Moto C Plus XT 1725 Help - Moto C Plus Questions & Answers

Does anyone knows how to flash TWRP to the motorola moto c plus?

Mago6246 said:
Does anyone knows how to flash TWRP to the motorola moto c plus?
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Same question, as I have seen you can do that with spflashtool and the mtk drivers, but the xt1725 has a chinese menu, it would be nice to get it translated,

Mago6246 said:
Does anyone knows how to flash TWRP to the motorola moto c plus?
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Yer man add me on wa or discord i will talk you thru it and/or rdp to help you...
+447749032131 / RªpË[EW]RªpË[PB]#9751
---------- Post added at 11:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 AM ----------
zetaontherocks said:
Same question, as I have seen you can do that with spflashtool and the mtk drivers, but the xt1725 has a chinese menu, it would be nice to get it translated,
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Mago6246 said:
Does anyone knows how to flash TWRP to the motorola moto c plus?
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TheLastAlphaUK said:
Yer man add me on wa or discord i will talk you thru it and/or rdp to help you...
+447749032131 / RªpË[EW]RªpË[PB]#9751
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so download this!VLh0TSIQ!syxhlPMieZhBY3NnlF7oWiWz3XuwUCSCZx7QK_n22BA then
press ctrl+alt+v for activate advanced mode on sp flash tool go to write memory change address to 0x2d80000 load the twrp image file and the preloader then press download and plug ur phoned [turned off] into usb with the vol down key held. when it is down unplug hold power and vol up and select recovery then as u reboot twrp will root ur phone or use the magisk from a sd card included in zip


Hard bricked Galaxy grand 2 sm-g7102

I was trying to flash my grand 2 with flash tool and it formatted the phone but with a problem. Now the phone no longer boot. No soft key works. It's just dead. Is it possible to use flash tool to fix the phone? When I connect it to the computer it sees it because I have mtkpreloader driver installed. Apparently that's the only software recognizing the phone. I can't use odin because it won't boot into recovery. How can I lay hands on the phone's dump files? The dump is suppose to have android scatter file in it along with img files such preloader, mbr, uboot, bootimg, recovery, android, etc. If you have a link to this file please upload it. Or if there's a better method please I'd like to know. Keep in mind that JTAG isn't an option for me.
Sent from my Lenovo P70-A using XDA Free mobile app
any updates ???
i have the same prob
Can u get into download mode?
Try to hold and press vloume down+home+power key wait for some moments then realised the buttom and press volume up the connect to your pc see wether odin is detect your mobile if not be sure samsung driver are installed
If above methode not work the use jtag search on google
And last one but my favorite method
Use sdc img for debrick
you can install any framware
Samsung galaxy grand 2 drivers
G.NO_BOYz said:
Can u get into download mode?
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---------- Post added at 11:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 PM ----------
android_smater said:
Try to hold and press vloume down+home+power key wait for some moments then realised the buttom and press volume up the connect to your pc see wether odin is detect your mobile if not be sure samsung driver are installed
If above methode not work the use jtag search on google
And last one but my favorite method
Use sdc img for debrick
you can install any framware
Samsung galaxy grand 2 drivers
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can i then directly install cm12
kai.verma said:
---------- Post added at 11:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 PM ----------
can i then directly install cm12
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No dude it will help you to debrick the phone and help you to install stock framware
After install simply install any custom recovery then you can install any custom rom
android_smater said:
No dude it will help you to debrick the phone and help you to install stock framware
After install simply install any custom recovery then you can install any custom rom
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ok man hope for the best downloaded that fine now getting ATF v11.70
is there any video tut of it as im new to this
android_smater said:
No dude it will help you to debrick the phone and help you to install stock framware
After install simply install any custom recovery then you can install any custom rom
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all its saying is No ATF Box Found
Try this video tuto...
And if not found atf file then goto to this thread you will found the atf file in a post i forget which post is that
Here is atf file
android_smater said:
Try this video tuto...
And if not found atf file then goto to this thread you will found the atf file in a post i forget which post is that
Here is atf file
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but i dont have atf box
anyother way around it ?
My Samsung Galaxy grand 2 7102 is not going in download mode by SDC

