Debloat Stock? - LeEco Le Pro3 Questions & Answers

What tips are available to debloat the stock ROM?

1)Tb and start the massacre.
2)Debloated modified rom, turbo and tora33 have great roms.
3)Or just install nougat roms, they are pretty much perfect.


[Q] Stable rom for A300FU

Just picked up a cheap Samsung A300FU, which is running the stock Marshmallow firmware.
I believe I have successfully rooted and flashed TWRP to the phone.
It is currently running the latest Marshmallow Samsung stock rom.
I'd like to flash a stable Lollipop or Marshmallow rom, but I have no idea what rom to use. I'm generally a HTC user but as this will be a second phone for me, I just needed something stable, and I can't really see any non-Touchwiz roms other than CM12.1 which has wifi issues, and cm13 which is WIP.
Is there anything stable, non-touchwiz (ie aosp type) for the A300FU that is good for a daily driver?
I have Listed all ROMs, with Bug list, for the A300FU in this Thread: [How to] Root, TWRP, Flash A300FU / A300Y Noob friendly guide
I guess the RR is maybe a ROM for you
Many thanks for that, I couldn't find a thread regarding Resurrection Remix for the A300FU, probably why I never realised there was such a rom.
Hi, is there any deodex available for 6.0.1 A300fu?
droidqwerty said:
Hi, is there any deodex available for 6.0.1 A300fu?
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Maybe this is what you search [ROM][A300FU][6.0.1] [GS]Mod
Thanks, but I was looking for unmodified deodex like they had for lollipop.


Hi, please someone make a deodex and fully debloated stock MM ROM for j500f, thanks
This way stock ROM will be much lighter and faster, close to custom rom, I can't use a custom ROM now because their isn't a custom ROM with volte support,
himfa71 said:
Hi, please someone make a deodex and fully debloated stock MM ROM for j500f, thanks
This way stock ROM will be much lighter and faster, close to custom rom, I can't use a custom ROM now because their isn't a custom ROM with volte support,
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Try a rom from zoink like the performance lite its like stock but with with s7 and note 7features all bloatware removed , also its still touch wiz so u still get samsungs features or look through his roms most of them are touch wiz based to.

Clean, Debloated Nougat ROM for A5 (2016)?

The title pretty much says it all: is there a clean, debloated Nougat ROM for A5 (2016)? Or maybe a way to install a stock Nougat ROM with Aroma installer so I can customize or debloat it myself? I'd be interested in learning to make such a ROM myself, but I'm not as up-to-date with the how-to's of these kind of things as I used to be.
id be very interested in this too

Everyone's go to rom?

I'm wondering what everyone's go to rom is. I'm new to this phone and I'm looking for a reliable rom.
I'm on the stock due to the warranty, but i can suggest a rom based on AOSP code for a pure android experience. Less extra features more stability you get. Probably i'd choose the AOSiP, try several roms until you'll find the right for you.
Debloated stock rom, rooted with ElementalX kernel. Not as many options as with custom roms, but everything just works. I find with most custom roms the camera quality is lacking.
Going with stock rom, mainly cause of the camera quality.
Camera quality has been fine On aosp roms, I'm running viper right now with no issues
guitarsmurf2501 said:
Debloated stock rom, rooted with ElementalX kernel. Not as many options as with custom roms, but everything just works. I find with most custom roms the camera quality is lacking.
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There is a fully working stock Moto Camera zip available as of yesterday that is working on custom ROMs. Just an FYI. It is on the g5 plus app forum.

ROM's and kernel for 8Pro

Hi! Im looking for some roms and/or kernels that improve the performance of OOS Stock with stock kernel, if someone use the OOS stock rom with some custom kernel and it work better than full stock I would thank if you can share to me what kernel and what settings do you use with that kernel and the same with someone using custom roms!
Also, if you are root, what modules of magisk or mods do you use? To improve battery or thing like that!
To all who can answer this, thank you it would be very useful to me!
Read the forum. There is plenty put there with the info you are looking for
Check out Threads in the development rom/kernel section for this 8 Pro device here:
OnePlus 8 Pro ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Other
Improve your OnePlus 8 Pro 's battery life, performance, and look by rooting it and installing a custom ROM, kernel, and more.

