[Solved] LineageOS MicroG Integration - Moto G5 Plus Questions & Answers

I have been building a custom LineageOS 14.1 for a few Moto phones (G4, G4 Play, G5 Plus) with the intention of including the MicroG Project to replace Google Play Services. So far, I have successfully built this ROM the for G4/G4 Play, using the patches on github: ( microg/android_packages_apps_GmsCore/tree/master/patches - sorry, can't post links with my account yet ) to integrate seamlessly into the system. However, when I build for the G5 Plus, MicroG is not registering the location services properly to the system. ("Your system does not support this UnifiedNlp package")
I am building with the latest boulzordev sources on github for the device tree, kernel and vendor blobs.
(Thanks @vache, @fAIyaZ, @SJR (Sam), @Alberto97, @Mandy $ingh and everyone else for all your hard work on this device!)
I'm completely stumped as to why this device would be having issues with MicroG. Any ideas out there?

elisam98 said:
I have been building a custom LineageOS 14.1 for a few Moto phones (G4, G4 Play, G5 Plus) with the intention of including the MicroG Project to replace Google Play Services. So far, I have successfully built this ROM the for G4/G4 Play, using the patches on github: ( microg/android_packages_apps_GmsCore/tree/master/patches - sorry, can't post links with my account yet ) to integrate seamlessly into the system. However, when I build for the G5 Plus, MicroG is not registering the location services properly to the system. ("Your system does not support this UnifiedNlp package")
I am building with the latest boulzordev sources on github for the device tree, kernel and vendor blobs.
(Thanks @vache, @Faiyaz,@SJR (Sam), @Alberto97, @mandy $ingh and everyone else for all your hard work on this device!)
I'm completely stumped as to why this device would be having issues with MicroG. Any ideas out there?
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That's interesting, personally I have not used MicroG so not sure where to direct you to for help. You could try taking a logcat and posting it so that other devs could check it out and try and help you! Good luck mate!

Great news! I finally figured it out - based on issue #55 in microg's Github repos - https://github.com/microg/android_packages_apps_UnifiedNlp/issues/55
I'll post my resolution here for reference.
The basic issue was that in the overlay included in the device tree, there is a config that is blocking network location services from working:
In the file device/motorola/potter/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml, starting on line 204, I removed the following code
<!-- Enable overlay for all location components. -->
<bool name="config_enableNetworkLocationOverlay" translatable="false">false</bool>
<string name="config_networkLocationProviderPackageName" translatable="false">com.qualcomm.location</string>
<bool name="config_enableFusedLocationOverlay" translatable="false">false</bool>
<string name="config_fusedLocationProviderPackageName" translatable="false">com.qualcomm.location</string>
The build compiled smoothly and my issue was gone.
Was this included in the code intentionally, @vache, @SJR (Sam), @Mandy $ingh or @Alberto97?

elisam98 said:
Great news! I finally figured it out - based on issue #55 in microg's Github repos - https://github.com/microg/android_packages_apps_UnifiedNlp/issues/55
I'll post my resolution here for reference.
The basic issue was that in the overlay included in the device tree, there is a config that is blocking network location services from working:
In the file device/motorola/potter/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml, starting on line 204, I removed the following code
The build compiled smoothly and my issue was gone.
Was this included in the code intentionally, @vache, @SJR (Sam), @mandy $ingh or @Alberto97?
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I'll let the others speak, but it was probably setup just for Lineage to build. You got it working though! Good on you mate!

I'm using @SJR (Sam) LineageOS 14.1 builds and I'm very interested to use the MicroG GPS/Map Services (UnifiedNlp, LocalGsmNlpBackend) but was not able to activate them by installing from F-Droid repositories. So I think either a ZIP install or modified LineageOS 14.1 is needed. @elisam98 could you may help by sharing with the userbase?

Hello there!
I tried to use MicroG (and NanoMod) with AOSP Extended and Validus, both 8.1. It looks like qualcomm location service is preventing nlp from work So I would like to ask: is it any way to fix this issue without recompiling all the system? Or, maybe, anyone here have made builds with this issue fixed?


[ROM][XT16xx][7.1.0][CyanMod 14.1 [MotoG4 / G4 Plus] - Where are the BSP files?

