NST Screen Saver Frequency Setting? - Nook Touch General

I've successfully rooter my Nook Simple Touch and explored all of its files and databases that I can find. But I cannot locate the setting to change that will update the frequency at which the screen saver changes images.
My goal is to have a folder of image files that change every 30 seconds or so. Unfortunately, the stock screen saver's change timer is much longer than that.
As a workaround, I set the screen saver activation time to 500 hours and installed Perfect Viewer to run its slideshow function, but this is less than ideal. I'd rather just do it the right way.
Does anyone know where this setting is located?

Reaperducer said:
I've successfully rooter my Nook Simple Touch and explored all of its files and databases that I can find. But I cannot locate the setting to change that will update the frequency at which the screen saver changes images.
My goal is to have a folder of image files that change every 30 seconds or so. Unfortunately, the stock screen saver's change timer is much longer than that.
As a workaround, I set the screen saver activation time to 500 hours and installed Perfect Viewer to run its slideshow function, but this is less than ideal. I'd rather just do it the right way.
Does anyone know where this setting is located?
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That would seem to be a poor decision as far as battery life is concerned. Are you sure you really want to do that?

nmyshkin said:
That would seem to be a poor decision as far as battery life is concerned. Are you sure you really want to do that?
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Battery life is not a concern in my application.

Reaperducer said:
Battery life is not a concern in my application.
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OK, so I have to admit I didn't even know this happened. It's been a long time since I used a folder of images for a screensaver. What I seem to recall from that time was the images changing each time the NST went to sleep, but not during sleep.
Let me take a look. I guess one possible approach would be to consult a logcat after an image change and see if there are clues there.

I've come up empty on a search through the various B&N app databases and settings files.
Just to see this actually happen, I changed my screensaver from a static book cover image to one of the packages of images I installed years back. That was nearly 24 hours ago and there is still no change, which is what my memory told me to expect. So without an automatic change, there is nothing to look at in the logcat.
Are you sure your images actually change by themselves during the standby/sleep process? I know they change when you wake up the device and then let it fall asleep again.
You've already tried the slideshow idea or I would suggest that, but did you know there is a built-in slideshow (probably associated with the demo mode)? I don't know what the parameters of that are or whether you could replace the images with your own without breaking it.
Maybe a better question to help me understand what you'd like to do is: will the NST be used for something other than the slideshow display (either running in the background or running on demand when the device is awakened)? If all you want is the slideshow then any number of apps (like the PerfectViewer you mention) would work. Maybe something simple if you just need the slideshow. But if you really are using the device for other things and just want the sleep screen to change periodically, that's either got to be supported in the settings in an accessible way (which I'm doubtful about) or it has to be a custom alteration of the OS.


8525 Screensaver

A few months ago, I had downloaded seveal animated screensavers for my 8525. At the time I had an old iPhone slider program that I changed for an updated S2U2 program. I couldn't figure out how to change the wallpaper and other things with that prgram so I uninstalled it. Now, although I have the screensavers on my storage card, I can't get them to run. Do I need to put a slider program back on my phone (I can't remember which one I used - sorry, I'm old!) or is there some oter way to get the screensavers to work? Any help would be most appreciated! Thanks.
I'm not sure about the screensavers, mostly because I don't see why it would be needed. LCD doesn't have the "burn in" issues of something like a crt monitor or television. And our screens shouldn't be left on that long. It should go to "sleep" or something. I could see it really shortening the battery life.
Unless your just wanting ti for the "neato" factor.
I guess that's why I got the phone in the first place! I got several of these screen savers form mobi5(when they existed) and a couple of them - a fireplace scene and a "roaring Aslan lion" were pretty "neato"! But if I can't get them up and running, then I'll make do. ( I really never thought it was about screen protection - just the neato factor!)
Do you know of any way they can be installed?

