom rom solves this? i've tried dr.ketan rom,same issue dies at 10%...
Maheshzx said:
I bought a 1 year old note 4,it usually dies at 25% percent,it drops suddenly to 0 %.,after weeks of research i found it is caused by faulty battery so i bought a new battery now it dies at 10% to 0% in seconds and turns off,i flashed a kitkat rom now problem is solved but i want to be on lollipop due to UI changes,can any custom rom solves this? i've tried dr.ketan rom,same issue dies at 10%...
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Probably caused by battery calibration. Just use your prior rom from 100% to when it shuts off a couple of times to retrain it.
If you use multiple batteries like I do, you'll never be able to calibrate, and will just have to live with this issue.
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
rcobourn said:
If you use multiple batteries like I do, you'll never be able to calibrate, and will just have to live with this issue.
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
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Well not entirely true. Ur battery have the chip that tells the system how much left the battery is. I often have those prob. But now is gone. I just charge until 100% let it 10min charged. Then use it until it off. (Really really off.) Like when the battery circuit stop the battery not the phone shutting down. After that charge until 100% and after 100% i let it charge for 1hour to make sure it really 100% . done
Same here after last update. From 10 to 0% in second
+1 here
Thats why I utterly I hate sw updates.
My Galaxy NOTE 4 SM-N910C
Same problem here ,, considering buying a new battery but afraid that the problem isn't from the battery and get the same drop again with the new on
my phone is 1 year old
i had the same problem, so what i did was to flash the Rulinglite ROM for my note 4 910 C. it works fine now.
Hey guys, I got the same problem. Sometimes it drops from 15% to 4% in a few minutes and then from 4% to 1% in another few minutes (without using phone ofc).
Also, when i charge my phone - it shows me 100%, but when i reboot it - i got like 94%. Few minutes later - again 100%. After reboot - 95%.. etc etc etc... (charger is pluged on for all this time)
Do you have this problem?
danterape said:
Hey guys, I got the same problem. Sometimes it drops from 15% to 4% in a few minutes and then from 4% to 1% in another few minutes (without using phone ofc).
Also, when i charge my phone - it shows me 100%, but when i reboot it - i got like 94%. Few minutes later - again 100%. After reboot - 95%.. etc etc etc... (charger is pluged on for all this time)
Do you have this problem?
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Same problem here
my problem is that the battery percents are getting lower ery fast..if i make some actions that require more battery and i have 20% of battery, the percent goes to 16 so quickly and then the phone hangs up. I turn it on, it shows lesss battery, then it hangs up again and i need do recharge the battery. I bounght the phone at 2nd hand, i noticed the battery issue since i was testing it, but i love the phone. i am affraid not to be a hardware problem with one of the internal components of the phone, that killed the battery...i tested the battery on Note 3 and i am sure that the battery has a problem. What if i buy a new battery and a malfunctioning component of the phone damages the new battery too?
For me: i will dial *#0228# press quick start and wait till phone lids up connect charger and charge until 100% and then dont unplug first leave it there for 30mins or more and then unplug. ( do not unplug it halfway )
Second i switch off my phone take out battery and wait around 3 mins and then put back in and start charging it to 100% without switching device on, also same thing leave for sometime before unplug when it reaches 100%. you can also switch on after 100% and wait for sometime. ( as booting phone drains battery too )
hope it helps
Bought a new battery still drains at 10percent exactly,thought it's a lollipop issue,but even in MM it exactly shuts off at 10%.

Random turn off

I have a Note 4 SM-N910C variant that is almost 3 years old.
Starting from 5 months ago the battery level would start dropping fast from 35% to 0% in like 2-3min after which the phone would turn off. If i took out the battery and insert it again, start the phone again it would show around 30% battery level. After a while it would start doing the same fast drops in battery level and so on.
I got a new battery, not OEM and now it doesnst do what i was facing above but it randomly turns off no matter if im doing something with heavy or no load on the device.
The turning off usually happens after the device goes bellow 50% battery level.
How can i test if all the components are ok other than the battery which seems to be faulty in my opinion.
I did order a new original OEM battery but it will take time to get to me.
I want to find out if the rest of the components are functioning without faults so i can decide whether i should get a new phone or not.
Please assist.
New battery
I know its not the same behavior, I have 2 note's. Mine is only a couple of months old while the one from my wife is build in 05/15. Her phone when we just received it would refuse to charge above 96%. Sure the phone would say 100% but as soon as you unplugged the charger it would drop straight to 96%. It did this on 3 different batteries, exactly the same behavior. All these batteries are OEM. When you plug it in it would go rapidly to 100%..
Anyway, I wiped the cache on that phone and since this it charges normally.
Been comparing the battery drain and both phones are using around 6 to 8% per night while on stby with wifi on.
Just try this, it may help you!
Thanks for the replies.
I did try wiping the cache and even did a factory reset.
I rooted the phone 2 days ago to try and recalibrate the battery but i didn't help.
I think the situation isn't degrading cause from today the phone is constantly hot and the cpu is running at around 48 celsius with 7-8% load.
I'll see what happens when the new battery arrives, maybe the phone is heating up cause of this maybe not. It's even eating the battery from 100% to 0 in 2h with no real load on the phone.
Do you guys think a benchmark program will force it to thermal shutdown if this is the issue.
I'm still trying to find out if only the battery is faulty or i have a dying phone.
To me you have 2 problems...a faulty battery and a (new) software problem on your phone.
Constant being warm with a cpu load tells me something on your phone is running all the time consuming your battery and causing your phone to heat up, unless it behaved the same before the factory reset and rooting?
You are rooted so try Wakelock detector for root to see which app (if any) is causing your phone to behave like this.
I will try wakelock to do its thing during the time i sleep. But if that doesnt help ill try a custom rom. Im not gonna factory restore and go back to stock rom. Gonna move away from that and see what happens.

