help please!!!! - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions & Answers

I have a s7 edge I got through sprint. I flashed smg935u firmware, a couple weeks later, took it to cell store to have them unlock it, and they did. custom with unlocked symbol. I had problems with texting, couldn't change apn settings, so they told me to flash back to the sprint firmware. I was on smg935u android 7.0, and my dumb ass wasn't paying any attention and tried flashing to smg935p android 6.1. so now my phone is soft bricked and stuck in a bootloop. someone please help me. what can I do? I have tried various firmwares with both odin 3 12 3 and odin princecomsy. this is pretty much the extent of my knowledge. someone please help me get this working again. I keep getting the sw rev check fail abort fused 4 binary 2 and its hard to even get into download mode. I can not get into bootloader mode at all.
odin mode high speed
product name smg935u
current binary Samsung official
system status custom
fap lock off
warranty void 0x0
qualcome secure boot enable
rp swrev b4(2,1,1,1,1) k1 s3

Shanedavid30 said:
I have a s7 edge I got through sprint. I flashed smg935u firmware, a couple weeks later, took it to cell store to have them unlock it, and they did. custom with unlocked symbol. I had problems with texting, couldn't change apn settings, so they told me to flash back to the sprint firmware. I was on smg935u android 7.0, and my dumb ass wasn't paying any attention and tried flashing to smg935p android 6.1. so now my phone is soft bricked and stuck in a bootloop. someone please help me. what can I do? I have tried various firmwares with both odin 3 12 3 and odin princecomsy. this is pretty much the extent of my knowledge. someone please help me get this working again. I keep getting the sw rev check fail abort fused 4 binary 2 and its hard to even get into download mode. I can not get into bootloader mode at all.
odin mode high speed
product name smg935u
current binary Samsung official
system status custom
fap lock off
warranty void 0x0
qualcome secure boot enable
rp swrev b4(2,1,1,1,1) k1 s3
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I know sometimes if you let the battery go dead then after charge boot into bootloader, make sure you got a good tar file for your stock phone it may be a bad tar file if you are getting errors.

Hmmmm sounds like you accidentally flashed very old 6.0.1 firmware back when it bootloader version 2 (which they eventually updated to version 4 so you can't go backwards) so I would just completely charge the phone and go into recovery and do a facorty reset then try flashing the latest Sprint 7.0 firmware and you should be good


[Q] Soft brick? Hard brick? Sort of firm'ish brick really

I've made a bit of a mess and I need help please. My s4 is softbricked, but as softbricks go, it's rather hard.
I have an early S4 i9505 bought from Carphone Warehouse (UK, unlocked, pre knox). I rooted it, installed TBackup, greenify and got it how I wanted it. Then I downloaded a stock firmware from Sammobile and tested to see if I could get it back to 'warranty' condition, which was a success.
Confident that I could obtain warranty if I needed it, I re-rooted it, installed TB and greenify, and it ran sweetly for months from that point onwards.
I read about the arrival of updates (and knox) and concluded I didn't need them. It was working, leave it alone.
Then out of the blue, my nice stable machine broke. I didn't change anything I was aware of to cause it.
No normal boot.
No recovery.
Download only.
Using Odin, I tried allsorts, eventually getting the same Sammobile firmware to run.
2 days later, it broke again, same as before, but worse!?
Then I tried all sorts of stuff downloading no end of things trying to get it to boot or even go into recovery. The most promising approach was to reload the firmware along with a .pit file, but still no joy. I've lost track of the other things I tried, but I've been doing it for a week, so a lot has been done. In desperation, I even tried downloading the latest firmware, so I now have signs of knox of the odin page.
I now have the following symptoms:
Booting into recovery brings up the blue 'booting recovery' message then just blackness.
Normal boot is exactly the same as above.
Unpowered conection to my laptop gives a 5 second boot loop featuring the buzz only.