Brand New to WinMo, attempting to figure out Omnia 2

I got my Omnia 2 back in March. I am a very beginning user, meaning I do not know how to use roms and cooking and registry editors etc... I was hoping I could get a step by step guide to changing my theme. (if that is what it is called) I would like it to be more intuitive, like the iphone or android. I am also uncomfortable using a registry editor, I do not know what I am doing.
I have been able (with this board and others help) to unlock the GPS, and how to tether the phone to my laptop without using verizon's software.
My main problems:
-the phone is slow, I think because the 10 apps I have installed are all on my device and not in my storage, I have tried to remedy that by installing directly to my storage, but it often doesn't work.
-sometimes after a phone call it shuts down or goes black and I have to take out the battery to turn it back on
-I also can't see the screen in sunlight
-my email isn't being sent out from my hotmail account
I have searched for solutions to these problems, but to no avail. (at least for beginners like me)
Verizon Wireless Samsung Omnia 2 S:i920
Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
What other information is needed?
Thank you so much for your help! I will gladly donate to a developers project if I can get some support. (so I don't have to go buy a new phone!)
I've tried answering some of you questions below. hope it helps.
erieboatergal said:
I got my Omnia 2 back in March. I am a very beginning user, meaning I do not know how to use roms and cooking and registry editors etc... I was hoping I could get a step by step guide to changing my theme. (if that is what it is called) I would like it to be more intuitive, like the iphone or android. I am also uncomfortable using a registry editor, I do not know what I am doing.
I have been able (with this board and others help) to unlock the GPS, and how to tether the phone to my laptop without using verizon's software.
My main problems:
-the phone is slow, I think because the 10 apps I have installed are all on my device and not in my storage, I have tried to remedy that by installing directly to my storage, but it often doesn't work.
Try the task manager to close any programs running in the background. That usually slows mine down.
-sometimes after a phone call it shuts down or goes black and I have to take out the battery to turn it back on
Mine too. Join the club. Not a big deal as it will get your phone running faster again!
-I also can't see the screen in sunlight
Have you gone into your settings and adjusted your backlight settings? Might help.
-my email isn't being sent out from my hotmail account
Go into your options in your hotmail account on the phone and you should be able to set up hotmail to be pushed immediately to your phone. you might have yours set to manual.
I have searched for solutions to these problems, but to no avail. (at least for beginners like me)
Verizon Wireless Samsung Omnia 2 S:i920
Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
What other information is needed?
Thank you so much for your help! I will gladly donate to a developers project if I can get some support. (so I don't have to go buy a new phone!)
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Thank you for your suggestions
I have the setting to shut down programs when I press the x in the corner, so no programs are running.
Yours shuts down too? I think it is ridiculous! You pay $200 some dollars for a phone and have to take the battery out b/c it freezes? It is getting pretty annoying, especially when I have to make back to back phone calls or am trying to get a couple things done.
I was able to adjust the lightness settings, so the screen is bright all the time instead of being dull. I haven't had a chance to test it in sunlight yet. (It's been raining here, and I work in an office)
I do have my email pushed to my phone, but I just can't send anything out. I tried adjusting the settings, and even deleted the email account and then added it again. I'm not sure what else to do.
Again, I really appreciate you trying to help. I didn't think that getting a smart phone would require so much work and research to get it to act like I want it, which is nice easy push button intuitive. Instead, everything is so complicated!
Pushing the X button doesn't necessarily shut down the program, it may simply minimize it. That's why I suggested using the task manager to ensure that all programs are properly closed. I would have thought that windows would have figured out task management by now, but that's why they have the task manager built in. The phone will lock up only when it runs low on main memory which is likely due to too many programs running in the background. With a regular check of my running programs I find that my phone may lock up only once a week at worst.
regarding your Hotmail, do you have the box "send immediatley" checked? Otherwise you need to tap send/receive to send.
As for the screen brightness, I find mine hard to see in direct sunlight but it's mainly due to the shiny screen protector that's on my screen
The phone is a bit daunting to start off with and I have run WM2003, WM5, WM6, WM6.1 and now this Samsung with WM6.5. be patient as this phone can do alot and the best part is, if you invest the time into it, you can customize your phone to the way you like it, not some arbitrary user interface like some of the others. BTW.... stop reading about flashing the ROM and editing the registry for now. Just play with your settings and the settings of each program to get them working the way you want them to. If you are going to start cooking, I'd like chocolate chip cookies please!
AND back it up before you go too far so that if you screw it up badly, you have a back up to go back to.
I will start using the task manager from now on.
I do have the send immediately box checked.
I'm trying to be patient lol, but i gotta have it now! Like I said before I have had the phone since March, but have been unable to do a lot of customizing. I am not sure about downloading themes, b/c I don't understand what a lot of them are.
Is there a place just to download themes?
Downloading themes means that you are changing the user interface of the phone iteself. first you need to decide which User interface program you want to use, download and install the trial, then search for a theme you like and download and install that as well. Guess what.... more customizing! Are you not happy with the Samsung Today interface that comes with the phone? or are you looking for a completely different experience?
Themes are like wall paper for the user interface program.... eye candy. Every user interface is about showing you pertinent information at a glance on the screen without the need to go digging into apps for that info. different user interfaces will also require differing levels of customization based upon which programs you have already loaded onto you phone and how you want the user interface (UI) to interact with those programs. This level of customization can be easy or hard depending upon the UI, so be prepared for more playing around. Add different themes which will then require more customizing as a theme is esssentially a customization of the UI. Differing UIs will also chane how you access programs, how you can group shortcuts to your liking, and the general experience of interacting with your phone.
Windows Mobile is definitely NOT a iphone experience, where how you interact is dictated by the manufacturer. Your phone allows for a huge amount of customizing to make your phone a truly unique experience.
As for your Hotmail acct, I'm not sure what else could be going on with it as it's really simple to set up and it sounds like you got it nailed. Is it connecting at all?
Another idea on your hotmail acct... have you tried sending yourself a test e-mail at work or at home? I know with mine there is never anything in my sent items on my phone and it might make you think nothing got sent.
Just an idea.....
i edited the power settings, so my screen is bright all the time and now i can sort of see it in the sun
erieboatergal said:
i edited the power settings, so my screen is bright all the time and now i can sort of see it in the sun
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I'd suggest to set it to "Auto"... that way it will be at 100% brightness in direct sunlight while keeping the backlight lower when it's not needed, resulting in a lower battery drain

