Enabling infinite Scrolling on TW MM 6.0.1 - Verizon Galaxy Note 4 General

So I'm relatively new to a Note 4, just received it this last Monday to see if I want a larger device. Plus my old S5 screen was dying. Only took 2 days to start asking myself why I didn't get one to start with.
In any case, after wiping, downgrading, unlocking the bootloader, upgrading and unlocking the bootloader again... I'm on MM 6.0.1 CQI2 build and CQL2 baseband. After a few days of re-installing all my old apps and setting up just about everything the way I wanted, I came to find out one of the few things that annoyed me about the new(er) touchwiz was the lack of infinite scrolling for both the home and app pages. A judicious application of Google-fu and I came across this info:
With Root access and a file manager you can enable infinite scrolling in MM. It's an old fix for other Samsung phones, but I confirmed it worked with mine. From the thread named above:
-Open up your file manager, in this case it's Root Explorer
-Enable R/W at the top (cannot be R/O)
-Go to /system/csc/feature.xml (hold down on feature.xml and open in text editor)
-Scroll down to the end (on my phone, the line we are looking for was the third or fourth from the bottom)
-Find the line that looks like this:
-Change "true" to "false" (without quotes). It should now read:
-Save changes and reboot
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Click to collapse
I don't know if anyone else has already verified this in the 910v section but I didn't see any threads/complaints about it when I searched either.


Verizon Galaxy Note 3 - Accessing Hidden Menus

I had run into this issue previously and thought this might help those who are looking to punch in these codes and check out the hidden menus.
First off, I am on a Verizon Note 3 and I'm rooted.
By default, Verizon does not enable the hidden menus. In order to enable them, you'll have to use Root Explorer or Root Browser in ROM Toolbox and navigate to /efs/carrier. Then you'll want to edit the HiddenMenu file so that it says ON instead of OFF. Make sure you use capital letters.
After that, reboot, and you should be able to start punching in codes from your dialer.
Here's a link to more codes that may work for your handset: http://rumorscity.com/2013/09/26/samsung-galaxy-note-3-secret-codes/
On a side note, anyone ever use the Self Test hidden menu and try the Melody/Speaker test? What song is that...?
danjng said:
I had run into this issue previously and thought this might help those who are looking to punch in these codes and check out the hidden menus.
First off, I am on a Verizon Note 3 and I'm rooted.
By default, Verizon does not enable the hidden menus. In order to enable them, you'll have to use Root Explorer or Root Browser in ROM Toolbox and navigate to /efs/carrier. Then you'll want to edit the HiddenMenu file so that it says ON instead of OFF. Make sure you use capital letters.
After that, reboot, and you should be able to start punching in codes from your dialer.
Here's a link to more codes that may work for your handset: http://rumorscity.com/2013/09/26/samsung-galaxy-note-3-secret-codes/
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Click to collapse
mine resets its self back to off

Back & menu keys problem [TEMPORARY FIX]

Hello K3 Note users!
So, about 5 months ago I discovered that my back and menu keys were not working. I tried rebooting the device, pulling the battery out, changing the ROM and I even opened the phone up, to see, if every wire was connected properly....but the problem wasn't to be found. I also tried to get some support from the Lenovo's website, but I ended up getting none.
Eventually I found a workaround, that does not fix the problem itself, but it makes the phone usable again.
The solution is easy and it has already been written before:
1) Flash a custom ROM.
2) Make sure that you have ROOT.
3) Download a file manager, that can make use of the root rights.
4) Go to /system/build.prop
5) Add the line: "qemu.hw.mainkeys=0" to the very end of the file.
6) Reboot and voila!
However, I found that some apps refused to work with the nav bar and some vital content of those apps got hidden by the buttons.
I managed to found a fix for this problem. It can be solved with a wonderful Xposed module titled "Hideable Nav Bar".
The plugin will create a little down arrow on the left of the nav bar. This will let you to hide the bar whenever you want/need to. When the bar is hidden, then bringing it back is as easy as swiping up a bit from the bottom of the screen.
(I won't give you the steps on how to install Xposed, because it has already been described in the general thread.)
Anyway if you have installed Xposed, then you want to go to "Download" and search for this module. After that you should install the module, activate it and then reboot your phone. :good:
I hope this post was helpful to some K3 Note users and if it did help you, then don't forget to press the "Thanks" button too!