Note 3 bizzare battery drain

I'm new here so.. hello everyone Tnx for having me. I've read the other Note 3 battery drain issues but they are not the same as mine. Here's the thing: Note 3 drains about 1-2% per minute of battery if I do anything on it like browse the net or godforbid play ingress (then it's even worse at about 3-4% per minute). Here's the kicker: it only happens on the original battery. When I use noname cheap battery replacement it uses about 0.15-0.25% a minute (or 4-7 minutes per 1%). I've swapped the original battery at the store so this is the second one and the same problem persists. I used my own multimeter to confirm the battery voltage and it's the same one as detected by note 3. The problem persists on aryamod, C9 and phorensis note7 roms. Other things I've noted is that if i reboot the phone at 100% (immediately after unplugging) it will come back at 91-92%. If the battery is drained to 0% on purpose it will stay at 1% for about 45 minutes or so, and then if it's taken out of the phone while turned off and put back immediately on boot it will show at 20%-40% charge. Basically, what are the odds that 2 batteries at the store are both faulty? Any advice? Any suggestions?
The problem persists even if nothing is running, fresh boot with zero apps on, just opera mini and 4G xor wifi.
Test with full wipe and stock rom.
Battery drop after charging is not unknown.
JJEgan said:
Test with full wipe and stock rom.
Battery drop after charging is not unknown.
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I can do that, but I'm also interested as to why it happens on original brand name Samsung battery and not on noname knockoff? Also, 8-10% charge drop and 20-40% charge rise is highly abnormal.
It could have something to do with the custom ROMs or kernels included with the ROMs.
I also suggest a full wipe of the cache, system, and data before going back an unrooted stock ROM.
Hey OP, both original batteries i had (the one i bought the phone with and the one i bought last year from Samsung) act kinda the same as you describe.
Basically it drains 1% every two minutes or so if i keep using the phone. If i let the phone idle for 20 minutes and then start using the phone again at, say 80%, it will stay on 80% for 10 minutes and then start dropping fast again. After reaching 1% it will also give me some 20 - 30 minutes of screen time.
I noticed that if i unplug the phone the moment it say 100% - unplug, the battery will drop fast to 95% (15 minutes of idle). However, if i leave the phone plugged in for an additional hor after full charge, it will discharge normally in idle, 1% every hour. I calibrated the battery numerous times by fully discharging it and charging it with the phone off but no chabge in its behaviour.
My sister's no name battery, of course, act normally under identical load, 1% every 5 minutes of screen, no problems at full charge, or 1%.

Moto G4 battery dies extremely fast

Yesterday, my battery was running perfectly fine. Today, the battery goes for about 10 minutes on screen time. Getting it charged from 10% to 100% is very quick, maybe takes about 10 minutes. But going from 100%, it can discharge at about 5% per minute, regardless if im using it or not. When I was at 70%, i tried to restart my phone to see if it would fix it, but when It was going to turn back on, i was greeted with the low battery sign, signaling that the phone wasn't able to turn on. 70% = No Battery? Battery drains by 2% per minute when screen is off.
I'm running Lineage OS 14.1 official rom with magisk. Please help.
GSam Battery Monitor Says that 60% of battery is consumed by "Kernel (Android OS)"
Many times i have watched my battery go down multiple percent in a matter of a second its really scary
brokeboymax said:
Yesterday, my battery was running perfectly fine. Today, the battery goes for about 10 minutes on screen time. Getting it charged from 10% to 100% is very quick, maybe takes about 10 minutes. But going from 100%, it can discharge at about 5% per minute, regardless if im using it or not. When I was at 70%, i tried to restart my phone to see if it would fix it, but when It was going to turn back on, i was greeted with the low battery sign, signaling that the phone wasn't able to turn on. 70% = No Battery? Battery drains by 2% per minute when screen is off.
I'm running Lineage OS 14.1 official rom with magisk. Please help.
GSam Battery Monitor Says that 60% of battery is consumed by "Kernel (Android OS)"
Many times i have watched my battery go down multiple percent in a matter of a second its really scary
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Your phone needs to re calibrate the battery. This is probably the bit I like the least about these phones. Near as I can tell the best method is to let it drain till dead - then plug in with your charger and leave for several hours. Power on while phone is still plugged in - let it continue charging another hour.
Use normally. You may need to repeat this a few times.
milesius said:
Your phone needs to re calibrate the battery. This is probably the bit I like the least about these phones. Near as I can tell the best method is to let it drain till dead - then plug in with your charger and leave for several hours. Power on while phone is still plugged in - let it continue charging another hour.
Use normally. You may need to repeat this a few times.
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I've done that about 4 times. It didn't really make a difference... then I used a battery callibration app from the play store which didn't even require a full battery drain or charge and it worked very well... weird.
brokeboymax said:
I've done that about 4 times. It didn't really make a difference... then I used a battery callibration app from the play store which didn't even require a full battery drain or charge and it worked very well... weird.
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What app? willing to try next time I have the same issue (about every couple months it would seem)
