Annoying asus logo in screen - Asus Zenfone Max Questions & Answers

M phone showing an faint annoying logo in the middle of the screen every time.
let me start from the beginning as a lot of things i have done.
My phone as earlier z010d(as shown in about page) 32gb sd615.
bootloader unlocked with official tool and install twrp.(only z010DD twrp worked.)
flashed lineage os 14
stuck at black screen. tried other custom os for z010d still black screen.
then i tried this Z010DD rom
it worked..... , but my volte didnt. My phone is Z010DD not Z010D
Seeing only one rom i decide to roll back stock rom but that also didn't gave volte.
Used flash tool to go back old version still no volte. Tried other stock rom.
update it through asus official update. Somewhere in this process my phone got brick showing qdloader qualcomm hs-usb 9008 :crying:
Searching over the xda i got this
used Qfil to reflash everything.
Now i am getting a strange annoying asus logo screen in my mobile. Searched everywhere but didn't find any similar problem.
Anyone can help me .
and one more thing. checking over AID64 app my system shows 8916 board while 8939 CPU. is this correct? then should i used 8939 rom or 8916 rom?
#update1 : it seems to be hardware problem. the logo become a bit dim, i think it will go away. Now the problem is my network doesnt show. When i search for network it only shows 2g network, no 3g or 4g and when trying to connect it say's failed. What could be the problem?
Flash this in edl mode
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Vikasmahajan said:
Flash this in edl mode
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
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link is not opening..


Touch screen Malfunction after a Screen On / Off event OR using Lock/Unlock button

Model : Yureka A5510 [not plus]
my phone was working perfectly .. no issues at all.. after JIO 4g launch. I read some of the articles to enable VoLTE without using JIOVoice application. I though to enable VoLTE.. and tried to install a firmware for my Yureka A5510.
and I hardbricked my phone. Just redlight blink on top left cornor. NO BOOT, NO FASTBOOT, NO RECOVERY
I googled. and found some article to unbrick by flashing eMMC image on SD card to bring it in to fastboot mode. (using six pins on the motherboard and key comnbination)
finally I am succeed to flash the STOCK firmware by FASTBOOT.
But I lost the IMEI, so NO network.. again googled a lot and I made the IMEI fix with the help of QXDM Tool.
now the problem is with the touch screen. it works fine after a restart untill I press the Lock / unlock button.
After Unlock the touch pointer shows on different locatoin and lower 1/4 part doesn't respond.
I enabled developer mode and enable show touch points... that tells me the location of the touch.
I have same Yureka model YU5510A and i soft bricked my phone when i was flashing VoLte Rom. It's been 1 whole month and i haven't found any solution. i tried flashing through CM recovery and fastboot and YGDP tool but non of it works. I am so pissed off. Did you find any solution bro?

