GT-I9505 IMEI and/or EFS Problems - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I search for a Solution to solve my IMEI Problem on my GT-I9505 DBT.
I become this GT-I9505 Phone with the hint that there is an Softwareproblem...
Than i downloaded the latest DBT Stock XXUHPK2 from sammobile and flash it with Odin by the same way as i flashed my GT-I9195 for many Years without Backup EFS and issues with EFS and IMEI lost, but in this case with the GT-I9505 after flashing the new Firmware to solve the Software Issues there are IMEI Problems...
I doent know what firmware was installed before but i am think that it was Android 4.4 Stock.
I flashed directly the latest stock and root the Phone with cf-autoroot.
And now when i try *#06# my Phone shows me:
null / null.
Thats new for me because all works but no Dataconnection.
Then I have tryed to Copy the EFS from an working GT-I9505 from Latvia with SEB CSC Code to my DBT GT-I9505 with EFS Pro, EFS Backup root App from Playstore and with an Terminal Emulator root App called imeibkp from XDA but nothing works.
Now i am at the End and need help and hope here is someone who can help me to Put the Phone back to full function.

Take the phone to the service center. The IMEI is no longer stored in the EFS partition, thus restoring the EFS will not help.

Is there no other Solution?
And what kosts this in Samsung Service Center?

Dr0iduser said:
Is there no other solution?
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Sure there is, but the alternatives can't be discussed here. As to how much it costs, I have no idea. I have the hidden partitions backed up in case I ever have this problem.

Why we cant discussed here?
It is not the Problem and help Section here...
Where we can discuss this when not here?

The alternatives involve doing illegal things, thus they cannot be discussed here. As to where such things can be discussed, I don't know.

Aha Okay and why than in some other Threads are Techniques to install CFW ans Custom Recoverys?
To install this it is nassesary to do illegal things with the Phone.
I don't understand this but thx nevertheless.

What you're referring to is installing a recovery. That's perfectly legal, but changing your recovery won't fix your problem, unless you had made backups of the hidden partitions where the IMEI is stored. The illegal alternative is to use tools commonly meant for changing the IMEI. Discussion of how to change the IMEI, even to the same one on the device, is banned here, as changing the IMEI itself is illegal in the US where XDA is hosted and in most other countries.

Okay than i only can say that I have testes Tools like IMEI Changer but nothing works.
Than i will try to repair the Phone with 123unlock Service.
But it will costs Money and that's not the Solution i have search for.
Nevertheless thank you.

The IMEI Changer Xposed module doesn't write a new IMEI. That isn't its purpose, and can't be done in any event. But you've already figured this out.
Good luck.

Thank you.
I will report when I have tested the IMEI Repair Service in hope to help other People's with the same Problem.


[Q] Fake IMEI after flash & no backup available

Hey guys,
I have a very big problem. I've got a fake IMEI after flashing a custom rom and I can't find my IMEI Backup anymore.
I tried many solutions but nothing helps.
Device Info:
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9500
Country: Vietnam
IMEI:004999010640000/01 (I think it's a fake IMEI, so it's useless for everybody and i can post complete no.)
Tried Fix:
Downgrade Stockrom 4.2.2 from Vietnam
result: No Fix
After Downgrade, Upgrade to 4.4.2 Stock from Vietnam
result: No Fix
Flash some other Modems (not all in threadt)
result: No Fix
EFS Restore with "EFS Professional"
result: No Fix
Copy EFS folder to Windows & edit with HxD-Tool (nv_data.bin & serial_no)
result: No Fix
I hope you can help me. I know there are very much threads in XDA but nothing works and most threadts are very old.
Maybe i'm to stupid... ~.~
Ps: Sry for my very bad english. I hope you understand me.
Thank You
There is no way to fix by yur own
Yu need special tools lik z3x or spt or octopus Samsung Repairing Box
Vit these tool yu can repair efs, write original imei back etc
Otherwise bettr find a gud mobile service center. They vil fix yur prob vitin 30min
Unfortunately you cannot get the help you are looking for on xda. The way you need to fix this is not legal in most places in the world. So the discussion of this kind of information is not permitted on xda
Sent from your phone. You should be more careful where you leave that thing.

