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Exchange by Touchdown Trial from Market

Can someone please post Exchange by Touchdown - 5 day Trial by Nitrodesk, available on market?
I am on 240 x 320 resolution and can't see that app on the market (or may be because of move from 1.5 to 1.6).
I need to test couple of features (particularly, ability to copy events from exchange calendar to Android native calendar etc.)
Thanks, I would appreciate that!
Can anyone not post a simple trial APK, it's not piracy and if it is - mods delete the thread?
anyone to post?
I would recommend checking google.
I am looking for trial version of 5.0 onwards. That site has only up to 3.2
Thanks for the link though.
Come on, any takers for this lucrative offer?
Doing this will provide you intense satisfaction, I can guarantee , may be euphoria, if you are lucky and bliss, if you are getting lucky (whenever).
sshark said:
Come on, any takers for this lucrative offer?
Doing this will provide you intense satisfaction, I can guarantee , may be euphoria, if you are lucky and bliss, if you are getting lucky (whenever).
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http://www.4shared.com/file/182070575/c24c27c/comnitrodesknitroid.html merry christmas
You are a good man, Charlie Brown!
you know its availabe on their site directly ?
has all the links you need to the latest and greatest betas (usually very stable and has cutting edge features than the live version)

Model Release Form App for android idea

I wanted to put this idea of a model release form application up in hope some developer will see the need for this app for the android. They have several of them for the iphone and very useful. There are quite a few photographers out there with androids that would buy an app like this. I have even thought of getting a iphone just for the application.
The best one out there for the iphone is called easy release and I have used it on a friends iphone and it does make getting a model to sign the contract really easy and especially good to have on the fly if you you need to snap a picture and you want to get a release and not have your forms on you.
I concur. As a photographer and Android user I could really use an application that would allow me to have a model sign a release form electronicaly on my htc hero.
It would be cool if one could link a flickr photograph to this form.
I'm attaching a sample form.
Looks likes easy release that makes the app for the iphone has already developed one for the android and its in beta test right now. I am testing the application right now and its a great app. The signature parts is very smooth and you can get real look signatures. Very impressed.
Just go to their facebook page (easy release) and they are looking for more beta testers
storm180 said:
Looks likes easy release that makes the app for the iphone has already developed one for the android and its in beta test right now. I am testing the application right now and its a great app. The signature parts is very smooth and you can get real look signatures. Very impressed.
Just go to their facebook page (easy release) and they are looking for more beta testers
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Great find, thank you ... but by the time I got my request in they said no more beta testers
Thanks Rafal, we have all our testers already but thank you very much for
offering to help us out!
The ApplicationGap Team
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The Android version of Easy Release is now available in the Android Market
The Android version of Easy Release is now available in the Android Market
The new and updated version of Model Release Pal for Android was just released today.
And it's free
"Release Lackey" is now in beta...
I recently released an app on the market for creating model releases as well as other relatively simple legal documents... while it is in "beta" it sells for only 99 cents. The beta period is expected to last for another 4 weeks (until June 13, 2011) or until I'm confident there aren't any strange issues with any of the many Android devices out there.
Search for "Release Lackey" on the Android Market or go to LackeySoft.com with your PC and click on Release Lackey to learn more...
At least while it is in beta I promise refunds for anyone who purchases it and decides it is not for them within 48 hours. Just "email the developer" and I'll give a manual refund through Google Checkout.
I'm always looking for feedback, thanks in advance

