Not able to recieve OTA anymore - Huawei P9 Lite Questions & Answers

My Greetings fellow Android Enthusiasts,
I had some trouble with EMUI 5 on my Huawei P9 Lite (VNS-L31), so i rolled back to EMUI 4.1.1
Right now im at VNS-L31432B160. I was experimenting with Bootloader unlocking -which was pretty easy- because i never had a HUAWEI Smartphone on my hands before.
After i was done having fun with it. I unrooted it and relocked the bootloader and additionally reflashed the firmware with the Stock Firmware through the force flash method ( on dload on a sd-card, pressing all three buttons while phone is off).
Now im not getting any OTA Updates. Through the HiCare App i can get the Beta for EMUI5 i suppose? But updating to this results in the NRD90N test keys Firmware where there is limited functionality.
I rechecked everything (Bootloader is locked, Root-Checker says there is no root, etc.) Is there something im overseeing or is HUAWEI denying me OTA's from now on?

Have you 'unbranded' the phone or changed the region?
432 is Europe methinks. I went from 440 to 432 and had the 'test keys' issue. You need to make sure you're using the correct oeminfo file.....
I don't get any ota updates either but I've decided I'd rather be European than British And I can be in control over my own updates using FF

punteruk said:
Have you 'unbranded' the phone or changed the region?
432 is Europe methinks. I went from 440 to 432 and had the 'test keys' issue. You need to make sure you're using the correct oeminfo file.....
I don't get any ota updates either but I've decided I'd rather be European than British And I can be in control over my own updates using FF
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I did not unbrand it. I got i unbranded. I think Europe is right. Do I need to reflash the OEM-File? Maybe i got that mixed up but I honestly dont remember overwriting it.

Lux.Peria said:
I did not unbrand it. I got i unbranded. I think Europe is right. Do I need to reflash the OEM-File? Maybe i got that mixed up but I honestly dont remember overwriting it.
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Reflash OEM


List of Every Firmware Version for Chinese model.