[Q] SM-G900H imei turned to 0049

I've bought SM-G900H from China. A different firmware was running (G900HXXU1ANCG) and when I turned it on, it said "NO SERVICE AVAILABLE". Therefore I tried to update firmware, and being an Android noob, I have no backups of EFS. Now my phone have 0049xx generic imei. I've tried some stock ROM's with different CSC's but no luck. Also I couldn't find original stock rom (G900HXXU1ANCG), and when I googled it I just find Chinese sites.
My questions are:
1) How a firmware update flushes my IMEI? (I think it is written somewhere inside my device, but Android firmware could not read it?)
2) Is it possible to recover my imei with some other G900H firmware?
3) Is it possible for me to recover my imei if I can find G900HXXU1ANCG firmware?
4) If no firmware helps me out to recover my imei, is it possible to repair it?
Also, my device S/N in battery bay is not verified by Kies3. But Phone INFO app recognizes as April 2014 made in China.
eaxitect said:
I've bought SM-G900H from China. A different firmware was running (G900HXXU1ANCG) and when I turned it on, it said "NO SERVICE AVAILABLE". Therefore I tried to update firmware, and being an Android noob, I have no backups of EFS. Now my phone have 0049xx generic imei. I've tried some stock ROM's with different CSC's but no luck. Also I couldn't find original stock rom (G900HXXU1ANCG), and when I googled it I just find Chinese sites.
My questions are:
1) How a firmware update flushes my IMEI? (I think it is written somewhere inside my device, but Android firmware could not read it?)
2) Is it possible to recover my imei with some other G900H firmware?
3) Is it possible for me to recover my imei if I can find G900HXXU1ANCG firmware?
4) If no firmware helps me out to recover my imei, is it possible to repair it?
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Also I have the same problem.
Does anyone has this firmware?
I found it in a chinese site but it need registration with a landline number in china, so I couldn't download it.
Can I flash another firmware that will repair the phone?

[Q] I have a problem imei samsung galaxy s5

PLEASE i dont know help mi phone it isn't imei = null/null
i did the actualization corresponding from de phone. evething ok.. after 4 days later.. my phone lost the signal i dont know what to do
my phone is samsung galaxy sm-g900h model and version 4.4.2
I triyed to do root my cell phone but i keep everything the steps .. and left it unloaded but not ended then disconnect after of 2 hs .. and now show this alert (( firmware upgrade encountered an issue. please select recovery mode in kies & try again. ))
I hope you can help me im my problem tnk.. im waiting for answers.:good:
(i speak spanish too)
Have you tried restoring back to stock through ODIN? Download your stock firmware from the sammobile website, and follow a guide on how to restore your phone with ODIN.
Note that this will reset your device and you will lose all your data.
If that doesnt work then im not sure what you can do i'm sorry
cesar77.s5 said:
PLEASE i dont know help mi phone it isn't imei = null/null
i did the actualization corresponding from de phone. evething ok.. after 4 days later.. my phone lost the signal i dont know what to do
my phone is samsung galaxy sm-g900h model and version 4.4.2
I triyed to do root my cell phone but i keep everything the steps .. and left it unloaded but not ended then disconnect after of 2 hs .. and now show this alert (( firmware upgrade encountered an issue. please select recovery mode in kies & try again. ))
I hope you can help me im my problem tnk.. im waiting for answers.:good:
(i speak spanish too)
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If you don`t have the EFS folder backup up you need to turn it in for repair because there is nothing else to do about it. The motherboard will probably be replaced in order to get a new IMEI number.
hello? somebody help me? without imei null null samsung s5.. its root my phone..
cesar77.s5 said:
hello? somebody help me? without imei null null samsung s5.. its root my phone..
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I`am sorry, no one can help you if you don`t have your EFS folder backed up somewhere afaik i`am afraid.
gee2012 said:
I`am sorry, no one can help you if you don`t have your EFS folder backed up somewhere afaik i`am afraid.
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and any patch or something to fix imei? that form i fixed my phone s3 wit a patch
cesar77.s5 said:
and any patch or something to fix imei? that form i fixed my phone s3 wit a patch
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There is no patch for something that is not restorable ie is gone. Have a new motherboard installed or sell the phone for parts, that`s it mate
I hope any other solution.. tnk help
You didn't provide much information for us. Not even what program you used to root or the Odin log and verbatim error messages. So it's uncertain what happened due to the lack of information.
Try writing a full, stock firmware image for your carrier with Odin and see if that restores your phone. If not, is your phone under warranty? You may wish to try making a warranty claim with your carrier. Otherwise you can look to a paid vendor for assistance. This forum does not condone IMEI manipulation and is the wrong place to pose IMEI questions. You may find a good Google search to be advantageous.

