Please help me. /system count not be mounted - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

I was on project Alice rom when suddenly after deleting an app, things were crashing so a restarted my phone. It wouldn't boot up. I went into recovery and tried flashing the rom again and it just says could not mount /system. I tried everything, full wipe, format data, still nothing.
I'm on SM-G935F
Please help,

Bump. Please I really need help. If anyone knows what to do, or knows anyone that might know, please tell me, I need my phone functioning ASAP.

.Monkey said:
Bump. Please I really need help. If anyone knows what to do, or knows anyone that might know, please tell me, I need my phone functioning ASAP.
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Try mount system from twrp

mashardpro said:
Try mount system from twrp
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I've tried that but no luck. I have tried so many things. I flashed a new ROM and it seemed to work though, even though the ROM I was using was working perfectly for about a week before that happened. Looks like it just decided to not work on my phone anymore :/

.Monkey said:
I've tried that but no luck. I have tried so many things. I flashed a new ROM and it seemed to work though, even though the ROM I was using was working perfectly for about a week before that happened. Looks like it just decided to not work on my phone anymore :/
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Flash the official firmware, but you will lose twrp and root (you can install later)

.Monkey said:
I've tried that but no luck. I have tried so many things. I flashed a new ROM and it seemed to work though, even though the ROM I was using was working perfectly for about a week before that happened. Looks like it just decided to not work on my phone anymore :/
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Try to mount it in another format.
Had the same problem. mounted it in another format and changed back to EXT4 after it in TWRP.
Worked without problems.

Pet1981 said:
Try to mount it in another format.
Had the same problem. mounted it in another format and changed back to EXT4 after it in TWRP.
Worked without problems.
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I tried that, still didn't work. Other ROMs work, it's just that one for some reason could not mount system. No one else is reportedly having the issue with that ROM.


