Hard bricked Alcatel One Touch Pop C7 7041D - Alcatel OneTouch Pop C7 Questions & Answers

Hello xda people,
So today a friend of mine tried to flash his phone and forgot to deselect the preloader...
And so it happened he hardbricked his phone so he came to me, we spent several HOURS to try and fix it... but we did not succeed
So i have come here to ask for help as he does not have money for another phone.
Phone does not boot not in recovery nor go into download mode..
Is there ANY way we can fix this without having to bring it to a service center?
Greetings BeWeard



plzzzzzzzzz help with my dead gt540

i have lg gt540 and while updating to 2.1 with kdz tool the pc crashed now i cant turn on the phone...i hope some one help me with that
Have you tried updating again?
the problem the the phone dont open when i press power button there is nothing
what about when plugged into pc?
first thx for replying but there is nothing when i connect it to pc i think it needs abootloader.i hope u answer me
im afraid im pretty new to android ( gt540 is my first smartphone ) but anytime i updated, everything went ok, in fact yours is the first time i heard of a crash while updating so i cant give you much info but your in the right place, im sure the devs can figure something for you. just try remove the battery and then plug into your pc. and its not a problem replying just wish i could help.
well, did you try with the battery removed?
yes i did nd there is nothing
plz any one help in that
plz some one tell me how to make abootloader to it i have another lg gt540 i want to know if i can use it to repair the bootloader for this dead phone
The problem is theres noway u can acces inside the phone memory to patch bootloader. Go to lg waranty and tell them this happened when u were updating phone, dont tell them that pc crashed, tell them u updatet through lgsupport tool too, not through kdz updater they should fix it for u.
Sent from my GT540
thx for replying i will call them tomoorow i hope they will fix it for me... i want to ask if some one has passed with the same problem b4
Goto Emergency Mode, and upgrade from KDZ program. In KDZ program, you must setting Phone Mode to CS_Emergency. And flash agan.
i sent them email about the problem and this was the reply
Thank you for your email regarding this issue.
Unfortunately due to the nature of this issue, you will no longer be able to finish the update service. In this case you would be required to return to ourselves for servicing. To action this please contact the number below with your reciept and handset to hand.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Best regards,
LG Electronics UK Helpdesk
can any one tell me what should i do
Remove battery press volume - or + I can't remember try two options, then plug in usb.
You should see blue screen with DOWNLOAD or EMERGENCY MODE text.
i tried all keys combination nothing work
my mobile internet went dead after flashing quarx rom (I did it wrong btw...), but everything else worked fine.
I couldn't get mobile internet back on track no matter what (it was disabled in quick settings when I flashed quarx), I even tried factory reset and flashing the baltic rom. during the flashing, the kdz updater gave me an error close to the end, and my phone became stuck at the android screen.
even though I have CWR installed, so I could flash it again, I sent it to LG claiming I was updating through their website and since my phone doesn't start. I didn't tell them anything about the mobile internet not working. Hopefully they'll clean the phone completely and that will fix it.
I'll be picking up my phone after work today, I'll let you know how it went.
Same thing Happened to me n almost **** my pants for killing my brand new phone..
follow these steps
1. volume +or-(i dont remember) +camera n power on. it should turn on n say downloading mode.
2. update( you can use kdz updater, it probably wont crash this time but even if gets stuck just w8 for it)
3. after updating, remove the usb cable n turn on the phone, hopefully it would work
i am not sure about the keys for emergency/downloading mode(i think it was vol-) GOOGLE IT IF KEYS DONT WORK.
Put to microwave on 2 sec without battery and send do service
my service provider fixed my phone in 3 days without any issues, they flashed the t-mobile branded 2.1 on it. went home and now I have the open europe with fastboot and cwr.
so if all else fails, just send it to LG or your provider.

