Flashing OOS on Chinese OP6T (A6010) that comes with H2OS - OnePlus 6T Questions & Answers

I am getting a Chinese OP6T that comes with H2OS in 2 weeks time. Any easy way (guide) to flash stock OOS to this Chinese phone A6010? Thanks in advance.

just unlock the bootloader and sideload the oos.zip (full) in stock recovery then flash it from there. you could also do fastboot method. works on my oneplus device since the 3/3T days.

Abaddon said:
just unlock the bootloader and sideload the oos.zip (full) in stock recovery then flash it from there. you could also do fastboot method. works on my oneplus device since the 3/3T days.
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Have you done it for oneplus 6T yourself? I was wondering whether the A/B partitions in OP6T will have a different approach to flash...
Thank you.

according to my friend chinese oneplus 6
you only need a full flash zip of oos and just local update from updater in the phone
no need to unlock bootloader
PS. and no need to factory reset too, but i still recommend to reset it

I am from China, and use Chinese OP6T (A6010) that comes with H2OS
just like fangchunxi1999 says, put full OOS zip on 6t sdcard, local update from updater in the phone setting
after finish, do a factory reset, OOS now!

Cye3s said:
I am from China, and use Chinese OP6T (A6010) that comes with H2OS
just like fangchunxi1999 says, put full OOS zip on 6t sdcard, local update from updater in the phone setting
after finish, do a factory reset, OOS now!
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Thank you so much for sharing your experience! I will do the same when I get hold of my phone. I asked someone to hand carry for me.
By the way, do you root your phone too?

chincheang said:
I am getting a Chinese OP6T that comes with H2OS in 2 weeks time. Any easy way (guide) to flash stock OOS to this Chinese phone A6010? Thanks in advance.
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Interestingly enough I just bought a 6t in China and I have been thinking about this.
- Question for you. Will you still be in China? If not, or you are planning a vacation somewhere, OnePlus support will actually help you flash OOS on your device. This only works outside of China though (even if you have a VPN).
- For others: what is the big difference between H2OS and OOS? I considered flashing, but I have a trip outside of China in a week so I was thinking I can just wait until then and let OnePlus do the flash for me. For now though, I have installed all the apps I want including Google apps and a VPN. Is there any real reason I would want to flash to OOS instead of just leaving it as H2OS? Thanks for any answers.

pistachio12 said:
Interestingly enough I just bought a 6t in China and I have been thinking about this.
- Question for you. Will you still be in China? If not, or you are planning a vacation somewhere, OnePlus support will actually help you flash OOS on your device. This only works outside of China though (even if you have a VPN).
- For others: what is the big difference between H2OS and OOS? I considered flashing, but I have a trip outside of China in a week so I was thinking I can just wait until then and let OnePlus do the flash for me. For now though, I have installed all the apps I want including Google apps and a VPN. Is there any real reason I would want to flash to OOS instead of just leaving it as H2OS? Thanks for any answers.
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No. I am in Malaysia. I ask someone who happen to be there to bring it back for me. Dont think there is a oneplus support Centre here.

chincheang said:
Thank you so much for sharing your experience! I will do the same when I get hold of my phone. I asked someone to hand carry for me.
By the way, do you root your phone too?
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Yes, root just after OOS first boot.
use this:

chincheang said:
No. I am in Malaysia. I ask someone who happen to be there to bring it back for me. Dont think there is a oneplus support Centre here.
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This isn't at a support center. I just asked used OnePlus support online and they can do it for you through a PC with Windows installed.

fangchunxi1999 said:
according to my friend chinese oneplus 6
you only need a full flash zip of oos and just local update from updater in the phone
no need to unlock bootloader
PS. and no need to factory reset too, but i still recommend to reset it
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Just got Device is corrupted, dont know how to restore it back. Someone said I could use MMSDownloadTool but there was not a version for HydrogenOS. I wonder I could use this from International MMSDownloadTool but I'm so afraid I would brick my Chinese variant device.

