A fix for Nexflix sync issues. - Elephone S8 Guides, News, & Discussion

As most of us know, there's something wonky in one of the media libraries in the Android implementation on the S8, one of a few fairly serious bugs yet to be stomped.
And while this doesn't seem to affect YouTube playback and can be bypassed by using a 3rd party Media player like VLC or similar, I do like to watch some Netflix and because of the closed DRM environment, you can't choose another player to watch those videos. So it's an awful lot of 'Netflix bad lipsync theatre' on the S8.
However, I have seem to stumbled across a fix.
*IF* you start the video, then connect your S8 with some Bluetooth speakers (I've tried it with a Logitech X300 speaker and a Phiaton BT100 headset) and listen via Bluetooth, hey presto, it's synced! If it's not, or if it loses sync, then pause the video, disconnect and reconnect the BT device, then play. It's fixed.
Anyway, if this has been a problem for you, give this a try. Can't hurt and might help!
Disclaimer: This works for me. If it doesn't work for you, I don't know what to do about that. Sorry!
And all gratuitous 'Damn you Elephone!' comments acknowledged in advance.

their team is working very hard (is what they say )to fix the bugs ,since octomber ,
their team is here for all of our problems with the device
elephone is very pleased that you buy a phone with high tech bugs
their team ,when you find a bug ,they provide you in a 3rd app and if it works please tell them so they have the solution
one hour ago my no bugging elephone was ringing by its own without noone calling me ,but its a reminder of the phone to get up the bed ,so i have to thank Elephone for that ,and the solution is place it in vibration
their keyboard bug solution ,is to change the app to another ,and still bugging
sound doesnt come off from type c directly earphones cause they cant make drivers for everything ....i understand them ,is they are working hard for other bugs that they are solving with 3rd party apps
they cant give a source to make a custom rom ,cause its has high class secret ,cause their rom is unique and bla bla bla ...
i wont give a damn but i will say Feck you Elephone ...
i will be glad if i sold it for 100 euros ...

nasios said:
their team is working very hard (is what they say )to fix the bugs ,since octomber ,
their team is here for all of our problems with the device
elephone is very pleased that you buy a phone with high tech bugs
their team ,when you find a bug ,they provide you in a 3rd app and if it works please tell them so they have the solution
one hour ago my no bugging elephone was ringing by its own without noone calling me ,but its a reminder of the phone to get up the bed ,so i have to thank Elephone for that ,and the solution is place it in vibration
their keyboard bug solution ,is to change the app to another ,and still bugging
sound doesnt come off from type c directly earphones cause they cant make drivers for everything ....i understand them ,is they are working hard for other bugs that they are solving with 3rd party apps
they cant give a source to make a custom rom ,cause its has high class secret ,cause their rom is unique and bla bla bla ...
i wont give a damn but i will say Feck you Elephone ...
i will be glad if i sold it for 100 euros ...
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You are not alone in being frustrated, angry and perhaps a little sad at throwing away money on an unsatisfactory product. After using a P8000 and an S7, both of which were pretty good for the money, I feel the same as you. The only solution is to make it my last Elephone, ever ! All I use it for now is web browsing and email and the big screen and keyboard works pretty good for that. Just take consolation that there a thousands of people worldwide that share our pain, and hope that others thinking about buying Elephone do some serious research before buying and are not sucked in by pretty pictures and impressive specs. Eventually bad products get the reputation they deserve and the manufacturers fade into the sunset.

bluiis48 said:
You are not alone in being frustrated, angry and perhaps a little sad at throwing away money on an unsatisfactory product. After using a P8000 and an S7, both of which were pretty good for the money, I feel the same as you. The only solution is to make it my last Elephone, ever ! All I use it for now is web browsing and email and the big screen and keyboard works pretty good for that. Just take consolation that there a thousands of people worldwide that share our pain, and hope that others thinking about buying Elephone do some serious research before buying and are not sucked in by pretty pictures and impressive specs. Eventually bad products get the reputation they deserve and the manufacturers fade into the sunset.
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im allready in the next ,im waiting for the oukitel mix 2 ,and elephone is a gogo ,i hope someone will want it lol,sometimes my keyboard lags ,on p and l ,and even i pressed them its minimized the keyboard ,
tryed 3rd apps but no solution ,i think is a software bug ,not a touch screen bug ,
i think people will still buy elephone ,,,

Or ....
Load up one of the many super-cheap VPN, surf around to one of the many sites that host media, and enjoy. If you're worried about the ethics of that, just go pay your netflix subscription anyway. It's not like they lose money if you get your media delivered through an ... ahem ... alternative channel.

There is an easier solution... Uninstall the Netflix app and install an older version from here:
I tested a lot of them, and found that it works fine up until version 5.12.3. That's the one you should download.
Afterwards go on Google Play, find Netflix and disable the auto install new versions option (top right corner).

CutSickAss said:
There is an easier solution... Uninstall the Netflix app and install an older version from here:
I tested a lot of them, and found that it works fine up until version 5.12.3. That's the one you should download.
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can confirm,v5.16.1 b26734(released on March, 31) works perfectly.
get it from apkmirror