process has stopped unexpectedly

Im getting this error and force close on one of my Heros when I try installing any of my apps on any of the 2.1 roms. Im coming from Fresh 1.1 and following the same procedure I used on my other Hero on which the market is fully functional. Ive wiped everything over and over and cleared data on anything that looked like it at to do with the market. I also tried fix apk mismatches from recovery. Short of RUU which Id like to avoid if at all possible Ive tried everything else I can think of. In searching I have come across this error code on other android phones, but nothing on the hero and nothing specific to trying to install apps. So has anyone else seen this? And would RUU do anything a full data wipe didnt already?
Reading instructions has its benefits grasshopper...
Download the latest recovery and throw it onto your SD Card, boot into the old version of recovery and flash the new recovery as a .zip update, reboot into recovery again and then wipe your phone again, then install android 2.1, don't reboot yet, make sure your rom either has it's own custom kernal or download one for 2.1 and flash it, open up adb and clear dalvik cache and boot cache, then reboot your phone and you should load without any problems.
Thanks. But I did that from the get go. Aside from flashing a kernal, but Im running Darchtrev2 on the fully functional Hero that I mentioned and thats got a custum kernal built into the rom. So thats what I started with on the second one using the exact same process without success. Does wiping from adb do more than wiping from recovery? Thats one other thing I didnt do after the initial install.... But do understand you correctly that you have seen this specific error before?
Just bumpin the tread in hopes of finding a solution. I dont even mind gettin flamed for asking a stupid question if I could get linked up with a fix! lol I see its getting views, just no ideas I guess... It sucks cuz everything else works fine except the market. I get the list of my downloads, when I tap on one to install I the download button instead of the install button, so Ill tap on it and I get get the progress bar saying its downloading. When it gets to 100% I get the error and force close... Anyone?
I would try wiping again then flashing fresh 1.1 see if that boots and everything works ok then I would redownload the recovery and flash that still running fresh then reboot make sure everyhting is cool, then redownload whatever 2.1 rom you want and wipe and flash.
doing this serves 2 purposes
1. make sure that somewhere along the line none of the files corupted
2. if you still have the same problem then it will let you know where the problem is coming from.
just process of elimination
if you still have problems after that then I would say RUU, yes it is different than just wiping from recovery as it restores a completely stock image and gets rid of everything else. all a data wipe really does is get rid of user data.
just my opinion.
honestley thinnking about it I RUU'd my phone just for giggles then I re-rooted and then flashed DCv1 right from stock and I found that a lot of the little bugs that people where seeing I wasnt so it may not be a bad idea to ruu anyways.
Thanks for the reply and for giving me something different to try. I hadnt thought about trying that. Frustration I guess! It makes sense though. Ill give it shot. Thanks!
Why not see why it fc'd?
Adb with logcat of ...vending....
Find the syntax here:
Just an idea. It may or maynot give you the insight to fix the cause ( like a parameter ...vending... is null fetching on ).
Yeah, Ive been thinking about RUU'n too just to see if making a fresh start would make any difference, but after all the time I spent getting the one Hero working like I want on 2.1 and the troubles Ive had with the second and what Ive read about people bricking trying to RUU or flash recovery Ive been kinda hesitant....
willy900wonka said:
Why not see why it fc'd?
Adb with logcat of ...vending....
Find the syntax here:
Just an idea. It may or maynot give you the insight to fix the cause ( like a parameter ...vending... is null fetching on ).
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Thanks. I dont know that Im quite that knowledgable though. Im sure I could read a logcat... understanding what the hell I would be reading is something else again. Saving the url though in case I need to dig deeper. Thanks for the reply.
wtphoto said:
honestley thinnking about it I RUU'd my phone just for giggles then I re-rooted and then flashed DCv1 right from stock and I found that a lot of the little bugs that people where seeing I wasnt so it may not be a bad idea to ruu anyways.
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Sometimes it's just fun to RUU and do everything again
Alright if you're still having problems then just follow these steps:
Boot into recovery and make a nandroid back up just in case something goes wrong.
Download the latest version of your current 2.1 rom and reflash it from Recovery.
Open up adb and mount the /data directory (adb shell, mount /data)
Enter the following two commands in adb: rm -r /data/boot-cache , rm -r /data/dalvik-cache
Go Back to ADB and type the following commands: cd /data/data/ , rm -R cache
Fix UID Mismatches using the tool in Recovery and then reboot your phone
regaw_leinad said:
Sometimes it's just fun to RUU and do everything again
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or NOT!
Thanks again for your help all. I ended up just RUU'in . I'm with fixxer... fun isn't how I'd describe it! Anyway, I got it all working just to find out its got the mms issue now... if its not one thing its another. Oh well, something for me to work on tomorrow! Thanks again for the replies and advice.
Thanks again for your help all. I ended up just RUU'in . I'm with fixxer... fun isn't how I'd describe it! Anyway, I got it all working just to find out its got the mms issue now... if its not one thing its another. Oh well, something for me to work on tomorrow! Thanks again for the replies and advice.
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You should have updated to the latest ruu...
wcgbmd said:
You should have updated to the latest ruu...
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The latest RUU? I used the 1.56..... I did get it working tho. Flashed the mms. fix zip. Just wasn't expecting to have to as I didn't with my other hero. Don't know what the difference is between the two devices. Both are google branded, but the second one fought me every step of the way.
Thanks again for your help all. I ended up just RUU'in . I'm with fixxer... fun isn't how I'd describe it! Anyway, I got it all working just to find out its got the mms issue now... if its not one thing its another. Oh well, something for me to work on tomorrow! Thanks again for the replies and advice.
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First, sorry for the bump.
I just started getting this error and wanted to know if you figured out exactly what it was so I didn't have to go through that whole RUUing process. Thanks.
don't know if this is your problem, but i know on sushi rom you have to go to manage applications, market, click on it and then click on uninstall updates.. Then apps. will download and install correctly.
boredmug said:
don't know if this is your problem, but i know on sushi rom you have to go to manage applications, market, click on it and then click on uninstall updates.. Then apps. will download and install correctly.
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You're the bomb. That worked like a charm.
boredmug said:
don't know if this is your problem, but i know on sushi rom you have to go to manage applications, market, click on it and then click on uninstall updates.. Then apps. will download and install correctly.
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Cant believe nobody wrote this first
boredmug said:
don't know if this is your problem, but i know on sushi rom you have to go to manage applications, market, click on it and then click on uninstall updates.. Then apps. will download and install correctly.
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I was having the same problem on DC a couple days ago and that fixed it for me. I was reading this thread wondering why no one had mentioned it yet.

[Q] Freezing, rebooting, and can't flash stock rom (reverts to previous state)

