Xz premium .145 TWRP+root+from fix - Sony Xperia XZ Premium Guides, News, & Discussion

Hey guys here it is drm fix for free.
1.download TWRP here https://dl.twrp.me/maple/twrp-3.2.1-0-maple.img.html put device into fastboot mode and install twrp.
2.download kernel for your device in here:
And download drm fix here:link:https://mega.nz/#!LRoFkSDA!bOsnRRE1gRpAZ0su-bZMfUjvMB7aRkLEc3V63bOuKnM
And of course you must download magisk too go in to recovery by press vol down+power when phone is off.then flash kernel and then magisk an then drm fix and you done it.
Give me a thanks if you find that useful.

that's what I call a real XDA post, a post of community sharing and support, as in the good old days! it's nice to see that! fortunately there are still people like you! I appreciate ! :good::laugh:

Did someone test it and can give me a feedback? I'm a little afraid to brick my mobile^^

i did all the steps now the camera won't take a picture at all ? any thoughts

davethemac2016 said:
i did all the steps now the camera won't take a picture at all ? any thoughts
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Yeah same here, TWRP works a treat but the stock camera app wont take a picture so not even as far as a green pic lol
Tried other camera apps also like Camera FV-5 but same issue..
So the DRM fix kernal is exclusive for either G8141 or G8142
but the DRM patch fixes both G8141 & G8142 phones?
Can someone confirm please

netwave said:
Yeah same here, TWRP works a treat but the stock camera app wont take a picture so not even as far as a green pic lol
Tried other camera apps also like Camera FV-5 but same issue..
So the DRM fix kernal is exclusive for either G8141 or G8142
but the DRM patch fixes both G8141 & G8142 phones?
Can someone confirm please
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my guess is G8141 as i have the dual sim and it did not work same issues as you i did also reflash my phone that did not help either

davethemac2016 said:
my guess is G8141 as i have the dual sim and it did not work same issues as you i did also reflash my phone that did not help either
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I flashed the G8141 file for my single sim phone
---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------
Sorted the issue...
The DRM fix download link from above was the problem, If you get the latest XperiFIX tool you can get your camera working on the latest firmware build as I just did.
Although to date XperiFIX does not work for me as a standalone tool the latest build in the settings tab has a list of supported devices with links to the TWRP images, DRM XperiFIX files etc.
Just copy & paste your phones column to notepad & seperate the links, your looking for the XperiFIX.zip link
Being that the DRM XperiFIX kernel belongs to STORM it's better to just buy the latest tool, rather than me share his work & cut his profits.
Thanks Blackghosthm for this useful post, it helped me figure out the problem I've had since unlocking my bootloader

netwave said:
I flashed the G8141 file for my single sim phone
---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------
Sorted the issue...
The DRM fix download link from above was the problem, If you get the latest XperiFIX tool you can get your camera working on the latest firmware build as I just did.
Although to date XperiFIX does not work for me as a standalone tool the latest build in the settings tab has a list of supported devices with links to the TWRP images, DRM XperiFIX files etc.
Just copy & paste your phones column to notepad & seperate the links, your looking for the XperiFIX.zip link
Being that the DRM XperiFIX kernel belongs to STORM it's better to just buy the latest tool, rather than me share his work & cut his profits.
Thanks Blackghosthm for this useful post, it helped me figure out the problem I've had since unlocking my bootloader
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i got it fixed download these too and flash in twrp make sure your on .145

davethemac2016 said:
i did all the steps now the camera won't take a picture at all ? any thoughts
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Dude I'm used g8142 kernel and it works perfectly.im not used g8141 but I flashed g8141 too and this works even on my device.

I used 2 different files in the storm thread and they worked the files up above didn't work for me or another person don't know why but I have it now. Kudos to the free solution provided much appreciated

davethemac2016 said:
I used 2 different files in the storm thread and they worked the files up above didn't work for me or another person don't know why but I have it now. Kudos to the free solution provided much appreciated
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I personally used them and they worked and as I know miustone stock rom use this kernel too.