Office for Android Tablets Preview

Well, it looks like Microsoft is finally inching closer towards releasing Microsoft Office for Android tablets, and I'm sure quite a lot of you with Note Pro 12.2" tablets would be interested to try it out.
(sorry, can't post links yet, but just google for 'office android tablet', there is a lot of information released on news sites in the last 24 hours.)
Unfortunately, the preview sign-up says they are only supporting tablets 7" - 10.1"
I tried signing up for a preview and chose 10.1" but when it asked for the tablet model I chose other and typed in "Samsung Galaxy Note Pro"... I guess I might get rejected
Can anyone share their experiences if they've been able to get the preview running on the Note Pro?
indotoonster said:
Well, it looks like Microsoft is finally inching closer towards releasing Microsoft Office for Android tablets, and I'm sure quite a lot of you with Note Pro 12.2" tablets would be interested to try it out.
(sorry, can't post links yet, but just google for 'office android tablet', there is a lot of information released on news sites in the last 24 hours.)
Unfortunately, the preview sign-up says they are only supporting tablets 7" - 10.1"
I tried signing up for a preview and chose 10.1" but when it asked for the tablet model I chose other and typed in "Samsung Galaxy Note Pro"... I guess I might get rejected
Can anyone share their experiences if they've been able to get the preview running on the Note Pro?
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try this apk
edit: wrong apk, sorry
I grabbed the apk off my phone and dropped on my P900; it's working great but only in portrait mode. I tried to force it into landscape mode ( I'm on CM11 ) and it completely crashed the tablet, so ... If you want to try it, grab "MyAppSharer" to isolate the apk file for exporting.
Can someone please post the apk's? I am a beta tester but use a nvidia shield tablet... Won't let me download..
Sent from my SHIELD Tablet using XDA Free mobile app
Also a beta tester
Im also a beta tester but don't have a device to take the apk. from. Has anyone figure out a way to download the apk if u don't have a eligible device.
I've tried several ways, no luck so far. It's driving me nuts as the Note 10.1 2014 works with it and our resolutions are identical.
Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
wingdo said:
I've tried several ways, no luck so far. It's driving me nuts as the Note 10.1 2014 works with it and our resolutions are identical.
Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
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Try this link: Install MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint.
Worked for me on my Note 12.2 (P901). Works in landscape mode, too.
gcrutchr said:
Try this link: Install MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint.
Worked for me on my Note 12.2 (P901). Works in landscape mode, too.
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Worked awesome. Very nice for a beta. Perfect for the 12.2.
Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
Here's the link to the newest Office for MS Android APK installable on Note 12. It's available free so it's not warez. Some tinkering to get in in Landscape may be required. Enjoy.
Not sure you will get the automatic updates to office if downloaded from that site.
lexcell said:
Here's the link to the newest Office for MS Android APK installable on Note 12. It's available free so it's not warez. Some tinkering to get in in Landscape may be required. Enjoy.
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That's the old crappy version (15), not version 16 beta which is what this thread is about.
Seems the latest beta supports our tablet without having to side load. Just download it from the play store like normal.
Manya3084 said:
Seems the latest beta supports our tablet without having to side load. Just download it from the play store like normal.
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Yup, the Beta from the 16th allowed for screens larger than 10.1". Some people are reporting that you MUST have Office 365 to edit docs with the latest beta *IF* your screen is over 10.1". While many are complaining about it, this is consistent with their policy for Windows tablets. With Windows tablets, the cutoff is 9". iPads ...... well they are no "laptop replacement" tablets yet so it's free on all of them.
It's rather annoying, but not a deal breaker for me. I ran out and picked up a 4 year university subscription as I currently qualify for it. The latest preview runs smoothly, but at the moment I still honestly prefer HWord.
Not finding it.
treetopsranch said:
Not finding it.
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Did you follow the instructions on your official Beta invitation? You must have an invite and be a member of the private Google+ community.
Sent from my phone via TapaTalk
Wingdo, I didn't do the beta thing, so I will have to wait until the official release. Thanks for responding.

[APP][4.4-5+] 150317 SpiritF (Spirit2 Free) Open Source Real FM Radio for AOSP+Root

