wifi mac address 02:00:00:00:00:00 - OnePlus 5 Questions & Answers

guys, using root explorer, i edited wlan_mac.bin and changed the mac address and then in android emulator, i typed
chattr +i /persist/wlan_mac.bin
after restarting the phone, the mac address is showing 02:00:00:00:00:00, not able to switch on the wifi. tried to change the file again using root explorer but the file doesn't change. please help me to fix this.

guys, i got the solution, use this command in android emulator
chattr -i /persist/wlan_mac.id

aneesh12 said:
guys, i got the solution, use this command in android emulator
chattr -i /persist/wlan_mac.id
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The comand gives back the error:
/systen/bin/sh: chattr: not found



root Tattoo with Mac

Hey Boys and Girls,
where i can find an manual to root the tattoo with a mac?
sorry, i have search for this, but i cant find information for this
I don't thing that there is a difference.
As soon as you have SDK installed and adb works, the commands are the same.
i'm also doing all the rooting process from mac, just put the directory contain 'adb' shell into your home/user places and executing it with 'terminal'..
Same here, using a Mac ever since and also using it for Android development. Due to the underlying Unix core of OS X you just have to follow the steps as described for Linux. If it's just adb commands it's the same on every platform anyway.
You might want to add a
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/yourusername/android.sdk/tools
to your .bash_profile file in your home folder so you don't have to cd to the SDK tools folder everytime. Happy rooting!
Mod. edit: not dev related, moved to general
Okay thanks for yours answers but i'm a newbie.
the background story is, I want to edit the boot.mp3. Because the startsound is really annoying
So i have download SDK, open the terminal and switch to usb-debbugging mode on my tattoo.
And now? sorry, I'm still missing a few knowledge
thanks for your help
well just use the various adb commands in Terminal Just type in "adb", press enter and you'll get a list of all possible commands. Assuming you've added the path to your sdk tools folder to your bash profile. Otherwise just drag & drop the adb binary from the tools folder onto your Terminal window, et voila.
The most used commands are probably push and pull where you can, well, push stuff to your phone or pull it to your computer.
So if you want to modify the boot.mp3 you would pull the original from the phone to your computer, modify it and push it back, overwriting the original file. In Terminal speak: ;-)
adb pull /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
adb push /path/to/boot.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
Please note depending on the ROM you're using the paths may be different. To browse the device via Terminal type in "adb shell" and make a simple "ls" to list the directories, "cd" to change directories etc.
Or if you just want to use another mp3:
adb push /path/to/whatever.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
Again, on the Mac you can just drag & drop files onto the Terminal to get their full Unix paths like to your custom mp3
Thanks a lot. i love it its really simple
and now i have load and edit the the boot.mp3. But i can't push it to my tattoo, because i can only read but not write
I have tried to root my phone with "adb root" but it is the message "adbd cannot run as root in production builds"
Terminal: "adb remount", then push again
damn the next bad message "remount failed: Operation not permitted"
You need to root your phone first.
Okay i have executed the instructions. But I've stop at this part:
You should get something like this:
# id
uid=0(root) gid=1000(shell) groups=1003(graphics),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet)
uid=0(root) is important.
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Yes i've root but i'cant download the "su binary" because its doesnt exist.
But its absolute essential to need the "su binary" to only copy the boot.mp3 to my phone? Or there is an other way? What are the commands to push the boot.mp3 back to may tattoo then i'm in the root mode like >> "#".
okay hope you understand me
You need "su" to do root stuff... no other way.
Download the package from 1 click root thread and find "su" there...
now, i have install the su binary. Then i does this command
user:~ user$ /Users/user/android-sdk-mac_86/tools/adb shell
$ /data/local/bin/su
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And now? Is there a comand to push the boot.mp3 back to the phone in this mode >> "#" ?
I have try to open an new terminal window and type
adb push /path/to/boot.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
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but the answer is
failed to copy '/Users/android-sdk-mac_86/boot.mp3' to '/system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3': Permission denied
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and adb remount doesnt work to
You also need tattoo-hack.ko file and do insmod tattoo-hack.ko to make /system writable.
Or even better... flash custom amon_ra recovery image and then a custom rom with all this already included.
Mine for example http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=702401
It doesnt have boot sound enabled
Okay thank you very much.
now it was successful

[Q] How do i Install Openvpn on Lenged?