Blackghosthm said:
Hey guys here it is drm fix for free.
1.download TWRP here https://dl.twrp.me/maple/twrp-3.2.1-0-maple.img.html put device into fastboot mode and install twrp.
2.download kernel for your device in here:
And download drm fix here:link:https://mega.nz/#!LRoFkSDA!bOsnRRE1gRpAZ0su-bZMfUjvMB7aRkLEc3V63bOuKnM
And of course you must download magisk too go in to recovery by press vol down+power when phone is off.then flash kernel and then magisk an then drm fix and you done it.
Give me a thanks if you find that useful.
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kernel not compatible with magisk 16.4

karrouma said:
kernel not compatible with magisk 16.4
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Well it's my kernel, and magisk 16.4 is working fine with it. What's not compatible?

shoey63 said:
Well it's my kernel, and magisk 16.4 is working fine with it. What's not compatible?
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God bootloop.
I have dual sim version , when turning on the phone takes long on xperia logo the bkack screen with magisk 16.4
With 16.3 works fine

karrouma said:
God bootloop.
I have dual sim version , when turning on the phone takes long on xperia logo the bkack screen with magisk 16.4
With 16.3 works fine
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A little confused by the variety of responses. So, it's just Magisk 16.4 that isn't compatible with 8142? Just trying to sort out which circumstances work. I have the 8142 and am looking for a simple way to patch the DRM issues without going too far from stock.

ultyrunner said:
A little confused by the variety of responses. So, it's just Magisk 16.4 that isn't compatible with 8142? Just trying to sort out which circumstances work. I have the 8142 and am looking for a simple way to patch the DRM issues without going too far from stock.
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Kernel not comoatible with latest magisk.
U can use 16.3
For DRM use storm fix

shoey63 said:
Well it's my kernel, and magisk 16.4 is working fine with it. What's not compatible?
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OK, so I'm on the dual SIM G8142 and I'm trying to sort out my DRM patch and wanting to keep things stock. I tried JanJan's fix and didn't work for me and the Turbo ROM has a few too many tweaks for me. I'm on the latest 145 with only TWRP installed, no root or other customizations.
Will this be problematic with the dual SIM version?

Working 100%
NO green pics , Magisk 16.4
xzp dual (G8142) Custormized CE1 .145
1.enter into TWRP
2.install AndroPlusKernel v12 for drmpatch
3.install Magisk 16.4
4.install the drmpatch
5.Wipe cache & dalvik

g4500ok said:
Working 100%
NO green pics , Magisk 16.4
xzp dual (G8142) Custormized CE1 .145
1.enter into TWRP
2.install AndroPlusKernel v12 for drmpatch
3.install Magisk 16.4
4.install the drmpatch
5.Wipe cache & dalvik
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Working xzp (G8141) Stock rom.145
2. G8141-145drmfix-kernel. zip
3. Magisk 16.4
4. drmpatch
5. Wipe chace & dalvik
If the camera does not work, install XperiFIX Woala!

Sir I am more concern what will happened in next update?
shoey63 is no longer gonna patch kernels via xperfix in support of //storm
so the maple kernel you have given is actually made by him for his modded rom ....


[Prerooted flashable zip][23.0.1.A.4.44][deodex][(CustomizedTW) for Z2 tablet SGP511]