Okay, so I feel like I've looked everywhere and tried everything for this problem with my Nexus 7. The closest thing I found was this:
(Google: Nexus 7 2012 rebooting reverts back to previous state)(I can't post outside links as I am a new member)
and there was no followup reply, and the thread was closed.
Here's my problem (I want to be very detailed in case I missed something):
I've had Cyanogenmod 11 on my Nexus 7 for a long time (I think I started with M1 release). I recently installed the M7 release after previous nightly and it was working so smooth that I had finally decided there was no need to install nighties anymore. Everything was going fine until the night after when I noticed it kept rebooting, so I reverted it back to the nightly I had before (June 11th?) because I assumed it was probably something bad with the update. Except it did the same thing, rebooting after a couple minutes, which is weird because it never did that with this nightly. There was never enough time to download the nightlies before it reboots so I tried downloading them on my laptop and then just transferring them to my nexus via usb. I put it in the cmupdate folder so that I could quickly go to settings and press install (as it can see the update from there). It rebooted to install, but it went into cwm with what appears that nothing happened, and I usually never see cwm when updating this way. So I figured, while I'm here, I could just "install zip" and find that zip I just transferred and install, right? Nope. The zip mysteriously vanished, yet the other two updates were still there (M7 and the previous nightly). So I just rebooted just to try the process again, maybe the file transfer didn't work. Same thing happened. So I went to cwm and tried wiping cache, nothing. Wiped dalvik cache, nothing. So I went and did it, wiped data/factory reset, that did NOTHING, as in I rebooted and everything was still there.
So I got to the point where I just wanted to see if I could just revert back to stock so I have a place to start from, maybe contemplate on just staying there for a while where there shouldn't be problems. So I got that all set up with fastboot, got the latest 4.4.3 image, unarchived until I could get to the flashall.bat I ran that and it was successful. Okay now I can just boot into that, right? Suddenly I see the cyanogenmod boot graphic. What happened? Even all of my apps are still there. Still freezing and rebooting.
I tried reverting to stock manually by erasing then formating everything that I can, flashed bootloader (grouper 4.23), flashed zip, locked bootloader, unlocked bootloader (trying to erase as much as I can). This did nothing, still cyanogenmod. I tried a third time while rebooting to bootloader with each step. Nothing. I tried doing a factory reset within cyanogenmod, but when I press the "erase everything" button it doesn't lead anywhere, so I could never get that to start the process. I also tried doing the erasing and formatting from cwm (which isn't being overwritten, as it seems, by all the attempts at flashing stock?), nothing.
I was curious. I uninstalled Netflix because it was right there in my dock. Then I rebooted myself. When it came back up, Netflix was still there. I tried various things, also going back to locking the bootloader and rebooting the bootloader, it still said it was unlocked. So I came to the conclusion that literally nothing was being written or committed to the sdcard no matter what I do.
I did some more research and found that article up top. So I tried uninstalling some apps because it said it may have something to do with a third-party app misbehaving (seems a bit extreme, I'll do it anyways), but there's never enough time to erase everything before it reboots. It also said to try to get it into safemode. I think I might have gotten there once but it still rebooted (which makes me think that it didn't get to safemode), the rest of the times it wouldn't even get to the lockscreen.
What I'm currently attempting is to see if I can get it into safemode, or I'm trying to uninstall or stop/clear data for every single app with an intentional reboot each time.
Anyone got any idea what's going on? Is it maybe a bad sector, or worse, bad sdcard?
Gonna bump this. Still no luck on my part.
Anyone have any idea?
Perhaps somehow something got triggered to prevent anything being written to the sdcard? (Kinda like the lock switch on actual sdcards?) Is everything I've been doing going straight to memory since everything reverts back after a reboot? That's the only explanation I can think of.
Perhaps there's more I could try. I'm only moderately knowledgeable with things like fastboot and roms, so maybe someone with more experience might have more insight. Please, chime in.
Thanks in advance,
Same problem here....
Flash factory image
USBhost said:
Flash factory image
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Although you flash the factory image, the previously ROM boots again, that is precisely the problem.
Amd64bits said:
Although you flash the factory image, the previously ROM boots again, that is precisely the problem.
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O ok
Amd64bits said:
Same problem here....
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Curious, how did you get to the point where it boots the previous rom? Same as me or something else? Are you using cyanogenmod? I want to try and rule out some possibilities.
I'm at the same point since last time. Trying to nuke the hell out of cyanogenmod but it won't go away!
This just outright baffles me!
Try this out format /system /cache /data with twrp to f2fs
If it doesn't boot then cheers you got out if the loop
Then adb sideload an f2fs ROM and kernel them flash
USBhost said:
Try this out format /system /cache /data with twrp to f2fs
