Idol 5 & Sd Card.. issue? - Alcatel Idol 5 Questions & Answers

Picked up an Cricket Idol 5 the other day.
When I put my old SD card in it; it recoginizes it, allows me to use it, store pics there, not apps (not a concern).
But everytime I reboot; it says SD card found; do you want to use for storage? click yes, it takes me to the droid storage selection settings, click on storage, ther's no confirm button, so I just click the home circle at the bottom.
Is this normal?
Do I need to exchange it? or is there a permanate fix?

Make sure the contacts are clean on the card. Also, format the card IN the phone. I have this phone and hate it. So many bugs and no updates in-sight.

Thanks. I formated the card, and seems normal now.


MicroSD Card Question.

I have a question about the MicroSD cards you can buy for the Wing. Once I realized it was a good idea to have one for the wing (didn't take me long), I had one sent to me via UPS from some website. I got a 2GB. Anyway! My question is.. if I put the card in my phone, does it act as phone memory? Can I actually install .cab's and stuff ON the card and run them like they were actually installed on the phone?
Basically what i'm asking is if putting a MicroSD card into the wing is like putting a hard drive into a computer. It's not just a card to store things on, it's a card that acts as actual memory and you can install things on it too, right?
Today I kept getting pop-ups saying I had low memory. It was annoying as hell, so I uninstalled a few programs until I get my card. They were things I used like battery status and larger start menu, but oh well. I can do without them for a few days.
I know there's "Storage" memory and then there's "Program" memory. The Storage was at 0MB free and that's why I kept getting those pop-ups. My Program is at 18.34MB free.
Thanks in advance.
itslinx said:
I have a question about the MicroSD cards you can buy for the Wing. Once I realized it was a good idea to have one for the wing (didn't take me long), I had one sent to me via UPS from some website. I got a 2GB. Anyway! My question is.. if I put the card in my phone, does it act as phone memory? Can I actually install .cab's and stuff ON the card and run them like they were actually installed on the phone?
Basically what i'm asking is if putting a MicroSD card into the wing is like putting a hard drive into a computer. It's not just a card to store things on, it's a card that acts as actual memory and you can install things on it too, right?
Today I kept getting pop-ups saying I had low memory. It was annoying as hell, so I uninstalled a few programs until I get my card. They were things I used like battery status and larger start menu, but oh well. I can do without them for a few days.
I know there's "Storage" memory and then there's "Program" memory. The Storage was at 0MB free and that's why I kept getting those pop-ups. My Program is at 18.34MB free.
Yes, to answer your question, the microsd card is just like a hard drive. That's where you will prob want to store most of you applications, music, games, etc. This frees up memory on your main drive. I also have my camera setup to put photos on it too. I also keep a backup of all my cab files on my card. Whenever you have a card present, and you install a program, you get the option of installing on the card or the main drive. I believe our phones will take up to an 8 gig. I have 4 and it works great.
Thanks in advance.
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Yes, to answer your question, the microsd card is just like a hard drive. That's where you will prob want to store most of you applications, music, games, etc. This frees up memory on your main drive. I also have my camera setup to put photos on it too. I also keep a backup of all my cab files on my card. Whenever you have a card present, and you install a program, you get the option of installing on the card or the main drive. I believe our phones will take up to an 8 gig. I have 4 and it works great.
dougstoner said:
Yes, to answer your question, the microsd card is just like a hard drive. That's where you will prob want to store most of you applications, music, games, etc. This frees up memory on your main drive. I also have my camera setup to put photos on it too. I also keep a backup of all my cab files on my card. Whenever you have a card present, and you install a program, you get the option of installing on the card or the main drive. I believe our phones will take up to an 8 gig. I have 4 and it works great.
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I see. Thanks for the response. So I guess it would make more sense for me to uninstall everything I installed on my phone and reinstall it all on my card instead? That way most of my actual phone memory is free and it's all on the card? Any idea how much free memory there is to start off on the phone anyway? And what's the difference exactly between Storage and Program memory? I know Storage says Total: 31.44 MB and Program says Total: 47.89 MB. Is that how much the phone gives you to start with?
it will not merge with your storage
and memory is mainly what we call application mem like ram in a computer
not the harddrive
cabs should at install time ask if one wish to install to storage or sdcard

[Q] How to move apps/games to SD card?

