I killed my phone please help - Galaxy A3, A5, A7, A8, A9 Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

Hi all !
I have a Samsung A8 (model SM-A800F) which was working great. I ran Kingo Root to try to install Youtube ad free. The next time I restarted it, it didn't load, and restarted in an endless loop to where "Samsung" logo appears (then restarted again). I booted into System Recovery and chose to reset to factory, but it didn't help. Then I tried flash it using Odin in Download mode. I installed the Windows drivers, downloaded the 6.0.1 firmware for Vietnam (where it was purchased), loaded the file into the AP field, and once verified clicked Start. The progress was frozen when reaching mid-way every time I tried, until it said "an error occured while updating the device software. Use the Emergency recovery function in the Smart Switch PC software"...
I downloaded Smart Switch and installed in Windows, but the drivers were not able to install correctly, and failed on the component referring to the ID or something... while Modem driver was installed correctly and the phone appeared in Device Manager. Smart Switch didn't recognize my phone and said "unsupported device".
Now I cannot get the phone stay constantly ON, and the screen shuts down and loads in an endless loop, to the "Error occured" screen... When trying to boot to the ODIN Download page, it loads, I press UP for Continue, and then it again shuts down and loads to "Error Occured".
I tried to charge over night but it didn't help. It does the same thing when the phone is connected to the charger...
However it seems that by IMEI it is sill under warranty. I'm not sure if I voided it :/
Here's what the Download mode page says:
CURRENT BINARY: Samsung Official
Secure Download: Enabled
Would appreciate any help, this phone is almost new but now it's dead :/

have u try use kise to repair ur phone

I solved it, see this thread:

Thread closed, this is a duplicate of this one: https://forum.xda-developers.com/samsung-a-series/help/killed-phone-warranty-please-help-t3622059
Wood Man
Forum Moderator


Help - Set Warranty Bit : kernel - Can't connect with USB

Hi. I have a SM-G900T and tried to root it today using Chainfire. I got a message that it passed, but it entered into a loop where is starts to reboot, displays a message "Set Warranty Bit : kernel" at the top, and restarts after a few seconds. Looking around I saw a lot of advice to essentially try again if you get the "Set Warranty Bit : kernel" error, however when I get into the download mode now windows (and Odin) no longer see the device. I tried getting the latest drivers from Samsung to see if it helped, but it did not.
When it's stuck in the reboot loop I can hear the windows sound for USB connecting, but it restarts before I can verify anything in device manager.
Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
Ok. I'm a fool. As soon as I hit the up volume from the warning the USB connected.
I tried to install the Chainfire root again, but I got the same error. I'm now downloading the stock firmware from Sammobile to try and get my phone functional again.