First-Timer Rooting NST. Latest Status?

I've rooted my phones but haven't rooted my NST yet.
I'm interested in doing it mainly to get access to Dropbox and one of the Dropbox apps that let's you get feeds put onto your NST daily (I want to get my local paper there--which is available). I already have the paper portion working locally.
I have a few concerns:
1. What's the absolute latest/best way to root the NST? I'm on 1.1.
2. Will rooting suddenly drive my battery life down while the NST is sitting idle? I can go a week without touching it. I don't want to have to charge it every time I touch it.
3. Are the latest approaches problematic? I'm seeing threads about people having some pretty serious issues. Should I just wait at this point assuming there's serious thought to a near-bulletproof approach right around the corner?
All roots are pretty stable, there have been some methods that have had issues. TouchNooter for example had a major issue just yesterday because of a space in an Apps name. But it's been resolved and is stable.
Battery Life won't be affected so much depending on your wifi settings, if you keep wifi off you won't notice the difference between root and non-root. If you keep your wifi on though you may find yourself needing to recharge more often if you have your nook doing data updates too often.
Each version has it's advantages and disadvantages:
MinimalNooter - If you're willing to use CWM Minimal Nooter is available and is easily one of the most customizable of all the Nooters with different packages ranging from the most basic of roots "Minimal" to a full root package with Gapps XorZone's Mods etc.
Clear Instructions, lots of information, can be a little confusing/overwhelming.
More Customizable with multiple packages
Lowest chance of FS corruption due to CWM use
No One Day Market Wait
No extra Apps to fix Market Search
More steps to get to root through using CWM (Not just pop it in wait and done)
TouchNooter - TouchNooter was the original Nooter for Nook Simple Touch using the original Methods used on it's sibling the Nook Color. It installs a few mods and the basics to make it as customizable as a person needs you can drop apps in or remove them without having any real technical know how.
Customizable with most extra apps in /data/app
Lower chance of FS corruption due to new TouchNooter methods
No extra Apps to fix Market Search
Clear Instructions that go step by step through each requirement
One Day Wait to get Market Working
I would use TorimuNooter, because theCPU underclocking saves the most battery power.
I'd be very curious to know why Gabrial originally included TorimuNooter but then edited his post to remove mention of it.
[NST]MinimalTouch 1.1beta5 (+Index to manual rooting)
My favorite so far, easy install as long as you can follow directions.
Market works immediately, lightweight - only includes apps necessary for functionality and has had no problems since installing a few weeks ago.
Still waiting for XorZones NST launcher for my nook to be complete
Agrajag27 said:
I'd be very curious to know why Gabrial originally included TorimuNooter but then edited his post to remove mention of it.
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After the update to 0.5 in which TorimuNooter is no longer really a derivative of TouchNooter, not even bothering to change bootloader images or disk names or a number of other things unique to TouchNooter, I feel that it no longer deserves to be recognized as it's own "Nooter"
GabrialDestruir said:
After the update to 0.5 in which TorimuNooter is no longer really a derivative of TouchNooter, not even bothering to change bootloader images or disk names or a number of other things unique to TouchNooter, I feel that it no longer deserves to be recognized as it's own "Nooter"
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He's gonna freak about that...
So do I take it that the "simple" act of rooting will drive my battery life down, possibly significantly?
Agrajag27 said:
So do I take it that the "simple" act of rooting will drive my battery life down, possibly significantly?
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Rooting just makes you gain root access, so you can modify your device.
It wont eat any battery just for rooting, but depends on what you do with your device, it will consume more or less battery.
On idle, except if some app is preventing your device to go to sleep, it should be the same.
If you read a lot of pdfs, play games, use web browsers, etc, the cpu will stay much more time active and there will be many more screen refreshes than when reading books.
Your battery will last less when doing more intensive tasks, the same when reading books, and the same when idle.