I can reliably boot into download and download stuff with Odin and change the little Odin page status messages. After (foolishly) trying the latest firmware, these messages say
CURRENT BINARY Samsung Official
Please can anyone give me some advice on what else I could try?
Wrinklespots said:
CURRENT BINARY Samsung Official
Please can anyone give me some advice on what else I could try?
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If anything else is not working (especially, if you're unable to go to recovery) I'd call sammy service center. Your download mode says that you did not rooted your phone, and knox is untouched either.
spamtrash said:
If anything else is not working (especially, if you're unable to go to recovery) I'd call sammy service center. Your download mode says that you did not rooted your phone, and knox is untouched either.
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Thanks for looking spamtrash.
I was wondering if I could get away with that. It does look good from the Odin display, but the flash counter must have a pretty high number in it by now! Won't that show up somewhere?
Do you think it does actually have a fault on it, rather than just some software that's messed up and needs tweaking?
Wrinklespots said:
Thanks for looking spamtrash.
I was wondering if I could get away with that. It does look good from the Odin display, but the flash counter must have a pretty high number in it by now! Won't that show up somewhere?
Do you think it does actually have a fault on it, rather than just some software that's messed up and needs tweaking?
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1. Are you able to go to recovery mode?
2. Assuming that your previous communicates were taken from the screen in download mode - you're clean.
If answer for 1 is: NO, and assuming 2: do not bother the flash counter. Flash counter does not means you messed with custom ROMs, it just means amount of the ROM update tries. As they are unable to prove that the counter was not increased by failed KIES updates, you're safe.
To go deeper, service will have to flash and wipe your phone.
One thing: remove your sd card prior to giving/sending it out.
Try a different usb cable.I was in same boat as you (after stupidly thinking mobile odin pro liked modems).
Luckily I had an unused cable off my tab 3.

[devs help needed] g900f stuck in an unbreakable bootloop enigma

Hi to all,
sorry to use the bold character but it's REALLY an unbreakable enigma. It regards My fiancee Galaxy s5 g900f no brand ITV and that one of another user.
The thread in wich we found to be in the same situation is T H I S.
The phone was never touched, modified or altered in anyway as my fiancee doesn't even know what "root" or "rom" means. It was bought in november 2014, used with whatsapp, facebook and two games.
It was updated using wifi OTA to lollipop BOA3 ITV. Update was successful, she didn't wipe data as there were only 4-5 apps on it and the phone was working normally. It stayed this way for more than one month, no problems at all.
It was never touched in anyway, never diverted from the original. A very noob utilization to clarify.
At mid April one day when the phone was on the table in standby , we saw it rebooting. Then worked normally.
The day after it, two more reboots while doing anything , on the third one it appeared "SET WARRANTY BIT KERNEL" and BEGAN TO BOOTLOOP.
The bootloop starts right after "Samsung Galaxy s5 powered by android " and never ends.
Sometimes it gets stuck at "set warranty bit kernel".
THE PHONE ENTERS DOWNLOAD MODE always when pressing vol down,home,power.
IT DOESN'T ALWAYS ENTERS RECOVERY MODE. Sometimes gets stucked in "booting recovery. Recovery is not selinux enforcing. Set warranty bit recovery"
Me and one other guy on androidforums have tried everything:
-1. wipe cache, data and dalvick from stock recovery (it was difficult to enter it but done multiple times)
-2. flashing with ODIN stock images (OFFICIAL ITV FOR ME) . Kitkat and Lollipop officials. ALWAYS GREEN LIGHT PASS!
2.1 Updating bootloaders when going from kitkat to lollipop and viceversa.
2.2 Checking repartitioning using the right ITV PIT files.
2.3 wiping before and after that.
-3 flashing from KIES in FW UPGRADE MODE and emergency mode.
-4 flashed custom recovery. It gets stuck multiple times but the other guy managed to boot into Philz, formatting every partition,
-5 installing CYANOGENMOD 12 but it loads the cyanogen bootanimation for 1 sec, then bootloop.