[Tutorial] Manually change the watermark for the MIUI Camera (rooted device)

MIUI 10 on MI 9 gives us the ability to “slightly” personalize the Camera Watermark used by stock MIUI Camera, which is stamped on the lower-left corner of each photo when the feature is enabled.
This customization is quite limited since it allows:
- One line of text no longer than 18 letters
- It won’t allow to change nor hide the first line of the watermark (“Shot on MI 9”
- It won’t allow changing the watermark logo
I am well aware there are thousands of third-party applications on PlayStore which will allow editing of the photos, using whatever image as watermark.
However, in my personal experience as a photographer, there are some circumstances where “fast is better” and you do not want to take all the extra steps to watermark a photo intended for quick social consumption.
This is a “dirt” way to overcome the limitations mentioned above while retaining the ease and speed of implementation that I believe can interest a large part of users.
By following this tutorial, you are going to alter system files: although it is not a “critical” MOD, I am not responsible for any kind of trouble this may cause.
As always, backup is better than restoring. Make a backup copy of the original watermark before doing anything.
You will need a Rooted device since the watermark file is part of system files
You will need a File Explorer of your choice installed on your device
Open the MIUI Camera, enter the Options menu, and if you haven’t done so already enable the Watermark option
Select the “Custom Watermark” from the same menu, and enter some text.
Confirm and save by clicking on the check icon in the top right corner of the screen
Force close the MIUI Camera and Open the preferred File Manager
The original custom watermark files are called “cepheus_main_space_custom_watermark” and "cepheus_main_space_ultra_pixel_custom_watermark"; they are stored in /data/data/com.android.camera/files/
Make a backup copy of this file, then export to your preferred graphics editor for customization.
Default watermark is 1800x195 px @72ppi. I suggest keeping the same specifics for the new file. Remember to export the new watermark as PNG with Transparent Background.
Once your new watermark is ready, you simply need to copy the PNG file to your device, overwriting the original.
Restart the MIUI Camera and voilà, your watermark is now available.
Update for Latest MIUI 11:
With the arrival of MIUI 11 some details are changed regarding the stock Camera app and the “workaround” to change the default watermark.
One major change is that there are now two watermark files:
As the name suggests, the second file is used when taking photos using the "48 MP" option.
The second less obvious but quite obnoxious change regards the use of a "remote download" function to replace the original watermark file if tampered.
It took me a bit of trial-and-error to understand that the camera application was actually downloading the default watermark file each time the application was closed and/or the phone was rebooted.
(this is why you might have noticed a strange behaviour where your watermark is initially changed without any issue but then appears to revert back to the original)
In order to solve this issue, you need to prevent the MIUI Camera Application from accessing the internet.
You can do this in any way you like, I prefer using NetGuard by Marcel Bokhorst. (link)
If you use the same method, here are the two process that needs to be blocked:
Please Note: If you use the "Short Movie" advanced animations feature I advise to download all the required files before customizing the watermark, thus blocking camera application from internet access.
Firewall Alternative for VPN Users:
If you are using a VPN you might find unpractical to switch between NetGuard and your VPN Profile.
In this case, a good alternative is AFWall+ by ukpriya (available on FDroid).
Just remember to switch to the "Block Selected" operation mode and, after selecting all the checkboxes for Camera App select the "Apply" / "Enable Firewall" button in Settings.
Final Observations:
Editing again the watermark using the “Custom Watermark” option inside MIUI Camera options will probably cause some issues. If you want to revert to the Original Watermark either restore the backup *.png or restore MIUI Camera Data.
Future ROM Updates will, quite certainly, restore the default watermark: keep a copy of your personalized watermark somewhere on your “data” partition so you can easily restore.
Future ROM Updates will not overwrite the custom watermark files, unless you perform a "Full Wipe" or you perform a "Data Wipe" for the Camera App. Anyway, since it's always a good practice to keep a backup of your files, I strongly suggest keeping a copy of your custom watermarks someplace safe.
I have attached the original *.PNG watermark, just in case.

(HELP) Rooting Samsung S7 Edge without Wipe

Hello XDA community,
Im a noobie when it comes to rooting, thats why i need help...
I deleted some files that i want to recover on my Samsung S7 Edge 2-3 years ago, this device has Android 7.0. (Never updated)
There is a lot of apps such as Disk Digger that offer you to recover every single file but the device must be rooted to access 100% on the internal memory.