150317 SpiritF (Spirit2 Free) Open Source Real FM Radio for AOSP+Root
APK: http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3215671&d=1426618705
Source code: https://github.com/mikereidis/spirit2_free
Discussion (this thread closed): http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1059296
I am happy to announce "SpiritF / Spirit2 Free: Open Source Real FM Radio for AOSP & Root".
I have taken the essential features of my commercial Spirit2 FM app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fm.a2d.s2
And I've open sourced it GPLv3 AFFERO.
The APK app file can be freely redistributed on custom Android ROMs that are available to the general public. Please credit me.
If you are including it in a ROM, at this time it requires the usual /data/data/fm.a2d.sf/ directory that normally installed apps have.
Spirit is my full time job, but I'm sorry to say I still make less than half of my corporate salaries, and work about twice the hours, for the last almost 4 years, from early 2011.
I appreciate the financial support of people buying my apps, Spirit2: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fm.a2d.s2 and the older Spirit1: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mikersmicros.fm_unlock
I am also happy to accept Paypal "donations" to my [email protected] address : https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=mikereidis%40gmail%2ecom&lc=CA&item_name=Spirit%20FM%20%2d%20Mike%20Reid&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
The commercial Spirit2 has many features that are not in this Spirit2 Free app. As time goes by, I will move some paid features to the free version. The closer I can get to a "normal" salary, the more willing I will be to do so.
Thanks !
Mike Reid.
Contents of the README_OPENSOURCE_BUILDING.txt file in the source code ZIP:
Spirit2 Free is an Over-The-Air (Real) FM Radio application for Android.
Spirit2 Free is Copyright 2011-2014 Michael A. Reid ([email protected]). All rights are reserved.
See COPYRIGHT_MICHAEL_REID_GPLv3AFFERO.txt file for the standard GPLv3 AFFERO licensing notice.
Monday November 24, 2014:
Hello from currently cold and snowy Canada,
See the build_spirit2_free bash script to build from Linux. Edit the first few lines for your environment.
Besides the Android ant build for the Java code, the Android NDK is needed. I'm using android-ndk-r10, the r10b release gave me some problems so I reverted.
Please forgive all the usual transgressions; this code, like all real world code, has plenty of flaws and "character".
Be thankful it's not the steaming pile that Spirit1 became, originating when I first learned Java, and suffering from almost 4 years
of rapid development, and a maze of exceptions for handling hundreds of phones, ROMs, android versions, etc, etc, LOL.
Real life coding, trying to solve real problems of people, often requires compromise, and hasty and messy coding is one such.
I've been developing, and building electronics and computer equipment since I became a teen in the mid 1970's, on the first microprocessors, before even assemblers,
hacking "machine language" in binary, hex, or even octal on the front panel switches of the PDP-11/05 I built a Unibus display peripheral for....
Anyway, I haven't really done any open source before. At this time I'm just dumping the code, or "throwing it over the wall", as Google is said to do with AOSP.
So I'm not going to setup on Git or whatever immediately, since I'm not experienced with it much. We will see....
Feel free to share any thoughs to [email protected] or in my "Spirit FM" XDA forum: http://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/spirit-fm
Spirit is my full time job, but I'm sorry to say I still make less than half of my corporate salaries, and work about twice the hours, for the last almost 4 years, from early 2011.
I appreciate the financial support of people buying my apps, Spirit2: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fm.a2d.s2 and the older Spirit1: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mikersmicros.fm_unlock
I am also happy to accept Paypal "donations" to my [email protected] address : https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webs...=PP-DonationsBF:btn_donateCC_LG.gif:NonHosted
The commercial Spirit2 has many features that are not in this Spirit2 Free app. As time goes by, I may move paid features to the free version. The closer I can get to a "normal" salary, the more willing I will be to do so.
Thanks !
Mike Reid.
Contents of the COPYRIGHT_MICHAEL_REID_GPLv3AFFERO.txt file in the source code ZIP:
Spirit2 Free is an Over-The-Air (Real) FM Radio application for Android.
Spirit2 Free is Copyright 2011-2014 Michael A. Reid ([email protected]). All rights are reserved.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Reserved #4
First 10 posts are reserved.
Mary, mary, quite contrary.
Seriously, just go to the next page of 10 posts already.
Nothing to see here.
Pay no attention:
To the man behind the curtain.
Let the discussion begin.
Since I'm moving to an open source model, I have re-activated my donate button, as seen at left.
The closer I can get to a "normal" corporate salary, the more inclined I will be to share the source code that I have not yet shared.
Subscribed,bro. I'm using your spirit 1 on my s2 and the spirit 2 on my brand new g2 int.
vrwmiaris1 said:
Subscribed,bro. I'm using your spirit 1 on my s2 and the spirit 2 on my brand new g2 int.
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Does Spirit1 work better on your S2 ? I am curious why you aren't running Spirit2 on it.
If it was stock and unrooted, Spirit1 would be the only option, besides Samsung's stock FM app.
mikereidis said:
Does Spirit1 work better on your S2 ? I am curious why you aren't running Spirit2 on it.
If it was stock and unrooted, Spirit1 would be the only option, besides Samsung's stock FM app.
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yeah mike coz on spirit 2 you dont have an exit button and it keeps running on backround and draining my baterry,ohhh btw mike i didnt tried yet but can i stream wireless through my bt with spirit 2 on my g2?i ve a mw600
vrwmiaris1 said:
yeah mike coz on spirit 2 you dont have an exit button and it keeps running on backround and draining my baterry,ohhh btw mike i didnt tried yet but can i stream wireless through my bt with spirit 2 on my g2?i ve a mw600
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In Spirit2, If you switch FM off (or just start it switching off, since it completes in the background, unlike Spirit1),
Then hit the Back key, it should be just as dead as Spirit1. If not, that's a bug I will fix.
You don't even have to use the UI. Just start and stop from the Spirit2 widget on a home-screen.
I even send commands from adb shell, remotely, to change frequency, start, stop, pause etc.
Spirit2 does FM over BT on pretty much any phone it works on. But stock Samsungs require the wired headset/antenna to be pulled out.
I have an MW1 and it worked with every phone I've run Spirit2 on. I haven't tested Bluetooth at all since the Spirit2 re-design, but the worst problem would likely be the Samsung headset pull issue.
Basically, since Spirit2 makes all FM audio digital, it should act just like media players, which allows effects/EQ, visualizations and sending the audio to any supportable output, maybe even TVs, Chromecasts and external DACs.
I'm charging my MW1 for testing now...
New Spirit2 Free 1128 release.
Changes since 1125:
- MotoG 2nd gen detection.
- Cosmetic text changes.
Source: https://github.com/mikereidis/spirit2_free
I'm closing this thread in favor of the general Spirit1/Spirit2 thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1059296&page=868#post57106533
It's too confusing trying to figure out where to post what.
I will update first 10 posts of this thread as documentation when I can.
Post #1 will be updated with attachments for the latest Spirit2 Free releases.

