Contacts disappeared after removing a recently added secondary Google account - X Style (Pure) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Seems like most of my contacts, which were saved only to the phone internally, has disappeared after I removed a secondary Google account (my brother's who borrowed my phone).
Weird thing is, if I search for the contacts, they show up, even ones that are not part of the call history. So, it seems like my original contacts are hidden somewhere. Only using default contacts app.
I also tried searching the directories for the contacts.db file but could not find it via the phone connected with usb to the pc. Phone is not rooted. All stock.

Odd that they are "still there" in some form... Have you tried exporting them to a vcf file and examining it off the device?


Strange. Looks like the contacts here hidden some how and could not be unhid. I exported all contacts to a vcf and luckily, everyone is there. I've since merged them onto Google Contacts so this does not happen again.
Does any one know how to stop Google Contacts from syncing Contacts that I have hidden on I don't want those contacts showing up on my phone or in the overall contacts list. So on I made a label for all of these contacts and then "Hid" them all. Yet, they are still synced to the phone automatically.


phone contacts deleted after synching?????

Ever since I got my Magic, and because I didn't like the feature very much, I had the "sync contacts" option to off. I manually entered all the phone numbers & email I had, and was fine with it.
Then, today, I thought "oh, wth, i'll turn contact sync so that my gmail will also have my phone numbers and they'll be safe". little did I know.
For some inexplicable reasons, when synchronizing ended, my phone had downloaded all my google contacts BUT it had completely wiped out my existing phone contacts. At the "view" option in contacts, under the "phone" contacts it shows 0, and it does not recognise my call log or my sms list as sent by known numbers. Oh, and my phone contacts (neither the ones I had before sync, nor the couple I just entered after all this) do NOT show up in my google contacts AT ALL.
Is there any way at all to undo this? I want my phone contacts back!
Also, is this some sort of bug or error or does sync reallly wipe out all your phone contacts? if so, WHY THE HELL does it do that? I thought synch would be upload phone contacts to gmail, download gmail contacts to phone, keep all of htem in both places. isn't that the point?
In sort, why did this happen? I'm pretty sure it never asked me if I wanted to keep my phone contacts or anything...
It is strange that the contacts are removed from the phone.
My coincidence, yesterday just to check what was going to happen, I added a contact to my phone and I select the source as Google. Then I sync and went to the Gmail but no contact was present.
I closed google and open again the web page and now it appears. So it was a refresh/cache issue.
Only the contacts I've sync via HTC were set to Phone mode and I couldn't change them to Google so they were untouch on the phone and never went to google contacts.
contacts are wiped
surfmadpig said:
Ever since I got my Magic, and because I didn't like the feature very much, I had the "sync contacts" option to off. I manually entered all the phone numbers & email I had, and was fine with it.
Then, today, I thought "oh, wth, i'll turn contact sync so that my gmail will also have my phone numbers and they'll be safe". little did I know.
For some inexplicable reasons, when synchronizing ended, my phone had downloaded all my google contacts BUT it had completely wiped out my existing phone contacts. At the "view" option in contacts, under the "phone" contacts it shows 0, and it does not recognise my call log or my sms list as sent by known numbers. Oh, and my phone contacts (neither the ones I had before sync, nor the couple I just entered after all this) do NOT show up in my google contacts AT ALL.
Is there any way at all to undo this? I want my phone contacts back!
Also, is this some sort of bug or error or does sync reallly wipe out all your phone contacts? if so, WHY THE HELL does it do that? I thought synch would be upload phone contacts to gmail, download gmail contacts to phone, keep all of htem in both places. isn't that the point?
In sort, why did this happen? I'm pretty sure it never asked me if I wanted to keep my phone contacts or anything...
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I have the same problem on my Google Nexus 5 device. I connect to Internet through a VPN and while connecting save a contact, surprisingly the contact was not deleted. I think it might be a serious bug. And I totally agree with the process of saving contact that you mentioned in your comment. The correct saving should save contact on phone and after synchronizing, contacts on the phone shall be uploaded on google contact. There should be a good harmony. But the present relationship between phone and google is damaging the contacts which are not saved before on your google account.

Facebook "Link Accounts" Creates Duplicate Contacts - Please help.

