[Fixed] j710f, Amoled screen flicker repaired - Samsung Galaxy J7 Guides, News, & Discussion

Hi people,
Im sure most are aware of the flicker in j7 2015 model. I have both j7 2015 and j7 2016.
It was last year when j7 2015 got marshmallow update. Within few hours, the backlit went crazy. It was impossible to dim the screen without seeing all disco pink lines.
There were claims that it was fixed but i still have this issue. Samsung service centre said no display available and warranty period got over this way.
Now just a few minutes earlier, i faced the same isssue in my j7 2016 model. The screen became dim all of a sudden. On closer inspection i found every alternate pixel line was missing vertically. It tried to turn off and on the screen a few times. Then the issue became severe and i was seeing all pink screen. I could barely see the text on the screen.
I had ampere installed and saw that the phone was using over 970 ma of current. So i switched it off and tried after 5 minutes and nothing changed. Twrp, offline charging and holding power button with battery out didnt work either.
I kept on increasing and decreasing the brightness to max and min. Some times the flicker stopped briefly and i could see perfectly. After about 30 minutes of struggling the screen became normal automatically.
I started typing this story when the screen got back normal and it hasn't done wierd flicker till now.
If you face any issue like this, please share over here.
Im also sharing this with samsung so they may or may not try to investigate. They are leading manufacturer of oled display and although the display is fine, im sure their driver circuit have some flaw.

Screenshots , the white one is for low brightness. It goes reddish when brightness is high

I managed to fix the screen by replacing the capacitor array used in the screen.
I did some research and found the 20khz PWM singal used for the screen was out of sync. There is a clock pulse that is controlled by small capacitors to keep it a square wave instead of sinusoidal.
Wont talk more about what and how that works, its there on the internet, just google pwm brightness control circuit.
The capacitor used are either cheap or not within specification or maybe even completely of wrong values.
PS. I know how to handle hardware and soldering, make sure you know what you are against.

Before and after screens. Although i got some scratches on the touch panel, i saved a few bucks in my wallet

Used root dim tool along with team viewer to handle this.
Since i dont have a technical specification for this circuit, ill be doing some more research to fix it properly.

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk

dodo2244 said:
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I need some help with this. I need a broken lcd from j7 2016 model to grab the capacitors. If anyone could help me, that would be great


My experience with the infamous Shield Tablet... Also a question for other owners.

