What is the percentage of Red Screens on the S8+?
Red tint on the screen
sorry for my english.
yesterday i throught dowm my xda atom.and after that screen colours are messed.Bigest problen is with white color,course if theres displayed white color horizontaky on whole screen-its grey.
But then in horiz. line abaut half colors are black other part is white.photo0047
blur green red is ok if theres no white color.photo0048.
and then i press a bit plastic in center left corner colors mess at all-white becom black,black-white,blue-elow....and so on. photo0049.
Dont know what to do.
For some reason the red and blue color on my lcd (Samsung Focus) got swapped. LCD Test from ##634# showed that too. I tried replacing with a new lcd but no luck Is there a way to switch pixel values for red and blue? I can see green as green
Recently i've been getting green pixels on white backgrounds randomly. I have screenshots below
anyone know why my screen goes a green colour for certain colours like blue will go green and yellow will go green aswell when I go past a certain brightness
Thread moved
So I was just getting used to the green tint on my screen by applying a dark filter to reduce the green effect to suddenly realise it completly disappeared from my screen totally by itself!! I'm just glad I didn't do a screen change yet!!
Screen Change