MI A2 lite getting PIE update - Moto G5 Plus Questions & Answers

Question to the developers here. Anyone excited about this update? The G5+ and the A2 lite are basically the same device aside from the battery and camera. Possible 64bit pie port in the future?

JohnSmith8786 said:
Possible 64bit pie port in the future?
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There has been 64 bit pie since android pie has been on our phone.

Hirorails said:
There has been 64 bit pie since android pie has been on our phone.
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But most of the ported ROM's have VOLTE troubles and UI issues. NFC isn't working good too. If a port from a phone which has nearly the same hardware and near stock experience, I think his question is valid and probably devs should consider this.

All ROMs will need to implement proper Bluetooth, NFC or fingerprint blobs to work properly. This also requires to flash stock Oreo before flashing any of Pie ROM. Volte issue is basically issue because of Persist partition. I am not sure about any issues with UI. Anyway ArrowOS from built released on 26/11 has already solved all issues and NFC for example works fine. I am using for last two days and so far nothing is wrong with it. You can't say A2 is same if it hasn't different camera for example. it might have other components or chips which differs. For example Moto Z Play (Addidson) has same components as potter except camera and anyone trying to flash ROM from it was bricking G5+. Also because of that there was never a possiblity to release an official Lineage.

It will surely be beneficial to us. Someone already ported Dirac and audio libs from MI A2 to potter for better overall sound quality.


Community development strength

You're a power user. Can the Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 keep up? Rate this thread to express how "healthy" the development scene is for the Xiaomi Mi Mix 2. A higher rating indicates available root methods, kernels, and custom ROMs.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
The phone is excellent. One of the best designs I've ever seen on a phone. However battery life is okay for a power user like myself. Really hoping lineage OS or anything AOSP launches for better battery optimization.
I having it for one week and i love it already... 6.4" would have been nice to have, but it's awesome nevertheless.
At the moment i'm trying to build los15 from source for it, but the proprietary blobs are an issue i haven't figured out yet. If anyone has some pointers how to get them, i'd be three commands closer achieving it.
Happy Hunting.
Xiaomi phones usually have a rich custom ROM community as they are bootloader unlockable and they usually get the kernel and sources released in some months after launch. We already have alpha-ish ports of Mokee, ResurrectionRemix and Lineage for Mix2 and right now the ultrasonic proximity sensor and notification lights are the only major broken features which require some code from the kernel/source.
MIUI 9 - Epic ROM or the EU rom is not a bad first ROM to rock around until development catches up.
subashchandran said:
Xiaomi phones usually have a rich custom ROM community as they are bootloader unlockable and they usually get the kernel and sources released in some months after launch. We already have alpha-ish ports of Mokee, ResurrectionRemix and Lineage for Mix2 and right now the ultrasonic proximity sensor and notification lights are the only major broken features which require some code from the kernel/source.
MIUI 9 - Epic ROM or the EU rom is not a bad first ROM to rock around until development catches up.
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Sorry, but what you are writing is not perfectly accurate.
All the Custom ROMs (and not the MIUI derivatives like EPIC, Xiaomi.eu, mi-Globe, MultiROM or miuiPro) have a major problem and that is : they are assigning a random MAC Address to the device for Wi-Fi. Whci basically means that, if you're connecting to a secured router that identifies your device with it's MAC address, you won't have permissions to connect to that router...
Another thing that should be mentioned is that, except Mokee, the other customs ROMs also have a major problem : Bluetooth Audio is not working. We're digging into that problem to try to solve it (and it seems it is indeed solved in my latest own build of AquariOS that I will not publish until the MAC address problem isn't solved)... But that is quite a problem.
And mind you, but saying that the proximity sensor is the only thing not working and selling it as a "minor" problem... Well, on a tablet, maybe. But on a phone ? Unless, of course, you like your phone to hang up on your speaking partner because you accidentally pressed a button as the display didn't dim while you were in a conversation.
But I hope those problems will indeed soon be solved thanks to kernel sources being published by Xiaomi.
So far, I am running mi-Globe (7.11.9 at the moment) and it's quite a good ROM... I've hidden MIUI under a custom launcher and installed XPosed and Xposed Edge to be able to configure my fingerprint scanner as a home button (+2 other actions configured for the FP Scanner). Perfectly happy with it so far...
NexusPenguin said:
So far, I am running mi-Globe (7.11.9 at the moment) and it's quite a good ROM... I've hidden MIUI under a custom launcher and installed XPosed and Xposed Edge to be able to configure my fingerprint scanner as a home button (+2 other actions configured for the FP Scanner). Perfectly happy with it so far...
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Xposed works for you on miui? Is mi-globe MIUI 8 or 9?
itsdan313 said:
Xposed works for you on miui? Is mi-globe MIUI 8 or 9?
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Yes, it works.
mi-Globe is MIUI 9 based on 7.9.11 China and 7.1.1 Android.
To use XPosed there's a simple trick. Jus follow these steps :
- 1°) download and install the "Xposed_installer" APK (latest is 3.1.2 I think) ;
- 2°) once it is installed, open it, go to "Settings" and check the "Disable resource hook" box ;
- 3°) reboot your phone to recovery and into recovery install the Xposed API 25 ;
- 4°) reboot your phone... launch XPosed Installer... Ta-Da... There you go
Works with SuperSU and with Magisk (if you take the correct sources for both of course !).