Stuck on Samsung Logo Odin and Wipe done

Hi, I recently became a Galaxy S6 Edge+ as a gift, which is stuck on the Samsung Logo (blinking). I am not new to flashing Firmware and Roms (came from the HTC HD2 and Dell Streak 5), but everything I do, I can not come through this. Now I need your help, since it's my first Samsung device. Maybe I have something forgotten?
My device:
SM-G928F with Regional Code AUT (free Switzerland firmware) --> Also Samsung Smart Switch shows me this AUT Version (but it wont recognize it, shows it after typing in the serial)
What have I done:
Samsung Smart Switch does not recognize it.
The last 24 hours I have downloaded the firmware through SamFirm 4 times, I have flashed the phone via Odin about 8 times, after the flashs I have wiped the cache and resettet data (full wipe) through the recovery. One time, the phone came to the android optimatization, but it was stuck on the last app (was 30 minutes on this), after reboot it was stuck on the Samsung logo.
Now I need your help. What can I do further? Do I missed something? Any ideas?
Something strange I noticed: When the phone is off and I plug it in to the wall, the battery drains. I have to put the phone to Download-Mode to charge it. Is it linked to the firmware problem? The charger is original Samsung.
So, I flashed TWRP, the Note7 Deodexed Rom and SkyHigh kernel, but it's the same... any sugestions?
I read about a pit file, what is that? May be this the solution?
What I did the last 3 houers was to test Smart Switch With the mac version, the rescue function did not work, the hole program crashed each time. On the windows version it suceed, but my phone is showing just the blinking Samsung logo. Every now and then it vibrates, but nothing happens, so I am at the start of the problem again. Any ideas?
Next update: I flashed the original firmware with a pit file 3 minutes ago. I learned a lot, learnt that the pit files are the partition-files. Now I'm hoping, that with the new partitions it will boot properly :good: . Stay tuned!
Still the same issue. Please help me
Whenever I start the Recovery, it says "installing system update" and then there is a dead Android, does this matter?
A 4 part firmware with pit file did not help. I downloaded another Firmware from another source, also the same. Now I will do a downgrade and look, if this helps. Pleeeeease, help me!
Infos from the download mode:
Produkt Name: SM-G928F
CA_Type: CA_3
Current Binary: Samsung Official
System status: Custom
Secure Download: Enabled
Know warrenty void: 1 (0x0203)
RP SWREV: B:3 K:0 S:1
Maybe the TWRP Log helps: There are errors in writing, is there something missing? It is the original firmware, with the newest TWRP and SuperSU installed. Still stuck on Samsung (animated) logo.
Listen do you have windows on ur mac i use parallels
but do you have windows anyhoe
Sent from my SM-N920G using Tapatalk
Same here
I'm quite new here, but not with flashing.
My son got an S6 Edge plus too, with almost the same problem.
I tried also almost anything, the last few days.
ADB sideload, Odin several versions.
It started out with FRP lock.
After I tried al I could find I think it bricked.
And now it is in the state as described above.
Only first screen and draining the battery if not in download mode.
And when I put it on USB cable it says: "An error has occured while updating the device software. Use the Emergency recovery function in the Smart Switch PC software."
But Smart Switch doesn't recognise the phone!
I can however get the phone in download mode by pushing vol. down, power and home and then vol up.
But in Odin only works: Pit, CP and CSC.
With AP and BL I get errors and fails.
Please help?
For me AP and BL works with Odin. I am a step furhter now. First I flashed with the option: Erase All Nand. Then I installed TWRP and a made a repair for the System and the Caches partitions. With SuperSU installed, and the caches wiped (manual, dalvik and normal caches), it says "Android is starting, Optimizing Apps" and then "Androis is starting, Starting Apps" on a blue screen and when it loads to the end, it is stuck there.
.You get only the first Samsung S6 Edge+ Screen? Then the system files are missing, there is no OS to start (flashed with AP in Odin). Your flash problem sound quite strange. Did you test another cable?
If you want to do it with Smart Switch, the phone should be in download mode. I also had to try it several times. Did you installed the drivers?
@ KatariaMax: I have Windows and Mac PCs, no Parallels. Does it work with Parallels?
So, one problem less. With the Audax rom and kernel, the phone charges normally (but not with Quickcharge), so I don't have to put the phone to download mode. But here is the same problem, after "starting apps" it is stuck. I will do a log from the install, maybe this helps.
@ HugoGroot: Maybe the second post could be the solution for you: http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s6/help/s6-bricked-t3497687
I read about Sony devices, which are in a bootloop because of the battery. Could this be possible also for Samsung devices? I have bought a battery, just to be sure. Any other suggestions?
I found the problem here: https://talk.sonymobile.com/t5/Xperia-Z3-Compact/Continuous-Restart-and-Optimizing-Apps/td-p/1020656

Galaxy s6 edge plus error

so i got my hands on a s6 edge plus live demo unit. so i decided to root it but that failed, then i installed a custom rom and it worked. so i tried to install xposed so i booted my phone into recovery mode but i had an error message that said about the frp lock, but now when i boot my phone it keeps booting to recovery mods and i can't boot it normally. so i searched the internet and found nothing, so i tried myself but i got my phone in an akward situation now... when i boot it up i immedtiatly get a screen saying "an error has occurred while updating the device software. use the emergency recovery function in the smart switch pc software". i tried that but it said my device wasn't compatible and even with Kies and Kies 3 i had the same message. and when flash anything with odin even the stock files it says it failed and my phone says that frp lock thingy again... so can anyone help me please because i really want that phone to keep...

Killed my phone, still in warranty - or not ? please help !

