Terrible aux audio? - Samsung Galaxy S8 Questions and Answers

Man, I'm really enjoying my S8+, but the auxiliary output sounds terrible. Really muddled and overpowering bass. The adapt sound helps the ear buds for sure, but when I connect in my car, the adapt sounds worse than if it were off. Anyone have advice/similar experience? Id hate to buy a whole new head unit for a freaking headphone jack lol it sounds much worse than the LG G5, and even the G4 imo.

Yes indeed, the aux quality is a insolence. I'm wondering how all the young people with their stylisch and overpriced Beats Headphone accept this rubbish quality. The S8 is my frist Samsung.
However without AudioMod you cant enjoy music with the S8.
I use AryraMod - Viper4Android:

hannsheinz said:
Yes indeed, the aux quality is a insolence. I'm wondering how all the young people with their stylisch and overpriced Beats Headphone accept this rubbish quality. The S8 is my frist Samsung.
However without AudioMod you cant enjoy music with the S8.
I use AryraMod - Viper4Android:
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Ah, guessing you need root? Haven't even checked if that's possible for Verizon phones. Man, now I'm not sure if I actually want to return my V30. I'm not sure which is worse- a poor screen in low light, or bad audio.

Yes you need root.
Actualy I had decide that the S8 is my first phone that I dont root - because of Samsungs warrenty regulation. I even buy a mobile headphone amplifier but this only make the sobering sound louder.
Viper4Android or similar is the only way to improve the quality, sginificant.

S8 has actually a good output. Check GSM Arena tests. I have a pair of Sennheiser IE80 and they sound as good on my S8 than on my OP5, and better than my Pixel.
Also, no such thing as over powering bass. The frequency response is one of the flattest seen on a phone.

Sorry but I must dissent.
I demonstrate a few friends the difference between pure Samsung and Viper Sound via bluetooth and with the Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 and one from Teufel.
Everone shows the same reaction "wow - what a difference. Like day and night"
When I look in sveral forums is the unanimous opinion is that the Samsung Aux qualtiy is awful and this since many years.

hannsheinz said:
Sorry but I must dissent.
I demonstrate a few friends the difference between pure Samsung and Viper Sound via bluetooth and with the Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 and one from Teufel.
Everone shows the same reaction "wow - what a difference. Like day and night"
When I look in sveral forums is the unanimous opinion is that the Samsung Aux qualtiy is awful and this since many years.
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Sadly there is a difference between one's feeling of how it sounds like and the actually way it actually sounds, proven scientifically, with defined tests in a proper testing environment.
I tested a lot of phones with my pair of IE80, and the S8 sounds on part with all the comparative smartphones. And actually tests are showing it being actually a tad better than the pack. V30 being undoubtedly the best.

Paradoxxx said:
S8 has actually a good output. Check GSM Arena tests. I have a pair of Sennheiser IE80 and they sound as good on my S8 than on my OP5, and better than my Pixel.
Also, no such thing as over powering bass. The frequency response is one of the flattest seen on a phone.
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All I know is that it sounds worse than the LG G5 through Beats headphones, and when plugged into the aux jack of my car, it sounds horrible- my girlfriend noticed right away. Worse than her iPhone 6S. It's cool that Samsung lets you tweak audio settings, but they seem to sound completely different depending on what you're listening to them through (If I adjust to make it sound tolerable over headphones, it sounds like muddled garbage plugged into a car stereo, and vice versa). It seems you can either get it really tinny so you can hear every aspect of the song, or so much bass that it drowns out the clarity and treble - it's really difficult to find a balance :\
I think it's about time I finally replace my 8 year old car stereo that I've been ripping out and putting into my new cars for something that has bluetooth..

ryanpm40 said:
All I know is that it sounds worse than the LG G5 through Beats headphones, and when plugged into the aux jack of my car, it sounds horrible- my girlfriend noticed right away. Worse than her iPhone 6S. It's cool that Samsung lets you tweak audio settings, but they seem to sound completely different depending on what you're listening to them through (If I adjust to make it sound tolerable over headphones, it sounds like muddled garbage plugged into a car stereo, and vice versa). It seems you can either get it really tinny so you can hear every aspect of the song, or so much bass that it drowns out the clarity and treble - it's really difficult to find a balance :\
I think it's about time I finally replace my 8 year old car stereo that I've been ripping out and putting into my new cars for something that has bluetooth..
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Let's compare scientifically gathered numbers here :
Apple iPhone 6s (headphones attached) +0.10, -0.06 -93.8 93.9 0.0030 0.101 -68.2
LG G5 (headphones) +0.05, -0.01 -92.2 92.3 0.0029 0.037 -50.7
Samsung Galaxy S8+ (headphones attached) +0.03, -0.03 -92.5 92.5 0.0024 0.046 -77.3
And to quote GSM Arena :
"Stellar audio output
The Samsung Galaxy S8 matched its Plus sibling for clarity, delivering perfectly accurate output both with an active external amplifier and headphones. Even the increase in stereo crosstalk with headphones was barely noticeable and exceeding our expectations.
Somewhat surprisingly the smaller member of the flagship duo outdid its sibling in terms of loudness. The Plus was not quite itself, but the Galaxy S8 is among the loudest handsets out there, rounding up a great performance."
Let's see the frequency response now :
iPhone 6S :
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LG G5 :
Galaxy S8 :
As we can see here, LG G5 is the worse of the pack, with a cut-off way before S8 and iPhone even if it has the flattest frequency response. However such a different is not audible by human ears.
The iPhone has quite a wobbly frequency response, but manages to have a high frequency cut-off.
The Galaxy S8 is beating both of them, with almost perfectly flat frequency response and higher frequency cut-off, but it has a slight wobble across the whole frequency which makes it less studio-like than the G5.
Noise level wise, the iPhone is the clear winner, with a dB more than the others.
Dynamic Range, the iPhone is again the winner, with more than a point better than the two others, with the G5 being the worse.
Now comes the interesting part, harmonic distortion. For these who don't know what THD is :
"Total harmonic distortion (THD) and the inter-modulation distortion (IMD) measure the unwanted altering of the original audio signal. When an audio signal passes through a non-ideal, non-linear device (such as your smartphone), additional content is added to the original frequencies in the form of interference, which results in distortion. Distortion is the name given to anything that alters a pure input signal in any way. So, as you might have guessed, the lower the number in either of these fields, the better the audio output of your device."
The galaxy S8 has a THD of 0.0024, being the best among all the devices previously mentioned.
The stereo cross-talk on the iPhone is absolutely horrible, while the G5 and the S8 maintain a score close to 93.
I could compare other phones, but I'll just add one more, the One Plus 5 :
OnePlus 5 (headphones attached) +0.15, -0.08 -94.0 94.0 0.0033 0.139 -59.9
We can see that this phone has actually a worse frequency response than the phones we were taking about today, with, however a better noise level, and dynamic range than the others but worse THD and stereo crosstalk. Therefore it might not be the best when it comes to reproduce your song to the way it was actually recorded (even though if +0.15 and -0.08 across the whole range is probably not that noticeable) but it goes louder, and the sound differential is actually bigger, which could give a better feeling of quality than the two others.
So to make a long story short, and hopefully close this topic once and for all, no, the S8 does not have a worse output than the previously mentioned phones. It does NOT have muddy output, or over-powered bass. It has an excellent stereo cross-talk and the lowest Harmonic Distortion across the board. It's probably the best phone to reproduce your songs the way they are meant to be.
So why someone's opinion is different than the actual scientific results ?
Some may say placebo, but I tend more to think that it's related on how we actually listen to music, our equipment, and possible ear damage.
I have a pair of IE-80 which are quite high-end Sennheiser IEMs. They sound fantastic with my S8, however I cannot stand any stock sound anymore. Not because the stock output is bad, and as we've seen previously it is far from being so, it's just that I listen to a lot of EDM songs, and I like my bass a little punchier than what the stock output provides, or that any other phone provides for that matter. So I'm using ARISE on all my devices. Regarding the max noise level, I have a custom mixer_gain.xml that I'm using on my S8 which allows for much louder output, with the only downside is to add a bit more noise on quiet songs. But that's the way I enjoy my music.
If you really want to know more I invite anyone that is interested to check GSM Arena analysis, and compare the numbers on phones you might be interested in purchasing.
Hope this ends the "this phone has a terrible aux audio" story.
Peace !