Right now my Samsung S7 Edge is not rooted but i need to root to recover this files, so my question is, there is anyway of rooting without factory reset, or there is anyway of doing a fully backup of the internal memory of my device without touching the partitions so then i can try recovering my files later with this apps?
I hope someone can help me...
It's pretty disappointing that nobody ever responded to this considering how big is a community it is and how popular the S7 Edge was. I know this is pretty old and hopefully you were able to resolve this before this message but I'm going to respond to this just so you don't feel like your question wasn't acknowledged at all. I have an S7 Edge through Verizon which uses the Snapdragon processor. And I will find a link to post for you that although the method says it's discontinued I rooted my phone through this method and it works fine. The only reason that you would have to wipe your phone is if you're changing firmware as far as I know. I've rooted my phones and did not have to wipe them. I kept all the data and everything.
Before I lift this you are also asking about an application that you could use to back up your phone and that would be Samsung smart switch. It has a companion app for the desktop and it sinks to the phone and it'll make a backup of your data.
Now on to the root method all props and praise goes to the people that worked to give this to the people I'm not good at doing all this **** and I'm not meaning to step on any toes I'm just trying to help you since nobody did for two ****ing years.
To root
1. Download PrinceComsys Odin
2. Download the engboot.
Engboot Download
3 make sure you have adb and fastboot installed on your computer (goggle them)
4. Root file
Download the file below.
Nougat_S7_Root_2_82_All_Carriers_V2.zip | by jrkruse for Galaxy S7 Edge
Download GApps, Roms, Kernels, Themes, Firmware, and more. Free file hosting for all Android developers.
Follow this method to root:
1. Shut off the phone and boot into download mode (volume down, home, and power). Use Odin And Flash Nougat_S7_Edge_EngBoot.tar.md5 In AP Slot
2. When the phone reboots, unlock developer options by going into the phone settings scroll down to 'about phone' find the build number and tap on it repeatedly after several times it will unlock Developer Options then back out once and in your settings you should have a new option on the very bottom called developer options go into that and enable USB debugging and Disable Verify Apps Over USB.
Plug the phone into the computer and make sure you have adb and fastboot installed to this location
C:\Users\YOUR PROFILE\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools
go to that folder and inside it hold shift and right click then click on 'open command window here'
then in command prompt type
adb devices
then hit enter.
The computer should automaticly detect and run adb
3. Unzip the Nougat_S7_Root_2_82_All_Carriers_V2.zip and hold shift and right click then click on 'open command window here'
In the command window type root.bat then press enter from your PC.
4. This will install root when done phone will reboot
5. The process wipes dalvik cache so it will take a few minutes to reboot
6. If having problems getting Grant SuperSU dialog to come up you can delete the SuperSU app and root will be granted instantly to all root request
Give phone a few min to settle open developer options set animation scales .05 and others to .05
Give phone a few min to settle open developer options set animation scales .05 and others to .05
Did you get this Failed To Write Message in Odin?
Odin Error Message:
<ID:0/003> FAIL! Model dismatch fail
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
Did you:
? Open Odin as Administrator?
? Try the Prince Comsy version?
? Enable Developer Settings?
-Open Settings > About Phone > Tap Build Number 7 Times
? Enable OEM Unlock?
-Go Back to Settings > Tap Developer Options > Tap OEM Unlock
? Enable USB Debugging?
-Tap Developer Options > Tap USB Debugging
Did you try every single thing but nothing works?
Well, did you right click "Odin" each time you go to open it and then click "open as administrator"?
Sometimes you have to try several different versions of Odin.
But I have found that Odin3 v3.12.7 was the one that would work when the others had not.
I always would forget to also open Odin as Administrator.
It's a pain in the neck to have to remember to open as admin every time.
But you usually have to do it.
Did you check that ADB had started? Maybe that might be the reason it won't work?
But I doubt it! But you just never know and I am just trying to help you get it flashed.
It's a very quick flash and you can see that the PDA load was very quick as well.
But as far as the errors, you just have to keep trying...
Which I mean, you sometimes have to open, close, reopen Odin when it doesn't work.
Sometimes that helps, sometimes it doesn't.
It's all about the right Odin version at the time
making sure the cord is good
Opening Odin as Admin
And keep trying again after restarting your phone by holding the download mode button sequence again.
