Factory Images for Pixel 2s posted - Google Pixel 2 Guides, News, & Discussion

For those who are looking for the factory Images they were just posted ?
Maybe we will get a new recovery soon.
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Anyone tried Magisk (14.3+) with the stock boot image installation method yet?

FSMcas said:
Anyone tried Magisk (14.3+) with the stock boot image installation method yet?
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I created a patched_boot.img using Magisk 14.3 on my Pixel 2 which is around 23MB... the original is about 32MB, so I didn't bother trying to flash it. I'll try generating on another rooted device and see if it yields the same result.
Pixel 2 XL seems to have the same issue btw. --> https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=74269377&postcount=4340


Root N Preview?

Hello guys,
Does anyone root N Preview?
I can't access storage in twrp recovery after installing N Preview.
Have anyone know how to root N Preview?
Did you try to sideload supersu through adb? It works on the latest M ( March Update ) though you can´t access the storage through TWRP either.
That method dosent work
there is an updated twrp here somewhere that can access storage on the latest M image.
https ://xenserver.underpants-gnomes.biz/~romracer/twrp-3.0.0-1-angler.img
you could try for the N preview.
dunno if the link works, it is in my download history.
just found this
cocchiararo said:
there is an updated twrp here somewhere that can access storage on the latest M image.
https ://xenserver.underpants-gnomes.biz/~romracer/twrp-3.0.0-1-angler.img
you could try for the N preview.
dunno if the link works, it is in my download history.
just found this
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That TWRP doesn't work. It just hangs when you boot into it, and V3.0 just asks for a PW to decrypt your data but none of the default ones or my pin work. I could format the userdata partition via fastboot to fix that but I'd prefer to jsut root it without wiping again.
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Pilz said:
That TWRP doesn't work. It just hangs when you boot into it, and V3.0 just asks for a PW to decrypt your data but none of the default ones or my pin work. I could format the userdata partition via fastboot to fix that but I'd prefer to jsut root it without wiping again.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA Labs
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Download flashify from the play store and flash twrp through there. Worked flawlessly for me.
Impulse215 said:
Download flashify from the play store and flash twrp through there. Worked flawlessly for me.
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I don't have root, so I can't use flashify (I bought the app a long time ago too). I can flash TWRP from fastboot just fine, but it won't allow access due to encryption, or it just hangs there. I now there's a way to root N, but I haven't found one that works without TWRP yet.
In the thread I linked it says that if you allow twrp to boot loop for a while, it eventually boots without decrypting /data and you can sideload the rooting package
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cocchiararo said:
In the thread I linked it says that if you allow twrp to boot loop for a while, it eventually boots without decrypting /data and you can sideload the rooting package
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I've had my phone on the TWRP loading screen for 3 hours... I don't think it's a loop.
cocchiararo said:
In the thread I linked it says that if you allow twrp to boot loop for a while, it eventually boots without decrypting /data and you can sideload the rooting package
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As other members mentioned it doesn't boot (even with fastboot boot TWRP instead of flashing it). I'll just wait it out for a better method.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA Labs
cocchiararo said:
there is an updated twrp here somewhere that can access storage on the latest M image.
https ://xenserver.underpants-gnomes.biz/~romracer/twrp-3.0.0-1-angler.img
you could try for the N preview.
dunno if the link works, it is in my download history.
just found this
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It works well. Thanks.

developer preview 2 is out now, how do I flash without losing everything?