MI A1 Bricked HARD!!!-AlekDev

Hi Guys my MI A1 was bricked i just use the test point to fix and my pc recognized as Qualcomm 9008 so flashed latest 8.0 everything worked but wifi and bt was broken so i decided again to put in EDL and flash it with same firmware after that MI flash shows success but device doesn't turn it jsut keep blinking led and goes to EDL everytime i connect to PC...tried with Nougat and Oreo firmwares same...i checked logs and saysthat device is successfully flashed and rebooted...but nothing just black screen and blinking led..Can anyone Help me?I can't send to Service because i will need to wait 1 month also i opened the back cover so i lost the warranty.....:crying::crying:
did you try to flash with qfil or only mi flash ?
I'm not sure but may you ask Cosmic Dan he was planing to do an unbrick guide and he mentioned files which you can use with qfil to unbrick your device. I don't know how far he is with it.
But if you did manage to unbrick so far and only BT and WiFi is your issue aren't there several fix guides for the persist partition ?
For my personal experience after I had to unbrick my old n6p I had the same issue after flashing. Phone stays black and led just blinking. Try to long pressing power, or other button combinations while plugg and unplugging USB to pc and I mean really long pressing the buttons. It sounds a bit weired but my n6p came back and booted as usual.
I'm sry, but I can't tell you the right combination because I tried so much that time, because it was my only phone.
Good luck !
Bro if You Have A Backup Of Your phone Then flash It.
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Qfil doesn't work because we have A/B Partition Layout....i have backup of my partitions that's not issue....
How much battery had you left at flashing ? May its just drained and not able to boot. Sometimes it's the stupid and simple things. If you have partition backups you should be able to fix your WiFi and BT.
coremania said:
How much battery had you left at flashing ? May its just drained and not able to boot. Sometimes it's the stupid and simple things. If you have partition backups you should be able to fix your WiFi and BT.
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Alek Dev said:
Hi Guys i ws experimenting something with my device so i bricked fully i just use the test point to fix and my pc recognized as Qualcomm 9008 so flashed latest 8.0 everything worked but wifi and bt was broken so i decided again to put in EDL and flash it with same firmware after that MI flash shows success but device doesn't turn it jsut keep blinking led and goes to EDL everytime i connect to PC...tried with Nougat and Oreo firmwares same...i checked logs and saysthat device is successfully flashed and rebooted...but nothing just black screen and blinking led..Can anyone Help me?I can't send to Service because i will need to wait 1 month also i opened the back cover so i lost the warranty.....:crying::crying:
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You can get it back. You have lost the Wifi and Bluetooth (Mac Address files). You can boot your phone if it is in edl mode. Just press the Power Button for more than 30-40 seconds. Your phone will boot. If possible, try to stick the back cover and show it to service center. They will change your phone's motherboard! They don't know about edl and everything! They only change internal parts! :good:
birarvindersingh said:
You can get it back. You have lost the Wifi and Bluetooth (Mac Address files). You can boot your phone if it is in edl mode. Just press the Power Button for more than 30-40 seconds. Your phone will boot. If possible, try to stick the back cover and show it to service center. They will change your phone's motherboard! They don't know about edl and everything! They only change internal parts! :good:
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Yes Go service centre When Your phone in warrenty.
Sent from my [device_name] using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Try updating your drivers. Happened to me once, MiFlash didn't detect it, but driver MANUAL update helped.
If u r using Mac Then Try in windows with Fastboot Rom.
Phone sent to Service Center....hopefully they will repair with my warranty,So No releases/No Builds around 1 month
After lot of waiting (FROM 23 MAY) this is what i got from my service center
"The phone is stuck in EDL Mode due to improper use and serious damage from all sides. The same after a service overview and software installation could not be turned on or raised (shows no signs). The service order states that if you want to service, you will be offered an offer to change the motherboard. Greeting"
After that they tell me this"
"Otherwise, changing the motherboard with a working hand would be around 182 USD. Greeting"
i don't have that money it's too much expensive for me so i'm without any phone....
Alek Dev said:
Qfil doesn't work because we have A/B Partition Layout....i have backup of my partitions that's not issue....
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I restored my Mi A1 at least 3 times with QFIL, not a problem.
meltbanana said:
I restored my Mi A1 at least 3 times with QFIL, not a problem.
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What version of QFIL? What OS did you have? what firmware did you use? or you have made backup with qfil then restore it? if you have that will be good to send me at least i can try it ....i ussually get this error dmssfail with QFIL.....ty
Alek Dev said:
What version of QFIL? What OS did you have? what firmware did you use? or you have made backup with qfil then restore it? if you have that will be good to send me at least i can try it ....i ussually get this error dmssfail with QFIL.....ty
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Windows 10 Pro, QFIL latest (2.7 or so), I used the latest stock ROM (tissot_images_V9.5.11.0.ODHMIFA_8.0) provided by Xiaomi.
I can only recommend to extract a ROM to a path close to your volume root, for example D:\Temp\tissot_images_V9.5.11.0.ODHMIFA_8.0.
By using deeper paths you'll probably get errors. Flat build. :good:
meltbanana said:
Windows 10 Pro, QFIL latest (2.7 or so), I used the latest stock ROM (tissot_images_V9.5.11.0.ODHMIFA_8.0) provided by Xiaomi.
I can only recommend to extract a ROM to a path close to your volume root, for example D:\Temp\tissot_images_V9.5.11.0.ODHMIFA_8.0.
By using deeper paths you'll probably get errors. Flat build. :good:
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Thanks when i get the phone back from my carrier i will try it and post here
@meltbanana What Drivers did you use? some link?
Alek Dev said:
@meltbanana What Drivers did you use? some link?
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I used the drivers provided by QFIL. Btw. flashing a flat build by QFIL recreates the partition layout, it really doesn't care about two system partitions.
Flashed EDL mode when I went back from treblizing earlier without going back to stock partition layout in first place.
Qualcomm Flash Image Loader handled it flawlessly to restore the standard gpt provided by rawprogram0.xml .
meltbanana said:
I used the drivers provided by QFIL. Btw. flashing a flat build by QFIL recreates the partition layout, it really doesn't care about two system partitions.
Flashed EDL mode when I went back from treblizing earlier without going back to stock partition layout in first place.
Qualcomm Flash Image Loader handled it flawlessly to restore the standard gpt provided by rawprogram0.xml .
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So it restores the partition layout right? Also can you provide me link of QFIL?
Alek Dev said:
So it restores the partition layout right? Also can you provide me link of QFIL?
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true, it restores the default partition layout, please pick one, that's what I used:
and here's the ROM link provided by Xiaomi:

Need some help interesting problem

Phone won't turn on
Bootloder mode is running
Fastboot mode rom loading
After rebooting, the leeco is waiting for 15s on the boot screen, and then the black screen and the notification light turn blue.
The same applies in EDL mode
Loading recovery with Fastboot
blackboard and blue notification light are on again
(sorry for my bad english)
(computer phone with black screen and blue led light
qualcomm hs-usb diagnostics 900e)
ceylin45 said:
Phone won't turn on
Bootloder mode is running
Fastboot mode rom loading
After rebooting, the leeco is waiting for 15s on the boot screen, and then the black screen and the notification light turn blue.
The same applies in EDL mode
Loading recovery with Fastboot
blackboard and blue notification light are on again
(sorry for my bad english)
(computer phone with black screen and blue led light
qualcomm hs-usb diagnostics 900e)
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Try putting the phone into fastboot and use the All in One tool to check to see if the boot loader is still unlocked, sometimes you can flash something that will relock the bootloader and you will get the blue light, which can also mean that the battery is almost dead.
if you can unlock or it shows that it is unlocked, try flashing recovery with All In One tool. If successful Reboot to power off and fully charge phone then wipe and reinstall your rom etc.
I just browsed your history, you flashed Jui and the recent Miui roms ( Pie) Anybody else reading stay away from those roms they are poorly made As is the JUI rom that @ceylin45 flashed.
I am pretty sure that the Jui rom or maybe even the Miui Rom uses the S1 bootloader, and that your issue is because you now have a locked S1 bootloader on your phone,
If I am remembering correctly, another XDA user had this exact issue. Caused by flashing a JUI rom.
If you can not unlock it or flash the correct EUI bootloader your only option will be using EUI for the S1, and unfortunately you will never be able to flash a custom rom again, you will be permanently stuck with EUI. This happened a few months ago to a user named Noel, he sold his phone as is.
Thank you very much for your interest.
do you know s1 eui connection i can use
Thank you...
ceylin45 said:
Thank you very much for your interest.
do you know s1 eui connection i can use
Thank you...
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Unfortunately I don't have the guys details, (The guy who flashed the S1 version of EUI) He had the exact same issue that you are now having and he was able to get EUI working, that is what he told us.
I will look around and get back with you
Okay I am back
I found the conversation with that guy on Telegram, but I don't think he uses telegram anymore.You can go here and read his posts :
He posted an image, of the files that he extracted from a S1 fastboot rom and pasted those into the leeco Qfil ( If I am remembering correctly. ) A few days later he told me that he got the phone working again by flashing RUI for the S1 which can be found on 4PDA here :
Use Google translate and search this thread and you should find some discussions about using the S1 EUI to resolve your issue. Quite a few people apparently had that exact issue a couple of years ago. Again this is all from memory, and I didn't write anything in my notes because I don't have a coolpad. However, I am pretty sure that this will probably help you with at least getting EUI working.
Good luck.
I updated what I wrote, so I am pinging you in case you didn't see it.
Thank you
I will search