I mean, scientific numbers are cool and all and I don't doubt them, but as a listener, it sounds muddled. I like to hear all the small, intricate details of each instrument in a song. That isn't easily accomplishable with this phone with the stock settings, and it takes a bit of playing around with those settings to get it to sound right. Searching around more, it sounds that others have found the same results. Maybe it's because I'm not listening to punch edm. I like ambient rock music with lots of guitars bass and percussion going, and sometimes the drums even sound like they're being smacked right against the microphone, leaving a kind of staticky sound as if the recording needed better pop filtering.

hannsheinz said:
Sorry but I must dissent.
I demonstrate a few friends the difference between pure Samsung and Viper Sound via bluetooth and with the Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 and one from Teufel.
Everone shows the same reaction "wow - what a difference. Like day and night"
When I look in sveral forums is the unanimous opinion is that the Samsung Aux qualtiy is awful and this since many years.
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I agree, the sound on this thing is low quality! I have also tried different phones and this is worse or as bad as the LG G5.

ryanpm40 said:
I mean, scientific numbers are cool and all and I don't doubt them, but as a listener, it sounds muddled. I like to hear all the small, intricate details of each instrument in a song. That isn't easily accomplishable with this phone with the stock settings, and it takes a bit of playing around with those settings to get it to sound right. Searching around more, it sounds that others have found the same results. Maybe it's because I'm not listening to punch edm. I like ambient rock music with lots of guitars bass and percussion going, and sometimes the drums even sound like they're being smacked right against the microphone, leaving a kind of staticky sound as if the recording needed better pop filtering.
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I listen to Phil Collins and this kind of artists as well, and I can hear the separation between every instruments perfectly, and I'm rediscovering music through that phone/iem combination.
The thing is, everyone's hearing is different, however it has been proven that this phone does sound good, and there is no deniability on that, the numbers are there.
Someone saying that this phone sounds bad is invalid. I'm not sure how I can make my point more than saying that I'd rather believe scientific results than someone's hearing.

Paradoxxx said:
I listen to Phil Collins and this kind of artists as well, and I can hear the separation between every instruments perfectly, and I'm rediscovering music through that phone/iem combination.
The thing is, everyone's hearing is different, however it has been proven that this phone does sound good, and there is no deniability on that, the numbers are there.
Someone saying that this phone sounds bad is invalid. I'm not sure how I can make my point more than saying that I'd rather believe scientific results than someone's hearing.
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I mean, my hearing is just fine. I can hear every single beep in the personalized adapt sound feature, so idk. I'll admit, I got to messing with settings even more and I got it to the point where it is sounding very good in my car. Still not *as* good as other phones, but I'll take it.
I don't know the correct terms, I'm not an audiophile, but it still seems like a bit of a "flat" sound at this point. There's a part in one of my favorite songs that has 3+ voices talking over each other simultaneously, and on other devices, I can hear the individual voices very clearly. It's a bit more difficult to differentiate between them now, even with my Beats headphones. But, hey, it's a 3.5mm, I'll take it and finally take the plunge into bluetooth soon.
Do you at least agree that the thing sounds bad unless you actually do go play with those EQ and adapt settings? Because I cannot stand the stock sound for the life of me, and I've never had to make adjustments in other phones before. To me that's a fail- it should at least be passable out of the box. Also- I'm a bit curious what you meant when you say the G5 sounds more "studio-like". Maybe that's the subtle difference bothering me? Idk, those numbers are gibberish to me, lol. I'm a musician but I know nothing about audio tech.

ryanpm40 said:
Do you at least agree that the thing sounds bad unless you actually do go play with those EQ and adapt settings? Because I cannot stand the stock sound for the life of me, and I've never had to make adjustments in other phones before. To me that's a fail- it should at least be passable out of the box. Also- I'm a bit curious what you meant when you say the G5 sounds more "studio-like". Maybe that's the subtle difference bothering me? Idk, those numbers are gibberish to me, lol. I'm a musician but I know nothing about audio tech.
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I do not listen to the phone stock, and I actually believe I have never used any android phone that did not have DSP manager or Viper4Android installed.
However since my HTC Desire, that is definitely the best listening experience I ever had on a phone.
I need a more bassy experience, and the stock EQ thing just cannot do that.
Thus, the tests that GSM Arena, and the data pulled from these tests are all done using the stock settings. without anything enabled.
Regarding the G5, it has the flatest frequency response (means that a sound at 25hz wont be louder than one at 1khz) which is what studio headphones, and studio components usually targets. But tbh, the difference is so small that I am not sure a human ear can discern that...
I am no musician however my father has a studio and wrote/produced sounds on Studio hardware, so I had the occasion to test out studio headphones, mics, speakers etc, so hopefully I got a good clue on what a good sound should "sound" like.
But there is something that troubles me here, is that the scientifically obtained results are proving by analysis and datas that the S8 is definitely good. So where does the issues lays out ? I guess we will never know.