So I've managed to find a treasure trove of firmwares for the Chinese model. Particularly interesting is that many early beta versions are available, from before release. Although there really may not be anything useful yet, I should be able to find new updates before they are released. Here is a list of all that's available. If you need any of these files, let me know. Note that anything under 1GB is most likely an OTA, though.
X100-AL10C00B057 (244MB)
X100-AL10C00B058 (280MB)
X100-AL10C00B059SP01 (224MB)
X100-AL10C00B059SP01 (298MB)
NXT-AL10C00B100 (356MB)
NXT-AL10C00B100 (1689MB)
NXT-AL10C00B100SP01 (215MB)
NXT-AL10C00B100SP02 (280MB)
NXT-AL10C00B100SP03 (283MB)
NXT-AL10C00B101 (355MB)
NXT-AL10C00B101SP06 (188MB)
NXT-AL10C00B101SP06 (1727MB)
NXT-AL10C00B101SP02 (106MB)
NXT-AL10C00B101SP02 (1631MB)
NXT-AL10C00B102 (95MB)
NXT-AL10C00B102 (1623MB)
NXT-AL10C00B102SP06 (1729MB)
NXT-AL10C00B105 (226MB)
NXT-AL10C00B106 (138MB)
NXT-AL10C00B106 (1624MB)
NXT-AL10C00B111 (251MB)
NXT-AL10C00B111 (1664MB)
NXT-AL10C00B111 (327MB)
NXT-AL10C00B112 (270MB)
NXT-AL10C00B112 (173MB)
NXT-AL10C00B112 (1643MB)
NXT-AL10C00B116 (73MB)
NXT-AL10C00B116 (1643MB)
NXT-AL10C00B121 (1662MB)
NXT-AL10C00B122 (146MB)
NXT-AL10C00B122 (1673MB)
NXT-AL10C00B122SP02 (1676MB)
NXT-AL10C00B123 (101MB)
NXT-AL10C00B123 (1667MB)
NXT-AL10C00B076SP02 (233MB)
NXT-AL10C00B122SP02 (64MB)
NXT-AL10C00B122SP04 (84MB)
NXT-AL10C00B122SP04 (1691MB)
NXT-AL10C00B128 (198MB)
NXT-AL10C00B128 (257MB)
NXT-AL10C00B129 (72MB)
NXT-AL10C00B122SP05 (96MB)
NXT-AL10C00B129 (257MB)
NXT-AL10C00B122SP06 (80MB)
NXT-AL10C00B122SP06 (1686MB)
NXT-AL10C00B131 (291MB)
NXT-AL10C00B129SP01 (76MB)
NXT-AL10C00B122SP07 (80MB)
NXT-AL10C00B131 (1674MB)
NXT-AL10C00B129SP02 (80MB)
NXT-AL10C00B129SP02 (1674MB)
NXT-AL10C00B122SP08 (73MB)
NXT-AL10C00B132 (123MB)
NXT-AL10C00B132 (307MB)
NXT-AL10C00B137 (73MB)
NXT-AL10C00B137SP02 (74MB)
NXT-AL10C00B137 (215MB)
NXT-AL10C00B137 (1674MB)
NXT-AL10C00B151 (261MB)
NXT-AL10C00B152 (215MB)
NXT-AL10C00B152 (178MB)
NXT-AL10C00B153 (178MB)
NXT-AL10C00B153 (73MB)
NXT-AL10C00B156 (78MB)
NXT-AL10C00B156 (178MB)
NXT-AL10C00B156 (1675MB)
NXT-AL10C00B163 (164MB)
Nice thread, thank you. Where did you get NXT-AL10C00B163 (164MB) ?
Is this the next OTA?
I have the Chinese 128 GB version, living in Italy, and yet didn't get this update.
nope, B163 seemed to be just an internal testing or beta version. current chinese firmware is B165, u should get it sometime in the near future via OTA (provided, of course, ure still all stock, i.e. no root, no unlocked bootloader, no custom recovery, etc.)
Hi, I am a HUAWEI MATE 8 user in China. I’ve seen from the XDA forum that you have the firmware version of Chinese MATE8 modle. Can you send me the file of NXT-AL10C00B116 (1643MB)?
I just received the b165 update. I haven't noticed anything different.
killuminati206 said:
I just received the b165 update. I haven't noticed anything different.
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Do you know how to do the update when you have root?
ghfatw said:
Do you know how to do the update when you have root?
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I'm curious about this too. I have ordered the Chinese version and plan on using the tool RayGlobe Italian Knife to switch to international rom, but I understand that if you do this you don't receive OTA so you have to flash each new software version manually. In the OTA thread each OTA file can be found but the problem is that it says that you can not be rooted when flashing it.
Sent from my NX507J using Tapatalk
If you have the right oeminfo, and it corresponds with the update, it will update manually, (hold vol up, vol down, power) dload folder .app file inside.

No updates so far, no B126 or B135

Hi Guyz
can you help and explain why my device got no updates till now? B126 released few month ago and the B135 followed but i got nothing.
Am i missing something i got the phone from Dubai and live in UK
model is: MHA-L29C185B110
Seems like the sim card region matters
Yes papped is right, your phone region is set to middle East but living in UK will not show your phone to the OTA . changing your region in the "cust" file requires rooted phone and a sound experienced individual.
Sent from my MHA-L29 using Tapatalk
You can use FunkyHuawei to update to the latest version, if you aren't getting OTA updates. I don't think B135 was released for your version -- it's B126 for the C185, which is currently the latest. You won't have to unlock bootloader, root, or void your warranty to use FunkyHuawei.
Theoretically, I think that you will eventually get OTA updates through Huawei, regardless of region. But since not even eRecovery works on non-Chinese models as of yet, FunkyHuawei's the only option for right now.

