Hello Suggest Me Best Rom for Lenovo a6k 1GB model. - Lenovo A6000/Plus Questions & Answers

Please Suggest The best Rom for Today !!
I want rom that should have 200-300mb free ram after installing more than 30-40 apps on user profile .
which gives Flexability while playing games.
1gb model Halt or hangs most of the time. when the cache size become bigger in 4 to 5 days usage. (any sol for that is appreciated, temp sol is to clear from twrp recovery. )


Use mokee7.1.2 by dev_harsh!t. Very stable rom with around 400mb ram always free. Good battery backup. Smooth like butter with no lags. No crashes even. Recommended to try it once.

try Resurrection Remix or AICP by dev_harsh....

try CM13 by ED300 + Phantom Kernel + Xposed Modules with CPU OC to 2GHz/ GPU @ 720MHz (for your insane gaming requirements to run smooth) if you plan to go with Marshmallow otherwise with Nougat go with Resurrection Remix 5.8.4 by Harsh (its got all the required fixes and is up to date and even supports OTA Update however u can only flash custom kernel on Port)


Questions about CyanogenMod 12.1 ROM by ED300

Hey guys, I'm new here.. like super new and that's why I can't post to The Best CM12.1 CyanogenMod 12.1 ROM For Lenovo A6000/Plus (Stable) thread.
I would love to flash this rom. Stock KK is so slow and hanging every time I try to run more than one app (Spotify + Snapchat? Impossible!) But here is the thing. I've never did that before. I guess I know how to flash TWRP recovery and the actual ROM but I have no clue what to do with so many kernels.
My questions are:
1. Why do I need flash some kernel? I just want functional phone for everyday use with the best peformance+battery backup. I'm not looking for some "everyday flashing something new.". so can I just flash the rom without any addiotional kernel?
2. Dolby! I love music and I love Dolby. Can I flash Dolby Atmos?
3. Nobody is talking about heavy RAM usage (like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram - that's all I need actually). I know, 1 Gb is not many but I was suprised when my friend's 1GB ram phone can handle running Snapchat, Messenger and Spotify in one time without any significant lag! HOW?!
4. What is No Optimization? Why do I need it? What is this good for?
5. What is screen blinking bug? I just want to know if I wouldn't mind it.
6. Is there any guide how to revert back to Kitkat stock rom? I'm always trying to be safe.
7. In Kitkat there's possibility to swap internal storage and SD card. Is it presented also here?
Thank you so much for your answers! Really guys! And sorry, my English is bad, I know.
Have a nice day.
i will be glad to guide you
1-make a backup for every thing in twrp recovery savet in ext sd -just in case
2-as a beginner don't disturb your self withe custom kernel section
3-just download the rom and update 11 and gapps
4-no optimization for advanced users who are like to use their own optimization
5-blinking bug is bug common in this rom the screen goes off for 1 sec and turn on again
6-you have to try the rom by your self to judge it for me it is the best rom i have in this device
Adiik said:
Hey guys, I'm new here.. like super new and that's why I can't post to The Best CM12.1 CyanogenMod 12.1 ROM For Lenovo A6000/Plus (Stable) thread.
I would love to flash this rom. Stock KK is so slow and hanging every time I try to run more than one app (Spotify + Snapchat? Impossible!) But here is the thing. I've never did that before. I guess I know how to flash TWRP recovery and the actual ROM but I have no clue what to do with so many kernels.
My questions are:
1. Why do I need flash some kernel? I just want functional phone for everyday use with the best peformance+battery backup. I'm not looking for some "everyday flashing something new.". so can I just flash the rom without any addiotional kernel?
2. Dolby! I love music and I love Dolby. Can I flash Dolby Atmos?
3. Nobody is talking about heavy RAM usage (like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram - that's all I need actually). I know, 1 Gb is not many but I was suprised when my friend's 1GB ram phone can handle running Snapchat, Messenger and Spotify in one time without any significant lag! HOW?!
4. What is No Optimization? Why do I need it? What is this good for?
5. What is screen blinking bug? I just want to know if I wouldn't mind it.
6. Is there any guide how to revert back to Kitkat stock rom? I'm always trying to be safe.
7. In Kitkat there's possibility to swap internal storage and SD card. Is it presented also here?
Thank you so much for your answers! Really guys! And sorry, my English is bad, I know.
Have a nice day.
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i shall make a video tutorial on how to flash cyanogenmod 12.1 on a6000 by tonight =)
i have a question too that which rom is stable, ive tried cyanogenmod 12.1 but it lags i believe it hits a bottleneck limit causing it to lag because i cant seem to browse websites on chrome in peace without it hanging for a few...is there any other stable lollipop rom which doesnt consume too much RAM or should i add a custom kernel to squeeze out more performance
u5man4 said:
i shall make a video tutorial on how to flash cyanogenmod 12.1 on a6000 by tonight =)
i have a question too that which rom is stable, ive tried cyanogenmod 12.1 but it lags i believe it hits a bottleneck limit causing it to lag because i cant seem to browse websites on chrome in peace without it hanging for a few...is there any other stable lollipop rom which doesnt consume too much RAM or should i add a custom kernel to squeeze out more performance
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Custom kernels r used to squeeze more power and performance, so that u can get the most out of ur phone. If u know how to use custom kernels, dn go ahead with the flashing of ur preferred custom kernel. All ur hanging and lagging isues will be minimized at a great level. I personally prefer telo kernel by Mr. AW., and used the balanced setting given by ED300, and some settings that satisfy me, i haven't faced any lag thereafter.
Good luck!!