I tried for hours but cannot get OpenVPN to run or install.
I have the Blayo 0.8.4 Rom installed and know that
ifconfig is in
and tun.ko is located in
When i run the OpenVPN installer from the market it asks me where to put the files and asks for Superuser permission - but when the app wants to do the copying the phone hangs and does a reboot.
The OpenVPN Library File i used is from here (Sorry its German):
So can anybody help me to get OpenVPN running?
I sadly cannot use the preinstalled VPN methods, because my University Wlan only supports Cisco-VPN or OpenVPN Method.
I thought it might be the problem that OpenVPN installer cannot write to the system Partition -- so i opend a local Terminal in ConnectBot and typed
aufs --enable
But there i get the Message:
Enabling Read-Write /system overlay
/data/local/dosysoverlay: Permission denied
Please reboot your phone for changes to take effect
But after a reboot the OpenVPN installer still doesn't work...
I hope someone has a idea or solution to my problem!
Thanks a lot!
Try enabling system overlay via Terminal Emulator or ADB.
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA Premium App
You need to su to gain root privileges before executing aufs. Or use adb shell which already has root privileges.
Sent from my HTC Legend
Thanks a lot BlaYo!
I opened a local Session in ConnectBot
then i typed
su (I had to allow SuperUser Access!)
aufs --enable
And it worked!
Its me again -- the installation of OpenVPN works, but i cannot open a connection.
When i try to open the the Connection it asks for username and password,
But then it says:
cannot load ca cert /sdcard/openvpn/RRZE-ca.crt path (null)
I searched with google and found that maybe it is a permission problem, but
chmod 555 RRZE-ca.crt
still didn't help
chmod 777 RRZE-ca.crt
also didn't help...
i also edited the config File to
ca //sdcard/openvpn/RRZE-ca.crt
ca /sdcard/openvpn/RRZE-ca.crt
or ca RRZE-ca.crt
it's alsways the same :-(
The Config files for my university's OpenVPN is here:
I appreciate every help or idea you might help!
Rename it to ca.crt and edit config file accordingly.

[Q] Permissions problem using adb to push app

I'm running a script to modify settings.db (found in the application forum) so that I can wirelessly tether and use the GPS on my phone while running Google Maps on the KF.
The script starts like this:
adb shell rm /data/local/tmp/*
adb push zergRush /data/local/tmp
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/zergRush
adb shell ./data/local/tmp/zergRush
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and works fine.
But I'm having problems running the script that others are having no problem with at this point in the script.
adb pull /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
copy settings.db settings.bak
sqlite3 settings.db "update secure set value=1 where name='mock_location';"
adb push settings.db /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
adb reboot
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The script runs into permission errors. I have all the files in the same directory as adb in the platform-tools folder. adb is communicating with the device with the adb devices command. I run the .bat file from the folder while in a DOS command shell. And I get this error
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>adb pull /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
failed to copy '/data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db' to './settings.db': Permission denied
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>copy settings.db settings.bak
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>sqlite3 settings.db "update secure set value=1 where name='mock_location';"
Error: no such table: secure
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>adb push settings.db /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
failed to copy 'settings.db' to '/data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db': Permission denied
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Any idea what's going on?
i assume you'r at the $ prompt - if you type in su the prompt should change to #
perhaps a hint in the right direction ...
zergrush does'nt work anymore since 6.2.1 and burritoroot
I am not at any command prompt when running the script. I'm at the Windows prompt, and I just execute the script name?
when you type adb or adb shell your mostly at the $ prompt
when you type su the promt usually changes to # - thats root access
i think you have to integrate that in your script ...
I added
adb shell su
to the start of my script, but then it just hangs at the root prompt.
if you have rooted with burritoroot try "adb root"
It says:
adbd cannot run as root in production builds
ok then i think you will have to try it with the su method - maybe "adb su" could work - it's just a try
otherwise i think you will have to write a second unix stile script (ending .sh) to do the stuff and call it from your dos script or run it in the adn shell - but i'm not the unix expert - sorry
i'm running out of time now - wish you much luck with your script !!!
Anyone else please?
Resolved how? Very curious
Please, how did you solved the problem ???
would be interested too !
Here's how.
I was so frustrated, didn't seem to be able to achieve root status and use ADB. So, I bought root explorer, went to directory where settings.db file was, and copied it to sdcard folder on the KF. Then brought it over to my PC just over the USB connection (KF was a Windows drive).
In Windows, ran the part of the script that replaces the "0" with a "1". Then copied it back to the sdcard folder on the device, and used root explorer to move it back to its proper directory.
Only one caution. Make sure that you don't change the permissions or ownerships of the file, that they are the same as when you first grabbed it.