device bricked by itself..? unable to boot or charge

i shut down my device by tapping power off. then removed sim card and sd card after screen went black. but when i tried to power on, it doesnt respond.. i tried holding the power button for 10s, it gives me a black screen and vibrates and instantly closes again.. so i cant boot into recovery, i cant boot to fastboot, and its unreadable on pc, it doesnt charge, no bootlogo, nothing. just bricked..
i dont know why, but it just bricked by itself.. i've been using mokee 9 date of 1/1/2020 thats the last update i installed, with add on su and everything was working perfectly and even if i reboot multiple times..
bootloader was unlocked so xiaomi centers wont help me..
how is it possible to make it boot again? i mean like wtf even happened? i did nothing.. i didnt flash anything and system was READ ONLY before powering off.. all i did was remove sim and sd cards... even after flashing mokee updates yesterday, it booted normally and idk what's going on..
any help?
EDIT: the phone's hard disk IC was damaged. I went to a tech guy and he changed it but then the motherboard broke entirely after flashing the qcn file for imei. Device out of warranty of course because of the damn bootloader. Thank you xiaomi for the great phone that only lasted one month before dying completely.
attempt 2
in attempt 1 i tried force reboot as mentioned, didnt work
attempt 2 : i tried force reboot while plugged to pc, this showed up
attempt 3
i tried to flash a new firmware, but device unreadable. must be on fastboot mode for mi flasher to be able to read it. im starting to lose hope.. the device is new though it makes me sad
on some topic of a bricked phone online, someone mentioned that he should try EDL mode, by cmd command FASTBOOT OEM EDL
so i tried it many times until it said successful. but still didnt fix anything, because it didnt actually boot into EDL mode, had to open my device physically and use test points. so attempt 4 failed
does this mean fastboot works?
after attempt 4, it said successful so if fastboot works like that then i can flash stock boot.img or something.. right? which image should i start with
boody shaban said:
on some topic of a bricked phone online, someone mentioned that he should try EDL mode, by cmd command FASTBOOT OEM EDL
so i tried it many times until it said successful. but still didnt fix anything. so attempt 4 failed
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this is the forum of the bricked phone similar to mine, except that i didnt try any flash like him it just happened randomly
attempt 5
attempt 5 failed, i tried flashing whole firmware one by one, i started with vbmeta, then recovery but it failed. idk what to do
i have noticed that it only flashes small img files, if its 100kb or more it will fail. maybe due to device restart because the only way to make it read in fastboot mode is to force restart multiple times until it flashes. what to do now?
attempt 6
so according to this video
he installed a driver (name in attachment) then refreshed on mi flash so his device became readable on mi flasher
i tried that but it didnt work.
final attempt.. out of hope
found the possible solution. its called a deep flash cable, i will just go to any tech guy and ask him for help.
see attachment for info.
boody shaban said:
found the possible solution. its called a deep flash cable, i will just go to any tech guy and ask him for help.
see attachment for info.
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In order to enter test point / EDL / 9008 mode, you have to physically open your device and connect two points on the phone's board. Search on YouTube for Redmi 7a EDL. If you get to EDL mode, you can flash original stock firmware via MiFlash.
Reason for brick
cg730620 said:
In order to enter test point / EDL / 9008 mode, you have to physically open your device and connect two points on the phone's board. Search on YouTube for Redmi 7a EDL. If you get to EDL mode, you can flash original stock firmware via MiFlash.
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Yes, I hate tearing up my device so I took it to a professional. He failed to open ADL but he did the 9008. Now he waits some kind of credit. Not sure if for the app to work or for the bootloader to unlock, although it was already unlocked but maybe somehow got locked..
Any way, expected reason for brick is either latest magisk module, or kernel tweaks..
I gave the device to a professional, but he also failed to flash it even with test point. He said he was searching for a file.. I dont remember its name, something like IMOH..
Now I need to know any possible reason that might brick my phone again to avoid it
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cg730620 said:
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The app he used was called ultimate multi tools
test point attempt failed
i did the test point, booted to 9008 mode but still nothing.
i think i know why the phone got bricked by itself, it got ARB stands for AUTOROLLBACK
read more about it here
bootloader got automatically locked again.
Never lock the bootloader if:
- your phone was delivered Chinese version and you flashed Global firmware
- your phone was delivered Global version and you flashed Chinese firmware
- you changed system, vendor, boot or recovery partition
- you installed a custom or modified stock rom
ARB isn't an issue with this phone I suppose. Because I was on 11.0.5 and rolled back to 10.2.5 without problems.
Have you tried MiFlash Pro?
See here:
---------- Post added at 04:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 AM ----------
boody shaban said:
i did the test point, booted to 9008 mode but still nothing.
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It seems that error is related to your computer. Reinstall drivers and MiFlash.
QDLoader Drivers:
ADB driver:
Read about a similar problem here:
cg730620 said:
Never lock the bootloader if:
- your phone was delivered Chinese version and you flashed Global firmware
- your phone was delivered Global version and you flashed Chinese firmware
- you changed system, vendor, boot or recovery partition
- you installed a custom or modified stock rom
ARB isn't an issue with this phone I suppose. Because I was on 11.0.5 and rolled back to 10.2.5 without problems.
Have you tried MiFlash Pro?
See here:
---------- Post added at 04:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 AM ----------
It seems that error is related to your computer. Reinstall drivers and MiFlash.
QDLoader Drivers:
ADB driver:
Read about a similar problem here:
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but im sure i have all drivers installed in fact i used mi flash more than once and it worked perfectly fine, and i swear i didnt try to lock it or anything, what happened is, mokee auto updates installed add on magisk and it was the latest version so i think this might have bricked it. idk..
ok i downloed all the drivers and reinstalled them, same error : "library not registered"