Hi all !
I have a Samsung A8 (model SM-A800F) which was working great. I ran Kingo Root to try to install Youtube ad free. The next time I restarted it, it didn't load, and restarted in an endless loop to where "Samsung" logo appears (then restarted again). I booted into System Recovery and chose to reset to factory, but it didn't help. Then I tried flash it using Odin in Download mode. I installed the Windows drivers, downloaded the 6.0.1 firmware for Vietnam (where it was purchased), loaded the file into the AP field, and once verified clicked Start. The progress was frozen when reaching mid-way every time I tried, until it said "an error occured while updating the device software. Use the Emergency recovery function in the Smart Switch PC software"...
I downloaded Smart Switch and installed in Windows, but the drivers were not able to install correctly, and failed on the component referring to the ID or something... while Modem driver was installed correctly and the phone appeared in Device Manager. Smart Switch didn't recognize my phone and said "unsupported device".
Now I cannot get the phone stay constantly ON, and the screen shuts down and loads in an endless loop, to the "Error occured" screen... When trying to boot to the ODIN Download page, it loads, I press UP for Continue, and then it again shuts down and loads to "Error Occured".
I tried to charge over night but it didn't help. It does the same thing when the phone is connected to the charger...
However it seems that by IMEI it is sill under warranty. I'm not sure if I voided it :/
Here's what the Download mode page says:
CURRENT BINARY: Samsung Official
Secure Download: Enabled
Would appreciate any help, this phone is almost new but now it's dead :/
Your warranty is not voided. Your Knox E-Fuse still intact.
Also this is for S8 not A8 forums.
Paradoxxx said:
Your warranty is not voided. Your Knox E-Fuse still intact.
Also this is for S8 not A8 forums.
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I just couldn't find any A8 forum, and thought there would be more people here who can help.
Would appreciate any help on this... thanks in advance
wurlitzer99 said:
I just couldn't find any A8 forum, and thought there would be more people here who can help.
Would appreciate any help on this... thanks in advance
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No worries, your phone is not dead.
Try to find a firmware that correspond to the one you got :
and use ODIN : http://dl.sammobile.com/Odin3-v3.12.7.zip
You should be good to go.
EDIT : Also for that error occurred thing, try to be faster than it by starting odin flash before it appears.
The problem is that neither the error nor the Odin page would stay on for more than a few seconds. Once they appear, the screen would go dark after 5-10 seconds and then the "error" page would load again (after being darks for another 10 seconds or so). So I can never have ODIN or Smart Switch connecting to the device (the drivers won't connect in Windows)... making it impossible to upload any firmware.
wurlitzer99 said:
The problem is that neither the error nor the Odin page would stay on for more than a few seconds. Once they appear, the screen would go dark after 5-10 seconds and then the "error" page would load again (after being darks for another 10 seconds or so). So I can never have ODIN or Smart Switch connecting to the device (the drivers won't connect in Windows)... making it impossible to upload any firmware.
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Could you take a picture of that error ? I've never heard/seen such thing
Hi, thanks for the help !
The error is this:
I *think* I have some direction... here's what I did/found:
- I installed Smart Switch on my Mac, and chose "Reinstall Device Driver" from the menu. Then restarted the MAC
- I loaded Smart Switch, and Chose "Emergency Software Recovery and Initialization". Then chose the "Device Initialization" tab
- Added the model number "SM-A800F" and the device's serial number (which are physically written on my device).
Smart Switch determined the firmware version to be used for initialization, as:
- Smart Switch asked to:
1. Power the device down
2. Load recovery mode by pushing Power+Vol Down+Home, then connect the device to the MAC and choose "Continue" to start the initialization...
The problem/s:
My device won't turn on at all, if I do not connect it to either the charger or the MAC (which acts as a supply source?) - which makes me think the battery is fully drained ? i.e when not connected at all, it won't power on.
But when connected to either the charger or MAC, it would bootloop endlessly. i.e it will load the "error" page mentioned above, shut down itself, reload again, shut down and so on.
(I have to mention, that when I first noticed the bootloop, I reset everything to factory settings, cleared cache etc, and it still bootlooped on the Samsung logo).
If when it shuts down during the loop, I push Power+Vol Down+Home, it would boot to ODIN recovery page, where I can push UP for the Download page, but it will still reboot and will again load into the "error" page, which will again reboot endlessly. If I take the charger off the device, it powers off and won't load with any combination of button push.
I also cannot just make it shut down when the charger is connected, using any of the possible button combinations...
I wonder:
- Is there there's a problem which prevents the battery from being charged at all ?