Here is flasable zip file wich install latest ROM 23.0.1.A.4.44 which this time is customized TW, latest stable SuperSu v2.37 and latest beta Dualrecovery .154 for Tablet Z2 with read/write acces to system.
This is still KitKat update not Lollipop.
This is tested and works just fine though make nandroid backup before flashing.
Install it by flashing whole zip file with custom recovery. Wipes aren´t necessary but good practise.
Here is the link: https://mega.co.nz/#!JMJTGRSQ!3iFfopo_fAzdz-8S7vO4Km__yaR3HJQ0qhketuRZKmc
Deodex patch for above rom to those who want to use modifications which are made only for deodexed rom´s.
This is tested and works just fine but make nandroid backup before flashing.
Install deodex patch by:
- flashing deodex.zip file in custom recovery,
- don´t reboot to system but wipe at least dalvik-cache,
- reboot to system.
Here is the link to deodex patch: https://mega.co.nz/#!kIAygRyY!kYLzorXHJACwFC_NL5qjkWseWNfnFs7BitPwYf4dM34
Update Installed and working fine everything's okay, thank you so much
Sony Xperia Tablet Z2 (511)
Bootloader Status: Unlockeable (Actually locked for warranty reasons)
Root: Yes
R/W system: Yes
Issue: Doesn't turn off..... when I try to turn it off it stays in "Turning off"
rokrd1579 said:
Update Installed and working fine everything's okay, thank you so much
Sony Xperia Tablet Z2 (511)
Bootloader Status: Unlockeable (Actually locked for warranty reasons)
Root: Yes
R/W system: Yes
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You are welcome.
rokrd1579 said:
Issue: Doesn't turn off..... when I try to turn it off it stays in "Turning off"
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I don't have this problem. Mine shuts down normally.
Lol. I just finished installing your 4.30 update and logged in to see this update. It worked fine by the way. Off to install this slightly newer update now!
This newer version works fine on my UK sgp512. Few changes to device and region in build.prop. Sony covers works fine for sleep and wake too.
Thanks very much for sharing this kulvertti. Much better than an ftf.
Thanks for this been waiting for root on this fw any chance you can deodex
Thanks a lot, works great as always!
It works well, it just unlocking via BT is still not functioning as it should.
Thank you all for your kind words. Haven't got time to deodex it yet but most likely near future. @rokrd1579 maybe it's because of some app or xposed module which do something to your power management?
Jeddix said:
I don't have this problem. Mine shuts down normally.
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How did you install it? I cant solve this issue and i really want this update, also, I have notice that it gets more hot than previous version (4.4.2)
I installed it with Philz recovery and flashed it over the previous version without wiping.
RJASSI21 said:
Thanks for this been waiting for root on this fw any chance you can deodex
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Deodex patch added to op.
kulvertti said:
Deodex patch added to op.
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Yay ok thank you will flash it later
kulvertti said:
Deodex patch added to op.
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Doesnt work says install aborted bad zip
---------- Post added at 10:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 PM ----------
Can I manually push app framework and priv-app folder with correct permisions?
RJASSI21 said:
Doesnt work says install aborted bad zip
---------- Post added at 10:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 PM ----------
Can I manually push app framework and priv-app folder with correct permisions?
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Sorry to hear mate. Works fine here. Check MD5, it should be 1773c47febff57046e9f45657f5d9e1c. Also which custom recovery you are using? I used TWRP and checked again that uploaded deodex zip works correctly.
Never tryed what you are suggesting so I don´t know, but I doubt it will work.
kulvertti said:
Sorry to hear mate. Works fine here. Check MD5, it should be 1773c47febff57046e9f45657f5d9e1c. Also which custom recovery you are using? I used TWRP and checked again that uploaded deodex zip works correctly.
Never tryed what are suggesting so I don´t know, but I doubt it will work.
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Ok i was using philz touch so ill try TWRP
Thanks for the ROM, I successfully installed this on a SGP512 tablet.
Now when looking in Settings > About tablet it shows up as a SGP511. Just curious how can I change this to SP512 again? Do I need to edit build.prop for this?
rosco_pc said:
Thanks for the ROM, I successfully installed this on a SGP512 tablet.
Now when looking in Settings > About tablet it shows up as a SGP511. Just curious how can I change this to SP512 again? Do I need to edit build.prop for this?
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You are welcome. That's correct. Edit build.prop.
just loaded this on my 512 and it works great! changed build.prop to reflect my model and its good to go.

OnePlusX OxygenOS 3.1.1 Looks like a Rollout!