Android O

OnePlus has always been praised for having clean, near-stock software, and a big advantage of this is that updates are much easier to push out. Case in point: the OnePlus 3 has already received Android 8.0 Oreo via the closed beta group, with the newer 3T and 5 receiving it soon as well. Plus, OnePlus is hoping for an Oreo public beta by the end of September.
Here are few links
The Shenzhen-based company is reportedly aiming to be seen as "quick to update." It's a bit strange how the OnePlus 3 is receiving this beta before the newer 3T and 5, but hey, it's pretty nice to see this much support for an older device. The 3's build still isn't ready for prime time, with nonfunctional NFC, buggy WiFi, unstable hotspot, and wonky Bluetooth. In a message to the closed beta, the company mentioned that there was a high chance that OTAs/upgrades could go poorly, so many would have to take logs if anything went wrong. The company isn't playing around.
OnePlus is ambitiously gunning for stable builds for the 3, 3T, and 5 by mid-September, with a public beta by the end of September. If everything goes according to plan, OnePlus will almost certainly be the first company to offer an Oreo update to its users. And if anyone from OnePlus is reading this: we know you didn't want the public to know about this, but well done regardless.
@shirso.it7 copy paste from androidpolice.com
Yup. SO it seems. But good to see oneplus working on it already!
Siddk007 said:
@shirso.it7 copy paste from androidpolice.com
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Yes because people needs to know
shirso.it7 said:
Yes because people needs to know
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you should (actually - you must) provide links to the source info.
Siddk007 said:
@shirso.it7 copy paste from androidpolice.com
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PxlFall said:
you should (actually - you must) provide links to the source info.
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Ohk letme edit that
