[Android] Possible fix to preview pop up when switching to pen input. - Lenovo Yoga Book Questions & Answers

Actually for any of you who are rooted. It is a fix. Just disable com.hanvon.portableink (Floating Windows). Job done. I'm rooted right now, and was wondering if someone who is not could try to disable this. I know you can not do it from the Apps section of the settings. There are however lots of package disabler type apps. If we can find one that will do this without root. We finally have the fix to (IMO) the most annoying thing on this tablet.

As far as I know you don't need any package disabler. ADB should be sufficient (c.f. the linked portal article below).
Sent from my HTC One M9 using XDA Labs

ok.thanks. can you write the magic words to disable istead of uninstall?

That should be
pm hide <name of package>
for disabling and
pm unhide <name of package>
for re-enabling.
However, I haven't used these since android 5. I'm not sure whether they're still working or whether they got changed in the meantime (e.g. on android 4.x the commands were enable and disable and on android 4.4.4 the commands were block and unbock).
Be aware that disabled apps will not be visible in the package manager or the app overview of your launcher until you re-enable them.

tried with this result:
[email protected]:/ $ pm hide com.hanvon.portableink
Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Neither user 2000 nor current process has android.permission.MANAGE_USERS.
1|[email protected]:/ $ pm disable com.hanvon.portableink
Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: attempt to change component state from pid=498, uid=2000, package uid=10077
what now?

Well, it looks like they don't work, anymore. I'd use the commands from the article if I were you. You can still get the apps back by making a factory reset.
Sent from my HTC One M9 using XDA Labs

tried uninstall. effect: pen works without that preview window
adb shell
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.hanvon.portableink
thanks for the tipp

Wow, thanks for this. This might be the one tip that lets me keep my yoga book and not return it.
BTW, uninstalling the preview window went well, but I had to reboot my device before the pen would work with apps other than Lenovo note saver. Just a heads up for anyone who tries to disable the preview window, and starts worrying when apps stop taking pen input, and automatically switch on the halo keyboard.
---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 PM ----------
Can't take notes with the screen off anymore though. Can others who have uninstalled the preview window confirm this?

had the same, forgot to describe it. What else would make sense to deinstall...
screen off: the original note taker took the notes on screen of, right? That we uninstalled.
maybe that can be replaced by another app

OK, With the upgrade to 7.1.1, I have decided to try without root. But of course the issue with the preview window is still there. In the end I used this app that I had bought in the past.
You have to delete all accounts then use adb to set the app as owner. After that it can disable without root.
I know disabling com.hanvon.portableink breaks the Screen Off notes but for me that's better than the pop up window every time I switch modes. And I can enable / disable at will like this.
If anyone finds a less roundabout way without root, I would be happy to know it. Or of course a way to stop the pop up without killing the screen off notes.
Otherwise the upgrade is so far very good.

Pls Help
Broomfundel said:
OK, With the upgrade to 7.1.1, I have decided to try without root. But of course the issue with the preview window is still there. In the end I used this app that I had bought in the past.
You have to delete all accounts then use adb to set the app as owner. After that it can disable without root.
I know disabling com.hanvon.portableink breaks the Screen Off notes but for me that's better than the pop up window every time I switch modes. And I can enable / disable at will like this.
If anyone finds a less roundabout way without root, I would be happy to know it. Or of course a way to stop the pop up without killing the screen off notes.
Otherwise the upgrade is so far very good.
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You have to delete all accounts then use adb to set the app as owner.
sorry i am newbie,
how to delete all accountsthen use adb to set the app as owner
can you pls explain this and what the command to disable this com .hanvon .portableink

It has been a long time since I did this. But the instructions are available with the app.
In short, in accounts, you remove all the accounts "Google etc..." Then copy the adb command from the apps instructions. It may sound scary but you can't do any harm. Worst case, you just give up and add the accounts back.
The link I used is no longer valid, so here is an up to date one.
Hopefully their instructions will be clear enough.
Kvink said:
You have to delete all accounts then use adb to set the app as owner.
sorry i am newbie,
how to delete all accountsthen use adb to set the app as owner
can you pls explain this and what the command to disable this com .hanvon .portableink
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[Q] Disable app or remove ability to apply without root?

