Whats the latest thread/news for LG-H990DS regarding root/recovery? - LG V20 Questions & Answers

I have a LG-H990DS
Security patch: 1st March 2017
Software version: v10e-SEA-XX

There's still very little development happening.
You're best looking around the forum, see what interests you.

Thanks, I'll check back in a month.


MXP latest Android version

I am still on 6.0 Feb 1st patch level seems like a lot of people are on 6.0.1, any info on how to update.
Check the general and dev forums.

How can I update Android security level on a custom ROM?

Hi, I have a Nexus 6P with a "MegaPixel" rom running on v7.1.1 and the security patch is at Dec 5, 2016
I just got a notification of an update. I tapped install and it just restarted the phone to recovery (TWRP). I rebooted back to system and the notification disappeared.
I tried to check for update but it showed nothing, and the Security patch is still at Dec 5, 2016.
The kernel I am currently running is ElementalX kernel. And yes, it updated to support Feb 2017 security patch.
On another topic, my battery life is ****, and this is the main reason I changed ROM and kernel but it didn't help by much(I am talking about 2.5 screen on time with 50%-70% brightness)
Thanks from advanced
Hi... Just look in the thread of MegaPixel... But it seems like last update was released in December 2016. You can't get last security patch if the dev doesn't update his ROM. You'll have to wait for an update or switch to another one.
As for battery life. It really depends on how you use use your phone. There are a lot of threads which aim to help with battery. I invite you to start reading the forum a little bit, I'm sure you'll find some tweaks to improve it.

Rooting note 4

I am have Samsung Note 4 - SM910G
Kernel version : 3.10.40-9932142
[email protected]#1
FRI MAR 10 13:48:15 KST 2017
VPN v1.4 RELEASE 6.0
ASKS v1.2_161011
This data, regarding my phone. I am looking forward to ROOT it. So, I wanted to know if you can provide me with information relating to rooting this device. Like what has to be done, the precautions, some way to root it to the best way you know. I don't know anything about rooting. The softwares which is needed to root, what applications to install and what all changes can be made.
I would really like it, if you can help me with rooting.
Thank you in advance.

Need help.

Hi i'm minicm.
Hi guys, I have a question.
There is still some rom that is 6.0 or 7.0 (not 7.1) that has the security patch before March 2017, probably you ask yourself What for? It's because from the patch of March the simulated Locations no longer work and it helps me a lot.
Someone still has one of these roms with patch February 2017 or earlier as a LineageOs 14 (7.0) Cm (6.0) or some other that meets these requirements although I already pored Omnirom, Pac-rom and did not convince me much.
If you still have them, could you host them and pass them to me? Please and thank you.
minicm94123 said:
Hi i'm minicm.
Hi guys, I have a question.
There is still some rom that is 6.0 or 7.0 (not 7.1) that has the security patch before March 2017, probably you ask yourself What for? It's because from the patch of March the simulated Locations no longer work and it helps me a lot.
Someone still has one of these roms with patch February 2017 or earlier as a LineageOs 14 (7.0) Cm (6.0) or some other that meets these requirements although I already pored Omnirom, Pac-rom and did not convince me much.
If you still have them, could you host them and pass them to me? Please and thank you.
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Check my CyanogenMod 13, it has security patches from December 2016.
XTutorials said:
Check my CyanogenMod 13, it has security patches from December 2016.
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HAHA,lol thanks, i will try it, and there's no a LOS14.0 with those security patchs?
I'm going to try the Cm13.
minicm94123 said:
HAHA,lol thanks, i will try it, and there's no a LOS14.0 with those security patchs?
I'm going to try the Cm13.
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No, there is no los 14.0 with old security patches.