XDA really sucks as a phone

Well my sage continues with this XDA (SX56). This $400 Paper weight has finally pushed me back to using a PALM device. Very disappointing since I love the functionality of my Pocket PC. After Upgrading and downgrading ROM and Radio Stacks the device just never truly gets to be a phone. So I have to go back to carrying my Toshiba PDA and my Palm Tungsten W in order to get anything done.
I am so sorry for even buying the dam thing it has been a serious dampener to my business and I would never recommend another PDA/Phone like this again, to anyone.
So if your are on this website looking for a fix...there isn't one. Accept the fact that the device is just a pretty PDA that can be a phone once and a while.
I am very happy with my xda and xda 2, I have never had a problem with the phone side and I think the xda is the best featured value for money pda/phone on the market. Maybe you should address the problem in the hope of fixing it, messing with radio stacks is not to be taken lightly. If you supply all the details such as original radio stack, current radio stack, original and current rom, the nature of your problem etc. you may find a solution, if you just want to moan then moan to the suppliers. If you have been experimenting with non official upgrades etc then it is not the fault of the supplier or the hardware.
Great device
I used my xda as a pda, to access emails, to surf the net, as a library, as a directory, as a newspaper and even as a phone now and again (have I missed anything out? oh yes its a big kids toy as well.). Now and again I get a hitch ... usually due to my own meddling, but most of the time it all works fine. I finally talked myself into an XDA II a couple of weeks ago and now I can add media messaging, video camera and wifi to the list.
As for the phone, I guess your network and local signal strength will dictate how well it works ... perhaps I have just been lucky.
cruisin-thru said:
I am very happy with my xda and xda 2, I have never had a problem with the phone side and I think the xda is the best featured value for money pda/phone on the market. Maybe you should address the problem in the hope of fixing it, messing with radio stacks is not to be taken lightly. If you supply all the details such as original radio stack, current radio stack, original and current rom, the nature of your problem etc. you may find a solution, if you just want to moan then moan to the suppliers. If you have been experimenting with non official upgrades etc then it is not the fault of the supplier or the hardware.
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Agreed, I am very happy with the phone and pad portions, as well as the ability to hack and test like mad.
Plenty of people seem happy. Me included. Seems that you fixed what wasn't broke. Jolly bad luck, old chap.
I'm trying to work out what was the purpose of your post. Sounds like an admission that you screwed it up.
In my experience, company directors shouldn't ever be allowed near technology...
mmm 7 posts
6 from last two days
all just complaining
How do you treat employees that only complain?
Phew, it's getting a bit warm in here!
I agree with the general consensus, it's a great device, and i think you just have to accept that any device that can be a phone, pda, internet browser, satnav, mp3/video player etc etc all in one handy little box is going to have a few problems every now and again! Stop moaning!
Perhaps I'm biased because I have been a PPC fan for a long time and so really utilize my XDA II's PPC functions a lot. But to me the phone aspect works pretty well too.
I must admit it is a bit disappointing that we need to buy 3rd party applications like RingtoneX and PocketZenPhone to profide functions which are standard in most other phones but apart from that I am happy with the phone functionality too.
Combined with my in car kit and Destinator GPS the XDA II becomes even more functional. The clarity of calls made and received in the car is fine and the GPS is fantastic.
For a mobile hands free I have opted to use the Logitec BT headset. Yeah I look a bit weird with it stuck on my ear but it certainly does the trick.
I'm sorry you are disappointed with your choice Director4u2c, but I am very happy with mine.
Yep, I've had a few problems with my Xda1, but after finding this site and being very patient and persistent I now have 2003 and it works really well as a phone, I'm a youth worker and need a reliable phone - this fits the bill. I've got all my contacts can browse the internet for housing vacancies etc. I suggest you ask rudegar to send you some basic instructions (as he did for myself) and then play a bit. At first I found the instructions very confusing, but by going step by step I upgraded the software and it all works fantastically! Give it a go mate, and hopefully you'll have better luck

Latest News and picture of Shift ! No GPS and Phone for sure out the of Box !