No Updates at all

Hi all,
I just recently went back to complete stock, from CM, as I want to hand it over to a friend.
I successfully switched back to C432B160 last week.
But still not a single update does show up, though that build is from November 2016.
It always tells me, that there are no updates. I am aware that Updates will show up with Hisuite, but shouldn't the stock updater present updates, too?
(I am not even talking about Nougat)
I already successfully tried a factory reset.
The only idee I have, is that I now have a DS oeminfo on an originally SS phone.
Does anyone have an idee, what might be wrong?
fireburner-de said:
Hi all,
I just recently went back to complete stock, from CM, as I want to hand it over to a friend.
I successfully switched back to C432B160 last week.
But still not a single update does show up, though that build is from November 2016.
It always tells me, that there are no updates. I am aware that Updates will show up with Hisuite, but shouldn't the stock updater present updates, too?
(I am not even talking about Nougat)
I already successfully tried a factory reset.
The only idee I have, is that I now have a DS oeminfo on an originally SS phone.
Does anyone have an idee, what might be wrong?
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well, if you have ds oeminfo while your phone is ss, try flashing ss oeminfo and then the stock rom again
mjz2cool said:
well, if you have ds oeminfo while your phone is ss, try flashing ss oeminfo and then the stock rom again
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Well the phone was SS at the beginning, but now I have oeminfo for DS and Stock Rom for DS (B160)
I wiped all and completely new flashed B160.
I did not setup any account (Google, Huawei), but only connected the phone to my WIFI.
Still neither Update nor HiCare show any available updates.
Does this need a SIM Card to be in the phone? Are there any other precautions?
I have no idea why it behaves like this.
edit: both frp and bootloader are locked according to the Bootloader Menu
I might add 2 weeks ago when coming from CM, there were no updates in update menu but HiCare, so I went fo Nougat. Nougat did not work properly, so I went back to B160 in order to start again, but since then, I never saw any update in menu, nor HiCare.
Might Huawei block DS Roms for IMEIS of originally SS phones?
Push, maybe @k1ll3r8e has an answer for me?
fireburner-de said:
Push, maybe @k1ll3r8e has an answer for me?
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sounds really wired...
Here is what u can try,
1) bring the device back to stock (unrooted, loader closed)
2) do a factory reset and also the cache clear which is offered in the stock recovery
Start the device, do a dummy setup (only wlan is needed) check if the device offers an update. If not, well, try to manually update from C432B160 to C432B210 and check the update app again.
About this issue, i'm not sure, but maybe Huawei have a "downlaod limit" for an IMEI, that u can only download the update for example 10 times or so... I don't know^^ - I can only say, my device "L31 - Single-SIM - T-Mobile" modded to C432B380 dual-SIM have no issues with updates... I got since B130 every update via the normal update app. - But i also know that the updates will be released in waves, i don't know how they exclude/include devices in such an wave. But maybe, u have an oeminfo from an device which wasn't in the "current wave list". - As already mentioned i don't know how they manage those waves or what the trigger is...
Hope i could help u a bit
fireburner-de said:
I wiped all and completely new flashed B160.
I did not setup any account (Google, Huawei), but only connected the phone to my WIFI.
Still neither Update nor HiCare show any available updates.
Does this need a SIM Card to be in the phone? Are there any other precautions?
I have no idea why it behaves like this.
edit: both frp and bootloader are locked according to the Bootloader Menu
I might add 2 weeks ago when coming from CM, there were no updates in update menu but HiCare, so I went fo Nougat. Nougat did not work properly, so I went back to B160 in order to start again, but since then, I never saw any update in menu, nor HiCare.
Might Huawei block DS Roms for IMEIS of originally SS phones?
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So, did you try upgrade on N using Firmware finder?
If not, try it and you will see if your device in black list. I also use DS firmware for SS model and just last night I upgraded normaly from B160 to B370 Ota, and after that to B380 Ota.
Yes it already is a dummy setup. I will manually upgrade to B210 and try again, Thanks alot! @Alexxxx1
Firmware Finder is the Windows tool, isn't it? If above progress won't work I might boot my Windows partition and check on that.
Is there by chance any other way to check if the device is somehow blacklisted?
Would Huawei push the updates to my device, if I would contact them? (I ask because of the altered oeminfo. Or would the refuse support in that case, which is what I guess)
edit: Does by chance anyone have a link to the C432B210 ROM?
fireburner-de said:
Yes it already is a dummy setup. I will manually upgrade to B210 and try again, Thanks alot! @Alexxxx1
Firmware Finder is the Windows tool, isn't it? If above progress won't work I might boot my Windows partition and check on that.
Is there by chance any other way to check if the device is somehow blacklisted?
Would Huawei push the updates to my device, if I would contact them? (I ask because of the altered oeminfo. Or would the refuse support in that case, which is what I guess)
edit: Does by chance anyone have a link to the C432B210 ROM?
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if u have an L31, go to my FTP (oeminfo) and go a few folders back, then u'll find a Huawei folder there are several versions stored.
Here is the link (just back on my PC)
Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using XDA Labs
Firmware finder is android app. You can find it in google play store as a free tool for upgrade huawei devices. In Ffinder you will find option for checking autorization of official firmware for your device, is it allowed or not for your device.
I did flash B210, but no Updates withiin 1 day. (I think time was to short)
I then flashed B370 Full-PV via Firmware Finder.
B380 should come automatically sometime, hopefully.
I think its time to hand it over to my friend now.
Only thing I am curious about is:
settings -> about phone -> certification: Serbia
I guess this is normal for C432?
Only thing I am curious about is:
settings -> about phone -> certification: Serbia
I guess this is normal for C432?
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Yes, its normally for C432 if device was purchased in Serbia
Alexxxx1 said:
Yes, its normally for C432 if device was purchased in Serbia
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It was bought from T-Mobile in Germany. But well.
fireburner-de said:
It was bought from T-Mobile in Germany. But well.
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No worries about that
I bought mine also from T-Mobile DE, and mine shows also "Serbia"... I searched a bit for similar issues and it seems that also the P8 with C432 is for "Serbia" at least a unknown amount of it, sooo i think it comes from the "ROM" not from the device. Maybe they only certify the ROM for a "law based standart" to "Serbia". - Who knows...^^