Hey people,
I've been noticing levels of piracy (or returns and then the number of active installs not reducing) skyrocketing recently, and I've put checks in all the apps I can, but there are 3 themes that I can't see a way to.
They're all Omega StatusBar themes, and hence I expect the people using them don't have root. Therefore I can't run pm disable if they have an invalid licence or uninstall itself without prompt.
But, there is hope. I noticed I have Google Wallet on my phone, which has disabled itself because I'm not in the US. That was a user app (installed on top a system app), disabling itself. So it's supposedly possible, but I can't find any documentation on how to do it
This is the general idea
Device boots
Theme checks licence when internet is available > Licence fine > Works as normal
Licence fails
Theme disables itself (equivalent of pm disable)
Theme works for this boot, next reboot it will not work
How would I go about doing this without root?
Thanks for any responses in advance
pm disable in the end only calls this function:
http://developer.android.com/refere...ionEnabledSetting(java.lang.String, int, int)
As far as I know you can call it to disable your own app. You only need root to disable other apps.
ramdroid77 said:
pm disable in the end only calls this function:
http://developer.android.com/refere...tEnabledSetting(android.content.ComponentName, int, int)
As far as I know you can call it to disable your own app. You only need root to disable other apps.
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Thank you, I think setApplicationEnabledSetting should do what I want
Sent from my GALAXY NEXUS using Tapatalk 4 (VIP)
Besides, you can also use setComponentEnabledSetting to disable individual components of your app:
http://developer.android.com/refere...ting(android.content.ComponentName, int, int)
Actually, it's recommended to disable services when you don't need them etc.
Thank you for all of this, everything now works and any unlicensed user will have the theme disabled on boot