If it doesn't boot then cheers you got out if the loop
Then adb sideload an f2fs ROM and kernel them flash
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I have clockworkmod recovery v6.0.4.3 probably from installing cyanogenmod, however formating any of those partitions does literally nothing. I'm not sure what file system it formats it to, but the process seemed too quick for a full format.
I cannot flash a different recovery because... well... it doesn't remember me flashing a recovery (even when nothing "fails" when flashing). So I'm stuck with whatever is already on my internal storage. Nothing is writing to the sdcard, and nothing is being deleted.
violoncellemuse said:
I have clockworkmod recovery v6.0.4.3 probably from installing cyanogenmod, however formating any of those partitions does literally nothing. I'm not sure what file system it formats it to, but the process seemed too quick for a full format.
I cannot flash a different recovery because... well... it doesn't remember me flashing a recovery (even when nothing "fails" when flashing). So I'm stuck with whatever is already on my internal storage. Nothing is writing to the sdcard, and nothing is being deleted.
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Boot twrp temporary from the bootloader
USBhost said:
Boot twrp temporary from the bootloader
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I'm unfamiliar with this, how do I boot temporarily?
violoncellemuse said:
I'm unfamiliar with this, how do I boot temporarily?
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1 set getting on computer
Okay, so I was able to boot twrp and change the partitions to f2fs. No dice. Still cyanogenmod.
violoncellemuse said:
Okay, so I was able to boot twrp and change the partitions to f2fs. No dice. Still cyanogenmod.
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then you did boot twrp temporary
USBhost said:
then you did boot twrp temporary
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I did. I didn't know that was possible until now.
But still, changing the file system or formating anything doesn't do anything after I reboot. I even checked after I changed the file system to f2fs in twrp to see the "current file system" when changing the partitions again, but it says it's ext4 still.
I tried repairing system, which processed quickly. However, trying to repair cache and data led to an error. Perhaps this might mean something? or is this normal?
violoncellemuse said:
I did. I didn't know that was possible until now.
But still, changing the file system or formating anything doesn't do anything after I reboot. I even checked after I changed the file system to f2fs in twrp to see the "current file system" when changing the partitions again, but it says it's ext4 still.
I tried repairing system, which processed quickly. However, trying to repair cache and data led to an error. Perhaps this might mean something? or is this normal?
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thats not normal
ok i know why its a new cyanogenmod feature
no matter what you do cyanogenmod is now unkillable lol
this is such a strage problem
USBhost said:
thats not normal
ok i know why its a new cyanogenmod feature
no matter what you do cyanogenmod is now unkillable lol
this is such a strage problem
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Do you have any more info? Perhaps my sdcard is "softlocked" or something.
violoncellemuse said:
Do you have any more info? Perhaps my sdcard is "softlocked" or something.
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i have been noticing CWMR is the root of all the problems
i dont sorry but your not the only one i think there are 3+ people that have this same problem
formating should have fixed it
USBhost said:
i have been noticing CWMR is the root of all the problems
i dont sorry but your not the only one i think there are 3+ people that have this same problem
formating should have fixed it
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I do thank you for trying to help me out.
I found a thread with someone with the same problem I'd like to direct people towards:
violoncellemuse said:
Curious, how did you get to the point where it boots the previous rom? Same as me or something else? Are you using cyanogenmod? I want to try and rule out some possibilities.
I'm at the same point since last time. Trying to nuke the hell out of cyanogenmod but it won't go away!
This just outright baffles me!
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Well, I have Paranaoid Android 4.4.4, not Cyanogen, and everything seemed ok until I installed Cloudmagic (and maybe Busybox?) that poped up a Play Store error (I don't remember which one), and suddenly all the problems began. It started to reboots, rebooted so many times that I decided to flash another ROM... but this wasn't possible.
My recovery is TWRP, so we can discard Cyanogen, ParanoidAndroid, CMW and TWRP as guilty, I think.
USBhost said:
Try this out format /system /cache /data with twrp to f2fs
If it doesn't boot then cheers you got out if the loop
Then adb sideload an f2fs ROM and kernel them flash
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Tried that, nothing happened, still with Paranoid Android.
violoncellemuse said:
I did. I didn't know that was possible until now.
But still, changing the file system or formating anything doesn't do anything after I reboot. I even checked after I changed the file system to f2fs in twrp to see the "current file system" when changing the partitions again, but it says it's ext4 still.
I tried repairing system, which processed quickly. However, trying to repair cache and data led to an error. Perhaps this might mean something? or is this normal?
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Same here.