Project Treble

Will Mi A1 get project treble with oreo update?
what is that?
I hope YES...
mahla13 said:
what is that?
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The Android 8.0 release includes Project Treble, a major re-architect of the Android OS framework designed to make it easier, faster, and less costly for manufacturers to update devices to a new version of Android. Treble is for all new devices launching with Android 8.0 and beyond (the new architecture is already running on the Developer Preview for Pixel phones).Project Treble separates the vendor implementation (device-specific, lower-level software written by silicon manufacturers) from the Android OS framework via a new vendor interface.
In Android 7.x and earlier, no formal vendor interface exists so device makers must update large portions of the Android code to move a device to a newer version of Android.
But as far as I know project treble is only useful if they are using a custom UI like MIUI, Flyme or Touchwiz. Isn't it treble superfluous without a custom UI?
Localhorst86 said:
But as far as I know project treble is only useful if they are using a custom UI like MIUI, Flyme or Touchwiz. Isn't it treble superfluous without a custom UI?
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There are some little things, like Xiaomi's camera app. With treble Google could update the OS directly, and Xiaomi could update camera separately.
Am I right? It's more a question than an affirmation
Mendibil said:
There are some little things, like Xiaomi's camera app. With treble Google could update the OS directly, and Xiaomi could update camera separately.
Am I right? It's more a question than an affirmation
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I don't know. But I imagine Xiaomi could simply realease and update the camera app through the play store. Blackberry does this with it's core apps which can only be installed on blackberry devices.
Localhorst86 said:
I don't know. But I imagine Xiaomi could simply realease and update the camera app through the play store. Blackberry does this with it's core apps which can only be installed on blackberry devices.
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True. Motorola used to do the same (I don't know if actually does). Maybe Treble it's not that important for us, Android One users.
While Treble is focused on official Android OEMs, Project Treble should also be revolutionary for aftermarket Android ROM projects
We have /system/vendor....
But on the other hand, we have dual partitions, so maybe they dare to repartition. The beta will be out soon, so we will see.
More details about project treble https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/09/android-8-0-oreo-thoroughly-reviewed/2/#h1
so, any update about this as Beta is released in Mi a1. Did anyone find anything?
I can't find the link anymore, but I've had people test it on Oreo firmware and it was confirmed not to have Treble.
Unfortunately we will not
Until we don't get 4.4.x kernel, we won't get project Trebel. I've never seen a SD625 phone running the 4.4.x kernel so we should blame Qualcomm instead of Xiaomi (tested on a Moto G5 Plus).

Does WallpaperColors API support is planned for Xiaomi A1's android 8.1?