With lollipop it gets stuck on the samsung bootloader logo.
With kitkat it gets to samsung bootanimation (led and audio working) but never ends.
ONE TIME IT MANAGED TO ARRIVE TO "upgrading android applications 1 of 1" for 2 seconds then bootloops (and it was data clean! so what app is it upgrading?!?)
the status in Odin mode is
RP SWREV: S1, T1, R1, A1, P1
But it was never modified with anything! and it stays this way after an original rom flash! (shouldn't be at least reporting "official" ?)
Don't know what to do. I've tried almost everything.
P.S. sorry if I have mistaken the thread section or the title
oile said:
Hi to all,
sorry to use the bold character but it's REALLY an unbreakable enigma. It regards My fiancee Galaxy s5 g900f no brand ITV and that one of another user.
The thread in wich we found to be in the same situation is T H I S.
The phone was never touched, modified or altered in anyway as my fiancee doesn't even know what "root" or "rom" means. It was bought in november 2014, used with whatsapp, facebook and two games.
It was updated using wifi OTA to lollipop BOA3 ITV. Update was successful, she didn't wipe data as there were only 4-5 apps on it and the phone was working normally. It stayed this way for more than one month, no problems at all.
It was never touched in anyway, never diverted from the original. A very noob utilization to clarify.
At mid April one day when the phone was on the table in standby , we saw it rebooting. Then worked normally.
The day after it, two more reboots while doing anything , on the third one it appeared "SET WARRANTY BIT KERNEL" and BEGAN TO BOOTLOOP.
The bootloop starts right after "Samsung Galaxy s5 powered by android " and never ends.
Sometimes it gets stuck at "set warranty bit kernel".
THE PHONE ENTERS DOWNLOAD MODE always when pressing vol down,home,power.
IT DOESN'T ALWAYS ENTERS RECOVERY MODE. Sometimes gets stucked in "booting recovery. Recovery is not selinux enforcing. Set warranty bit recovery"
Me and one other guy on androidforums have tried everything:
-1. wipe cache, data and dalvick from stock recovery (it was difficult to enter it but done multiple times)
-2. flashing with ODIN stock images (OFFICIAL ITV FOR ME) . Kitkat and Lollipop officials. ALWAYS GREEN LIGHT PASS!
2.1 Updating bootloaders when going from kitkat to lollipop and viceversa.
2.2 Checking repartitioning using the right ITV PIT files.
2.3 wiping before and after that.
-3 flashing from KIES in FW UPGRADE MODE and emergency mode.
-4 flashed custom recovery. It gets stuck multiple times but the other guy managed to boot into Philz, formatting every partition,
-5 installing CYANOGENMOD 12 but it loads the cyanogen bootanimation for 1 sec, then bootloop.
With lollipop it gets stuck on the samsung bootloader logo.
With kitkat it gets to samsung bootanimation (led and audio working) but never ends.
ONE TIME IT MANAGED TO ARRIVE TO "upgrading android applications 1 of 1" for 2 seconds then bootloops (and it was data clean! so what app is it upgrading?!?)
the status in Odin mode is
RP SWREV: S1, T1, R1, A1, P1
But it was never modified with anything! and it stays this way after an original rom flash! (shouldn't be at least reporting "official" ?)
Don't know what to do. I've tried almost everything.
P.S. sorry if I have mistaken the thread section or the title
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facing exactly the same problem , any Devs kind enuff to enlighten us on this ?
No one could help?
Looks like a broken NAND(The 16GB storasge of the device) chip to me... It should be replaced with a new one to fix the problem. Repartitioning it won't fix it at all and 1 thing you've done wrong is flashing it with custom ROMs after it broke. You should have claimed warranty first before you tried the custom ROMs solution.