Well here's a question. If I wanted to flash h2os onto my international unlocked op6t could I do the same method just reversed?

ghoster76 said:
Just got Device is corrupted, dont know how to restore it back. Someone said I could use MMSDownloadTool but there was not a version for HydrogenOS. I wonder I could use this from International MMSDownloadTool but I'm so afraid I would brick my Chinese variant device.
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In all honesty, you can either:
Unlock the bootloader back and just use the device as is or sideload the OOS.zip or you can try the global tool and hope for the best, since unless you unlock, the device is unusable anyways, if someone can get the Chinese variants tool it would be a Chinese user, others can’t request it..you’re better off contacting OP via chat and push for an OS reflash until they oblige and make an appointment with a tech to remote flash for you.
---------- Post added at 03:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------
Logan0829 said:
Well here's a question. If I wanted to flash h2os onto my international unlocked op6t could I do the same method just reversed?
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Well I would guess they work vice verse, worse case it doesn’t work, you can always use the msm tool to recover.

Guys i want to flash OOS on my 6T A6010(chinese), but i can't do it from updater neither from recovery... How i can flash oxygen? Some guys adviced me to try the download tool but i have to unlock bootloader. do you think is it safe to do that? Hope in your help...

HackerGames197 said:
Guys i want to flash OOS on my 6T A6010(chinese), but i can't do it from updater neither from recovery... How i can flash oxygen? Some guys adviced me to try the download tool but i have to unlock bootloader. do you think is it safe to do that? Hope in your help...
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Just follow the method mentioned in post 4 and 5. I tried it and it worked. No need to unlock bootloader if you dont want.

chincheang said:
Just follow the method mentioned in post 4 and 5. I tried it and it worked. No need to unlock bootloader if you dont want.
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i found a solution, thank you anyway

I have tried de system update method, but I receive the message "The version of your selected package is lower than that of the current system. to avoid booting up failure, downgrading is not allowed"

I installed the hydrogen os a few days ago, and it was a nightmare.the boot animation was neat. And the oppo play store has more recent updates than play..

after switching to OOS, will one still get OTAs?

Where can I get the h2os full zip?
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk


Looking for someone with International/Non-Chinese Mate8 who can help.