Hard Bricked Yureka...Need Urgent Help

Hey guys i've Hard Bricked my Yureka. Phone Doesnt turn on nor goes to fastbooot, instead is only detected in windows as Qusbs-Bulk. Please help ME
Follow the steps shown in link below;
But my phone does not boot into fastboot
Search at play god forum, there are some procedures given there which may solve your prob. http://forums.yuplaygod.com/threads/help-completely-bricked.4641/#post-45794
HI thanks for help but in all above cases they were soft bricked ..i.e their phones booted in fastboot but mine isnt.
Hmmm ... seriously worried situation haan. {Kiya kya tumne}
If you can tell us what exactly you did, may be then we can help.
I also hardbricked when i tried to port MIUI. But i got replaced by YU without any cost and within 3 days
Exactly me too flashed miui of f2 without boot.img..Was trying to port...
@ Suhas Is the new phone same as old one or a used one??
suhas.holla said:
I also hardbricked when i tried to port MIUI. But i got replaced by YU without any cost and within 3 days
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I also hardbricked when i tried to port MIUI, Now waiting for the repacement.
Called them and raised the ticket 6 days before, but they are yet to dispatch.. . . . Very frustrating !
Do you have any information on how to unbrick. I searched much but wouldn't find files to unbrick !
1. 8939_msimage.mbn
2. MPRG8939.hex
3. rawprogram0.xml
4. patch0.xml
Hope some one comes to rescue me :crying:
Srry i cant post the youtube link as i am new here
Just go to youtube
Search kanwal deep unbrick yureka
And watch the video
To go in fastbool mode remove battery insert again and press vol up while connecting usb
quakze said:
I also hardbricked when i tried to port MIUI, Now waiting for the repacement.
Called them and raised the ticket 6 days before, but they are yet to dispatch.. . . . Very frustrating !
Do you have any information on how to unbrick. I searched much but wouldn't find files to unbrick !
1. 8939_msimage.mbn
2. MPRG8939.hex
3. rawprogram0.xml
4. patch0.xml
Hope some one comes to rescue me :crying:
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ahh Same situation I too searched for that files when i had bricked my device
Since the chipset is new. So not able to find
suhas.holla said:
ahh Same situation I too searched for that files when i had bricked my device
Since the chipset is new. So not able to find
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I have got rom of Huawei C199s (MSM8939), which has many file packed into UPDATE.APP.
I have unpacked it, but the file name and extensions are unknown.
At present I am trying to identify the msimage.mbm and mprg files.
The rom link is http://www.needrom.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/C199s-V100R001C92B260-Telecom.zip
Shrihari007 said:
Hey guys i've Hard Bricked my Yureka. Phone Doesnt turn on nor goes to fastbooot, instead is only detected in windows as Qusbs-Bulk. Please help ME
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ask for replace in customer care. as they told they will replace your mobile even after unlocking boot loader, root.
my device also gone hard bricked not get into the fastboot mode..
and no customer care no. to contact not correct > this one 18602122122
any help
You guys can take a look at this thread -
Hit thanks to the creator and me if helped.
suhas.holla said:
I also hardbricked when i tried to port MIUI. But i got replaced by YU without any cost and within 3 days
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What did you tell the customer support about your phone getting bricked.
I tried calling the support, but they said that they will chargers. 3000 for replacing .
please help
my device got bricked 2 days ago and now there is no fastboot mode and not even the led lights showing up if the device is connected to the pc!! and whats even worse the cc is not picking up the calls
my mobile also hard bricked.
suhas.holla said:
I also hardbricked when i tried to port MIUI. But i got replaced by YU without any cost and within 3 days
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hi.... my yu yureka also get hard bricked after installing lollipop update from yu.. please tell me the steps you followed to replace your yureka...... please reply fast...
issue regarding in functionality in yu yureka after upgrading with lpllipop
dear sir,
my name is anurag. i am using yureka ao 5510 phone after launching official update for phone i upgrade my phone.
i faced sevral problem after updating. the list are provided below.
1) overheating device than normal one while comparing with kitkat.
2) automatically turned off and un- responsive and on screen multicolor circle appeared wih cross over circle, its upto 5-6 hrs after that suddenly screen appeared after turning on mobile and start working.(in this process sevral times i remove battery & reinsert and trying to start it normally).
3) when phone connecting to wi-fi hotspot network (apple tablet over 3g) and i am trying to update apps from playstore its not updated(google play services unfortunately stopped) over wi fi network, but its working good on mobile data.
4) now currently issue in brightnesss control and in setting < storage option < USB computer connection the checkbox option are not apperared & phone not connected to computer(using windows 8.1 ),
please kindly fix this buges...
and provide some patch or system updates as earliar as possible to overcomethis issue.

