How to pass SafetyNet? - OnePlus 5 Questions & Answers

I'm currently running stock rom with Blu_spark kernel. I've been using magisk, lately updated to 14.3 version.
My problem is I can not pass SafetyNet check. Both ctsProfile and basicIntegrity are false.
I tried Universal SaftyNet Fix but it didn't help at all.
Is there any hope to pass it on stock rom?

Do you have Xposed installed?

Thanks, I completely forgot about it

The other safety net problem people are currently having with Magisk is that if you update Magisk within Magisk Manager some scripts needed to pass safety net are no longer installed by default. If you flash Magisk instead through TWRP it seems to install like normal and you don't need to perform additional steps to pass safety net.


Can LOS14.1 pass safetynet?

Trying to pass safetynet to use my banks app and pokemon go, using the latest LOS14.1
I tried going the Magisk way, but it still fails CTS.
Is there anyway to make it happen with root and passing safetynet?
You have to use Magisk for root. SuperSU and LineageOS's versions of root will not pass safetynet from my experience. I don't know if it helps but I also have the Play Store and Nintendo's games enabled on Magisk Hide.
eMadman said:
You have to use Magisk for root. SuperSU and LineageOS's versions of root will not pass safetynet from my experience. I don't know if it helps but I also have the Play Store and Nintendo's games enabled on Magisk Hide.
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I used this guide and it didn't work. Is there another MagiskSU that I'm missing?
EDIT: I got it to work! In the guide above, it says to flash SU in Systemless mode. I just flashed Magisk without SU and it worked! Thanks!
You need Magisk v12 and kernel that includes bootloader status patch. I'm using old version of AX7Kernel, but Beastmode also has it. Not sure about other ones. I'm running relatively recent build and using Android Pay pretty frequently.
@edit And make sure to enable Magisk Hide

Unable to Pass Safety Net?

I've been trying very hard to pass safety net on my axon 7, I first tried when I had LineageOS, Magisk and Xposed (not systemlessly installed) and a few other tweaks that appeared to modify the system partition, then after realising they may be affecting safety net I completely wiped my device (data,cache,system) to make sure I had a completely fresh start. Then proceeded to flash the MicroG version of LineageOS, and install Magisk and Xposed Systemlessly making sure nothing I did affected the system partition. So I thought I would be set, did safety net check andddd it failed. Then I did some searching and found safety net will check for bootloader unlocked status, so I found a kernel (HELLSGATE.V1) which tricks safety net (or is supposed to) into believing bootloader is still locked. And safety net still fails, this is really annoying I'm just wanting to use Android Pay yet I can't. Does anyone have any idea as to what would be tripping safety net in my case, or how they manage to pass on their device?
Spooderman46 said:
I've been trying very hard to pass safety net on my axon 7, I first tried when I had LineageOS, Magisk and Xposed (not systemlessly installed) and a few other tweaks that appeared to modify the system partition, then after realising they may be affecting safety net I completely wiped my device (data,cache,system) to make sure I had a completely fresh start. Then proceeded to flash the MicroG version of LineageOS, and install Magisk and Xposed Systemlessly making sure nothing I did affected the system partition. So I thought I would be set, did safety net check andddd it failed. Then I did some searching and found safety net will check for bootloader unlocked status, so I found a kernel (HELLSGATE.V1) which tricks safety net (or is supposed to) into believing bootloader is still locked. And safety net still fails, this is really annoying I'm just wanting to use Android Pay yet I can't. Does anyone have any idea as to what would be tripping safety net in my case, or how they manage to pass on their device?
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Xposed is causing safetynet to fail. No matter how Xposed is installed, it will always trigger safetynet. But with systemless xposed, you can disable xposed in the xposed installer app by toggling it at the top and rebooting
Teet1 said:
Xposed is causing safetynet to fail. No matter how Xposed is installed, it will always trigger safetynet. But with systemless xposed, you can disable xposed in the xposed installer app by toggling it at the top and rebooting
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Still get 'invalid response' through magisk manager even after disabling xposed
This is why mine stayed stock......
Normally I would at least unlock, install TWRP and root to de-bloat, install V4A and maybe Xposed. Had to wean myself off those mods on this phone but used to it now. Life is much simpler
Nougat is pretty good. Be nice to see Oreo official soon.
Spooderman46 said:
Still get 'invalid response' through magisk manager even after disabling xposed
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Safetynet doesn't check the bootloader. Look I can even pass safetynet while dualbooting LOS. Just wipe system and install LOS, OpenGApps and Magisk, maybe some other mod like the AK4490 patch and Viper4ARISE. That definitely will pass safetynet.

Magisk v16 on B35 failed safetynet check?

I just got my phone back from ZTE. A2017U upgraded to Nougat B35. Used AxonToolkit to unlock bootloader, flashed TWRP.
Flashed Magisk v16 in TWRP.
Got root but failed SafetyNet.
SafetyNet Check Success.
ctsProfile: false
ctsBasic: false
I tried uninstalling Magisk and reflashing with the zip from the Magisk Manager, just to make sure it was an official version.
Any suggestions on what to do from here?
Is anyone passing SafetyNet on B35?
Try to uninstall Magisk v16 by using the uninstall zip from here
Then flash v15.3. I have it running on B25 and safety net works fine for me. Some users reported issues with safety net after flashing Magisk v16.
Downgraded to Magisk v15.3 and passed safetynet on B35. Thanks!!
You're welcome boddy
Do you guys know if V.17 of Magisk works with B35 Nougat?

