If you're colorblind, please disregard this thread. Rate this thread to express how you deem the color saturation and accuracy of the Opp Find X's display. A higher rating indicates that you think that color accuracy is very high and saturation is excellent.
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color is pretty close.. camera seems to be too sharp for the photos and doe not have a raw naked look. but overall.. above average.
If you're colorblind, please disregard this thread. Rate this thread to express how you deem the color saturation and accuracy of the Nokia 2.1's display. A higher rating indicates that you think that color accuracy is very high and saturation is excellent.
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If you're colorblind, please disregard this thread. Rate this thread to express how you deem the color saturation and accuracy of the Honor Play's display. A higher rating indicates that you think that color accuracy is very high and saturation is excellent.
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Colors are really nice on this phone. EMUI comes with a color tuner where you get adjust it to make everything just right.
If you're colorblind, please disregard this thread. Rate this thread to express how you deem the color saturation and accuracy of the Sony Xperia X10 Plus's display. A higher rating indicates that you think that color accuracy is very high and saturation is excellent.
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Has multiple color settings for your preference. It is a bit washed out compared to a high end LCD
If you're colorblind, please disregard this thread. Rate this thread to express how you deem the color saturation and accuracy of the Honor 20's display. A higher rating indicates that you think that color accuracy is very high and saturation is excellent.
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I think the display is probably the Honor 20's strongest aspect. I really like the color saturation & accuracy so far.
If you're colorblind, please disregard this thread. Rate this thread to express how you deem the color saturation and accuracy of the 's display. A higher rating indicates that you think that color accuracy is very high and saturation is excellent.
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Colors are average for an a budget phone in this price range.