Which OTG? - OnePlus 2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Which branded OTG cable does work perfectly in oneplus 2? I have one type-c OTG & one usb-c adapter. Neither of them work.


OTG not working without the original USB Type-C Adapter

It seams, that standard Type-C OTG cables and flashdrives are not recognized by oneplus two?!
When using the original Type-C Adapter with an micro-USB Stick or cable, it works.
Is this a bug in Oxygen 2.X or the kernel? Or is this Onplus´ marketing strategy, that Oneplus Two Users have to buy their adapter?
A lot of adapters are charge-only, so you need to make sure they can handle data as well
I've got this flash drive, and my OPT does not recognize it. The other one with the original OnePlus micro/C adapter just works fine.
Devices Available in Market are USB 3.0 / 3.1 but OPT support USB2.0, USB 3.0 / 3.1 devices or adapters will not work directly.
For example: The JetFlash 890S with Both USB Type-C and USB 3.1 Interface for OTG-Enabled Devices is backwards compatible with USB 2.0, but it isn´t recognized.
DirtyTodd said:
Devices Available in Market are USB 3.0 / 3.1 but OPT support USB2.0, USB 3.0 / 3.1 devices or adapters will not work directly.
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same problem.. have a usb c/micro usb adapter, a otg with usb 2.0 and it doesn't work..
opt A2001
NetDaemon said:
For example: The JetFlash 890S with Both USB Type-C and USB 3.1 Interface for OTG-Enabled Devices is backwards compatible with USB 2.0, but it isn´t recognized.
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I have Kingston 64GB mikroduo flashdrive, USB-C , USB-A compatible USB3.1, USB3.0, USB2.0. Don1t work, but work with Xiaomi USB-C to micro USB adapter and Sony micro USB OTG cable combo.
Yes, Oneplus 2's usb type-c port is defective (hardware level not OS or kernel) it only detects official oneplus adapter and not any standard adapter with 56k resistor( As oneplus's adapter has 10k resistor- Non-standard/Defective).
[email protected] said:
Yes, Oneplus 2's usb type-c port is defective (hardware level not OS or kernel) it only detects official oneplus adapter and not any standard adapter with 56k resistor( As oneplus's adapter has 10k resistor- Non-standard/Defective).
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can you cite the source for this info?
Only original will work !!! Verified that !!!

OTG support

I bought a type-c adapter for my Z1 to use OTG cable and Usb key. The key does not power on. I tried the adapter to charge the phone with a regular usb cable and it works.
Is this problem related to COS or is OTG function not supported on the Z1? Or is there a way to enable it?
Glops4 said:
I bought a type-c adapter for my Z1 to use OTG cable and Usb key. The key does not power on. I tried the adapter to charge the phone with a regular usb cable and it works.
Is this problem related to COS or is OTG function not supported on the Z1? Or is there a way to enable it?
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I don't know if that has changed but for cm you have to use an app like StickMount to be able to mout the USB stick.
Ok thanks, I guess I have to root then.
I used only es file Explorer and it worked for me. I testet Ext hdd, mous, keyboard and controller
Same, no root required, just an usb C OTG and a file explorer. Be aware that the OTG or the device could be uncompatible...
Glops4 said:
I bought a type-c adapter for my Z1 to use OTG cable and Usb key. The key does not power on. I tried the adapter to charge the phone with a regular usb cable and it works.
Is this problem related to COS or is OTG function not supported on the Z1? Or is there a way to enable it?
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I bought a USB-C to USB-A Converter and it works for me. Official USB type-c adapter has no support for OTG.
hfutxqd said:
I bought a USB-C to USB-A Converter and it works for me. Official USB type-c adaipter has no support for OTG.
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This might be the proper solution, it seems.
" type-c adapter for my Z1 to use OTG cable and Usb key"
What speed did you get to ?
Lenovo Zuk Z1
I tried Xiaomi USB typeC adapter with a SanDisk micro USB memory and it doesn't work
I have the same problem.At my oneplus 2 with adapter working normal but at Z1 not working.
No solution about that ? I got 2 adapters now (noname and Victsing) but still no otg, and usb storage options are unavailable !
Does it support in twrp recovery.. i mean does otg recognising in twrp...???
Strange, it should work out of the box on COS 12.1...just received my second Zuk1 and hooked up the Z1 to my car to read out the ECU, it worked without an hitch! Did not try a USB stick though...
I have 2 cables, one is with the micro USB for which I use a micro USB to type C USB adapter, the second USB OTG cable already has already the Type C connector and connects straight up.
I never used my "charging cable" as the idea is to plug your USB stick straight onto the OTG interface cable.
i have rooted/unlocked zuk z1.
tried every possible stuff (es file explorer,stick mount, usb troubleshooting etc), tried changing the otg cable, tried changing pendrives, nothing helps.
can anyone please help me?
xda is my only hope


I found some microUSB to USB-C adapters and I still plan on using an OTG thumbdrive. I was wondering if anyone has any experience using this and if the OTG will work through a micro to USB-C adapter, or if you need a direct USB-C OTG ? Any suggestions ?
I have all of them, a Type-C thumb drive, Type-C OTG and microUSB OTG, all work well, good luck with it.


Can we connect any other otg cables to one plus 2 device or one plus 2 only becoz other otg s aren't detecting :laugh:
For OTG on the OnePlus 2, you need the type c Adapter from xiaomi and then a Micro usb otg cabel.
Otherwise otg didnt work on the OnePlus 2

what usb-c to hdmi adapter with pd charging work on essential phone

what usb-c to hdmi adapter with pd charging work on essential phone
i want to buy this for my pioneer appradio 4100nex
I bought jserv USB A to C cables and used them to root my phone.