[VIDEO] Oneplus 2 Home Button completely Dead !

My Home button of the OPT is not giving signs of life. I got the OPT yesterday and it worked but after a clean install it stopped working.
It doesn't do Home Button Taks nor it reads fingerprints. It is simply DEAD! Help me please????
I went through a process of rooting, however I'm still not rooted because no point of rooting if I have this problem.
Here's what happened:
After I unlocked the bootloader and flash TWRP, I went to TWRP and by mistake I wiped system as well. I was so nervous that I ended up wiping: System + Data + Dalvik + Cache + SD Card.
So after I had wiped everything off OPT, of course I had to download and flash manually Oxygen OS ! After I flashed it I set up the phone normally through Setup Wizard and when I was going to configure the Fingerprint, that's when it didn't work anymore. So, everything in the phone is working properly except for the Home Button.
So, do you think it could have anything to do with factory reset + System + SD Card and flashing Oxygen OS again? How could that damage the Home Button ALL functionalities? If not, read the final part of this thread:
The buttons on left and right of the Home Button work properly !
I followed these two Sticky Threads:
I have a theory which might help someone who reads this tell me if it could be it:
So, my OPT came with Oxygen OS 2.0.3 and as I wiped the system, I had to flash a ROM again. However it is only available Oxygen 2.0.2 in the Internet to download, which leads me to think that it was a firmware downgrade which led to this problem. Could this be it?
I am trying to solve this for 17 hours ! Please, if you have any idea how to help me, do not hesitate.
Thanks in advance for all of those who are reading this until the end and even more thanks to the ones replying to this thread !
This could really be due to a driver problem.
They may use different fingerprint readers on several devices.
Have you contacted the Oneplus support yet?
Jann F said:
This could really be due to a driver problem.
They may use different fingerprint readers on several devices.
Have you contacted the Oneplus support yet?
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I have. But it will take many days, I wish I could fix it asap. So, I guess if it is a driver problem, clean flashing, etc will not do anything ever right?
I have flashed everything from zero serveral times, it just keeps not working
You could search for someone to give you the appropriate files or even a backup of /system
Try the OP forums too.
Jann F said:
You could search for someone to give you the appropriate files or even a backup of /system
Try the OP forums too.
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I did... The exact same thread as this one lies now on the OP Forums. I guess i'm out of luck.
Same issues as above :| I have a couple backup phones but im still pissed off about this.
We have ruled it down to kernel changes in 2.0.3 vs 2.0.2
i am facing the same problem
my home Button completely gone....
Backup of /system 2.0.3 posted here
just updated to 2.0.3
same... home bottun STILL not working
basscheck12 said:
Backup of /system 2.0.3 posted here
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madsatan said:
just updated to 2.0.3
same... home bottun STILL not working
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If the problem is kernel related, guess you would need a back-up of /boot from 2.0.3 also
basscheck12 said:
If the problem is kernel related, guess you would need a back-up of /boot from 2.0.3 also
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sorry... so what should i do ?? make a back up and boot it again ??
i updated to 2.0.3 and wipe and boot ...
still not working ....
madsatan said:
sorry... so what should i do ?? make a back up and boot it again ??
i updated to 2.0.3 and wipe and boot ...
still not working ....
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No... The link I posted was for a back-up of /system but if the issue is kernel related you would also need a back-up of /boot where the kernel is located. Maybe @Jeftha could upload it for you.
basscheck12 said:
No... The link I posted was for a back-up of /system but if the issue is kernel related you would also need a back-up of /boot where the kernel is located. Maybe @Jeftha could upload it for you.
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by the way
it happened after i flash cyanogen , then I returned to the oxygen 2.02,
but unfortunately it does not work now the home button , not the fingerprint reader , the ability to use it as a button . I lost some drivers or normal?
someone can help me please?
basscheck12 said:
No... The link I posted was for a back-up of /system but if the issue is kernel related you would also need a back-up of /boot where the kernel is located. Maybe @Jeftha could upload it for you.
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Where can I find this file? When I did the TWRP backup I had boot, system and data partitions selected.
Jeftha said:
Where can I find this file? When I did the TWRP backup I had boot, system and data partitions selected.
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Oh, I didn't realize you uploaded the entire back-up. Then you have already uploaded the file I was referring to.
having this same issue. home button just stopped working. nandroid back to 2.02 from 2.1 and still doesnt work. if anyone knows a fix please pass along the info
Quizo said:
having this same issue. home button just stopped working. nandroid back to 2.02 from 2.1 and still doesnt work. if anyone knows a fix please pass along the info
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somehow i deleted all my os and blah blah blah
so i sideload my opt with OxygenOS 2.0 (
and i got my home button back ...yay
then flashed the OxygenOS 2.0.2
still have a home button
Facing the same problem. Wasnt flashing one rom over other. Was on hydrogen OS for about 10 days now. Any true solutions to this problem? Does the above solution work?
I've got the same issue starting today. I'm on OxygenOS 2.1.1 with root.
Going back to stock without root to see if it fixes it but I think it's gotta be a hardware issue. Has anyone gone through the RMA process with OnePlus?