Enter Into Fastboot Mode in LG K10

Hi! You guys may have tried entering the "Fastboot" mode with the button combination (Volume Down). It might not work on your mobile..
It's better I remove this method because you have to nuke your boot or recovery partition and few bricked their phones by doing so. Will come up with new method soon and moreover few LG K10 model's can boot into fastboot mode without doing this.
What do you do if your phone is not rooted
Sent from my LGMS428 using Tapatalk
Great dude!
---------- Post added at 09:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 AM ----------
pvineeth97 said:
Hi! You guys may have tried entering the "Fastboot" mode with the button combination (Volume Down). It might not work on your mobile. I found a way to enter into fastboot mode.
Proceed with caution!!!!
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this Recovery
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
Unfortunately, LG decided to remove ways to get into fastboot, and the only way to get into fastboot is to nuke your boot or recovery partition.
(1) Download "LG Drivers".
(2) Connect your phone to the computer.
(3) Open ADB in command prompt. Type "adb devices". If you don't see anything, try reconnecting your phone.
(4) Type "adb shell", you enter into the shell, type "su" to enter into super user mode.
(5) Enter this command:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/platform/<CHANGE THIS FOLDER NAME>/by-name/laf
<CHANGE THIS FOLDER NAME> = If you have rooted your phone, Open "Root Browser", open dev->block->platform. You will have a single folder. Enter that name of the folder.
(6) Restart your phone.
Thanks @JackpotClavin.
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did you try it?
Ajshal said:
Great dude!
---------- Post added at 09:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 AM ----------
did you try it?
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GraphMatix said:
What do you do if your phone is not rooted
Sent from my LGMS428 using Tapatalk
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Root it!
pvineeth97 said:
Root it!
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Yes but I thought in order to root the phone you had to get into Fastboot...
GraphMatix said:
Yes but I thought in order to root the phone you had to get into Fastboot...
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Not needed. Phone Model?
Thought it was needed to unlock boot loader before rooting
This is such a good way as download mode but you'll lose the download mode. I tried that on MTK version. Didn't work and I thought the device had died. Anyway, I saved it ????
berkantkz said:
This is such a good way as download mode but you'll lose the download mode. I tried that on MTK version. Didn't work and I thought the device had died. Anyway, I saved it ????
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The method might be little different for MTK. The method that I posted I think only works for Qualcomm.
pvineeth97 said:
The method might be little different for MTK. The method that I posted I think only works for Qualcomm.
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I know. I just noticed for curious MTK users to not get them ij danger man. ????
berkantkz said:
I know. I just noticed for curious MTK users to not get them ij danger man. ????
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Yeah.... we are trying to find out a way to get the recovery working. CM builds on the way soon.
pvineeth97 said:
Yeah.... we are trying to find out a way to get the recovery working. CM builds on the way soon.
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Do you have any skype account to have chat on? If yes, pm your skype bame please.
My LG K10 K420N can`t boot, it still hangs on LG-Logo.
ADB Devices shows: xxxxxxxx unautorized
LG Bridge can`t repair it.
LG Up need the K420N.dll file, where i can find it?
What can I do?
Stuttgarter1234 said:
My LG K10 K420N can`t boot, it still hangs on LG-Logo.
ADB Devices shows: xxxxxxxx unautorized
LG Bridge can`t repair it.
LG Up need the K420N.dll file, where i can find it?
What can I do?
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Maybe you could try lg flashtool:
it's russian so i don't really understand, only the pictures.
I know flashtool is not for marshmallow but you got nothing to lose i guess.
On step 6 they use a LGUpc.dll taken from the kdz file.
Or check this:
you can try to rewrite the script in "h440n.bat" and change the dll file to the one found in the kdz for your phone.
Also there is a vietnamies site, they say lg flashtool 1.9 (2015) which is most likely just some tweaked flashtool 1.8..., maybe you can give it a try as well...
I also wanted to try these. My phone was in the same condition as yours exept that its lost connection after a second so i had no chance to flash anything...
thanks. But it still wont work. The Flashtool says allways: "contact the system administrator"
Stuttgarter1234 said:
thanks. But it still wont work. The Flashtool says allways: "contact the system administrator"
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Provide info with some screenshots.
what kind oft screenshots?
it will be all in german, could you understand that?
here please
here the first screenshoot
and the next