If useing the s8 with aux make sure it isnt charging. I figured this out after a while. If you plug into the headphone jack first you will get louder and much clearer sound. If you plug your charger in first it will sound like ****.


Sound output quality

http://pic.gsmarena.com/vv/reviewsimg/htc-hero/gsmarena_a001.png - this frequency responce graph doesn't look promising. I know that there are ways to correct it a bit on the Dream (where it is a little bit better to start off), but how about the Hero? I'm really considering of buying this phone, and the sound quality stuff could be a real deal breaker for me.
So I would appreciate any feedback on this, thanks.
honestly, ive never really noticed anything bad about the but ill check against a mates iphone 3g and report on the results, but i may not see him till next week
If you are not an audiophile like me, you could miss the points. What I am interested in, is the highs - close to 20KHz.
I would like to believe that the frequency responce graph I mentioned earlier does not represent how Heroes sound like. It's so choppy and lacks highs - they cut of at like 15KHz or so. Also, why is that graph so choppy? iPhones are just invincible in this aspect..
So I was just wondering if someone had managed to fix this with software modifications, especially after seeing threads like this.
Connected my hero to a decent separates system and it sounded great. It blew my friend's N95 away comparing the same tracks!
1. Check out the vertical axis on that graph. Considering that 3dB is about the smallest increment/decrement in intensity that the human ear can readily distinguish, that frequency response is actually impressively flat for a consumer device.
2. Check out the frequency response of your earphones. Or, if you hook it up to your expensive hi-fi sound system, your speakers. Your frequency response is NOT going to be limited by this device but by the speakers/headphones. To see what I mean, compare that graph, which for the most part stays within +/- 0.5 dB, with this one of a pair of good quality earphones, or this one of some excellent speakers. Note the peaks and troughs in excess of +/- 7dB in the earphones, and +/- 3dB or so in the speakers.
3. From the look of the graphs, I doubt they've used the same method to test both. I don't think you'd find them that different. Maybe one is a manufacturer's stated frequency response and the other isn't, or they were tested with different types of equipment.
Although not an audiophile myself I am pretty keen on getting the best sound quality I possibly can. Before I purchased the Hero I plugged in my own cans to check frequency response. I was actually pleasantly suprised how much depth was in the music.
Not immediately noticable however was a strange noise audible at the start and end of tracks, and in quiet sections - kind of like a hiss. Although this would probably only be audible in a decent set of cans (with a wide frequency response), as an audiophile where only the best sound will do this would surely annoy the hell out of you.
The other point to note is the lack of EQ on the Hero's music player, but as an audiophile I'm sure you would frown upon using EQ anyway.
g00nerz said:
Not immediately noticable however was a strange noise audible at the start and end of tracks, and in quiet sections - kind of like a hiss. Although this would probably only be audible in a decent set of cans (with a wide frequency response), as an audiophile where only the best sound will do this would surely annoy the hell out of you.
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I noticed that on my previous S60 Nokia but don't notice it on my new Hero. It's possible that differences in impedance or sensitivity between headphones might make this affect more noticeable on some headphones than others.
The other point to note is the lack of EQ on the Hero's music player, but as an audiophile I'm sure you would frown upon using EQ anyway.
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Absolutely right!
I wouldn't call myself an audiophile (who would?) but I do have a keen interest in the technical aspects of audio and equipment.
this is the only phone where i can say the audio is really bad. i have yet to try more than one set of wired headphones but the bt headphones i have make it sound much worse. i have had a few htc phones and this is the worst by far. mono actually sounds better than stereo. Maybe im just used to my e71's sound quality.
Oh Lol.
Audiophiles listening to music on their phones. There's absolutely no way anyone who genuinely has a critical ear would expect anything like high end (as in quality) reproduction of audio on a phone.
Either way, the Hero's got a crappy signal to noise ratio so best you move on before you get offended.
I wonder how accurate the test was for the 3GS because I have never seen a frequency response graph that flat (even my HiFi tube amp has more variations).
And if you examine the hero graph more closely, you can notice that it's really very good. It has minimal gain loss in low freq. and it spans almost linearly up to 16kHz. And that's like very good. I noticed myself that the sound quality was far better then on the iPhone. But that is just my subjective opinion. But you can take in consideration that I used some HiQuality AKG headphones to test them both.
flexte said:
this is the only phone where i can say the audio is really bad. i have yet to try more than one set of wired headphones but the bt headphones i have make it sound much worse. i have had a few htc phones and this is the worst by far. mono actually sounds better than stereo. Maybe im just used to my e71's sound quality.
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Any audio quality problems with bluetooth headphones/headsets have nothing to do with the hero, because the Hero is not actually producing the sound you hear, it's just following the Bluetooth spec, so it's not relevant to the graphs posted at the top of this thread.
Just so we're clear. You may already have known this.
oblika said:
And if you examine the hero graph more closely, you can notice that it's really very good.
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Just as I said above. I think the 3GS graph there is bogus; there's no way that was measured using the same equipment. Most likely it is the 'theoretical' frequency response and the Hero's is 'measured'. And when you look at the Hero graph and pay attention to the Y axis, it is actually a very good, flat frequency response.

I knew that the mic quality of the Atrix was amazing!!