Congratulations! You are ROOTED but you're not done
Follow these instructions next
On your phone, open the SuperSU app (installed during the root process) and tap on Settings. Half-way down under Security, tap on "Enable su during boot".
This option will ensure that startup scripts that are installed during this process get to do their job correctly.
Download the fix or fix+debloat script flashable ZIP package appropriate for your model of phone and copy this file to your device:
S7_VOLTE_ICON_FIX_ALL_VARIANTS or S7_or_S7Edge_Fixes_V15.zip (MD5 hash F15CD9BDC35382A8F48FFBEDBB1BCDF0) (any Samsung Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge)
turn off auto update of time and date in your phone settings, then set your year to 2013,
Launch FlashFire app on the phone and click the (+) button in the lower right to add a step. Select a 'Flash ZIP or OTA' flash step.
Locate the flashable ZIP package and select it. For options, check on 'Mount /system read/write' and leave the rest of the options unchecked.
Tweaks to Root
Debloat and fix several issues with the phone (CPU lag issues, poor battery performance, phone becoming too hot, Wi-Fi not saving passwords, hotspot/tethering not working,
VoLTE icon appearing, searching for service issues, MMS not working, unauthorized security nag notification, etc.):
Full notes on what this flashable update does:
Adds a rotate button to the native gallery app
Adds a shortcut call button in the call log next to each logged call.
Adjusts several CPU tunables, which fixes phone lag and battery life issues.
Disables "No SIM" popup when no SIM card is present.
Disables roaming data by default.
Disables secure storage support, which fixes Wi-Fi passwords not saving issue.
Disables Verizon provisioning for Wi-Fi tethering/hotspot (will still use your data plan, of course).
Enables ADB to run as root by default.
Enables CPU idling/sleeping, which fixes phone heat issues.
Enables mock GPS locations.
Enables native call recording feature in the dialer.
Enables native Wi-Fi calling feature in the dialer.
Enables RIL power saving features.
Enables scheduled messages in the native messaging app.
Enables the camera during calls.
Enables unlimited contact merging.
Enables using the new 3GPP2 Profile ID (Verizon exclusive).
Fixes various 'searching for service' and other cellular network connectivity issues (SMS/MMS not working, calls not working, etc.)
Knox apps, drivers, and data are removed (fix+debloat version).
Prefers LTE network.
Raises the contact name length limit to 1,280 characters.
Raises the maximum SMS recipient limit from 10 to 90.
Remove nagging 'unauthorized actions' security notification (fix+debloat version).
Removes VoLTE icon.
after you flash your stuff change the date back. and you're good.
I know this all seems like a lot and it seems very confusing but it's pretty easy if you just follow the directions this will not wipe your data. Please do research, read through the forms and just tried to get as much knowledge as you can before you go about doing this it's an easy process but it's better to go in with more knowledge, I hope this helps. If you have to reinstall the firmware make sure that you install CSC home so you don't lose your data

Android 11- OneUI 3.0 (Beta 1,2 & 3) - Manual Update/SideLoad (N986U & N986U1) - [Guide]

********** ANNOUNCEMENT - Beta Enrollment without Banner (OPEN NOW - Nov 16,17) - Read More Here​
INTRODUCTION - Hello all. Now Samsung wants us to go to Members app and keep looking for banner to sign up for Android 11, One UI 3 Beta . It went live October 27th, 10:20 PM EST, As fate would have it, i went to sleep early, i missed it and the banner refused to show up for me in the morning. Download was only showing up for people with unlocked variants on ATID firmware.
DISCLAIMER / NOTICE - Flashing is always risky. I am not responsible for anything that may happen to your device including but not limited to it turning against you, making you its slave and sucking you into the Matrix.
This post is a collection of wisdom, research and hard work of many people over many years across many forums and not just XDA. I will try to credit and link to their original posts.
TIP -Keep in Notice -This SHALL NOT Factory Reset Your Device or Format Data, it is still a good idea to Take Back Up - Just a Suggestion - Always have a latest Back Up
******** UPDATE - It seems ATT devices are getting wiped now if its CSC or the Sim remains to be tested.
i don't have ATT hence cant verify but in case you have an Unlocked device (N986U1) with ATT sim, then, removing sim and Changing the CSC to XAA/XAA/XAA before sideloading Beta is advisable.​
PROBLEM STATEMENT - Missed the One UI 3.0, Android 11, Beta Sign up Banner in Members app or got the banner but didn't get the download and I really want it NOW.
