I recently noticed a weird a bit annoying problem. When I am connected to my home wireless network, sometimes certain apps become unresponsive. Examples: messenger suddenly kind of loses connection and stops sending messages/images - I have to reset it to fix that. Similiar with Tapatalk and Play store. Browser, however, works fine. What can be wrong?
Wysłane z mojego SM-G950F przy użyciu Tapatalka
Isn't it related with battery saving mode ? Try to modify this.
I dont have any of battery saving modes enabled not sure what's the root of this issue
Wysłane z mojego SM-G950F przy użyciu Tapatalka
Hi, i have problem with ir blaster. Everything worked perfectly for a few days but now I cant connect to any device. Do you know whats wrong ? I do not installed any applications and i havent modified system.
Note 4 official lolipop 5.0.1.
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Sounds too obvious, but did you reboot or try pulling the battery for an hour or so?
I tried it doesnt work.. any ideas ?
napisane z notatnika
Try a third party app, I use zaza remote, also try clearing cache and data of any IR apps, if that doesnt work I suggest a full backup and hardreset and if that still doesnt work then send for warranty.
I really do not want do hardreset, i just wait maybe others have this issue and solution
napisane z notatnika
In the end, I sent the phone to the service. It turned out that it was necessary to replace the IRDA port and now everything works as it should.
Wysłane z mojego SM-N910C przy użyciu Tapatalka
Is there an app, that can check the functionality of the ir blaster?
Just wondering if anybody else has this issue.
For some reason, when I set Auto Rotation to OFF (I.E. quick settings tile says "Portrait"), my Z will still auto rotate as normal in any app that usually does.
EDIT: It has started working now for me, after rebooting a few times, but I didn't really do anything special :\
EDIT2: It is random and recurring. However I "calibrated" accelerometer yesterday (26th November) by spinning the phone around a few times on all three axis, so far so good *fingers crossed*
Only apps like E.g. MX Player which have their own internal rotation lock ever work. Other apps like Chrome and Tapatalk and so on will still just ignore the setting and rotate automatically.
Does anybody else experience this on the stock Lollipop ROM? I have it in stock and also now in kamarush's 5.1.1 AOSP build. Possible hardware issue? I don't see how, though, that doesn't make sense!
Thanks in advance.
Sent from Xperia Z via Tapatalk
Having the same problem on my XZ1, it's a shi*** bug .. very very annoying bug .
Well mine has started working randomly, now, after rebooting a few times.
Very strange, I had this bug for a LONG time on stock ROM (but now I'm on a custom AOSP build).
At least I am not the only one who had the same issue, I thought I was going crazy
Only real thing I did was toggle the Auto Rotate setting under Settings > Accessibility (not Display) a few times, didn't solve it but I have rebooted since. Maybe it's just a broken Setting that needs to be switched off > reboot > switch on > reboot > repeat this process until it starts working?
Started happening again. I played with Auto Rotate toggle a few times, now it's the opposite - no matter the setting it will NOT rotate!
I think this issue is specific to kamarush's AOSP build, though. Stock didn't do this.
Sent from Xperia Z via Tapatalk
I have the opposite problem. Phones set to auto rotate but won't rotate.
jmindset said:
I have the opposite problem. Phones set to auto rotate but won't rotate.
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Yeah, mine sometimes does either way. Right now though, it's working perfectly.
What I did was "calibrate" my accelerometer. This is simply done by rotating the phone on all three axis several times (x, y, z) I.E. rotate the phone several times in all three directions. This might have solved it for me, or could be a coincidence.
Sent from Xperia Z via Tapatalk
CosmicDan said:
Yeah, mine sometimes does either way. Right now though, it's working perfectly.
What I did was "calibrate" my accelerometer. This is simply done by rotating the phone on all three axis several times (x, y, z) I.E. rotate the phone several times in all three directions. This might have solved it for me, or could be a coincidence.