I remember discussing the Atrix video quality on the forums when it was first released. One thing that immediately caught my attention was the audio quality. I'm a musician and I do believe in my ears listening to sounds. I even mentioned how the Atrix should do good recording loud concerts. All of that was few days before I got hands on my Atrix.
Yesterday, I had the fortune of seeing Kyuss Lives play in Minneapolis, I took some videos and it just amazed me how the microphone in the Atrix did not choke in that huge walls of noise.
This is the only phone I owned which could do this. I know exactly what usually happens if you try taking footage in concerts of this loudness using your cellphone.
This is a clip from the same show, recorded using an iphone:
I hope my next phone would be as capable of audio when I upgrade
Its not just the mic, The whole phone is amazing. Its hardware is just too good. Yes there is some "better" phones but compared to this one they are nothing. The build quality on this phone is outstanding, im a huge dropper so i tend to drop my phone alot and all my previous phones couldn't stand it. This one is still in one piece! This phone would be much better if we would be able to access the tegra 2 inside, just think of the possibility, they are endless.
i went to call of duty XP to see kanye west perform and i recorded most of the concert using my atrix before it ran out of batteries. the quality, both audio and video, was great. i used my friends iphone 4 for one song then i had to switch to a crappy old point and shoot camera late in the show. the iphone 4 sounds a little muffled compared to the atrix and my actual camera is just horrible.
atrix recording:
iphone 4:
old pos camera:
I don't have any comparison videos but I'll throw my video up there for further proof quality.
alkaline trio with smoking popes covering violent femmes - I held her in my arms.
West Hollywood. troubadour.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
cachookaman said:
i went to call of duty XP to see kanye west perform
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Wait, you *WANTED* too see Kayne West?
Kyuss bumps some remarkly classy tunes bro.
You have good taste.
Actually, that is all (and I'm glad this isn't another complaining thread).
xyrovice said:
Kyuss bumps some remarkly classy tunes bro.
You have good taste.
Actually, that is all (and I'm glad this isn't another complaining thread).
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Thank you.
and here is another video from the show in celebration
there are a lot of factors that can influence this.
1. whenever recording, there is something called "gain". it basically controls the
amount of amplification that occurs coming off of the mic's signal. with regards to our phones, this could be controlled by the software used to record the app.
if the gain is set too high, then you would hear cracking and distortion. so really, if the iphone used recorded with a lower gain (via an app/setting whatever), that could fix the problem.
2. both clips are recorded at completely different areas of the venue. we dont know how it sounds like where the iphone user was standing...but we can make some assumptions. first off he's a lot closer to the stage = generally closer to the speakers = generally exponentially louder.
second, listen to how much bass he's picking up. that amount of bass alone could clip (cause distortion) in any of our phones if the gain isn't set correctly.
the atrix example in comparison doesnt have that much bass...
in regards to something sounding more muffled than something else, that can be controlled by a number of things, from where both mics are, to where both mics are pointed, to software settings (eq and/or noise reduction)...
Strangely nobody has mentioned that the Atrix 4G has TWO microphones.
That appears to be the reason why you can clearly hear the Atrix samples with stereo sound whereas the iPhone's sound is mono and dull.
The Atrix is such a beast!
first off the dual microphones are primarily used for noise cancellation purposes...and secondly
the iphone4 has dual mics as well for noise cancellation purposes as well. and if the noise reduction was left on by design it would make an ambient room recording sound dull and lifeless.
again you really cant do a fair comparison until you take control of the variables. such as mic position, mic gain, sample rate, bit depth, compression, use of eq...etc
con_ritmo said:
first off the dual microphones are primarily used for noise cancellation purposes...and secondly
the iphone4 has dual mics as well for noise cancellation purposes as well. and if the noise reduction was left on by design it would make an ambient room recording sound dull and lifeless.
again you really cant do a fair comparison until you take control of the variables. such as mic position, mic gain, sample rate, bit depth, compression, use of eq...etc
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You are correct about noise cancellation, but afaik that's only on voice calls, not video recording.
In any case, I'm not just talking about quality, your theory does not explain why iPhone video samples on this thread sound flat, not stereo.
@con_ritmo you must be a blast at parties...
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Some recordings of Portishead I did with my Atrix:
con_ritmo said:
there are a lot of factors that can influence this.
1. whenever recording, there is something called "gain". it basically controls the
amount of amplification that occurs coming off of the mic's signal. with regards to our phones, this could be controlled by the software used to record the app.
if the gain is set too high, then you would hear cracking and distortion. so really, if the iphone used recorded with a lower gain (via an app/setting whatever), that could fix the problem.
2. both clips are recorded at completely different areas of the venue. we dont know how it sounds like where the iphone user was standing...but we can make some assumptions. first off he's a lot closer to the stage = generally closer to the speakers = generally exponentially louder.
second, listen to how much bass he's picking up. that amount of bass alone could clip (cause distortion) in any of our phones if the gain isn't set correctly.
the atrix example in comparison doesnt have that much bass...
in regards to something sounding more muffled than something else, that can be controlled by a number of things, from where both mics are, to where both mics are pointed, to software settings (eq and/or noise reduction)...
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I'm a musician and do some home recording/mixing on my own. I totally dig what you're saying about high/low gain and proximity effect. I did not mean the iphone in specific when I compared the Atrix audio record quality, I meant all phones I tried before. My brother's girlfriend shot some clips right from were I stood there too using an iphone 4, the sound was muffled enough not to upload it on youtube for the fans to see (hear) and enjoy. I know I'm not just "imagining" this. The audio quality of the Atrix caught my attention even before I received mine when I was watching people's reviews and youtube samples uploads.
psolovyov said:
Some recordings of Portishead I did with my Atrix:
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Portishead! nice!
see?! ripping audio from those video clips can make an A/A+ quality bootleg mp3's!
Since I remember one of Atrix clips I saw back then was by someone recording a short clip of his dog named "drummer". I just used google to search for and find the clip.
Without crediting myself for having some sort of an ear for music or sounds, I think anyone would agree the audio quality is superb for a cellphone:
CyberPunk7t9 said:
Portishead! nice!
see?! ripping audio from those video clips can make an A/A+ quality bootleg mp3's!
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yup...if i fixed the exposure level the 720p vids would be even crisper looking.
There are different camps, some would stand for what it is, others stand for what they belive it to be.
In any case, I am impressed with the mic of the Atrix, and you can test this yourself.
I was at home in a hot afternoon and was standing right infront of fan at high speed, you can imagine the fluttering noise. I made a call to my friend on my Atrix and was having a little difficulty hearing him because of the fluttering from the fan, so I asked my friend if he could hear me properly. To my surprise, he mentioned that he heard me perfectly. I asked if he hears the fan's noise, he said no, and did not even noticed that there are anything moving near me. I was like huh? Impossible, but true. Try it.
CyberPunk7t9 said:
I'm a musician and do some home recording/mixing on my own. I totally dig what you're saying about high/low gain and proximity effect. I did not mean the iphone in specific when I compared the Atrix audio record quality, I meant all phones I tried before. My brother's girlfriend shot some clips right from were I stood there too using an iphone 4, the sound was muffled enough not to upload it on youtube for the fans to see (hear) and enjoy. I know I'm not just "imagining" this. The audio quality of the Atrix caught my attention even before I received mine when I was watching people's reviews and youtube samples uploads.
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on the flip side what might pass for "clear" vs "muffled" could also simply mean a large high frequency boost. which may/may not be good depending on your application. for example, there are some pretty credible rta/fft apps on the iphone...good enough to.use in the field. so really u wouldnt want a mic with a hf boost in that application (although it can/is corrected in the app)
so in any case a large hf boost would make micing things from a distance sound better....but not necessarily be good for micing things close up (sibilant shrill etc)....which is the distance most phones operate from. for example if i stuck a schoeps or dpa flat omni there it would sound muffled as heck too...but theyd be the better mics (goes without saying) and u could correct somewhat with eq. however if the bass is rolled off and nonexistant youd never be able to eq that back in. all the atrix recordings to me sound thin....whereas my other makes "decent" rehearsal takes on the ip4...close distancd though.
again it's hard to compare things without a controlled test....so many factors...aside from how things were actually recorded....theres also the issue of different phone cases, dirty clogged mics, etc..u just dont know.
i was actually going to do a transfer on the atrix mic to calibrate it for an fft app....never got around to it yet...one day ill do it so so we can all see exactly what he mic is doing and can actually compare it to an iphone mic with hard data...
Took a quick video of the piano face off at the Trans Siberian Orchestra this past weekend. Didn't realize that the Atrix had such an amazing mic on it. when I upload the video ill post a link.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium

Earphone sound quality

Well after Sony & Handtec completly screwed everything up I purchased the Z2 off CPW with next day delivey,
I'm not impressed with the sound quality with the earphones. I've tried 3 different quality headsets and the bundled set with the phone.
unimpressive I'm afraid.
Did you try the Sony MDR-NC13EM Digital Noise Cancelling Headset?
That's the bundled headset
Not The Flong said:
That's the bundled headset
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No it depends, in the UK, if you pre-ordered the phone you get the active noise cancelling earphones MDR-NC31EM otherwise you just get a standard pair of earphones.
Do yours look like this? (Make note of how many contact points there are on the plug)
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Even in UK I think you can get z2 without MDR-NC13EM. OP should check the model number listed on the little tag attached to the headset wire.
I highly doubt anyone would be disappointed with MDR-NC13EM. I understand sound quality is a highly subjective matter but I still think z2 with MDR-NC13EM is the best you can get from a smartphone compared to other OEM headsets.
I found the sound awful. The "bass" simply lowered the voice and other instrumental features of a song to make the foreground bass sound bassier. When the bass parts of the song speed the voice would then become loud again.
It made some songs almost inaudible.
Tried my earphones (which I had great quality with my previous phone) and the ones that came pre bundled and both sounded the same.
Also couldn't figure out where the noise cancelling was as they where no different to my standard ear phones in terms of noise cancellation.
Gone to the s5 now and the sound was far superior before root, let alone after!
Sent from my SM-G900F using xda app-developers app
Sony's bass is usually realistic. It's not meant to be thumping like beats. It's usually a nice rounded sound. I haven't got mine yet so I can't comment too much.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
Errm what?
These are THE BEST earphones ever on an Android device!
Here's a review of the earphones only :
riso123 said:
I found the sound awful. The "bass" simply lowered the voice and other instrumental features of a song to make the foreground bass sound bassier. When the bass parts of the song speed the voice would then become loud again.
It made some songs almost inaudible.
Tried my earphones (which I had great quality with my previous phone) and the ones that came pre bundled and both sounded the same.
Also couldn't figure out where the noise cancelling was as they where no different to my standard ear phones in terms of noise cancellation.
Gone to the s5 now and the sound was far superior before root, let alone after!
Sent from my SM-G900F using xda app-developers app
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Sounds like you've had normalisation enabled which levels the audio to the same volume - this can have a negative effect on the audio quality overall regardless of what device and headset you're using so this setting should only be active if you're in a situation where you need it (can't think of a reason you'd need it and I'd recommend leaving this setting off).
As for the active noise-cancelling, to ensure noise cancelling is active, first you have to set accessories in the sound settings to "Noise-cancelling headset", then after you've plugged in the headset, additional options should be displayed in the "Sound effects" menu where you can set when the noise cancelling is in effect and the appropriate environment you're in. You should also notice an icon that gets displayed in the notification bar to show that it is active.
You also have to remember that the active-noise cancelling isn't performed on any headset, you can't just plug in a standard 3-pole headset and expect there to be the active noise-cancelling it doesn't work like that.
TheOnlyIntruder said:
Sounds like you've had normalisation enabled which levels the audio to the same volume - this can have a negative effect on the audio quality overall regardless of what device and headset you're using so this setting should only be active if you're in a situation where you need it (can't think of a reason you'd need it and I'd recommend leaving this setting off).
As for the active noise-cancelling, to ensure noise cancelling is active, first you have to set accessories in the sound settings to "Noise-cancelling headset", then after you've plugged in the headset, additional options should be displayed in the "Sound effects" menu where you can set when the noise cancelling is in effect and the appropriate environment you're in. You should also notice an icon that gets displayed in the notification bar to show that it is active.
You also have to remember that the active-noise cancelling isn't performed on any headset, you can't just plug in a standard 3-pole headset and expect there to be the active noise-cancelling it doesn't work like that.
As I've explained, how you've described what you've done suggests that your opinion while valid has been used for the wrong reasons and when users who have read your opinion which is a stark contrast to the majority, there is no wonder that there's a backlash.
My opinion is that you're biased and incapable of understanding how to operate the technology in your hand thus in-turn creating a false or rather poor outcome to your experiences.
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Well that was a bit more constrictive!
I'm not biased at all though, I played around with the settings in various dodgem ways and could never reach ample sound output.
To suggest I am unable to operate the technology is a huge statement with no substance to back it up and again quite rude. You don't know my capabilities and so shouldn't assume I'm wrong and don't know how to handle the tech.
Instead give feedback like you did and then ASK politely if I had tried what you suggested instead of assuming the negative.
Sent from my SM-G900F using xda app-developers app
riso123 said:
Well that was a bit more constrictive!
I'm not biased at all though, I played around with the settings in various dodgem ways and could never reach ample sound output.