Now the only solution to this is approach samsung again and ask how much would it cost you replacing your S5's NAND. Nothing can be done here software wise. The explanation you made points only to this problem.
Being stuck in "Samsung Galaxy s5 powered by android" only means that the kernel won't even load at all and you flashing the kernel with stock & CM version and still encountering this issue only means it's a NAND problem.
I claimed the warranty repair before trying custom rom. I haven't had the possibility to try custom roms at all because the phone is not mine. But xtaeyeon who has the same problem did and cyanogenmod didn't boot.
Now, being you so kind giving your advice, is there any possibility to restore broken sectors on the nand? Or is there a way to have the nand chip only replaced? Do you know any repair center that can do that without buying a new motherboard?
It is so strange that it came out of nowhere exactly the same problem for me, xtaeyeon and another guy on a Spanish forum who changed the board to have it repaired.
As we are on different countries I couldn't tell if there's such a way for you to do that. Here in our country local phone technicians buy broken phones and salvage their parts to repair phones such as this. Hence if you were here I could say yes there's a way to fix it without having to replace the board.
Next is you said that you didn't flash custom ROMs on that device then why not claim for a warranty repair then? Is it out of warranty already? If it's still under warranty then I suggest you return it for replacement to them. You have every right to have it fixed for free and if they say that warranty is void because you modified the software then insist that you didn't and have a real technician from samsung decide.
As for restoring broken sectors... I don't think this is the problem at all. Cause if it is the filesystem configured on the NAND should have isolated the bad sectors automatically and allocate the files to good sectors indeed. I believe that the NAND chip here is totally broken like when you transfer files in there the file you transferred gets corrupted.
oile said:
I claimed the warranty repair before trying custom rom. I haven't had the possibility to try custom roms at all because the phone is not mine. But xtaeyeon who has the same problem did and cyanogenmod didn't boot.
Now, being you so kind giving your advice, is there any possibility to restore broken sectors on the nand? Or is there a way to have the nand chip only replaced? Do you know any repair center that can do that without buying a new motherboard?
It is so strange that it came out of nowhere exactly the same problem for me, xtaeyeon and another guy on a Spanish forum who changed the board to have it repaired.
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Samsung said it is out of warranty because of Knox 0x1 and "custom" condition of binary and system. But it was never Flashed with anything different than the lollipop ota.
I don't know what to do. If it really is the new motherboard, my fiancé cannot afford it cause the Galaxy s5 was a gift. :/
oile said:
Samsung said it is out of warranty because of Knox 0x1 and "custom" condition of binary and system. But it was never Flashed with anything different than the lollipop ota.
I don't know what to do. If it really is the new motherboard, my fiancé cannot afford it cause the Galaxy s5 was a gift. :/
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If you live in the EU the knox thing is irrelevant, they're required to service you anyway by law.
You have a right to flash the OS of your choice in EU. Sometimes they try to get rid of customers, basically they have an unofficial policy of avoiding giving you free service when possible. You just need to literally tell them you won't take no for an answer (this makes miracles happen) and that you won't leave until you get the service they owe you.
But if you live outside of EU, well, then I don't know.