Hi guys, there are more news on the HTC shift, it has been official presented on the 28th in Taiwan by HTC. This is the official retail package and it's 100% what you will get in retail store.
Here is a link for some picture: http://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=224&t=508252&last=4825702
For those people who can't see the picture, see my attachment of how to show the picture.
My HTC contact was there and he has tested the device, i specific ask him to test on phone and gps function, he report back saying that there is 100% no phone and GPS inside the Shift.
I know a lot of people will say they seen photo of GPS or phone, but that me remind you this, this is the latest official retail version, all device before are prototype. Yes, i have also seen the picture on FCC website showing there is GPS inside, that's the reason I asked my friend to test it! And let me say this again, there will be no GPS or Phone out of the box.
Our hope will be for the developers here in XDA to crack the function to enable full windows mobile, phone, and GPS.
p.s. Another news i got from my friend, HTC is saying the SD slot will only support up to 2GB.
can you getem?
Hi Wu, how are you doing, just wondering like you got me my Dopod, can you get hold of a shift for me? Thanks Dude
faisal.husain said:
Hi Wu, how are you doing, just wondering like you got me my Dopod, can you get hold of a shift for me? Thanks Dude
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Hi Faisal, i am fine thank you. I hope you are doing well too.
Yes i can get the Shift for you, it's currently on pre-order and the device will be available on the 4th of Feb. Price is a bit lower then anywhere else and you will get bonus with it such as GPS and extra battery....etc.
If you are interesting in getting one, please PM me and we can discuss more there !
Hmm.. i´m ordered a sample from our german distributor but now i´m thinking about to cancel the order. We thinking long time ago about a integration of the shift in our company network for our VIP customers. But without gps, without Mobile and without LAN (or can i install Windows over netboot over WLAN??) i should search better for a other solution. there is not really a innovation inside. maybe the better solution with same features is a Toshiba Portégé R400 Series laptop..
but we will see the next on cebit i hope. maybe a other manufactor. we support htc from scratch with their first devices. after over 7000 devices and the problems within it´s time to test a other manufacor i think. maybe asus, samsung
Pre-Order all gone
Please do not ask me any more for HTC Shift, all the 200 unit for pre-order is gone already, first shipment will be on the 4th of Feb, if there is any more stock available, i will let you all know asap.
joy.d said:
Hmm.. i´m ordered a sample from our german distributor but now i´m thinking about to cancel the order. We thinking long time ago about a integration of the shift in our company network for our VIP customers. But without gps, without Mobile and without LAN (or can i install Windows over netboot over WLAN??) i should search better for a other solution. there is not really a innovation inside. maybe the better solution with same features is a Toshiba Portégé R400 Series laptop..
but we will see the next on cebit i hope. maybe a other manufactor. we support htc from scratch with their first devices. after over 7000 devices and the problems within it´s time to test a other manufacor i think. maybe asus, samsung
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weird comment .. I don't see any device being a half of what the Shift is ... and even without GPS, without Phone, without LAN and without full WM6 .. the shift is still the best device on the market for my needs.
WLAN will replace LAN over the time.. so I don't think it is a big mistake, but it could have been great
GPS "should" be in the SHIFT but not in WM6 (GPS in Vista).. but the choice is not perfect (who whant a GPS that is working only 2 hours..)
The Shift is not the perfect device, for everyone, but we have to see the real potential of the shift before crying for any lack of feature.
HTC has announced a "shift" like device with 5" .. maybe it will have GPS, Phone, etc.. we will see
weird - yes of course.. ;-)
i´m think it´s a new strategy of HTC to make devices without completly knows features.
maybe, LAN is only for Enterprise Customers like us with over 200tsd Users worldwide interesting, (automatic Software distribution) but Phone Functionality is interesting some more users. Is not really practicable with a 7" Device, but with BT Headset and Speak Control - why not. GPS is only a nice Addon for freaks like me, they travel around the world.
But overall: you´re need really a device like this? (i call that "the innovation factor" inside ;-)
But it´s really needed? Sometimes i think about Asus EEE PC, there a many Websites with modding this mini laptop, it´s crazy. when i have a look to this modding sites I see one:
they have much fun with modding her cheap Asus EEE Laptop.
But after 6 Years with HTC devices in all colors I ask me sometimes:
where is the fun - as i start with it..
joy.d said:
weird - yes of course.. ;-)
But overall: you´re need really a device like this? (i call that "the innovation factor" inside ;-)
But it´s really needed? Sometimes i think about Asus EEE PC, there a many Websites with modding this mini laptop, it´s crazy.
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Well well well .. yeah I really need a device like this. I hate laptop (it's almost like bringing my desktop tower ...) because it's too big for me (even 11" ones). The shift has the perfect size for being a good laptop to use everywhere (including when travelling, when being on the bed, ...).
A laptot is not silent at all... mine is making too much noise.. almost the same as my desktop ! And it's warm.. warm... too warm ! I can't keep it on my knees more than 10 minutes ... WAW ! Totally useless to have a laptop.
The shift is quite, cold (not warm I mean ) and I can put it in my pocket (yeah I can... really ... I can ! .. have I tried... not yet.. but I have look the size and it fits well in my pocket... yeah.. really !).
I have bought an HTC Touch to work without any computer with me ... and .. ouch.. impossible to work with the Touch ! No real application on Windows Mobile .... Mobile Office? NOOOO it's too horrible ! On the shift I can use Windows Vista to work .. mmh so nice !
And what about the size .. 40Go is enough to work everywhere I want .. i can plug a VGA cable to my TFT to have a real screen .. and I can do this in so many room (I'm a student, so believe me... I do see a lot of monitor that just want to put their VGA cable in something !).
The only thing that can be bad was the keyboard, but I have tried it.. and WAW it worked well ! Not as well as my own Logitech Media Keyboard with about 80 words per minute... but I can type about 60 words per minute... enough when I'm not @ home.
I do believe the shift is the only solution for me right now, and I'm waiting a little to see all the real features available on the "retail" shift.. but I have great hopes in it !
Supposedly the Shift has the Qualcomm MSM 7200 chipset in it which has voice and gps built in. I can not see them "removing" that from the chipset. It's just a matter of time before this device get's "unlocked" to it's fullest potential.
I still do not see the marketing strategy of HTC leaving these features "out"... You would think that every device you release you would want to sell the hell out of it no? Are they that cocky that they believe they will be around forever to keep selling up their products to us?
i.e. Model Shift II including GPS!!! More money!!!
juiceppc said:
Supposedly the Shift has the Qualcomm MSM 7200 chipset in it which has voice and gps built in. I can not see them "removing" that from the chipset. It's just a matter of time before this device get's "unlocked" to it's fullest potential.
I still do not see the marketing strategy of HTC leaving these features "out"... You would think that every device you release you would want to sell the hell out of it no? Are they that cocky that they believe they will be around forever to keep selling up their products to us?
i.e. Model Shift II including GPS!!! More money!!!
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hard to know... but it's sure that the strategy seems completely wrong .... maybe they want us to buy a Phone and a GPS ... but it's not the right choice.... many people will not buy a HTC device because of it...
It is an odd strategy but not the first time they've done this stuff. Still I think most people who are inclined to buy Windows Mobile devices usually research them. A WinMo device is alot more advanced than your cpl hundred dollar nokias, I think when people are spending over $500 on a phone they are pretty inclined to do some research.
With that said im pretty sure HTC know if they release a shift w/o GPS or phone enabled, good people here can hack it and enable (remember the P3600) and then its on the users onus if things mess up. Actually sounds like a good strategy when you think about it, they only have to meet target "X" in terms of standards for "X" features. If end users decide to try activating features "Y" then they do so at their own risk...
Osir1s said:
It is an odd strategy but not the first time they've done this stuff. Still I think most people who are inclined to buy Windows Mobile devices usually research them. A WinMo device is alot more advanced than your cpl hundred dollar nokias, I think when people are spending over $500 on a phone they are pretty inclined to do some research.
With that said im pretty sure HTC know if they release a shift w/o GPS or phone enabled, good people here can hack it and enable (remember the P3600) and then its on the users onus if things mess up. Actually sounds like a good strategy when you think about it, they only have to meet target "X" in terms of standards for "X" features. If end users decide to try activating features "Y" then they do so at their own risk...
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i don't think it's smart.. because about 50% of intersted people will not buy the shift only because of missing GPS and Phone.

What is going on...?