Not sure if you want it now? - Find the BETA CHANGELOG HERE
GRAB YOURSELF A COFFEE / DRINK, because depending on where you at and how fast you/your internet speeds/your Machine is this may take anywhere between 7 to 45 Mins​SOLUTION -
1. Pre-Requisites - Make sure Following Conditions are met before you start
You need a PC/Laptop along with your phone and USB Cable.
You need ADB installed, you can use ADB on Linux too - NOTE If your ADB Tools are not working, download my ADB Folder called platform-tools. Then extract it somewhere easy to remember/ find, like desktop
Remember the Location of the folder where you have ADB installed / Location of platform-tools- This is the location containing adb.exe file.
You may or may not need ADB/USB Drivers if any errors in ADB please Download Drivers from here and Install on your PC.
This following one step is relevant Only for flashing Beta 1
Use Odin to Flash Unlocked (SM-N986U1) ATID Firmware if you are not on that. Refer this thread to get your Firmware.
For changing Firmware from N986U to N986U1 and / or GUIDE TO FLASHING USING ODIN Refer This thread
2. Now Download the relevant Beta File that you intend to flash - note that to Sideload Beta 2 you need to be on Beta 1 first. Mandotory Sequence = Beta 1>>Beta 2>>Beta 3 There is no skipping versions possible here.
BETA 1 (ZTGJ) Get the Beta1.zip file from here Thanks to @thatotherguy.. for the original zip.
BETA 2 (ZTK1) Get the Beta2.zip file from here
BETA 3 (ZTK9) Get the Beta3.zip file from here
*************** Apply Update from SD card failed for me (Feel free to try that ) but here we will be using ADB Sideload Feature in Stock Recovery*************​
HOW TO - Using ADB Sideload - Windows -The Process is Similar for Linux too
1. Copy the downloaded zip file to the ADB Folder (From Pre-Requisite step). ADB Folder is the folder containing ADB.exe it might be named differently for you (The one i have posted is called platform-tools)
2. Open Command Prompt Window as Admin.
3. Type in
cd Copy-paste the location of your ADB folder here
4. Connect the phone to the PC using USB Cable and Unlock it. Go to Developer Options and Switch on USB Debugging.
To turn on developer options go to Settings>>About Phone>>Software Information>> Then tap the build number 7 times - Developer options will appear at the bottom of Settings Menu
5. On your PC Type in Command Prompt
adb devices
6. Give Permission that appears on your phone and PC - I check the box Always Allow, you should do the same.
7. Now type the following and the phone will reboot to recovery.
adb reboot recovery
8. Once you see recovery on your phone Use Volume Keys to scroll down to Apply Update from ADB and press Power Button.
9. Now on your PC, Type the following in Command Prompt; this is just to be sure, it should show the device name with Sideload next to it.
adb devices
10. Type
adb sideload Beta1.zip
For Beta 2 use adb sideload beta2.zip Similarly For Beta 3 use adb sideload beta3.zip. Use whatever you have named the zip file. Most people use update.zip. The commands here are for the attached files in this post and their naming convention.
11. Wait for it to finish and Done
2nd (Second) BETA Is Out- How To Do this if you are not able to Enroll for Beta and or don't see update to download even after Enrolling​
Second Beta should be flashed After Beta 1. Second Beta (ZTK1) can not be flashed unless you have Beta 1 (ZTJG).
To flash follow the same instructions as above only this time the prerequisite is you have to be on the 1st Beta. Download the 2nd Beta (ZTK1) Zip File to flash Here Thanks to @hayabusa1300cc for the FOTA Link.
3rd (Third) BETA Is Out- Nov 16, 2020 Do this if you are not able to Enroll for Beta and or don't see update to download even after Enrolling​
Third Beta should be flashed After Beta 1>>Beta 2. Third Beta (ZTK9) can not be flashed unless you have Second Beta (ZTK1). Second Beta (ZTK1) can not be flashed unless you have Beta 1 (ZTJG).
To flash follow the same instructions as above only this time the prerequisite is you have to be on the 2nd Beta. Download the 3rd Beta (ZTK9) Zip File to flash Here
If you want to enable RCS (In the Native SMS app) and Native Video calling (This feature is on Tmobile) have a look at this thread.