Sent from Xperia Z via Tapatalk
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Yeah its not always just randomly. Especially when I'm watching YouTube. Thanks for the tip though. I shall give it a try
Yep was random for me too, but so far so good after I spun my phone around on all axis. Fingers crossed. Never had to do this before, though, so it's pretty weird!
Sent from Xperia Z via Tapatalk
So i have a P8 not a P8 max, but there is no forum for the P8...
I have a Moto 360 that will just not receive notifications from my P8.
Motorola Connect is installed, AndroidWear is installed. Both apps are protected in the power saving section of the settings.
But it seems unless the screen on the phone is on, the notifications dont come through to the watch. I never had this problem before switching to the P8.
I have tried all the normal factory resets etc but it just does not work.
I'm also on the latest version of EMUI - GRA-L09C432b200
For me everything is working fine with my P8 and Moto360.
Also its possible.
Did you check the notification settings?
Gesendet von meinem HUAWEI GRA-L09 mit Tapatalk
Has anyone had this issue where launching Snapchat causes the phone to soft reboot?
EDIT: This seems to be happening with any app that accesses the camera. Including the camera app itself. I'm running cDroid.
I had two restarts in 4 days. One time I was using camera, the other time I think i didn't. Phone was on lock screen both times. Normally camera starts up without any problem (stock camera)
Wysłane z mojego GT-I9300 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Working fine here on g5 plus rooted cosmic os
Doing a waranty exchange on this phone found this post simillar to my issues. Seems to be when I'm in a location with bad signal the phone reboots but still no excuse.
Hi! Unfortunately circa once per 10 minutes or just randomly when I tap back capacitive button I feel 2 vibrations instead of one and in fact phone performs 2 back actions (like goes back 2 times in apps). I noticed it on stock OOS 4.5.14 and NoLimit rom same version. Is there any solution to it? Have you guys ever had this issue or am I alone?
Best regards
hi i have same problem like u . i trying everything but probably we can't do nothing I'm now on official beta oreo and this problem still exists
Wysłane z mojego ONEPLUS A5000 przy użyciu Tapatalka
I had this problem only in open beta.
Which version of nolimits are you? Nougat or Oreo one? I'm using Nougat based nolimits now, and have no problem. I think is something related to the open beta and will be solved.
Issue from the open beta.
Unfortunately I'm on NoLimits Nougat :/ and I had the same problem even on stock OOS 7.1.1
noticed same problem today
Are you using any glass protector? I thought maybe that's the reason why it happens? Or just hardware/software bug...
Have the same problem in Oreo open beta 1.
i guess it's software but cuz it wasnt present
Pshemo__ said:
Hi! Unfortunately circa once per 10 minutes or just randomly when I tap back capacitive button I feel 2 vibrations instead of one and in fact phone performs 2 back actions (like goes back 2 times in apps). I noticed it on stock OOS 4.5.14 and NoLimit rom same version. Is there any solution to it? Have you guys ever had this issue or am I alone?
Best regards
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I think it's a software issue in some devices because in 7.1.1 I had this issue too. Randomly sometimes I feel 2 vibrations and this back 2 times in back button (it's very annoying in Instagram for example) or open and close recents faster in recents button but now I'm on Beta and sometimes I still feel 2 vibrations when I press back, recents and Home too (Home doesn't vibrate 2 times in 7.1.1) but even I feel 2 vibrations, the phone performs only 1 action in fact. I never got 2 actions when I press buttons after install Oreo Beta. I don't know if OnePlus use different brands for Display Panels but I think this problem affect some users in 7.1.1 and they are trying to fix this and it's the cause of all users gets 2 vibrations in Oreo Beta.
Thanks for the answers guys I hope it will be solved in the future
I did not notice this ... But I have buttons swapped under buttons settings, and double tap action is set open last used app...
I test both buttons and this is not happening on either of them... just for test can you make setup like mine and test it... Wondering if that fix your issue...
I can report that I moved to AOSiP and this problem doesn't appear here. Once or twice in the last 24 hours I felt 2 vibrations while tapping a button but "double action problem" has never occured