Looks Like OxygenOS 3.1.1 is Rolling out for the OnePlus X :victory:
What's new:
Added ability to move apps to SD card
Improved touch responsiveness, speed, and accuracy
Improved HFR setting in video capture
Implemented September Android security patches
General bug fixes
OnePlus X OxygenOS 3.1.1 Community Build2016-09-06
Official Link (DOWN)
OnePlus has Nuked the Download link as Reason that there is a Chance to Brick your Device.
Link thanks to: arunmohan16
Type on Google:
OnePlus X OxygenOS 3.1.1 Community Build | Downloads - OnePlus.net
if you not Trust me.
I was able to Download it some Minutes ago!
I do not have a Clue why its not working now.
What's new:
Added ability to move apps to SD card
Improved touch responsiveness, speed, and accuracy
Improved HFR setting in video capture
Implemented September Android security patches
General bug fixes
http://s3.amazonaws.com/oxygenos.oneplus.net/OnePlusXOxygen_14_OTA_016_all_201609061919_f30a2930303341a7.zip Download link. Since oneplus has nuked the link to the rom, it may contain serious bugs which may brick your device.
arunmohan16 said:
http://s3.amazonaws.com/oxygenos.oneplus.net/OnePlusXOxygen_14_OTA_016_all_201609061919_f30a2930303341a7.zip Download link. Since oneplus has nuked the link to the rom, it may contain serious bugs which may brick your device.
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Just tried it and works perfectly fine..really cant make out the difference between the previous release and this though
doomwithdon said:
Just tried it and works perfectly fine..really cant make out the difference between the previous release and this though
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Charging is still slow? Can you check it please?
Can we flash it through TWRP and still retain the custom recovery?
Sachin7843 said:
Can we flash it through TWRP and still retain the custom recovery?
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That's the important question. I want to also know :good:
vasu1312 said:
That's the important question. I want to also know :good:
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I don't know work around for when the device gets bricked and OPX is also my daily driver so I cant try it.. Hope a developer finds a way to get TWRP working for this build
Still no mention on VoLTE?
flashed 3.1.1 (from 3.1.0) build with twrp and everything is ok for now... Twrp still works and no brick device (maybe it will brick later )
how is the high frame rate in video working out?
somin.n said:
flashed 3.1.1 (from 3.1.0) build with twrp and everything is ok for now... Twrp still works and no brick device (maybe it will brick later )
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which TWRP ? bluespark or official TWRP?
Sent from my ONE E1005 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Hehe you fool read first page
viruz1225 said:
Sent from my ONE E1005 using XDA-Developers mobile app
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BTW here it is http://s3.amazonaws.com/oxygenos.one...30303341a7.zip
---------- Post added at 10:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 PM ----------
viruz1225 said:
Sent from my ONE E1005 using XDA-Developers mobile app
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bro search little bit
---------- Post added at 10:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 PM ----------
just flashed oos 3.1.1 and gestures is not working for me and voLTE support is still missing
What's about the root? I've updated it but I lost the root. I got it again with Kingroot but I cannot replace it with SuperSU (as I made it with last version) and I can't make xposed work...
Enviado desde mi ONE E1003 mediante Tapatalk
Use supersu me to replace king root with su.
Omicron Technics
somin.n said:
flashed 3.1.1 (from 3.1.0) build with twrp and everything is ok for now... Twrp still works and no brick device (maybe it will brick later )
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Flashed Super Su?
Root and Xposed both working . Gestures working and everything else . Not sure what has changed yet.
vasu1312 said:
which TWRP ? bluespark or official TWRP?
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of course the one from eng.stk
prarun2030 said:
Flashed Super Su?
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yes, but have to use Modified SuperSU v2.78 TWRP flashable zip from this thread
Risolved problem with Google duo?
Audio out broken
Inviato dal mio ONE E1003 utilizzando Tapatalk

stock debloted rom by franco28

I found stock debloted rom by franco28
Anyone have tried thus rom? Will it affect volte nd 4g connectivity?
karan3660 said:
I found stock debloted rom by franco28
Anyone have tried thus rom? Will it affect volte nd 4g connectivity?
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I tried this ... everything is fine I had 4g +LTE but no volte ?
Running it on my Potter. Zero issues! If you want magisk to work properly flash f2fs loopback module and safety net fix after flashing magisk and you're good to go!
Ok thnxx guys
Done flashing this rom had 4g + volte
Waiting for oreo now ?
Link ?
InsaneNexuS said:
Running it on my Potter. Zero issues! If you want magisk to work properly flash f2fs loopback module and safety net fix after flashing magisk and you're good to go!
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magisk is already included in aroma installer either you install it or skip it ?
---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:49 PM ----------
frostarun said:
Link ?
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download the latest one https://franco28.github.io/stockrom/
ayad.phonex said:
magisk is already included in aroma installer either you install it or skip it ?
---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:49 PM ----------
download the latest one https://franco28.github.io/stockrom/
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Yes magisk is in the installer but to get modules working to you have to flash what I mentioned
I haven't rooted so no need for any files ?
Installed this yesterday, pretty happy with the premise and experience so far. I just want custom stock rom, slightly debloated and latest updates. Battery is already better than the previous Oreo build I tried. Only really lose gcam, differences in Oreo don't really seem that great.
Is this the best close to stock option out there? Was surprised no developer thread.
Only issue I've found is Netflix isn't showing up for me in the Play Store, any thoughts there?
seanpr123 said:
Only issue I've found is Netflix isn't showing up for me in the Play Store, any thoughts there?
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You're probably failing safety net. Get a safety net checker and see what the result is. You'd probably have to use magisk and magisk hide to see it. Other option is to just download the apk from apkmirror and install manually.
Running a custom kernel working out good for anyone?
This is why the battery life is so good.
InsaneNexuS said:
Running it on my Potter. Zero issues! If you want magisk to work properly flash f2fs loopback module and safety net fix after flashing magisk and you're good to go!
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Hey can we dirty flash the june patch over the previous? If u know anything abt this?
NeoandGeo said:
This is why the battery life is so good.
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Custom kernel?
That was with the included original kernel for the ROM.
karan3660 said:
Hey can we dirty flash the june patch over the previous? If u know anything abt this?
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From my experience I couldn't dirty flash. The dev always wants everyone to clean flash unfortunately
NeoandGeo said:
That was with the included original kernel for the ROM.
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Did u try latest version
Moto display doesnt work for me..
How difficult would it be to create a debloated version of NPNS25.137-93-10? That is the version on my phone (RETUS) and I love it overall, but can't stand the bloat. I have Froze those apps that I don't need or use but it would be nice to remove them. I don't care for most of the apps that supposedly remove system apps for you because they are usually full of ads and often screw things up for me. Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to debloat it?

