Best pubg setting - Lenovo ZUK Z2 (Plus) Guides, News, & Discussion

It tested by me in cr droid stock kernel
Use any kernel editor
Set big core to 1.8
Small to 1.3
GPU to powersave
I/o shed to noop
Is you get 1hrs play for 17-20 % each mean 4hrs min play on full charged I use HD setting in pubg BTW
If you don't believe try first if you liked post give a thnx

And game doesn't lag any where device is not hot it warm CPU doesn't cross 52 and batter 45 max

Don't comment before trying

14% battery drop in 20 mins of PUBG with smooth graphics & high frame rate..

AmanTiwari said:
14% battery drop in 20 mins of PUBG with smooth graphics & high frame rate..
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Then try with cr ROM as base

Nirmal0001 said:
It tested by me in cr droid stock kernel
Use any kernel editor
Set big core to 1.8
Small to 1.3
GPU to powersave
I/o shed to noop
Is you get 1hrs play for 17-20 % each mean 4hrs min play on full charged I use HD setting in pubg BTW
If you don't believe try first if you liked post give a thnx
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What is I/o shed to noop....
I am on bootlegrs will try this

kunal sasane said:
What is I/o shed to noop....
I am on bootlegrs will try this
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It I/o scheduler in kernel adiutor

Nirmal0001 said:
It I/o scheduler in kernel adiutor
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Yeah well if I just underclocked the cpu 1.8 and the small be as it is...and GPU governor on on-demand?will it give back up normally I can play for 1 hours 30 min max on single charge

kunal sasane said:
Yeah well if I just underclocked the cpu 1.8 and the small be as it is...and GPU governor on on-demand?will it give back up normally I can play for 1 hours 30 min max on single charge
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No it will not GPU need to be on power save for backup don't worry performance will be same it and set I/o to noop and if you don't want to change cores freq it's up to you but I suggest you do what I have written above and see screenshiit how my sheeting do wonder BTW my phone is 1and half year old

Nirmal0001 said:
No it will not GPU need to be on power save for backup don't worry performance will be same it and set I/o to noop and if you don't want to change cores freq it's up to you but I suggest you do what I have written above and see screenshiit how my sheeting do wonder BTW my phone is 1and half year old
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Alright will try asap
---------- Post added at 08:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 AM ----------
kunal sasane said:
Alright will try asap
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In daily use does it lags?in UI Normal usage?

[QUOTE\]In daily use does it lags?in UI Normal usage?[/QUOTE]
No it doesn't lag in ui or normal use

kunal sasane said:
Alright will try asap
---------- Post added at 08:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 AM ----------
In daily use does it lags?in UI Normal usage?
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No it doesn't lag inui or normal use

Nirmal0001 said:
No it doesn't lag inui or normal use
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Hey have you thought of changing the battery I mean it's Pretty old now my Device is also 1 year and 3 months

nitrogen os modded .. all stock

Nirmal0001 said:
It tested by me in cr droid stock kernel
Use any kernel editor
Set big core to 1.8
Small to 1.3
GPU to powersave
I/o shed to noop
Is you get 1hrs play for 17-20 % each mean 4hrs min play on full charged I use HD setting in pubg BTW
If you don't believe try first if you liked post give a thnx
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Links for akt profiles please?

knigam said:
Links for akt profiles please?
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I'd add two tips for these settings: set the screen resolution to 720p and doze GMS from Google. It's really gonna improve your results. You can set the screen resolution using "Easy DPI changer" and through magisk, download "Enable GMS for Doze".

I faced thermal throttiling n lagging while playing pubg.. i will try ur method now. Thanks

Rom : DotOS 2.4 official
kernel :kronic core 119
updated GPU drivers
GPU turbo V2 magisk module
kernel aduitor with zram set to 590
gfx tool xda version with following settings : graphics HD+ , no shadows ,smooth with medium FPS , msa on default , memory booster on , open gl set to vulkan . 43% battery consumption for 1:45h smooth play minimal hiccups

ahh988 said:
Rom : DotOS 2.4 official
kernel :kronic core 119
updated GPU drivers
GPU turbo V2 magisk module
kernel aduitor with zram set to 590
gfx tool xda version with following settings : graphics HD+ , no shadows ,smooth with medium FPS , msa on default , memory booster on , open gl set to vulkan . 43% battery consumption for 1:45h smooth play minimal hiccups
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Can you give link for non treble and treble gpu drivers.
And z ram?what's that? is good for a low ram smartphone.
I am on nitrogen and I can play pubg for 2 hours no mod no all stock...and temp are within 47. Thanks