I've been trying to figure out how to transfer some files over to the SD; but when I go to settings, I never get the option to move to sd card. I tried two "App2SD" type apps and it's the same result. None of my apps have the option; the same ones on my Evo will transfer to the SD card. I'm using the microSD slot on the tablet itself. I get the notification when I insert it and the icon stays while it's in it. The card works fine in the Evo. Any ideas?
preyed said:
I've been trying to figure out how to transfer some files over to the SD; but when I go to settings, I never get the option to move to sd card. I tried two "App2SD" type apps and it's the same result. None of my apps have the option; the same ones on my Evo will transfer to the SD card. I'm using the microSD slot on the tablet itself. I get the notification when I insert it and the icon stays while it's in it. The card works fine in the Evo. Any ideas?
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From my understanding, honeycomb doesn't support apps2sd. Unfortunately.
The TF's internal storage isn't partitioned in the same way your EVO is - you have practically all the internal memory available for apps. Hence, A2SD isn't strictly required.
So is the only way is to hook up the microsd and put the files our self?

SD card as internal.

I have a 128 gb class 10 SD card. If I use it as internal can I still copy my 45gb of music through my computer?
Also what happened to the move to SD card option for apps?
I've also notice with Google play music you can't select SD card as storage for offline music.
I was pretty excited about this feature but I'm a little disappointed.
Maybe if I explore it a bit more I'll figure it out.
Spacemonkie4207 said:
I have a 128 gb class 10 SD card. If I use it as internal can I still copy my 45gb of music through my computer?
Also what happened to the move to SD card option for apps?
I've also notice with Google play music you can't select SD card as storage for offline music.
I was pretty excited about this feature but I'm a little disappointed.
Maybe if I explore it a bit more I'll figure it out.
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If you connect your Play (with adaptive storage active) to a computer via usb the computer cannot seem to veiw anything on the phone. So you can't copy anything to the phone. Not very good really.
If you go settings, apps and then select an app you then select storage of that app and you have the option to move the app from there. That said not all apps have the storage option including Google Play Music. I do find that MM manages storage between internal and the sd card very well when adaptive storage is used. It's not perfect though. My next phone will be bigger than 16gb which is silly in this day and age. Relying on cloud storage is all well and good but can be useless in some rural locations (UK) with no data service signal.
I'm a little disappointed but on the whole I've got past the limited storage of a 16gb phone. Note to self - don't EVER buy a 16gb phone again. The music thing I get round by using Google Music and Spotify. You can copy music to your phone via such as Solid Explorer and move music from your cloud service (Drive, dropbox etc) to your phone. Solid Explorer and others can see folders and files on your phone.
You should be able to set the "Storage Location" in the Downloading section of Google Music's settings screen. Perhaps setting your SD card as internal memory removes your ability to select it though.
Spacemonkie4207 said:
I have a 128 gb class 10 SD card. If I use it as internal can I still copy my 45gb of music through my computer?
Also what happened to the move to SD card option for apps?
I've also notice with Google play music you can't select SD card as storage for offline music.
I was pretty excited about this feature but I'm a little disappointed.
Maybe if I explore it a bit more I'll figure it out.
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Move to SD card option is gone with MM.
Sent from my XT1562 using Tapatalk
K.khiladi said:
Move to SD card option is gone with MM.
Sent from my XT1562 using Tapatalk
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Can I use my card as internal but somehow copy my music to it?
Chaotic-Entropy said:
You should be able to set the "Storage Location" in the Downloading section of Google Music's settings screen. Perhaps setting your SD card as internal memory removes your ability to select it though.
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Yeah it does, option is gone with sd card as internal. Hopefully they fix it.
Spacemonkie4207 said:
Can I use my card as internal but somehow copy my music to it?
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The move to SD card option won't be back now until Google wants that and that doesn't seem happening.
You can't do anything with your card once it's formatted as internal storage. The system will automatically decide what to do.
Sent from my XT1562 using Tapatalk
K.khiladi said:
The move to SD card option won't be back now until Google wants that and that doesn't seem happening.
You can't do anything with your card once it's formatted as internal storage. The system will automatically decide what to do.