How to install xposed beta-3 on 47.1.A.12.270!

The current firmware version is 47.1.A.12.270
Browse to this thread, made by machao44
Create an account and go to ROM下载地址 section, browse to the baidu link and download three files:
the 235 zip file (which is system firmware without the system partition), the xposed fix, and the m-rom.
Flash 235 with newflasher (150mb)
flash twrp
flash the rom through twrp, its 270 (1.5gb)
flash xposed
flash xposedfix
for g8141 users:
go to m-rom system/build.prop, open it with notepad++, replace ctrl-h all things maple-dsds with maple and all g8142 to g8141, save it and copy it back to the rom before flashing.
flash janjan kernel 270 only, no need zip 2~4 it only slows down performance, and then flash supersu after kernel
-flashed full 270
-installed JanJan's .270 GLOBAL kernel and twrp via adb (!!!!) before even booting first
-booted into twrp
-flashed: the FW itself (aroma installer), Xposed (90v3), Gapps (i need'em), debloater, Xposed Fix
-started. Took ~5 minutes for the first start
Is this some sort of joke? I cannot download the larger files without the Baidu app (Windows PC) and I cannot read Mandarin/Cantonese so cannot create an account to use it.
I appreciate your efforts, but can you not provide the files here or on some other host where we can get them from?
Mobfigurz said:
Is this some sort of joke?
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LOL. I have a Chinese Girlfriend. She helped me with the Baidu. That's how you do it... LOL.
But, lol, you should've just looked around for longer.
Here you go:
-google: firmware, xposed-fix
-yandex: firmware
saved-j said:
LOL. I have a Chinese Girlfriend. She helped me with the Baidu. That's how you do it... LOL.
But, lol, you should've just looked around for longer.
Here you go:
-google: firmware, xposed-fix
-yandex: firmware
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Lucky man and thank you for providing the links, very much appreciated.
Quick question, I know this is stated for. 270 but would this work for. 235?
Mobfigurz said:
Is this some sort of joke? I cannot download the larger files without the Baidu app (Windows PC) and I cannot read Mandarin/Cantonese so cannot create an account to use it.
I appreciate your efforts, but can you not provide the files here or on some other host where we can get them from?
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The owner asked not to share it so thats why
https://www.coolapk.com/apk/com.baidu.netdisk if you use this you can get it on android and it has download manager built in
Mobfigurz said:
Lucky man and thank you for providing the links, very much appreciated.
Quick question, I know this is stated for. 270 but would this work for. 235?
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If you have firmware and flash 270 m rom on it it works fine
saved-j said:
-flashed full 270
-installed JanJan's .270 GLOBAL kernel and twrp via adb (!!!!) before even booting first
-booted into twrp
-flashed: the FW itself (aroma installer), Xposed (90v3), Gapps (i need'em), debloater, Xposed Fix
-started. Took ~5 minutes for the first start
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Youre doing it wrong, the fw has kernel in it so you have to flash janjan afterwards
And full 270 sony ofw isnt needed, he has uploaded 115mb 235 firmware to flash with newflasher
amakuramio said:
Youre doing it wrong, the fw has kernel in it so you have to flash janjan afterwards
And full 270 sony ofw isnt needed, he has uploaded 115mb 235 firmware to flash with newflasher
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actually i'm having some sort of stupid issue, and I can't figure out what is it related to.
i've tried 3 times, and the first time there was some process named "cta_server" from (as far as i remember) /vendor/bin, and it had a trouble computing something, so it would not let the phone into the deep sleep, and it kept the phone hot and drained the battery.
Second time, my contacts won't sync to Google!!!
I've made a backup, and tried for the third time. And it still won't work as it should.
Now, I'm looking for a way to deodex the firmware by myself, and i'm gonna make my f-ing own fw based on this xposed hack!!!
you're welcome to help, or advice...
saved-j said:
actually i'm having some sort of stupid issue, and I can't figure out what is it related to.
i've tried 3 times, and the first time there was some process named "cta_server" from (as far as i remember) /vendor/bin, and it had a trouble computing something, so it would not let the phone into the deep sleep, and it kept the phone hot and drained the battery.
Second time, my contacts won't sync to Google!!!
I've made a backup, and tried for the third time. And it still won't work as it should.
Now, I'm looking for a way to deodex the firmware by myself, and i'm gonna make my f-ing own fw based on this xposed hack!!!
you're welcome to help, or advice...
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Tell me exactly what you did
amakuramio said:
Tell me exactly what you did
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well step by step
1. flashed .270 full european
-i've replaced the boot.img in the firmware with JanJans-
2. pushed janjans 270 and aroma-supporting twrp via adb