any advice greatly appreciated

Hi there, I have a problem with my phone and I was ponited in the direction of this forum to see if anyone would be able to help out. Any assistance woud be very greatly appreciated
I am based in UK and I recently bought myself a Galaxy Note 4. 2nd Hand but as new condition. I tried to do an over the air software update to see if the phone would be able to get a more recent version of Android (it was running 5.0.1) and the phone wouldn't connect to the server. Also whe I tried to connect to Android Pay I got an error saying the device was rooted so I couldn't use the app on this phone. I therefore wanted to unroot the phone
I must stress my real technical knowledge of Android phones is basically at novice level but I tried to unroot the phone using SuperSU which I downloaded from the app store. I ran the unroot option and restarted the phone as prompted but this resulted in my phone being stuck in Bootloop. It wouldn't go past the Samsung load screen
I probably did the worst thing which was panic, went into recovery mode and attempted to factory reset to return the phone to out of box settings. I wiped the cache and did the factory reset but, of course, this hasn't resolved the problem. I then done a bit more reading and downloaded Odin and attempted to find the stock firmware for my phone (Model SM-910F), which i did, but unfortunately when I tried to flash this firmware back to my phone through Odin I get a failed error
So basically i'm on my knees trying to get some technical advice as to what else i can try or how to proceed. I did try taking it back to the Samsung Store and plead ignorance for help but the best I got there was that my main board would need replacing which would probably set me back another 200 nicker. For that money I may as well just buy a new phone. any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm currently left with a very expensive paperweight
Many thanks in advance guys
lashley82 said:
Hi there, I have a problem with my phone and I was ponited in the direction of this forum to see if anyone would be able to help out. Any assistance woud be very greatly appreciated
I am based in UK and I recently bought myself a Galaxy Note 4. 2nd Hand but as new condition. I tried to do an over the air software update to see if the phone would be able to get a more recent version of Android (it was running 5.0.1) and the phone wouldn't connect to the server. Also whe I tried to connect to Android Pay I got an error saying the device was rooted so I couldn't use the app on this phone. I therefore wanted to unroot the phone
I must stress my real technical knowledge of Android phones is basically at novice level but I tried to unroot the phone using SuperSU which I downloaded from the app store. I ran the unroot option and restarted the phone as prompted but this resulted in my phone being stuck in Bootloop. It wouldn't go past the Samsung load screen
I probably did the worst thing which was panic, went into recovery mode and attempted to factory reset to return the phone to out of box settings. I wiped the cache and did the factory reset but, of course, this hasn't resolved the problem. I then done a bit more reading and downloaded Odin and attempted to find the stock firmware for my phone (Model SM-910F), which i did, but unfortunately when I tried to flash this firmware back to my phone through Odin I get a failed error
So basically i'm on my knees trying to get some technical advice as to what else i can try or how to proceed. I did try taking it back to the Samsung Store and plead ignorance for help but the best I got there was that my main board would need replacing which would probably set me back another 200 nicker. For that money I may as well just buy a new phone. any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm currently left with a very expensive paperweight
Many thanks in advance guys
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Go to odin download mode and tell me what exactly your model shows there? Maybe I can help.
Press 3 button combo while phone is turned off to go into download mode.(volume down+home+power)
Or even better if you can take picture and upload it while your phone in download mode.
Trex888 said:
Go to odin download mode and tell me what exactly your model shows there? Maybe I can help.
Press 3 button combo while phone is turned off to go into download mode.(volume down+home+power)
Or even better if you can take picture and upload it while your phone in download mode.
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Hi and thank you for coming back to me, i get the following
Product Name: SM-910T - (this does confuse me slightly as the phone model actually says SM-910F)
Current Binary: Custom
System Status: Custom
Reactivation Lock: OFF
KNOX Warranty Void: 0x1 (3)
RP SWREV: S1, T1, R1, A2, P1
Secure Download: ENABLE
Hope this is of help
lashley82 said:
Hi and thank you for coming back to me, i get the following
Product Name: SM-910T - (this does confuse me slightly as the phone model actually says SM-910F)
Current Binary: Custom
System Status: Custom
Reactivation Lock: OFF
KNOX Warranty Void: 0x1 (3)
RP SWREV: S1, T1, R1, A2, P1
Secure Download: ENABLE
Hope this is of help
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Hello there.
Sorry to say but you dont have N910f international model.its refurbished and faked by n910F you can see your download mode shows n910t that's the orignal motherboard model.and also it shows binaries and status custom and not official as it should.also knox is 0×1 it means it was rooted before and warranty was void.
You have sm-N910T that's T-mobile usa model.
You can download latest N910T firmware from and flash through odin.