[ROOT][HOWTO] Disable Lockscreen Ads

WARNING: I am not responsible for any bricked devices caused by attempting this howto. If you haven't read this how to twice, and fully understand the requirements, then please don't attempt it.
Introduction (not important):
First, this may not be the best way to do this, and if someone knows a better way, I'll be happy to listen.
I kinda stumbled across this solution after trying the many other ways to solve the problem, but all the other ways seemed to have something incomplete with them and ended with no ADS, but no something else, like rotating lock screens or something.
I started with the assumption that the ADS program (dtcp) can be disabled through a flag somewhere on the system, for if you pay the extra $20 you get a kindle with no ADS, but same Android build. After looking through lots of sqlite databases I found it in the com.android.providers.settings/settings.db file.
Basic knowledge of databases
SQLite Editor Pro (Free on 1Mobile Market)
Open SQLite Editor
Open "Settings Storage" (com.android.providers.settings)
Open settings.db
open "global" table
Highlight entry "IS_DTCP_ENABLED"
Click the Edit Record button at the top
Change the value from a 1 to a 0
Click Save
Go back
Make same change on the "secure" table
Reboot kindle for new options to take effect.
Other Thoughts:
This just changes the value temporarily until the device checks back in with Amazon and then the value will get overridden again with the correct value. To prevent that install DroidWall and whitelist only the applications you need to access the internet. DroidWall requires root, which is why root is in the subject. But you should be doing this anyways to prevent OTA updates.
Does this mean that you will now get the rotating native wallpapers that you would have if you paid for the dismissal of the ads? Currently I use adaway on my s4 hotspot and the only one I blacklist is (spectrum.s3.amazonaws.com) this has blocked updates because I am still on old software with no other blocking in place and I have noticed it also has blocked rotateing ads accept I have the same 1 at all times.
Edit: YAY !!!! and yes I now have rotating native wallpapers
Btw thank you for sharing and it is quite refreshing to see a new member join to share useful information in a well thought out and presented OP and not just join to start a thread with a question that is the heading of so many other threads that has been beat to death already..burying perfectly good information..thank you for joining us at XDA!
Awesome!!!! have been looking for a way to do this without factory reset for a while! You da man! Gonna spam that thanks button for a while lol
Thanks so much, that was easy!
Mind after a few days .2 went straight black lock screen
Anyone know what exactly I need to enable in droidwall to have internet but no ota updates or Amazon changing the lock screen back to ads?
This mod works fine. No ads, rotating wallpapers appear every time. No reversion to black screen. No need for Droidwall. Use of Droidwall is impractical for this purpose. Who knows what not to include in some giant white list?
It appears that the wallpapers will continue to appear without reversion if you have blocked updates using the root kit.
earlgrey_44 said:
This mod works fine. No ads, rotating wallpapers appear every time. No reversion to black screen. No need for Droidwall. Use of Droidwall is impractical for this purpose. Who knows what not to include in some giant white list?
It appears that the wallpapers will continue to appear without reversion if you have blocked updates using the root kit.
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Sorry, what's the root kit?
dras99 said:
Sorry, what's the root kit?
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First link in this post:
I assume the block update action from the rootkit is responsible for the lack of reversion to ads since I haven't done anything else except the steps I outlined in the post and the data base tweaks explained above. My kindle has been running for 5 days now without ads and with the startup wallpaper.
earlgrey_44 said:
First link in this post:
I assume the block update action from the rootkit is responsible for the lack of reversion to ads since I haven't done anything else except the steps I outlined in the post and the data base tweaks explained above. My kindle has been running for 5 days now without ads and with the startup wallpaper.
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I also blocked updates with the root kit. Then I followed this tutorial and it worked great however it did revert back to adds after a reboot or 2.
conan1600 said:
I also blocked updates with the root kit. Then I followed this tutorial and it worked great however it did revert back to adds after a reboot or 2.
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Strange! What's different about my install I wonder?
earlgrey_44 said:
Strange! What's different about my install I wonder?
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I'm left scratching my head over that as well. Tomorrow I will re run the ota block script as I'm now concerned that it perhaps did not do something correctly. I did check for updates and it says last update failed but better safe than sorry. I DO NOT want to end up getting updated again. I finally have this tablet running rather nicely and am quite satisfied with most aspects. Still need much more customization options but it's serviceable now. And this tablet has always had the best touch input response of any I've ever used. I'd hate to have to throw it back in the closet.
I am getting now BLACK SCREENS. Any way to change this?
For anyone who wants to run this from command line (e.g. on reboot or network change event) you can create a script like below and use SManager to run it periodically. You will first need to install sqlite3 binary (google "SQLite Installer for Root").
Here is the script that needs to be executed as root:
sqlite3 -batch /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db "update global SET value='0' where name='IS_DTCP_ENABLED'";
sqlite3 -batch /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db "update secure SET value='0' where name='IS_DTCP_ENABLED'";

Secret apps list found in Home menus!