3. entered twrp, installed the fw, NO REBOOT
4. installed gapps, xposed_systemless_beta3, kernel_permissive, xposed_fix
5. booted up. normally.
set everything up... then either contacts don't sync, either CTA_server gets crazy and heats up the phone.
i wanna deodex the fw and make my own fw anyway. Do you know how to deodex Oreo? I haven't done that since KitKat...
saved-j said:
well step by step
1. flashed .270 full european
-i've replaced the boot.img in the firmware with JanJans-
2. pushed janjans 270 and aroma-supporting twrp via adb
3. entered twrp, installed the fw, NO REBOOT
4. installed gapps, xposed_systemless_beta3, kernel_permissive, xposed_fix
5. booted up. normally.
set everything up... then either contacts don't sync, either CTA_server gets crazy and heats up the phone.
i wanna deodex the fw and make my own fw anyway. Do you know how to deodex Oreo? I haven't done that since KitKat...
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Completely wrong. In his baidu there is a 235 stock firmware. Flash that one first its only 115 mb. Flash it with newflasher combined in it. Then flash twrp. Then flash the 270 custom rom. Then flash kernel from janjan. Then flash patching zip from janjan then supersu from custom rom package in custom rom by unpacking it then only the supersu zip. Then xposed fix and xposed from rovo89, not the weird one you liked me. Done. If you have g8141 then you also Edit build prop. Make sure its clean flash.
Mobfigurz said:
Is this some sort of joke? I cannot download the larger files without the Baidu app (Windows PC) and I cannot read Mandarin/Cantonese so cannot create an account to use it.
I appreciate your efforts, but can you not provide the files here or on some other host where we can get them from?
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Rom link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vxbvHftCxJXXeJfTvlA2LLs75Yn9AHLi/view
Xposed fix for m-rom 1.61
Xposed link:
jianlin3062 said:
Rom link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vxbvHftCxJXXeJfTvlA2LLs75Yn9AHLi/view
Xposed fix for m-rom 1.61
Xposed link:
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Than you very much, I appreciate your help.
There is one more file I need, which I cannot download, the ZXP 235 ROM which has a size of 150MB (•Flash 235 with newflasher (150mb)) Any help getting that would be appreciated.
I've tweaked and translated into English the installer.
I will upload the updated package somewhere soon.
Or maybe I'll make a separate ROM thread instead.
saved-j said:
I've tweaked and translated into English the installer.
I will upload the updated package somewhere soon.
Or maybe I'll make a separate ROM thread instead.
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The roms easily available anyway, if you install a script in chrome on pc its downloadable directly from BBS dot gfan/pan baidu, google is everyones friend. The translated aroma package will be greatly appreciated.
Beetle84 said:
The roms easily available anyway, if you install a script in chrome on pc its downloadable directly from BBS dot gfan/pan baidu, google is everyones friend. The translated aroma package will be greatly appreciated.
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Not so easy, the script for Chrome has been deleted and I am still missing one files, the 235 ROM file which is 150MB.
Mobfigurz said:
Not so easy, the script for Chrome has been deleted and I am still missing one files, the 235 ROM file which is 150MB.
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you can install this ROM on top of any other 235 or 270. That one is just minimum necessary
---------- Post added at 04:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:31 PM ----------
amakuramio said:
Completely wrong.
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thank you very much. i'm uploading a tweaked and fixed version of this rom
check here. it's being uploaded so it's not yet there right now
saved-j said:
you can install this ROM on top of any other 235 or 270. That one is just minimum necessary
---------- Post added at 04:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:31 PM ----------
thank you very much. i'm uploading a tweaked and fixed version of this rom
check here. it's being uploaded so it's not yet there right now
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Appreciate the response. Ideally, I want to stay on 235 because I have WiFi calling with my network provider firmware, if I go through this process, I assume I will lose that as the .235 will not be the exact one I have installed, is that correct?
If so, I will sacrifice WiFi calling for Xposed, much rather have Xposed.
Mobfigurz said:
Appreciate the response. Ideally, I want to stay on 235 because I have WiFi calling with my network provider firmware, if I go through this process, I assume I will lose that as the .235 will not be the exact one I have installed, is that correct?
If so, I will sacrifice WiFi calling for Xposed, much rather have Xposed.
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you might backup the VoLTE IMS profiles and check
also check this out
go on fella
---------- Post added at 05:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 PM ----------