Unknown baseband,null imei and no sound...plz help to fix this issue

i was trying out an aokp rom and ended up with null imei and unknown baseband
gave phone to repair and ended up in no sound situation as well
my model number is sm-n9005 which i bought from melbourne and currenly using it in india
so far i tried many solution fixes from xda and none of then worked out for me
1.tried flashing stock rom 4.4.2 poland which was working fine earlier before this situation arise but unfortunately it didnt work out this time
2. tried to flash other custom roms and no luck
3.i have no efs back up to retore the efs folder
4.havnt tried anything yet via adbshell as i have no much knowledge regarding the same
plz help me to fix this issue also im uable to give it to samsung service centre as the dont provide service for 9005 model here
sujithsidharth said:
i was trying out an aokp rom and ended up with null imei and unknown baseband
gave phone to repair and ended up in no sound situation as well
my model number is sm-n9005 which i bought from melbourne and currenly using it in india
so far i tried many solution fixes from xda and none of then worked out for me
1.tried flashing stock rom 4.4.2 poland which was working fine earlier before this situation arise but unfortunately it didnt work out this time
2. tried to flash other custom roms and no luck
3.i have no efs back up to retore the efs folder
4.havnt tried anything yet via adbshell as i have no much knowledge regarding the same
plz help me to fix this issue also im uable to give it to samsung service centre as the dont provide service for 9005 model here
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Try this post of mine. Good luck.
vndnguyen said:
Try this post of mine. Good luck.
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well i manage to bring back sound and baseband by flashing australian firmware and doing some modem flash over it
after that i tried couple of old roms but still imei remains "/01"
now i flashed back the australian firmware, this time didnt have to flash modem to brig back sound as it booted up normally
but still im struggling to fix my imei number as now i have a wifi phablet instead of working phone??
is it possible to fix the imei number somehow...this whole thing is driving me crazy!!!
Follow this link
Same thing happen to me. U cant bring back ur Ime flashing some roms or firmware. Because Now your EFS is blocked by KNOX. After you upgrade Do not downgrade or flash older modems .
This is the method you can bring back your phone. Before try this method flash the lates firmware then try these commands.
Good luck

No signal i9500 after downgrading to 4.4.2 [i dont know which modem should i flash]