After I used terminal emulator with the pm disable function to disable both Gamecircle apps,Amazon Video,Photos (screensaver usage),and the Amazon AppStore,and resetting with ctrl+alt+del,I found a nice little surprise in the apps tab on the Home screen.
When I went to the Apps section,the list of all my installed apps appeared on the right!
When selecting them,they open immediately,but I can't long press to view the details of an app.
However,since they are still in the settings menu as well,I can still view the details from there.
The only issue with it is that it is a little buggy with scrolling through apps.
You can figure out the com-names using 7zipper 2.0 to view the advanced "details" of your apps.
To get the names to disable the same apps I did, change 7zipper's app list to system mode.
Info for people who really hate resource hogs:KFTV Launcher is currently using 80.59MB according to memory booster!
It probably has something to do with each menu selection loading dozens of images and information and sub-apps that seem to have no individual apps for selecting to disable.
So rbox,when you feel the Home Menu MOD is stable enough,please let me know when you release it for xposed.
retroben said:
After I used terminal emulator with the pm disable function to disable both Gamecircle apps,Amazon Video,Photos (screensaver usage),and the Amazon AppStore,and resetting with ctrl+alt+del,I found a nice little surprise in the apps tab on the Home screen.
When I went to the Apps section,the list of all my installed apps appeared on the right!
When selecting them,they open immediately,but I can't long press to view the details of an app.
However,since they are still in the settings menu as well,I can still view the details from there.
The only issue with it is that it is a little buggy with scrolling through apps.
You can figure out the com-names using 7zipper 2.0 to view the advanced "details" of your apps.
To get the names to disable the same apps I did, change 7zipper's app list to system mode.
Info for people who really hate resource hogs:KFTV Launcher is currently using 80.59MB according to memory booster!
It probably has something to do with each menu selection loading dozens of images and information and sub-apps that seem to have no individual apps for selecting to disable.
So rbox,when you feel the Home Menu MOD is stable enough,please let me know when you release it for xposed.
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This has been known for some time. I think you found the secret that I hadn't been able to figure out; I bet it was disabling the Amazon Appstore. From what I remember, the initial reports were that sideloading the Appstore from Android caused this to happen. The code I haven't been able to find yet, must check for the Appstore and it's not there or the wrong one, it falls back to this grid view. At one point I was working on a mod that exposed (get it... cuz I use Xposed... haha) a similar, but less buggy grid. I may go back to working on that.
As for the menu mod, I just got the UI done for selecting which items should be visible, and I'm just working on the saving/loading of the preferences and getting the menu to reload after it's been changed.
What all did you disable and do you have the disable code you ran?
cybertlc said:
What all did you disable and do you have the disable code you ran?
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pm disable "com.amazon.venezia"
Note this breaks Netflix completely.
Does disabling Photos and Gamecircle break Netflix as well? What are the package names for those 2?
Download and install "Package Name Viewer" : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gijoon.pkgnameviewer&hl=en
Or if you already have 7Zipper 2.0,you can view the names in the applications section in the details option via longpressing an app.
7Zipper 2.0 is the only well-known app that can extract 7z files on Android.
That's time consuming to do it for every app...Package Viewer does only what it says, shows you the com.xxxx.xxx name for installed packages.
I get a "Failed to connect to dumb state service killed" error when using the pm disable command
Any ideas
Stevie G said:
I get a "Failed to connect to dumb state service killed" error when using the pm disable command
Any ideas
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How did you get to that point? The easiest is to run 'adb shell', then 'su' and verify you have the # prompt and it should work.
rbox said:
How did you get to that point? The easiest is to run 'adb shell', then 'su' and verify you have the # prompt and it should work.
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We'll I did not type that.what is the correct way of typing it out adb shell su com.amazon.avod
Stevie G said:
We'll I did not type that.what is the correct way of typing it out adb shell su com.amazon.avod
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1. adb shell
2. su
3. pm disable com.amazon.avod
lightning413 said:
1. adb shell
2. su
3. pm disable com.amazon.avod
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Thanks bud
Press enter after every part.
1a. adb shell
1b. Press Enter
2a. su
2b. Press Enter
3a. pm disable name.of.app (some begin with org instead of com)
3b. Obviously press Enter,unless you changed your mind.
Does anyone have a list of what can safely be disabled without interfering with other features/apps/functions? I want to keep my Netflix/Pandora fully functional (but could care less about games).
cybertlc said:
Does anyone have a list of what can safely be disabled without interfering with other features/apps/functions? I want to keep my Netflix/Pandora fully functional (but could care less about games).
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Why do you feel like you have to disable anything?
rbox said:
Why do you feel like you have to disable anything?
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I'm assuming there are things that can be disabled to use less resources.
cybertlc said:
I'm assuming there are things that can be disabled to use less resources.
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Not really. If you run ps from adb shell, there really isn't that much running that you'd be able to disable without completely break everything.
I find that Fire TV is actually not that bad about bloating apps when compared to the GS7 that got replaced by it.
The Sony NSZ-GS7 has some bloat apps like the TTS and most of the other ones I can't remember because none of them are on Fire TV.
Kernel Tuner:
I found out that the best performance governor for CPU is the Interactive governor.
And for I/O Schedular,the deadline mode is the fastest one.
This failed the wife acceptance test as it also causes issues with (but does not totally break) Pandora.