I have recently found a way to access all versions of Mate8 firmware for the Chinese model. I found the unreleased B163 version (OTA Update only right now.)
I am hoping that someone who has a non-Chinese model, L29 or L09, with bootloader unlocked, can get in touch with me to help me get the information needed to access these files. I will need about an hour of your time, your computer, and your phone. Please send me a message if you can help.
duraaraa said:
I have recently found a way to access all versions of Mate8 firmware for the Chinese model. I found the unreleased B163 version (OTA Update only right now.)
I am hoping that someone who has a non-Chinese model, L29 or L09, with bootloader unlocked, can get in touch with me to help me get the information needed to access these files. I will need about an hour of your time, your computer, and your phone. Please send me a message if you can help.
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Send you PM
this is looking promising
I didnt managed yet to unlock my bootloader but if you cant found anyone i'll try tomorrow.
CyberMomo said:
I didnt managed yet to unlock my bootloader but if you cant found anyone i'll try tomorrow.
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Can you test in eRecovery if you can download stock firmware?
duraaraa said:
I have recently found a way to access all versions of Mate8 firmware for the Chinese model. I found the unreleased B163 version (OTA Update only right now.)
I am hoping that someone who has a non-Chinese model, L29 or L09, with bootloader unlocked, can get in touch with me to help me get the information needed to access these files. I will need about an hour of your time, your computer, and your phone. Please send me a message if you can help.
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I hope that other can support you. I've Al10 but I hope full support for your work :good:
m3dd0g said:
Can you test in eRecovery if you can download stock firmware?
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If by erecovery you mean the original emui recovery, no i cannot. It try to install one and obviously dont find any so i have the message like "please download update file".
Just wanted to update everyone.
I had a couple people willing to help, which I am grateful for. But unfortunately, it turns out that eRecovery is not possible with the L29. My hope is that perhaps L09 has working eRecovery but I think it's unlikely.
So in summary, I no longer require this help unless someone is able to get either eRecovery or an OTA update working on their international versions.
I'm very happy to announce that I have found some firmware for the non-Chinese version. I will update about that soon
So what I've found is VERY old version, B056, for L09 model. This is before release, before NXT name when it was codenamed X100. I think it's pretty useless, but here's download in case someone wants it.
I will continue looking. I think I'm close to a breakthrough right now.
duraaraa said:
So what I've found is VERY old version, B056, for L09 model. This is before release, before NXT name when it was codenamed X100. I think it's pretty useless, but here's download in case someone wants it.
I will continue looking. I think I'm close to a breakthrough right now.
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Thanks. I wish you can help me for stock firmware L29B103 Thailand.
Sent from my HUAWEI NXT-L29 using Tapatalk
Unfortunately, I've bricked my phone, so I'm no longer able to do much . I guess this is why people usually ask for donations
duraaraa said:
Unfortunately, I've bricked my phone, so I'm no longer able to do much . I guess this is why people usually ask for donations
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What happened?
duraaraa said:
Unfortunately, I've bricked my phone, so I'm no longer able to do much . I guess this is why people usually ask for donations
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What's kind of your brick ?
I just got brick, I couldn't' fastboot system , but I fixed it by restore backup from TWRP.
I flashed a very old firmware version when investigating how OTAs work. It bricked my phone.
The result is screen never comes on, but I can access via fastboot. Hisuite software won't repair my phone, and I can flash whatever I want with fastboot, but nothing boots up, the screen never comes on.
Probably, I'm done for a while unfortunately. I am going to try to have Huawei service it in China somehow... but it will take a while.
duraaraa said:
i flashed a very old firmware version when investigating how otas work. It bricked my phone.
The result is screen never comes on, but i can access via fastboot. Hisuite software won't repair my phone, and i can flash whatever i want with fastboot, but nothing boots up, the screen never comes on.
Probably, i'm done for a while unfortunately. I am going to try to have huawei service it in china somehow... But it will take a while.
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you have pm
duraaraa said:
I flashed a very old firmware version when investigating how OTAs work. It bricked my phone.
The result is screen never comes on, but I can access via fastboot. Hisuite software won't repair my phone, and I can flash whatever I want with fastboot, but nothing boots up, the screen never comes on.
Probably, I'm done for a while unfortunately. I am going to try to have Huawei service it in China somehow... but it will take a while.
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Sorry to hear that. After I rooted . I would like to dd all partitions in my phone for backup, Maybae it can help while I have bricked.
I ever got brick when I played LGG2. I wish your can fix by Huawei service, but your phone unlock bootloader it make your phone warranty out ?
duraaraa said:
I flashed a very old firmware version when investigating how OTAs work. It bricked my phone.
The result is screen never comes on, but I can access via fastboot. Hisuite software won't repair my phone, and I can flash whatever I want with fastboot, but nothing boots up, the screen never comes on.
Probably, I'm done for a while unfortunately. I am going to try to have Huawei service it in China somehow... but it will take a while.
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Sorry to ear that i hope you'll be able to retrieve your phone asap with no or less possible charge.
aw crap, very sorry to hear this @duraaraa. good thing about this though: its likely huawei wont bother to try and bring it back to life, but rather just send u a replacement, thus no risk of them finding out about unlocked bootloader, etc
Sent from my Huawei Mate 8 NXT-AL10 using Tapatalk