Hello All, Guys Im stuck please help me out

I was trying to flash China Developer rom before unlocking bootloader as it is a mandatory requirement.. All the content available for flashing of rom in locked bootloader states that it can not be flashed via fastboot mode. It can only be flashed through download mode in recovery or edl mode. But whenever I try to enter download mode or edl mode, my phone reboots and nothing happens ! Please help me out of this situation if anybody has faced this situation or know s how to resolve that issue kindly come forward and reply ! Thanks in advance
For first you should know that if you write this into the development section nobody will read it. But to answer your question I don't know about this problem from others. You may can try it using miui updater app.
Please, don't spam our development section!
dabi01 said:
For first you should know that if you write this into the development section nobody will read it. But to answer your question I don't know about this problem from others. You may can try it using miui updater app.
Please, don't spam our development section!
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Thanks for your kind response.. Since you can see I am a junior member therefore i dont know the xda rules and i was not trying to spam your development section..
fix fr ur problem
first download the fast boot mode rom from the official website and the mi flash tool kit
then just extract the file from the fastboot mode zip ll b lik a folder..
now go to mi flash tool kit and select the folder!!!!!
now elnter fastboot mode on ur device>>>volume down+power!!!!!
and hit refresh in ur mi tool kit and press flash!!!!!!
at the boot there will be three options select full data!!!
and ya all your data will go!!!!
and if u are use windows 10/8!!!
you will have to disable the drivers signature enforcement first!!!just search in google or youtube !!!
if any doubt rply i ll help!!:fingers-crossed:
pawanjenu said:
first download the fast boot mode rom from the official website and the mi flash tool kit
then just extract the file from the fastboot mode zip ll b lik a folder..
now go to mi flash tool kit and select the folder!!!!!
now elnter fastboot mode on ur device>>>volume down+power!!!!!
and hit refresh in ur mi tool kit and press flash!!!!!!
at the boot there will be three options select full data!!!
and ya all your data will go!!!!
and if u are use windows 10/8!!!
you will have to disable the drivers signature enforcement first!!!just search in google or youtube !!!
if any doubt rply i ll help!!:fingers-crossed:
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Thank you for replying..But This method you have suggested is for the unlocked bootloader devices but since the arrival of Redmi note 3, Xiaomi is shipping devices with locked bootloader and can only be flashed in edl mode.. When I try to enter edl mode my device restarts and that problem is persisting with many other users also...
abhi.goel said:
Thank you for replying..But This method you have suggested is for the unlocked bootloader devices but since the arrival of Redmi note 3, Xiaomi is shipping devices with locked bootloader and can only be flashed in edl mode.. When I try to enter edl mode my device restarts and that problem is persisting with many other users also...
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No bro... its working on locked bootloader.. jst try it..
r_rocky07 said:
No bro... its working on locked bootloader.. jst try it..
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no bro.. same here also.. tried every method, but still unable to enter EDL mode... seems latest roms don't support EDL mode!!
For entring in EDL mode try to connect your device in switch off mode with pressing of both volume+- together.
winkle_sharma said:
For entring in EDL mode try to connect your device in switch off mode with pressing of both volume+- together.
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not a single method is working!!
learnerz said:
not a single method is working!!
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I think devices not able to enter in edl mode is because of Miui 8..
abhi.goel said:
I think devices not able to enter in edl mode is because of Miui 8..
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yes right bro.. they have blocked it!! EDL mode isn't working in recent versions!
---------- Post added at 07:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:41 AM ----------
wow i have my luck today.. successfully unlocked the bootloader right now!!
learnerz said:
yes right bro.. they have blocked it!! EDL mode isn't working in recent versions!
---------- Post added at 07:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:41 AM ----------
wow i have my luck today.. successfully unlocked the bootloader right now!!
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Congo bro.. please let us know.. who did you see first when woke up today.. I mean where is the luck is coming from..?
Hello abhi.goel!
I'm here with the same problem.Can't enter download mode.
Did you find any solution?
Download the ROM and copy it in the internal memeory, go to the Updater App and select "Choose update Package" and confirm and wait for 15 odd minutes till it update via recovery.
If you are flashing from stable to Developer ROM than all data will be wiped, so backup the data on external memory before doing this.
see i faced same problem.. i will suggest just flash global developer rom through updater app, register for unlock request, even if you get the approval within 1-2days wait at least 1 week, meanwhile keep trying everyday using miunlocktool.. & keep that in mind, while you are trying to unlock the bootloader your device must be online on, & use your registered phone no to log in in the miunlocktool & your device.. hope it will work for you too!!
razorka1977 said:
Hello abhi.goel!
I'm here with the same problem.Can't enter download mode.
Did you find any solution?
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Flash developer ROM through updater app then apply for unlocking permission.. once you get permission wait for 7 days then you can unlock BL and install twrp and can do whatever you want to.. good luck