The best CPU settings

What governor is the best and max cpu frequency on SDSL REVO by miroslav ?
reD. said:
What governor is the best and max cpu frequency on SDSL REVO by miroslav ?
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it depends on your CPU . every CPU has different quality: some cam go up to 900 mHz and some do freeze even at 806 mHz. Julst test it out but remember not to set the frequency at boot ^^
e.g i could go up to 880 mHz with .29 kernel (old mur4ik ROMs) for a few hours.
wih .32 kernel (PCFighter v5) 825 was the maximum
EDIT: smartass v2 is best governor for me
I Thought SmartassV2 was a battery saving governor ?
my quadrant score with REVO is always better on ondemand
@ 806mhz
@all see this very useful
bs828 said:
@all see this very useful
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Pull my hat of to you sir
Exactly what i have just been searching for thanks
............................. Edit.......................................................
So Smartass v2 is best for Performance and Most battery saving
Then just set what frequencies best suit your phone. ofc differ from phone to phone
ZxWelshyxz said:
Pull my hat of to you sir
Exactly what i have just been searching for thanks
............................. Edit.......................................................
So Smartass v2 is best for Performance and Most battery saving
Then just set what frequencies best suit your phone. ofc differ from phone to phone
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yes, I too have put that governor: D
---------- Post added at 09:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 PM ----------
ZxWelshyxz said:
Pull my hat of to you sir
Exactly what i have just been searching for thanks
............................. Edit.......................................................
So Smartass v2 is best for Performance and Most battery saving
Then just set what frequencies best suit your phone. ofc differ from phone to phone
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yes, I too have put that governor: D
for me smartass2 is best governor and my max cpu frequencu 729MHz, i use SDSL pre-Final, score in quadrant is 1259, and sometimes i oc it to 806MHz, then quadrant score is 1432, on same rom.
Smartassv2 is undoubtedly the best governor, my frecuencies are: min 245mhz and max 768mhz..
Antutu benchmark give me 1932
For me Smartassv2 is the best and my frequency is: min245 and max 806.
Min: 122
Max: 806
SmartassV2 with SIO, @122/600 daily use, Performance @245/852 for bench.
Freezes @ 864mhz
I use Smartassv2 min245 and max 729
It's the best for me, also best results with native freq.
Everybody talks about "huge" Quadrant >1400 points with similar settings I have.
I get 1060 points with SmartAssV2, CPU Min 245, MAX 729, JIT ON, CompCache OFF, VM size 32.
Can it mean that my CPU is "weaker" then others?
Every cpu is diferent, mine go max to 787 and give 1389 on quadrant, at 729 smartassv2 i get 1193 on quadrant.
Sent using Tt.
yeah mines is getting very weak too i used to get to 1500 for quadrant but now its very low like yours no matter how i set it.......
my cpu can no longer score above 3000................ ZZZZZ OMG next signing of contract is in may OMG
Tempo1980 said:
Everybody talks about "huge" Quadrant >1400 points with similar settings I have.
I get 1060 points with SmartAssV2, CPU Min 245, MAX 729, JIT ON, CompCache OFF, VM size 32.
Can it mean that my CPU is "weaker" then others?
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SmartassV2 gives lower scores.
Try with Performance governor, 245/~800mhz,u'll get an higher score
just wondering, where can i get smartass v2? would like to try it, but cant find it. or is it in the cyanogenmod settings of the rom?
Eth4n said:
SmartassV2 gives lower scores.
Try with Performance governor, 245/~800mhz,u'll get an higher score
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If you use performance it will always scale the highest possible eg 806 so it wastes very much battery
Sent from my GT540
lars1216 said:
where can i get smartass v2? [...] is it in the cyanogenmod settings of the rom?
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Yeah,it's in Cyanogenmod Settings Go to Performance > Cpu Settings (mine is in italian,don't know if it's the right name)
You'll find, on the first option, the available governors.
---------- Post added at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 AM ----------
andreas__ said:
If you use performance it will always scale the highest possible eg 806 so it wastes very much battery0
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It's meant that should be use only for benchmarking and get some more points
Eth4n said:
Yeah,it's in Cyanogenmod Settings Go to Performance > Cpu Settings (mine is in italian,don't know if it's the right name)
You'll find, on the first option, the available governors.
---------- Post added at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 AM ----------
It's meant that should be use only for benchmarking and get some more points
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Ok ;D you could also use powersave and set min to 806 xD
Sent from my GT540

Ram of repencis? please Do help me?

