stringX SDK - self translating app without root - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

Hello everyone,
I'm new here, so I'm glad my first post will about something really cool!
App translations is a pain in the ass, especially when the app targets all countries and languages. Everybody who develops an app knows that pain.
stringX is a free solution for developers available to apps with API 7 and above and no root required!
What the hell am I talking about?
stringX SDK hooks to the inflating process of your views and translates the content to any of 103 supported languages., practically with no effect on app performance.
Here is a schedule
- September: beta tests starts
- October: stringX available for early access subscribers
- November: stringX available for every developer
I'm super excited about this project and I encourage everybody to submit for early access and get an extras for a start.

Finally stringX project is ready to go public!
It took a bit more time to complete, however I was experimenting on my own apps in order to make stringX sdk as efficient as possible.
It was tested on thousands of users on various apps like Blood Pressure, Diabetes or Fertility Calendar and the results were astonishing. User session time became the same for users with automatic translation, as for users with professional translations, what results in greater revenue from ads and in-app purchases. I will describe that in detail soon here.
To start using stringX follow instructions on the official site:
Don't hesitate to contact me in case of any problems.

Hey, see this article, where I have described how stringX helped Blood Pressure app and how it was integrated.

hi, i have question how i can contact you


Open Sourcing My App

I have decided that I want to open source my app, My Home Page (see this thread: and the Market link in my signature). In order for me to do that, I need at least one developer who is willing to and capable of cleaning up the code so that it is palatable to the general public. The code is very messy and not well organized since I wrote it on the fly and never cleaned it up (okay, it's not too crazy so don't get too scared). For example, variable declarations may be declared incorrectly, one or two database connections may have been left open, methods not optimized to their maximum potential, code reuse is almost non-existent, etc. Java is no the main language in which I code so it's rough around the edges since I learned on the job, so to speak. The app works very well and is extremely feature rich and useful. However, there is so much more potential for this app that I simply do not have the capabilities of delivering. I'd like for one or more developers to help normalize the code, get it on github or Google Code and then have the community build it out to its fullest potential.
So please PM, post here, email me, hit me up on Twitter or send out a message via pigeon and I'll get back to you (although I'm keeping the pigeon). Please spread the word. I truly believe that this project has huge potential and I'd love to see it become what I envision it can be.

Mistakes Developers Make When Promoting Their Apps/Games

This is open discussion, please post your thoughts. Also I will be calling games "apps" too, for simplicity. I have released a game and I am now doing a couple of reviews now and then. This is all my experience. You can agree or dissagree and add your own experience.
This is the list so far
Make an app first and then seek to promote it
Promoting an app with bugs
Asking everyone for Google Play store rate&review without helping others first
Sending review requests without having proper materials for the reviewers and/or not replying to the reviewer
And my notes
This was my biggest mistake. I learned it the hard way and I can see many people do the same. You make an awesome game and nobody ever heard about it before. You need to have people already following your progress. Remember, everything you do is newsworthy to someone! If not, then your game is doomed anyway.
I got few games to review that I couldn't run on 2/3 of my devices. After some time I see the game in google play store with 20 ratings and 2 stars...
In indie "Pay It Forward" works. And it would work much better if everybody did it. The most popular truly indie game I reviewed on my site was from a guy who created an awesome series of tutorials and helped everyone else first. He gots tons of downloads immediately...
My personal favourite. It makes my queue of games to review much shorter. Seriously, people - promoting something is a hard work. Deal with it. And if someone can get you more downloads, it's a good reason to at least try.
Guilty x4
We have a flow chart stuck on the wall showing the app business development cycle.
* Application Planning: concept design, feature design, APIs available, prototyping, audience targeting, platform selection, form factor selection
* Develop and Debug: Platform IDE, SDKs, APIs,
* Market Readiness: developer reg, certification, beta testing, localisation, packaging
* Distribution and Monitization: App publishing, billing, virtual goods, in app advertising
* Retailing and Discovery; Curation, in-app pricing, advertising, promos, PR, Merchandising
* In-Life: Analytics, ratings, user support and updates
Lots of developers spent 90% of there time doing just the development. I think the reality of your success (or your business) needs to spend ALOT more time doing the other processes. Remember when we used to work for large companies that had an actual marketing department? :highfive:

How PromotedApp is helping solve the problem of App Discovery for good!