To suggest I am unable to operate the technology is a huge statement with no substance to back it up and again quite rude. You don't know my capabilities and so shouldn't assume I'm wrong and don't know how to handle the tech.
Instead give feedback like you did and then ASK politely if I had tried what you suggested instead of assuming the negative.
Sent from my SM-G900F using xda app-developers app
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Since I am extremely eager to get my Z2, I have a slight OCD behavior when it comes to news about this phone.
In my info binging endeavor, I came across a similar review to yours in a swedish forum. It had the same complaints about the headset.
When I got my first Android phone, the biggest gripe I had with it was the dismal sound output when compared to the iPhone. So I am very sad to hear that poor sound still is something that haunts the Android universe. The noise canceling headset was one of the biggest draws for me with the Z2. I'll have to try for myself, but I trust your opinion since it coincides with others.
KyleSforza said:
Errm what?
These are THE BEST earphones ever on an Android device!
Here's a review of the earphones only :
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Fully agree, I'm using the supplied MDR-NC31EM noise cancelling headphones and the audio quality is superb...when used with the Z2.
bass strong, acoustic setting do make differences in sound and I like various forms of music from classical through pop, house and hard rock
However I did try them in my ipad and the sound was awful, really bad.
Warkman said:
Fully agree, I'm using the supplied MDR-NC31EM noise cancelling headphones and the audio quality is superb...when used with the Z2.
bass strong, acoustic setting do make differences in sound and I like various forms of music from classical through pop, house and hard rock
However I did try them in my ipad and the sound was awful, really bad.
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Conversely I plugged in my Audio Technica W5000's into the phone and they were plenty loud enough. I haven't had time to really compare the sound quality though but it sounded ok to me
When I plugged in the noise cancelling earphones I thought they sounded really good but again I haven't compared them to anything yet.
Let's stick to the topic here thanks and resist the urge to make this personal... Thread cleaned.
ApriliaM3 said:
Let's stick to the topic here thanks and resist the urge to make this personal... Thread cleaned.
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one of the big reason i want to move to z2 is the earphone sound output... and now these mixed reviews are making my decision tough... i am currently using sony xb90ex earphones with my one x and they are good enough... i just hope the z2 upgrade is not a downgrade after all :crying:
kartoonz said:
one of the big reason i want to move to z2 is the earphone sound output... and now these mixed reviews are making my decision tough... i am currently using sony xb90ex earphones with my one x and they are good enough... i just hope the z2 upgrade is not a downgrade after all :crying:
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I came from a One X and I used ARHD on it with all the sound mods including the additional beats profiles and EIZO DSP modifier and I can certainly say, the output of the Z2 is much better than that of the One X with the additional profiles. I think the Z2 must use a higher grade DAC or something (seems like it anyway), it is certainly more noticeable when you compare both devices without any psychoacoustic settings enabled (so listening to them flat), the One X had a noticeable hiss and crackle at low volume levels, Z2 not so much
TheOnlyIntruder said:
I came from a One X and I used ARHD on it with all the sound mods including the additional beats profiles and EIZO DSP modifier and I can certainly say, the output of the Z2 is much better than that of the One X with the additional profiles. I think the Z2 must use a higher grade DAC or something (seems like it anyway), it is certainly more noticeable when you compare both devices without any psychoacoustic settings enabled (so listening to them flat), the One X had a noticeable hiss and crackle at low volume levels, Z2 not so much
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i will most certainly not root or install any of the above mentioned profiles you mentioned... so was the default sound output good enough...did you get a chance to test it??
kartoonz said:
i will most certainly not root or install any of the above mentioned profiles you mentioned... so was the default sound output good enough...did you get a chance to test it??
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I think you misunderstood, I'm saying the Z2 sounds better default than the One X modded.
TheOnlyIntruder said:
I think you misunderstood, I'm saying the Z2 sounds better default than the One X modded.
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oh i get you :silly: that's good news for me...
riso123 said:
I found the sound awful. The "bass" simply lowered the voice and other instrumental features of a song to make the foreground bass sound bassier. When the bass parts of the song speed the voice would then become loud again.
It made some songs almost inaudible.
Tried my earphones (which I had great quality with my previous phone) and the ones that came pre bundled and both sounded the same.
Also couldn't figure out where the noise cancelling was as they where no different to my standard ear phones in terms of noise cancellation.
Gone to the s5 now and the sound was far superior before root, let alone after!
Sent from my SM-G900F using xda app-developers app
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This is also exactly my experience unfortunately
My previous phone was the one x with beats audio + headphones, I'm now using the beats headphones with the Z2 and the bass leaves so much to be desired... I've tried all the settings to no avail, as mentioned above the bass specific setting seems to lower mediums and highs instead of pumping bass.
Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk

Sound quality on earphones

Could U compare Mate 7 sound output on earphones to Galaxy note 2 or Xiaomi Mi4? The first one had very good sound quality but Mi4 has disappointed me in this field.
Yary12 said:
Could U compare Mate 7 sound output on earphones to Galaxy note 2 or Xiaomi Mi4? The first one had very good sound quality but Mi4 has disappointed me in this field.
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Oh god yeah when I heard Mi 4 video on youtube, recorded sound I almost vomited ...
Simona Simmy said:
Oh god yeah when I heard Mi 4 video on youtube, recorded sound I almost vomited ...
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I use Beyerdynamic DT1350, and I am not at all impressed with the sound of M7...it is one of the weakest things about this device..
blackinfinity said:
I use Beyerdynamic DT1350, and I am not at all impressed with the sound of M7...it is one of the weakest things about this device..
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Try turn DTS on
Simona Simmy said:
Try turn DTS on
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I do.. it just sound fake...
my old Galaxy note sounded better..
blackinfinity said:
I use Beyerdynamic DT1350, and I am not at all impressed with the sound of M7...it is one of the weakest things about this device..
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no phone will push headphones that good buy 1 of these will sound ALOT better http://www.ebay.com/itm/Audiophile-...794?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ae79a6f22
The sound is not good at all and its not very loud.
Im using Hidizs AP100
leo5111 said:
no phone will push headphones that good buy 1 of these will sound ALOT better http://www.ebay.com/itm/Audiophile-...794?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ae79a6f22
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I have plugged in my headphones to many other devices and phones without an extermal headphone amp.
I can say for instance, I was quite impressed with the sound of my LG G2.
Mate 7 compared to my LG G2 is big difference...
My DT1350 headphones sounds very well without a headamp of course.. I have plans to buy a good USB DAC for my phone when I get the money
Like this one http://www.headstage.com/Arrow-5TX/....html?XTCsid=d99628f16e91ce69c9d50b1b0173b532
It is small enough to have in my backpocket in my jeans.
Further I try to avoid listening to headphones as much as possible since it will cause a big strain on your ears due added sound pressure (I have mild tinitus)
But when I am on vacation or travel to a different city and not at home it can be nice to have a good portable sound.
At Home I have an Antelope Eclipse AD/DA converter and Trident HG3 speakers.
But yes... this DTS "bull****" Mate 7 is just a marketing term just like this braindead "retina sound" for people who do not know or care much about audio..
DTS have a good effect on the Phone speakers since it adds more bottom and richness to the sound but with headphones it just adds "fake sound"
it is not a sound I would "trust" . With that said I bought this phone knowing it was not perfect, I drop my Lg G2 in the floor..I was desperate to get a new phone was and I did refuse to buy the Note 4 because of the insane price, plus I admire good screen to body ratio, a big smart phone today is NOT smartphone if there has been no focus to slim down the dead area, I want as much screen area as possible otherwise it's simply and idiotic construction, Huawei and LG are one of the few who understand screen to body ratio is important.
Blackinfinity, you only THINK your Headphones sound good with other phones, TRUST ME, i got into audio and i for instance was using these http://www.amazon.com/Beyerdynamic-...id=1428598957&sr=8-2&keywords=beyer+dt+770+80 which are 80 ohm,s like yours and i thought the headphones sounded OK, then i got a headphone amp, and it became VERY apparent that the headphones want alot more current to sound good then what comes out of your phone,seriously when i plugged em into the amp, i thought i had seriously upgraded my headphones, sounded ALOT better
I have the d880 too... They are hard to drive and react to amplification a lot more..
Dt1350 are made to sound good unamplified since that his how most people use headphones these days... However I still want a good portable headphone amp.
your headphones are 80 ohms they will improve with a amp
Sent from my Z987 using XDA Free mobile app
guys.. i was on OPPO find 7a till few weeks ago..
trust me audio on opo find7a was so so much better than mate 7 !
I'm not an expert in audio/sound.. but even my ears could tell the big difference! I'm not talking just about the LOUDNESS.. but the richness of the quality of the sound!!
I don't use smartphone essentially for music but.. it's such a pity that this nice mat 7 lack in the audio so much :-/
leo5111 said:
Blackinfinity, you only THINK your Headphones sound good with other phones, TRUST ME, i got into audio and i for instance was using these http://www.amazon.com/Beyerdynamic-...id=1428598957&sr=8-2&keywords=beyer+dt+770+80 which are 80 ohm,s like yours and i thought the headphones sounded OK, then i got a headphone amp, and it became VERY apparent that the headphones want alot more current to sound good then what comes out of your phone,seriously when i plugged em into the amp, i thought i had seriously upgraded my headphones, sounded ALOT better
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Whos gonna carry bloody amp it is like have brick in pocket then...
simika said:
guys.. i was on OPPO find 7a till few weeks ago..
trust me audio on opo find7a was so so much better than mate 7 !
I'm not an expert in audio/sound.. but even my ears could tell the big difference! I'm not talking just about the LOUDNESS.. but the richness of the quality of the sound!!
I don't use smartphone essentially for music but.. it's such a pity that this nice mat 7 lack in the audio so much :-/
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Audio is not as easy as you say, impedance synergy pairing and headphone / IEM play a large role in the perception you have, for me with my IEM's collection the Mate 7 sound realy good, better than my old Wolfson Note2 using Viper4Android or Boeffla kernel.
Here the audio test part on GSMARENA to compare between both:
Find 7
The Oppo Find 7 put in a stellar performance in the first part of our audio quality test. It had excellently high volume levels to go with its very clean output. Barring for the slightly high IMD reading this is one of the best score sets we've seen lately.
However, the smartphone faltered quite a bit when we plugged in a pair of headphones. Its frequency response started missing the mark now and then, the IMD rose further and the stereo crosstalk hiked quite a bit. It's not as bad as the stereo crosstalk disaster that was the 7a, but elsewhere the more premium member of the pair lagged behind its stablemate. Volume level dropped as well, adding up to what was a good, but not quite flagship-worthy performance here.
Find 7a
The Oppo Find 7a audio output is certainly among the cleanest we have seen when the smartphone is connected to an active external amplifier. Posting excellent scores top to bottom in the first part of our test, the Find 7a was also nicely loud, producing one of the best performances out there.
Plugging in a pair of headphones tells a different story, however. The stereo crosstalk increases way beyond the point where it can be considered as good, or even acceptable. The other readings remain great, but the high cross-channel leakage has the potential of damaging the whole audio experience for more exacting users and put the Oppo Find 7a below the current crop of flagships as far as audio output is concerned.
Mate 7
The Huawei Ascend Mate7 did excellently in the active external audio test, posting great scores and showing no weaknesses to its performance. The only thing to potentially frown at is its sub-par volume, but quality-wise it's right up with there with the best.
Impressively enough, plugging in a pair of headphones causes a very minor increase in stereo crosstalk - in this scenario the Ascend Mate7 ranks even better compared to the competition, which often see more degradation. Alas, the volume is below average here too, so we can't really say it's the best phablet for audio playback, but we can certainly promise you it will play every track the way its authors meant it to sound.
With my sensitive InEar SD3 I have plenty of volume, I listening beetween 3-5 most of the time, I dont want to end up deaf
---------- Post added at 09:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 AM ----------
Simona Simmy said:
Whos gonna carry bloody amp it is like have brick in pocket then...
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The sound quality for me on headphones is the best I have ever heard from the Mate 7.
Thoroughly impressed.
Migou67 said:
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I am a bit of audiofile but NOT crazy one..
But guyyzz if u want TRULLY amazing audio quality FROM smartphone I'll tell you which phone to get ..
It is called Vivo X5 ..
There is studio version u probably NEVER seen packaging like this !
The phone uses audio chip
Yamaha YSS205X-CZE2,
Cirrus Logic CS4398 DAC
and headphone amplifier Maxim Integrated MAX97220
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^ lol, now that is packaging