Just dont bloat it with trilions of apps you wont use, keep it minimal as more apps running, normally means more problems with battery.
If you wanted to lessen the cpu states, you could try SetCpu or follow this manual tuto http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=20069231&postcount=4 (I preffer this type of tricks, instead of installing extra apps).
Don't forget to never leave the wifi on for long periods of time, as it dosn't let the device go to sleep.
Agrajag27 said:
So do I take it that the "simple" act of rooting will drive my battery life down, possibly significantly?
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If you have too many applications running the background such as email and twitter and weather updates and etc. Your battery life will be significantly less than if you have just email running. Your battery life is directly affected by what you put on your device and by which settings you use.
My nook is rooted and without underclocking my battery life hasn't changed that much, if I leave wifi off I can go weeks before I ever need to recharge, if I leave Wifi on I can go maybe a few days to a week. Which isn't abnormal or extreme battery difference from root to non-rooted.
It's very much like your android phone, when you rooted it the battery life didn't actually change, if you install new roms, or different kernels you risk a difference between non-root and root. However the only real difference between root and non root on this device is your ability to install apps on the device and do things that require root such as directly modify the filesystem, or use root ADB.
If you don't overload your device with bloat and lots of apps that want to run in the background you won't notice a difference. If you decide to bloat your device up with a bunch of excess apps that like to stick around in the background you risk the chance your battery life will suffer.
Googie2149 said:
He's gonna freak about that...
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I'm a dev, I don't care if he freaks, it's my honest opinion. To me there's a fine line between derivatives and non derivatives, if he can't even bother to change the things that mark the image he used as TouchNooter than to me that is theft and nothing else, regardless of the changes or additions he makes to it.
I had read elsewhere that an app or two that got installed as a by-product of the rooting process was taking up CPU that wasn't there prior.
That was the concern. For me I'd think about adding passive e-mail support, another keyboard, possibly another reading app and would be likely to read more PDF's though now it appears I can get my newspaper (which is the primary goal) in epub format daily.
On WiFi, I haven't touched the default other than setting up access and it's been a good three weeks since I last charged and just re-charged it at 10%. I guess I could do better than that turning that off.
GabrialDestruir said:
I'm a dev, I don't care if he freaks, it's my honest opinion. To me there's a fine line between derivatives and non derivatives, if he can't even bother to change the things that mark the image he used as TouchNooter than to me that is theft and nothing else, regardless of the changes or additions he makes to it.
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I understand that entirely, but Torimu will still be upset about it. He is kind of going around advertising his as the best nooter, and having it "insulted" (in his mind) will probably set him off. You know what, I should probably just leave this whole thing alone... :/
Agrajag27 said:
I had read elsewhere that an app or two that got installed as a by-product of the rooting process was taking up CPU that wasn't there prior.
That was the concern. For me I'd think about adding passive e-mail support, another keyboard, possibly another reading app and would be likely to read more PDF's though now it appears I can get my newspaper (which is the primary goal) in epub format daily.
On WiFi, I haven't touched the default other than setting up access and it's been a good three weeks since I last charged and just re-charged it at 10%. I guess I could do better than that turning that off.
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Gapps does get added in with some other apps to make it more usable. Gmail runs in the background but with the right settings it isn't an issue. The launcher I believe could also run in the background with some settings (I believe there's an option in ADW so it doesn't close completely) but I pretty much find battery life between root and non root is pretty much negligible.
I forgot about the disk names...
But I will change that. I'm just trying to improve upon others work.
Thanks for your opinion Gabreil......