NO ROOT REQUIRED: Completely disable and enable your lock screen

Many of us don't have root and many of us also uninstalled may system apps, including Fire Launcher. That left us with some annoyances. One major annoyance was being kicked to the lock screen whenever we swiped away apps from the recent apps menu. Some people saw annoying flashes. Well this isn't quite a fix, but it pretty much takes care of the problem. You can now remove your lock screen completely and replace it at will and you do NOT need root access.
***WARNING: Touching any other settings on your tablet during this guide can cause a brick!!!***
1. Download and install Settings Database Editor.
2. Plug your tablet into your PC and open an ADB window. Enter the following:
adb shell pm grant by4a.setedit22 android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
Step number 2 MUST be done in order for this to work.
3. Open Settings Database Editor and tap on the 'secure' tab at the top.
4. These settings are in alphabetical order. Scroll until you see:
"lockscreen_disabled" "0"
5. Change the 0 to a 1. DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ELSE
6. Close Settings Database Editor
Now turn off your screen. Now turn it back on. You are welcome! I have a few more tricks coming. Watch for some later!
adb shell settings put secure lockscreen_disabled 1
adb shell settings put secure lockscreen_disabled 0
Both methods don´t work on my Fire HD10 2017.
tommes-d said:
Both methods don´t work on my Fire HD10 2017.
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It worked almost instantly for me. Maybe wait a bit? Did you reboot? It won't work on every device. Doesn't work on my Galaxy S7.
Not working for me too (Fire HD 8 2016). Also, you've made a mistake: original setting name is "lockscreen.disabled" (dot, not an underscore).
sensboston said:
Not working for me too (Fire HD 8 2016). Also, you've made a mistake: original setting name is "lockscreen.disabled" (dot, not an underscore).
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Disappointing. Today I got a good one though. I can't wait to get home and post a thread.
I know this isn't the correct forum for this but I tried this on a Fire 7 (2017) and it also does not seem to work.
is there an updated way to do this?
is there an updated way to do this?
edit: kindle fire 8 7th gen, confirmed not working.
Doesn't work on my Fire HD8. But while browsing through Settings Database Editor I have found something useful.
In the "Global Table" tab there's a setting called LOCKSCREEN_AD_ENABLED. Change the value from 1 to 0, save. Turn off screen, turn it on again --> ads are gone!
At least for a while...
Seems to be working on KFAUWI (Fire 7 7th Gen) on
EDIT: Maybe it doesn't work with and later?
It would be useful for those reporting success/failure to include not just device model, but fw version as well.
EDIT1: After some time playing around the system I have found out that by default it actually does not work, but if Global Table->"device_provisioned" = 0 then lock screen gets disabled, but serial number gets greyed out and developer options get disabled, while adb remains functional.
On even change to "device_provisioned" did not disable the lock screen.
gabosius said:
Seems to be working on KFAUWI (Fire 7 7th Gen) on
EDIT: Maybe it doesn't work with and later?
It would be useful for those reporting success/failure to include not just device model, but fw version as well.
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There are settings in the "private" class that override some of these lower ones, usually in favor their using their own software. I think most device stock settings are hidden for the purpose of favoring their own software. Though with Amazon, I scratch my head. Why spend the large amount of money, to install a high tech, customizable GPS system on devices, only to spend more money carelessly blocking your Access?
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using XDA Labs
DragonFire1024 said:
There are settings in the "private" class that override some of these lower ones, usually in favor their using their own software. I think most device stock settings are hidden for the purpose of favoring their own software. Though with Amazon, I scratch my head. Why spend the large amount of money, to install a high tech, customizable GPS system on devices, only to spend more money carelessly blocking your Access?
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using XDA Labs