Max Pro M2 Stucks On Asus Logo

After updating the fota of 0.73 pie my device runs smoothly till two days ..
After that it suddenly got switched off and then i tried to tun it on ..but it did not on it stucks on asus logo...
Even i tried to go through recovery..but it cannot go to recovery restarts again and again...
Stucks on asus logo
I tried to flash but it says flashing is not allowed in lock state.
Then i tried to unlock the bootloader but it says the same erro...flshng,,,,,,, lock state..
When i tried to flash through QFIL Tool an error occurs..sahara server fail.
Sahara packet is not recvng frm the device.
I also tried UMT TOOL.but same..
ONLY CSC fastboot mode iscworking...
Pls help me to recover my device again...
saeed0159 said:
After updating the fota of 0.73 pie my device runs smoothly till two days ..
After that it suddenly got switched off and then i tried to tun it on ..but it did not on it stucks on asus logo...
Even i tried to go through recovery..but it cannot go to recovery restarts again and again...
Stucks on asus logo
I tried to flash but it says flashing is not allowed in lock state.
Then i tried to unlock the bootloader but it says the same erro...flshng,,,,,,, lock state..
When i tried to flash through QFIL Tool an error occurs..sahara server fail.
Sahara packet is not recvng frm the device.
I also tried UMT TOOL.but same..
ONLY CSC fastboot mode iscworking...
Pls help me to recover my device again...
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Several other users have also reported bricking their devices with the 073 update. Also they seem to have tried every possible method to resolve it but failed. Service center is the last resolution now.
Mine also got the same issue . I checked with the service center .They are saying motherboard problem .
mathi_mj said:
Mine also got the same issue . I checked with the service center .They are saying motherboard problem .
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What's the cost for repairing?
Anyone can help me.
My Asus zenfone max pro m2 device has been stuck on the asus logo.
I was updated from April security patch from ota update by Asus.
After stuck on asus logo then stock recovery options are gone.
Fastboot command also not working.
When I try to fix this problem from Qfil then qfil show sahara server faild.
What I do in this lockdown please help me...?
anp_chandan said:
Anyone can help me.
My Asus zenfone max pro m2 device has been stuck on the asus logo.
I was updated from April security patch from ota update by Asus.
After stuck on asus logo then stock recovery options are gone.
Fastboot command also not working.
When I try to fix this problem from Qfil then qfil show sahara server faild.
What I do in this lockdown please help me...?
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Unfortunately service center is the only hope now. Stock rom updates starting from pie 73 is doing this to the devices.
Also in the same boat, tried everything.
Got in touch with local official support, they're also saying that all I can do is to pay for repairs (aka replacement of entire motherboard, so basically buying a new phone), which costs more than a new Max Pro M2 used to. It's crazy.
And the issue seems to be spreading. Are they really going to ignore this?
Looks like in India though they ARE offering free replacements.