I used the "link acounts" facility for the first time on my Leo last night, after having it working on my Touch Pro for a long time, rather than linking the accounts, it has created duplicate contacts in my phone...very, very annoying.
Is there any way of turning these leo/facebook-created contacts off or deleting them before I sync the phone with Outlook and have to go through and delete them all there?
Not sure how you managed to get it to create duplicates? All it does is link the contact on your phone with there face book. Worked fine on mine.
Edit: Just a thought are you showing your Sim Contacts as well? I found that enabled by default i think. So when i copied my contacts to the phone i had double. Maybe you are just using the contacts from the SIM but then linking them to facebook caused it to copy them over.
Nope, not using any contacts on the SIM, and I have no idea it either, but it didn't link accounts, it just created new contacts for the Facebook contacts, alongside my old contacts. The new Facebook versions have a small "F" (facebook) logo in the bottom left of their contact picture to indicate they are linked. The old contact doesn't.
Just in case anyone else has this problem, I sync'd my phone, ordered all the contacts in Outlook by "Created" date and then deleted the ones created by the Facebook link. Weirdly, the links were instantly transferred to the correct contacts and life can once again go on as we know it.
Thanks to bzdemes for the reply.
it happened for me too. not all the fb contact where duplicated but just some.. random... well i don't know why but i've deleted one (the one not linked).

Google contacts

Sorry if this is the forum for this. I finally transfered my phone contacts to google contacts. I went to vzw, exported to .csv, and imported to gmail. So far so good. I deleted mt contacts from my phone, and synced my google contacts. All good there. I accidentally deleted a couple of contacts off of my phone, but they are still in gmail. How do I get them back onto my phone. I know with backup assistant I can retrieve and resync them to the phone, but don't have the foggiest how to do it with gmail. Thanks for the help.
Menu/settings/accounts & sync
Q&A would of been better suited for general questions.
Sent from my phone.
I tried that but it didn't add it back to the phone. I went back to gmail and it seems they were removed from there as well. Is that normal, if you remove it from the phone it also gets removed from gmail contacts list? How can I delete a contact from the phone without deleting it from gmail?
Login to gmail from your pc, you can choose which you want to sync or make a list.
Sent from my phone.

no contacts

well im not having much luck with this new for some reason i cant get any contacts to appear... i can import them to the phone, they even sync with my google account and i can see them on my computer. but if i click on contacts on the phone theres nothing there. ive tried importing them as a csv, vcard and using sprite migrate.. they say theyve imported but nothing shows. wierd thing is my messages come up with the correct names just nothing in the contacts app.
well for anyone who gets a similar problem i finally fixed it by logging into my google account on a pc. moved the contacts into "my contacts" then wiped my phone back to standard, when i signed into my google account it then synced the contacts to my phone..

Contacts Confusion

Another newb question to the Samsung. My contacts are an absolute nightmare and I can't figure out how to get them under control. I went in and disabled (I think) sync on as many things as I could find (exchange, facebook, etc). I also went through and manually deleted a bunch of contacts I didn't want. Went in there today and BOOM. Contacts are a chaotic mess again. How do I fix this? How can I mass delete contacts and start over if it comes down to that?
#frustrated ex-apple person here.
Facebook always screws mine up, so I never sync it ever.
I'd just sync your google ones and then go fix them on
NomadRT said:
Another newb question to the Samsung. My contacts are an absolute nightmare and I can't figure out how to get them under control. I went in and disabled (I think) sync on as many things as I could find (exchange, facebook, etc). I also went through and manually deleted a bunch of contacts I didn't want. Went in there today and BOOM. Contacts are a chaotic mess again. How do I fix this? How can I mass delete contacts and start over if it comes down to that?
#frustrated ex-apple person here.
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You need to disable sync on all the apps. Contact can be sync from Gmail, Facebood, Google+ etc.. Make sure you go into each and stop all the sync, then delete all the existing contacts (most of them just have email address with no phone number associate), then restore your original contact list. If you don't have the original contact list then you need to modify your current one to your liking, then export it out to your sdcard. This will be your core original list. In the future if anything happened to your contact list, you can easily delete all then import your original list and you're back. The quickest way, is to select display only "phone" contact then other none phone number contacts will disappear when you open contact.
You can tell the phone which contacts to display by account. I have mine set to only display Google. This way I don't have to worry about what syncs and doesn't, and can link the contacts between accounts so it'll show their Facebook picture for them.