Dont try to flash n910f firmware otherwise it can be bricked and unusable.
Hope this will help.
Trex888 said:
Hello there.
Sorry to say but you dont have N910f international model.its refurbished and faked by n910F you can see your download mode shows n910t that's the orignal motherboard model.and also it shows binaries and status custom and not official as it should.also knox is 0×1 it means it was rooted before and warranty was void.
You have sm-N910T that's T-mobile usa model.
You can download latest N910T firmware from and flash through odin.
Dont try to flash n910f firmware otherwise it can be bricked and unusable.
Hope this will help.
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Thank you, I'm going to give this a go and see if it works
Many Thanks
lashley82 said:
Thank you, I'm going to give this a go and see if it works
Many Thanks
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You're welcome.
Make sure after flash firmware go to recovery by pressing (volume up+ home+ power ) while phone is off and do (data factory reset & wipe cache)otherwise it will stuck on Samsung logo at first boot.
First boot will take approximately 15 minutes.

Custom binary blocked by frp lock

need urgent help really.
my phone has been rooted and has twrp installed for months now with no issues, all of a sudden my phone rebooted to the samsung logo screen with the mentioned error message. i have no idea how and why this error has occured but my phone wont boot to system. i really dont want flash stock firmware as i havent backed things up, is there a way to fix this issue with out doing a full wipe?
you might have accidentally disable oem unlock. so phone is bricked , and you need to flash stock firmware with odin , no other choices . and as you know knox counter will stay 0x1 , root or no root, once you break knox its permanent as knox is hardware, once you root it break an electronic fuse so once you flash stock firmware I really suggest you to install custom rom and twrp again as many things will be blocked if you stay on stock firmware as your device will stay marked as " rooted "
robhug said:
you might have accidentally disable oem unlock. so phone is bricked , and you need to flash stock firmware with odin , no other choices . and as you know knox counter will stay 0x1 , root or no root, once you break knox its permanent as knox is hardware, once you root it break an electronic fuse so once you flash stock firmware I really suggest you to install custom rom and twrp again as many things will be blocked if you stay on stock firmware as your device will stay marked as " rooted "
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Yeah I had to do firmware install in the end. It's just crazy though. I very rarely go into dev options, I had noto kernel installed and everything on stock aqh3, rooted with magisk and everything worked great, so annoying as this happened at 3am and I have slow internet connection and took me 2 hours to download the 3.5gb firmware file. Urgh o was on the verge of installing a custom rom too, ah well good job I had a lot of stuff saved in Samsung cloud.
sofir786 said:
Yeah I had to do firmware install in the end. It's just crazy though. I very rarely go into dev options, I had noto kernel installed and everything on stock aqh3, rooted with magisk and everything worked great, so annoying as this happened at 3am and I have slow internet connection and took me 2 hours to download the 3.5gb firmware file. Urgh o was on the verge of installing a custom rom too, ah well good job I had a lot of stuff saved in Samsung cloud.
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yes hopefully cloud is our new god ^^ yes its annoying I agree but its also a great feeling to begin with a clean phone like new after a reset , and I have also a crappy download speed so yes its a pain to download 4gb , and even better when its corrupted and need to download agin good luck with your device
Hey guys I need help.
My phone got bricked as you said (I accidentally turned off OEM unlock on my rooted phone) so I tried to flash stock firmware, but odin fails and on my phone it says (sw rev. check fail. device:3 binary:2). Plz help!
My phone: S8+
Just had the very same problem meself ?
Thank god for Odin and
Bt like previous posters says its like havin a new phone apart from samsung pay not working
Can someone help??
I got the "FRP lock" on my Samsung S8 (Exynos) and tried to flash Stock Oreo but Odin fails and the device shows "KERNEL REV. CHECK FAIL. DEVICE:3 BINARY:2".
This stock Samsung Rom worked earlier today so it should be the right Rom for my phone.