Ok first and foremost this is not just another post of someone complaining, in no way am i trying to offend or criticize this new device...these are simply observations made by a previous HTC owner (MDA/Herald/Wing) me...
I understand that the open source to "create" applications is fairly new not to mention all us G1 owners (ive had mine for lil more then a month). My concern is why are we seeing such "simple" programing in applications and things tht in reality none of us would ever use? Not to mention graphics what is going on...Look i have not created any nor have taken the time to even try to create applications, and if you or someone you know has, then my hats off to you, i envy you for knowing how and taking the time to...what im saying is why do all these new applications have so many bugs and in my opinion (cause that is all it is) are sub-par...i know its not really fair to compare to any other device on the market since it is the first of its kind, but im getting a little skeptical...am i alone in this? i find myself checking the android market every hour hoping for some sign to motivate me, but nothing so far aside from the obvious winners (youtube,maps,imeem,wheather channel etc...)...ill shut up now i sincerely was not trying to stir things up, and know/knew when i purcased the G1 it was the first of its kind and would probably take time to show its full potential, i just thought there were some things google had up its sleeve that were ready...does anyone have any insight or knowledge of better things to come...?
timace said:
Ok first and foremost this is not just another post of someone complaining, in no way am i trying to offend or criticize this new device...these are simply observations made by a previous HTC owner (MDA/Herald/Wing) me...
I understand that the open source to "create" applications is fairly new not to mention all us G1 owners (ive had mine for lil more then a month). My concern is why are we seeing such "simple" programing in applications and things tht in reality none of us would ever use? Not to mention graphics what is going on...Look i have not created any nor have taken the time to even try to create applications, and if you or someone you know has, then my hats off to you, i envy you for knowing how and taking the time to...what im saying is why do all these new applications have so many bugs and in my opinion (cause that is all it is) are sub-par...i know its not really fair to compare to any other device on the market since it is the first of its kind, but im getting a little skeptical...am i alone in this? i find myself checking the android market every hour hoping for some sign to motivate me, but nothing so far aside from the obvious winners (youtube,maps,imeem,wheather channel etc...)...ill shut up now i sincerely was not trying to stir things up, and know/knew when i purcased the G1 it was the first of its kind and would probably take time to show its full potential, i just thought there were some things google had up its sleeve that were ready...does anyone have any insight or knowledge of better things to come...?
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Personally, I find the plethora of apps encouraging, yes, some are more useful than others but the wide range of effort is fan-flippin-tastic.
MY biggest observation is that the Market place needs some severe MODERATOR intervention... the one star "i is first u goons" and "this app suks (because I am too stupid to read the intro to figure out what it is for) really really really needs to be cleaned up/out. (A perfect example is the UTC clock... it does EXACTLY what it says, true, the numbers in the display look like they are from a missile silo, but hey, it is a tribute to the UTC heritage...anyway, people bag on it because they have no idea why, what, or anything else about it... morons)
demontefixo said:
Personally, I find the plethora of apps encouraging, yes, some are more useful than others but the wide range of effort is fan-flippin-tastic.
MY biggest observation is that the Market place needs some severe MODERATOR intervention... the one star "i is first u goons" and "this app suks (because I am too stupid to read the intro to figure out what it is for) really really really needs to be cleaned up/out. (A perfect example is the UTC clock... it does EXACTLY what it says, true, the numbers in the display look like they are from a missile silo, but hey, it is a tribute to the UTC heritage...anyway, people bag on it because they have no idea why, what, or anything else about it... morons)
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i agree "first" comments are riduculous, and if you dont like the application from descrption then dont install it...positive criticism is more then welcome but "this sucks" is getting on my nerves...
timace said:
Ok first and foremost this is not just another post of someone complaining, in no way am i trying to offend or criticize this new device...these are simply observations made by a previous HTC owner (MDA/Herald/Wing) me...
I understand that the open source to "create" applications is fairly new not to mention all us G1 owners (ive had mine for lil more then a month). My concern is why are we seeing such "simple" programing in applications and things tht in reality none of us would ever use? Not to mention graphics what is going on...Look i have not created any nor have taken the time to even try to create applications, and if you or someone you know has, then my hats off to you, i envy you for knowing how and taking the time to...what im saying is why do all these new applications have so many bugs and in my opinion (cause that is all it is) are sub-par...i know its not really fair to compare to any other device on the market since it is the first of its kind, but im getting a little skeptical...am i alone in this? i find myself checking the android market every hour hoping for some sign to motivate me, but nothing so far aside from the obvious winners (youtube,maps,imeem,wheather channel etc...)...ill shut up now i sincerely was not trying to stir things up, and know/knew when i purcased the G1 it was the first of its kind and would probably take time to show its full potential, i just thought there were some things google had up its sleeve that were ready...does anyone have any insight or knowledge of better things to come...?
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i agree with you; even though i love this phone there are a lot of things i dislike about it. the only advice i can give to you is to be patient. the phone has 'officially' been out for a little under a month and there is already so much improvements to it:
- 2 updates have already been rolled out,
- we have found a Root and a way to manually update it.
- we are beginning to see system folders moved to sdcard to save space(even though the phone should have came with more memory)
apps on the market are getting better i don't if you have seen the app "bubble". bubble is a basic bubble level that uses the accelerometer to see if something is level and changes as the phone changes orientation it may seem like a simple app but it shows that Google came come out with an update that uses the accelerometer to change orientation.
- first signs of on screen keyboards like akeyui, a7email and a7sms.
all of these improvements in about 3 weeks and tons more to come idk what anybody can complain about besides hardware issues
just wait come Jan 2009 the G1 isnt going to be anything like it is today.
demontefixo said:
Personally, I find the plethora of apps encouraging, yes, some are more useful than others but the wide range of effort is fan-flippin-tastic.