Hello again,
Again I post here because I am denied posting in the correct spot. I suppose this silly denial will end, eventually.
I have a question for @Silesh.Nair :
In the dev thread, you tell somebody that he can build CM14.1 from source himself, using that guide:
In a further post, you seem to indicate that the Moto G4 Plus build is obtained direct from the CM source repo.
I found that github repo for CM on the moto G4: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_motorola_athene
Unfortunately, the latest tag is marked CM 13 ... and there is nowhere to find the BSP files for CM 14.1.
Now, since it seems quite evident to you, but not at all for me, could you please kindly tell us where we can obtain the BSP files (device tree, vendor, kernel) for CM14.1 - Athene?
Thank you for your understanding my confusion.
You cannot post on a dev forum till you get to 10 posts.
You obviously cannot build cm14.1 using the device tree in cm github.
You have to sync the sources and add your device, vendor and kernel repos from here in your local manifest file.
Thank you
Silesh.Nair said:
You cannot post on a dev forum till you get to 10 posts.
You obviously cannot build cm14.1 using the device tree in cm github.
You have to sync the sources and add your device, vendor and kernel repos from here in your local manifest file.
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Thank you for this snippet of information. I will look further into it.
In the world of embedded systems, when you have a generic operating system that can be used with many different hardware targets, a Board Support Package ("BSP") is the set of files that are required to build the generic OS on a specific target. For example here the BSP is all the files that are specific for the Moto G4/Plus (e.g. device tree, vendor, kernel), once you have a generic CM 14.1 distribution to start with. "BSP" refers to all the target-specific files that would not be the same on another target (i.e. a different phone).
I think this nomenclature is quite appropriate for the subject at hand.

Building LineageOs Sources etc.

Hi I'm just forwarding it from zukfans.eu
Trying to find interested people who want to participate in the project
Use cm-14.1 branch to build.
These sources don't work. The cm14.1 branch is exactly the same as cm13.0. I've already tried telling Emmaus about the issue
Edit: sources are fixed now
I'd like to help out but I'm new to ROM building. I have a Zuk Z2 (not pro, but afaik they're pretty much the same).
I'm an experienced web developer and a novice Android app developer.
Currently trying my first "repo sync" (using the cm-14.1 branch: repo init -u https://github.com/LineageOS/android.git -b cm-14.1).
I'll then try to set up the manifest that user harsha.pic (on zukfans) gave me today and use that one.
Any advice would be helpful.
MacLaughlin said:
Hi I'm just forwarding it from zukfans.eu
Trying to find interested people who want to participate in the project
Use cm-14.1 branch to build.
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If you are intrested in it you can find something here! We're already working on it but it has a lot of bugs.

Work in progress support for OMS

I was browsing Lineage Gerrit the other day and CMTE was being ported to Lineage 14.1. Someone commented on the change asking why not use OMS, and the change author replied something like "well, if you want OMS support why don't you submit a change and we'll see how it works?". So, I decided to do it.
I've forked some Lineage repositories and applied some changes from SubstratumResources to them. I tried testing it but something went terribly wrong, resulting in my phone not booting up (it got stuck in the Lineage boot animation). Perhaps I've missed some important commit (such as the SEPolicy one) and it could've bugged out my build.
So, I'm posting "my" (not actually mine, I just rebased them so they could be applied to Lineage source) patches here if someone wants to try it out and/or help me fix the issues that prevent OMS compatibility with LineageOS.
I've updated the links to the changed repositories in the android manifest, so if you want to try it out, just download it and save as manifest.xml inside android/system/.repo (assuming you're following Lineage's instructions to build), then run repo sync --force-sync to update the repositories.
EDIT: just a disclaimer - I'm not responsible for anything bad that happens with your phone. If you decide to build with these patches in place, know that it is your responsibility what happens to your phone. Always have a backup in case things go wrong.
Been trying to get it working too, at the point of just giving up on that github repo and picking the changes individually
ibrokemypie said:
Been trying to get it working too, at the point of just giving up on that github repo and picking the changes individually
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Do you have a link for your repo? And did you manage to get it working (if so I want to compare the changes you've cherry-picked).
I'll build today and hopefully it'll work this time (or not). Will update this post as soon as I test.
RockyTV said:
Do you have a link for your repo? And did you manage to get it working (if so I want to compare the changes you've cherry-picked).
I'll build today and hopefully it'll work this time (or not). Will update this post as soon as I test.
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yeah if you check my github you can see the repos with the oms changes successfully merged into LOS source. Trying to get it up on gerrit now
ibrokemypie said:
yeah if you check my github you can see the repos with the oms changes successfully merged into LOS source. Trying to get it up on gerrit now
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Hm, it's a bit harder to compare because you didn't cherry-pick
Anyways, if you manage to get it on Gerrit, I'm not so sure if not cherry-picking can make a difference.