HELP!! I am stuck inside of TWRP and cannot boot into the system

Hey everyone, I have a really frustrating problem, I am currently able to boot into TWRP via hardware method and ADB can see my device as well. However I have tried to install a stock system image through TWRP and I have also tried to install another TWRP backup that a user had posted in the Q&A forum. At one time I was able to successfully boot into the system but my device said encryption unsuccessful. After wiping the system partition and trying to install these images through TWRP I am still unable to boot into the system. Whenever I install them my phone will reboot into TWRP. I am at a loss as to what to do. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I would appreciate it.
crazyc78 said:
Hey everyone, I have a really frustrating problem, I am currently able to boot into TWRP via hardware method and ADB can see my device as well. However I have tried to install a stock system image through TWRP and I have also tried to install another TWRP backup that a user had posted in the Q&A forum. At one time I was able to successfully boot into the system but my device said encryption unsuccessful. After wiping the system partition and trying to install these images through TWRP I am still unable to boot into the system. Whenever I install them my phone will reboot into TWRP. I am at a loss as to what to do. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I would appreciate it.
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I saw your other post in the other thread, but couldn't reply for some reason.. did you wipe the internal storage before restore?
Yes I did wipe the internal storage, I actually wiped everything the first time I tried to get everything in order and that was my original problem by wiping the system. I didn't realize that wiping internal storage would cause issues but that could have been one of the culprits. I think what finally solved my issue is I installed a deodexed rom and then powered down my device instead of rebooting and it booted up the rom. I had to flash SuperSU from a zip because for some reason the one that was preinstalled with that rom didn't install properly. So I installed the SuperSU zip and I am now officially rooted. Lesson learned DON'T WIPE SYSTEM OR INTERNAL STORAGE lol. I should have known better I have been rooting for awhile now, I just wasn't paying attention it happens to the best of us sometimes. Thanks for your help.
crazyc78 said:
Yes I did wipe the internal storage, I actually wiped everything the first time I tried to get everything in order and that was my original problem by wiping the system. I didn't realize that wiping internal storage would cause issues but that could have been one of the culprits. I think what finally solved my issue is I installed a deodexed rom and then powered down my device instead of rebooting and it booted up the rom. I had to flash SuperSU from a zip because for some reason the one that was preinstalled with that rom didn't install properly. So I installed the SuperSU zip and I am now officially rooted. Lesson learned DON'T WIPE SYSTEM OR INTERNAL STORAGE lol. I should have known better I have been rooting for awhile now, I just wasn't paying attention it happens to the best of us sometimes. Thanks for your help.
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I've been rooting for a while myself but messed up I'm stuck in twrp and don't know how to get it the phone back on! your help would be glady appreciated .
ricosuave88 said:
I've been rooting for a while myself but messed up I'm stuck in twrp and don't know how to get it the phone back on! your help would be glady appreciated .
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I used the deodexed ROM that is in the development forum. If I can upload it here I will if not just download it put it on your SD card and flash it. It may take a couple tries though I would suggest powering down your phone instead of rebooting it. Then turn it on and it should boot into the new rom. It's basically the same stock rom that our phone comes with. You may have to flash Chainfires SUPERSU zip that's in one of the threads. These steps should get you up and running again. Also if you can see your internal storage you're not encrypted. Hopefully that works for you. Let me know how it goes.
I wasnt able to upload the file from my phone. Just download it from here.
crazyc78 said:
I wasnt able to upload the file from my phone. Just download it from here.
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Thanks for responding back. Man I'm still stuck in twrp I'm losing all hope at this point been at all day and can't figure out what Im doing wrong . I know you was stuck in the same situation did flashing that twrp back up help you out?
ricosuave88 said:
Thanks for responding back. Man I'm still stuck in twrp I'm losing all hope at this point been at all day and can't figure out what Im doing wrong . I know you was stuck in the same situation did flashing that twrp back up help you out?
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Flashing the rom helped me out. It's a system image file. It's basically the stock rom for our device just deodexed. What exactly happened what did you wipe after your phone booted into
TWRP? If you still have TWRP you're not bricked. If you can flash that image from the thread I copied above then you should be good. You may have to flash SUPERSU to get root back. Also after you flash make sure you're not encrypted if you can see your internal storage partition then you're not encrypted.
crazyc78 said:
Flashing the rom helped me out. It's a system image file. It's basically the stock rom for our device just deodexed. What exactly happened what did you wipe after your phone booted into
TWRP? If you still have TWRP you're not bricked. If you can flash that image from the thread I copied above then you should be good. You may have to flash SUPERSU to get root back. Also after you flash make sure you're not encrypted if you can see your internal storage partition then you're not encrypted.
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when I flashed the rom from your link above it just booted me into twrp again . I don't know what exactly I'm suppose to wipe. I can see internal storage tho so I guess that's a good sign but what's not good is that I can't use my phone :/ I've been rooting for years and can't seem to figure this one out.
ricosuave88 said:
when I flashed the rom from your link above it just booted me into twrp again . I don't know what exactly I'm suppose to wipe. I can see internal storage tho so I guess that's a good sign but what's not good is that I can't use my phone :/ I've been rooting for years and can't seem to figure this one out.
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When you flashed the rom did you power the phone down and then try to boot into the rom? That's what I did and it worked for me. So don't select reboot into system, I'm not sure why it doesn't work that way. I had to power my device down and then boot into the room. Also if you can see your internal partition in TWRP then you should be good and encryption is not enabled. I know how frustrating this is. Just keep trying eventually that rom should stick.
crazyc78 said:
When you flashed the rom did you power the phone down and then try to boot into the rom? That's what I did and it worked for me. So don't select reboot into system, I'm not sure why it doesn't work that way. I had to power my device down and then boot into the room. Also if you can see your internal partition in TWRP then you should be good and encryption is not enabled. I know how frustrating this is. Just keep trying eventually that rom should stick.
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Man, I have tried everything as well and I can't seem to get pass TWRP. Has anyone found a way around this problem? I have been looking around for an answer for 2 days and nothing has worked so far, any help will be greatly appriciated.
Thank you
kaiser10 said:
Man, I have tried everything as well and I can't seem to get pass TWRP. Has anyone found a way around this problem? I have been looking around for an answer for 2 days and nothing has worked so far, any help will be greatly appriciated.
Thank you
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There a stock rom that I posted a link to a few posts back when I trying to help someone else. Download it put it on your SD card and install it. You don't need to wipe anything it will format things for you. After it installs don't reboot, power down the device and then turn it back on it should boot into the rom. That's what worked for me. I believe there was another way then what I just described it's in the same thread that I linked a few posts back. Good luck!!
crazyc78 said:
There a stock rom that I posted a link to a few posts back when I trying to help someone else. Download it put it on your SD card and install it. You don't need to wipe anything it will format things for you. After it installs don't reboot, power down the device and then turn it back on it should boot into the rom. That's what worked for me. I believe there was another way then what I just described it's in the same thread that I linked a few posts back. Good luck!!
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Thanks for the help brother. However, it did not work for me. I flash the stock system, boot, turn device off and turn back on but I am still stock on TWRP. I will continue reading and hopefully I will find the answer soon.
thank you,:crying:
kaiser10 said:
Thanks for the help brother. However, it did not work for me. I flash the stock system, boot, turn device off and turn back on but I am still stock on TWRP. I will continue reading and hopefully I will find the answer soon.
thank you,:crying:
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Np don't give up, I almost lost hope and then it worked for me.
Like I said there was another method that was discussed that worked for someone else. Try this thread, I know someone had the same issue that you and I had and they finally got it working.
I'm here to the rescue! Follow this to the T! It worked for me! Let me know.
Sent by using the battery of my LG V20
im on the same boat as you. I am stuck in TWRP
tried all the methods i found so far and still stuck in twrp. i would greatly appreciate if someone can get me out of this bootloop!
hslayer said:
tried all the methods i found so far and still stuck in twrp. i would greatly appreciate if someone can get me out of this bootloop!
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Same. Though I am on US996. Not sure what I did, was exploring some behind the scenes stuff using 'hidden codes' but didn't change any values as I didn't know what they meant in most cases. I rebooted my phone and it went straight to TWRP (3.0.2-1) and it will not boot past TWRP. Occasionally after I've flashed something, it will boot into TWRP and the screen will be unresponsive to touch so I have to pull the battery, but then it will be fine again.
I was in your position not to long ago, I'm currently working on getting a .kdz recovery file for the H918. My progress will continue on it later when finals are over.
netgar post 134
Restore H918 to 100% Stock (!!REQUIRES TWRP!!)