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That's fairly simple, the same goes for one of the iPhones (don't recall which gen exactly) which had two different models of radio chips, one of which did support LTE, but Apple decided to disable LTE support for that gen of the phone altogether.
Now more on the topic, checked the specs of all 7th gen tablets, indeed none of them seem to support GPS officially (for some reason I thought that HD8/HD10 might have it), but if they have the hw, it could be for testing purposes to test proprietary GPS related sw on development devices before introducing it in the next gen? Or simply they decided to drop it somewhere along the way but left the hardware (as we still have Serial/UART on some production devices nowadays, which are used only for debugging in the development stage).
On the other hand, where did you get the info that it actually has GPS related hardware? Because while exploring my device settings I only found a hint on A-GPS support (which is not proven).
gabosius said:
That's fairly simple, the same goes for one of the iPhones (don't recall which gen exactly) which had two different models of radio chips, one of which did support LTE, but Apple decided to disable LTE support for that gen of the phone altogether.
Now more on the topic, checked the specs of all 7th gen tablets, indeed none of them seem to support GPS officially (for some reason I thought that HD8/HD10 might have it), but if they have the hw, it could be for testing purposes to test proprietary GPS related sw on development devices before introducing it in the next gen? Or simply they decided to drop it somewhere along the way but left the hardware (as we still have Serial/UART on some production devices nowadays, which are used only for debugging in the development stage).
On the other hand, where did you get the info that it actually has GPS related hardware? Because while exploring my device settings I only found a hint on A-GPS support (which is not proven).
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Add a few .xml configuration files to start and there is configuration settings in the framework. Look for an app on the tablet with HERE in all caps in the title. That's the APK module making it possible. And yes I figured out a way to modify framework settings
DragonFire1024 said:
Add a few .xml configuration files to start and there is configuration settings in the framework. Look for an app on the tablet with HERE in all caps in the title. That's the APK module making it possible. And yes I figured out a way to modify framework settings
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I see, just checked MT8127 specs, and indeed there seems to be integrated support for GPS with GLONASS, that may be something interesting to play with.
EDIT: HD8/HD10 even have broader support of GPS related technologies according to their SoC specs.
Yeah, I was following root progress thread, even tried Blueborne exploit (the one published by Armis labs on github) on KFAUWI without much success as there is no access to /proc/<pid>/maps. And framework-res.apk mod looks promising only for devices having root, as getting required permissions outside /system is rather problematic.
Yet I was surprised that WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS can be assigned outside /system. As I was poking around com.amazon.dcp.permission.DISPLAY_DEBUG_UI for quite some time.
gabosius said:
Yet I was surprised that WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS can be assigned outside /system. As I was poking around com.amazon.dcp.permission.DISPLAY_DEBUG_UI for quite some time.
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Do you have any idea if you can grant something like Activity Launcher the DISPLAY_DEBUG_UI permission? Some of the activities gave me errors when I tried to open them, saying they require com.amazon.dcp.permission.DISPLAY_DEBUG_UI.
The thing is, this appears to be a custom permission added by Amazon, not available in the official Android documentation.
Would Activity Launcher even be capable of launching certain "hidden" activities with this permission granted? Presumably you would grant permission over ADB the same way as WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS?
Any ideas would be great.
lakitu47 said:
Do you have any idea if you can grant something like Activity Launcher the DISPLAY_DEBUG_UI permission? Some of the activities gave me errors when I tried to open them, saying they require com.amazon.dcp.permission.DISPLAY_DEBUG_UI.