Also tried to flash TWRP recovery via AP in Odin which failed with "RFP lock" message showing on the device..
I tried to add a snapshot here but couldn't.
Anyone please, I'm helpless..
nattyniz said:
Can someone help??
I got the "FRP lock" on my Samsung S8 (Exynos) and tried to flash Stock Oreo but Odin fails and the device shows "KERNEL REV. CHECK FAIL. DEVICE:3 BINARY:2".
This stock Samsung Rom worked earlier today so it should be the right Rom for my phone.
Also tried to flash TWRP recovery via AP in Odin which failed with "RFP lock" message showing on the device..
I tried to add a snapshot here but couldn't.
Anyone please, I'm helpless..
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Your issue is trying to flash older firmware than what is on your phone. You will need to download firmware with bootloader ver. 3 or higher ( bl ver no. is 5th number from right of firmware name )
Flashing twrp failed because of locked bootloader.
spawnlives said:
Your issue is trying to flash older firmware than what is on your phone. You will need to download firmware with bootloader ver. 3 or higher ( bl ver no. is 5th number from right of firmware name )
Flashing twrp failed because of locked bootloader.
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That helped. Flashing the right version worked just fine.
FRP lock
Hi people,
I got the "FRP lock" on my Samsung S8 SM-G950F(Exynos) and tried to flash Stock Oreo but when I press start Odin say PASS but recovery won't start.
please help
i flashed my S8 SM-G9500 variant however the phone has been locked and it is saying that i need to see the samsung service provider for the device has been locked. how can i solve this problem
Mark Nyombi said:
i flashed my S8 SM-G9500 variant however the phone has been locked and it is saying that i need to see the samsung service provider for the device has been locked. how can i solve this problem
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can you get a pic of the screen youre talking about?
Hello guys i rooted my S8+ G-955F and i turned off usb debugging and ome lock
And i have android 9 installed on my device, i tried all the way but for nothink , any help please

Felt confident, shouldnt have

I recently carrier unlocked my SM-G935P (2016 version) from Sprint and brought it over to ATT. All was working fine but wanted to get rid of the Sprint bloatware. After spending most of the day reading threads of flashing, felt confident that I could walk through flashing over to "U" FW. This is my first attempt at flashing and it has FAILED!
Used ODIN 3.12 , and files from UPDATO
It failed after first attempt and then was stuck in boot loop
I then realized that I never set the Developer options before flashing
have tried flashing back to half dozen different version stocks, deep clean flash, and various other work arounds I have seen on here to no avail
Only things that have PASS since the initial FAIL have been when I tried various BL individually, but no change in device
I am at the point that I can only access Download screen and ODIN still recognizes. Other option is the device starts to open in Recovery Boot, Installing Software Update comes up, about 10 lines of code start scrolling then phone goes black.
I'm still OFFICIAL, FRP Lock on, warranty void is 0x0 and AP SWREV is B5(2, 1, 1, 1, 1) K1 S4, and Secure Download is Enabled
I'm way past my comfort and capability in trying to get this even back to stock. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated... Finally broke free of the Sprint chains and on the edge of bricking my phone!
PA_Pyroholic said:
I recently carrier unlocked my SM-G935P (2016 version) from Sprint and brought it over to ATT. All was working fine but wanted to get rid of the Sprint bloatware. After spending most of the day reading threads of flashing, felt confident that I could walk through flashing over to "U" FW. This is my first attempt at flashing and it has FAILED!
Used ODIN 3.12 , and files from UPDATO
It failed after first attempt and then was stuck in boot loop
I then realized that I never set the Developer options before flashing
have tried flashing back to half dozen different version stocks, deep clean flash, and various other work arounds I have seen on here to no avail
Only things that have PASS since the initial FAIL have been when I tried various BL individually, but no change in device
I am at the point that I can only access Download screen and ODIN still recognizes. Other option is the device starts to open in Recovery Boot, Installing Software Update comes up, about 10 lines of code start scrolling then phone goes black.