Audio Quality

Better than any Smartphone I have ever used.
I have tested the S6 Edge with lossless FLAC music purchased from an online store (24 bit 96 khz). I played back using the Onkyo HF app over aptx to my Hi Fi. I am astonished at the quality of reproduction. You can also try ripping a CD in FLAC lossless format and the playback quality is great over wired or BT audiophile headphones.
Thanks for your opinion! ! This mobile is really great
Great review which also covers audio aspects in detail http://gavinsgadgets.com/2015/04/27/samsung-galaxy-s6-edge-the-review/
jah said:
Better than any Smartphone I have ever used.
I have tested the S6 Edge with lossless FLAC music purchased from an online store (24 bit 96 khz). I played back using the Onkyo HF app over aptx to my Hi Fi. I am astonished at the quality of reproduction. You can also try ripping a CD in FLAC lossless format and the playback quality is great over wired or BT audiophile headphones.
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do u have any technical detail about S6E audio outputs? (speaker/s and headphone jack)
if i remember correctly it doesn't have stereo speaker! can u make video for comparison of S6E sound?
Geeks Empire said:
do u have any technical detail about S6E audio outputs? (speaker/s and headphone jack)
if i remember correctly it doesn't have stereo speaker! can u make video for comparison of S6E sound?
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Please read the review I linked to above. The audio assessment is not about the speaker but the ability to reproduce audiophile level of quality for headphones and aptx devices.
I'm a bit of an audiophile myself and the S6 really is amazing. Using the Shure se846 it sounds as good as through my Macbook Pro. No amp or external DAC necessary.
SomeGuyDude said:
I'm a bit of an audiophile myself and the S6 really is amazing. Using the Shure se846 it sounds as good as through my Macbook Pro. No amp or external DAC necessary.
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I also use the S6 Edge with my custom in-ears ( not UE Personal Reference, but it was tuned to my ears by a friend - I'm FOH engineer and also work in studio as well ). It sound as good as iphone's output. Pretty much un-colored signal. I remember there are threads about S6 Edge somewhere in this forum about audio quality with lots of debations of S6 Edge audio. Totally not true. Listen to Natalie Cole - Yo Lo Amo (And I Love Him) [feat. Chris Botti] on the S6 Edge was as enjoyable as on iphone 6 ( i owned both iphone 6 and 6 plus + ipad Air ). My S6E was rooted, no ViperFX ( ViperFX is good, but it is way too colored and not real, at least to my ears) , played with PowerAmp, Flat setting with no Samsung crappy audio FXs as well.
S6 Edge Speakers are loud but they are crappy in comparison to iphone 6...but headphone output is pretty much on par
leoaudio13 said:
I also use the S6 Edge with my custom in-ears ( not UE Personal Reference, but it was tuned to my ears by a friend - I'm FOH engineer and also work in studio as well ). It sound as good as iphone's output. Pretty much un-colored signal. I remember there are threads about S6 Edge somewhere in this forum about audio quality with lots of debations of S6 Edge audio. Totally not true. Listen to Natalie Cole - Yo Lo Amo (And I Love Him) [feat. Chris Botti] on the S6 Edge was as enjoyable as on iphone 6 ( i owned both iphone 6 and 6 plus + ipad Air ). My S6E was rooted, no ViperFX ( ViperFX is good, but it is way too colored and not real, at least to my ears) , played with PowerAmp, Flat setting with no Samsung crappy audio FXs as well.
S6 Edge Speakers are loud but they are crappy in comparison to iphone 6...but headphone output is pretty much on par
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Fellow engineer here, also UE10 pro custom user for 9 years before the Logitech acquisition. Anyhow, I'll have to check this out!
I'll definitely check out some of my personal reference recordings.
I've yet to take the phone to a live gig and see how it handles transients and kick drums at 120dB! SEC in the past has been major fail. Although the camera on the Note 4 handled Ace Frehley fairly decently, right on the edge of the stage, quite loud, over 123dB! The iPhone 6 had about the same amount of distortion at that gig, FWIW. Most ALCs on these devices hard clip well before that level. The S3 was really bad, could not handle FOH levels in most venues.
cpufrost said:
Fellow engineer here, also UE10 pro custom user for 9 years before the Logitech acquisition. Anyhow, I'll have to check this out!
I'll definitely check out some of my personal reference recordings.
I've yet to take the phone to a live gig and see how it handles transients and kick drums at 120dB! SEC in the past has been major fail. Although the camera on the Note 4 handled Ace Frehley fairly decently, right on the edge of the stage, quite loud, over 123dB! The iPhone 6 had about the same amount of distortion at that gig, FWIW. Most ALCs on these devices hard clip well before that level. The S3 was really bad, could not handle FOH levels in most venues.
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Hmmm, the phone to a live gig to record u mean ? Pretty sure it wont stand. I mix variable genres of music. My in-ears were tuned to matched with the UE PErsonal Reference response but with less boost at 10k. I found those peaks of UE Capitol version are way too bright.
Anyway, S6 edge handles quite well even with a very loud commercial Rock track with loud RMS , eg: I'm A River - FooFighter. Its a very busy track with lots of things going on, even with string ensemble at the end but my IEM wasnt distorted, which is a good thing. I think the output on S6E was a bit low in compare to ip6 but loud enough for low impedance high sensitive headphone or IEM. My IEM impedance is around 50 Ohm but it seems to be fine with S6E. Quite transparent.
leoaudio13 said:
Hmmm, the phone to a live gig to record u mean ? Pretty sure it wont stand. I mix variable genres of music. My in-ears were tuned to matched with the UE PErsonal Reference response but with less boost at 10k. I found those peaks of UE Capitol version are way too bright.
Anyway, S6 edge handles quite well even with a very loud commercial Rock track with loud RMS , eg: I'm A River - FooFighter. Its a very busy track with lots of things going on, even with string ensemble at the end but my IEM wasnt distorted, which is a good thing. I think the output on S6E was a bit low in compare to ip6 but loud enough for low impedance high sensitive headphone or IEM. My IEM impedance is around 50 Ohm but it seems to be fine with S6E. Quite transparent.
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Yes, the camera one has with them is the best camera as the saying goes.
So with that in mind I like to test these devices under all sorts of conditions.
If a device can capture the crack of a stun gun's arc without distorting, I'd be impressed.
Then again, most equipment struggles with that, it's like trying to get a speaker to reproduce a square wave.
I'm definitely not into loud (as in compressed, no crest factor) recordings. Those will fry your ears, might as well stand next to a kiloton Frick chiller running at WOT.
For rock I'm more of a Robert Fripp guy.
I am using customs Lime Ears Aether and s6 edge sounds really good but to be frank this is still thin compared to Ibasso DX90 [emoji9]
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What surprised me the most with this device is how powerful the speaker is. Quality is there too ...
But when you listen to music with your headset it's very impressive. Sound is very clear and deep. It's so cool to have many toggles to improve quality. Samsung has already been the best I think regarding sound (not talking about speaker ... HTC boomsound remains above all).
kamson said:
I am using customs Lime Ears Aether and s6 edge sounds really good but to be frank this is still thin compared to Ibasso DX90 [emoji9]
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Nice IEM man. Looks like Noble custom IEM to me i also use a pair of Westone UM Pro 50 + AKG K812 Pro. They also sound as they are supposed to be on S6E.
DX90 bass is a bit colored dont u think ? I love tight and uncolored low end. Kinda punchy.
S6E speakers ? Bleh!
---------- Post added at 02:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 AM ----------
cpufrost said:
Yes, the camera one has with them is the best camera as the saying goes.
So with that in mind I like to test these devices under all sorts of conditions.
If a device can capture the crack of a stun gun's arc without distorting, I'd be impressed.
Then again, most equipment struggles with that, it's like trying to get a speaker to reproduce a square wave.
I'm definitely not into loud (as in compressed, no crest factor) recordings. Those will fry your ears, might as well stand next to a kiloton Frick chiller running at WOT.
For rock I'm more of a Robert Fripp guy.
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Pretty sure S6e wont keep up with high SPL IMO. Lemme know your result. My previous ip6 wont keep up but with Sony Z3, sound was fantastic after recording full HD ( Z3 allows u to choose high or low mic recording volume ).