[Q&A][Oneplus 5]Help thread, newbies post here first

Oneplus 5 Help Thread
Welcome to the Oneplus 5 help thread! You can ask all questions here without the need of background knowledge. This thread is dedicated to solve users problems, so if you don't want to start a new thread for your question, ask it here. Members ready to help will be monitoring this thread and provide answers as soon as possible. A list of supporters will be added here as soon as the thread is getting more answers.
For everyone having trouble with rooting send installing a recovery: Please read this first. Thanks to @Funk Wizard for the great guide!
To those seeking help: Please don't bombard the supporters with PMs asking for help. Instead, ask your question here in the thread so others can benefit from the solution to your problem as well. If you want to be sure someone particular gets notified of your question, put his / her username directly after an @. Also, if you have ROM related questions, post in the relevant ROM Q&A thread (if there is one) or directly in the ROM development thread. If you are not eligible of posting there, you may post here. Thank you!
Supporters:If you want to be put on or off the list, just make a request here in the thread!
ROM developers: Please read this. Consider if you want to have a ROM specific help thread or not, if not, most likely questions about your ROM will be asked here if the users aren't eligable for posting in development section.
Does the old dash charger and cable from OP3 work with OP5? Is there any difference between the old and new charger?
Squabl said:
Does the old dash charger and cable from OP3 work with OP5? Is there any difference between the old and new charger?
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I can't tell for sure, but I would say it should be compatible. The product itself didn't change on Oneplus Store after Oneplus 5 launch; that should be an indicator for compatibility accross versions. Is there someone here who can confirm that (upgraded from 3 or 3t)?
dansou901 said:
I can't tell for sure, but I would say it should be compatible. The product itself didn't change on Oneplus Store after Oneplus 5 launch; that should be an indicator for compatibility accross versions. Is there someone here who can confirm that (upgraded from 3 or 3t)?
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I posted a question for Oneplus support and they confirmed that my old dash charges (the car and the mains) both work with the OP5
I'm planning on unblocking the bootloader when I get the phone. If I wanted to relock the bootloader at a later stage, is this possible and will it go back to "locked" or "relocked" type status, or would you be able to tell it was ever unlocked?
Just curious if this will have implications to DM Verity and android pay working in the future if I ever wanted to go back to pure stock without root and have those things work.
Sent from my HTC 10 using XDA Labs
Squabl said:
Does the old dash charger and cable from OP3 work with OP5? Is there any difference between the old and new charger?
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Yes OP3/3T Dash charger or car dash charger both would work fine with OP5 and Visa Versa
rav101 said:
I'm planning on unblocking the bootloader when I get the phone. If I wanted to relock the bootloader at a later stage, is this possible and will it go back to "locked" or "relocked" type status, or would you be able to tell it was ever unlocked?
Just curious if this will have implications to DM Verity and android pay working in the future if I ever wanted to go back to pure stock without root and have those things work.
Sent from my HTC 10 using XDA Labs
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Yes you can lock the bootloader later on via fastboot to locked status, no implications with DM verity if you flash the no verity zip.
You can go back to stock anytime you want
Just flash the latest stock rom and recovery and lock the bootloader to go back to stock.
Sent from Funk Tuned 3T
Hey I just got mine OP5 few minutes ago, now I would like to unlock the Bootloader but in order to do this I need the drivers for windows 10... where can I download them? If I just turn on my device and connect it nothing happens
Hi, is there any option to change the resolution when taking pictures and videos with stock camera? I've looked in the settings but cannot find anything.
Anubarak16 said:
Hey I just got mine OP5 few minutes ago, now I would like to unlock the Bootloader but in order to do this I need the drivers for windows 10... where can I download them? If I just turn on my device and connect it nothing happens
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Check this post specifically but you want to read all of the instructions in this thread "OnePlus 5: Unlock Bootloader | Flash TWRP | Root | Nandroid & EFS Backup & More !!".
My OP5 is currently unlocked and waiting for TWRP to become available.
3DSammy said:
Check this post specifically but you want to read all of the instructions in this thread "OnePlus 5: Unlock Bootloader | Flash TWRP | Root | Nandroid & EFS Backup & More !!".
My OP5 is currently unlocked and waiting for TWRP to become available.