[Q] MAC Address Keeps changing

Everything was good until I started messing with the 4.4 roms. Now no matter what I do. Full Wipe, Factory Image restore, try different Roms/Kernels, etc, my MAC Address will reset after every reboot. This is an issues as I use Mac Filtering on my router. Any Ideas?
The same is happening to me and I can't find a way to fix it!
It sucks because my main connection (my University wifi) doesn't let me connect if I have a different MAC Address.
I'm using this app to change my MAC (temporarily) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jworksbr.macspoofer
You need root to make it works.
Anyway, I'm still trying to find a way to get my original MAC address back.
joaocadide said:
The same is happening to me and I can't find a way to fix it!
It sucks because my main connection (my University wifi) doesn't let me connect if I have a different MAC Address.
I'm using this app to change my MAC (temporarily) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jworksbr.macspoofer
You need root to make it works.
Anyway, I'm still trying to find a way to get my original MAC address back.
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I ended up using http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2347060
For mac address:
- In /persist directory create wifi directory. In the new directory create a file named .macaddr (don't miss the dot!)
Edit the file and put 12 random hex numbers in it (0-9, A-F), save.
- Set execute and read permissions for everybody on /persist/wifi directory and change owner of .macaddr to wifi:wifi and permission to 660 (read/write for owner and group and nothing else).
In command line:
chown root:root /persist/wifi
chmod 755 /persist/wifi
chown wifi:wifi /persist/wifi/.macaddr
chmod 660 /persist/wifi/.macaddr
- run /system/bin/conn_init program. Can be run in root explorer(choose Linux Script Handler when you open it), or in adb shell:
Then reboot and check if the changes got applied in settings
I cant get my original one back but at least I have a static MAC.
chainup said:
For me it's only the last 6 numbers/letters that keep changing on reboot. For both Wifi and Bluetooth. Is it the same for you guys?
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Yeah first are always 11:22:33
Thank you, bandit97!
It's working fine now! =D
bandit97 said:
I ended up using http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2347060
For mac address:
- In /persist directory create wifi directory. In the new directory create a file named .macaddr (don't miss the dot!)
Edit the file and put 12 random hex numbers in it (0-9, A-F), save.
- Set execute and read permissions for everybody on /persist/wifi directory and change owner of .macaddr to wifi:wifi and permission to 660 (read/write for owner and group and nothing else).
In command line:
chown root:root /persist/wifi
chmod 755 /persist/wifi
chown wifi:wifi /persist/wifi/.macaddr
chmod 660 /persist/wifi/.macaddr
- run /system/bin/conn_init program. Can be run in root explorer(choose Linux Script Handler when you open it), or in adb shell:
Then reboot and check if the changes got applied in settings
I cant get my original one back but at least I have a static MAC.
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i came from your link too but this didn't work for me
anyone know why?
Hi. This has been driving me crazy! My Nexus 4 also gets a new Mac address on each reboot. My local WiFi hotspot thinks i am a new customer every time I visit (as it uses Mac address filtering) which is frustrating. I got onto Google about it but they said i should return the phone to the retailer (didn't get it on the Play store). I tried reverting the phone to Android 4.3, resetting etc but nothing works. I the phone was fine at first so I can only assume it is a hardware fault. Does anyone have any more incite into this or a solution?
