Android Oreo AOSP - Sony Xperia X Performance Guides, News, & Discussi

Since Sony released instructions how to compile and install Android 8.0. Has anyone done it? I just did it but I'd like to know if there is others who have done it? General discussion about it is welcome! Also if there is any tips from others, everything is welcome.
(This might be the wrong section to post this)

hene193 said:
Since Sony released instructions how to compile and install Android 8.0. Has anyone done it? I just did it but I'd like to know if there is others who have done it? General discussion about it is welcome! Also if there is any tips from others, everything is welcome.
(This might be the wrong section to post this)
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So far I havent seen any, I am syncing repos now, takes forever.

How is Oreo AOSP, is it working OK? can I install it on my F8132 (Sonxy X performance Dual) ?

sensenku said:
How is Oreo AOSP, is it working OK? can I install it on my F8132 (Sonxy X performance Dual) ?
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I tried the Oreo builds. They are pretty rough on the edges. It works but I would just stay on the official older builds. I did few builds but it got old pretty fast since builds take on my server around 8 hours and trial and error gets really slow with that wait time between builds.


Lollipop - OPO - Pure Aosp 5.0 - Test Build only -16/11/14

This is a pure AOSP 5.0 - Lollipop - build compiled from source .
I would highly recommend it to be used only by developers and advanced users.
The build just completed and am uploading the image files for you to do whatever you please.
The idea is to get it out there so others can take a look and use it to make it better.
Please give your comments and updates if you do plan to use it on your device.
First build -likely to be highly unstable.
I am not responsible for any damages caused whatsoever.
This is for test purposes only, however it should work well.
Link to Images -,mx64j9929bp1zpw,nu1blqbnpu2siwe/shared
Credits - To clarify confusions
Team EOS - for device tree
Slim and Omni - for kernel.
Cyanogenmod - some common stuff.
Nice thanks can't wait to try it out much alohas
Which cm commits is it up to?
poczynek said:
Which cm commits is it up to?
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Latest available
navendugoyal said:
Latest available
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So its not AOSP.
keith.mcintyre26 said:
So its not AOSP.
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Yes it is.
Just the Board changes to get everything working.
No CM source.
navendugoyal said:
I am out of town for next 24 hrs.. therefore can't provide too much hours into it as of now. Will await all of your responses.
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have you tested it?
synergeticink said:
have you tested it?
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navendugoyal said:
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Images uploaded
navendugoyal said:
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Have you tested it? In all the builds I've worked on the hwcomposer library wasn't getting compiled, leading to display not working, although everything else is(I think). Although @Aaahh probably fixed it just now. Compiling though.
If it boots, mind telling me the things you changed?
lolzballs said:
Have you tested it? In all the builds I've worked on the hwcomposer library wasn't getting compiled, leading to display not working, although everything else is(I think). Although @Aaahh probably fixed it just now. Compiling though.
If it boots, mind telling me the things you changed?
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Good work you guys.
I didn't have a problem with hardware composer.
The only issue i had was to get the kernel to compile inline.
so i compiled it separately and used the zimage as a prebuilt.
Not booting at the moment
Added to OnePlus One index thread:
[INDEX] OnePlus One Resources Compilation Roll-Up
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No boot confirmed, stays on 1+ screen, and fastboot works from that screen as well.
Can people start testing their builds to see that it actually boots before making threads and sharing it with the community?
This is the second time in one day that this has happened.
Yeah that's building 101...don't make a thread until it boots :-/ smh
All the things wrong with this thread:
makes a thread without testing it.
Runs away for a day saying out of town.
2551990 said:
All the things wrong with this thread:
makes a thread without testing it.
Runs away for a day saying out of town.
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Ok Now
It has taken very hard work to reach here and even get the rom to compile.
There are CM based roms already available which boot and work .
The purpose of posting this thread is to share my work so far on an AOSP build. The idea is, if I am missing something, someone else can pick it up and better it.
If someone still thinks it is a wrong idea, please delete this thread.
Happy for that, no worries.
navendugoyal said:
Ok Now
It has taken very hard work to reach here and even get the rom to compile.
There are CM based roms already available which boot and work .
The purpose of posting this thread is to share my work so far on an AOSP build. The idea is, if I am missing something, someone else can pick it up and better it.
If someone still thinks it is a wrong idea, please delete this thread.
Happy for that, no worries.
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There's certainly no need to remove the thread. It's labelled appropriately as a test build, and this is what XDA is all about the core, this is development. Keep up the good work.
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timmaaa said:
There's certainly no need to remove the thread. It's labelled appropriately as a test build, and this is what XDA is all about the core, this is development. Keep up the good work.
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This AOSP rom is the work of Aaaah and lolbzballs so all credit should be given to them in the first post.
daleski75 said:
This AOSP rom is the work of Aaaah and lolbzballs so all credit should be given to them in the first post.
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They are working totally different from what I am working upon.
It has nothing from their project.