ROMs that run on the G6 Play [GSI]

Recommended Root Guide (Jeter) by Ninjakara
Recommended tweaks
Universal Disabler
I also recommend: Magisk, for the ability to use other mods; F-Droid, for free and open source apps.
(Will update w/replies)
Resurrection Remix (Pie OTA Update required)
Lineage 16.0 (Pie OTA Update required)
Omnirom GSI (untested on Oreo, works on pie)
AOSiP (Thanks Spaceminer)
Havoc OS 2.5 (thanks Kuntitled)
(To be added w/replies)
Pie OTA Update
You must be on complete stock in order for this update to install!
Download it to the root of your internal storage
give moto update service storage permission
check for update/install update/wait.
When it's done updating, install twrp and your choice of GSI ROM.
My G6 Play (JETER-SPRINT), just recently had it's screen die. I replaced it with an E5 Play, because it was cheaper. I would love to get another G6, but unfortunately my lack of money does prevent me from doing so. My G6 Play and my E5 Play both had their screens die, and I've gotten an E4 (PERRY-TMOBILE), as well as an unmoddable phone.
oiler1729 said:
I have done so, but it doesn't seem to have any effect, are there any settings that I need to change or enable?
---------- Post added at 11:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 PM ----------
Update: It now works after installing the Audio Modification Library from Magisk along with Viper.
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Can also confirm this works. Thanks!
I try decendant and Is working great
the-her0 said:
(Will update w/replies)
(To be added w/replies)
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Gracias hermano, me salvaste
---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 PM ----------
Gracias bro
---------- Post added at 06:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:24 PM ----------
me salvaste a mi y a mi android
I bricked my g6 play by formatting all partitions in twrp!!!!! (help!!!!)
so a couple of weeks ago i wanted to install a pixel experience gsi rom, only to see that it was for the moto g6 variant and not the g6 play, i tried everything to fix it ( adb fastboot flashing the stock rom, flashng another rom thats gsi, lots of them but none of these ones yet, ill try out these roms and i will reply when thats done.
i cannot install the stock rom because it just dosent work, and yes it is the right model firmware.
my model is: jeter XT1922-9 16gb P4
cjscustomcomputers said:
so a couple of weeks ago i wanted to install a pixel experience gsi rom, only to see that it was for the moto g6 variant and not the g6 play, i tried everything to fix it ( adb fastboot flashing the stock rom, flashng another rom thats gsi, lots of them but none of these ones yet, ill try out these roms and i will reply when thats done.
i cannot install the stock rom because it just dosent work, and yes it is the right model firmware.
my model is: jeter XT1922-9 16gb P4
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A few questions:
A) Did you unlock your bootloader?
B) Do you have TWRP installed?
C) Have you disabled DM Verity
If you answered no to A, that's your problem.
the-her0 said:
A few questions:
A) Did you unlock your bootloader?
B) Do you have TWRP installed?
C) Have you disabled DM Verity
If you answered no to A, that's your problem.
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Yes I did unlock the boot loader right when I got the phone and rooted it and installed TWRP and I haven’t disabled dm verity, but i will do it after class.
Thank you so much for helping me out here!
cjscustomcomputers said:
Yes I did unlock the boot loader right when I got the phone and rooted it and installed TWRP and I haven’t disabled dm verity, but i will do it after class.
Thank you so much for helping me out here!
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No problem, is it up and running?
Its running!!
the-her0 said:
No problem, is it up and running?
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so i got it running the problem was dm verity, i followed the steps on the website and it didn't work the 1st time so i reformatted all the partitions with TWRP and used adb fastboot to install the stock ROM and to my surprise it worked. since the TWRP recovery was replaced with the stock one i reinstalled TWRP and booted onto recovery and installed the DM verity on the stock rom and tried AOSP gsi and it booted up perfectly and i installed the android GO gapps and its faster than a dream. i was having a problem with audio so i tried installing V4A and it fixed all the audio problems except the earpiece when making calls.
I would like to contribute to this thread because the moto g6 play needs more attention, so could the readers of this thread send me roms you would like me to test.
Thank you soooo much her0.
the-her0 said:
Recommended TWRP
Recommended tweaks
Universal Disabler
I also recommend: Magisk, for the ability to use other mods; F-Droid, for free and open source apps.
(Will update w/replies)
(To be added w/replies)
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OK no offence but posting my work and not giving thanks or just pointing to my thread u are going to piss me off bro and I will end up deleting my twrp and decrypt file