Could someone explain how I run the commands in an adb shell? I'm familiar with adb and android toolkit etc. Many thanks! PS. I tried it using root explorer and it did not work
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Where is /persist directory?
bandit97 said:
I ended up using http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2347060
For mac address:
- In /persist directory create wifi directory. In the new directory create a file named .macaddr (don't miss the dot!)
Edit the file and put 12 random hex numbers in it (0-9, A-F), save.
- Set execute and read permissions for everybody on /persist/wifi directory and change owner of .macaddr to wifi:wifi and permission to 660 (read/write for owner and group and nothing else).
In command line:
chown root:root /persist/wifi
chmod 755 /persist/wifi
chown wifi:wifi /persist/wifi/.macaddr
chmod 660 /persist/wifi/.macaddr
- run /system/bin/conn_init program. Can be run in root explorer(choose Linux Script Handler when you open it), or in adb shell:
Then reboot and check if the changes got applied in settings
I cant get my original one back but at least I have a static MAC.
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Where is the /persist directory found? Does this work on unrooted phones? I have the Chinese S5 phone which changed Mac address every time I reboot or turn off and on the wifi. This has me logging in to my router to add a new mac every time.
You DO need to be rooted
ayonbaxter said:
Where is the /persist directory found? Does this work on unrooted phones? I have the Chinese S5 phone which changed Mac address every time I reboot or turn off and on the wifi. This has me logging in to my router to add a new mac every time.
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Hello, you need not only root access, but a file manager capable of mounting read-write permissions, like ES File Explorer (free on Google Play).
If you have a Terminal Emulator, this will help. If not, find one on the Play Store. My favorite is from developer Jack Palevich, found here.
Otherwise, you won't see the directory on a stock file manager, especially if you're NOT rooted. Although I am on CM 10.2, this has plagued me as well when I was running CM11.
Good luck!
furboom1240 said:
Hello, you need not only root access, but a file manager capable of mounting read-write permissions, like ES File Explorer (free on ).
If you have a Terminal Emulator, this will help. If not, find one on the Play Store. My favorite is from developer Jack Palevich, found .
Otherwise, you won't see the directory on a stock file manager, especially if you're NOT rooted. Although I am on CM 10.2, this has plagued me as well when I was running CM11.
Good luck!
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i have the same problem, i cant find the /persist directory. i installed ES file exloprer but on / there is no /persist folder only these folders:
acct, cache, config, custom, d, data , dev, etc, mnt, proc ,protect_f,protect_s, root, sbchk, sbin, sdcard, sys,system, vendor
can i create a persist folder or do i have a bigger problem with my system?
Lack of Details
tommy0014 said:
i have the same problem, i cant find the /persist directory. i installed ES file exloprer but on / there is no /persist folder only these folders:
acct, cache, config, custom, d, data , dev, etc, mnt, proc ,protect_f,protect_s, root, sbchk, sbin, sdcard, sys,system, vendor
can i create a persist folder or do i have a bigger problem with my system?
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First of all, do you have Superuser-managed root access? In order for me to assist, you need to answer that. The /persist directory should certainly exist, as it was so on all devices I own, rooted or not. When browsing the filesystem, please be careful what you mess with. Even with root access, you must exercise judgment in what you modify.
As always, Root Responsibly.
Stay custom, my friends...