Okay i start with my 1st RAMUSAGE
its about 190-240mb then i use v6supercharger and find bloatware and freeze of all them so that they will not run on background
and then i GOT 171-186-220mb or RAM so im thinking if there anymore bloatware?all of them maybe???
coz somewhere here he helps me i forgot his name but he go 130-160mb RAM usage using repencis with v6 and freeze bloatware
thanks in advance More power XDA
yabyuh22 said:
Okay i start with my 1st RAMUSAGE
its about 190-240mb then i use v6supercharger and find bloatware and freeze of all them so that they will not run on background
and then i GOT 171-186-220mb or RAM so im thinking if there anymore bloatware?all of them maybe???
coz somewhere here he helps me i forgot his name but he go 130-160mb RAM usage using repencis with v6 and freeze bloatware
thanks in advance More power XDA
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i do beleive ram usage of repencis 3.5 is small...creeds 3.5 is the one that has very high ram usage
ronnieryan said:
i do beleive ram usage of repencis 3.5 is small...creeds 3.5 is the one that has very high ram usage
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Hmm..nope imo both have heavy ram consumption Creeds better with an init.d working kernel since it got very good init.d scripts included in it.
i think it depends on application that start on boot.. like dps im the man that dont want music though kinda want it a bit.. D at 1st install i got 190-240 just like mention because of built in apps try to use it D
hitme987 said:
Hmm..nope imo both have heavy ram consumption Creeds better with an init.d working kernel since it got very good init.d scripts included in it.
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what do you prefer? repencis v3.5 or Creeds 3.5?
yabyuh22 said:
i think it depends on application that start on boot.. like dps im the man that dont want music though kinda want it a bit.. D at 1st install i got 190-240 just like mention because of built in apps try to use it D
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DSP takes max of 4mb ram bro. Not a big deal. Creeds 3.5 has very minimal running apps compared to rep 3.5 and it has stock kernel. Beginners dont know how to use repencis kernel effectively, if they dont underclock the cpu and change governers/i/o or stuff , creeds 3.5 is better since stock kernel is better optimized for normal usage
hitme987 said:
DSP takes max of 4mb ram bro. Not a big deal. Creeds 3.5 has very minimal running apps compared to rep 3.5 and it has stock kernel. Beginners dont know how to use repencis kernel effectively, if they dont underclock the cpu and change governers/i/o or stuff , creeds 3.5 is better since stock kernel is better optimized for normal usage
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HEY BRAH?! can you prefer a link where i can use the repencis kernel much better im new to this stuff but im a fast learner D can i be your apprentice? problem. Just shoot with whatever you want. Im quite busy these days due to my university schedules a bit hectic, but can spend some time with this stuff.
Heres the repencis kernel you asked for :
hitme987 said: problem. Just shoot with whatever you want. Im quite busy these days due to my university schedules a bit hectic, but can spend some time with this stuff.
Heres the repencis kernel you asked for :
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thanks for this D so what i need to do is to underclock my SGY??
im using repencis v3.5
my kernel is
[email protected]#36
so how i will use this? kernel stuff?
yabyuh22 said:
thanks for this D so what i need to do is to underclock my SGY??
im using repencis v3.5
my kernel is
[email protected]#36
so how i will use this? kernel stuff?
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Your kernel support underclocking by using setcpu or no-frills cpu or antutu cpu master or cpu tuner.
Once you use them youll get to know.
Use Lagfree or lionheart or smoothass governer with sio i/o for gaming or heavy performance.
Use smartassv2 governer and sio i/o for balanced performance.
Use ondemand or conservative governor with deadline i/o for battery saving.
hitme987 said:
Your kernel support underclocking by using setcpu or no-frills cpu or antutu cpu master or cpu tuner.
Once you use them youll get to know.
Use Lagfree or lionheart or smoothass governer with sio i/o for gaming or heavy performance.
