S4 IMEI-Lost - No Sim-Card detect - Basebandversion unknown - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi there,
a friend gives me his Samsung S4 GT-I9505 with the Problem of no IMEI and no Sim-Card detected.
I tryed a few things like:
- EFS-Backup and restore
- Wipe everything
- New original Samsung Firmware
- New Custom Firmware
- newest Modem installed (the last in the list) (is it for Germany?)
- Now I installed Lineage, Open Gapps and Supersu, but nothing changes.
Is there a way to make a own file for the Imei or something to flash?
I hope you can help me.
sorry for my english... =(

Sorry, but all your attempts to restore the IMEI have been a waste of your time, including restoring the EFS partition. The IMEI and nv_data files are no longer stored in the EFS partition. They have their own hidden partitions that cannot be backed up with TWRP.
The only legal way to restore the IMEI is to take the device to the service center.


[SOLVED] BASEBAND "unkown" EMEI "unkown" - EFS Backup available

Hi all,
i had to use "Clear Phone EFS" in Odin to get my 9005 back working - i thought: "Hey no problem i have multiple EFS backups..."
But now even if i restore my backup in TWRP or via the Windows Batch Backup Script, my Baseband and EMEI and EMEISV is still "unkown"
Can s.o tell me the steps i need to do, to rewrite my Baseband and EMEI with my available EFS backups?
What i have:
- EFS Professional
- 2 different EFS backups in TWRP
- 2 windows back tool EFS backups (i mean this script: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2447342)
- Working WIFI
- Working BT
- Stock N9005XXUENA6_N9005OXXENA5_N9005XXUENA2_OXX file(s)
- Stock N9005XXUENB4_N9005DBTENB1_N9005XXUENB1_HOME file(s)
- Stock N9005XXUENB7_N9005DBTENB2_DBT file(s)
- Odin + 9005 PIT Files
- Correct SerialNumber in DeviceInformation->Status
I'm on the new Bootloader and KitKat OS
Thank you very much for all your help!
Best regards,
Look here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=51152510&postcount=4
Hundsbuah said:
Hi all,
i had to use "Clear Phone EFS" in Odin to get my 9005 back working - i thought: "Hey no problem i have multiple EFS backups..."
But now even if i restore my backup in TWRP or via the Windows Batch Backup Script, my Baseband and EMEI and EMEISV is still "unkown"
Can s.o tell me the steps i need to do, to rewrite my Baseband and EMEI with my available EFS backups?
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On the N9005 the IMEI is no longer on the EFS partition (mmcblk0p11) but instead in some other partition - I think mainly in MS1 (mmcblk0p12) with something else (backup?) in MS2 (mmcblk0p13). There might be something else in mmcblk0p17, mmcblk0p18 and mmcblk0p19.
If you do not have any backup (including a larger "debrick backup" - search for that post) you can try to see which one of the partitions I listed above was supposed to be the backup of what; and if that fails there is a more complex procedure described somewhere in a thread on XDA - involving manually hex-editing your SN and IMEI from under the battery or the original box of the phone.
xclub_101 said:
On the N9005 the IMEI is no longer on the EFS partition (mmcblk0p11) but instead in some other partition - I think mainly in MS1 (mmcblk0p12) with something else (backup?) in MS2 (mmcblk0p13). There might be something else in mmcblk0p17, mmcblk0p18 and mmcblk0p19.
If you do not have any backup (including a larger "debrick backup" - search for that post) you can try to see which one of the partitions I listed above was supposed to be the backup of what; and if that fails there is a more complex procedure described somewhere in a thread on XDA - involving manually hex-editing your SN and IMEI from under the battery or the original box of the phone.
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ok thank you - bad news
Ill try this guide: (Can this guide be used with KK 4.4.2 ?)
What about the "unkown baseband"? How can this be fixed?
Ok a managed it to get all back working, incl. baseband, emei etc (but you need a twrp efs backup with all 3 efs partitions --> simply a twrp backup)
If some others have the same problem, here you go:
I think some other partition was corrupted and thats why the twrp efs restore didnt worked (just a twrp efs restore).
I did following: (you need a efs backup!!!)
Folow exactly this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2567133: and do all partitions, DONT! skip the efs partitions (we have a twrp backup)
Now some further steps are needed:
1) When you put in back your battery, boot back into twrp and restore your TWRP EFS Backup!! Dont boot in the OS!!!!
2) Then reflash with odin a stock based rom without any other checkboxes (NO EFS PHONE CLEAR, NO NAND ERASE ALL!!!!), just a normal odin stock rom flash
3) Let the phone reboot into OS and YES: Baseband working again, EMEI working again
Bro whats a twrp efs backup?
Team win recovery Project. Its a revovery and a twrp efs Backup is a Backup from the 3 efs partitions in twrp
Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk
Hundsbuah said:
Ok a managed it to get all back working, incl. baseband, emei etc (but you need a twrp efs backup with all 3 efs partitions --> simply a twrp backup)
If some others have the same problem, here you go:
I think some other partition was corrupted and thats why the twrp efs restore didnt worked (just a twrp efs restore).
I did following: (you need a efs backup!!!)
Folow exactly this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2567133: and do all partitions, DONT! skip the efs partitions (we have a twrp backup)
Now some further steps are needed:
1) When you put in back your battery, boot back into twrp and restore your TWRP EFS Backup!! Dont boot in the OS!!!!
2) Then reflash with odin a stock based rom without any other checkboxes (NO EFS PHONE CLEAR, NO NAND ERASE ALL!!!!), just a normal odin stock rom flash
3) Let the phone reboot into OS and YES: Baseband working again, EMEI working again
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Will a TWRP boot ,data and system backup work as well for restoring baseband? I have the same problem -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2796948&page=6
No u need an efs backup
Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk
Hundsbuah said:
No u need an efs backup
Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk
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So have I run out of options? Please have a look at my thread. The last few posts especially . Any help would be appreciated.
Please help sm-n900
Hundsbuah said:
Ok a managed it to get all back working, incl. baseband, emei etc (but you need a twrp efs backup with all 3 efs partitions --> simply a twrp backup)
If some others have the same problem, here you go:
I think some other partition was corrupted and thats why the twrp efs restore didnt worked (just a twrp efs restore).
I did following: (you need a efs backup!!!)
Folow exactly this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2567133: and do all partitions, DONT! skip the efs partitions (we have a twrp backup)
Now some further steps are needed:
1) When you put in back your battery, boot back into twrp and restore your TWRP EFS Backup!! Dont boot in the OS!!!!
2) Then reflash with odin a stock based rom without any other checkboxes (NO EFS PHONE CLEAR, NO NAND ERASE ALL!!!!), just a normal odin stock rom flash
3) Let the phone reboot into OS and YES: Baseband working again, EMEI working again
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just went to the above mentioned link but none of the multiupload files link work.
could you upload the NOTE 3 - Fix soft bricked.rar and the Samsung drivers.
I want to extract the NOTE 3 - Fix soft bricked.rar and modify it for use in sm-n900
Sorry I don't have these files anymore try to get them from the thread owner
Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk
Hundsbuah said:
Ok a managed it to get all back working, incl. baseband, emei etc (but you need a twrp efs backup with all 3 efs partitions --> simply a twrp backup)
If some others have the same problem, here you go:
I think some other partition was corrupted and thats why the twrp efs restore didnt worked (just a twrp efs restore).
I did following: (you need a efs backup!!!)
Folow exactly this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2567133: and do all partitions, DONT! skip the efs partitions (we have a twrp backup)
Now some further steps are needed:
1) When you put in back your battery, boot back into twrp and restore your TWRP EFS Backup!! Dont boot in the OS!!!!
2) Then reflash with odin a stock based rom without any other checkboxes (NO EFS PHONE CLEAR, NO NAND ERASE ALL!!!!), just a normal odin stock rom flash
3) Let the phone reboot into OS and YES: Baseband working again, EMEI working again
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Hi, I have the same problem as you did, my baseband is showing unknown and the imei is showing null. This happened when I was installing a different modem via ODIN. I do have a EFS backup, however, it was done with philz recovery instead of TWRP and has 4 files ('efs.ext4.tar'; 'efs.ext4.tar.a'; 'nandroid.md5'; and 'recovery.log'). Are these the same that you would get with a TWRP?
I also have another efs backup that I did which is one file only, 'efs_20140531_122400.img'. Would I be able to use this for anything?
The phone is an N9005 on Kitkat.
Thanks for any help in advance and please let me know if you need any other info.
Just to let you know,
I had tried flashing flash latest full UK NF4 system before and it didn't work. However, desperate as I was, I went again and gave it another shot and incredibly enough, it worked!!!! Phone is back together again!!!! Yeeahh!!! There goes an incredible load off my shoulders. I guess I did something in between that actually helped, we may never know.
Hundsbuah said:
Hi all,
i had to use "Clear Phone EFS" in Odin to get my 9005 back working - i thought: "Hey no problem i have multiple EFS backups..."
But now even if i restore my backup in TWRP or via the Windows Batch Backup Script, my Baseband and EMEI and EMEISV is still "unkown"
Can s.o tell me the steps i need to do, to rewrite my Baseband and EMEI with my available EFS backups?
What i have:
- EFS Professional
- 2 different EFS backups in TWRP
- 2 windows back tool EFS backups (i mean this script: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2447342)
- Working WIFI
- Working BT
- Stock N9005XXUENA6_N9005OXXENA5_N9005XXUENA2_OXX file(s)
- Stock N9005XXUENB4_N9005DBTENB1_N9005XXUENB1_HOME file(s)
- Stock N9005XXUENB7_N9005DBTENB2_DBT file(s)
- Odin + 9005 PIT Files
- Correct SerialNumber in DeviceInformation->Status
I'm on the new Bootloader and KitKat OS
Thank you very much for all your help!
Best regards,
Look here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=51152510&postcount=4
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Hi Hundsbuah,
I upgraded my Note 3 9005 Hong Kong Version 32 GB from Jelly Bean to KitKat without taking backup of EFS and now I have IMEI Null and Baseband unknown. I found backup of other user's note3 EFS at "http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2447342". So, if I tried EFS restore from above link will it resolve my IMEI null and baseband unknown issue?