Full Root for Nook Glowlight

It took some doing, but after following the instructions in this link:
I was finally able to root my Nook Glowlight. The instructions are kind of sprawled out and extremely unclear so I will sum up.
As always, you will need the ADB. In order to install the ADB, you need the Java Development Kit and the Android Studio (formerly known as the Android SDK)
How to obtain root via ADB: The ONLY way you can root is using Windows. I was successful on Windows 7 32 bit, but it may be possible on other versions.
step 1) install bootloader driver.
You need to grab the drivers from here (bnusbdrivers.zip):
then, open the Device Manager (on Windows). Be ready to right click on the new device 'omap3660' that shows.
With the nook turned completely off, plug in a USB cable. you will have less than 3 seconds to right click the new omap3660 device that shows up in the system profiler.
If you were successful and you right clicked on it in time, manually install the Barnes & Noble USB driver (there are entries added to the generic Google drivers for both the TI Omap 3660 bootloader and the ADB device after you modify the uRamdisk later on)
If you WEREN'T successful on your first try (took me THREE times to get to it in time), you aren't going to get another chance to install the drivers. At least not easily anyway, because after Windows tries to automatically install the drivers for the bootloader and fails, it will disregard the device any time it shows up after that. So, you are going to need to delete the registry entries that it created, which in my experience was easier said than done. Even admin access was not sufficient to make the necessary changes to the registry.
You will need to launch regedit.exe using another tool called psexec which is available here:
after you download the pstools package, copy those .exe files to C:\Windows\System32\ (in order to add them to $PATH in cmd.exe)
Then, once you've installed the pstools commands to C:\Windows\System32\, run cmd.exe as admin (right click it and select 'run as administrator') and then open regedit.exe with the following command
psexec -s -i -d regedit.exe
Then, once regedit is open you need to find the keys created by the Nook bootloader and delete them. The Nook bootloader's device ID is 0451:d00e
You are going to be looking in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Current Control Set\enum\usb\ for the keys with the bootloader's device IDs. There may also be keys generated in control set 001 and 002 as well. Delete all of those keys and then reboot your computer. Then with the nook power off completely, repeat the process from the first step. eventually you will be successful installing the bootloader driver.
Step 2) temporarily boot with uRamdisk-noogie
you need to download omaplink.exe from here:
and you also need to download the four files which allow you to temporarily mount the boot partition; omap3_aboot.bin, u-boot-ng2-exp-v03.bin, uImage-ng2-130-stk and uRamdisk-noogie.
They are available here:
download usbboot-ng2-images-noogie-v1.zip
The next part is easy.
Extract the .zip file and then fire up cmd.exe. cd into the directory of the newly extracted .zip
in the new working directory, enter the command
omaplink omap3_aboot.bin u-boot-ng2-exp-v03.bin uImage-ng2-130-stk uRamdisk-noogie
Then, with the Nook powered all the way off and omaplink running, plug it in and a few seconds later, after the device boots up all the way, you will be looking at the contents of the boot partition instead of the internal storage like normal.
Step 3) Edit uRamdisk
you will need to download bootutil.exe from here
copy bootutil.exe to C:\Windows\System32
with the boot partition mounted, copy uRamdisk to your computer and extract the files init.rc and default.prop, eg;
bootutil /x /v uRamdisk init.rc default.prop
then using notepad++ (available here: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/) edit the files as follows
comment out lines 375 and 392-399
(do this by adding a # to the beginning of the line)
uncomment line 215
(do this by deleting the # at the beginning of the line)
save both files and then repack them into uRamdisk
bootutil /r /v uRamdisk init.rc default.prop
copy uRamdisk back onto the Nook, eject the disk and power off the device. Reboot and you should be able to connect to ADB via WiFi
adb connect
replacing '10' with whatever IP your Nook is grabbing from your router.
Step 4) Full Root
at this point, you have root access via ADB only. You will not have root access in any apps like Root Explorer, Terminal, TiBackup, etc.
In order to finish PROPERLY rooting your Nook, you need to install 'su' to /system/bin/ and install the superuser.apk
adb connect
adb shell mount -o remount, rw /system
adb push su /system/bin/
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/bin/su
adb install superuser.apk
reboot your device one more time and then you will be fully rooted.
*** Note ***
this devices firmware seems to be a strange hybrid between donut and eclair, although it purports itself to be Android 2.1. The Superuser.apk and su binary came from an old Cyanogenmod 4.6 build in case anyone was wondering (Android Donut). The ones from Cyanogenmod 5 (Android Eclair) do not work. you will get the 'install failed older sdk' error.
installing busybox
I tired installing busybox by using the stericson busybox pro.apk. It would always freeze at 6.47%.
I figured out that if I grabbed an older version of the busybox binary and pushed it to /system/xbin manually and then chmodded it to the proper permissions, auto updates and proper symlinking work using the busybox app