Use smartassv2 governer and sio i/o for balanced performance.
Use ondemand or conservative governor with deadline i/o for battery saving.
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OMG! so many new word poping in my head right now
the set cpu thing i set it ung 624x312 coz i see it on the toturial on REPENCIS v3.5
but this
"Use Lagfree or lionheart or smoothass governer with sio i/o for gaming or heavy performance.
Use smartassv2 governer and sio i/o for balanced performance.
Use ondemand or conservative governor with deadline i/o for battery saving"
can you refer a link to me? if you could it will be nice..
yabyuh22 said:
OMG! so many new word poping in my head right now
the set cpu thing i set it ung 624x312 coz i see it on the toturial on REPENCIS v3.5
but this
"Use Lagfree or lionheart or smoothass governer with sio i/o for gaming or heavy performance.
Use smartassv2 governer and sio i/o for balanced performance.
Use ondemand or conservative governor with deadline i/o for battery saving"
can you refer a link to me? if you could it will be nice..
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Hmm..Its the frequencies mate. It ranges 312-624-832. Use 312-624 for battery saving/balanced and 312-832 for performance/more balanced and use the governor combo I gave before. Just mess around with the setcpu app. Youll know it eventually. And use the latest setcpu . It has more features and easy to understand,
hitme987 said:
Hmm..Its the frequencies mate. It ranges 312-624-832. Use 312-624 for battery saving/balanced and 312-832 for performance/more balanced and use the governor combo I gave before. Just mess around with the setcpu app. Youll know it eventually. And use the latest setcpu . It has more features and easy to understand,
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now i get between the setting about frequencis so i will use 312-832
i got the set cpu 3.0.0 and i will apply it
and what about the governor thingy? where will i get them?
and the benefits all of these is for ram and for fast and stable SGY?
yabyuh22 said:
now i get between the setting about frequencis so i will use 312-832
i got the set cpu 3.0.0 and i will apply it
and what about the governor thingy? where will i get them?
and the benefits all of these is for ram and for fast and stable SGY?
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Check out the app dude. It got everything there. Its for the purposes I mentioned before. Basically, it is for more battery saving
hitme987 said:
Check out the app dude. It got everything there. Its for the purposes I mentioned before. Basically, it is for more battery saving
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thanks master!!! i just download the set cpu 3.0.4 D i must explore it ima get you back later tomorrow thanks for the time i mean it really thanks D:good::good:
And oh last question do I set 832 to max and 312 to min??
yabyuh22 said:
And oh last question do I set 832 to max and 312 to min??
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Yes. Its obvious dude.
hitme987 said:
Yes. Its obvious dude.
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hey master.. i got shock its 1st time in history of my battery
when ever i got to sleep example my battery percent it 86%
when i wake up my battery is either 86%-85%-84% its just like that i will not go 79% like that
but when i wake up i touch my phone and its kinda bit Hot this time my battery when i sleep is 92% then when i woke up
the battery percentage is 56%
what should i do? i set the right
i set ondemand and deadline
and 312min and 832 max
Try opening terminal and input
a2sd lowmem-ultimate
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
yabyuh22 said:
hey master.. i got shock its 1st time in history of my battery
when ever i got to sleep example my battery percent it 86%
when i wake up my battery is either 86%-85%-84% its just like that i will not go 79% like that
but when i wake up i touch my phone and its kinda bit Hot this time my battery when i sleep is 92% then when i woke up
the battery percentage is 56%
what should i do? i set the right
i set ondemand and deadline
and 312min and 832 max
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Wierd. Are you sure after this change only this happens? Change governor to bcm21533 and io to noop and 312-832 for the stock or original your before frequency. Try using smartass v2 or interactive or conservative and check the battery drain.