I'll try to stop advertising.
Torimu.Joji said:
I forgot about the disk names...
But I will change that. I'm just trying to improve upon others work.
Thanks for your opinion Gabreil......
I'll try to stop advertising.
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It's more than just disk names there were other changes I made, big changes that would be rather noticeable if you bothered to test your work. Like for example the start up image which was left completely unchanged in both your most recent updates.
@Gabrial and the other nooters
While you're on the subject of images I just want to take the opportunity to emphasize the importance of you guys keeping your images within the size of the original NST boot partition.
Reason is, as said before, people regularly do the mistake of writing your image directly to the NST instead of writing it to the SD card.
Just this week I've had four cases where people have written "garbage" data outside the boundaries of the boot partition, and as you (should) know, the next one is the tiny /rom partition with the really important stuff.
Thank you
ros87 said:
@Gabrial and the other nooters
While you're on the subject of images I just want to take the opportunity to emphasize the importance of you guys keeping your images within the size of the original NST boot partition.
Reason is, as said before, people regularly do the mistake of writing your image directly to the NST instead of writing it to the SD card.
Just this week I've had four cases where people have written "garbage" data outside the boundaries of the boot partition, and as you (should) know, the next one is the tiny /rom partition with the really important stuff.
Thank you
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I often keep this in mind. It's even addressed as one of my "Before you Begin" pieces. The problem is there's only so much you can do before it just falls to the user to pay attention and not screw up their device. When "You must have an external microSDCard reader or this will not work. Do NOT use the Nook Simple Touch." is apart of the "Before you Begin" and a user ignores that, then it's unfortunately their fault if or when they screw up their device by not following directions.
I've always limited my images to 128 because it's big enough for people to add what they want or to expand Nooter as needed. I'll actually be switching over to the CWM method which would be safer but you're stuck with the same issues with CWM that you will see with using TouchNooter's current image based method and that is people not following instructions and screwing up their devices.
While limiting images and such to 70MB (I think that's right) would be ideal the issue is the majority of that space is already filled, meaning you're very much limiting what you can do with an "automatic" method.
Mind you I've heard of methods like noogie which is the exact size if I remember for the boot partition completely destroy a device because someone wasn't following the proper directions. So the issue isn't the size of the image but how the user uses them.
GabrialDestruir said:
Mind you I've heard of methods like noogie which is the exact size if I remember for the boot partition completely destroy a device because someone wasn't following the proper directions. So the issue isn't the size of the image but how the user uses them.
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True, but my experience is, and I get around three to four cases every week, is that they write it to the root device which means that 76MB (or 155648 sectors to be exact) is ok.
Beyond that you go into the next partition and the data there is only a couple of hundred kilobytes.
So you see, just 300KB beyond the size of /boot is enough to completely brick a NST forever :/
Yes, there's a backup zip in p3 (factory) but it's usually fragmented and I have only once succeeded in recovering it..
Let me end with a 2012 version of a famous (mis)quote:
"155648 sectors ought to be enough for anybody"
ros87 said:
Let me end with a 2012 version of a famous (mis)quote:
"155648 sectors ought to be enough for anybody"
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I wish that were true, lol, but considering how much information we want to put on the device it's hard. Perhaps if CWM could grab zip files off of the internal media storage you could toss CWM on 155648 sectors then keep all update zips, etc on the internal storage partition
So i just squires an NST and already have a Fire and Sensation for most of my needs, i really only want to use this as a reader, but the restrictions blow. i really only care about fixing this partition silliness. Which is the best way for just getting that space available.