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I did it and downloaded the files but somehow my windows pc still does not recognize my oneplus... whatever after I booted my Kali(Linux) system few minutes ago everything worked well
If I buy the OP 5, I hope to use it for 3 years, therefore:
How long will software & security updates be provided for OOS with regards to the OP 5 ?
Can I expect 2 years and then in the third year be advised to flash a custom rom (I'm sure there will be plenty).
USB Audio
Just got the phone today only to discover that it USB audio doesn't work out of the box. Had USB audio working fine on the OPO but I can't seem to find a way of getting it to work in my car.
I've ran through all of the options and even rooted it to try and mess with a couple of .xml files but still nothing. Anyone have any ideas?
dansou901 said:
I can't tell for sure, but I would say it should be compatible. The product itself didn't change on Oneplus Store after Oneplus 5 launch; that should be an indicator for compatibility accross versions. Is there someone here who can confirm that (upgraded from 3 or 3t)?
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I've heard that a device teardown revealed that they are still using the same dash charge part in the OP5 as in the OP3(T).
I guess that won't be a problem.
---------- Post added at 10:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 PM ----------
Hey guys, I want to root and probably even flash a custom rom on the OP5. But I had to learn the hard way that flashing a custom rom can damage the device hardware.
I've got my damaged Galaxy Note 4 (probably a broken motherboard according to some xda users) working now except some shut downs/ freezes thanks to a bit of practice that I've made in the last four months.
What could I do to not end up with a device with broken hardware cause of custom Roms? OP clearly says on their warranty page that rooting doesn't void the warranty but damaged hardware does.
Thanks in advance.
---------- Post added at 10:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 PM ----------
SlyUK said:
If I buy the OP 5, I hope to use it for 3 years, therefore:
How long will software & security updates be provided for OOS with regards to the OP 5 ?
Can I expect 2 years and then in the third year be advised to flash a custom rom (I'm sure there will be plenty).
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The OP5 is the fastest selling phone from OP according to a tweet from themselves. And the OP3(T) is still in the top ten of most popular xda threads.
We should be able to get a proper custom rom soon and good support for a minimum of three years is what I'd expect to happen for such a device.
Does anyone has full signed zip for oxygen os??
Shalim2904 said:
Does anyone has full signed zip for oxygen os??
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I don't believe it has been released. The phone has general launch on the 27th so I presume that's when they will make this stuff available.
I have uploaded a TWRP backup of my system and boot though If you need that? Check the other questions and answers topic for 4.5.1 backup needed.
Sent from my OnePlus5 using XDA Labs
Thanks for the offer right now i dont really need it but is nice to have oxygen os since what i have is chinese version which i already install playstore using google installer
SlyUK said:
If I buy the OP 5, I hope to use it for 3 years, therefore:
How long will software & security updates be provided for OOS with regards to the OP 5 ?
Can I expect 2 years and then in the third year be advised to flash a custom rom (I'm sure there will be plenty).
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I'm still getting good community support for my opo. Seriously, I don't have a reason to update to op5.
psxda97 said:
I'm still getting good community support for my opo. Seriously, I don't have a reason to update to op5.
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How long did you use Stock (I'm guessing at that time it was CyanogenMod, as OOS didn't exist), before moving onto the custom rom scene ?
Its good to know your OPO is still serving you well also
SlyUK said:
How long did you use Stock (I'm guessing at that time it was CyanogenMod, as OOS didn't exist), before moving onto the custom rom scene ?
Its good to know your OPO is still serving you well also
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A month or something. I was frustrated with the bloat wares of Cyanogen from COS12. So I moved to official cm12. After a month Sultan dropped his cm12.1. From there on wards I was using Sultan's Builds. His ROM is rock solid,more stable than stock! For me community builds are way better than what OEMs giving us. I never tried OOS BTW
psxda97 said:
A month or something. I was frustrated with the bloat wares of Cyanogen from COS12. So I moved to official cm12. After a month Sultan dropped his cm12.1. From there on wards I was using Sultan's Builds. His ROM is rock solid,more stable than stock! For me community builds are way better than what OEMs giving us. I never tried OOS BTW
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Well when you do eventually upgrade from the OPO to I'm guessing another OnePlus smartphone in the future, enjoy the massive spec increase and i'm sure Sultan's roms will be there also for you to enjoy.