Does someone know if WallpaperColors API is planned for A1's android 8.1?
This feature means that changing to dark wallpaper will cause the notification section and etc. to change to dark UI accordingly.
Thanks in advance.
I'd say yes, so far all stock features (and bugs) of 8.0 are present, so most probably features (and bugs) of 8.1 will be included as well.
_mysiak_ said:
I'd say yes, so far all stock features (and bugs) of 8.0 are present, so most probably features (and bugs) of 8.1 will be included as well.
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LOL, i must to agree with your mentioning about 8.0.
Let's hope for proper fixes for known issues, and much more stable update in 8.1..
Thanks anyway


Is it possible for someone to take the oreo build from the Axon 7 and tweak it for the mini or is that wishful thinking
MrWhite0429 said:
Is it possible for someone to take the oreo build from the Axon 7 and tweak it for the mini or is that wishful thinking
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I would suggest patience. Custom ROM development was just started on this phone a few months ago. The main dev working on it, tdm, is trying to get an official LineageOS 14.1 build (Nougat) done. It's not impossible, but I doubt it's easy because although their names are similar, they're two distinctly different devices. It'll be much easier if ZTE goes crazy and does an Oreo update for the Mini.
I wasn't expecting or demanding a working rom. I understand these things take time. I was just curious as if it may be a simple process considering the differences between devices. I have been very involved in the development forums and have been testing and reporting the builds as they are released. I am content with the current releases of custom roms.
MrWhite0429 said:
I wasn't expecting or demanding a working rom. I understand these things take time. I was just curious as if it may be a simple process considering the differences between devices. I have been very involved in the development forums and have been testing and reporting the builds as they are released. I am content with the current releases of custom roms.
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Ah, the limitations of typed words. I didn't intend to imply you were being demanding. I'm not a developer, but I doubt we'll see Oreo on the Mini unless ZTE has an official release. I'm currently on Lineage 14.1 on the Mini and every build keeps getting better (with a few bumps along the way of course). I'll love it if I'm wrong about this of course
Sent from my Axon 7 Mini using XDA Labs
Tdm has said a while back that he may begin work on Oreo once LineageOS 15.1 nightlies begin rolling out or when the maintainer for the HTC One A9 builds Oreo for it.
JoeGatto said:
Tdm has said a while back that he may begin work on Oreo once LineageOS 15.1 nightlies begin rolling out or when the maintainer for the HTC One A9 builds Oreo for it.
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I was in a chat yesterday with ZTE USA support, they mentioned that Oreo is in the works for the Axon 7 Mini.
oyobass said:
I was in a chat yesterday with ZTE USA support, they mentioned that Oreo is in the works for the Axon 7 Mini.
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Nah, you won't see me going back to ZTE's stock ROM anytime soon ?

[Question] Future Custom Rom's stability for our device

At the moment, all Oreo rom's are having trouble with the camera, and will be fixed when official oreo launches..
since we know that we won't receive P officially.. are we going to have camera troubles or is there any chance that these bugs, in the future could be fixed without official drivers?
Thanks.. (just to clarify, i'm not asking for ETA, just asking if there is really a need for those official sources for a fix)
As far as I understand, it's possible that there may be bugs in an Android P custom ROM on a stock Oreo firmware device. I do not know how much the P multi-camera API will also affect things https://www.androidpolice.com/2018/...-spotlight-new-multi-camera-api-improvements/ though I suspect it may cause more headaches in trying to adapt the Oreo camera drivers for P.
In terms of fixing the camera driver, it seems like a big pain to fix. From this XDA article https://www.xda-developers.com/came...opers-make-hardware-work-without-source-code/ you have to contend with closed source, proprietary driver packages and have to make shims (lots of patches) to get the camera working, assuming you can determine what functions to use or divert. It seems that legal/intellectual property issues stop OEMs from releasing the source code. The bottom line is that you'll likely want dedicated developers troubleshooting the camera, and with Android P bringing a new API, it's anyone's guess if P custom ROMs will have a fully functioning camera.