Link to the developer Preview for anyone interested
I'm currently rooted, with TWRP. So ideally how to install and keep everything and I assume you just flash supersu.zip to root again.
Thanks, just tried, but it doesn't seem to recognized this zip from the link above
Is there a different zip to flash?
install it as firmware
Use fastboot and to save your data, don't flash userdata.img.
Quick q on the subject. Twrp, rooted, dp1, modded build.prop, flashed Pixel bootanimation and navbar buttons. I suppose I can't use flashfire, right?
Puck24 said:
Quick q on the subject. Twrp, rooted, dp1, modded build.prop, flashed Pixel bootanimation and navbar buttons. I suppose I can't use flashfire, right?
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I have the same setup and also want to know how to flash without losing anything. Also would rather not adb. Will flashfire do this without losing root?
Also, I went to the OP link to get the ota, and it's just a Google page on how to test an update. Where do I get the update file?
Same here.
Sent from my Pixel XL using XDA-Developers mobile app
I actually got the OTA notification sometime in the last 8 hours while I was asleep. Saw some1 posting the link in the General section, I think
I also have (had) all the pixel goodies installed and flashed the OTA with FlashFire. Now everything is gone
I used FF. If you unchecked recovery and check modem, you'll keep recovery and root. Pixel goodies are gone, but easy to reflash
Confirm: you loose Pixel stuff but just reflash, only strange thing is that I had to flash Pixel Launcher thru twrp as with FlashFire it was not working.
Did you flashfire the OTA or the Factory Image of the DP2?
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Factory image from here
Carterman32 said:
I used FF. If you unchecked recovery and check modem, you'll keep recovery and root. Pixel goodies are gone, but easy to reflash
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You did put the factory image on your nexus and then press the + button and flash firmware? Is that it? And then you can select to keep your datas and root?
And in order to keep TWRP, do I uncheck recovery or it will keep TWRP anyway?
Thanks in advance.
I unzipped and flashed just system.img in TWRP, followed by SuperSu, and then modified the vendor/build.prop to match the system/build.prop to keep from getting the "internal problem" alert. Maybe not the simplest method, but worked fine.
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timosuomi said:
I unzipped and flashed just system.img in TWRP, followed by SuperSu, and then modified the vendor/build.prop to match the system/build.prop to keep from getting the "internal problem" alert. Maybe not the simplest method, but worked fine.
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Unless you have a specific desire not to do this, flash the matching vendor.img in TWRP. This is tied to that "internal problem" warning because of the proprietary drivers included in the file.
Also, I do not recommend flashing just the system.img for every update. You may run into a non functional camera when Google releases an OTA that requires the latest boot and vendor to be installed.
Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
SlimSnoopOS said:
Unless you have a specific desire not to do this, flash the matching vendor.img in TWRP. This is tied to that "internal problem" warning because of the proprietary drivers included in the file.
Also, I do not recommend flashing just the system.img for every update. You may run into a non functional camera when Google releases an OTA that requires the latest boot and vendor to be installed.
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Good call. I'm just coming from a Nexus 6, and I don't recall dealing with vendor.img with that or previous Nexii.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
timosuomi said:
Good call. I'm just coming from a Nexus 6, and I don't recall dealing with vendor.img with that or previous Nexii.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
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Ahh, that makes sense now. The vendor partition was originally part of the system. The Nexus 9 was the first Android device to feature a separate vendor partition and both 2015 Nexus devices launched with this separate partition.
Flash boot, system, and vendor each month OR whenever you move to a different month's OTA. With custom roms, just flash the vendor and custom rom. You can check /vendor/build.prop to see which vendor is currently installed.
Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

supersu - maybe these make bootloop?