Sent from my XT1562 using Tapatalk
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I've heard it can kill the SD card very quickly because of cache and number of reads and writes. How much truth is there to this?
Anyone else is having problems formatting his sd card as internal storage in marshmallow? my phone gets stuck at 30% formatting and never finishes, and i tried factory resetting. Formatting as portable storage works just fine.
any ideas?
Just wondering... Which size? I would assume that there could be a max size per partition...
Spacemonkie4207 said:
I've heard it can kill the SD card very quickly because of cache and number of reads and writes. How much truth is there to this?
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Not much, the card might be worn out quicker but your still looking at 3 to 5 years with heavy writes and by that time you will probably have changed phone.
dreinulldrei said:
Just wondering... Which size? I would assume that there could be a max size per partition...
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64 gb, but i've heard people with other devices that managed to make it work with 128gb cards
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About the adoptable storage in Android M and its work description (basing on analysis of upstream AOSP M code i did some time ago; note that there may be little differences depending on changes done by phone vendors for different devices).
There are 2 possible states of external storage (SD card in particular), the second one being available only if it is enabled in device configuration before build:
- portable - only accessible with Storage Access Framework and file browser in Settings app; most of the media apps won't see media files stored on external storage, as media scanner is disabled for this type of storage
- internal - external storage is wiped and encrypted with the same key as the very device (so factory reset will cause data loss, as then encryption key is changed, and after moving the storage to other device it content will be unavailable); this one has two substates
- - data not migrated: apps data and user data is being kept on internal storage; only internal storage is visible via MTP; if I remember correctly, external storage can be used only for moving apps installation on it in this case
- - data migrated: apps data and user data is moved to external storage and it replaces internal storage for user and app data storing; only external storage is visible via MTP (internal storage is used only for keeping system files and apps installations in this case); I would recommend not formatting SD card this way if it has lower capacity than internal storage.
About the issue of never ending formatting as internal: as the data is fully wiped from the card, new filesystem is created, and there is an overhead for encryption, this operation is time consuming. By default there is quite short timeout set for the operation, and if it is hit, formatting as internal will be aborted (leaving card in broken state). I suggest getting very fast card for this use (especially if it has high capacity), so for 128G the ones that people get to work were most probably ones with around 90+MB/s R/W performance.
Spacemonkie4207 said:
Can I use my card as internal but somehow copy my music to it?
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Yes. I was wrong earlier in this post. If you plug your phone into computer then from drop down menu on phone select MTP rather than charge only, you can then see all files on sd card. You should be able to copy files across as usual. Seems to work on mine with adaptive storage enabled. You can only see files on the sd card and not internal memory.
I have bought a 64gb sd card with 90MB/s read and 80 MB/s write. I hope it works now.
I formatted my SD card as internal but ran out of space. Although storage showed I had 50+ GB free I couldn't install anything.
Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk
You can move some apps to sd card which will free up some space on internal. Not all apps give you the option though. I reverted back from adaptive storage.
Apps like Spotify don't save music data to "adopted" SD card. Google Music seems to have similar issue. I keep my music content on the SD card - do that is a bit of an issue for me that Google "hates" my SD card .
Maybe this issue will be resolved in future android/app updates.
One thing - Change your storage for pictures taken through camera to SD card
Also move songs that you download to SD card as they get stored to internal storage.
Dont format your SD card if you want to see the data in your SD card on pc and file managers.
Let the apps install on internal.
Try to move every other data to SD card periodically.
Sent from my XT1562 using Tapatalk
habskilla said:
I formatted my SD card as internal but ran out of space. Although storage showed I had 50+ GB free I couldn't install anything.
Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk
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Thats bonkers, i thought the whole point of adopted storage was you just ended up with one bigger lump of memory.