Suggestion for a stable ROM on Lenovo A6000 (1GB-variant)

I am a noob user, I just know how to use a phone, and seldom understand many technical terms, and just able to perform flashing new ROMs on my phone, I prefer a stable ROM for long term use, I have been using CM11 after trying a bunch of ROMS, and I factory reset it a couple of times, because of some lags and abrupt shutdowns, I now want to have a change in UI, but want a good battery backup. I use, JIO 4G sim in one slot and telenor 2g sim in another. I dont play games , occasionally i watch videos, but much of the time, I prefer using my phone for exam prep and browsing.
Does my phone support Nougat? is there any custom ROM that is stable, in NOUGAT?, If yes, please suggest the same for me.
Thanks in advance for the seniors
try AICP by dev_harsh
stockrom 4.4.4 s040 is the best
If your N Fan and u just have to try it out then check out Resurrection Remix 5.8.3 (with over the air updates supported) -by Dev Harsh
however i used it and grew out of N because it became laggy after a while i guess its all the accumulated data that causeses that ultimately what i find best is CM13 - By ED300 + Prometheus/ Phatom Reborn Kernel (Overclocked to 1.6Mhz CPU/720Mhz GPU + Xposed Module for ultimate tweaking)
Use mokee7.1.2 by dev_har****. Very stable rom and smooth like butter. No lags no problem crashes. Use it if you want nougat. Around 400 MB ram always free in 1gb variant also.
Cosmic OS

suggestion for custom rom and kernal.

I am gonna unlock my bootloader and flash custom rom as i need to overclock the cpu and suggestions?My.main.reason for that is games.coz after 5 mins of gaming the game starts to lag but for starting 5 mins its smooth.
You can try some light and smooth ROMs like Invicta, AICP and use the ElemenentalX kernel. (LineageOS base)
tywinlannister7 said:
You can try some light and smooth ROMs like Invicta, AICP and use the ElemenentalX kernel. (LineageOS base)
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Invicta's desclaimer says no to elemenatal x,moreover any tips for overclocking?
Don't use custom roms, IMO all based on Lineage have issues. Use stock ROM, EX kernel (with a kernel manager), root with SuperSU beta, not the normal one, see the threads here.
Also, gaming will overheat any device, do you have a case on your phone? That impedes the heat transfer and overheats the CPU, kills the battery...
SoNic67 said:
Don't use custom roms, IMO all based on Lineage have issues. Usu stock ROM, EX kernel, root with SuperSU beta, not the normal one, see the threads here.
Also, gaming will overheat any device, do you have a case on your phone? That impedes the heat transfer and overheats the CPU, kills the battery...
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Thanks,so i won't​ flash custom rom (i agree with u)i play with case removed,also another reason i am eager for ex kernal is.that i have image retention problem so i have to lower the rgb values too.i just do short gaming of 15-20 mins and i want that to be good.currently it starts disappointing me after 5 mins.Moreover my friends k6 power which has SD425 runs game more smoothly...thats a 9k phone while i have a 16k phone.
I started having retention after the Nougat update. Coincidence? Maybe. Putting the RGB values to 240 on all channels fixed it and is not visible any difference from 256.
I don't game, but setting the default minimum BigCPU number to one instead of two (busy down at 33% and busy up at 68%) helped my phone to be cold permanently. Interactive governor.