[Q] Weather App Question

I installed Windows 8 Consumer Preview on my netbook last night to see exactly how well the performance is on a low level machine. Loving it thus far, after doing the regedit to allow me to run metro apps. Through configuring everything the way I wanted it, I stumbled upon a problem. I cannot change my default home location within the default Weather app. Does anyone know a trick to changing that? I tried a little google-fu, but had no luck.
skyfallcinema said:
I installed Windows 8 Consumer Preview on my netbook last night to see exactly how well the performance is on a low level machine. Loving it thus far, after doing the regedit to allow me to run metro apps. Through configuring everything the way I wanted it, I stumbled upon a problem. I cannot change my default home location within the default Weather app. Does anyone know a trick to changing that? I tried a little google-fu, but had no luck.
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Hmmm, usually it asks me on first use what my location is...you may need to pull up the options/settings menu in the app...then, click "places" and enter your location there. If you have already tried this I'll try some other options and let you know...
Btw, how do you like win8?
I have been unable to try the suggested steps as of yet. Life's been slightly hectic the past day or so. I'll try that out tonight.
So far, I love Windows 8. I am running it on my netbook currently, but I am planning on throwing it on my main rig in a dual boot environment to see how the 64 bit version handles anything I can throw at it, since I really don't do much when I am using my netbook outside of IE. I see a lot of people complaining about the Metro UI. I personally love it. I have to say, though, I have been on Windows Phone 7 since early last year. Speaking of, I have high hopes for the integration between the two platforms based on what I have seen so far.
Right click in the weather app and something should come up. I'm not at my computer right now so I don't know what exactly
Sent from my handheld Linux computer using electromagnetic radiation.
How can I change F to Celsius?
mikekrk said:
How can I change F to Celsius?
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right click to bring up app menu, then bottom right there should be an option.