[Q]Need help with kernel and game

Hi everybody
I have use Nexus 4 for long time....and i get problem with Asphalt 8....when i play this game with stock rom it's no lag and very smooth....but when i try it with another rom like carbon, mahdi, cm11,...i always get some lag....i try some kernel hells core, hells doctor, experimental and set ondemand + noop + max 1.5Ghz + min 384Mhz and nothing change....can anybody tell me why and how to fix it ??? I love this game
tuandark said:
Hi everybody
I have use Nexus 4 for long time....and i get problem with Asphalt 8....when i play this game with stock rom it's no lag and very smooth....but when i try it with another rom like carbon, mahdi, cm11,...i always get some lag....i try some kernel hells core, hells doctor, experimental and set ondemand + noop + max 1.5Ghz + min 384Mhz and nothing change....can anybody tell me why and how to fix it ??? I love this game
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use ROW, i think the problem here is the IO, dont use noop
C4SCA said:
use ROW, i think the problem here is the IO, dont use noop
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so what governor is better ???
can u teach me how to set Governor, IO, UV for good battery life ???
tuandark said:
so what governor is better ???
can u teach me how to set Governor, IO, UV for good battery life ???
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depending on the kernel u are using, u have different options.
to configure the kernel settings use any app like Trickster mod.
for battery life try to lower the max cpu frequency, u may undervolt a bit too but the most important is to choose a good governor that dont raise the cpu clock without any real need (keeping ur cpu a lower frequency == less heat and less voltage used == better battery life and somewhat better preformance ratio).
For IO: ROW, FIOPS or tweaked BFQ.
i recommend u to take a look at moob kernel (from @bedalus), and u will understand what i stated about UV not being the best way to save battery and produce less heat
I have a kernel for you to try
I always appreciate help testing

[Guide] Get rid of lag in games / Interactive gov is bugged!

Hi guys,
I have the 855 version of this phone, and I have noticed that, even if Antutu scores are spot on (44k), in games such as GT racing 2 or similar I get a lot of lag.
Now, everyone will think "there are 1000 threads about lag, stick to those". Unfortunately, tricks such as getting rid of the thermal protection are really not good options, as the phone temperature will start to skyrocket.
There's a much easier and safer solution: root the phone and change the governor from interactive to conservative.
With interactive gov and CPU temp open in the background, I have noticed the CPU frequency bounces continuously up and down between 300mhz and 2400, even if the CPU temp is only 55c or so. This is causing the lag! Interactive governor is severely bugged, and this happens with any rom (I have tried both the stock 20h and the ChupaChups 4.2) and kernel (non AOSP at least).
Then, I switched to conservative, launched the game again, and guess the frequency is nicely stable at 2457mhz throughout the entire gameplay and lag is gone completely. Temperatures? Totally fine: max 60c while playing and usually between 35 and 40 while whatsapping.
I literally tried everything to get rid of this damn lag, and the only thing that worked before this solution was to use a different kernel (chupa chups 2.1) and changing the governor...but I was getting crazy high temperatures, that sometimes touched 80c, and this was with a very heavy undervolt too! So I recommend to use the stock kernel, because it's the only one - for me at least - that grants good performances (and by that I mean no lag in games whatsoever and constant 2450mhz while playing) with good temperatures.
Any other option, including undervolting and trying different kernels didn't work for me, because either the CPU frequency kept shifting up and down every second causing lag, or - when I managed to keep it stable using different kernels and undervolting - the CPU temperature while playing got way too high (70c+, touching 80c sometimes).
To sum it up
1) Stick to stock rom and stock kernel (because of temperature issues)
2) Root
3) Change governor from interactive to conservative with Trickstermod (busybox required)
4) Enjoy smooth gaming experience and very good temperatures, with no significant throttle whatsoever!
Hope this helps!
as far as i know, conservative puts the cpu speed into the lowest possible, thus i thought won't be good for gaming performance.
nevertheless, i'd try for a few days and see if there's any noticeable difference.
thanks for sharing the knowledge, OP!
superbonto said:
as far as i know, conservative puts the cpu speed into the lowest possible, thus i thought won't be good for gaming performance.