LG G4c half bricked. Can't connect with pc or start recovery mode. How to fix it?

Hey guys. I tried rooting my LG G4c but after rebootingen it seems that my phone is stuck in a loop, and i can't fix it.
What happens when i turn the phone on:
1. LG logo turn up
2. The following message appears:
[670] --------------------------------------
[670] Boot verification fail!!
[670] - cause : MISMATCH_SIG_LEN
[670] --------------------------------------
3. Phone reboots
Using the power button + volume down does NOT work anymore to start recovery mode (although starting the IMEI display still works).
I tried using LG UP to install the original firmware via USB but the device does not show up in the list (probably because the phone keeps rebooting itself). Some website also said to connect the phone with the pc, turn LG UP on, then put out the battery and put it back in to make it work, but that also didn't work.
Anyone know what i can try next? What method can i use to reinstall the firmware? And if it's not possible, does it cost much to repair and who should i ask?
Edit: It seems i can start "Factory data reset" but when this proces starts the phone restarts and continues the loop with the error message.
I also tried connecting the device with LG UP while the phone is stalled on the IMEI screen and the Factory data reset screen. This way the phone does note restart itself and it might appear in the device list of LG UP. But too bad it still didn't work.
I don't know if i'm reaching anyone who can help me, but even a answer from anyone saying that the problem is hard to deal with would already be very relieving I really can't find anything related to this problem on the internet and i'm noobish myself. I'm probably gonna visit a some phone shop down town in the next days because i really don't know what to do.
vanderplate said:
I don't know if i'm reaching anyone who can help me, but even a answer from anyone saying that the problem is hard to deal with would already be very relieving I really can't find anything related to this problem on the internet and i'm noobish myself. I'm probably gonna visit a some phone shop down town in the next days because i really don't know what to do.
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I had this problem too. I send it to LG and said the phone was unplugged during update process. They flashed it and I gave it to my mom. I have an S4 yet. Much better performance and rom support.
download mode
vanderplate said:
I don't know if i'm reaching anyone who can help me, but even a answer from anyone saying that the problem is hard to deal with would already be very relieving I really can't find anything related to this problem on the internet and i'm noobish myself. I'm probably gonna visit a some phone shop down town in the next days because i really don't know what to do.
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Can you get it into download mode?

Plz help my mother zenpad s 8.0 is bricked and i can't fix it

Hello everyone,
First of all, let me explain what had happened, my mom shut down her tablet before she went to bed and when she tried to turn it on the next day it showed a usb logo.
I cant access recovery mode, or any mode...
My computer doesnt read the drivers, well on windows 7 it doesnt read and windows 8 it says that it installed even though it didnt, its still unknown, anyways long story short I cant see the device in any program I tried.
The drivers name is moorefield.
I don't know what else to do, my mom is so sad and I really need to fix this, she loves her tablet. If someone can explain how to fix it, instead of giving me a link to a tutorial. because even when I followed other ones even on this website, the problem isnt exactly like mine.
The worst problem here is that I can't find it in the programs such as asus flash tool or xfstk downloader.
I really appreciate the help, thanks in advance!!!!
I have the same problem, hope someone can help us out....
Have you tried putting it fastboot/bootloader? Does data matter? Does the screen turn on at all? If you answer some of these I might be able to help

My Samsung Galaxy Note 3 has Blank Screen..how to fix it?

hello all
recently my samsung galaxy note 3 has got blank screen issue..please help me fix it
it didnt fell anywhere..i put it on charge and left.later i got a call when i tried to pick it up i didnt see anything on display..yes it suddenly went blank
later i followed some suggestions..drained the battery..recharged it and later after some trial and error it display returned to normal..when i was thinking all is well same day display again got blank not to on again till now..what are the possible solutions that i must do..i am also not getting the recovery screen..is there any way to flash the device without going into recovery mode?
any help will be grateful
thank you
Take it a repair shop or search the forum question asked multiple times .
Recovery mode does NOT flash the device can you get to download mode ??
It's probably the screen that maybe doesn't work anymore or is not correctly connected. Same suggestion as post above, take to a repair center or buy a new phone