Internal/SD storage mess

Hi everyone,
I got the latest Moto X as soon as it went public because I loved the idea of Vanilla Android with SD support. I got the 16 GB version and a 64 GB SD. Ever since I got it, the phone has been bugging me about the storage and today I finally gave in. Until today I kept my photos, music and podcasts on my SD card but the internal memory was constantly full and I couldn't install new apps. So I thought formatting the SD card under Android 6 would make it one with the internal storage. It didn't. It made it worse. I can move apps to the SD card but I can't force photos and other media to be saved there. I was hoping for internal-SD continuity and I got a total lack of control. So now I can't receive SMS and I keep having "storage is running out" notification while I still have 60 GB free on my SD card.
What's your take on this? Thanks!
Since this is about SD cards, I'm having another problem to state if OP doesn't mind. On my Moto X, when using exploring (using file explorer) the original sd card I've used for years, many folders do not show up. The same happens to a video player (RockPlayer), where it doesn't show many folders I have on my card (it did when used on my previous Atrix 2). However, when I go to "Storage & USB" and select the card, everything is normal. That means, only when viewing the sd card via "Storage & USB", all folders appear.
However, applications and games (besides gallery) will assume the first situation, where those folders remain invisible. Does anyone know what the problem actually is?
Edit: After checking, it seems that my /sdcard folder is the same as /storage/emulated/0.
Thank you.
MoCML said:
Since this is about SD cards, I'm having another problem to state if OP doesn't mind. On my Moto X, when using exploring (using file explorer) the original sd card I've used for years, many folders do not show up. The same happens to a video player (RockPlayer), where it doesn't show many folders I have on my card (it did when used on my previous Atrix 2). However, when I go to "Storage & USB" and select the card, everything is normal. That means, only when viewing the sd card via "Storage & USB", all folders appear.
However, applications and games (besides gallery) will assume the first situation, where those folders remain invisible. Does anyone know what the problem actually is?
Edit: After checking, it seems that my /sdcard folder is the same as /storage/emulated/0.
Thank you.
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Seems like my sdcard folder is now C601-8353 under Storage folder, along with Emulated and Self folders.
domi_niku said:
Hi everyone,
I got the latest Moto X as soon as it went public because I loved the idea of Vanilla Android with SD support. I got the 16 GB version and a 64 GB SD. Ever since I got it, the phone has been bugging me about the storage and today I finally gave in. Until today I kept my photos, music and podcasts on my SD card but the internal memory was constantly full and I couldn't install new apps. So I thought formatting the SD card under Android 6 would make it one with the internal storage. It didn't. It made it worse. I can move apps to the SD card but I can't force photos and other media to be saved there. I was hoping for internal-SD continuity and I got a total lack of control. So now I can't receive SMS and I keep having "storage is running out" notification while I still have 60 GB free on my SD card.
What's your take on this? Thanks!
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Have you tried using OpenCamera instead? It's free, open source, AND lets you choose where to store the pics. IMHO the picture quality is better too.
You could also move the pics to the card manually after you take them...
TXJim said:
Have you tried using OpenCamera instead? It's free, open source, AND lets you choose where to store the pics. IMHO the picture quality is better too.
You could also move the pics to the card manually after you take them...
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Great call, thanks for the tip.
I haven't had any problems saving photos or other media to my SD card with adoptable storage. This is something you should be able to specify in preferences whether you are using adoptable storage or not. If this doesn't work with some apps just use a file manager to move the files to the SD card.
Sometimes when I move apps to my SD Card, I would get similar messages about being out of space, even though this wasn't the case. Deleting the cache on SD card seemed to fix the problem. There can also be a problem if your SD card is too slow. However, you would probably get an alert if that was the case.
My advise erase it all internal and sd card start from a blank state the phone should give you the option to mount the sd as internal I don't like how it is implemented so I chose not to use it.
For some strange reason my phone will not read my SD card I have it formatted to internal stage and now it says searching for SD card. I'm so mad I've searched all over with no solution, I'm about to get a new phone and scrap this one, sorry I'm just very upset and I had to vent, of anyone knows of this type of issue please share.
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How do you force the camera to use the micro SD card?

I have installed my 64 GB Micro SD card into my Moto Z Force and cannot find a way to force the camera to use it for storage. All other phones I've had (well they were rooted) I could make the camera use the external storage. Am I missing something? Can't figure this one out.
Suggestions appreciated.
From the camera swipe from the left side of tbe screen click storage, click sd card, unless you formatted it as internal then it defaults to it.
LeeMullinsII said:
From the camera swipe from the left side of tbe screen click storage, click sd card, unless you formatted it as internal then it defaults to it.
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Thank you! Been racking my brain trying to find the crazy settings for the camera. Looked for the usual menu items and couldn't find them. Never thought about swiping.
Thanks again!
No problem, it took me a while to find it