nevertheless, i'd try for a few days and see if there's any noticeable difference.
thanks for sharing the knowledge, OP!
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Theoretically you are right. But...interactive is bugged. Ondemand doesn't work (it will make your phone freeze) and performance will drain too much battery. So we are pretty much left with conservative.
Give it a try, and when you do, make sure you have CPU temp open to monitor both temperature and cpu frequency!
Let me know
Thank you! It really did the trick, gaming became MUCH better.
I tried RR3 - it became a lot better. On interactive it lags even in menu, on conservative it's rendering at 23-30 fps with slight not-game-breaking lags.
And about the battery? Will drain more in conservative than interactive? And will speed up the phone in all app or only in heavy games, when cpu is more active?
YaDr said:
Thank you! It really did the trick, gaming became MUCH better.
I tried RR3 - it became a lot better. On interactive it lags even in menu, on conservative it's rendering at 23-30 fps with slight not-game-breaking lags.
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Cool! Glad this worked for you. What's your full load cpu temp?
Delgadovsky said:
And about the battery? Will drain more in conservative than interactive? And will speed up the phone in all app or only in heavy games, when cpu is more active?
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I wouldn't worry about battery life..
It seems that this working generally, phone is much snappier and smooth for me than on interactive.
Yeah...the reason is that LG did an awful job with the interactive governor, and what's even worse is that it's actually using it as the default one.
Pretty incredible how bugged this is.
Yes but I think it's possible to make script in init.d folder to run conservative on boot as default. Maybe someone make one.
I Will try this ☺only for curiosity! I need busybox installed too or trickstermod only?
I've been doing the same thing for a long time now. I use SetCPU to automatically switch to the performance governor whenever the screen is on, and interactive whenever the screen is off.
You may also want to consider disabling mpdecision and thermald also. One of the two (probably mpdecision) will regularly change the governor back to interactive if you don't.
gianrond said:
Cool! Glad this worked for you. What's your full load cpu temp?
I wouldn't worry about battery life..
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about 80°
I'm running Rin kernel with Lionheart governor on stock kit kat on a D850. It's ages better than interactive. I have plenty of governors to choose from, I'll slowly try them all.
omegajester said:
I'm running Rin kernel with Lionheart governor on stock kit kat on a D850. It's ages better than interactive. I have plenty of governors to choose from, I'll slowly try them all.
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That works to get rid of the lag...but my phone was reaching easily 80c.
Now, with everything stock, the frequency stays nicely at 2457mhz with no throttle at all and the in-game temperature only maxes out at 63/64c.
Thanks for sharing this brother...just switched to conservative in trickster and I'll see how it goes.
I'm on crash Rom stock kernel with thermal mod activated...
Don't have any temperature issues till now expert while playing heavy games for some time.
Thanks again
Are the settings in trickstermod applied as you change the setting ? Or do you need to apply them manually ?
Also, do they apply on boot ?
I will try that, thx for the info.
Now how i can put it to change on boot?
Sent from my LG-D855 using XDA Free mobile app
JohnRM said:
Are the settings in trickstermod applied as you change the setting ? Or do you need to apply them manually ?
Also, do they apply on boot ?
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On the latest trickster version you hit the upper right settings icon and the first four option that appear are under the set on boot part.check the kernel setting to be set on boot and you are done.
Of course after changing the governor that is...
danielferrari said:
I will try that, thx for the info.
Now how i can put it to change on boot?
Sent from my LG-D855 using XDA Free mobile app
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I tested the "on boot' options and didnt work here.
Someone can run a benchmark with this mod? Mine was 38880 in interactive and 23000 with conservative lol
Sent from my LG-D855 using XDA Free mobile app
danielferrari said:
I tested the "on boot' options and didnt work here.
Someone can run a benchmark with this mod? Mine was 38880 in interactive and 23000 with conservative lol
Sent from my LG-D855 using XDA Free mobile app
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41k with conservative here, and latest v20i. Everything stock.