A question was asked on a forum " Why does Google Admob & Facebook not work for promoting my app "
The reason admob, facebook and others are not particularly effective is because they 'exploit' app discovery by charging per install. This is a very expensive and un-scalable option for most app developers. According to a Gartner report released in January 2014, less than 0.01% of apps will be viable. That is a massive problem which should concern app developers.
App Developers need to learn the concept of broader marketing and branding and how it can be done cost effectively. So, PromotedApp Dot Com wants to help app developers achieve consistent downloads and user retention, through evangelism and branding of your app.
If you want sustainable marketing and long term discovery of your app with growing followers and sharing, then simply post your app on
PromotedApp is a Visual & Social Media Startup helping solve the critical problem of app discovery and user retention. PromotedApp is like the Pinterest for apps!
Most importantly, its very affordable.. only $50.00 to post once, or $50.00 per month to create your own App Media Board. This can include all your gorgeous app screenshots, videos and articles. Developers can also message followers and users on the platform with app updates and incentives.
PromotedApp is at the beginning of helping solve a huge problem and we are developing algorithms and other attributes to help with app discovery.
It's important to realize facebook, google, twitter and co, were not built from scratch to help solve the problem of app discovery and user retention which is even more critical. What they do is exploit app discovery through cost per install, or pay per click ranging from $0.30 to $4.00. That is ok for them, but it really is not the cost effective way to scale your app brand.
App Developers should think like fortune 500 brands and understand the full spectrum of media & marketing to achieve sustainable retention with app consumers. For instance, if your app media board includes videos and article reviews about your app, users will start to integrate more closely with your app brand and share your content. This is the long term solution PromotedApp provides.
Apps can be shared and downloaded agnostically on any device and every piece of media uploaded can be followed, and also shared on major social networks.
Users can curate lifetime app boards for free, from developer postings they love. This way, your apps & updates can be downloaded more frequently, followed and shared with friends.
Hope all the above information helps App Developers learn how PromotedApp aims to help solve the problem of discovery.
We are Crowdfunding too! See the following link below if you'd like to become a Sponsor and have your app amplified as we scale! :
fundly dotcom/promotedapp

Teads Video Advertising SDK

Hi everyone,
My company Teads ( has just launched a new mobile SDK. A little background about us, Teads, provides publishers, a technology layer to unlock premium video budgets. Here’s a quick one-pager ( - couldn't link as this is my first post) to learn more about our out-stream unit, inRead.
As mentioned above we've recently launched our new mobile SDK and are looking for beta testers to work with our technology.
So whats in it for you? We understand that dev works takes time, hence we are willing to compensate $500 USD guaranteed (aside from advertising revenue) upon integration of our SDK. As long as your app is listed on the app store, you will be eligible to participate.
If this would be of interest to you, don't hesitate to PM me or e-mail me at [email protected] and we can take it from there. Unfortunately we only require a handful of testers so it will be based on a best fit / first come first serve basis. Hope to hear from you all!
Bumping this. Any early adopters out there?

[MAPS][SDK][4.4] Eegeo

Hello everyone,
My team is working for eeGeo, a company that provides a 3D mapping platform for developers.
A cloud based, SaaS platform has its origins in the gaming industry. We use gaming know-how married to mobile technology and big data to create geo-spatially accurate renditions of cities, countries and continents for multiple platforms.
eeGeo’s SDK makes it simple to create and maintain an engaging virtual representation of any property (outdoor as well as indoor).
Big news is that we have recently launched our JavaScript API which promises to greatly reduce the friction to developing on our maps; you can hack something up rapidly, rather than installing xcode, signing up for a developer account , provisioning your device etc. Plus you don’t need to download any app to experience our maps.
In addition to that, our API is compatible with the popular Leaflet.js library, used by many mapping platforms. If you’re already using Leaflet, it’s easy to change your 2D map for a more immersive, engaging experience. It’s all out there courtesy a few lines of HTML.
More details here:
It would be brilliant if you could become a part of the team that will test run our JavaScript API, eegeo.js and get back to us with your feedback. We are offering a free license of our eeGeo SDK worth $1200 for everyone who participates.
Do note that this is a beta release, so we’d love to hear your feedback. We’re already planning performance improvements, increased map coverage, and new features, but we want to hear from you. Feature requests, bugs, and other comments can be added to the github issues list.
During the beta period, eegeo.js is free to use. You only need an eeGeo API key. You can sign up here: Have a great day!

