Can't Answer Phone - Samsung Galaxy S8 Questions and Answers

I allow phone calls when in Do Not Disturb mode. When I get a call, the normal phone screen does not pop up as it always did with any other Android phone I have had (including the S7).. Now I have to long press the home key and then swipe up on my phone icon in order to answer the call. This is ridiculous as it is hard to do when my phone rings at 2 AM (my job requires 24 hour phone calls). Is anyone else having this issue or is it just a bug on my phone?


Any way of keeping the screen+buttons locked when a call is incomming?

I use the Slide feature of my Niki to answer (and end via Slide actions app) calls.
I'd like to have this as the only way to answer a call, since when a call is incoming the device unlocks and the screen switches on. This means that it can get answered in my pocket if I don't hear it (or ignore it). I can also accidentally reject the call getting it out of my pocket.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a way of keeping the screen off/locked when a call is incoming. Does anyone know of a way to do this?
Download and try AE Button Plus. An idea: You could make a single press of the answer key "do nothing", and double pressing (which has to be done very quickly, thus unlikely whilst in your pocket) act like normal.

Phone locks "on call" - phone app crash

I faced this problem too often, so I ask on this forum to know if it only happens to me:
when I end the call, telephone programs stucks. In the top bar, the indication of an on going call is still there. Everything is working except telephone application. I can't open the telephone options. Even if I turn on Airplane mode, the phone logo in the top bar remains.
Any idea?
I had that problem once. Did it occur when you dialed a number not in your phone book? It turned out the prompt for saving a new dialed number was still there but I somehow couldn't access it. Perhaps turn that setting off?
no, it was an outgoing call to someone in my phonebook. (at least in my last problem)
facing the same problem. after ending a call the phone app freeze a couple of minutes and sometimes more than ten minutes
Did you installed the HTC patch to avoid the freeze ?
I didn't.
Could it be usefull there ?
This is really annoying if you have to wait 10mn before doing an another call !
Problem happened again
The problem happened again yesterday.
But worse. I was leaving a message on an answering machine. and I couldn't end the call !
Pressing the right key (end call) had no effect !
Usually in my previous problems, the other user was ending the call.
So I had to switch off the phone in comm manager !
I'm surprised that no one else faced this problem !
I tried to follow one's advice to wait then until phone gets back to normal. (release the phone icon in the top bar).
After one hour, I finaly rebooted the phone to be able to do an outgoing call.
Help !
Phone blocks during or after a call
Hello guys and girls
I had the same problem last week, a couple of times in a row, I was on the phone with a contact, after a couple of minutes I couldn't hear anything anymore and tried to end the call but no joy, a soft reset did the thing the first time, the second I waited a couple of minutes wich worked aswell. It was very annoying I must say especially as it happened 4 times in a row...
Hoping for a solution
It seems a bug. You can press volume up/down buttons on the device itself to open the volume bar screen. After that just press somewhere on the grey area to go back to home screen. The top bar will restore from the phone application.
It's not the top bar. The phone application is completely unavailable.
We see the top bar,but the phone icon is stuck. Like if we were still on call.
I too have a similar problem.
Although I haven't particularly logged the prolems, I think that it only happens on incoming calls, and not outgoing ones.
During a phone call, the incoming sound just goes mute, and afterwards I can't hang up the call.
I reckon I have lost well over half the calls I have received because of this.
Luckily, not many people call me!!
I reckon this is a CRAP phone, and am seriously thinking of getting a REAL phone, and just using the HD as a PDA device. Good old HTC!!!!!!
I edited the title of this topic.
The phone app is really stucked : I called an answering machine, I wasn't able to end the call !
Help !
I am thinking of changing ROM.

hd2 jumps to flight mode in call

this is enoying... and it happend twice in one call.
i have hd2, with Phonex for full screen caller. i've activated the black screen in call option but... i guess i chage the phones angle alot because twice it went into the connectivity manager and pressed the flight mode, which owfuly disconnected my call.
i guess i nedd something to hide the task bar/system tray (still not sure how it's referd to). or maybe atleast cancel the flight mode abillity.
even when in a call and it goes to the taskbar notiffication menu it's ennoying as hell cause i can't control the call and i need to press the call itself and only then get to the call controls.
thanks for anyhelp...

[Q] How to retrive call from hold

I'm having strange problem with calls on hold. This is Android 2.2 (Desire Z ROM on T-Mobile HD2). Here is my scenario
During Call1, second call (Call2) comes in. I answer Call2 and automatically Call1 goes on hold. Good so far. Once I'm done with Call2, I disconnect Call2. But ... Call1 is still on hold. It does NOT automatically become active. And I do not see any way on "UnHold" it There is red button "End Call" on screen. There is notification about call "on hold" in notification (top) bar. But there is no button, no nothing which could help me RETRIEVE Call1 from hold.
Any ideas ?
Calls on hold can be unholded by pressin the windows flag, the option is there, and to switch between calls, after you are done with call 2 tap on call one and normally you should switch to that call, but either way thats where its located.
Thanks. Used to WM way of handling "Hold" where everything is on screen.

S7 Edge Receive Call in Pocket

If the phone is in my pocket when a call comes in, apparently the screen comes on, and then it's hard to get the phone out of my pocket without either answering of rejecting the call. Usually, the call is rejected by the time I get the phone out of my pocket, though yesterday I accepted a call while retrieving the phone too.
Is something wrong with my phone? I never had this problem with other devices.
It could be that the screen shouldn't be coming on in my pocket, but it could also be that the accept/reject buttons shouldn't be displayed while the phone is pocketed. Either one would work.
Sometimes the phone rings and rejects before I can even react to it, so I don't think I'm hitting the power button, for example.
Okay, found a post elsewhere about turning off single tap in accessibility settings. We'll see how that works.