Issues Got On Boot

Hi Friends I Got an issue On my moto G4 plus
Every time when I boot My phone it goes to the boot loader options instead of happening the main start boot
I have to choose the start option then it goes to boot.
:confused I hope that Guys u will Help me Out
Sorry for Any bad English i used.
In bootloader, plug in usb:
fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
bparihar said:
Hi Friends I Got an issue On my moto G4 plus
Every time when I boot My phone it goes to the boot loader options instead of happening the main start boot
I have to choose the start option then it goes to boot.
:confused I hope that Guys u will Help me Out
Sorry for Any bad English i used.
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Are u install nougat zip file......
a-2-k said:
Are u install nougat zip file......
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gabriwinter said:
In bootloader, plug in usb:
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Will this work Okay I'll try
bparihar said:
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Which model do u have??
a-2-k said:
Which model do u have??
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bparihar said:
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First u have download Two stock rom 1. MPJ24.139-13.1 & 2.MPJ24.139-63 ..
---------- Post added at 05:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 AM ----------
Can u tell me your bootloader is locked or unlocked this time
gabriwinter said:
In bootloader, plug in usb:
fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
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Did you run this command?
It should solve your issue.
Thnkz guys issue has been solved by that Command

XT1766 Hard Bricked....!!

After Flash With Wrong Firmware My Phone(XT1766) Is Just Detected As Qualcomm 9008 Device And Not Powering ON.. Can Some One Kindly Provide Me Blank Flash File Or Any Other Solution For This Model..??
i did the same thing
i need help too because i did the same thing....trying to repair apn i just killed my moto e4 xt1766 and there is no fastboot .....please any solution???
If it detects phone Qcom 9008 you can still fix phone by using special emmc write tool ( hard to find ) but there are some on interwebs on Google * try this one ALTHOUGH I HAVEN'T TESTED IT*
I fix QCOM Lg device like that
If your phone is dead dead dead you must Google video on test point ...with test point( shorting your board ) will detect on usb as Qcom 9008 then you need special Qcom tool like above
*Don't remember name of emmc tool I used on LG*.
Even If We Are Able To Connect It Via Any Qualcomm Tool We Don't Have Appropriate Files Available To Revive It..
So I Think For Now There Is No solution For It( Until Any Developer, Programmer Comes Up With One)..
So I Really Hope Some One Is Working On It As Many Peoples Have Bricked This Model While Flashing It..
prince_arsalan said:
Even If We Are Able To Connect It Via Any Qualcomm Tool We Don't Have Appropriate Files Available To Revive It..
So I Think For Now There Is No solution For It( Until Any Developer, Programmer Comes Up With One)..
So I Really Hope Some One Is Working On It As Many Peoples Have Bricked This Model While Flashing It..
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Just download this OFFICIAL TOOL FROM QUALCOMM called QPST and see if it can get your device as far as fastboot at which point you can flash files from custom recovery to custom rom
The article is about IMEI but it can do more
---------- Post added at 07:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 AM ----------
This QualcommProductSupporTool is official tool ...
1. Ask one guy on stock to dump