What's strange is that the original problem which made me get into this whole issue, was that is was endlessly booting to the "samsung" logo - but when I booted to System Recovery or Download/ODIN modes, it stopped rebooting endlessly and stayed on... it was also showing the charging indication when powered off... the battery was charging well ever since.
- Why would it bootloop when connected to the charger ? is it possible that the bootloader went bad during my attept to install firmware using ODIN ? I know it always went through the boot.img and recovery.img successfully and only got stuck at about 50% when installing system.img...
I think the current bootloop problem began only once the battery ran out of power. But why wouldn't it charge at all now ??? It's supposed to still charge in this state, isn't it ?
wurlitzer99 said:
Hi, thanks for the help !
The error is this:
I *think* I have some direction... here's what I did/found:
- I installed Smart Switch on my Mac, and chose "Reinstall Device Driver" from the menu. Then restarted the MAC
- I loaded Smart Switch, and Chose "Emergency Software Recovery and Initialization". Then chose the "Device Initialization" tab
- Added the model number "SM-A800F" and the device's serial number (which are physically written on my device).
Smart Switch determined the firmware version to be used for initialization, as:
- Smart Switch asked to:
1. Power the device down
2. Load recovery mode by pushing Power+Vol Down+Home, then connect the device to the MAC and choose "Continue" to start the initialization...
The problem/s:
My device won't turn on at all, if I do not connect it to either the charger or the MAC (which acts as a supply source?) - which makes me think the battery is fully drained ? i.e when not connected at all, it won't power on.
But when connected to either the charger or MAC, it would bootloop endlessly. i.e it will load the "error" page mentioned above, shut down itself, reload again, shut down and so on.
(I have to mention, that when I first noticed the bootloop, I reset everything to factory settings, cleared cache etc, and it still bootlooped on the Samsung logo).
If when it shuts down during the loop, I push Power+Vol Down+Home, it would boot to ODIN recovery page, where I can push UP for the Download page, but it will still reboot and will again load into the "error" page, which will again reboot endlessly. If I take the charger off the device, it powers off and won't load with any combination of button push.
I also cannot just make it shut down when the charger is connected, using any of the possible button combinations...
I wonder:
- Is there there's a problem which prevents the battery from being charged at all ?
What's strange is that the original problem which made me get into this whole issue, was that is was endlessly booting to the "samsung" logo - but when I booted to System Recovery or Download/ODIN modes, it stopped rebooting endlessly and stayed on... it was also showing the charging indication when powered off... the battery was charging well ever since.
- Why would it bootloop when connected to the charger ? is it possible that the bootloader went bad during my attept to install firmware using ODIN ? I know it always went through the boot.img and recovery.img successfully and only got stuck at about 50% when installing system.img...
I think the current bootloop problem began only once the battery ran out of power. But why wouldn't it charge at all now ??? It's supposed to still charge in this state, isn't it ?
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Hmmm, the thing is, the battery charging process is actually held on some kind of "mini-boot" OS on Samsung I believe, where the phone boots into a certain state, with that said mini-os to display the battery charging info and this kind of things.
My guess is that you *might* have, or more likely your phone did corrupt the flash at some point for x or y reason.
What I'd do is :
Let the phone on a charger a whole night doing its bootlooping thing. And see from there if the battery would charge.
I'd try another computer with Odin just to be sure something is not triggering the reboot process at some point.
And if all the above fails, you still have the warranty, so beside time, you would not be losing any money..
I'm going to write a long post. But I believe it will help a lot of people having a similar problem.
Long story short - problem solved! but it took much of my nerves (and time).
I'll start with the "warranty". The so-called Samsung "warranty" which basically worths nothing!
Calling Samsung international service center, they "informed" me that I must contact Samsung Vietnam, where I bought the device, although I am not there anymore... Needless to say the local dealer in my country refused to take care of this situation, saying Samsung's warranty is regional based, rather than international... which means, only Samsung in the original country where the device was sold in, are responsible for the warranty (and therefore repair!). I had a chat with a Samsung Vietnam representative, who just kept saying "I'm sorry", and refused to let me sent the device out to them for repair! asking me to "bring it to them", although I noted him a few times that I bought it as a tourist and I am not in Vietnam anymore.... Thank you Samsung !! From now on every traveler in the world will know they basically have NO WARRANTY if they buy any Samsung device in a "foreign" country while traveling abroad!