MY biggest observation is that the Market place needs some severe MODERATOR intervention... the one star "i is first u goons" and "this app suks (because I am too stupid to read the intro to figure out what it is for) really really really needs to be cleaned up/out. (A perfect example is the UTC clock... it does EXACTLY what it says, true, the numbers in the display look like they are from a missile silo, but hey, it is a tribute to the UTC heritage...anyway, people bag on it because they have no idea why, what, or anything else about it... morons)
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yeah there need to be some serious clean up in th commenting sections, some of these comments might discourage people from developing apps for the G1, i think comments should strictly about the apps and not about being 1st or 151st, or bashing other commenters, and people definitely should not comment on an app the don't know how to use.
however developers should include directions on how to use their apps so people do not have to rely on commenting to try and figure out what it does and how it does it.
The point is the development muscle that has been put in the device is minor.I feel like the market is made by kids or teenagers that stopped uploading on youtube and are writing apps using ready made lego kits (APIs). The apps in the market are all basic stuff. There is not even a Divx player for this device available but 5 Video players using the Google provided APIs to play mp4 which only play SOME mp4 files not all.
I love the sliding, bubble and Gmail on it but I cant name too many more things I love. Not even a Navi that works properly. I really cant think of anything else I love about it. No office, word, excel, PDF, flash, divx. The SMS system is grouped together. The actual phone keyboard is beyond basic with no options. There are simply too many bugs on the phone operation itself like bluetooth etc.
Time flies google, we need apps that have more than 10 man-hours of software programming spent on it. Lets stop the growth of many timers and alarms in the market and get some real stuff out there. Microsoft has probably put in millions of development hours into WM and it was not until now that I realized this.
brooklynite said:
The point is the development muscle that has been put in the device is minor.I feel like the market is made by kids or teenagers that stopped uploading on youtube and are writing apps using ready made lego kits (APIs). The apps in the market are all basic stuff. There is not even a Divx player for this device available but 5 Video players using the Google provided APIs to play mp4 which only play SOME mp4 files not all.
I love the sliding, bubble and Gmail on it but I cant name too many more things I love. Not even a Navi that works properly. I really cant think of anything else I love about it. No office, word, excel, PDF, flash, divx. The SMS system is grouped together. The actual phone keyboard is beyond basic with no options. There are simply too many bugs on the phone operation itself like bluetooth etc.
Time flies google, we need apps that have more than 10 man-hours of software programming spent on it. Lets stop the growth of many timers and alarms in the market and get some real stuff out there. Microsoft has probably put in millions of development hours into WM and it was not until now that I realized this.
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words that stood out and i DEFINATELY agree
as i said before patience is the key here
the reason why there aren't many good programs out right know is because they are still in development, there are some apps that won google's app contest that are not on the market because they are still under development. developers take their to try and come out with a bug free app and you criticize them for taking to long however if they rush it and get it out with SOME bugs people crucify them. how long did you think it took for divx or flash to be developed for other phones?
why do people expect a phone thats been out for under a month to have the same capabilities as phones that been out for years?
how many phone do you know had divx support right out of the box or even one month after release? i estimate that divx support will be out before the end of the year.
i agree that apps on the market are going the the hole, especially with millions of the same type of apps, c'mon how many different weather apps do we need, how many background apps is necessary. but you got to admit out of the hundreds of apps on the market there are some good ones.
I'm waiting with great anticipation on the games for the g1. Sure i want cut copy and paste, document reader, full video player, full file manager and task manager as well as others but i'm dying to play nes games and others on this phone. The market is pretty lame in the games department but hey i got pacman, solitaire, and a few others free so i'm not gonna complain. I think the apps are very promising and there are a wide variety of them. Granted none of the crucial apps are out yet but i have quite a few on g1 that i love and got em all for free!!! We just have to be patient, i knew going in i would have to be.
All the apps are free. The hardware has only been in people's hands for a few weeks (at most). A serious developer, wanting to create the exact apps we're all hoping for, needs a heck of a lot more time. The SDK was fine, but any serious developer is going to want to log a lot of hours with a physical device (or several) to finalize the product.
And they're not going to do all that, for free.
This device has huge potential, and the reason we're seeing amaturish apps is because the only people who are willing to play around with creating apps for free are mostly hobbyists who want feedback to further their skills.
I predict that once the payment system is set up for the Market, the apps you're all stomping your feet about are going to show up.
The programs we're talking about are complex, writing them and testing them is time consuming, and I assume that they're going to be larger than the apps we're seeing now. It's entirely possible that some of these apps are almost finished, but are waiting for SD card loading to be added to the functionality before they can release them. Some may even be delayed by the announcement of the virtual keyboard -- they may want to integrate that for the launch of their apps.
I think two things need to happen before we're going to see the apps we all want.
-Pay system on Android Market
-The Ability for Apps to be installed and run from the SD card.
Until those two things happen, the App Store is going to be like it is. And it's also time you guys thought about something. The apps that are "missing" were never a secret, most of the complaints I see are about things that were known well before launch, or discovered the first week people had it in hand. If you didn't read up, that's your fault. If you read up and assumed things would be taken care of within one to two months (something no one promised you) that's also your fault.
I'll predict something for you right now, in light of the economy and everything else, it'll be 6 months to a year before HALF the apps we want are available and working. Now, that's just my estimate, but if that sounds "too long" to wait, then I'd invest in another phone rather than spending the next 6 months posting complaints like "why isn't _____ done yet? And where's the ______ app?!!"
Just my 2 cents
I have already heard many apps have been developed but the developers are waiting for the pay system which has already been annoucnced and is coming 3 months after launch.
I am similar to you... give it time and you will see the best things you have ever seen. I mean look at Linux... they have some awesome apps on most linux flavors that make me dual boot into linux just to have. I think this device will be the same as this was the entire purpose.