Soory if it sounds dumbish, im from romania, carrier - orange. I flashed some stock firmware MBC-Germany or so, if it counts, that's the one i used to flash all the time since romania was not withing those firmwares. I know the device is old, i'm planning to buy a Letv 1s or redmi note 3 but i have to do something with this overheating thing, i can't sell it like that. I heard it wouldn't overheat on 4.4.2, if you have advice regarding this problem, please
Flashed several modems, got signal now but can't use mobila data -> "No signal found for mobile network". I tried modems starting with these letters: "XX,DK,DD". I'm now using DD one since i got best signal but no network signal at all, any solution for me ? IF IT COUNTS, i've been using cm13 android 6.0 before flashing stock 4.4.2 and i have an efs backup done @ TWRP recovery, tried restoring it, didn't solve anything.
EDIT : Still cannot be called -> "Not registered on network" - i'll try further modems hoping it will eventually solve my problem.
UPDATE: Tried them all @ Modem thread. I'm expecting help, can't solve this on my own, i'm a noob.
You sure you have an I9500? If so, it was imported. Enter download mode please and read off the information on the screen.
strephon alkhalikoi said:
you sure you have an i9500? If so, it was imported. Enter download mode please and read off the information on the screen.
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odin mode
product name: Gt-i9500
current binary: Custom
system status: Custom
secure download: Enabled
knox warranty void: 1
ap swrev: A3
All written in caps lock, i dont know why all the letters went lowercase tho i've written that twice, in uppercase letters.
gabytzu339 said:
odin mode
product name: Gt-i9500
current binary: Custom
system status: Custom
secure download: Enabled
knox warranty void: 1
ap swrev: A3
All written in caps lock, i dont know why all the letters went lowercase tho i've written that twice, in uppercase letters.
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There is no firmware for Romania as the I9500 isn't available in Romania. Thus any I9500 firmware from should work. Flash the full firmware via Odin and not just the modem.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
There is no firmware for Romania as the I9500 isn't available in Romania. Thus any I9500 firmware from should work. Flash the full firmware via Odin and not just the modem.
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I mentioned that all the problems started when i flashed GERMANY STOCK ROM 4.4.2.
I'm going to ask an odd question here, but do you still have the original box? If you do, the full model number of the phone will be on it, e.g. I9505ZKAO2U. If you have that full model number, post it here.
In the meantime, try installing one of these.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
I'm going to ask an odd question here, but do you still have the original box? If you do, the full model number of the phone will be on it, e.g. I9505ZKAO2U. If you have that full model number, post it here.
In the meantime, try installing one of these.
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Didn't buy it new, i don't have the box of it anyway. How would that help ? It's not a fake s4 for sure if you have any doubt.
The full model number on the box as described would have allowed me to pinpoint the original firmware that was supposed to be on the phone. The last three letters are the CSC of the phone, and thus the firmware that the phone should be using.
Now, the only way to find out that information is by parsing it via the IMEI, which has the country of origin within it. To the best of my knowledge, none of the sites that allow you to enter IMEI numbers will retrieve that information. used to do it, but require a subscription now.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
The full model number on the box as described would have allowed me to pinpoint the original firmware that was supposed to be on the phone. The last three letters are the CSC of the phone, and thus the firmware that the phone should be using.
Now, the only way to find out that information is by parsing it via the IMEI, which has the country of origin within it. To the best of my knowledge, none of the sites that allow you to enter IMEI numbers will retrieve that information. used to do it, but require a subscription now.
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Imei is unknown, got efs backup from back when i was on 6.0 gearcm. But i can't read it in any way. Tried restoring it, the imei is still unknown.
Take it in for service, especially if the EFS backup doesn't restore the IMEI to the device using the EFS Backup tool.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Take it in for service, especially if the EFS backup doesn't restore the IMEI to the device using the EFS Backup tool.
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I really doubt that's so much of a problem. I remember encountering a similar problem 1 year ago when i flashed 4.4.2 rom over 5.0. I can't remember what i've done but i know i had been struggling for 3 or 4 days. I remember, anyway, it was related to some applications from play store, one called busy box or so. Moreover, then i had no EFS BACKUP. That's why im so careful now with it. My guess is that if i flash back to 5.0 that problem will be gone, but the phone is overheating, unusable if you ask me. Hope someone will be able to help me
Found that on youtube -
Now my question is how do i find my imei within that backup cause the files are .md5/.info/.win/.win.md5.
UPDATE : Flashed that rom, same problem.
Bump. Flashed gearcm 6.0 and a XX modem and its working well now. Any help there, still? I have to flash 4.4 again soon and I need a solution.
Actually, the point is simple:
Anytime you get unknown baseband after downgrading, flash Lollipop modem back, done.
Sent from my ASUS_Z00A using XDA Labs