A Way to Game while Maintaining the Normal Apps needed for daily usage

Okay so Ive come up a pretty simple way to get really good gaming performance on the Redmi Note 3, while still being able to use all ur other daily apps like social media and stuff, altho idk if anyone has done this before...
So basically i realized that everyone keeps talking about different ROMs and Kernels, which ive tried a lot of, but my main problem always was when i started to install the daily apps that I need like Facebook, messenger, whatsapp, and so on. And ive not seen any game booster or anything which can actually improve ram performance enough to play games after installing all these dozens of apps that I need. In android they say that "free ram is wasted ram", but for gaming context its definitely not true.
So my simple solution was this: To dualboot two different ROMs : One for daily usage and one for gaming, So after trying a lot of stuff, what I've done is ive used DualBoot Patcher to boot ABC ROM Oreo with stock kernel (or radon or agni, but sometimes they cause bootloops on some builds) as my primary ROM, and then installed NitrogenOS Nougat + Radon kernel in gaming mode as my secondary ROM in the /dual partition or /data partition if u dont have enough space (I usually install picogapps to have more free space in /system).
And then I install all my games to NOS and also use link2sd to link the data to my SD Card.
This works really really well for me because whenever i want to game, i can just switch to this rom and it plays all games extremely smooth. PUBG works on the highest settings without any lag at all. So thats basically what you need to do.
I have mentioned these two roms because they work very well for me, but it is possible to use any other ROM of ur choice too. But, an oreo rom cannot be installed in the secondary partition so only install nougat roms, or marshmallow roms
I'm providing links to the various things mentioned here:
DualBoot Patcher:
ABC Rom:
Radon Kernel:
NitrogenOS :
For Gapps just use Picogapps or microgapps or anything from Opengapps (whatever u like).
P.S. I'm still a noob at this Android stuff and XDA stuff and ive only tried to share something from my own experience... If there is anything wrong or anything i can improve please let me know :3 Also, all the credits for all the softwares go to their respective developers. This is just a simple guide to help other people who may have faced similar issues like me.
If someone is unable to follow this guide and would like a more in depth and step by step guide to doing this, then please let me know and i will make a post with more details about this
Please hit the 'Thanks' button if this helped you
Happy Gaming
in nos oreo there is lag howyou are able tp play pubg there explain or is any special zip u flash explain
abhishek biswas said:
in nos oreo there is lag howyou are able tp play pubg there explain or is any special zip u flash explain
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Nono, not NOS Oreo, I used NOS Nougat. NOS Oreo is good as a daily driver for ur primary ROM (or ABC ROM too). For gaming, use NOS Nougat as the secondary ROM.... Nougat roms work well for gaming,
NOS N with Radon is not good for daily usage ? Any problems with using NOS N as the primary ROM ?
vizal96 said:
NOS N with Radon is not good for daily usage ? Any problems with using NOS N as the primary ROM ?
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It definitely is good for daily usage, but if you install a lot of apps then it tends to slow down a bit. So if u want u can use NOS N as a primary rom too, but if you install only gaming apps on the secondary rom, then it will continue to run very fast. My guide was intended for those like me who tend to install dozens of apps ( even a hundred) that will slow down performance for gaming a lot...
Does miui supports dualboot? Miui is a beast in daily usage with its features but terrible gaming performance
Really miss radon kernel...the best kernel for gaming. Radon kernel with headphone jack fix? Is it possible? Just confused. Im only can use agni kernel because audio jack issue
PS: i found a kernel based on radon with customized option (include jack fix issue), its called "padon kernel", but im only found padon for oreo. Any idea where i can found padon kernel for nougat?
yousif atia said:
Does miui supports dualboot? Miui is a beast in daily usage with its features but terrible gaming performance
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Yes MIUI can work if you use it as the primary ROM. Check out the dualboot thread to see how to make it work
Can you tell how you make Dual Patcher work?
The TWRP you are using, how yo install the ROMS and configure Dual Patcher, because i tried several times and i can't make it work

