Flashtool fsc script is mandatory error fix - Sony Xperia XA Ultra Guides, News, & Discussion

do what i said and please give thanks to those people,


[PoC][Work in progress] Trim Area Proof Of Concept

PoC was made for testing and educational purposes, ME is not responsible for what you do on/with your device using PoC, you must agree that you using PoC on your own risk, I am not responsible if you brick your device, you lost your personal data or anything else!
First of all this tool fully replaces DRM fix! So do not use our tool with DRM fix!!! I'm going to explain what is this, how it working. Everybody know what drm fix doing and everybody know whats happening when bootloader is unlocked. Ok. This PoC is designed for unlocked devices and makes things identic to having bootloader never unlocked! Which mean this is for peoples who have backup of the trim area BEFORE unlocking bootloader! This PoC mounts your trim area backup (TA.img) to the kernel loop5 device which makes your trim area like real trim area partition (in our case it mounts your backup TA.img and uses it instead of unlocked trim area partition) so everything after android boot up is like having locked bootloader which mean all drm keys, widevine keys and etc is fully functional! And most better thing, we can use PoC with AOSP, CM or whatever for having trim area fully functional!!!
Do in mind this is for stock roms only! Only nougat and marchmallow by now, some of before marchmalow too.
Supported kernel images:
- SIN (kernel.sin)
- ELF (kernel.elf)
- IMG (boot.img)
So you no need to extract elf from kernel since our tool extract any sony format, sin,img,elf autodetection.
- I must give big creadits to @steom since he tested things very deeply on his xperia x compact, he tested things more than 7 days, he tested it very frequently and I must say... big respect to him! Thanks man!
- Also respect to @tobias.waldvogel ! His mkinitfs source code (idea about #perm appended to file names) helped me a lot making our tool for windows. His scripts helped me a lot figuring out all things! Thanks man! Original forum thread for tobias.waldvogel great work -> https://forum.xda-developers.com/xp...oot-automatic-repack-stock-kernel-dm-t3301605
- Uhh sorry, forgot to give credit to @osm0sis for great extended version of the boot image tools https://github.com/osm0sis/mkbootimg
- @serajr mate sorry, forgot your great scripts!
- @the_laser for figuring out that poc is working by directly using TA.img, no need to mount to loop, thanks man!
- @mbc07 for this post https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=73232574&postcount=1547
How to extend our tool:
I have reserved some spaces for everybody who need to extend our tool (tool looks for user script.sh or script.bat), so if tool found user script tool will execute that scipt which mean everybody can make own scipt to extend ramdisk patching mechanism (e.g. to add su... etc). If tool didn't find user script, tool pause so you have enough time to modify everything you need manualy and continue tool by pressing any key on your keyboard. Tool didn't delete output folder so you can use for example something from unmodified boot.img-ramdisk.gz if you need. Also sepolicy binary file have a backup (backupsepolicy) so you can use it too if you need.
How to fix byself denials from dmesg:
This explains how: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=70955889&postcount=47
And finaly this is a tool: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=70973513&postcount=120
Everybody and every device is involved! You need at least good knownledge in getting logcat and dmesg if you want to help here! You can suggest, speak whatewer you want in this thread since this thread is for everybody! Need your words about tool and suggestions! Please if you want to post logcat or dmesg please use http://www.pastebin.com for it! If you need tool working for your device please get involved here!
. .
munjeni said:
That mean we can use stock camera blobs finaly with AOSP, CM or whatewer!!!
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This will change everything regarding (not stock based) custom ROMs... If this is proved to work...
Outstanding job! Even if this post has no logcat/dmesg attached I felt like that I have to say some respectful words! :good:
Bootloop on nougat is solved now! New version is out! Soo close to get it working on nougat
I officially declare that the @munjeni PoC work! also with Nougat!
A new era is begun!
Does it mean, that camera will now work well on Xperias with Nougat AOSP?
Anyway it's big success.
haha was thinking of the same thing some weeks ago
tad_static can be cheated easily but what about suntrold and rmt_storage?
Where are your sources please?
steom said:
I officially declare that the @munjeni PoC work! also with Nougat!
A new era is begun!
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Bro i want to test on my z5 dual but dont know what should i do it
can you explain clearly?
having problems
hash:0x54288A7A calc_hash:0x54288A7A
hash:0x4CBAA939 calc_hash:0x4CBAA939
hash:0x9B8793E3 calc_hash:0x9B8793E3
hash:0x482AF9EB calc_hash:0x482AF9EB
device: F8331
serial number: CB512BEE32
drm key: 0001046B 0010 44 98 8A 61 A3 B2 10 48 02 19 38 59 73 7F 7E 52
Trim area dump is a valid.
Locked bootloader.
Deleting old folder ramdisk if exist...
if exist ramdisk (rd ramdisk /s/q)
returned: 0.
New directory ramdisk created.
Created ouput folder "out"
opening kernelX.sin
unable to open kernelX.sin
Kernel dump tool returned an error!
Mmm.... rename kernel.sin to kerlelX.sin helped
Using EliteKernelV3 (Z3C) did not work with following output:
Nougat Trim Area PoC kernel image patcher by Munjeni @ 2017
hash:0x037C9C1E calc_hash:0x037C9C1E
hash:0x90A0164B calc_hash:0x90A0164B
hash:0x04E5A139 calc_hash:0x04E5A139
device: D5803
serial number: YT911BPNF7
drm key: 0001046B 0010 ED EE 37 63 7B D8 AD 8B 03 C4 8C 1C 2A 3C 61 B0
Trim area dump is a valid.
Locked bootloader.
Deleting old folder ramdisk if exist...
if exist ramdisk (rd ramdisk /s/q)
returned: 0.
New directory ramdisk created.
Created ouput folder "out"
opening boot_Z3c.img
boot_Z3c.img is Android image format.
Dumping to out...
BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE androidboot.hardware=qcom user_debug=31 msm_rtb.filter=0x3b7 ehci-hcd.park=3 androidboot.bootdevice=msm_sdcc.1 vmalloc=400M dwc3.
maximum_speed=high dwc3_msm.prop_chg_detect=Y androidboot.selinux=permissive
setting up infflate...
infflate returned: -3
gzpipe: invalid or incomplete deflate data
Error gunziping boot_Z3c.img!
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
I compared the the files in folder "out" with the one of osmosis' Android Image Kitchen:
This is TA Tool: boot.img-ramdisk.gz
And this AIK: boot_Z3c.img-ramdisk.cpio.gz
But both with exact the same file size...
Ramdisk is not decompressed successfully.... Looks for me like an mismatch while decompressing cpio and gunzip.
My thought: Your tool is expecting gzip files - But EliteKernelV3 was compressed first with cpio and then with gzip.
kernel.sin and kernel.elf are working fine!
Is lollipop in progress or?
for z1 that would be great
maksim_kw said:
Mmm.... rename kernel.sin to kerlelX.sin helped
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Come one! You have to adjust the starting batch file according to your kernel file name
fluffi444 said:
Using EliteKernelV3 (Z3C) did not work with following output:
I compared the the files in folder "out" with the one of osmosis' Android Image Kitchen:
This is TA Tool: boot.img-ramdisk.gz
And this AIK: boot_Z3c.img-ramdisk.cpio.gz
But both with exact the same file size...
Ramdisk is not decompressed successfully.... Looks for me like an mismatch while decompressing cpio and gunzip.
My thought: Your tool is expecting gzip files - But EliteKernelV3 was compressed first with cpio and then with gzip.
kernel.sin and kernel.elf are working fine!
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It's for stock kernel. EliteKernel has own fix method.
nailyk said:
haha was thinking of the same thing some weeks ago
tad_static can be cheated easily but what about suntrold and rmt_storage?
Where are your sources please?
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Hi! Till after ta is mounted whole things working like real trim area on locked bootloader! Things which might not work (untested curently) is fota and other things, but I realy not going to mess with it, you guys can make your own scripts for fine tune purpose! Source code as I promised after my ban not going to be public available because my ban.
vato4001 said:
Is lollipop in progress or?
for z1 that would be great
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I didn't tried, probably it will work or error during compilation.
x_one said:
EliteKernel has own fix method.
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You know that I know that - But I really prefer this TA solution than DRM fix which I removed from Kernel as soon as I got the manual TA mod working on EliteKernel.
You know that I have an working EliteKernel with TA mount... But it would also be nice to get this tool working for such custom kernel as well.
Anyway - I really appreciate @munjeni 's work. And if the answers is ONLY for stock kernel than it's fine for me as well (the manual way works - as I said)
fluffi444 said:
You know that I know that - But I really prefer this TA solution than DRM fix which I removed from Kernel as soon as I got the manual TA mod working on EliteKernel.
You know that I have an working EliteKernel with TA mount... But it would also be nice to get this tool working for such custom kernel as well.
Anyway - I really appreciate @munjeni 's work. And if the answers is ONLY for stock kernel than it's fine for me as well (the manual way works - as I said)
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In general it will work on any kernel since I have made some free space for userscripts! It will come later till after poc starts working!
New version is out and finaly it is a first one working for nougat! Only one problem thought is tool have an bug which I need to figure our (you must copy TA.img to the /data/local/tmp) folder to get poc working! I will solve that soon!