Passing Safety Net

Hi All,
I have been running Lineage OS since it became available for OnePlus 5 with the Safety Net successfully being passed using Magisk and using firmware and modems from jamal2367.
That was up until Lineage required an updated firmware/modem to 5.1.4 and I found jamal2367 has stopped doing the firmware and modem for the OnePlus 5. I installed the firmware from shadowstep the new firmware provider and now I fail the safety net checks.
I have tired the following:
Flashing multiple weekly releases of Lineage OS
Flashing new version of TWRP
Flashing new version of TWRP blu_spark
Flashing new version of TWRP codeworkx
Flashing the
Flashing Boeffla-Kernel-2.0
Flashing blu_spark_r132
Flashing OSS 5.1.4
Flashing OSS 5.1.5
all with Magisk 17.1 installed
All with full wipes including the sdcard
The only thing that worked was installing OSS 5.1.5 with and relocking the bootloader.
Does anybody know what I have missed and how I can get the Safety Net to pass the ctsProfile.
Thanks in advance.
alrighte_then said:
Does anybody know what I have missed and how I can get the Safety Net to pass the ctsProfile.
Thanks in advance.
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Relocking the Bootloader will of course work but you didn't need to do that.
What you missed:
That version of Magisk is clearly not working well with your setup and not hiding your Bootloader state properly. (Providing you set it up correctly).
Had you done all those steps without Magisk it would have passed. The custom Kernels alone would have gotten you a Pass due to them ignoring the Verified Boot state.
So, LOS+Kernel = Pass. If you need Magisk, try to find a version that is working properly with your setup. With Magisk working properly the custom Kernel is then optional.
Also, TWRP has nothing to do with it. Just use the latest Codeworkx.
Hi Dirk,
Thanks for your response, I have just tied to install it in the order you suggested
I install TWRP (twrp-3.2.3-0-20180822-codeworkx-cheeseburger.img)
I wiped everything including sdcard
I installed Element Kernel (
I installed Lineage OS (
I installed Gapps (
I installed a safety net tester called safetyNet 'attest'
When I run the safetynet test I am still getting CTS profile match: false.
Any ideas what I can do next to make this work?
Thanks for any help
alrighte_then said:
Hi Dirk,
Thanks for your response, I have just tied to install it in the order you suggested
I install TWRP (twrp-3.2.3-0-20180822-codeworkx-cheeseburger.img)
I wiped everything including sdcard
I installed Element Kernel (
I installed Lineage OS (
I installed Gapps (
I installed a safety net tester called safetyNet 'attest'
When I run the safetynet test I am still getting CTS profile match: false.
Any ideas what I can do next to make this work?
Thanks for any help
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You flashed the Kernel before the ROM, so you overwrote that Kernel with the LOS one. Flash LOS then the custom Kernel.
On Magisk.. i've seen many people complain that they can't get the latest version to pass Safetynet. Again, it could just be people not configuring it correctly, or it might be better to try the previous version. Just to make sure you should tell us what you do to set it up.
You need to Hide Play Store, Banking Apps etc, and Magisk Manager too i believe. If you install Magisk and set it up when your current state is 'Uncertified', you will need to clear Data/Cache on Play Store for it to change to 'Certified'.
Also, don't rely on 'Safetynet Checker' apps. If the Play Store settings say 'Certified' try an app like Google Pay. It should work fine.
If you get cts profile mismatch. Download CTS props config from magisk modules and you will pass
Download magisk 17.1
Hi All,
Just to give you an update one where I got to with this.....
You where right the newer builds of Lineage OS do not pass safety net but the older ones do.
So after much playing around I and many flashes and wipes I found it impossible to boot a Lineage with a custom kernel, I believe this is probably down to the forced encryption.
The thing that worked for me in the end was installing "MagiskHide Props Config" and changing the figure print, I am it is very similar to the module Jamie suggested.
So I now have Lineage OS working fully with root, magisk and passing SafetyNet
Thanks everyone for you help.
The thing that worked for me in the end was installing "MagiskHide Props Config" and changing the figure print, I am it is very similar to the module Jamie suggested.
So I now have Lineage OS working fully with root, magisk and passing SafetyNet
Thanks everyone for you help.[/QUOTE]
Hello; can you explain to me in detail, step by step, how to do it? Thanks in advance.
" changing the figure print"

Can't pass SafetyNet, no Xposed

As you see in the title, i can't pass SafetyNet on Magisk v16, stock ROM SL!M B10. I flashed bootstack>rom>disable dm verity script>magisk. I don't know what's the problem, i could pass SafetyNet with same setup and flashing process.
I think that somehow nodmverity script didn't worked. I get Not certified on GP too.
Btw it's the A2017G variant.
I appreciate every response to my issue.
Thank you.
Edit: It turns out that it was Magisk 16.0 issue, after i flashed 16.7 SafetyNet pass.
Third screenshot somehow didn't uploaded.