Kernel in 2020

Hello everyone,
I'm using a 2gb Redmi 3s and running Pixel Reloaded pie ROM. Which kernel would you suggest me to flash?
Also can I flash the kernel now without formatting or re flashing the ROM?
I was looking at Chimera, anything better than it for gaming plus a bit good battery backup?
I am running LOS 15.1 based e/ OS on my 2GB variant(because of less RAM consumption). The stock kernel is very barebones and doesn't expose much features to the user. I flashed Chimaera and it works well. Battery backup,performance and idle drain , everything is A-OK.
amn1987 said:
I am running LOS 15.1 based e/ OS on my 2GB variant(because of less RAM consumption). The stock kernel is very barebones and doesn't expose much features to the user. I flashed Chimaera and it works well. Battery backup,performance and idle drain , everything is A-OK.
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Have you used any Pie ROM which worked well on 2gb variant with enough free RAM?
I tried most of them and they only let around 200 mb RAM free...
LOS 16 + Magisk + FDE.ai
harshitsharma03082005 said:
Have you used any Pie ROM which worked well on 2gb variant with enough free RAM?
I tried most of them and they only let around 200 mb RAM free...
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Among Pie ROMs, I have only tried AEX 6.7. It used 1.3-1.4GB RAM after fresh boot, all stock, no GApps. LOS by e/ foundation (with microG integrated ) averages only around 800-850MB leaving almost a gigabyte available for use. Multi-tasking is now viable once again. Land is my secondary device but it still wasn't a pleasant experience with Pie ROMs. I have also flashed the low RAM enabler patch.
P.S. Carbon Oreo uses 1-1.1GB RAM reportedly.
Oh and have you tried Hyper kernel which was updated very recently? Officially only compatible with P/Q but it worked well in O. But since exFAT support seemed to be missing I switched over to Chimaera.
Thanks to both of you. I will try both of the ROMS as suggested by both of you ASAP.
Once again, thanks to help me..
After using Chimaera kernel for almost a month I can now say that it excels when it comes to idle drain. Mostly 0.2-0.3%/h. Many a times goes below 0.1%/h. Active drain is decent and on par with stock LOS kernel 8-10%/h. General performance is as good as can be expected. No bugs so far.
Oh and here's the link to e/ OS for land in case you are interested
harshitsharma03082005 said:
Hello everyone,
I'm using a 2gb Redmi 3s and running Pixel Reloaded pie ROM. Which kernel would you suggest me to flash?
Also can I flash the kernel now without formatting or re flashing the ROM?
I was looking at Chimera, anything better than it for gaming plus a bit good battery backup?
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I think stock kernels is good nowadays ( android 9/10 ) since 3.18.x kernel isnt get any update/upstream by linux ( EOL ), so we cant expect any custom kernel update
harshitsharma03082005 said:
Have you used any Pie ROM which worked well on 2gb variant with enough free RAM?
I tried most of them and they only let around 200 mb RAM free...
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Use nicheream's lineage os it has Linux 4.9 kernel and 700-800 mb free ram on 2gb model it's the smoothest rom for this device.
I'm having havoc OS 3.6, android 10, can I change the kernel for better battery performance and which one do you suggest?
I'm trying to flash a kernel (chimera) with twrp on my 3s but, i have havoc os rom 3.6 with sd card as internal storage, so when i try to flash anything, twrp cant see internal storage (0MB) - I/O error...
Is there a way of bypassing this problem without formating everything?
PanosT said:
I'm trying to flash a kernel (chimera) with twrp on my 3s but, i have havoc os rom 3.6 with sd card as internal storage, so when i try to flash anything, twrp cant see internal storage (0MB) - I/O error...
Is there a way of bypassing this problem without formating everything?
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Chimaera isn't officially supported on Android 10 ROMs.
Your recovery is really old. Latest is 3.4.0 R3. Flash the latest TWRP/Orange Fox(I use this) /Pitch Black Recovery etc.
amn1987 said:
Chimaera isn't officially supported on Android 10 ROMs.
Your recovery is really old. Latest is 3.4.0 R3. Flash the latest TWRP/Orange Fox(I use this) /Pitch Black Recovery etc.
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I took this screenshot showing havoc os 3.6 with chimera kernel.
1. Was this kernel the default kernel on havoc, or have i somehow managed to flash it?
2. Suddenly double tap stopped waking the device, could this be a result of flashing chimera kernel (in case this wasn't the default kernel)?
PanosT said:
I took this screenshot showing havoc os 3.6 with chimera kernel.
1. Was this kernel the default kernel on havoc, or have i somehow managed to flash it?
2. Suddenly double tap stopped waking the device, could this be a result of flashing chimera kernel (in case this wasn't the default kernel)?
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That's strange because AFAIK Chimaera isn't the stock kernel in Havoc Q. Also Chimaera supports DT2W. Use any kernel manager to activate it. If using Franco Kernel Manager check under Kernel settings>Miscellaneous, in Smartpack/Darkness kernel mgr. under Wake Gestures etc.
And you really need to update the recovery if you haven't already. It will solve the issue of not being able to handle encrypted partitions. Plus the ability to deal with ROMs with 4.9 kernel.