I bought this thing first off of Amazon, and it was backordered... So I canceled and ordered from Newegg. Fine, i have to pay for shipping, and wait longer, but whatever.
I get the tablet, so excited, and i notice first that the screen would switch orientation when it shouldn't have. Like if i have it in landscape, then lay it flat on it's back, it would go into portrait. This could be recreated every time, so it wasn't just a fluke. I installed Asphalt 8 Airbourn and tried to play. I held the tablet flat, then all of a sudden when the car took off, it took a sharp right and ran straight into a wall.
Great... the accelerometer is broke. Also i can see the backlight flickering a little bit.
I request an RMA from Newegg and they said it'd take probably about a week to get it back. Get it processed, about to go take it back and check their site to see if it's in stock still and it's sold out. I get on their chat to make sure and they said it's backordered, so i'd have to wait for it to come in or switch it to a refund. So i switched it to a refund and by that time, Microcenter in my area had them in stock so i dropped by and picked one up.
Go it home and it was acting fine, until i installed Asphalt again and then it ran the car into the wall again... Also, again, i can see the backlight flickering. Starting to get depressed, i contact Nvidia asking if this is a common problem and then they said it was the first they'd heard of it. They tried Riptide GP2 and said it worked fine on their test tablet. So i bought Riptide GP2 with my Google Opinion Rewards and tried it, the little water craft ran straight into the wall, just like the first tablet. They told me to try exchanging it again, and that they were sorry that i was having trouble.
I go back to microcenter, demonstrate what is happening, they give me a new tablet and tell me to install the game and test to see if this one does it before i leave with it. Their wifi was being crappy, so they gave me a USB Ethernet adapter and an OTG cable to connect to their Internet (it worked instantly, freaking awesome.)
Install updates, install app updates, install the game, it works... Finally have one that the Accelerometer works... I leave and go home, and the screen still flickers on this one too.... So thats the question part of this post, does anyone else have this tablet and notice the backlight flickering? It happens more often on darker brightness settings.
Other than the problems trying to get a working tablet, and the screen flickering, i love this tablet. The screen is really sensitive though, so when you're holding it and trying to hit edge of the screen, and you're barely touching somewhere else, it'll usually give you a hard time. The stylus is awesome, the screen can be very bright and easy to see out in the sun. The 1080p is a noticeable different over my 2013 N7 ( i can see the pixels in this tablet, i have very sensitive eyes and the ability to see very fine details) but it's still a great screen. the battery life at least for me is not as good as the 2013 N7, however it does make it through the day.
anyways... TL;DR: Love this tablet, had a pain in the ass of a time getting one that worked though. Also, does anyone notice the screen's backlight flickering like i do?
is it a continuous flicker or is it just slight changes in brightness when the screen content changes? there is a known "feature" called prism that does some kind of auto/dynamic brightness/contrast adjustment depending on whats showing on screen. there's a thread over at geforce.com about it. apparently it was introduced in a prior update on the other shield devices too so im hopeful its fixed. if its a true flicker and not just brightness changes, then its either defective or the backlight is pwm and you can see it. some people are sensitive to pwn backlights on regular computer monitors and can see the flicker. google pwm backlight if you're unfamiliar with the phenomenon.
It happens when the screen content changes, and i figured it'd be some kind of dynamic change.
it also happens when the screen has the content on screen constant. It's sort of like a pulse, sometimes it also gets bad for a split second. I don't really know how to explain it. it will be pulsing, then it will have a bad flicker then go back to pulsing. It gets worse the darker you make the brightness, and also when you turn on autobrightness (although im sure this makes it worse because it's trying to adjust the brightness in dark light).
I looked up the pwm backlight and it looks like it's mostly with LED backlights. Thats my guess of the backlight on this tablet. That makes sense though, because i can see a VERY VERY slight pluse on my work's Macbook Pro, and a slight pluse on my Nexus 5 too. I suppose that this might be the case.
I just don't see it being a defect because i've had three of them, from two different vendors and they've all done the exact same thing with the backlight.
I haven't noticed any screen flicker.
I am also comparing this forum with the N7 (2013) forum when it first came out.
Lots of people there seemed to have troubles getting a good one -- light leaks, touch screen issues (there were several firmware updates for this), dead pixels, etc.
At least so far, there seems to be fewer people (per captia) complaining here.
Speaking of touchscreen issues, I did notice something about my Shield Tablet...
I was using it in the evening, while connected to a charger. I suddenly had a terrible time typing. I had just installed Thumb Keyboard, so I thought that was the problem. Went back to the Google Keyboard. Still had trouble. Scrolling web pages was also slow/erratic. Reboot -- same thing.
The next day I took it to work -- lots of email, including lots of typing.. general usage, etc. --- all with no problem. Back at home in the evening, some games, Google+ (typing) -- no problem.