GRA-L09C109B379 from April 2018 - why the firmware file is so small in size?

I am searching for the latest firmware for my P8. The newest one seem to be GRA-L09C109B379 from
I currently use GRA-L09C02B405 from Vodafone. According to this page the C109 region code shows France, most probably Orange.
One thing bothers me. The firmware is around 10% smaller than these one that I had flashed before, they were 3.0 gigabyte in size or so, this one is 2.7 gigabyte only. Orange firmwares tend to have pretty much unnecessary apps un them, at least in Poland, so they should be larger than the rest of them or at least the sizes should be comparable, of course if my guess is right. Maybe there are some French regulations that forced Huawei to slim down the firmware (Facebook removed? Twitter?). I am really puzzled.
Is anyone who has flashed the firmware over C02 and/or C432 ones or can explain why the firmware is so small? Any thoughts?
Less bloat
Thank you very much for your explanation.
I will update the firmware of my P8 next week. Unfortunately, one cannot update it directly from Vodafone's C02B405, so I will have to downgradee firmware to European C432B39x first and update to French C109B379 next. I have tried to update it directly with no success.
yokozuna said:
Thank you very much for your explanation.
I will update the firmware of my P8 next week. Unfortunately, one cannot update it directly from Vodafone's C02B405, so I will have to downgradee firmware to European C432B39x first and update to French C109B379 next. I have tried to update it directly with no success.
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Flash the with TWRP.
I installed the firmware three day ago and I have to say that it is great. Works very well. Almost no bloat from Orange (only Apps Orange - 116 kb in size and which can be easily switched off, moreover, it is not aggressive like the Vodafone bloat which pops up every reboot). Well done, Orange!
I have neither TWRP nor root in my P8. I had problems with both in B399 and I have not tried to install them since. Maybe I will try next week, however, I use so I feel no pressure.
Can this be flashed over C432B520 ? Strangely there is not new update for C432 and I'm stuck on security patch level from January 2018
realadry said:
Can this be flashed over C432B520 ? Strangely there is not new update for C432 and I'm stuck on security patch level from January 2018
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Should be. If dload doesn't work, then try flashing the with TWRP.