---------- Post added at 09:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 AM ----------
Until u give thanks and credit for my twrp its link is no longer working pm me if u need the twrp til he fixes his post
---------- Post added at 10:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 AM ----------
cjscustomcomputers said:
so i got it running the problem was dm verity, i followed the steps on the website and it didn't work the 1st time so i reformatted all the partitions with TWRP and used adb fastboot to install the stock ROM and to my surprise it worked. since the TWRP recovery was replaced with the stock one i reinstalled TWRP and booted onto recovery and installed the DM verity on the stock rom and tried AOSP gsi and it booted up perfectly and i installed the android GO gapps and its faster than a dream. i was having a problem with audio so i tried installing V4A and it fixed all the audio problems except the earpiece when making calls.
I would like to contribute to this thread because the moto g6 play needs more attention, so could the readers of this thread send me roms you would like me to test.
Thank you soooo much her0.
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Ur thanking him for posting my twrp wtf
skullkid383 said:
OK no offence but posting my work and not giving thanks or just pointing to my thread u are going to piss me off bro and I will end up deleting my twrp and decrypt file
---------- Post added at 09:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 AM ----------
Until u give thanks and credit for my twrp its link is no longer working pm me if u need the twrp til he fixes his post
---------- Post added at 10:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 AM ----------
Ur thanking him for posting my twrp wtf
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No. He's thanking me for helping him with his problem. Secondly, I added the twrp recommendation today (or yesterday), and I was more or less waiting for you to post your thread in the right forum.
the-her0 said:
No. He's thanking me for helping him with his problem. Secondly, I added the twrp recommendation today (or yesterday), and I was more or less waiting for you to post your thread in the right forum.
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A mod should move it cause this g6 play forums didn't exist when I posted it
Another request @the Doctor can u have him remove my direct download link to my twrp and put a link to my guide instead
skullkid383 said:
Another request @the Doctor can u have him remove my direct download link to my twrp and put a link to my guide instead
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Dude: I'll do that myself. I don't want the people who view the thread to have an outdated link.
the-her0 said:
Dude: I'll do that myself. I don't want the people who view the thread to have an outdated link.
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Thanks also this link should take u to the op of my guide https://forum.xda-developers.com/g6...eter-twrp-decrypt-guide-t3886165/post78585977
so as i get up to 10 posts, i want to create a thread for people with this phone can test out all the gsi roms and have so we can add to this list, could you help me out my m8 her0?!
A couple solutions for problems I ran into.
No Play Protect Certification when using Gapps:
This one is very easy to solve. First, install your GSI of choice, but do not install Gapps. Install Magisk as well. Then you want to boot, and go straight to Magisk and install the MagiskHide Props module. Then go to https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2239421 download Osmosis Busybox and install through Magisk. Reboot and download your favorite Terminal Emulator on APKPure. Install it and open, type "props" without the quotes and press 1 to edit your fingerprint, follow the instructions and set it to the Moto G6 Play but don't reboot when asked. When at the main menu again, Press 2 and then choose the first option and enable it, this time reboot when asked. Load into TWRP and install Gapps, no need to clear cache or anything.
Audio is choppy:
Simply enable the equalizer.
i tried installing descendant and it booted as if i had lost my IMEIs and didn't recognize the SIMs. i restores my stock backup and the IMEIs are back. what did i do wrong?
the steps i took:
wipe data
flash descendant system image
disable dm-verity
flash magisk and booted
blowingoff said:
i tried installing descendant and it booted as if i had lost my IMEIs and didn't recognize the SIMs. i restores my stock backup and the IMEIs are back. what did i do wrong?
the steps i took:
wipe data
flash descendant system image
disable dm-verity
flash magisk and booted
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Unsure, didn't come across this with my device. Sorry that I don't have a fix.
the-her0 said:
Unsure, didn't come across this with my device. Sorry that I don't have a fix.
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but did I follow the correct steps?
blowingoff said:
but did I follow the correct steps?
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I usually wipe everything, flash the gsi, resize the system partition, flash opengapps mini, flash magisk, flash DM variety/force encrypt Disabler.