IMEI Unknown (have already efs backed up befor that)

I want to say that my IMEI is unkown but I have already signal from carrier. It means that i did not lose signal.
I backed up the efs via philz recovery. see picture below. My efs folder is not empty. I already restored via philz recovery but it didnt fix my problem
Bordo_Bereli51 said:
I want to say that my IMEI is unkown but I have already signal from carrier. It means that i did not lose signal.
I backed up the efs via philz recovery. see picture below. My efs folder is not empty. I already restored via philz recovery but it didnt fix my problem
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Wich ROM are you using? If the lost IMEI appeared directly after a ROM flash, dirty flash it again. This should work.
Had the same problem when flashing a rom but If I left the device running for 5 mins then checked the imei was back. It did this at every reboot until I flashed a different rom
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I flashed stock firmware with pit and without pit, the IMEI remains unknown, even the efs folder is mounted and is not empty
i think i found the problem CSC: XXX i heard that csc had to do something with efs.
changed csc to ato (firmware is from ato =austria unbranded) imei is now there , thank you guys for the response!

EFS lost on 5.0.1 on 910C

Hello everyone.
Got stock 910C with 5.0.1, today made root and twrp. backed up EFS with terminal emulator (got efs.img) on my sdcard.
Also made EFS backup with twrp.
Flashed custom 5.0.1 rom, right on welcome screen - lots of FCs. Wipes didnt help.
Returned back to backup of stock rom but now EFS got erased. no IMEI and cellular network.
Tried restoring with terminal and twrp - no luck
Can someone advise?
Try to make a software repair with Kies and report back
Dont forget, EFS doesnt contain any IMEI certs or CAL data, so if u clear EFS partition IMEI willl be the same, only SerialNumber will be wiped
exprxp said:
Dont forget, EFS doesnt contain any IMEI certs or CAL data, so if u clear EFS partition IMEI willl be the same, only SerialNumber will be wiped
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can u clarify please. how can be serial number be wiped?
EFS partition -> SerialNo, Bluetooth, WiFi and password + settings
IMEI certs -> SIM LOCK, Imei number. CAL data
As u can see EFS erasing will never destroy imei number
exprxp said:
EFS partition -> SerialNo, Bluetooth, WiFi and password + settings
IMEI certs -> SIM LOCK, Imei number. CAL data
As u can see EFS erasing will never destroy imei number
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then why did i lose baseband?
When you tried to backup EFS or root you lost MD5 signature of IMEI parititon. Now its gone. In some cases it can be undone by flashing to STOCK firmware.
Please check the screenshot for correct location of EFS partition and M9K partitions
i did restore my EFS by reinstalling stock 5.0.1 with odin.

Efs backup / restore

Guys i need a help here i flashed official rom for s4 i9500 , and i did efs backup ,,
after finishing flashing i cant get any signal and null/null IMEI .. now how to restore efs folder ??
anyone can help
My guess is your were on lollipop and flashed kitkat.
Flash a lollipop modem and your imei is back.
New Life said:
Guys i need a help here i flashed official rom for s4 i9500 , and i did efs backup ,,
after finishing flashing i cant get any signal and null/null IMEI .. now how to restore efs folder ??
anyone can help
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If you did a backup then you should be able to restore that backup using the same method. Eg: If you used an app, that app should be able to restore the efs folder.
The problem with the EFS folder on the latest versions of Android is that it doesn't contain the IMEI, last time I checked. The IMEI is now stored in hidden partitions, which is why when it comes to backing up this important stuff I recommend Wanam's EFS Backup tool from the Play Store. Not only does it back up the EFS folder, but also backs up those hidden partitions as well as the modem..
In this instance however, Lennyz1988 I believe has the right answer.

SIM not recognized after restoring TWRP backup

Hi! I have a hlte/SM-N9005 with LineageOS.
Today I tried to turn on encryption, but then I was stuck in a boot loop. I did a full wipe in TWRP and restored everything from the backup I made before (including the modem partition).
My phone boots again (without encryption), but isn't able to detect any SIM card suddenly. Not sure if something went wrong with the restored modem backup?
I tried downloading a Swiss firmware from this link, extracted it, and flashed modem.bin and NON-HLOS.bin via Heimdall - this didn't help either, though. I'm kind of out of ideas now... Any idea what's going wrong?
IMEI correct ??
Phone Status > Status > IMEI information says "IMEI: unknown" :-/ I'm guessing this is supposed to be there, even without a SIM?
Restore your backed up EFS folder .
Restoring the EFS folder from the TWRP backup is what got me into this mess in the first place. There's probably supposed to be a /efs/.nv_data.bin in the backup, but there isn't for whatever reason. I don't have older backups anymore either.