Screen On Time just 2.5 hrs on an avg with Boeffla kernel HELPME

My settings for the CPU is performance for both
smarannss said:
My settings for the CPU is performance for both
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If you want help, you'll have to give MUCH more details about Boeffla settings, phone settings, apps you're using and general phone usage behaviour. Such as: WiFi or mobile data? Do you play power hungry games? Do you have lots of apps running in the background that use data or keep the CPU active? Do you use Xposed with Amplify/Greenify/etc.? Which governor do you use? What are your hotplug settings (i.e. CPU cores activated)? On what frequencies do your CPUs run?
vonotny said:
If you want help, you'll have to give MUCH more details about Boeffla settings, phone settings, apps you're using and general phone usage behaviour. Such as: WiFi or mobile data? Do you play power hungry games? Do you have lots of apps running in the background that use data or keep the CPU active? Do you use Xposed with Amplify/Greenify/etc.? Which governor do you use? What are your hotplug settings (i.e. CPU cores activated)? On what frequencies do your CPUs run?
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Governor: Performance/ Standard for both A57 and A53
Scheduler : Deadline
Readhead Buffer : 2048
Phone usage : Just whatsapp facebook, basically general useage..
Wifi : on all day, Data : when away from wifi ( about 20 mins in a day)
Games : Not one, phone heats up
Background Apps : Not sure But generic apps I have been using
Xposed : yes greenifed most apps except messenger, whatsapp
GPU Governor : msm - adreno-tz
CPU Frequency : 1766 (A57) hotpulg min 2 max 4
CPU Frequency : 1555 (A53) hotpulg min 4 max 4
smarannss said:
Governor: Performance/ Standard for both A57 and A53
Scheduler : Deadline
Readhead Buffer : 2048
Phone usage : Just whatsapp facebook, basically general useage..
Wifi : on all day, Data : when away from wifi ( about 20 mins in a day)
Games : Not one, phone heats up
Background Apps : Not sure But generic apps I have been using
Xposed : yes greenifed most apps except messenger, whatsapp
GPU Governor : msm - adreno-tz
CPU Frequency : 1766 (A57) hotpulg min 2 max 4
CPU Frequency : 1555 (A53) hotpulg min 4 max 4
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My bet is on the performance governor, as it always keeps the CPUs at max. frequency. This is a total waste of power and probably also the reason why your phone gets hot. Try Interactive (standard or battery unless you absolutely need the performance setting) or Impulse instead. Also, consider throttling the CPU frequency two to four steps for each cluster, and consider using only two cores on each cluster as you don't need all that power for general use.
You do know that you can set up different profiles in the Boeffla Config app, for different usage scenarios? For example, I have three profiles: for general use, for gaming, and for power saving when the battery gets low. This way, I can gradually control how much power I get and therefore also how much battery is used.
So you mean to say change the hotPlug to 2 to 4 ..?
And about the interactive mode, I was using it initially but I had keyboard lag so changed to performance...
Will try impluse and get back with the results..
Pretty much newbie in this .. so i am sorry to bother u
smarannss said:
So you mean to say change the hotPlug to 2 to 4 ..?
And about the interactive mode, I was using it initially but I had keyboard lag so changed to performance...
Will try impluse and get back with the results..
Pretty much newbie in this .. so i am sorry to bother u
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You don't get keyboard lag from using the Interactive governor, no way.
Impulse is more on the battery saving side as compared to Interactive, and in Boeffla Interactive comes with multiple different settings that allow you to further fine-tune it to your liking. So imho, you can't go wrong with Interactive.
Don't be sorry, we're all here to learn and to share knowledge
vonotny said:
You don't get keyboard lag from using the Interactive governor, no way.
Impulse is more on the battery saving side as compared to Interactive, and in Boeffla Interactive comes with multiple different settings that allow you to further fine-tune it to your liking. So imho, you can't go wrong with Interactive.
Don't be sorry, we're all here to learn and to share knowledge
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I saw a few posts related to this for OnePlus 2 and changed to interactive and battery Extreme.. I had a keyboard lag when I am using whatsapp when i shift from keyboard to smileys..
I am also using Synapse ....
And can u share me the settings that you are using ..
smarannss said:
I saw a few posts related to this for OnePlus 2 and changed to interactive and battery Extreme.. I had a keyboard lag when I am using whatsapp when i shift from keyboard to smileys..
I am also using Synapse ....
And can u share me the settings that you are using ..
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So you were on battery extreme when the lag happened? Well, try battery, standard and performance as well and see what's best for you.
I'm currently experimenting with different settings. Right now, for general use I have
Governor: Interactive - Battery
Frequency: 384-960 MHz
Hotplug: 2 cores
Governor: Interactive - Battery
Frequency: 384-1344 MHz
Hotplug: 2/2
Governor: msm-adreno-tz
Frequency: 27-450 MHz