Didn't got the System Update App on my x722

Hi guys,
hopefully someone can help me here, cause the support can't...
About the Phone: Bought it from Geekbuying. It was shipped from Hong Kong to Germany. Installed Android is 6.0.1 and EUI is 5.8.020S, also Android Security Patch is from 1st August 2016. The phone isn't rooted or the bootloader isn't unlocked, too. Also TWRP isn't installed. So it's a fresh LePro 3 Elite. Like i said: I can't find the System Update option in the settings. I didn't know that much about ROMs so you guys have to answer in more details to me. I read something about "Shopping ROM", maybe this is what i got and I just need the original ROM from the Website?
I am already so sad because i can't find anything on the Internet and i think this is the last chance to get some good help here.
Thanks for the answers...
If you don't have system updates option in settings, and you have Google Play pre-installed, that means you have a factory installed shop ROM for international customers.
Stock ROM have system updates in the settings, no Google Play as Google is not available in China at all, and a ****load of pre-installed Chinese crapware...
ZeblodS said:
If you don't have system updates option in settings, and you have Google Play pre-installed, that means you have a factory installed shop ROM for international customers.
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Yes, Google Play Store was pre-installed. But how can i get Updates then?
ZeblodS said:
Stock ROM have system updates in the settings, no Google Play as Google is not available in China at all, and a ****load of pre-installed Chinese crapware...
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Hm, that means if I install the Stock ROM from LeEco i won't get the Google Play Store automatically and many chinese apps?
And how about if I install a custom ROM?
That's right, stock ROM doesn't have anything Google in it (no Google account, no Play store...) and a lot of Chinese crapware. You need to install Google manually (via Google apps v2 apk for instance) and need to root the ROM to uninstall all the crapware...
You still can update by flashing zip. Power the phone while holding volume up, you'll go to stock recovery where you can flash stock rom.
I don't own a x722, and I think there isn't many custom ROMs for this model. Also I think a few had issue with stock ROM on this model. Checkout the x722 subforum.
Hm okay. Can you tell me a little bit in more details how I can flash update the device and which ROM versions should I download ( or .26S)? Also I only found these ROMs for the x722 but theoretically it should work?!
Edit: After I flashed the new ROM I will got the System Update settings?
I don't know exactly as I never used the stock recovery: I flashed TWRP instead. I don't know if TWRP is available for x722 though.
And yes with stock ROM you have the System Update item in Settings.
Latest is 26s, but some people prefer 23s. I have stock 26s on my x720.
Okay thank you, maybe I wait for someone who got a x722 too.
Τhe procedure for updates is pretty much the same on all android phones, as ZeblodS wrote to you. You have to download the official rom from leeco website(http://bug.letv.com/cn/download/phone/80). But you need a download manager to download the rom, I think. Then you copy-paste the file into your phone memory and rename into "update.zip". Then you switch off the phone and press together power and volume up buttons. So you are into recovery, you choose update in the menu and then the "update.zip" file. Generally this is the procedure. In my opinion sheck out into many sites and find a detailed guide. Be careful because any mistake might brick the phone. I just describe a general guide to you. Do it at your own risk. Sorry for my english
arist1976 said:
Τhe procedure for updates is pretty much the same on all android phones, as ZeblodS wrote to you. You have to download the official rom from leeco website(http://bug.letv.com/cn/download/phone/80). But you need a download manager to download the rom, I think. Then you copy-paste the file into your phone memory and rename into "update.zip". Then you switch off the phone and press together power and volume up buttons. So you are into recovery, you choose update in the menu and then the "update.zip" file. Generally this is the procedure. In my opinion sheck out into many sites and find a detailed guide. Be careful because any mistake might brick the phone. I just describe a general guide to you. Do it at your own risk. Sorry for my english
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Okay thanks... now I bricked. I tryed it with TWRP but I didn't changed the name to update.zip, was that the mistake?
thegoodstuff said:
Okay thanks... now I bricked. I tryed it with TWRP but I didn't changed the name to update.zip, was that the mistake?
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Really? What happened? Now it does not even try to boot?
thegoodstuff said:
Okay thanks... now I bricked. I tryed it with TWRP but I didn't changed the name to update.zip, was that the mistake?
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No need to change the name of the file with TWRP, I didn't and it worked with my x720 each times (and I tried a lot of ROMs...)
Sorry for your infortune, are you sure you got the correct ROM for x722 and not the one for x720/x727?
So far I never bricked my phone by flashing a ROM, but I've read several topics on this forum about a tool named QFIL to save bricked LeEco phones. Maybe try to look this way, but I never had to use it so I cannot help you more with it unfortunately...
Soooo... I can't get into Recovery Mode (It Boots and it instant turned off). Also it stucks on the LeEco screen. I only can boot into Fastboot mode. I just downloaded the ROM from http://bug.le.com/cn/download/phone/80 with the JDownloader 2 and put it into the Internal Storage. After this I rebooted into TWRP, factory reseted the Phone and started to flash this ROM. Because of the factory reset Unlock-OEM from Developer Options is turned off.
Edit: The EUI before was
ZeblodS said:
Sorry for your infortune, are you sure you got the correct ROM for x722 and not the one for x720/x727?
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There are no ROMs for x722
thegoodstuff said:
There are no ROMs for x722
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Here is the stock 26s for x722: https://forum.xda-developers.com/le...0-1-eui-5-9-26s-leeco-le-pro-3-elite-t3642159
If you flashed a ROM for x720/x727 it's normal you have bootloop: they are not compatible with x722. That's why there's a specific subforum for x722 ROM (but only stock ROM seem to exist for x722, it's not a popular device...)
[edit] Looks like the link you gave is to the correct ROM for Pro3 Elite (Pro3 精英版), so I don't know why it didn't worked...
ZeblodS said:
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The link tooks me to the same site which I posted in my answer.
thegoodstuff said:
The link tooks me to the same site which I posted in my answer.
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I saw that after answering. Sorry I don't know then... You seem to have done everything correctly.
In fastboot mode, can't you flash TWRP again?
ZeblodS said:
In fastboot mode, can't you flash TWRP again?
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Hmm, how?
Hy all,
Is someone can upload the original firmware fot X722 baught on geekbuying (with google installed) ?
Thanks a lot
thegoodstuff said:
Okay thanks... now I bricked. I tryed it with TWRP but I didn't changed the name to update.zip, was that the mistake?
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Did you unbrick your phone? What happened?
kotsoss said:
Did you unbrick your phone? What happened?
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No, unbricking in nearly impossible. I tried to flash the new firmware with TWRP. I downloaded the firmware from http://bug.letv.com/cn/download/phone/80 with JDownloader 2.
I think the last chance to unbrick is with the QFIL tool from Qualcomm, but for this I need some more files. I just wrote an email to the chinese support of LeEco (USA doesn't support the model!!). Let's hope they give me the correct files to unbrick it... Also I want to search for the right Handy repair store (No one wants to repair it...)