Check out this Guide Service Mode and CSC Guide/Enable LTE/5G Bands and Services/5G Low Band on U1 by @mellojosh
TROUBLESHOOTING​Some people might run into "cant read update.zip" error for that we need to make ADB Large address aware. Follow the Steps Here I use the Advanced mode as it shows the true false flags. - This wont happen if you use the ADB Tools provided by me above under the Pre-requisites section.
************** FOR FUTURE BETA OTA Questions / Bugs - Observations and some more info - Go Here ********Please dont ask questions without reading.
QUESTIONS, HELP & SUPPORT ?? - See if I am Online here on this Live Chat​
If it helped HIT THAT THANKS BUTTON, what are you waiting for ? Cheers !!
Suggest you rename the title for which device it's for as it's not for every snapdragon (right?)
I get "adb: failed to read command: No error"
ekerbuddyeker said:
Suggest you rename the title for which device it's for as it's not for every snapdragon (right?)
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I flashed on an Unlocked one so there is no way for me to tell if this can be flashed on N986U since so many people have flashed Unlocked firmware on the U devices using Odin (One confirmed guy flashed unlocked firmware on Verizon locked device and got the Beta banner) hence i think this will work for all Snapdragon devices. Give it a try and see. Just that before you try this make sure you are on ATID firmware.
d_ganggreen said:
I get "adb: failed to read command: No error"
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Click to collapse
Use a different USB Cable. A good quality one preferably. Also try changing USB port.
Can i install this on sm n 9860 version and does google pay and samsung pay beta work?
warriorvibhu said:
Use a different USB Cable. A good quality one preferably. Also try changing USB port.
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Click to collapse
Hmm, still getting same. Tried 3 cables including the one that came with the phone and both usb ports on my computer.
d_ganggreen said:
Hmm, still getting same. Tried 3 cables including the one that came with the phone and both usb ports on my computer.
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Click to collapse
Are you on ATID Firmware?
warriorvibhu said:
Are you on ATID Firmware?
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Click to collapse
I am, I odin flashed it a few weeks ago.
1gorelo said:
Can i install this on sm n 9860 version and does google pay and samsung pay beta work?
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Click to collapse
Too early in the morning to go out and test that. This is Beta and i have already encountered some bugs. So you have to be up for that.
Good Lock wont work, gesture navigation is buggy, you can not even apply wallpapers from the Galaxy Themes app.
Wallpaper Service on the other hand is greatly improved. Fingerprint sensor is much faster.
d_ganggreen said:
I am, I odin flashed it a few weeks ago.
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My friend there are so many reasons why that error can happen. Sometimes you might have to change the ADB version. I am attaching the platform-tools i used. Extract this zip inside folder on desktop and try. If that doesnt work you might need to update ADb/Samsung drivers. Let us know if this works.
warriorvibhu said:
My friend there are so many reasons why that error can happen. Sometimes you might have to change the ADB version. I am attaching the platform-tools i used. Extract this zip inside folder on desktop and try. If that doesnt work you might need to update ADb/Samsung drivers. Let us know if this works.
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Click to collapse
Thank you! Whatever it was, that worked. I am able to get it running with your tools. I am running it now.
CHANGELOG - Android 11_OneUI 3 Beta
************ Notice: This changelog is compiled from various different resources online, verification of these features rests with the users **********
[B]Home screen[/B]
– Touch and hold an app to add an associated widget
– Turn the screen off by double-tapping on an empty are of the Home screen. You can turn this on in Settings > Advanced features > Motion and gestures.
Lock screen
– Dynamic Lock screen now has more categories, and you can select more than one.
– Lock screen widgets are improved.
[B]Contacts, Phone and Call Background[/B]
– Added the ability to edit multiple linked contacts at one time.
– Added an option to help you quickly delete duplicate contacts.
– Enhanced the search experience.
– Extended the storage period of the Trash bin from 15 to 30 days.
– Added the ability to customize the call screen with your own pictures and videos.
– Created a Trash bin to store recently deleted messages.
– Call & Text on other devices
– Added the ability to turn Call & text on other devices on or off with Bixby Routines.
– Events with the same start time are now shown together in month and agenda view.
– Reorganized options for adding and editing events.