Google is updating features all the time in the git directory and it won't be long before they fix the main issues and then the developers will be looking at new things to give us.
So far the barcode readers alone seem like such a huge advantage as I haven't seen them on mobile devices before(at least none that worked)
brooklynite said:
The point is the development muscle that has been put in the device is minor.I feel like the market is made by kids or teenagers that stopped uploading on youtube and are writing apps using ready made lego kits (APIs). The apps in the market are all basic stuff. There is not even a Divx player for this device available but 5 Video players using the Google provided APIs to play mp4 which only play SOME mp4 files not all.
I love the sliding, bubble and Gmail on it but I cant name too many more things I love. Not even a Navi that works properly. I really cant think of anything else I love about it. No office, word, excel, PDF, flash, divx. The SMS system is grouped together. The actual phone keyboard is beyond basic with no options. There are simply too many bugs on the phone operation itself like bluetooth etc.
Time flies google, we need apps that have more than 10 man-hours of software programming spent on it. Lets stop the growth of many timers and alarms in the market and get some real stuff out there. Microsoft has probably put in millions of development hours into WM and it was not until now that I realized this.
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Well you said my answer in your own post. The device has been out less than a month. That's nowhere near enough time to make those killer apps you're talking about. To google's credit they did put in things like street view with the compass mode and there are those apps you've talked about. It takes MONTHS to do real software developement so you're going to keep seeing more and more alarms and stuff until then.
seriously, does ANYBODY give a ratsass or even use streetview?
They should have made sure all the media stuff and the email was topnotcxh.
I agree 100% with the first post! Google should have prepaired Android better. There is a lot of competition out there and I would say by what I've seen so far they are light years behind. I did not expect that with all the money in the world Google couldn't release product that was better polished. I have put my G1 back in its box and I'm back to my unlocked Tilt, what sucks is going back to the old screen and Edge but its functinality that I need. I wish they made some kind of task aplication that I can put on the screen kind of likr thr picture frame that would display my tasks for the day. I have a Motorola ROKR E2 that runs Linux and there are more useful stuff for it out there. I desagree we have to wait untill we start paying for apliications, I believe Google can afford providing us with free functional software as more and more people will be using their services.
i love my g1, but i agree with these people that google didn't do enough...and i hope they're working to fix it.
i think that their whole "leave it in the hands of developers" approach was probably a mistake. they should have made all the basic applications like they did but also gone a step further to spice up the phone. i hope that google, in the new few updates, incorporates some more stuff, like OUTLOOK SYNC (i wuld love it if they changed the google calendar sync for windows into just google sync and have it sync everything with outlook....funambol right now sucks i have like 80 of each contact!)
they also should have made a GOOD video recorder / player, and even a better music player. they're trying to beat apple at multimedia, and are failing miserably.
they should add a decent on-screen keyboard and maybe even a task manager...or make it only have like 4 open tasks in the backgroudn...because i've noticed my g1 slowing down a lot after having a few apps open.
google should add a manual update button...i'm still on RC28 because i dont feel like installing the modified rc30 or plugging it in to update. have a freaking "UPDATE" button in the system info thing or something.
i think google needs more than 3 home screens...i've already filled all of mine up. they also should have added more widgets, like the guy above me said.
SELECTING TEXT SUCKS. i have to use the trackball to select a ltter of a word...on my windows mobile i could just tap on where i wanted it to be and at least it would get me within 1 or 2 letters...if i tap on a word on the g1 nothing happens!
we need to be able to install stuff to the sd card!
i think i'm missing a lot of things but i've only had the phone for 2 days and i've noticed all that...i hope developers DO step in if google is too stupid not to add more basic functionality.
Look at it this way currently there is no way to charge for apps that are developed. This is why we are seeing nothing but apps programed by independant programers some of which are good and some of which are useless. Once companies can charge for apps then it will make sence to put money into the development of better more porfessional apps. My suggestion is to just hold off on passing judgement untill the market is finished to where people that spend money in development can recoup those losses. I do think that the market place should have been finished before launch but what can you do.
coffeboy23 said:
Look at it this way currently there is no way to charge for apps that are developed. This is why we are seeing nothing but apps programed by independant programers some of which are good and some of which are useless. Once companies can charge for apps then it will make sence to put money into the development of better more porfessional apps. My suggestion is to just hold off on passing judgement untill the market is finished to where people that spend money in development can recoup those losses. I do think that the market place should have been finished before launch but what can you do.
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Agaqin, super lame of google.
We can get a bunch of usless wank programs, but not proepr ones, becasue they don't have the pay market ready.
Also, I think that certain things like exchange and a proper email client shoudl have been included.
And remember most people are new to development, don't know how many "this is my first try" apps I have seen. When you get that one that charges 20 bucks for the app... you will get another developer who will release it free and just ask for donations... I suggest donating whatever you can to the one that gives it free.
Henchman said:
Agaqin, super lame of google.
We can get a bunch of usless wank programs, but not proepr ones, becasue they don't have the pay market ready.
Also, I think that certain things like exchange and a proper email client shoudl have been included.
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google isnt the one entirely in charge of the market... tmobile is the one wanting money
neoobs said:
google isnt the one entirely in charge of the market... tmobile is the one wanting money
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No, but it was google who shoudl ahve made sure that the basics were coveredf well.
The Camera I'm sure can take greta pics, but the controls suck.
The email is severly lacking.
No streaming video.
And they shoudl ahve elarnt form the iPhoen release, that push email fro MsExcahnge should have been there fromt he getgo.
Or the should have built a BB app, just like you can get for WinMo.
No, they focused on teenagers, not professionals.
neoobs said:
google isnt the one entirely in charge of the market... tmobile is the one wanting money
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no....google is not taking any money but is giving 30% of all apps sold to the carriers...tmobile might be the one "wanting" money but they have no control over the app store at all.