Open Beta 1 Mclaren

Hello guys, hope ur all good.
My question was , is there a way to flash the openbeta 1 on a tmobile McLaren op7tpro ?
I saw on reddit someone had done it successfuly , but i dont know how that would work
albaniandroid said:
Hello guys, hope ur all good.
My question was , is there a way to flash the openbeta 1 on a tmobile McLaren op7tpro ?
I saw on reddit someone had done it successfuly , but i dont know how that would work
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Are you sure it was on a McLaren 5G? It sounds unlikely that it's been successfully done. Could you link to that post?
champ784 said:
Are you sure it was on a McLaren 5G? It sounds unlikely that it's been successfully done. Could you link to that post?
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Im starting to realize it is for the European Mclaren smh
albaniandroid said:
Im starting to realize it is for the European Mclaren smh
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Yeah, sadly that device model indicates a different one than ours.. oh well
You would have to convert your device to Global similar to how it was done with the 7 Pro first. Then you should apply the beta 2. You will need MSM tool and the ops file for global model HD1917 (it is linked in another thread). You do not need to have bootloader unlocked to do this process. Warning: You might lose 5G capability by doing this. I have not tested it yet because we are only at beta 2. When we get to beta 7 or 8 then I might consider it.
photolarry said:
You would have to convert your device to Global similar to how it was done with the 7 Pro first. Then you should apply the beta 2. You will need MSM tool and the ops file for global model HD1917 (it is linked in another thread). You do not need to have bootloader unlocked to do this process. Warning: You might lose 5G capability by doing this. I have not tested it yet because we are only at beta 2. When we get to beta 7 or 8 then I might consider it.
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Do u know if anyone has tested the global version on the Tmobile version yet? From what i have seen people try but no one has succeded.
Dont know
albaniandroid said:
Do u know if anyone has tested the global version on the Tmobile version yet? From what i have seen people try but no one has succeded.
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I do not know. There is no thread about converting so I would guess nobody wants to try. Sorry. I gave you instructions how to do it if you wish to try yourself.
Are you advanced enough to convert back and forth using the MSM tool? Have you used it on any oneplus phone before? It is basically like ODIN for Samsung. Flashes factory images.
If you want step by step instructions , message me.
photolarry said:
I do not know. There is no thread about converting so I would guess nobody wants to try. Sorry. I gave you instructions how to do it if you wish to try yourself.
Are you advanced enough to convert back and forth using the MSM tool? Have you used it on any oneplus phone before? It is basically like ODIN for Samsung. Flashes factory images.
If you want step by step instructions , message me.
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I think i am i have used it before on my op3 and 6,6t, but I'll wait a little more maybe something comes up..
Thanks though
New security features implemented by OnePlus makes it not possible to convert the new phones. Currently there is no way to get around this new security feature until an exploit can be found. I have read opinions that suggest OnePlus is doing this to force people to buy directly from them. Either way it is sad!
This phone was already difficult to work with and now this.