Now for the solution:
I started by letting the device staying connected to the charger overnight, which didn't help. With the OS now installed, I realize that the battery was NOT CHARGED ! it was completely drained, although connected to a charger for long hours... So, know from now on that if your boot data is corrupted, it may cause the device NOT TO CHARGE THE BATTERY at all. Luckily, my desktop PC could use the device while connected to it although the battery was empty, until the problem was sorted out. I did get a crash on my MAC tough (Log said it was USB related), while using Smart Switch, so one option is that it could not supply enough power to the device to keep it keep working at all, or working correctly... So my suggestion is to use a desktop Windows PC in this case, which can potentially provide more power to a device with 0% battery power.
After scratching my head, and considering removing the front panel for replacing the battery (a very risky procedure) I decided to keep on investigating....
I followed a youtube video who suggests that you should install Smart Switch on a PC, choose "reinstall driver" from the menu, restart the PC, then use Emergency Recovery and Initialization, enter the phone model number in the search box (as appearing on the back of the device) , and once it recognizes the model, also to enter its serial number. Here's the video:
This basically brings up a popup message saying Smart Switch detects a compatible firmware for this device, and is about to download and install it. It then asks the user to do the Power+Vol Up+Home push combination trick + pushing UP once the page is loaded in order to "Continue" and bring up the ODIN Download screen, which worked for me if did that as soon as the device shuts down (in the middle of the bootloop). As I couldn't make it load at all with no charger connected, I had it connected to the charger, and once I saw the Smart Switch message asking to do the push combination, I quickly connected it to the computer using another cable which was already connected to the PC USB port on its other end.
Somehow, I could at last make Smart Switch finally start downloading the firmware from the web, and the device again disconnected (bootlooped), but luckily Smart Switch didn't care about it disconnecting, and kept on downloading the firmware. At about 85% of the progress bar state, I could find the downloaded firmware on the temp folders, which are described in this thread:
I had to make sure it wasn't still downloading, and watched the "last modified" state of the file to make sure they are not being downloaded anymore. CAUTION: although the AP was not downloading anymore, I know it was probably not good as ODIN couldn't verify it when I tested it. USE ONLY SMART SWITCH !
I quickly copied the folder to which the app extracted the BL and AP files it downloaded, and finally had an officialy bootloader (BL) image, which I could use in ODIN in order to reupload a correct, "official" bootloader to the device....
I hoped the device won't bootloop in the middle, but luckily ODIN was fast enough to send the image successfully, with a "PASSED" status, and the device booted with a nice "Samsung" logo directly to a System Recovery page!
What I exactly did, was loading ODIN, then loading ONLY the BL file into the BL field in ODIN, having it verifying it, and once verified I connected the device, and as soon as ODIN recognized it, pushed START. It managed to upload the image into the device in a few seconds! It seems then, that the bootloop was not caused by a bad battery, but as a result of a corrupt upload of an AP image through ODIN - or because I possibly was using an incorrect version when I tried to upload an AP files to the device on my first attempt to flash it.
Note that I did search for the correct, compatible AP file, by country and model (on Sammobile) but it didn't' work (stuck at 50% in ODIN) ! so I really suggest everyone TO ONLY USE SMART SWITCH if they want to be sure that the correct firmware is being used, and avoid similar situations...
I then deleted the temp files from the PC (the actual ones which were in the temp folder), reinstalled the drivers from inside Smart Switch (just in case), booted the device to Download mode (WHICH DIDN'T BOOTLOOP this time), let Windows installing the drivers (checked in Device Manager), then restarted the PC, and ran Smart Switch again. I repeated the procedure of loading Emergency and Initialization, entering the model and serial number, having it fully downloading the firmware (again) from the web, and installing the firmware into the device. This time it completed the process, and I finally had the device installing and booting into a fresh version 6.0.1 of Android!
Hope it helps!

FRP Locked S5 Neo impossible to download firmware.

Hello, i got Frp lock text, tried going to download mode and flashing a stock firmware, when my phone goes halfway throught it restarts and goes into download mode, now it messed up my boot and stuff and it only shows that "An error has occured while updating the device software.
Use the emergency recovery function in the smart switch pc software.
I can't flash it, it keeps rebooting, please help, thank you.
Use kies 3 and under tools select "software upgrade" put in your serial number and model then follow the steps it should work.
Make sure you don't grab or touch the phone when connected to pc because Odin is finicky like that.