[Q] when we get android 8 for our nexus 4?

hi friends,
do you know, our nexus 4s get android Oreo by nitrogen or lineage or other roms? if yes, I know stable android Oreo version will release mid august, when we get custom rom?
we can't know this
When it comes fyi: asking for an ETA is kinda rude on xda
wait till October or November probably for a decently stable ROM
Excitedly expect first android Oreo Rom for nexus 4 on september 17
and first 32bit snapdragon android oreo port, fully work
so, now we have very big chance for our nexus 4...
and first nexus 5 android oreo port, booting and wifi working now, one similiar devices too
for now has boot problem but after all the first nexus 4 oreo
I have compiled android 8 and I managed to get it booting(lots of changes on kernel and device tree). Need a lot of work but mako probably will get a fully fuctional android 8 rom.
good news
thanks for good news,
and maybe co-operation accelerates this work
equlog said:
I have compiled android 8 and I managed to get it booting(lots of changes on kernel and device tree). Need a lot of work but mako probably will get a fully fuctional android 8 rom.
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If anyone wants to try Oreo in our lovely mako.
Original thread: Android 8.0 Mako
Download: here
equlog said:
If anyone wants to try Oreo in our lovely mako.
Original thread: Android 8.0 Mako
Download: here
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Nice! At work and don't have my N4 to try it, but interested to hear how it is running, so I can try out when I get home. Is it mostly functional?
Can you share the device and kernel tree?
equlog said:
I have compiled android 8 and I managed to get it booting(lots of changes on kernel and device tree). Need a lot of work but mako probably will get a fully fuctional android 8 rom.
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Just for my own curiosity, how do you know what changes need to be made to the device and kernel tree? Do you use officially supported device/kernel trees as a reference, or is there a guideline posted somewhere?
ariesgodofwar said:
Nice! At work and don't have my N4 to try it, but interested to hear how it is running, so I can try out when I get home. Is it mostly functional?
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Really I haven't tested too much, busy at work... also my n4 have the touch screen broken and doesn't works very good lol.. but almost nothing works.
Its just to try out.
Renandelfanti said:
Can you share the device and kernel tree?
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Sure, i'll upload to github later.
TheSt33v said:
Just for my own curiosity, how do you know what changes need to be made to the device and kernel tree? Do you use officially supported device/kernel trees as a reference, or is there a guideline posted somewhere?
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The kernel is the used one in 7.1.2 and I added the Binder changes... the device tree is fixed by trying to booting and fixing the errors showed in last_kmsg .
equlog said:
Really I haven't tested too much, busy at work... also my n4 have the touch screen broken and doesn't works very good lol.. but almost nothing works.
Its just to try out.
Sure, i'll upload to github later.
The kernel is the used one in 7.1.2 and I added the Binder changes... the device tree is fixed by trying to booting and fixing the errors showed in last_kmsg .
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Yes, I also flashed this and it boots. As you said, nothing works... But it is not less that it boots :laugh:
I've been trying since the source of O is released and could not boot it. Your work gives all mako users hope to see a working O build :good: Thanks for the work!
I as well got a semi-working O build, but was a bit short on time to work on it. Could we collaborate somewhere? Perhaps a hangouts group?
I've flashed from mako 7.12, kind of like upgrade from 7.12
Sources up.
I used the vendor blobs from TheMuppets.
---------- Post added at 01:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 AM ----------
Ziyan said:
I as well got a semi-working O build, but was a bit short on time to work on it. Could we collaborate somewhere? Perhaps a hangouts group?
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I dont have too much free time, but I always follow the status of my devices. I Hope to see a fully working O rom asap.
Ziyan said:
I as well got a semi-working O build, but was a bit short on time to work on it. Could we collaborate somewhere? Perhaps a hangouts group?
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That's a good idea... What do you say @equlog?
Thanks a lot for sharing the sources :good:
as good as we hoped