The thing is, this appears to be a custom permission added by Amazon, not available in the official Android documentation.
Would Activity Launcher even be capable of launching certain "hidden" activities with this permission granted? Presumably you would grant permission over ADB the same way as WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS?
Any ideas would be great.
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Tried granting it to other apps and it resulted in "com.amazon.dcp.permission.DISPLAY_DEBUG_UI is not a changeable type" the command I used was pm grant com.amazon.dcp com.amazon.dcp.permission.DISPLAY_DEBUG_UI so yes, the syntax is the same with custom amazon permissions. Also execution of dumpsys package com.amazon.dcp shows that app already has DISPLAY_DEBUG_UI permission.
My guess is that it requires root, as even when I am launching activity from adb shell (not in context of activity manager) I get the same error that it requires the permission, and the same goes for some other hidden amazon applications.
EDIT: you can get list of device permissions by executing "pm list permissions" without quotes from adb shell, there are at least a few interesting ones.
lakitu47 said:
Do you have any idea if you can grant something like Activity Launcher the DISPLAY_DEBUG_UI permission? Some of the activities gave me errors when I tried to open them, saying they require com.amazon.dcp.permission.DISPLAY_DEBUG_UI.
The thing is, this appears to be a custom permission added by Amazon, not available in the official Android documentation.
Would Activity Launcher even be capable of launching certain "hidden" activities with this permission granted? Presumably you would grant permission over ADB the same way as WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS?
Any ideas would be great.
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That's a great question and one that hasn't been asked before. I can tell you I've been able to, in some apps, modify the manifest permissions. For example, I can use an app to edit the manifest of Jack Pals terminal emulator to add the secure settings permission and have it successfully install etc. I never thought of doing the same with activity launcher and if successful, seeing what happens. This could be very interesting. If you give me a few copies of some of the manifests permissions, I can see if a recompile and install will hold.
DragonFire1024 said:
That's a great question and one that hasn't been asked before. I can tell you I've been able to, in some apps, modify the manifest permissions. For example, I can use an app to edit the manifest of Jack Pals terminal emulator to add the secure settings permission and have it successfully install etc. I never thought of doing the same with activity launcher and if successful, seeing what happens. This could be very interesting. If you give me a few copies of some of the manifests permissions, I can see if a recompile and install will hold.
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I attached a text document with ALL of the permissions listed by "pm list permissions" since it was too long to put here.
lakitu47 said:
I attached a text document with ALL of the permissions listed by "pm list permissions" since it was too long to put here.
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Give me a few hours to see if I can modify the app. If I can, I'll upload a. APK
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using XDA Labs
DragonFire1024 said:
Give me a few hours to see if I can modify the app. If I can, I'll upload a. APK
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using XDA Labs
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Questionable whether anything would change, as I don't see where activity launcher would need write secure settings permission.
On the other hand I did some digging on the "not a changeable permission type" message, and this provides some answer on what it might be expecting in order to activate?/assign the permission.
gabosius said:
Questionable whether anything would change, as I don't see where activity launcher would need write secure settings permission.
On the other hand I did some digging on the "not a changeable permission type" message, and this provides some answer on what it might be expecting in order to activate?/assign the permission.
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Interesting. So each permission has a certain "protection" level?