Later on I was surfing eBay, and again I could not type or scroll without a lot of problems.
I turned on Settings --> Developer options --> Show touches and --> Pointer location.
With my finger steady on the screen, it was showing lots of erratic movement, particularly in the vertical axis. Several mm of vertical error, and about 1mm horizontal. Sometimes clearly below the entire area my finger covered.
Then I realized that both times it happened I was connected to the charger (Travel Surge protector with 2 -- 2.1A(shared) USB outlets).
I disconnected the charger, and the problem went away.
Connected the charger, and after a few seconds, the problem returned.
I was using the included cable, and another 2.1A rated charger.
I changed to a different 2.1A rated charger, and did not have the problem.
Different cable, 1st charger -- No problem.
The problem is reproducible (although not always) only with the 2.1A travel surge protector, and the included NVidia cable.
I noticed that this thing will charge at nearly 2A. The included cable is quite long (as compared to the other cables I have laying around), but is not thinker. In fact it is thinner than other USB cables.
It's really too small a wire guage to run almost 2A for that length.
It is marked with the Shield symbol (Like the controller or the Shield Portable), and came wrapped in a thing that said "Use with", and the Shield controller symbol.
Was the wrong cable in my box?
How are other peoples cables marked?
Has anyone else noticed an erratic touch screen if you use it while charging?
Mine is marked the same as yours. I just notice the screen keeps poping on while it is charging for no reason.
Linuxslate said:
I haven't noticed any screen flicker.
I am also comparing this forum with the N7 (2013) forum when it first came out.
Lots of people there seemed to have troubles getting a good one -- light leaks, touch screen issues (there were several firmware updates for this), dead pixels, etc.
At least so far, there seems to be fewer people (per captia) complaining here.
Speaking of touchscreen issues, I did notice something about my Shield Tablet...
I was using it in the evening, while connected to a charger. I suddenly had a terrible time typing. I had just installed Thumb Keyboard, so I thought that was the problem. Went back to the Google Keyboard. Still had trouble. Scrolling web pages was also slow/erratic. Reboot -- same thing.
The next day I took it to work -- lots of email, including lots of typing.. general usage, etc. --- all with no problem. Back at home in the evening, some games, Google+ (typing) -- no problem.
Later on I was surfing eBay, and again I could not type or scroll without a lot of problems.
I turned on Settings --> Developer options --> Show touches and --> Pointer location.
With my finger steady on the screen, it was showing lots of erratic movement, particularly in the vertical axis. Several mm of vertical error, and about 1mm horizontal. Sometimes clearly below the entire area my finger covered.
Then I realized that both times it happened I was connected to the charger (Travel Surge protector with 2 -- 2.1A(shared) USB outlets).
I disconnected the charger, and the problem went away.
Connected the charger, and after a few seconds, the problem returned.
I was using the included cable, and another 2.1A rated charger.
I changed to a different 2.1A rated charger, and did not have the problem.
Different cable, 1st charger -- No problem.
The problem is reproducible (although not always) only with the 2.1A travel surge protector, and the included NVidia cable.
I noticed that this thing will charge at nearly 2A. The included cable is quite long (as compared to the other cables I have laying around), but is not thinker. In fact it is thinner than other USB cables.
It's really too small a wire guage to run almost 2A for that length.
It is marked with the Shield symbol (Like the controller or the Shield Portable), and came wrapped in a thing that said "Use with", and the Shield controller symbol.
Was the wrong cable in my box?
How are other peoples cables marked?
Has anyone else noticed an erratic touch screen if you use it while charging?
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Yeah, there are a lot of devices that will freak out when you're using different chargers. I was going to tell you to go back to the Nvidia cable and charger that were included with the device to see if that fixes it, but it looks like you've found out that the charger was the issue.
I'm still unable to tell if it's the PWM Backlighting method that was brought up earlier or not. I can't get anyone else to see it though, and after three devices, i'm starting to feel like it's something that is normal.
pencil316 said:
Mine is marked the same as yours. I just notice the screen keeps poping on while it is charging for no reason.
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Same thing happens with mine. While charging the screen will frequently come back on and then go off again in a few seconds. I haven't noticed the behavior when it's not charging. It's almost like something is running in the background causing it to wake up when charging.
bluejay2345 said:
Same thing happens with mine. While charging the screen will frequently come back on and then go off again in a few seconds. I haven't noticed the behavior when it's not charging. It's almost like something is running in the background causing it to wake up when charging.
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Check if your bluetooth is on... Mine only does this when I leave my bluetooth controller connected.
No blue tooth is off
I've noticed it slightly in low brightness but not as bad as the Tegra3 based N7 and TF700t. I'm guessing it has to do with prism if that's the case.
Sent from my SHIELD Tablet