i saw something interest and maybe you can confirm these, i just upgrade my 6P - upgrade=install from scratch full image from dev site.
and just after instalation i install the supersu zip (originally from site)-after i have the TWRP, i got bootloop.
than i just run the flash all .bat, and like a magic everything is worked, so i tried to install again the zip of super SU and ...bootloop.
it's just leave me the option of install from the app store, is the way of instalation make something?
I7210I said:
i saw something interest and maybe you can confirm these, i just upgrade my 6P - upgrade=install from scratch full image from dev site.
and just after instalation i install the supersu zip (originally from site)-after i have the TWRP, i got bootloop.
than i just run the flash all .bat, and like a magic everything is worked, so i tried to install again the zip of super SU and ...bootloop.
it's just leave me the option of install from the app store, is the way of instalation make something?
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I think your bootloop situation is more software-driven. Most of the people that talk about boot loops with the Nexus 6p have a hardware issue like I do.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
funnel71 said:
I think your bootloop situation is more software-driven. Most of the people that talk about boot loops with the Nexus 6p have a hardware issue like I do.
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if so, how you can explain that without that the device worked perfect?
also, how you upgrade each time?
I7210I said:
if so, how you can explain that without that the device worked perfect?
also, how you upgrade each time?
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Well keep in mind at the moment I am not rooted. As for updates when I used to be rooted I would flash the stock images for the system recovery bootloader and vendor partitions first. After that was done route would be erased and I could take the OTA update. I should also mention that I have not updated to Oreo. Given the hardware difficulties with my phone I've chosen to stay at 7.1.2
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
so...i'm in 8.1 and these is the conclusion in that state after few tests.
I7210I said:
so...i'm in 8.1 and these is the conclusion in that state after few tests.
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I would tend to agree with you either you have a version that is not compatible with 8.1 or perhaps you just downloaded a corrupted zip file. I can't speak for root on 8.1 because I don't have that version but I think you've done enough testing to prove your theory that it's the zip that cause your boot loop
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
What SuperSU version did you use?
What version TWRP?
I have been on 8.1 Stock with SuperSU and I did not get bootloops whatsoever.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
stankyou said:
What SuperSU version did you use?
What version TWRP?
I have been on 8.1 Stock with SuperSU and I did not get bootloops whatsoever.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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Use Magisk it's latest greatest. Just install the Magisk app from apkmirror and it will prompt to download flaahable zip. As far as TWRP 3.2.1-0 I believe is latest.
I7210I said:
if so, how you can explain that without that the device worked perfect?
also, how you upgrade each time?
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What are you trying to say? The bootloop you are talking about is different from hardware bootloop of death in nexus 6p.
Supersu works fine for everyone,if its bootlooping for you thn you are doing something wrong or flashing wrong supersu zip.
The most of the reported bootloop of death users are not rooted.
the twrp is 3.2.1 and i used now the Magisk and it works.
the way i used is :
fastboot format userdata
fastboot flash bootloader bootloader.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot flash radio radio.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot erase cache
fastboot flash cache cache.img
fastboot flash recovery <filename>.img
fastboot flash system system.img
Fastboot flash vendor vendor.img
ofcurse with the right names of files..

