Enabling reading executing of vold from adb root shell - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

it is all the morning that I try to find information regarding this topic.
I need to recover the adoptable storage key because the sd is signed as corrupted and I would like to recover files in linux. The problem is that to do it I need to be able to execute vold. Unfortunately this requires root. I don't want to root the device, but seems the only way to go. And I have an Exynos SM-G935F.
So all the morning I am reading how to do it, but everything seems passing from installing TWRP and then from there to add SuperSu. I don't care SuperSu. I don't want TWRP if possible. Maybe I'm not looking with the right words.
I read that after installing TWRP this will ask If I would like to allow System Modifications and that the answer to this question will trigger the KNOX. I don't need system modifcations. I just need to read some folders and launch one command. I don't exactly understand if I can jump this step.
From here seems yes: https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s7/how-to/root-official-stock-nougat-7-0-100-t3540765
Someone can answer the question?

So, I tried to read better.
If I will install TWRP with odin this should not trip knox and give me adb root feature, that should allow me to execute the vold command and mount system in RW etc etc.
I will do just it the flash back the stock recovery.
Will this wipe any data or trip knox?
Should not I think right?

Uhh i dont know where you heard that installing twrp will not trip knox if installed by odin but it will, In fact anything not signed by samsung on boot or recovery partition will trip knox (Also includes few other partitions but thats not important for this thread)

Hi thank you, from this thread: https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s7/how-to/root-official-stock-nougat-7-0-100-t3540765
If you read through it seems that dm-verity should be tripped just after accepting and modifying something with twrp. But my idea is to never leave twrp.
So maybe I understood wrong which is the service that will initiate the Knox security tripping?

Bootloader itself will trip knox fuse and after you install twrp you have to go thru bootloader to boot to twrp or system

Ok this is enlightening. I don't want to root in that case... I will give up the data. In the meantime I even discovered that the micro SD has some problems because suddendly it became write protected and I could not find a way to format it. Just reading works. So thank you really much for the comments.

Seems I didn't understood the mentioned thread and the relation between dm-verity and knox. In the whitepaper of knox it was seen that it integrates with dm-verity but according to Ivan_Meler that has been so kind to comment Knox is triggered even from the bootloader, so before TWRP.
Thank you.

Sorry, double post

Well glad i could help, Dm-ver. Is used to check system for changes in case system was somehow modified and it would trip knox in that case on samsung devices