[Q] CPU usage

I've rooted my new NST, and I noticed that the CPU usage is always above 20% ALL of the time without any apps open.
Is this normal? Because I've also been experiencing battery drain.
No, that's definitely not normal. If you're not using the device, it should spend most of its time in deep sleep. Can you give more details about how you configured it and what steps you took?
bobstro said:
No, that's definitely not normal. If you're not using the device, it should spend most of its time in deep sleep. Can you give more details about how you configured it and what steps you took?
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I used NookManager, latest version. Previously updated my nook to 1.2.1 from the official website via microSD card.
To root, I followed the on screen instructions.
Later, I installed NTGAppsAttack
Nothing else.
According to the task manager, reLaunch and Android System are the culprits. Now is 24%, at times 40%.
bornlivedie said:
I used NookManager, latest version. Previously updated my nook to 1.2.1 from the official website via microSD card.
To root, I followed the on screen instructions.
Later, I installed NTGAppsAttack
Nothing else.
According to the task manager, reLaunch and Android System are the culprits. Now is 24%, at times 40%.
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From thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1933615:
Best launcher seems to be ReLaunch v1.3.8
Also note: It seems to use ~20% CPU while idle, time to bug the developer
meanwhile best not to leave it running then huh?
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dflt said:
From thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1933615:
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Going back to original firmware it is.
bornlivedie said:
Going back to original firmware it is.
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I'd spend a bit trying to figure out why your root went wrong. I haven't bothered with the steps in that linked post. I'm using ADW Ex for my launcher, and my NSTs regularly go into deep sleep. Battery life is very good.
bobstro said:
I'd spend a bit trying to figure out why your root went wrong. I haven't bothered with the steps in that linked post. I'm using ADW Ex for my launcher, and my NSTs regularly go into deep sleep. Battery life is very good.
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It's just that I (personally) don't think rooting the Nook is essential. I don't use apps, because the display is not made for that. It's slow and painful to use.
It's an e-reader and nothing else, so I want to take full advantage of that, and that includes the best battery life possible.
bornlivedie said:
It's just that I (personally) don't think rooting the Nook is essential. I don't use apps, because the display is not made for that. It's slow and painful to use.
It's an e-reader and nothing else, so I want to take full advantage of that, and that includes the best battery life possible.
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Stock reader too poor for reading progmming books. In coolreader I set margins to 0 and code text blocks to very small and it's perfect.
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Try replacing "Relaunch" with "Legacy Launcher".
btw. does those cpu peaks in relaunch are mesured in the relaunch's build-in task manager?
Checking cpu usage of relaunch in it's task manager, I get 10-14% usage. But checking cpu usage in other than the buil-in one task manager I get 0% cpu usage.
TestCenterService gets sometimes 0.02% but relaunch stays 0%.
I'm testing cpu usage with adb and if you don't use relaunch it stays at 0%. Sometimes TestCenterService and Phone peaks.
bornlivedie said:
It's just that I (personally) don't think rooting the Nook is essential. I don't use apps, because the display is not made for that. It's slow and painful to use.
It's an e-reader and nothing else, so I want to take full advantage of that, and that includes the best battery life possible.
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At the first time, I thought so. However, after experiencing Perfect Viewer to read comics, I was addicted. Moreover, I can add more fonts to support my maternal language ( Vietnamese) and my nook works greatly.
I also Relaunch, it is great launcher and library. Abt battery, my nook can last for more than a week because I often read comics ( which requires full refresh for page turn).
ectacy said:
At the first time, I thought so. However, after experiencing Perfect Viewer to read comics, I was addicted. Moreover, I can add more fonts to support my maternal language ( Vietnamese) and my nook works greatly.
I also Relaunch, it is great launcher and library. Abt battery, my nook can last for more than a week because I often read comics ( which requires full refresh for page turn).
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I tried to read comics and manga, but you have to scroll to see the whole image, and that's not good with this type of screen. If you adjust the page to the screen, the fonts are too small.
So for now, I've got no reason to root my nook.
On topic: battery improved A LOT after I restored my nook. From 1% every couple of hours in sleep mode I went to 0% in 12hs.
bornlivedie said:
I tried to read comics and manga, but you have to scroll to see the whole image, and that's not good with this type of screen. If you adjust the page to the screen, the fonts are too small.
So for now, I've got no reason to root my nook.
On topic: battery improved A LOT after I restored my nook. From 1% every couple of hours in sleep mode I went to 0% in 12hs.
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I used special software named Dodom Manga downloader to get manga from popular sites ( mangareader, kissmanga). It offer some useful function such as:
- Automatically trim the white border of comic pages
- Resize images to specific size ( 600x800)
- Put all images into one folder so I can create a big volume ( abt 100 chapters per volume).
The result is acceptable