Screen "Flicker" is the auto brightness, try changing to a manual brightness. I have noticed the orientation is very sensitive, sometimes when sitting down or moving a bit it will flip orientation on me, seems overly sensitive, whereas ive used other tablets that were not sensitive enough. Sounds like you may have had a few bad ones but the screen "issue" seems to be common, the light sensor seems to be overly sensitive (assuming changing to manual brightness resolves your case).
Eat it iPhone said:
Screen "Flicker" is the auto brightness, try changing to a manual brightness. I have noticed the orientation is very sensitive, sometimes when sitting down or moving a bit it will flip orientation on me, seems overly sensitive, whereas ive used other tablets that were not sensitive enough. Sounds like you may have had a few bad ones but the screen "issue" seems to be common, the light sensor seems to be overly sensitive (assuming changing to manual brightness resolves your case).
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I haven't noticed any type of flickering on my TN7 or my new shield tablet. This could partially be because most of the time i have the brightness setting to manual. Its seems as when i have it on auto the screen is just a little too dim for me. Although, when using the tablet outside i usually have it on auto and the screen chooses the correct brightness so it can be best viewed.
As I mentioned, I haven't seen anything I would call a "flicker", but I am glad someone mentioned the auto brightness.
To me, the auto brightness seems a bit "hyper" -- too much gain.
A slight change in orientation to or away from room lighting causes a drastic change in screen brightness.
The same for a shadow from my thumb if I hold the tablet in landscape.
I guess it could cause a flicker, but it depends on the context of timing --- Kinda like "the dinosaurs died out quickly", vs. "the quark decayed quickly".
Also I want it to be clear that I am not complaining about my Shield Tablet. It's just that xda-forums are a place where things are discussed in minute detail. It is not a problem, issue or complaint.
I have no interest at all in using my Nexus 7 (2013) (or any other Tablet) since I got my Shield Tablet.
The weak wifi appears to be the priority focus Nvidia is now giving the tablet. Question is will they go into denial mode like Asus did with the T700, or address early and revise the design IF needed. Sales were badly impacted for the T700 and a high return rate, per Best Buy.
Hopefully a simple firmware fix, but weak wifi is almost always antenna related for devices like this.
rushless said:
The weak wifi appears to be the priority focus Nvidia is now giving the tablet. Question is will they go into denial mode like Asus did with the T700, or address early and revise the design IF needed. Sales were badly impacted for the T700 and a high return rate, per Best Buy.
Hopefully a simple firmware fix, but weak wifi is almost always antenna related for devices like this.
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I don't think any of the shield tablets I've used so far have had Wi-Fi problems.
I have a similar issue. Check it out here:
Shield tablet screen defect: http://youtu.be/PUP_zAgpbxs
I have been on and off the phone with Nvidia trying to get them to ship me a new one for free. They refuse and I refuse to pay more shipping charges just to get a working device. Great tab otherwise. Just was unlucky and Nvidia has terrible customer service. I'm just returning it
markymark567 said:
I have a similar issue. Check it out here:
Shield tablet screen defect: http://youtu.be/PUP_zAgpbxs
I have been on and off the phone with Nvidia trying to get them to ship me a new one for free. They refuse and I refuse to pay more shipping charges just to get a working device. Great tab otherwise. Just was unlucky and Nvidia has terrible customer service. I'm just returning it
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Man, I'm glad I don't have that issue. That looks like some sort of video driver.
bryctucker said:
Man, I'm glad I don't have that issue. That looks like some sort of video driver.
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Tell me about it. Its been like that since I first turned the tab on 3 days ago. Nvidia refuses to acknowledge my issue and insists I pay return shipping and a restocking fee. I don't understand why I should pay more than every other customer just to get a properly working device. Nvidia has pushed me away from sticking with this tablet.
The flickering when the content changes is probably Nvidia's PRISM at work. Basically, it tries to optimize brightness and colour so that power usage is reduced.
Instead of maxing the backlight and telling the pixels to display dark grey, it dims the backlight and tells the pixels to display light grey, saving power.
It is an advanced form of autobrightness, and I think it can be disabled. But a continuous flickering should not be caused by this. This should happen only when the screen is refreshed.. like new page or picture
---------- Post added at 08:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------
markymark567 said:
I have a similar issue. Check it out here:
Shield tablet screen defect: http://youtu.be/PUP_zAgpbxs
I have been on and off the phone with Nvidia trying to get them to ship me a new one for free. They refuse and I refuse to pay more shipping charges just to get a working device. Great tab otherwise. Just was unlucky and Nvidia has terrible customer service. I'm just returning it
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That IS a probelm.. for some reason the bottom is getting clipped and being sent to the top.. send them a picture.
I don't have the flickering problem either...but the tablet used to wake up constantly when charging ...but after I did a factory reset everything is fine now .... My only complain is the poor WiFi performance