It's a bit laggy especially on transitions, so I'm not sure if I'll stick to it. Also, stand-by time on mobile data doesn't really improve this way. Depending on whether I can get a bit more screen-on-time using this configuration, I'll decide whether to stick with it or not.
But in general, with Interactive - Standard and the default CPU and GPU configurations, you technically can't go wrong.
Cool I will check on this for the a couple of days and get back with results
Stop messing with Kernel Settings. Kernel dont cause Battery drain. Use Better Battery Stats and find out which app is causing your drain. And stop using Greenify. It doesnt help much. In most cases it makes things worse.
update : 1 hr 41 mins SOT with 41% battery left...
I will uninstall the Greenify and check . Will also install BBS.
I noticed a battery drop when my location was on . I dont have any location intensive apps .
Even with battery extreme, i dont have lag with keyboard. Turn on your touch boost and set it to at least 768Mhz
No wonder you get 2Hrs SOT. Performance governor was only meant for benchmark, LoL
On impulse (A53) and Interactive extreme (A57)
My average SOT is 7Hrs, maxed at 9Hrs when my LTE reception at it best.
---------- Post added at 06:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:55 PM ----------
smarannss said:
update : 1 hr 41 mins SOT with 41% battery left...
I will uninstall the Greenify and check . Will also install BBS.
I noticed a battery drop when my location was on . I dont have any location intensive apps .
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Google Play Services itself is a location intensive app. =b
Keep your greenify, but optimize it use.
Also install amplify and powernap,
And AppOpXposed to disable the keep awake permission from Google Play Services
Check my post on Battery Life thread for details.
Scherzengel said:
Stop messing with Kernel Settings. Kernel dont cause Battery drain. Use Better Battery Stats and find out which app is causing your drain. And stop using Greenify. It doesnt help much. In most cases it makes things worse.
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otonieru said:
Even with battery extreme, i dont have lag with keyboard. Turn on your touch boost and set it to at least 768Mhz
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otonieru said:
No wonder you get 2Hrs SOT. Performance governor was only meant for benchmark, LoL
On impulse (A53) and Interactive extreme (A57)
My average SOT is 7Hrs, maxed at 9Hrs when my LTE reception at it best.
---------- Post added at 06:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:55 PM ----------
Google Play Services itself is a location intensive app. =b
Keep your greenify, but optimize it use.
Also install amplify and powernap,
And AppOpXposed to disable the keep awake permission from Google Play Services
Check my post on Battery Life thread for details.
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Update : No difference yet ,willing to experiment
Will check your post on battery
I have turned off the keep awake thingy on AppOpXposed for google Play Services ..
I did check BBS for any abnormal apps causing troubles but did not find any ... is there any thing that I need to look at in particular
Post some Screenshots of BBS statistics and maybe a BBS log file.
For testing here is my Config with Boeffla Kernel:
Governor Impulse Standard for both.
A53 max frequenzy is 1200 everything else untouched.
I/O is Zen with 2048 Read-Ahead
Hotplug is standard. A53: 4-4 A57: 2-4
GPU is 27-510
Touchboost is 1200 too.
Gives me 6-8 SOT.
Scherzengel said:
Post some Screenshots of BBS statistics and maybe a BBS log file.
For testing here is my Config with Boeffla Kernel:
Governor Impulse Standard for both.
A53 max frequenzy is 1200 everything else untouched.
I/O is Zen with 2048 Read-Ahead
Hotplug is standard. A53: 4-4 A57: 2-4
GPU is 27-510
Touchboost is 1200 too.
Gives me 6-8 SOT.
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BBS ScreenShots
smarannss said:
BBS ScreenShots
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This is Screenshots of my Kernel Tweaks ... I dont know much what happens here [ newbie]
smarannss said:
This is Screenshots of my Kernel Tweaks ... I dont know much what happens here [ newbie]
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Screen Shots of Battery
Update the Kernel!!!!!!!!!! Beta 18 is out and you are on Beta 4. No wonder your system runs like crap. If you updated let it run for a few days and post again. And pls turn of this Battery extreme stuff ... And use standard hotplug Settings: 4-4 on A53 and 2-4 on A57.
Scherzengel said:
Update the Kernel!!!!!!!!!! Beta 18 is out and you are on Beta 4. No wonder your system runs like crap. If you updated let it run for a few days and post again. And pls turn of this Battery extreme stuff ... And use standard hotplug Settings: 4-4 on A53 and 2-4 on A57.
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Download the beta18 file and flash right??
For all of those who are on the latest Kernel Version i packed my config into Boeffla Kernel profiles so you can use them easily.
The Boeffla-Impulse-Performance has the BCL driver and the possibility for the ROM to turn down Cores of the Big Cluster switched off. Gives me better Performance and i didn't recognized any big loss in Battery.
The Boeffla-Impulse-Battery has all set to stock logic. Gives maybe a bit more Battery.
Have fun with it.
ps.: Don't be afraid if your Screen Color changes. I made little changes in the Color settings. If you don't like them, you can always switch these values back to standard.