Need help with root zte blade a601

Please write the guide how to root zte blade a601.
I tried with KingRoot, KingoRoot and similar apps with one click root. (Sorry for my bad English)
How to get scatter file for this phone?
I tried with MTKdroidTool - nothing
Later I tried with adb run and MTK Rom Studio, but in firmware.info was that: "dev: size erasesize name" and nothing else. Please ,if you have scatter for this phone or know how to get scatter , tell me.
TWRP i guess > https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=673791459329054390
Source: http://rootmygalaxy.net/root-zte-blade-a601-twrp/

Help For Making Dump or edit system partition on SM-G5510

Hi guys,
I want to edit system.img.ext4 on Galaxy On5 model: SM-G5510 Build: G5510ZCU1AQB2
I tested these:
1- edit all in phone with root, then try to make dump with dd command.
Resault: odin error
2- edit all in phone with root, then try to make dump with make_ext4fs command.
Resault: odin error
3- Linux: Simg2img>> mount>> edit>> make_ext4fs
4- Linux: Simg2img>> mount>> edit>> unmount
5- Linux: Simg2img>> mount>> edit>> img2simg
Resault: odin doesn't error, but after flash, display is off and just vibrate every 5 secs.
I need your help
No idea ?
Friends I need your help.
Techno-YD said:
Friends I need your help.
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I would say go to the xda odin page and post issue there. Help would be faster since more user be there
I need help, please

Newflasher Tool : Fix no flash script found

Just Share Everything That i know:

Newflasher Tool: Fix FSC

Just Share everything That I know.