Clarification question regarding rebranding a tmo 6t.

I've had my 6t for a while now. When I got it I followed this guide, https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-flash-twrp-root-nandroid-efs-backup.3851789/ , and all was good until I tried to update. Everything continued to work but it broke root. ( I later learned I shouldn't have tried to run the OTA.)
Anyway. I'd like to get rid of the T-MO branded ROM. I just need some clarification. I'm on 10.3.4 currently. SIM and bootloader are unlocked. TWRP is installed. So that being said do I have to follow the MSMDownload guide and convert to international, then go about updating to current, or can I just grab the most recent oxygen or lineage release and flash that ( preferably OxygenOS)? I assume that since my bootloader is already unlocked I can just flash from TWRP, but I've seen conflicting comments. From what I can tell I have flash everything to both slots, is that correct? Do I need to upgrade TWRP? Finally re-flash Magisk for root.
My end goal is just a non T-MO branded OxygenOS that I can update. From what I've seen I can do local upgrade once running OxygenOS. Is there a specific process for upgrading oxygenos once its running. I've seen you have to remove Magisk modules etc before running it.
You pretty much got everything down as you said. Convert, Update to current, and you are golden. If you want to try LOS then that is in a completely different ballpark.
@j1tters Here's how I converted my T-Mobile 6t to global. Hope this helps.
T-Mobile 6T to International Conversion (WITHOUT unlocked bootloader/SIM unlock!)
In the previous thread, we discussed a method to convert T-Mobile 6T's to the international variant, sort of, but it required an unlocked bootloader, which itself requires a SIM unlock which T-Mobile gives people a hard time about. However, it...
Huskied said:
You pretty much got everything down as you said. Convert, Update to current, and you are golden. If you want to try LOS then that is in a completely different ballpark.
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Thank you.
flash713 said:
@j1tters Here's how I converted my T-Mobile 6t to global. Hope this helps.
T-Mobile 6T to International Conversion (WITHOUT unlocked bootloader/SIM unlock!)
In the previous thread, we discussed a method to convert T-Mobile 6T's to the international variant, sort of, but it required an unlocked bootloader, which itself requires a SIM unlock which T-Mobile gives people a hard time about. However, it...
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Thanks, that post was helpful. Was smooth sailing until trying to get it to boot into twrp via fastboot. Reboots and just sits at the fastboot screen. Not sure if there is an issue with twrp-3.4.0-11 for fajita. Tried also. Same issue.
Going to try updating with Oxygen Updater then see if its happier with twrp..
Is there a specific version of TWRP I need to get it to boot?
Got twrp taken care of but I'm a bit confused by magjisk v22. Looks like flashing from recovery isnt the preferred way anymore?
j1tters said:
Got twrp taken care of but I'm a bit confused by magjisk v22. Looks like flashing from recovery isnt the preferred way anymore?
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Rename the magisk22.apk to magisk.22.zip and yes it can then be flashed in twrp.
flash713 said:
Rename the magisk22.apk to magisk.22.zip and yes it can then be flashed in twrp.
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Thanks! I saw that but it says that's the "old" way.
j1tters said:
Thanks! I saw that but it says that's the "old" way.
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Try it. It works for me on all roms.
flash713 said:
Try it. It works for me on all roms.
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Worked perfectly, thank you again! Oh man how I missed adaway!.