[INACTIVE THREAD] Dirty Unicorns 14

Hello all,
Special thanks to all who were and are involved in the development and also to the maintenance of this ROM.
Flashing instructions:
Go to TWRP
Factory reset
Flash ROM and TWRP zip
Reboot and enjoy!!
If on a previous DU build:
Go to TWRP
Flash ROM and TWRP zip
Reboot and enjoy!!
If you're going to flash magisk make sure you flash it after you've booted the OS once.
Weeklies and official builds are signed with private keys. This means that if you’re on the first official build or last week’s weekly, you can dirty flash this official build. If you’re on anything other than that and want to use this build you MUST perform a full wipe in recovery. If you decide to disregard this and flash this build or a weekly on top of anything, you will not be able to boot. Have fun looking at a black screen
its an excellent rom! i helped test here n there n can confirm its almost completely bug free
elliwigy said:
its an excellent rom! i helped test here n there n can confirm its almost completely bug free
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Can you tell how is the camera quality on that?
And they have listed audi during video is janky is that for stock camera or for apps like whatsapp and snapchat too?
Sent from my Google Pixel 2 XL using XDA Labs
Been waiting very impatiently for this lol
Prattham said:
Can you tell how is the camera quality on that?
And they have listed audi during video is janky is that for stock camera or for apps like whatsapp and snapchat too?
Sent from my Google Pixel 2 XL using XDA Labs
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Just might be seldom janky...not all the time...I've tested stock DU cam, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram.... all working fine on all 3 different occasions:good:
Cam quality is as good as stock
No hangups...lags...or other issues
I will be using it as my daily driver
amandeepparmar said:
Just might be seldom janky...not all the time...I've tested stock DU cam, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram.... all working fine on all 3 different occasions:good:
Cam quality is as good as stock
No hangups...lags...or other issues
I will be using it as my daily driver
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Can you post screenshot of the du tweaks that are currently in the rom?
Sent from my Google Pixel 2 XL using XDA Labs
Prattham said:
Can you post screenshot of the du tweaks that are currently in the rom?
Sent from my Google Pixel 2 XL using XDA Labs
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DU Tweaks...check screenshots attached
amandeepparmar said:
DU Tweaks...check screenshots attached
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What steps did you followed to install?
Cheers ?
Sent from my Google Pixel 2 XL using XDA Labs
amandeepparmar said:
DU Tweaks...check screenshots attached
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Factory reset in twrp. flash rom and twrp. Setup phone and flash afterwards kernel and magisk if needed
Anyone know if it has support for esim on Fi?
Flashing this will remove TWRP and Magisk. Just wanted to throw that out there.
MacTheRipperr said:
Flashing this will remove TWRP and Magisk. Just wanted to throw that out there.
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Yes it will according to what I've been reading. I just got my pixel and have been trying to catch up with all the new a and b slots and how recovery is now baked into the boot.img, so from what I understand is that if you flash anything new such as rom or kernel a flash of both twrp and your choice of root is needed also or you will have stock recovery. So much different from my Nexus 6P. Lol. I have a lot to learn that's for sure
Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using XDA-Developers Legacy app
This rom is awesome !! DU always bring the goods
I've been running since yesterday. Spaceman killed it! Amazing work, where can we donate?
MacTheRipperr said:
Flashing this will remove TWRP and Magisk. Just wanted to throw that out there.
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Yes but you can reflash twrp and magisk with absolutely no errors ,also twrp has no touch issues with the kernal that's already baked in rom!!!! It's a great rom!
Anyone else having trouble getting this to boot?
I've followed the instructions exactly. Reboot to TWRP (3.2.1-0), factory reset via the wipe menu, install the ROM .zip followed by the TWRP installer zip.
Go to reboot, TWRP asks me if I'm sure I want to do this as there's not an OS installed. I don't know what else to do other than say 'yes' and then it boots to the Google logo with the unlocked icon at the bottom of the screen and just hangs indefinitely at that point. Tried redownloading and recopying the ROM .zip to internal storage and all steps again too.
Any ideas? I've wiped this damn phone so many times and flashed the factory images so many times trying to get a custom ROM to work I'm about to give up. And my phone seems to damn janky where sometimes it does that same freeze on boot (or freezes on the TWRP splash screen) but then a quick reboot will fix it. Doesn't make any sense.
ohlin5 said:
Anyone else having trouble getting this to boot?
I've followed the instructions exactly. Reboot to TWRP (3.2.1-0), factory reset via the wipe menu, install the ROM .zip followed by the TWRP installer zip.
Go to reboot, TWRP asks me if I'm sure I want to do this as there's not an OS installed. I don't know what else to do other than say 'yes' and then it boots to the Google logo with the unlocked icon at the bottom of the screen and just hangs indefinitely at that point.
Any ideas? I've wiped this damn phone so many times and flashed the factory images so many times trying to get a custom ROM to work I'm about to give up. And my phone seems to damn janky where sometimes it does that same freeze on boot (or freezes on the TWRP splash screen) but then a quick reboot will fix it. Doesn't make any sense.
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I went back to latest stock using deuces script. Boot twrp. Flash twrp then the rom...boot the rom. Go back into twrp and flash magisk
I had no problems getting it to boot, I followed the op. Factory reset, flash ROM, flash magisk, flash twrp and boot into system. It booted right up no problems
Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Reuben_skelz92 said:
I went back to latest stock using deuces script. Boot twrp. Flash twrp then the rom...boot the rom. Go back into twrp and flash magisk
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Did you let the phone do it's initial boot after deuce's script ran? Or just stayed in fastboot mode, fastboot booted to TWRP, and flash the ROM and TWRP installer zip?
Also, did you format userdata when given the option in deuce's script? And you flashed TWRP before the ROM? I was under the understanding that the ROM flash would erase the TWRP install.
EDIT: I didn't format userdata, didn't reboot afterwards (just booted straight into TWRP and proceeded), and flashed TWRP before ROM and now it is indeed booting. Just need to figure out now whether or not TWRP is still installed. Many thanks! Deuce's must have fixed something I must have janked I guess.
EDIT2: Yeah appears TWRP should be flashed after the ROM not (just) before like the DU post says. I'm back to stock recovery afterwards.