My letter to Gameloft. After the new Modern Combat 3 update.

Dear Gameloft.
What have you done to this game... New update made that game even worse, many players are dissatisfied, you have lost many stars in their reviews, they comply for the same things and it keeps piling up in Google Play...
I have three problems to describe.
First of all this update totally breaks Xperia PLAY controls - touchpad acting like a real thumbstick like on PS3 or XBOX 360 controller? Very VERY bad idea, we are barely able to aim, especially in multiplayer mode. We have TOUCHpad not thumbstick,
Second problem is you made the game slower. It started to lose FPS in many places, the whole gameplay is not fluent. The previous version was so beautifully looking and so fluent... Besides, changing graphics in main menu was a total nonsense. Why add bloom, HDR, blur? It runs so slow sometimes I must push the button twice to select some options.
The third problem is your multiplayer mode. It's slow, laggy, glitchy and easy to hack with tools that instantly sets the level to 50 and also there are many hackers with autoaim, god mode... They lasted for the whole match making their team a sure winner. Many players were quitting the matches because what is the fun with being killed more than 30 times by the same person and being unable to kill him?
So my (and many other users of Xperia PLAY phones and also many older phones users) is:
- revert for the previous controls OR at least make the right touchpad aiming "swipe to aim". For example Shadowgun guys made it better - their game had the same controls in the first version of the game - right touchpad acted like real thumbstick. Many people said this game had the worst aiming EVER. After the update they improved the controls, aiming is WAY BETTER.
- make the graphics FASTER, not BETTER. We don't need super ubercharged textures, awesome and jawdropping special effects (EVEN.IN.THE.MAIN.MENU...). We just need a nice shooter game which delivers us awesome experience and fun from playing such advanced and great game on our phones.
- finally improve the multiplayer mode. Make it faster, better, safer and more balanced.
I know the "iUsers" have better support on many games released by your company mainly because of frequent updates. Many people think you just sometimes forget about Android users. We want to play and have full experience and fun too!
Yours faithfully,
Roman Lepszy
Bydgoszcz, Poland
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What do you think? They surely support Apple devices much better than Android ones, this must end...
Sent from my beautiful Xperia PLAY using xda premium
I think they still don't understand, and will not. Gameloft is iOS lovers, Android is on 2nd place, always -.-.
PS: Polak potrafi, Romanie .
But i think the swipe to aim on the older version was much worse than the actual version. Thumbsticks work not bad if you get used to it and you cam turn arround much quicker wich is importend in multiplayer...
Sent from my R800i using XDA
Yeah I also think the controls are slightly better now, but still not perfect.
As long as Gameloft still have paying customers they won't give a **** whether they're happy or not
I agree.
I dont understand how you could make LEFT thumbstick works as a 8-way controller like arrow keys while on-screen controls work perfectly
RIGHT touchpad is slugish and has some weird latency while on-screen, again, works perfectly.
MC3, first game that forces me to use touchscreeb instead of dedicated controls...
Don't every buy a Gameloft game again. That's the only language they understand. Seriously, people, big companies are not there to serve you, they want you to serve them instead. They're deaf to you.
This is Gameloft. Myself and others notified them of a problem with Shadow Guardian that basically makes it impossible to complete the game probably 6 months ago. They have still not fixed it.
That said regarding MC3, I thought the controls improved with the update.....
Hm. I updated but haven't played the new update yet, so I'll have to check it out first.
The controls are annoying me. The buttons are direct to the other button so that you press sometimes the wrong button
Gesendet von meinem HTC Desire S mit Tapatalk
Gameloft isn't competent about handling issues on iOS either.
They make the cheapest product they can make to impress the casual gamer's eye, then do whatever they must to get the most money for it without caring how "good" the product actually is.
ShadowGun released with Xperia PLAY controls FAR worse than SC:Conviction or anything Gameloft ever did... took one dedicated update, and boom!... Shadowgun's controls are on Dead Space's level.
Gameloft's a very big company... bigger than Madfinger. They can be that competent, they just choose to rush products instead. Eternal Legacy was released without the native ability to walk in a straight line on the touch-pad. They've been aware of this for nearly a year now... and done nothing about it.
This is one of the many reasons I love iOS and Apple and Gameloft
Sent from my R800x using XDA
Modern combat 3
romcio47 said:
What do you think? They surely support Apple devices much better than Android ones, this must end...
Sent from my beautiful Xperia PLAY using xda premium
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hey, i have problem with updating the MC3 to 1.1.1 when it is installed and the download has finished it wont start the game it just keep restarting itself.. any help here ? are u running the version 1.1.1 or what , and i hate gameloft because i tryed to follow their instucktions but it didnt help at all i just lost my rank and they give me this link to download MC3 v1.0.0 :/
This is what I've recieved.
Thank you for your letter. Sorry to hear about your problems.
I have forwarded your information to an appropriate department. They are going to investigate your issues. Please rest assured, we will do our best in order to resolve your issues as soon as possible, but it may take some time.
Sorry for the inconveniences and thank you for your patience.
Best regards,
Natalia Kustovskaya
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That's the PR-ese translation for "Cool story, bro".
Yea, I think the same...
romcio47 said:
This is what I've recieved.
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I got the same kind of reply about Shadow Guardian.... 4 months ago... they still haven't fixed it.
I was thinking of getting MC3 through the gameloft store (which supports paypal, unlike the android store -.-), but after reading this I think i should just wait for a better update.
Verizon Xperia Play R800x
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum. I have a few issues and hope to resolve them. I'm a wholesaler of electronic gadgets and other merchandise. I have a bunch approx. 50 Verizon R800x in great working condition, but I have a few questions. I have conflicting report everywhere and trying to get to the bottom of it and figured developers and guys who know about this stuff would be the best to turn to
1. Is there a way to unlock the phones? Apparently the SIM card slot does exist but it's blocked off by a plastic blocker. I've been told it might be as easy as ripping the plastic blocker out, putting in a foreign sim and unlocking it using a PIN? However, from other forums I read that that's not possible.
2. Is there a place on this forum to sell merchandise or am I allowed to advertise the sale of these phones?
m3gtrfan said:
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum. I have a few issues and hope to resolve them. I'm a wholesaler of electronic gadgets and other merchandise. I have a bunch approx. 50 Verizon R800x in great working condition, but I have a few questions. I have conflicting report everywhere and trying to get to the bottom of it and figured developers and guys who know about this stuff would be the best to turn to
1. Is there a way to unlock the phones? Apparently the SIM card slot does exist but it's blocked off by a plastic blocker. I've been told it might be as easy as ripping the plastic blocker out, putting in a foreign sim and unlocking it using a PIN? However, from other forums I read that that's not possible.
2. Is there a place on this forum to sell merchandise or am I allowed to advertise the sale of these phones?
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Pretty sure the R800x can't physically load foreign SIM cards, since it's CDMA (which doesn't use SIM cards). The hardware is just left over because they didn't want to spend a lot of money changing the specs, but it's not useable
The Marketplace didn't allow professional sellers the last time I checked.