adb shell mount -o remount, rw /system
adb shell mkdir -p /system/xbin
adb push busybox /system/xbin
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/xbin/busybox
adb install busybox.apk
Then reboot, and run the busybox app to update and create symlinks.
installing nano and bash
adb connect
adb shell
mount -o remount, rw /system
adb push nano /system/xbin/
chmod 6755 /system/xbin/nano
adb push bash /system/xbin/
chmod 6755 /system/xbin/bash
mv /system/bin/sh /system/bin/sh.bak
ln -s /system/xbin/bash /system/bin/sh
chmod 6755 /system/bin/sh
adb push profile /system/etc/
adb push terminfo /system/etc/
and then in terminal emulator under 'Preferences' change the initial command to
export TERMINFO=/system/etc/terminfo;export TERM=linux;export HOME=/sdcard;
and finally
adb push bashrc /sdcard
adb shell
mv /sdcard/bashrc /sdcard/.bashrc
nano works just fine via ADB, but because of lack of 'ctrl' key (and physical buttons to assign it to) you won't be able to write files (ctrl+o) using the terminal on your nook. But between having full proper root access, busybox, a proper bash terminal emulator and nano for editing config files, this should REALLY extend the usefulness of your Nook Glowlight. It should work just fine on other versions of Nook too.
Hi N00b-un-2,
Many thanks for your summary!
There is one important edit that I think you missed,
in init.rc you also need to:
Line #375, comment out "disabled" with a # at the start of the line.
(see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=49070213#post49070213)
without this I couldn't get adb to connect.
And since you already made it very noob friendly, might I suggested you clarify:
Line #215 remove # to enable adb over wifi
(rather than search for 5555)
Also, I'm not expert, but I believe the commands to get superuser on the device are (at least it worked for me):
adb connect 192.168.x.x
adb shell mount -o remount, rw /system
adb push su /system/bin/
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/bin/su
adb install superuser.apk
Finally, I'm not sure if this is important, but maybe remount system as read only again:
adb shell mount -o remount, ro /system
Thanks again, nice work!
---------- Post added at 01:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 PM ----------
Hi again,
had similar issues with installing busybox, here's what worked for me (note needed to run su to create dir):
adb shell mount -o remount, rw /system
adb shell /system/bin/su
adb shell mkdir -p /system/xbin
adb push busybox /system/xbin
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/xbin/busybox
adb install busybox.apk
As far as remounting /system as ro, I would HIGHLY recommend just rebooting at this point, otherwise your nook might be stuck in a weird pseudo-rooted state. Probably won't cause any problems, but why risk it?
Thanks for clarifying the line number. I will make the appropriate edits to my instructions. I was working off the top of my head and couldn't remember what exact line the ADB over TCP config was, as I just used ctrl+w '5555' to find it myself.
There are several pre-edited uRamdisk images floating around the forum with various features enabled which would be easier for noobs than extracting the config files and manually editing and then repacking them. In the future I'll probably throw those on here as well.
darz said:
Hi N00b-un-2,
Many thanks for your summary!
There is one important edit that I think you missed,
in init.rc you also need to:
Line #375, comment out "disabled" with a # at the start of the line.
(see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=49070213#post49070213)
without this I couldn't get adb to connect.
And since you already made it very noob friendly, might I suggested you clarify:
Line #215 remove # to enable adb over wifi
(rather than search for 5555)
Also, I'm not expert, but I believe the commands to get superuser on the device are (at least it worked for me):
adb connect 192.168.x.x
adb shell mount -o remount, rw /system
adb push su /system/bin/
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/bin/su
adb install superuser.apk
Finally, I'm not sure if this is important, but maybe remount system as read only again:
adb shell mount -o remount, ro /system
Thanks again, nice work!
---------- Post added at 01:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 PM ----------
Hi again,
had similar issues with installing busybox, here's what worked for me (note needed to run su to create dir):
adb shell mount -o remount, rw /system
adb shell /system/bin/su
adb shell mkdir -p /system/xbin
adb push busybox /system/xbin
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/xbin/busybox
adb install busybox.apk
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N00b-un-2 said:
There are several pre-edited uRamdisk images floating around the forum with various features enabled which would be easier for noobs than extracting the config files and manually editing and then repacking them. In the future I'll probably throw those on here as well.
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Would have been good if I could have easily found a pre-edited image, but your instructions were a great alternative, thanks again
darz said:
Would have been good if I could have easily found a pre-edited image, but your instructions were a great alternative, thanks again