[SOLVED] USB OTG is no longer working on my galaxy s8

Hi guys,
Yesterday I washed my galaxy s8 ( china SM-G9500) with water to clean the dust, and it prompted the usb port is wet must dry it before using. Today it's not wet any more, and I tried to connect a usb drive with the type-c to type-a OTG adapter to the phone, but it doesn't work. Then I tried to plug in something else like mouse, keyboard and card reader for multiple times, still no any prompt on my phone at all. However, when I try to connect it to my computer with usb cable, everything are working properly. So could the usb port be damaged by the water, or the OTG adapter was broken? Also, are the usb type-c host mode and guest mode using the same pins?
I really need some help. Thank you so much!
I'm having the same issue except I wasn't in water or near it. No one has an answer for my delimua but hopefully someone will answer with a fix. said:
I'm having the same issue except I wasn't in water or near it. No one has an answer for my delimua but hopefully someone will answer with a fix.
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i found the reason just now. i rooted my galaxy s8 with a modified kernel and magisk, and this results this issue. after restoring firmware to stock with smart switch, everything worked normally. now my problem is solved. if you rooted your phone too, maybe you can backup your data and try to restore.
xdauser'17 said:
i found the reason just now. i rooted my galaxy s8 with a modified kernel and magisk, and this results this issue. after restoring firmware to stock with smart switch, everything worked normally. now my problem is solved. if you rooted your phone too, maybe you can backup your data and try to restore.
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Thanks is the restore same as flashing with Odin? I never used a smart switch to restore or whatever the non-odin method is. said:
Thanks is the restore same as flashing with Odin? I never used a smart switch to restore or whatever the non-odin method is.
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if you have the stock firmware, you should be able to use odin to flash it too, but i'm not sure how, you can google it. the much easier way is smart switch, you can download it from samsung's official website. and after install it, use the 'more' menu and the first option the do a complete restore by following the instruction.
Okay thanks. I've used Odin before and done several phones over the years. Done it with Odin but still it doesn't work. said:
Okay thanks. I've used Odin before and done several phones over the years. Done it with Odin but still it doesn't work.
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then you should do some check about the usb port, for example try to connect your phone to pc. also, if you rooted your phone, too, you should make sure you restored the kernel with odin.
Everything has been restored. USB works with everything else. Just not with the otg. said:
Everything has been restored. USB works with everything else. Just not with the otg.
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well, that's weird. maybe you should open another thread to talk about this issue, or just report it to samsung.
xdauser'17 said:
well, that's weird. maybe you should open another thread to talk about this issue, or just report it to samsung.
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I've made a thread like 2 months ago and no one commented except for a guy who doesn't know English at all or how to read. Samsung won't do much since I got my from Europe aka G955F and I live in the states. said:
I've made a thread like 2 months ago and no one commented except for a guy who doesn't know English at all or how to read. Samsung won't do much since I got my from Europe aka G955F and I live in the states.
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ok. These days i'm trying to compile a kernel to fix the issue on my phone. if i can find out the reason, i'll compile one for you too. although i'm not confident enough. so your phone is G955F, right?
and if possible, you could do some check on your otg adapter to make sure it's not a hardware issue.
xdauser'17 said:
ok. These days i'm trying to compile a kernel to fix the issue on my phone. if i can find out the reason, i'll compile one for you too. although i'm not confident enough. so your phone is G955F, right?
and if possible, you could do some check on your otg adapter to make sure it's not a hardware issue.
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Yes a G955F. I can do some tests ya. Tell me what to check for. When I plug on the adapter it said " charging connected device" when I go to switch the setting to something else, it'll act like it does then it goes right back to it instantly. I stripped the adapter to fit over an otterbox and it worked for 4 days till I flashed a rom so idk. I've literally done everything except try a different OTG. If I had another device to test this on I'd do it but I don't. said:
Yes a G955F. I can do some tests ya. Tell me what to check for. When I plug on the adapter it said " charging connected device" when I go to switch the setting to something else, it'll act like it does then it goes right back to it instantly. I stripped the adapter to fit over an otterbox and it worked for 4 days till I flashed a rom so idk. I've literally done everything except try a different OTG. If I had another device to test this on I'd do it but I don't.
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alright, I'm still in trouble for now, because the self-compiled kernel can't boot up, and my phone give a message like 'kernel is not seandroid enforcing'. i have asked in some other threads, and waiting for answers...
xdauser'17 said:
alright, I'm still in trouble for now, because the self-compiled kernel can't boot up, and my phone give a message like 'kernel is not seandroid enforcing'. i have asked in some other threads, and waiting for answers...
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That's an easy one. After you flash the kernel wipe cache and dalvik then reboot. If it still persists, wipe dalvik and cache then flash super user in twrp and reboot. said:
That's an easy one. After you flash the kernel wipe cache and dalvik then reboot. If it still persists, wipe dalvik and cache then flash super user in twrp and reboot.
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really? are you sure?
xdauser'17 said:
really? are you sure?
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I'm 80% sure yes. On my s7 active that is what I had to do when I flashed a kernel or rooted for the first time. You may also try the zip that disables the protection in recovery. I forgot the actual name. To the point, I've had a few devices and that was my remody to fix em. Worth a try at least said:
I'm 80% sure yes. On my s7 active that is what I had to do when I flashed a kernel or rooted for the first time. You may also try the zip that disables the protection in recovery. I forgot the actual name. To the point, I've had a few devices and that was my remody to fix em. Worth a try at least
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okay, i'll give it a try, although i have taken some time to restore my phone from previous fault just now. and maybe i'll need to do that once again soon...
I tried it just now, erasing dalvik cache, /cache or /data... anything possible, but sadly, it's no effect in my case.
I believe this is a compile-time problem, and maybe the solution is edit makefile to change some kernel options, or apply some kind of patch to the kernel source. that will fool the SeAndroid security check to make the kernel bootable. It's possible only a simple modification, but i have no idea how.
right now, i'm going to do a complete restore again to make my phone work. i'm really not sure if i can do this, or if i can help. the only thing i could do for now is waiting for someone's hints. so let's hope everything will go well.
anyway, thanks for your advice.
xdauser'17 said:
I tried it just now, erasing dalvik cache, /cache or /data... anything possible, but sadly, it's no effect in my case.
I believe this is a compile-time problem, and maybe the solution is edit makefile to change some kernel options, or apply some kind of patch to the kernel source. that will fool the SeAndroid security check to make the kernel bootable. It's possible only a simple modification, but i have no idea how.
right now, i'm going to do a complete restore again to make my phone work. i'm really not sure if i can do this, or if i can help. the only thing i could do for now is waiting for someone's hints. so let's hope everything will go well.
anyway, thanks for your advice.
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You weren't suppose to wipe data as u would a full wipe. Only dalvik and cache. Install a rom like batman rom and then flash your kernel. It should take. If your on stock its tricky. said:
You weren't suppose to wipe data as u would a full wipe. Only dalvik and cache. Install a rom like batman rom and then flash your kernel. It should take. If your on stock its tricky.
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first time, i only wiped dalvik cache and /cache partition, but it still doesn't work, then i tried to wipe /data completely, still no luck...