I'm still OFFICIAL, FRP Lock on, warranty void is 0x0 and AP SWREV is B5(2, 1, 1, 1, 1) K1 S4, and Secure Download is Enabled
I'm way past my comfort and capability in trying to get this even back to stock. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated... Finally broke free of the Sprint chains and on the edge of bricking my phone!
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With the last ROM I've tried to use, on the device the red text comes up saying SW REV CHECK FAIL : [aboot] Fused 5 > Binary 2
Is there a different ROM I should be trying?
PA_Pyroholic said:
With the last ROM I've tried to use, on the device the red text comes up saying SW REV CHECK FAIL : [aboot] Fused 5 > Binary 2
Is there a different ROM I should be trying?
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It sounds like you may have gotten sprint's update, not sure tho. Check your software version by going to about phone. If it ends with something like 5BRA1 (the 5 is whats important as that stands for binary ver. 5) then you might not be able to use the U firmware. You can try the U FW from this post:
If that FW does not work, then you will either have to wait til they update the U FW to binary 5 or see if sprint can reload the OS, I would recommend asking them if they can give you an older version of the OS so you can use the U FW.
Fear_The_Fluff said:
It sounds like you may have gotten sprint's update, not sure tho. Check your software version by going to about phone. If it ends with something like 5BRA1 (the 5 is whats important as that stands for binary ver. 5) then you might not be able to use the U firmware. You can try the U FW from this post:
If that FW does not work, then you will either have to wait til they update the U FW to binary 5 or see if sprint can reload the OS, I would recommend asking them if they can give you an older version of the OS so you can use the U FW.
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I did get the update to 5 unfortunately and am no longer with sprint, paid everything off an account is closed. I did some more digging and realized many mistakes yesterday. I tried the latest 'U' FW (binary 4), it failed, and then I tried the latest 'P' FW (binary 5) right afterwards and it failed... But I didn't cycle the phone in between attempts so of course it was going to fail. Ended up reflashing with the latest 'P', and went through the easy, "just say yes to everything" set up and all the bloatware reloaded onto it. Reflashed and wiped device, and was careful this time... 90% of the bloatware I wanted was gone. Package disabled the rest. Only thing I can't seem to get rid of is the Sprint logos on start up.
After stumbling my way through this first attempt, I'll do better research next time!
Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
PA_Pyroholic said:
I recently carrier unlocked my SM-G935P (2016 version) from Sprint and brought it over to ATT. All was working fine but wanted to get rid of the Sprint bloatware. After spending most of the day reading threads of flashing, felt confident that I could walk through flashing over to "U" FW. This is my first attempt at flashing and it has FAILED!
Used ODIN 3.12 , and files from UPDATO
It failed after first attempt and then was stuck in boot loop
I then realized that I never set the Developer options before flashing
have tried flashing back to half dozen different version stocks, deep clean flash, and various other work arounds I have seen on here to no avail
Only things that have PASS since the initial FAIL have been when I tried various BL individually, but no change in device
I am at the point that I can only access Download screen and ODIN still recognizes. Other option is the device starts to open in Recovery Boot, Installing Software Update comes up, about 10 lines of code start scrolling then phone goes black.
I'm still OFFICIAL, FRP Lock on, warranty void is 0x0 and AP SWREV is B5(2, 1, 1, 1, 1) K1 S4, and Secure Download is Enabled
I'm way past my comfort and capability in trying to get this even back to stock. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated... Finally broke free of the Sprint chains and on the edge of bricking my phone!
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Unfortunately, your phone is on the newest firmware, B5. You'll only be able to flash one of the latest sprint firmwares to get your phone to work. All the other carriers and U firmware are still running an older binary boot. You may also need the special version of can probably find it in the same forum about installing the U firmware. But if you download the latest sprint firmware, your phone should boot again.