Vendor Security Patch Question:

I am very confused about the Vendor Security patch for Open Beta 17. I am currently on a Custom ROM and Custom Kernel and when I go to settings>About Phone>Android 9, I get a detail overview of the phone and one of those details is Vendor Security Patch Level and for me it states it's September 5th 2018 while Android Security Patch is September 5th 2019.
My question to those of you reading this is, What should Open Beta 17's Vendor Patch be on ? I find it incredibly hard to believe that the Vendor level hasn't been updated since September 5th of 2018. Please send me a screenshot of your current Vendor Security patch or at the very least tell what the date for Open Beta 17's Vendor Security Patch Level should be. I went ahead and looked with root explorer at the Vendor build.prop and it says the build date of the Vendor is August 30th of 2019 while the security level is September 5th of 2018. To me, this seems like a mistake because I don't think the Vendor Security should be a WHOLE YEAR BEHIND the Android Security Patch.
I know it shouldn't matter and I'm not a big "Security freak" but I like consistency and the screenshot below is my problem. I was told it was OnePlus's fault and there isn't anything we can do about that.
Down below I am leaving two screenshots, One is of the settings>About Phone and the other is the Vendor build.prop.
I would appreciate it if someone told me this is correct and provided me a screenshot or to let me know if it's a mistake done by OnePlus and don't worry about it .Thanks in advance for anyone who replies helping me out with this. Greatly appreciate it.
As you said:
a mistake done by OnePlus and don't worry about it
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That prop is just a string, OnePlus/custom rom developer can make changes in /vendor daily, but if they don't change that text, it will continue to show an old date, it can also happen in the opposite way.
onliner said:
As you said:
That prop is just a string, OnePlus/custom rom developer can make changes in /vendor daily, but if they don't change that text, it will continue to show an old date, it can also happen in the opposite way.
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So do I just change the date or is it really September 5th 2018. The build date of the Vendor is August 30th 2019 but the security is September 5th 2018. Should I just change it to August 30th 2019 or leave it alone ?
Edit: I can change it to August 30th 2019 but I don't want it to be false.
Sadistic_Loser said:
So do I just change the date or is it really September 5th 2018. The build date of the Vendor is August 30th 2019 but the security is September 5th 2018. Should I just change it to August 30th 2019 or leave it alone ?
Edit: I can change it to August 30th 2019 but I don't want it to be false.
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Change it? That wouldn't change anything, it's just text.
onliner said:
Change it? That wouldn't change anything, it's just text.
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Well it changes the date of the Vendor Security Patch and if the build date for the Vendor is August 30th then maybe they forgot to change the Vendor Date. I don't know how the vendor partition works but it's literally a whole year apart from the Android Security Patch and it doesn't make any sense.
Here the after result of changing the date. I have no way of knowing if the security part of the vendor partition is August 30th 2019 but I've seen other people show me screenshots of the vendor higher than September 5th 2018.
What version of OOS are you on and what is your vendor date, and if you're on a Custom ROM then could you show me a screenshot of the date your vendor is on ?
Well I looked on my device, currently T-Mobile Stock Firmware locked. I dont have the ability to see the Vender partition info like RR shows you.
However, as long as you flash the latest beta and or stable, you will have the latest update for the vendor partition.
I wouldn't worry about the text of the matter. Like the other guy was saying before me. The edits you made don't change anything except what is displayed on that one specific screen. It doesn't change anything in the vendor partition.
Scott said:
Well I looked on my device, currently T-Mobile Stock Firmware locked. I dont have the ability to see the Vender partition info like RR shows you.
However, as long as you flash the latest beta and or stable, you will have the latest update for the vendor partition.
I wouldn't worry about the text of the matter. Like the other guy was saying before me. The edits you made don't change anything except what is displayed on that one specific screen. It doesn't change anything in the vendor partition.
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Well first off I just want to thank you and the other person as well for replying, seems like anytime I ask this kind of question it gets ignored and probably for a good reason. I do know that changing the text will only change what is displayed but my confusion is that I under the impression they forgot to update the date of the Vendor Security Patch Level. It is the latest Beta (Technically 16 is since they apparently pulled Beta 17 away because of an issue.) and so I have no reason to care about it but it just throws me off because it says September 5th 2018. I'll leave it be and wait for Android 10 firmware to release next month (Hopefully).