Phone not updated since March security patch

My F5321 from Malaysia isn't receiving any of the new updates. Last one was 34.4.A.2.32.
Could anyone explain why?
You can check if there's a newer version,but there's a good chance there isn't one. I'm stuck on 34.4.A.2.50 on the Central Europe version for example, the newest one is .85
Matej101 said:
You can check if there's a newer version,but there's a good chance there isn't one. I'm stuck on 34.4.A.2.50 on the Central Europe version for example, the newest one is .85
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Customised MY isn't even listed. :/
What now? Unlocking bootloader if you want latest security patches?
Is there another firmware variant that would be suitable for your location? There may be less difference between the variants than you might expect.
pseudonym58 said:
Is there another firmware variant that would be suitable for your location? There may be less difference between the variants than you might expect.
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Can you just flash the firmware straight from xperifirm, or do you need an unlocked bootloader or sth?
Bro do not update it to 8.0 oreo is wery bad I swear im back to stock Nougat again
Qendra said:
Bro do not update it to 8.0 oreo is wery bad I swear im back to stock Nougat again
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Matej101 said:
You can check if there's a newer version,but there's a good chance there isn't one. I'm stuck on 34.4.A.2.50 on the Central Europe version for example, the newest one is .85
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me too.. central europe and stuck on 34.4.A.2.50, I don't understand why
andy356 said:
My F5321 from Malaysia isn't receiving any of the new updates. Last one was 34.4.A.2.32.
Could anyone explain why?
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According to xpericheck, singapore region firmware is also stuck in March. I guess both MY and SG are using the sme FW. I think you cn flsh other region FW without unlocking Bootloader.
Is there a way to flash security updates only, without upgrading to oreo?
trewelu said:
According to xpericheck, singapore region firmware is also stuck in March. I guess both MY and SG are using the sme FW. I think you cn flsh other region FW without unlocking Bootloader.
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Can anyone please confirm this? I'll unlock the bootloader if I have to, but it would be great if it is not needed.
andy356 said:
Can anyone please confirm this? I'll unlock the bootloader if I have to, but it would be great if it is not needed.
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I'm in USA, and I've flashed f'd from at least 10 different countries and never seen any affect on the phone operation.
andy356 said:
Can anyone please confirm this? I'll unlock the bootloader if I have to, but it would be great if it is not needed.
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If you want to retain the fingerprint sensor operation, don't flash to US. People here have in the past recommended either DE or UK, as they tend to be updated promptly. No unlocking of bootloader needed.
Okay guys. I'm ready to flash a new firmware, probably Customised UK. Is the guide on xperiablog up to date and accurate? Also, there is a flashtool by Androxyde on flashtool dot net, but there is also a flashtool on Sony Developer World. Which one should I use?
There is only one xperifirm so that's unambiguous, at least.
Edit: also, it doesn't affect user data or the OS in general, does it?
I can only speak from personal experience with the Androxyde flashtool. I've never tried (nor even known about) the Sony flash tool. In my experience, if you don't make any changes to the default settings, the existing user data is carried over into the newly installed firmware. I'm assuming here that you're flashing from one variant of Android 8.0 to another, not from Android 7 to 8, etc.
BTW, I would always advise backing up your data first, of course. If, for some reason, you are dissatisfied with the result, you can normally get a factory installation of your currently-installed firmware by using software restore from SONY (as part of Xperia Companion).
@pseudonym58 Thanks. Is the guide on Xperia blog the one to follow or is there a better one out there?
I don't recall which guide I used. It basically runs like this:
Run Xperiafirm from within flashtool; it will refresh available software. Choose particular phone model and download desired firmware. Back in flashtool proper, connect phone in flash mode. Select downloaded firmware, which is unpacked and prepared for flashing. As I mentioned above, you should not need to make any configuration changes to the default. Flashing can now begin (it might seem to pause temporarily from time to time but don't cancel process).
Don't worry about warnings of missing elements; I have never had a flashing procedure fail as a result of a claimed missing component.
This is just a general procedure; perhaps someone else can recommend the best full tutorial.
Ok so CE1 got the newest (.107) update right now so it can probably be used too.
