real design question about side of phone - ZTE Nubia Z17 Questions & Answers

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as like the photo that I uploaded
its same black gold but looks a bit different between them
this difference appears on store image so it makes me confusing
I want the design that 3399¥ one
but I can find same render image on 8gb+128gb model
that doesn't exist on official website
anyone has real photo of that back side gold bezel one?
what model exactly that is?


Piece around screen?

Im wondering where i can front the front housing on the phone. Like the blue bezzel type thing around the screen. Mines all scratched up and i want a new one. Thanks in advance.
Heres a pic on what part im talking about:
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i want this wallpaper

i want this wallpaper
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where did you get that image from? if you have a source i can try finding the image as i would like it too
these are some alternatives
I found a picture of the Nexus 10 with the same wallpaper. It might look ok if you crop it so you don't see the edges of the device, but it probably depends on your screen's resolution. It looks pretty nice on my GS3

Whatsapp black mod

Found a great whatsapp mod in black:, however I am not fluent in german nor am I able to see "download" ( even with ). Anyone?
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Behance is a tool to showcase designs. I don't think the designer actually made it.
Sent from my Nexus 4, want to know my current project? Check

2 different white tones in screen

Got my new Note 4 and so much enjoying the clarity of the screen...but observed something now
Screen is more whiter on the top half of the screen and below half is more of yellowish white...[emoji31]
Do anyone else has this? Possible defective unit?
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Hoe the pic is clear
known problem, see here:

Honor Note 8 - Black colour?

I can't seem to find the black colour anywhere. They're all silver or gold.. but some of the ads show black. Any ideas? Its super sexy, would totally add black to my huge screen phone collection.
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Edit: Sorry, it seems that I posted this in the wrong section
