Lineage OS - project treble - and the Galaxy S8 - Samsung Galaxy S8 Questions and Answers
Are there any plans from LineageOS to implement Project Treble for the International Galaxy S8?
Project treble for s8
Hello friends i was thinking is there any chances of getting project treble support for s8?
Samsung we need project treble on samsung galaxy s8 with android pie update.
Guys we need to ask for project treble in Samsung galaxy S8
Android Pie 9.0 for S8
Hi, I'd like to know if there's any ROM with Pie for our device, or if it's possible to develop it with Lineage or AOSP. I want to know if it's possible to have Project Treble unofficial on S8 too. Thanks for you answer!
Project Treble
Does Samsung Galaxy M30s has Project Treble ?