S5 Screen Flicker Problem.

So My S5 worked great for 2 months or so but then the screen started flickering at very low brightness. As time passed the flickers increased and now whenever the brightness goes below half, the screen shows yellow flickers. That's not even the biggest problem, when i lock my phone and then press the lock/home button to turn on the screen, it shows a flash on the screen and goes dark again. This takes around 15-20 tries everytime almost (sometimes even A LOT more) to turn back on.
There was no water or fall damage.
I've tried factory/hard resetting, disabling hardware acceleration, disabling google chrome (worked for some people on the internet) still not solved.
I don't have warranty, and i'm willing to pay for some repairs but can someone help me out here and tell me where exactly is the problem? Cause i really don't want to pay for a new LCD. It's kinda costly. Thank You
ApexPredator01 said:
So My S5
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I have the exact same problem but only at the bottom of the screen...I am sure is not a software problem because I tried everything (from reinstaling soft with odin from4.4 to 5, with kies, to CM12/13). If you find which is the hardware please let me know.
Thank you. I also don't have warranty and i got this flicker from November.
oia12344321 said:
I have the exact same problem but only at the bottom of the screen...I am sure is not a software problem because I tried everything (from reinstaling soft with odin from4.4 to 5, with kies, to CM12/13). If you find which is the hardware please let me know.
Thank you. I also don't have warranty and i got this flicker from November.
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I also have this problem. I did bring my S5 for repair under warranty (but have knox tripped) and they REFUSED to repair it,because they think the problem is caused by ME. I did go to a lawyer, and I am gonna sue them. Will update you if I have new info. I am sure it is NOT a Software problem caused by the user,I also tried changing OS,reinstalling Stock,nothing solved my problem.
any update dear as i have the same problem but for me it happened when there was low light means in darkness so when i un tick the auto brightness it will be okay no more flickering issue
Same here. Flickers, stays black. Tho I can fiddle around and it will pick up touches, and have gotten it to reboot.
It will work fine charging. Batt icon works. It only seems to be an issue while its running.
Happens on stock and cyanogen 14.
I have noticed it seems to happen more when cold.
Same problem here on cyanogen 13.0, tried factory reset to no avail. I'm about to try flashing another ROM, just need to figure ou what.
Just done wiping and reinstalling new ROM, bumped up to 7.1 and the problem is still the same.
- Screen has difficulty turning and flickers when the brightness setting is low.
I guess it must be a hardware issue.
My fix for the moment is to disable automatic brightness and never set the brightness too low, so as to avoid have trouble turning on the screen.
Same here. It's a typical problem.
Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
I have a feeling that the problem is caused by overheating when charging. I fell asleep and woke up with the phone underneath me, it was blazing hot. It has been doing what the rest of you describe since then.
I am not 100% sure, but I've heard that it's due to the low voltage (brightness) being applied to the screen which is causing the flickering. Unsure why it's only the bottom half (Also happens on mine).
A work around for this is to install a screen-dimmer such as Darker, set the brightness on your phone to be above the flickering amount, then use Darker (or whatever app you use) to lower the brightness down.
Because Darker (or whatever app you use), is a filter, it won't change the voltage, thus no flickering.
do any of you have the always on feature enabled on the screen?
This problem is soooooooo often. Internet full of it.
Is AMOLED designed only to work for 2 years???
Anyone any information about that?
try downgrade firmware back to Android 4.0
Edit: nevermind, this didn't work
Perhaps AMOLED life time is short.
I will buy a LCD display next.
Same here only below the screen. It happened last month
BarrettBear said:
I am not 100% sure, but I've heard that it's due to the low voltage (brightness) being applied to the screen which is causing the flickering. Unsure why it's only the bottom half (Also happens on mine).
A work around for this is to install a screen-dimmer such as Darker, set the brightness on your phone to be above the flickering amount, then use Darker (or whatever app you use) to lower the brightness down.
Because Darker (or whatever app you use), is a filter, it won't change the voltage, thus no flickering.
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How can we up to low brightness voltage? Is this possible?
It happens only at low temperatures. When you make your phone warmer, the flickering at low brightness stops.
Has anyone tried to check if some kind of cleaning the flex connector helps? I'm thinking about buying LCD sticker and give it a try.
I have the exact same problem and its related to temperature, I never face this problem in the summer.
ApexPredator01 said:
This takes around 15-20 tries everytime almost (sometimes even A LOT more) to turn back on.
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Maybe your power button is broken?