LineageOS for microG

Android experience relies heavily on Google's Play Services. The microG project creates an alternative to installing Gapps, which install and execute closed-source blobs on our phones. MicroG however requires a patch called "signature spoofing", which allows microG's apps to spoof themselves as Google Apps. LineageOS currently does not include the patch due to different opinions among the developers. (further information can be found here)
This makes microG installation difficult on LineageOS and other ROMs. Our ROM is a fork of LineageOS with just the necessary changes to have microG built-in. We ship weekly builds for all the LineageOS supported devices..
You can find us on https://lineage.microg.org
XDA:DevDB Information
LineageOS for microG, ROM for all devices (see above for details)
Simon94, ncorna, n1zzo, LineageOS, MaR-V-iN
Source Code: https://github.com/lineageos4microg
ROM OS Version: Android 10
Based On: LineageOS
Version Information
Status: Nightly
Created 2017-11-06
Last Updated 2020-08-28
Would like to have build for Nexus 9 aka flounder
Awesome start! Good luck with that! Cheers! :fingers-crossed:
Is this the thread mentioned in the FAQ where one can request builds for other devices supported by LineageOS?
If so, I'd love to see a build for the LG G5 (aka h850), which is currently the only high-end device by a known manufacturer with a removable battery and high repairability (8/10 from Ifixit).
It's fully supported by LineageOS (https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/h850) and I'd be willing to report any possible problems and help debug it if necessary.
Thanks in advance and awesome project!
Can you please add support for LG G4 (H815) as well?
The LineageOS for microG OTA infrastructure is based on https://github.com/julianxhokaxhiu/LineageOTA?
I'm mounting my own infrastructure and I want to know how to build it. Thanks.
Current device list which will be built tomorrow:
Simon94 said:
Current device list which will be built tomorrow:
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Please, include piccolo!
DaniPhii said:
Please, include piccolo!
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@Simon94 does it supports substratum ? and thanks for the modded lineage .
Microg.me is a really wonderful project , I have been using it for 3 days, but there are some things that annoy me. In particular, is it really necessary to implement it in every single build ?? I use an application with the same signature, so at each ota it is replaced by the fakestore and that's annoying . Also one ota per day is pretty excessive I think, especially for daily usage. Why not release an update at the same time as the official lineage ?
Please excuse me if the answers to my questions are obvious, I'm a bit new on microg.
Would it be possible to built a pac which could be used for an unofficial LOS-Release to install it e.g. via twrp? I would to love to test the microg-package onto my satsuki (E6833) Sony Xperia Z5 Premium Dual
sandeep_7 said:
@Simon94 does it supports substratum ? and thanks for the modded lineage .
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Same feature-set as LineageOS. If LOS supports substratum, we are supporting this aswell.
Silver_Defender said:
Microg.me is a really wonderful project , I have been using it for 3 days, but there are some things that annoy me. In particular, is it really necessary to implement it in every single build ?? I use an application with the same signature, so at each ota it is replaced by the fakestore and that's annoying . Also one ota per day is pretty excessive I think, especially for daily usage. Why not release an update at the same time as the official lineage ?
Please excuse me if the answers to my questions are obvious, I'm a bit new on microg.
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Unfortunately we wont remove FakeStore since our goal is to provide a Google free ROM with a fully working ecosystem which requires having FakeStore installed. Sorry for that. What you could do is to write a script for OTA survival / - or removal and put it in the /system/addon.d directory. But we're not going to support this in any way.
Otherwise we can invite you to not use Play Store, but a replacement like Yalp Store.
We like to build as often as we can. Its up to you and your free choice. If you dont want to update on a daily basis, just dont do it
Best, Simon
MaStErB_1984 said:
Would it be possible to built a pac which could be used for an unofficial LOS-Release to install it e.g. via twrp? I would to love to test the microg-package onto my satsuki (E6833) Sony Xperia Z5 Premium Dual
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https://lineage.microg.org/#faq said:
Can you add support for my device? It is not supported by LineageOS though...
No, I'm sorry.
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MaStErB_1984 said:
Would it be possible to built a pac which could be used for an unofficial LOS-Release to install it e.g. via twrp? I would to love to test the microg-package onto my satsuki (E6833) Sony Xperia Z5 Premium Dual
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There are several methods to get microg. Maybe you should start reading there https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/general/index-list-custom-roms-offering-t3557047
My preferred method have been nanomod patcher and shadow53's zip.
I can't find my device in the download section!! Yu yunique (jalebi). As the site says that all the devices with official linegae os support will get this rom?? Pls provide for my device jalebi. Thanks in advance.
Shashank Varma said:
I can't find my device in the download section!! Yu yunique (jalebi). As the site says that all the devices with official linegae os support will get this rom?? Pls provide for my device jalebi. Thanks in advance.
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Added in next build.
Simon94 said:
Added in next build.
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Thank you!! Waiting for it
Hey there! I have an old first-gen Moto X as my main android device (ghost) and I'd love to take advantage of your awesome project! I tried to get the docker image up and running myself, but I keep getting random DNS failures in docker, which seem to get silently passed, which results in the build claiming to be successful, yet no builds show up in my "zips" folder when it completes. Only thing that I think needs changed from the default is the lineageOS branch (cm-13.0). Would it be too much trouble to add 'ghost' to your list of builds?
Thank you,
Can you add support for taoshan (Sony Xperia L)?
Has LOS support.
Moto g5 cedric?

