Rom for samsung galaxy a5 2015 a500fu - Galaxy A3, A5, A7, A8, A9 Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

Hello, I am looking for a ROM for my phone which is samsung galaxy a5 2015 a500fu
Thoroughly looking for ROM Galaxy s7, s8 or s9 for this phone
I would like the ROM to be such that if it installs it, that the phone and other applications would show that I have s7, s8 or s9 and not this a5
Please help


Galaxy J5 rom porting to galaxy A5 SM-A500FU?

the User Interface of the galaxy j5 is identical to the galaxy s6 , please anyone can do it?

Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) Review

Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) Review
Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) Specs
The J7 (2016) compared to 2 siblings ...... J7 (2015) and the A7 (2016)
The more specs change them more they (almost) remain the same :silly:
Samsung Galxy J7 (2016) Compare

Original Samsung Galaxy A5 Sound

Can someone give me the original UI suond of the Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016 Version)? I've looked for it on google but i can't find them
Thanks all

Did anyone make an s8 port rom for the Samsung Galaxy A3 2015 (SM-A300FU)?

Did anyone make an s8 port rom for the Samsung Galaxy A3 2015 (SM-A300FU)? I searched everywhere but I didn't find it.

Samsung galaxy j5 (2016)

Hi,I have Samsung Galaxy J5 2016 and I want to know how can I see all the wifi passwords I used and then backup them ?