Any other devs for the A7/A7+?

Just wondering if there were any other developers willing to work on the A7 or (more preferably) the A7+. Dexter seems to have quit or lost interest his development permanently on either devices (I think he doesn't have a physical device to work with anymore, but I don't remember where I heard this). The last time he logged on to Tablet Roms was on "04-27-2012", and the last time he logged on to XDA was, well, today actually but he doesn't seem to have any interest in the eLocity forum section. He DID leave us with quite a lot of quality ROMs to work with, especially since the kernel was released for the + in March.
If there aren't any developers willing to work with the A7/A7+ because they don't have a physical device, I would willingly offer remote testing on my A7+ (AKA they give me the compiled ROM(s) or whatever and I try it out and give feedback). It just seems like such a shame to leave both devices with nothing better than a buggy (but still awesome) Honeycomb or a working stock 2.2. ICS seems like it would be doable, again especially since the kernel was released.
I will try to contact the user "chinabull" in the referred link as he seemed like he knew what he was doing when he said "It seems to have all the driver source code we need."
And I have also posted this over at TR.
EDIT- Turns out I can't send PM's to chinabull here, forgot about that. I'll find some other means of communication.
EDIT2- I'm crazy- the message got through; chinabull messaged back! And... he said that he already returned his A7+. So we've got no leads there.
If anyone knows some devs who haven't even heard of the A7/A7+ but might be willing to pick up where Dexter left off, please contact them or let me know so that I can contact them.
6Leinad6 said:
Just wondering if there were any other developers willing to work on the A7 or (more preferably) the A7+. Dexter seems to have quit or lost interest his development permanently on either devices (I think he doesn't have a physical device to work with anymore, but I don't remember where I heard this).
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I would be willing to pony up CDN $20 towards the purchase of one for a talented (and dedicated) dev to work with. Here in Canada they are available as refurbs for about $90 from places like factorydirect dot c a ..
Anyone else want to donate some dinero ?
Sorry for the late(ish) reply, I was out of town.
I don't have any money to donate, sadly, as I just spent it on the A7+...
But, like I said in the OP, if you are willing to work from afar we could do that.
It's a shame it's dead. Prices are around $90 in the US too. With all the china pads out there getting 2nd tier dual core processors with 600 res screens for very little more, it's easy to see why this would go by the wayside. One plus would be built in bluetooth which no china pad has at anything close to this pricepoint, and it probably has a better battery than many of them as well.
We've got someone over at Tablet Roms who will be working on the A7+! He is just waiting on the tablet to arrive.
digidog_A7+ said:
I would be willing to pony up CDN $20 towards the purchase of one for a talented (and dedicated) dev to work with. Here in Canada they are available as refurbs for about $90 from places like factorydirect dot c a ..
Anyone else want to donate some dinero ?
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I'd donate if you're talking about developing for the (older) A7. I still use mine and it would be nice to see a fresh rom for it.
I'd be in if I didn't just pick up the ZTE Optik from Sprint. Can't beat free and can't beat running JB via CM10. That 800 res is quite nice.
I'd greatly appreciate someone picking up work on the A7+. I still haven't flashed the newer firmware with the blank screen from sleep fix because I was holding out hope for a new custom rom. I'd have to root and install the outdated gapps again... And I'm sure we don't have unreasonably high expectations. I'd just like a rom without those awful elocity apps, doesn't black screen when I wake it, with google play, and with functioning hardware, anything more is welcome but uneccessary.
Ok his name is jam4 over at TR - check the thread for updates http://www.tabletroms.com/forums/elocity-a7-general-discussion/5362-any-other-devs-a7-a7.html
@dibmem jam4 is developing on the +, sorry
@frankwg83 yes he is working on honeycomb at the moment, but it sounds like your problems would be easily fixed... it takes 5 minutes and a flashdrive to install the Play Store and a root explorer and a 1-click-root app to get rid of the bloatware
6Leinad6 said:
Ok his name is jam4 over at TR - check the thread for updates http://www.tabletroms.com/forums/elocity-a7-general-discussion/5362-any-other-devs-a7-a7.html
@dibmem jam4 is developing on the +, sorry
@frankwg83 yes he is working on honeycomb at the moment, but it sounds like your problems would be easily fixed... it takes 5 minutes and a flashdrive to install the Play Store and a root explorer and a 1-click-root app to get rid of the bloatware
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Think he would develop on the A7 if he had the hardware? I'm the type of person who'd buy one second hand just to donate it to a willing and capable dev.
dibmem said:
Think he would develop on the A7 if he had the hardware? I'm the type of person who'd buy one second hand just to donate it to a willing and capable dev.
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Maybe, I don't know. You'd have to ask him yourself - http://www.tabletroms.com/forums/members/jam4.html
"I am about 2 weeks out from releasing a working Honeycomb build for the A7+. Let me know how many of you are interested, either by pm or an email to [email protected]"
Everyone go PM or Email him!
So...2 weeks out? How'd that go?
Btw, the A7+ is at 1saleaday again for $70 this time. I'm willing to buy one and ship it to a developer if that's a hurdle since I'm pretty sure there are enough people out there that would want a solid Honeycomb or even Gingerbread firmware. I don't have the time/obsession to figure out the coding myself.