MagiskFixes (Fixing Magisk with Magisk)

Welcome to the MagiskFixes XDA thread!
This module applies a few patches to help Magisk work on GSIs, and maybe a few other devices (targeting Motorola oem at the moment, but more will be added as I get feedback). Obviously it's neither perfect nor universal yet.
Currently targets Motorola and Google devices running either phh or Erfan GSIs, but and Motorola devices running stock.
If you have a fix for a specific device, let me know here! I'll be happy to add it in
As usual, I'm not responsible for any bricking of devices, or things caused by that. No cats were harmed in the making of this module
Currently implemented fixes
- Added a few missing libs for GSIs
- Nuked a Motorola specific boot script (this may depend on how early the module mounts. May need reevaluated on execution)
- Add key layout for phh gsi on Google devices
V1. 2+ uses MMT-ex, and earlier versions used Unity
Thanks to @topjohnwu for Magisk and @Zackptg5 for the template
XDA:DevDB Information
MagiskFixes, Tool/Utility for all devices (see above for details)
Source Code: https://github.com/Magisk-Modules-Repo/mgskfixes
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 1.2.2
Stable Release Date: 2020-03-01
Created 2019-10-03
Last Updated 2020-03-17
Does it work with Moto x4 on PE?(Android 10)
Can you add fingerprint support for gsi on realme 3 pro (rmx1851)
What does should it fix on Motos?
I've two Moto Z2 Force with stock Pie on board and they seems to work fine with Magisk and EdXposed too...
What does should be addressed. on Motos by this module?!?
I'm interested and I can help with testing if needed...
Compatable with Metro PCS Moto e5 Play XT 1921-3 stock rom, rooted with Magisk?
If you're not going to respond to any questions or post about updates, etc then what's the actual point in this thread @linuxandria ?
Listy2021 said:
If you're not going to respond to any questions or post about updates, etc then what's the actual point in this thread @linuxandria ?
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I've said it before in my other threafs I am significantly more active on telegram than XDA
Thejayyadav said:
Can you add fingerprint support for gsi on realme 3 pro (rmx1851)
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Not unless I know what's needed
V1. 2.2 released!
- Rework fixes for generic and Motorola
- Add fixes for Google devices (only supports phh GSIs for now)
Wow greate idea
What exactly is fixed with this module the description is very vague if anyone could enlighten me it would greatly be appreciated
Sent from my Phh-Treble vanilla using Tapatalk
@linuxandria might you help out with sepolicy? kindly head over to my post
