[Guide] Add Navbar button to expand notification shade [no root] - Google Pixel 2 Guides, News, & Discussion

None of this is my work, I just compiled a few different pieces of advice from others. Ever since I started using devices from OEMs that provide a way to do this, I've always enabled it.
Desired outcome: Having a Navbar button that expands the notification shade. (See screenshot)
Follow this XDA article to install and enable Custom Navigation Bar
Install the application Expand Statusbar from the Play Store
Open Expand Statusbar and set the default action to "Notifications"
Open Custom Navigation Bar and in the Navigation Bar settings, add an extra right or left button (your preference). Give it an icon (I chose Chevron down, your preference)
Map it to launch an app, choose Expand Statusbar
Custom Navigation Bar is supposed to support Tasker profiles, so the ideal solution is having a Tasker Task toggle mapped to the button. I couldn't get it working on DP1 though, others may have more success. If you find a way to get it working through Tasker, post in here and I'll update the original post with alternate instructions.


[Q] Is there any way to have screen hotspots to show/hide the navigation bar?

Would this require a rom customization or just an app with root privs?
yup, but
Try paranoid ROM. It allows to hide nav/status bar from holding power button to select.
Also, many ROMs are built with tablet ui, this essentially combines the status bat into the nav bar
Paranoid allows switching between and customizingall these options. See my sig pic for more details

[Q] quick settings

i just installed quick settings.its great but one thing is missing.the "3G"toggle to turn it on or off.is it possible to set it?
is there another application like "quick settings" that includes "3g" toogle ?
you can have notification toggles in your notification bar or you can have a widget on your homescreen that acts like a button. If you really want a toggle in your quick settings then you can find various roms that will have that feature as well as let you add other toggles and even change the order along with other things.

PA + Joker + LMT + Apex: Some tips

I use rooted N4 with PA Rom and Joker kernel. Joker has given the biggest smile to my battery. And believe me, I have tried almost everything that's out there.
In Roms though, I have been on PA right since the beginning... I love the hybrid feature too much to leave it for any other rom.
So my personal prefs:
1. Extraaa Space: I use expanded mode. But I wanted the notifications to be seen easily. So I have two extra ways to pop up notifications from me (apart from in the pie):a) TabUI mode in PA: Multiple ways to have notifications is only supported in the Tablet UI mode.
b) Apex Launcher (Free): Set up a gesture for 'Show Notifications'.
c) I use LMT launcher for and extra added notification.​
2. Apex Launcher:I use 3 gestures: Swipe Up: Show Notifications
Swipe Down: Toggle Dock
Double Tap: App Drawer​And after these, I don't need the app drawer icon as well (as you can see in the first screenshot)
I have decresed the icon size of the dock items and drawer items as well. The icon pack is Holler wht.​
3. LMT:I did not want to use it since I already am using Pie. But LMT has some cool options. As you can see in the screenshot, my LMT pie is quite minimalistic: Button 1 is Notifications (Longpress-> Menu),
Button 2 is Back (Longpress -> Home), and
Button 3 is Recent Apps (Longpress -> Previous App)​
The main reason for me to install was the lack a quick back gesture in PA's Pie. With LMT, I simple swipe from the center of the right (or left) border activates button 2 (ie Back). It is the height of awesomeness. Though what I would love is Pie to have similar functionality, probably a swipe in the screen bottom for Back, but it may not go well with sweep2wake.
You can have many more buttons and settings on LMT. Try it!​
4. Dashclock widgetWell, it is already a heartthrob of many of us. But it lacks customization. We should have an option for the font sizes and control over which components we want to see in the side (only the icons) and which in the bottom scroll view (full text).
Anyways, it was too big for me, so I changed it's hybrid properties. I am using 220 dpi for the widget. I had to remove and reapply the widget after changing the settings.​
Note: Halo is another way to get notifications in PA, but I do not like it in it's current stage because of two major reasons:
1. Does not work fully with TabUI. In other modes, either I need to have a status bar, or rely only on Halo.
2. Relying on Halo solely does not serve my purpose, because when I come back to my phone after say a few hours, I need to see all my notifications at once without trying to swipe through the entire screen.
Hope you enjoyed the show (and tell!)

[REQ] Custom Screen Gestures

Custom Gestures like these jailbreak tweak on iPhone that I can do whatever I want. For example I can go to home screen by swiping using 2 fingers from the right to left but also if possible it also have an option to hide the navbar or swiping from the bottom to up to show navbar and single tap on the screen to hide it again. I think it would be useful for someone who wants to hide navbar and play games and use applications in fullscreen mode.
*double/tripple tapping in status bar to toggle on/off the torch
*swiping gestures to open an app immediately anywhere on your screen
*gestures on the status bar to open power buttons(for people who doesn't want to press the button from behind)
I don't know if there was/were an application/mod/rom that have this tweak, but if it is available now, can someone link me to that tweak thread?

[HOW-TO] Play games in full screen on the fly with expanded desktop + pie controls

If you're anything like me, you love the nav bar but HATE it when you're gaming. Well I just stumbled across a solution that made me the happiest person in the world. In this guide I will show you how to add a toggle to your quicksettings that will hide the navbar and give you pie controls on demand for full screen gaming or whenever you just want to ditch the navbar easily.
This method requires root, Xposed framework + GravityBox.
***Remember, if you haven't used MotoWpNoMo, you need to boot through recovery in order to make any changes to your system, including installing Xposed.***
If you haven't already, download + install Xposed Framework.
Refer to this thread for framework + install instructions- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1574401
Download + install GravityBox and enable it in the Xposed Installer.
For 4.2 use this version- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2316070
For 4.4 use this one- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2554049
Open GravityBox and go to Display tweaks. Enable Expanded desktop mode and set it to hide navigation bar (you can set it to hide the status bar as well if you like but this is not necessary to go full screen for gaming)
Go to Statusbar tweaks and hit Pie controls. Enable pie controls with the "when expanded desktop is on" setting. Now click Trigger positions and check the bottom and right border options. It would be wise to also shrink the trigger size down, so you don't accidentally hit it. I have mine set at 2px and you basically need to swipe in from the edge to bring up the pie.
Also in Statusbar tweaks, go to QuickSettings management and then Statusbar Quicksettings tiles. Select/deselect whatever tiles you want or don't want, just make sure that Expanded Desktop is selected.
if you enable the advanced reboot menu (power tweaks), you can toggle expanded desktop from there as well
Reboot your phone normally
Once this is all done, you can pull down your quicksettings shade and just hit the Expanded desktop toggle and your navbar will magically disappear and get replaced with pie controls. When done gaming, hit the toggle again and your navbar will reappear.
Bump for the gamers!