Rooting question

Hello,just got this phone after my note 3 died, big upgrade. I have been rooting and flashing ROMs since the g1 but this is the first phone I have had with the AB layout. I am currently running stock Android 10 with the October update. I have tried to use magisk to patch the stock October img but when I try and flash it via fastboot that is where I am having issues I will get a failed error I have checked and my phone is currently running on slot be so to flash this patched img do I use fastboot flash boot (file name) or fastboot flash boot_b (file name) thanks ahead for the help.
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d3adbroke said:
Hello,just got this phone after my note 3 died, big upgrade. I have been rooting and flashing ROMs since the g1 but this is the first phone I have had with the AB layout. I am currently running stock Android 10 with the October update. I have tried to use magisk to patch the stock October img but when I try and flash it via fastboot that is where I am having issues I will get a failed error I have checked and my phone is currently running on slot be so to flash this patched img do I use fastboot flash boot (file name) or fastboot flash boot_b (file name) thanks ahead for the help.
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What's the error given
Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
d3adbroke said:
Hello,just got this phone after my note 3 died, big upgrade. I have been rooting and flashing ROMs since the g1 but this is the first phone I have had with the AB layout. I am currently running stock Android 10 with the October update. I have tried to use magisk to patch the stock October img but when I try and flash it via fastboot that is where I am having issues I will get a failed error I have checked and my phone is currently running on slot be so to flash this patched img do I use fastboot flash boot (file name) or fastboot flash boot_b (file name) thanks ahead for the help.
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What are the commands you're using? What error code?
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Sheradrax said:
What are the commands you're using? What error code?
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fastboot flash boot_a/b (filename)
Failed error
Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
Are you putting filename.img, or just the name? Also, just to clarify are you running it as one command or two?
Sent from my PH-1 using Tapatalk
Sheradrax said:
Are you putting filename.img, or just the name? Also, just to clarify are you running it as one command or two?
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https://youtu.be/NDKpk3iAf7k my video here
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dazeone said:
https://youtu.be/NDKpk3iAf7k my video here
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Thank you for the link. I followed your steps and was able to first get recovery with no touch then I installed the patched boot from your Google drive and when I selected to reboot into recovery it just reboots twice and starts the phone up as normal. But it does show I have root now just no twrp recovery
Sent from my PH-1 using Tapatalk
d3adbroke said:
Thank you for the link. I followed your steps and was able to first get recovery with no touch then I installed the patched boot from your Google drive and when I selected to reboot into recovery it just reboots twice and starts the phone up as normal. But it does show I have root now just no twrp recovery
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Let me upload the one with TWRP sorry haven't updated the folder
Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 02:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 AM ----------
https://drive.google.com/file/d/10_qBkxiyl7s9q3kWcHseJlaqNLVOmFE2/view?usp=drivesdk folder has been updated
Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
dazeone said:
Let me upload the one with TWRP sorry haven't updated the folder
Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 02:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 AM ----------
https://drive.google.com/file/d/10_qBkxiyl7s9q3kWcHseJlaqNLVOmFE2/view?usp=drivesdk folder has been updated
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Okay so just go back into fastboot and flash this or should I start the process over?
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d3adbroke said:
Okay so just go back into fastboot and flash this or should I start the process over?
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Flash this or if you have ex or fk manager apps you can flash the kernel using those. No need to start over. fastboot flash the slot that's current.
Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
Hey, I might be having a similar issue, but whenever i try to flash, it just gets stuck. I was following this guys guide on reddit and ran into this error replaced the adb/fastboot i had and retried it and it's still stuck.
Then I went to the XDA guide and got my fastboot getvar slot and it's in _a and when i try to fastboot flash boot_b twrp-mata.img it also gets stuck. On OTA android 10.
For some reason I was rooted but accidently updated and it usually is unable but for android 10 it got updated through OTA.
kittygotwet said:
Hey, I might be having a similar issue, but whenever i try to flash, it just gets stuck. I was following this guys guide on reddit and ran into this error replaced the adb/fastboot i had and retried it and it's still stuck.
Then I went to the XDA guide and got my fastboot getvar slot and it's in _a and when i try to fastboot flash boot_b twrp-mata.img it also gets stuck. On OTA android 10.
For some reason I was rooted but accidently updated and it usually is unable but for android 10 it got updated through OTA.
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Did you try the video above with the provided image from Google drive. ExTwrp
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dazeone said:
Did you try the video above with the provided image from Google drive. ExTwrp
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whatever i try flashing gets stuck.
kittygotwet said:
whatever i try flashing gets stuck.
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Update the adb and fastboot files. Get the lastest from Google
Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
dazeone said:
Update the adb and fastboot files. Get the lastest from Google
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ya thats the first thing i did. i even ota to android 10 oct build.
kittygotwet said:
ya thats the first thing i did. i even ota to android 10 oct build.
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Are you opening cmd or adb terminal. Did you use cmd terminal or adb fastboot terminal by clicking adb icon in provided files from Google
Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
dazeone said:
Are you opening cmd or adb terminal. Did you use cmd terminal or adb fastboot terminal by clicking adb icon in provided files from Google
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i use cmd from the platform tools