amn1987 said:
That's strange because AFAIK Chimaera isn't the stock kernel in Havoc Q. Also Chimaera supports DT2W. Use any kernel manager to activate it. If using Franco Kernel Manager check under Kernel settings>Miscellaneous, in Smartpack/Darkness kernel mgr. under Wake Gestures etc.
And you really need to update the recovery if you haven't already. It will solve the issue of not being able to handle encrypted partitions. Plus the ability to deal with ROMs with 4.9 kernel.
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1. Is there a way of returning to havoc's default kernel back again without loosing apps n' settings? (I couldn't back up at twrp because of the old version...).
2. Are there any roms now that use kernel 4.9?
You've been very helpful so far! Thank you very much!
PanosT said:
1. Is there a way of returning to havoc's default kernel back again without loosing apps n' settings? (I couldn't back up at twrp because of the old version...).
2. Are there any roms now that use kernel 4.9?
You've been very helpful so far! Thank you very much!
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If you have the original ROM zip just extract the boot.img from it and flash it in recovery while choosing the partition type as "boot" when asked.
There are more than a few kernels running 4.9. LOS 17.1 unofficial, Corvus OS latest, Pixel-Reloaded latest etc. with more expected to follow. All are Q ROMs. There was even earlier one, LOS 16 by nichcream who was in fact the first to bring 4.9 kernel for land. But it was closed source. The recent release OTOH is open source. Performance wise reportedly pretty good but idle drain is quite high for now.
amn1987 said:
If you have the original ROM zip just extract the boot.img from it and flash it in recovery while choosing the partition type as "boot" when asked.
There are more than a few kernels running 4.9. LOS 17.1 unofficial, Corvus OS latest, Pixel-Reloaded latest etc. with more expected to follow. All are Q ROMs. There was even earlier one, LOS 16 by nichcream who was in fact the first to bring 4.9 kernel for land. But it was closed source. The recent release OTOH is open source. Performance wise reportedly pretty good but idle drain is quite high for now.
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Can i flash one of those kernels as you described instead of havoc's kernel or it would be a hassle in terms of factionality?
PanosT said:
Can i flash one of those kernels as you described instead of havoc's kernel or it would be a hassle in terms of factionality?
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No. 4.9 kernels can only work in ROMs that shipped with the same.
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PanosT said:
Can i flash one of those kernels as you described instead of havoc's kernel or it would be a hassle in terms of factionality?
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What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Fixing high idle drain with Chimaera? Its true that Chimaera is very good in that aspect but its active drain is a bit high. LOS 16 Official is pretty good in both aspects but very little in the way of customization. I use the stock LOS kernel in AEX 6.7 for now. Battery backup is pretty good although idle drain at 0.8%/h is higher than in the LOS ROM itself.
amn1987 said:
No. 4.9 kernels can only work in ROMs that shipped with the same.
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What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Fixing high idle drain with Chimaera? Its true that Chimaera is very good in that aspect but its active drain is a bit high. LOS 16 Official is pretty good in both aspects but very little in the way of customization. I use the stock LOS kernel in AEX 6.7 for now. Battery backup is pretty good although idle drain at 0.8%/h is higher than in the LOS ROM itself.
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Yes! I tried lineage 17.1, pixel experience plus and now havoc 3.6. I liked very much havoc with its customisation aspects but for some strange reason in my case it uses a lot of battery even at sleep mode. So i thought maybe i can use a deferent kernel...
Is aosp anywhere near havoc's customizing? I'm using the phone as primary, trying to revive it!
I want customisation ability and battery life, I don't play games, any suggestions?
Thanks again!
PanosT said:
Yes! I tried lineage 17.1, pixel experience plus and now havoc 3.6. I liked very much havoc with its customisation aspects but for some strange reason in my case it uses a lot of battery even at sleep mode. So i thought maybe i can use a deferent kernel...
Is aosp anywhere near havoc's customizing? I'm using the phone as primary, trying to revive it!
I want customisation ability and battery life, I don't play games, any suggestions?
Thanks again!
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AEX has a good deal of customization (otherwise I wouldn't be using it!) but not as much as Havoc. I think the battery is either degraded or in need of calibration as I have had inconsistent results. Yesterday I could have achieved 12 hour SoT(purely web browsing with a little TElegram) but today it would struggle to breach 7-8 hours. Battery percentage occasionally doesn't budge at all for a long while but at other times it will drop few points within minutes. That being said with LOS kernel in AEX battery life is still decent. Accubattery estimates SoT at over 9 hours. YMMV.