2. Use this tool and guide to put dump on phone
*DON'T be lazy your phone won't unbrick solo and nobody can make one button unbrick untool .
KevMetal said:
Just download this OFFICIAL TOOL FROM QUALCOMM called QPST and see if it can get your device as far as fastboot at which point you can flash files from custom recovery to custom rom
The article is about IMEI but it can do more
---------- Post added at 07:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 AM ----------
This QualcommProductSupporTool is official tool ...
1. Ask one guy on stock to dump
2. Use this tool and guide to put dump on phone
*DON'T be lazy your phone won't unbrick solo and nobody can make one button unbrick untool .
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Nothing is working no appropriate file to flash?? Where we claim for that?
any body have blank flash file ?
Need blankflash
i think if someone just find the blankflash for this model it can be flashed whit UAT qualcomm module because this tool recognize the QLOADER 900 port but i dont have any file who works to flash this model .......
Moto e4 plus XT1776 Qualcomm hard brick please need blankflash file
aminsagar1 said:
Moto e4 plus XT1776 Qualcomm hard brick please need blankflash file
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Wrong forum. Go to the plus section. But I don't think anyone has that file.
Try the answer in my thread. It worked for me. Just boot to Fastboot and use RSD Lite (I used v6.2.4) and flash the Zip file linked in that thread. I had to manually unzip the file because RSD couldn't handle the long filenames on its own, but if you unzip it and select flashfile.xml inside the folder, it should work.
chuman72486 said:
Try the answer in my thread. It worked for me. Just boot to Fastboot and use RSD Lite (I used v6.2.4) and flash the Zip file linked in that thread. I had to manually unzip the file because RSD couldn't handle the long filenames on its own, but if you unzip it and select flashfile.xml inside the folder, it should work.
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So the one I linked worked?
we have blank flash for XT1767 but not for XT1766 ....
maybe someone from inside the motorola would leak it in the future
aamszia said:
we have blank flash for XT1767 but not for XT1766 ....
maybe someone from inside the motorola would leak it in the future
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can u please shere the blank flash file for xt1767
prince_arsalan said:
After Flash With Wrong Firmware My Phone(XT1766) Is Just Detected As Qualcomm 9008 Device And Not Powering ON.. Can Some One Kindly Provide Me Blank Flash File Or Any Other Solution For This Model..??
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Yes we have solution for moto E4 XT1766 Sprint Sperry
Can you share that software pls?
xt1766 & xt1767 dead boot repair with usb solution without touch emmc
click here to download files&instructions!QvQzGIKD!HhY-xK1eLqYx2u5JRz6VCPMoCJvJNG3cEBQOPf7e1QI
irfang0349 said:
click here to download files&instructions!QvQzGIKD!HhY-xK1eLqYx2u5JRz6VCPMoCJvJNG3cEBQOPf7e1QI
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Waste Of One KB of My Internet ......
He wants money lol .......
Might have some potential here for xt1766 anyways.
XT1766 hardbrick stuck in 9008 mode would normally require a blankflash. However, as is common in most Motorola models there is a boot from SD option that is automatically defaulted to in the case that the bootloader has been deleted or damaged. To use this boot from SD option you simply extract the bootloader to a blank sd card and insert it into the phone then reboot
Here is a bootloader provided to me (Untested)