Oreo roms

Sony released the guide for making the aosp Oreo firmware. Why there isn't anybody here who tried to make one ?
Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
Why do you assume nobody tried ? I did, it rebooted very often...
harryharryharry said:
Why do you assume nobody tried ? I did, it rebooted very often...
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I don't know mate.
I didn't mean to blame anybody.
I don't know how to make the ROM myself so I was asking if any developers tried to make it and it works and can be uploaded here.
Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
unotretresette said:
I don't know mate.
I didn't mean to blame anybody.
I don't know how to make the ROM myself so I was asking if any developers tried to make it and it works and can be uploaded here.
Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
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Yeah, everybody waits for you to tell them If you don't know how to make ROM, learn it maybe...
Too soon to build a stable AOSP rom yet, they seem to work daily on it
For anyone wondering, here is the link to the binaries if you wanted to build your own ROM or maybe start playing with the kernel, but it's very early and they will likely update/improve this before official Sony ROMs for our device are available:
I built it a aosp oreo a few days ago and it's looking promising. The stability now seems good. Camera is not working for the moment. It runs quite smooth too
I've already made it. Not usable, so I didnt publish it. When it get into the launcher, it will auto reboot and then stuck in boot logo forever.
ggow said:
I built it a aosp oreo a few days ago and it's looking promising. The stability now seems good. Camera is not working for the moment. It runs quite smooth too
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Hi! Can you relase it or have you relased it already. I would like to test it on my XC. I have looked for Oreo for the XC but with no luck. I saw that the XZ already has a relased build so can you or anyone do the same?
XperiaGUY47 said:
Hi! Can you relase it or have you relased it already. I would like to test it on my XC. I have looked for Oreo for the XC but with no luck. I saw that the XZ already has a relased build so can you or anyone do the same?
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When I'm next in front of my PC I'll upload to this thread. It's not my work so I'm not going to create a separate thread for it.
There is one caveat and that is you will have to flash the vendor binary image to the /oem partition.
The nougat bootloader doesn't support this.
I guess sony will update the bootloader with their official oreo update.
Instead you have to convert their sparse image to ext format. Then dd the image onto the /oem partition.
Sony posts device tree sources that barely boot and don't produce stable roms. They rely on users to update the source trees for AOSP roms. These updates require a lot of work to sus out. You can't just "build" a good AOSP ROM without decent source.
The short answer to why one hasn't been posted is that Sony's AOSP program is a joke and it takes a lot more than most people would think given Sony's lip service to it.
Successfull buil AOSP Oreo
Tried to build AOSP Oreo r36 and was successful.
No bootloops
Anything seems to be working but
- the fingerprint sensor works partially (detects the fingerprint when initializing it but not after)
- there are some functionalities like noise cancelling and smart charge that are not available at the moment.

T-810, I'm curious as to why there are no custom Oreo roms for it

Title says it all.
vgchat said:
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Thanks for the reply and answer to the question.
BullSpit said:
Thanks for the reply and answer to the question.
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Why did you even bother with a sarcastic reply when you knew I deleted my post?
vgchat said:
Why did you even bother with a sarcastic reply when you knew I deleted my post?
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I had no idea you deleted a post.
I'm actually curious about this as well, I have been looking for such a rom and it seems like there is none for t810.
mv54 said:
I'm actually curious about this as well, I have been looking for such a rom and it seems like there is none for t810.
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If there are any custom Oreo ROMs for our T-810, they are a very well kept secret.
the lead developer @T_I had some life stuff come up, and hasn't had a chance to look at bringing up the 810 to Oreo yet. Wish I knew enough to figure out how to help out with it.
anks329 said:
the lead developer @T_I had some life stuff come up, and hasn't had a chance to look at bringing up the 810 to Oreo yet. Wish I knew enough to figure out how to help out with it.
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anks, thank you for the information.
It just baffled me as to why there were no O roms at all.
I have 8.1 running on a Nexus 7 2013 and a Nexus 6 and those devices are ancient.
anks329 said:
the lead developer @T_I had some life stuff come up, and hasn't had a chance to look at bringing up the 810 to Oreo yet. Wish I knew enough to figure out how to help out with it.
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Indeed, I'm battling with a concussion, very limiting my screen time. Also, to be honest, @RaymanFX is the lead developer for the 2015 Tab S2 models, I just managed to adapt his code for the T810 (not to difficult) and the T710/5 (bigger challenge, still needs a lot of work).
My prio at this point is to get the T710/5 functioning before putting time in, unless RaymanFX wants to start work on Oreo for the T815, then I can test the other devices. (alas, no real work for a while, just barely managing to get 4h of work in a day)
T_I said:
Indeed, I'm battling with a concussion, very limiting my screen time. Also, to be honest, @RaymanFX is the lead developer for the 2015 Tab S2 models, I just managed to adapt his code for the T810 (not to difficult) and the T710/5 (bigger challenge, still needs a lot of work).
My prio at this point is to get the T710/5 functioning before putting time in, unless RaymanFX wants to start work on Oreo for the T815, then I can test the other devices. (alas, no real work for a while, just barely managing to get 4h of work in a day)
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Thank you for letting us know.
I hope your recovery is swift!
Tab S2. T710 LineageOS 15.1
bonuzzz said:
Tab S2. T710 LineageOS 15.1
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@bonuzzz it'd be great to see the sources. The 810 is similar enough to the 710 that porting should be fairly straightforward
bonuzzz said:
Tab S2. T710 LineageOS 15.1
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Share your sources with us that's if you're willing ..
hi, not to open a new thread:
but official there is also Nougat 7.1 for the S2 2015 version.
Can i flash this and root it per superSu?
Is there any custom kernal avialble?
or better an "original" Rom just moded?
thanks for answers in advance
The answer is quite easy.
CustomROMs would be easier to create if there'd be an official Oreo ROM from Samsung. The SM-T810 is still on Nougat (I got a "new" update a couple of days ago, which only "updated" the security patch level...).
Since Samsung released the S3 Tablet, there won't be any effort spend into developing an official Oreo Rom in this "older" Tablet, imo. The SM-T810 has an Exynos 5433 CPU (and not a Qualcomm), which means we're facing closed-source and therefore smooth and fully working CustomROMs won't be very likely.
The question is: Why do you want a custom ROM at all?
The stock Nougat ROM can be debloated (e. g. via Neked Maker), rooted, Xposed can be installed.
All is working fine, and you can customize it very much.
What feature are you looking for in a custom ROM which isn't possible with stock ROM??
hasenbein1966 said:
The question is: Why do you want a custom ROM at all?
The stock Nougat ROM can be debloated (e. g. via Neked Maker), rooted, Xposed can be installed.
All is working fine, and you can customize it very much.
What feature are you looking for in a custom ROM which isn't possible with stock ROM??
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There's no stock Oreo rom. For me, it's not that I want a custom rom, it's more that I want an Oreo rom.
Actually possessor of a T715 Tab S2. I saw someone managed to build an Oreo rom for T710, if the rom will come also for the sim variant it will be really great! We have to forget about samsung spending time for "old" devices....Instead thanks all the developers teying to get the best out of this tab and updating it.
P.s give me a working fingerprint and i'll give you mi life lol
anks329 said:
@bonuzzz it'd be great to see the sources. The 810 is similar enough to the 710 that porting should be fairly straightforward
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I'll build daily for all 4 Oreo variants when the code is mature enough to boot :good:

lack of development

Just picked up the pixel 4 And hopped in here to see what's going on. It seems like there is a serious lack of development. Am I missing something? Last pure Google phone was a Nexus 6. I've been with OnePlus for a while. Not hating just curious if I'm just missing something.
**Sorry posted in wrong section
user154 said:
Check out the 4xl boards, there is a bit more going on in the way of development and a lot of it is cross device
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any roms cross device? i know we have pixel dust, just curious anything else.
I've seen it mentioned here on XDA that some Project Treble GSI ROMs are working with Pixel 4.
I tried out flashing some Project Treble ROMs to my Pixel 3a, and sadly, everything seems to work great except there is an issue with the RIL. So that means no SIM card recognition and no WiFi. This seems to occur with only a handful of devices.
I would 100% try it out. Its actually super easy and quick to install with fastboot, so I would give it a shot before giving up hope. I'm thinking about picking up a Pixel 4 just so I can have a daily driver with some AOSP ROMs on it!
xdadevnube said:
I've seen it mentioned here on XDA that some Project Treble GSI ROMs are working with Pixel 4.
I tried out flashing some Project Treble ROMs to my Pixel 3a, and sadly, everything seems to work great except there is an issue with the RIL. So that means no SIM card recognition and no WiFi. This seems to occur with only a handful of devices.
I would 100% try it out. Its actually super easy and quick to install with fastboot, so I would give it a shot before giving up hope. I'm thinking about picking up a Pixel 4 just so I can have a daily driver with some AOSP ROMs on it!
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Do you have a link to said ROMs?, thanks.
tmoore3496 said:
Do you have a link to said ROMs?, thanks.
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Here is a list of Treble ROMs:
It would be worth looking through the threads on the ROMs you are interested in. Some devices are reported to work great with Treble ROMs, and others may have limited compatibility or stability. I've seen reports where users on many phones had no complaints.
Here are just a few links to guide you through the installation:
tmoore3496 said:
any roms cross device? i know we have pixel dust, just curious anything else.
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I installed unofficial du for Pixel 4 (flame). Check telegram channels . Rom is great and brought back my.vowifi that stock latest patch took away
Xdevillived666 said:
I installed unofficial du for Pixel 4 (flame). Check telegram channels . Rom is great and brought back my.vowifi that stock latest patch took away
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Mind sending me the du unofficial details via PM, pls?
enzo_cz said:
Mind sending me the du unofficial details via PM, pls?
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at first i was sad for the lack of development on this device (as someone else mentioned lack of TWRP surely accounts for some of the reason). but then it's not so bad just getting little familiar with basic adb and fastboot commands. then we have some great kernels that work with our P4 (i prefer freak07's kirisakura). i can get pretty much any features i miss from custom rom's through either magisk modules or installing edxposed and xposed modules and gravitybox. this guide from the 4xl forums worked perfectly for me to install xposed and keep gpay and safetynet passing ( still a little sad the regular 4 doesn't get as much love as the XL version, but i'm actually very happy with stock rom modded!