– Improved layout for full screen alerts.
– Improved layout for full screen alerts
– Improved auto-focus and auto exposure functionality and usability.
– Improved stabilization when taking pictures of the moon at high zoom levels.
[B]Photo editor[/B]
– Added the ability to revert edited pictures back to their original versions.
[B]Bixby Routine[/B]
– Grouped preset routines help you get started quickly and learn how to build your own routines easily.
– You can now see what actions are reversed when a routine ends.
– New conditions have been added, such as a specific start time, the disconnection of a Bluetooth device or Wi-Fi network, a call from a specific number, and more.
– New actions have been added, including talking to Bixby and accessibility actions.
– You can add a customized icon for each routine and add routines to the Lock screen for quick access.
[B]Digital wellbeing and Parental controls[/B]
– Added trends to your weekly report. You can see how your usage has changed since the previous week and check your usage time for each feature.
– Added phone usage time while driving to the weekly report.
– Added a lock screen widget so you can check your screen time without unlocking your phone.
– Added separate profiles for personal and work modes so you can track your screen time separately.
– Added ability to block websites from redirecting you when you tap the Back button.
– Added warnings and blocking options for websites that shot too many pop-ups or notifications.
– Rearranged menus to make things easier to find.
– Added several new add-ons, including one that translates websites.
– Added option hide the status bar for a more immersive browsing experience.
– Increased maximum number of open tabs to 99.
– Added ability to lock and reorder tabs.
– Improved design for tab bar which is now supported on all devices.
– Ended support for Samsung Internet edge panel.
[B]Quick panel[/B]
– See your conversations and media more conveniently in their own sections when you swipe down from the top of the screen.
– Always On Display widgets are improved.
– Get quick access to the most important accessibility settings during device setup.
– Get recommended accessibility features based on what you use.
– Set the Accessibility shortcut more easily in settings.
– Sound detectors now work with your SmartThings devices such as TVs and lights to give you more visible alerts when the doorbell rings or a baby is crying.
[B]Samsung Keyboard[/B]
– You can find the keyboard in settings more easily under General management in Settings, and the settings have been reorganized to put the most important ones first.
Samsung DeX
– You can now connect to supported TVs wirelessly.
– New touchpad multi-gestures let you change screen zoom and font size more easily.
Feel free to add anything else that you observe.
warriorvibhu said:
Wohooo Fingers Crossed. Did it finish ?
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Yes it did, running 3.0 beta now!
warriorvibhu said:
I flashed on an Unlocked one so there is no way for me to tell if this can be flashed on N986U since so many people have flashed Unlocked firmware on the U devices using Odin (One confirmed guy flashed unlocked firmware on Verizon locked device and got the Beta banner) hence i think this will work for all Snapdragon devices. Give it a try and see. Just that before you try this make sure you are on ATID firmware.
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I'm on n9860 which is a snapdragon. I'm not sure if it's the same. Anyone want to try?
My US unlocked stuck at 16% when sideloading? Is it normal?
jianansong said:
My US unlocked stuck at 16% when sideloading? Is it normal?
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Since how long ?
Which step are you at?
warriorvibhu said:
Since how long ?
Which step are you at? (See Pics)
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Click to collapse
On my phone, it shows "Verifying updte package..."
On the adb, it shows serving update.zip 16%.
It has been there for at least 20 minutes... Do I need to cancel and restart?
I used the uploaded adb and the first link for update.zip.
jianansong said:
On my phone, it shows "Verifying updte package..."
On the adb, it shows serving update.zip 16%.
It has been there for at least 20 minutes... Do I need to cancel and restart?
I used the uploaded adb and the first link for update.zip.
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Yes thats too long Cancel and restart, It took me 97.5 seconds to verify the package.
Your ADB is fine dont change that. For firmware you can try using the second link from google drive. do you meet the criteria Unlocked and on ATID ?
warriorvibhu said:
Yes thats too long. do you meet the criteria Unlocked and on ATID ?
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Click to collapse
Yes, mine is us unlocked and it's on ATID. Do you know how I could cancel it?
---------- Post added at 03:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:43 PM ----------
jianansong said:
Yes, mine is us unlocked and it's on ATID. Do you know how I could cancel it?
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Click to collapse
At the command line, I clicked "control + C" and surprisingly the progress number starts moving again, and now I am at 53% and it's still going...