g7 debloat - what methods work

just bought a g7.. looking to debloat it.. wish i could actually just flash a purified custom pie rom but doesn't look like any roms exist for the phone yet..
i could use pm uninstall --user 0 via adb but i dont really think that actually removes apps from the phone.. just disconnects it from the specified user profile...
Are you rooted? If so, using 'pm disable' or 'pm uninstall' will disable (not 100% sure if pm uninstall actually removes the files) the specified app globally.
If you are not rooted, then adding the --user 0 term pefroms the action on just your user profile...which doesn't need root.
Please post what you end up disabling without affecting the system. I have only done a quick disable on apps in the apps setting. This only gets the easy stuff like most of the Moto add-ons and Google music, movies, etc.
In an unrooted G7 (I'm waiting for twrp and lineageos 16) will disabling Google music, movies, sheets, slides, and the like mess things up?
How about apps like CQATest, Digital wellbeing, Moto Help, and Moto notifications?
I'm not an android guru so I'm afraid of breaking things.
No, I have most of those things, and more, disabled without issue.
Worst case, if disabling causes an issue, just reenble it.
smokinu said:
No, I have most of those things, and more, disabled without issue.
Worst case, if disabling causes an issue, just reenble it.
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Thanks. I disabled many apps and left alone those that required uninstall.
It would be great to know in this thread a list of apps you've disabled and/or uninstalled with no ill effects. I'm sure your experience would help many.
maybeme2 said:
Thanks. I disabled many apps and left alone those that required uninstall.
It would be great to know in this thread a list of apps you've disabled and/or uninstalled with no ill effects. I'm sure your experience would help many.
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Apps that give you the option to uninstall are usually apps that you can download again on the play store.
I'll try to get a list of apps I disabled soon.
smokinu said:
Apps that give you the option to uninstall are usually apps that you can download again on the play store.
I'll try to get a list of apps I disabled soon.
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Thanks in advance on that, I will work on getting a small list of apps I disable and observation of phone behavior after their disable.
For methods, you can root via patching the stock image with magisk.
You can use Titanium Backup to disable apps and watch the system's behavior per disable. I recommend backing up all the SYSTEM app related files first before doing anything, better safe than sorry. I am taking a break from playing with the phone but plan on getting a list of all the SYSTEM apps that are safe to remove.
Here are the apps that I have disabled. This can be done without root. Didn't see any issues after turning these items off. I have uninstalled other apps that had the option, but they are not in this list.
smokinu said:
Here are the apps that I have disabled. This can be done without root. Didn't see any issues after turning these items off. I have uninstalled other apps that had the option, but they are not in this list.
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have you tried permanently removing anything yet? for river_amz i had some issues of not being able to locate apks.
You can remove apps in an 'adb shell' with:
rm -r [I]folder[/I]/
as long as you have root. Then restart your phone.
If you factory reset though the app will still be gone. You have to flash firmware to bring them back.
whats wrong with using like Titanium Backup? freeze and test for a few days, then just delete them?
You can disable some more apps besides the ones you already listed
sp1804 said:
just bought a g7.. looking to debloat it.. wish i could actually just flash a purified custom pie rom but doesn't look like any roms exist for the phone yet..
i could use pm uninstall --user 0 via adb but i dont really think that actually removes apps from the phone.. just disconnects it from the specified user profile...
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I followed a Moto X Style battery saving guide made by @rehpyc that included safely disabling a list of apps. After following only the non-root part, the phone felt slightly more fluid and it boosted its screen on time by an hour and a half (a major difference, considering that with no tweaks its battery life is pretty bad).
Source: https://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-x-style/general/guide-getting-battery-life-t3249458
Here's the list:
» Android Live Wallpapers
» Android System WebView
» Audio Effects
» Bubbles
» Cloud Print
» Connect
» Docs
» Email (I use Gmail)
» Emergency Alerts
» Exchange Services
» Help
» Google Hindi Input
» Google Japanese Input
» Google Keyboard (if you use a different keyboard)
» Google Korean Input
» Google Pinyin Input
» Google Play Movies & TV
» Messaging (if you have an alternative installed)
» MotoCare
» MotoCareInt
» Motorola Checkin
» Motorola Migrate
» Motorola Update Services
» Print Spooler
» Sheets
» Slides
» Tags
» Talkback
Many of these items don't exist on my unrooted G7.
For example, no
Cloud Print
Where do you find them?
maybeme2 said:
Many of these items don't exist on my unrooted G7.
For example, no
Cloud Print
Where do you find them?
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In Settings > Apps, tap the three dot menu and select "Show system". If you have already done this with no result, then chances are your G7 has different bundled apps than the X Style.
Aluminium X said:
In Settings > Apps, tap the three dot menu and select "Show system". If you have already done this with no result, then chances are your G7 has different bundled apps than the X Style.
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Yes my G7 must have different bundled apps than the X Style.
I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.
Thank you.