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Sorry for the really noob question, I have rooted, wifi adb running and installed apps as per your instructions, but I can't seem to access any of it on the nook. How can I get access to the launcher I installed?
You mentioned pre-edited images, do any of those come with the apps I need to get access to a custom launcher?
Updated: All sorted
For some reason had some issues with ADW launcher, Launcher pro worked fine.
ps I think I made a mistake with the su step I suggested, if you run a one line shell command I don't think it keeps su privileges, so I believe you need to run commands within the shell as per below:
adb shell
mount -o remount, rw /system
mkdir -p /system/xbin
adb push busybox /system/xbin
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/xbin/busybox
adb install busybox.apk
Hey guys any instructions noob friendly or a video in youtube,i stick up at dab connect dos't have a Windows PC and using Mac whit Parallels Desktop.Is it possible instructions for Mac?
The above instructions from N00b-un-2 should work fine running a vm with parallels on your Mac.
Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using Tapatalk 2
valentin1985 said:
Hey guys any instructions noob friendly or a video in youtube,i stick up at dab connect dos't have a Windows PC and using Mac whit Parallels Desktop.Is it possible instructions for Mac?
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Before you perform the adb connect step you need to find out what your IP address is:
On your nook, click on the settings icon in the top right corner and then select "Change"
Under Wireless Networks, select the wifi name that you are already connected to (where it says "Connected to the internet")
This will display your connection details, remember that IP address
Now go back to your pc and type:
adb connect [IP address]
darz said:
Before you perform the adb connect step you need to find out what your IP address is:
On your nook, click on the settings icon in the top right corner and then select "Change"
Under Wireless Networks, select the wifi name that you are already connected to (where it says "Connected to the internet")
This will display your connection details, remember that IP address
Now go back to your pc and type:
adb connect [IP address]
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BIG HINT! If you're using Powershell ISE, you have to type .\adb.exe connect [IP address] or else it won't recognize "adb" as an executable!
Don't ask why, because I don't know. :?
thenookieforlife3 said:
BIG HINT! If you're using Powershell ISE, you have to type .\adb.exe connect [IP address] or else it won't recognize "adb" as an executable!
Don't ask why, because I don't know. :?
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So far so good,but now what?
valentin1985 said:
So far so good,but now what?
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I just gave a little tip on Powershell ISE. I do not know much about the Nook GlowLight rooting process, as I have a NSTG, not a NG. Ask someone else.
thenookieforlife3 said:
I just gave a little tip on Powershell ISE. I do not know much about the Nook GlowLight rooting process, as I have a NSTG, not a NG. Ask someone else.
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Yes,i try whit dis command .\adb.exe connect but result is the same.
valentin1985 said:
Yes,i try whit dis command .\adb.exe connect but result is the same.
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But that's okay! What I said was, if you are using the command program Powershell ISE, do it that way instead. But you are just using cmd.exe, not Powershell ISE!
In cmd.exe, which is what you are using, it is not neccessary to type .\adb.exe. Just type adb.
From there, ask someone else in this thread.
thenookieforlife3 said:
But that's okay! What I said was, if you are using the command program Powershell ISE, do it that way instead. But you are just using cmd.exe, not Powershell ISE!
In cmd.exe, which is what you are using, it is not neccessary to type .\adb.exe. Just type adb.
From there, ask someone else in this thread.
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I prefer to use ConEmu or Console2 when I am forced to use Windows. Not a big fan of CMD.EXE or Powershell/PowershellISE. there are plenty of other CLI alternatives out there
N00b-un-2 said:
I prefer to use ConEmu or Console2 when I am forced to use Windows. Not a big fan of CMD.EXE or Powershell/PowershellISE. there are plenty of other CLI alternatives out there
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Well, as I ONLY use Windows and Powershell ISE has a nice-enough layout for my purposes, I use it. That's why I gave a tip on it.
Actually on a lot of installs just typing adb in the command console won't work either unless it's got the path variable set up correctly, I find it easiest to just right click and choose run as administrator, no need for the path to be setup.
Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using Tapatalk 2
FW 1.2.1
Hi guys,
thanks for creating this thread. I was wondering if this rooting procedure was tested with the firmware 1.2.1 ?
real-6 said:
Hi guys,
thanks for creating this thread. I was wondering if this rooting procedure was tested with the firmware 1.2.1 ?
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This rooting procedure is for the new Nook GlowLight with firmware 1.3.1. Your device is a Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight, which can be rooted very easily using the rooting package here.