Screen flickers at low brightness in A3.

In my A3, the screen flickers when the brightness is low. It goes away if I increase brightness. Didn't drop or do anything to phone.
Exact same problem here. I came across this post when I did a Google search to see if anyone else had the problem and it seems to be an issue that effects numerous Samsung phones, not just the A3. It also seems to be a software issue rather than an actual problem with the screen. I haven't tried this myself yet but I read that if you lower the brightness as low as you can before the screen flicker starts and then download the app screen filter and turn down the brightness further using screen filter rather than the built in control you don't get the flickering which would definitely suggest a software issue rather than hardware, particularly with multiple different Samsung models being effected. It's only really an issue for me when I get to below 5% battery and the screen automatically dims otherwise I never see it happening, it was only after reading your post that I even found I could cause it to happen by lowering the brightness. If you're someone who likes to use the very low brightness then maybe the screen filter thing would be a good workaround for you until the software issue is fixed by samsung, if they ever give us Marshmallow.
My lower half of my Samsung Galaxy A3 flickers on a low light. I read that you have to shut the phone down, take the battery out and leave it awhile before putting the battery in and starting the phone again . However, battery doesn't come out of the phone and my screen doesn't flicker on full brightness either.
Its not solved that way. I took it to Samsung and they replaced the screen now everything it good
Go to developer settings and turn on " Disable hardware overlays" . This will force GPU for screen composting.
This is a common Samsung problem, not just A3. Hardware problem. My phone is knoxed so I'm not sure I'm gonna bother contacting my operator.
Knox isn't a problem. i was rooted and had custom recovery installed yet service centre replaced the display.
As mentioned by OP, the issue is caused by a layer of the AMOLED is bent (due to pressure while in pocket or other reasons).
That is the thinnest and most bendable part of an AMOLED screen.
Only fix is replacing the screen.
Source : A Samsung Employee at the service center when my sister's J7 had this issue and we sent it there.
It's not working .... :/abhijith.prakash
Hi. I just wanna share it. I found in this (xda comment post by some one I forget him for awhile looking for him to say thanks very much) fix for my s5 g900f with latest modem and bootloader. I use RR 7.1.2 rom.
The app is "active screen filter". That save my life.

Suddenly purple smudges on the screen

So my S7 edge got a replacement display due to being broken like 2 months ago. Today purple smudges started to appear, when I used the device for quite some time heavily and it got quite hot. They disappear when I change display mode or when brightness changes. But sometimes reappear. Is this a defective Display, should I get it replaced via warranty again?
Mine does the same thing, but it has never been repaired or suffered any kind of serious damage. It's not that annoying either.
Could it be some kind of factory defect?
When googling I found it clearly is a hardware display fault. As I had my display swapped by a third party mobile repair shop, they would be the ones to make accountable.
It only occurs at certain brightness settings, and not in all apps/states of display - mostly in those which are really bright like chrome browser without tab open, or dict.cc dictionary app.
I'll keep an eye on the issue and just demand warranty, as this display isn't even 2 months old now. They give 6 months of warranty on exchanged parts. So if it does not go away, I'll just get it replaced again.
It just occured today out of the blue, after flashing custom rom / flashing some stuff and constantly playing on the phone, and it became a bit hot.
It occurred exactly the same to me, after flashing a custom Rom. Now I can't remember which one, but it changed the screen's aspect ratio to simulate the S8's.
After that I flashed stock and the problem kept happening
But I don't think this can be caused by a custom rom... it's a hardware fault.
I hope so because I really wanna install a custom rom ;(
Google the issue - it happened a lot apparently and there is literally no connection to custom Roms - it's a defective Display. I did not have the issue anymore BTW.
I have to get back at this again. I recognized that I can Only see these smudges under certain conditions. I can not see them when I am inside. Only outside, and Only from specific angles - also dependant on screen brightness. When I cover the screen with my hand they disappear.
At first I thought it could also be some fault with the transparent protection skin I also applied one day before first noticing this purple screen problems. But the thing is - they move when scrolling, Only in a small portion of the screen but they go up and down.
The fact I can Only see them in daylight makes me wonder if it's got anything to do with the surrounding brightness sensor that does the automatic brightness and display mode for you.
I find it very strange that I can not provoke the issue indoors, also not if I set up brightness to max.

LeEco Pro 3 Display

I have this beautiful and powerful phone LeEco Pro 3 that i`ve been using for half an year or so with AOSIP ROM. Its a wonderful phone with an amazing performance.
The thing is my display started a problem history that has become a long history i will try to resume in a few words.
It started in one day i pressed the power button in order to light the display on and check something in an APP i needed. I found out that before the display lighted on some weird colors and artifacts appeared on screen. But indeed the display worked fine.I thought it was just a temporary thing and just kept using it until In the second day that the weird colors and artifacts became permanent, so i realized i was in trouble. :crying:
Tried sending the phone to technical assistance.
The first one - Told me that they could get a new display for testing but indeed the results were the same and they were seeing oxidation in the display connector on the board, not the display flex cable but the main board connection. They said they would not go further into it and they decided to give the phone back to me. Weird thing is that when i turned the phone one it worked for one day without issues. He said the phone was in the same condition, but that is not what i saw. The problem indeed happened again one day later , but it was less worse as i could at least see the screen, but almost half the screen was horribly shaking, trembling.
The second one - Once the tech guy looked the phone he said he didnt see any sign of the phone getting opened. He said he would be seeing signs of glues or anything like that but in his opinion it was definitely not opened. But he warned me the display could physically brake once he opens it as the phone got contact with oxidation in the toilet(I used to left it in the toiled while i take bath). So i was afraid and decided to back off.
The third one - Said he could not find any display so he sent the phone back to me. Didnt open it at all as he was trying to wait for the new display to arrive in order to be safe. They said they are 90% sure its display replacement would do the job. The thing is - if i used in hot environments the issues seems to slowly disappear . If i use it in cold environments the problems seems to get worse
So here i am. I CAN buy another screen over the internet. But i am afraid if it will work or not. Have anyone there faced same issue? What do you recommend me to do? What would you do
Thanks in advance
VicPereira said:
I have this beautiful and powerful phone LeEco Pro 3 that i`ve been using for half an year or so with AOSIP ROM. Its a wonderful phone with an amazing performance.
The thing is my display started a problem history that has become a long history i will try to resume in a few words.
It started in one day i pressed the power button in order to light the display on and check something in an APP i needed. I found out that before the display lighted on some weird colors and artifacts appeared on screen. But indeed the display worked fine.I thought it was just a temporary thing and just kept using it until In the second day that the weird colors and artifacts became permanent, so i realized i was in trouble. :crying:
Tried sending the phone to technical assistance.
The first one - Told me that they could get a new display for testing but indeed the results were the same and they were seeing oxidation in the display connector on the board, not the display flex cable but the main board connection. They said they would not go further into it and they decided to give the phone back to me. Weird thing is that when i turned the phone one it worked for one day without issues. He said the phone was in the same condition, but that is not what i saw. The problem indeed happened again one day later , but it was less worse as i could at least see the screen, but almost half the screen was horribly shaking, trembling.
The second one - Once the tech guy looked the phone he said he didnt see any sign of the phone getting opened. He said he would be seeing signs of glues or anything like that but in his opinion it was definitely not opened. But he warned me the display could physically brake once he opens it as the phone got contact with oxidation in the toilet(I used to left it in the toiled while i take bath). So i was afraid and decided to back off.
The third one - Said he could not find any display so he sent the phone back to me. Didnt open it at all as he was trying to wait for the new display to arrive in order to be safe. They said they are 90% sure its display replacement would do the job. The thing is - if i used in hot environments the issues seems to slowly disappear . If i use it in cold environments the problems seems to get worse
So here i am. I CAN buy another screen over the internet. But i am afraid if it will work or not. Have anyone there faced same issue? What do you recommend me to do? What would you do
Thanks in advance
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There are many many post on this subject, recently in fact. That has links. In fact, you can find them on Alibaba that are all black and made specifically for the Le Pro 3. Here is a link of a guy who used the cool s1 display
Yes it sounds like the display or the flex cables.
Link 1
Here you go cheap and they have the black one
tsongming said:
There are many many post on this subject, recently in fact. That has links. In fact, you can find them on Alibaba that are all black and made specifically for the Le Pro 3. Here is a link of a guy who used the cool s1 display
Yes it sounds like the display or the flex cables.
Link 1
Here you go cheap and they have the black one
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Thank you!
So i can go on and buy another display . Would you do it without worrying?
In the country i live in the display costs 189. The phone costs 900 or 1000.