Device Encryption and Root

Hi everyone,
it's my first post on the xda-developers forum, so if the kind of my posting mismatches any rules, please let me know!
I'm using this forum for quite long time now, but so far all of my questions were answered by search & read... Some weeks ago I had another question, for which I colun't find an explicit answer yet. So based on some hints from different sources (thanks to google!) I did some experiments aka try and error and would like to share my experience with you (to give something back to the comunity, who helped me a lot in the past) and see whether I finally found the answere to my question... So please let me know, whether it worked for you as well or whether you know a different / better way to solve this kind of problem.
As usual: Use this guide at your own risk!
Problem statement:
I wanted to have my SM-P900 (stock rom) both rooted and encrypted (using device encryption). I've already done this for GT-I9100 (Galaxy S II) and GT-I9192 (Galaxy S4 Duo) in the past and it worked like a charme. But for some reason I couldn't get it working on the SM-P900...
Trial log (for short version see below):
I have successfully rooted this device via the CF-Auto-Root method by Chainfire (many thanks for the greate job!). When I later tried to activate the device entcryption, it first looked like the process has started (I got a black screen with a green android manikin), but after some time (~1min) the device just re-started and booted in normal mode. I tried it several times with the same end of story - no success, no harm either.
After some time of googling I found a hint, that on KitKat devices Superuser should be temporarily de-activated in order to get the device encryption starting properly and activate it after the encryption process has finished. So I tried that and indeed, this time the encryption process started after the reboot. I let it finish and after a reboot it looked like I was where I wanted to be at. But then I realized that I wasn't able to activate the Superuser back (SuperSU said "Can't find the su binary... You need to restore it manually" or something similar). Damned! I thought "OK, let's try CF-Auto-Root again". The root process itself seemed to work, but after that the device just hang at boot... Soft-brick... :crying:
Taking a more deeper look at the script source of an Update-Super-SU package from Chainfire I realized that it also does some writes to the /data partition. Well, I guess this broke the partition, since it was encrypted... (If anyone has a better explanation for this, please let me know!)
So everything back to the start: I flashed the stock rom, did a factory reset and re-ran CF-Auto-Root... Now the device was operating properly and was rooted, but no encryption. Before starting another try of encryption, I wanted verify that the temoprary un-root wasn't broken by the encryption. So I did a temorary un-root (by removing the tick at the option "Activate Superuser" in SuperSu settings) and then activated it back right away. This worked fine. I rebooted (just to confirm everything is still working) and Superuser still worked as expected. Then (to try one more thing) I "de-activated" su again and rebooted. Trying to activate it back after the reboot, I realized that I now was at the same situation as just after the encryption, but without the encryption. I.e. the problem was not the encryption itself, but kind of a bug in SuperSU - it was not able to activate su back after a reboot (I'll try to check it via a bug report to Chainfire).
So I digged a bit deeper into this and realized that SuperSU was simply deleting the su binary in /system/xbin on de-activation and writing it back on activation. And it looked like it wasn't able to write it back after a reboot (probably because of missing permission).
Knowing that, I decided to go a step further: I flashed the TWRP (many thanks to the TeamWin guys!), booted into recovery, mounted /system and copied the su binary manually to /system/xbin. After a reboot I tried once again open SuperSU, but it still said, it couldn't find the su binary. Hmmm... There must be something more... Having another look at the script source of the Update-Super-SU package I found that at the end it was calling the su binary with the option "-install". So I booted back to recovery and tried that as well... Hurra!!! After a reboot SuperSU was finally starting and the root-apps were able to get su access... So this seemed to be the desired solution.
I deactivated su again, rebooted and started the encryption. It ran and finished successfully, as expected. After that I booted to recovery and installed su manually, as I've done it before... Reboot... finger crossed... Tadaa!!! System is back, encrypted and root is working! :good:
Solution approach:
Device is not rooted and not encypted (if already rooted, scip 2; if already encrypted, decrypt or do a factory-reset - don't try CF-Auto-Root on an encrypted device, it'll soft-brick)
Root the device (e.g. using Auto-Root-CF by Chainfire (it'll trigger the Knox-counter)
Temporarily un-root the device (when using SuperSU: go to Settings and remove the tick at the option "Activate Superuser")
Activate the device encryption (the battery must be at least at 80% and the device must be plugged in the wall charger)
The device will restart after a short period of time and start the encryption (this will take some time, but you should see a progress bar indicating how far it is)
After the encryption is finished the device will reboot and ask for the password, just log in
If not yet done, flash a custom recovery where you have a console access or can use ADB as root (I used TWRP)
Boot into recovery
Mount /system (it's not mounted automatically, at least not in the version I used - TWRP
Open the console or ADB shell
Copy the su binary (if you use SuperSU: cp /system/xbin/daemonsu /system/xbin/su)
Execute the installation (if you use SuperSU: /system/xbin/su --install)
You should be done
Thank you for the info and the simple steps. I was considering something similar to what you wanted with your device.
I've followed your steps and managed to re-enable SuperSU after encryption! (used twrp)
Thank you!!!!!
Hello Bruzzy,
Thanks so much for the awesome post!
I am just having difficulty with the final steps. I am a complete newbie in regards to rooting and using these android tools.
Everything else was quite clear in your post except for these final steps.
Could you please simply a bit more step by step how I proceed to do the final steps listed below?
[*]Mount /system (it's not mounted automatically, at least not in the version I used - TWRP
[*]Open the console or ADB shell
[*]Copy the su binary (if you use SuperSU: cp /system/xbin/daemonsu /system/xbin/su)
[*]Execute the installation (if you use SuperSU: /system/xbin/su --install)
Thanks so much!
bruzzy said:
Hi everyone,
it's my first post on the xda-developers forum, so if the kind of my posting mismatches any rules, please let me know!
I'm using this forum for quite long time now, but so far all of my questions were answered by search & read... Some weeks ago I had another question, for which I colun't find an explicit answer yet. So based on some hints from different sources (thanks to google!) I did some experiments aka try and error and would like to share my experience with you (to give something back to the comunity, who helped me a lot in the past) and see whether I finally found the answere to my question... So please let me know, whether it worked for you as well or whether you know a different / better way to solve this kind of problem.
As usual: Use this guide at your own risk!
Problem statement:
I wanted to have my SM-P900 (stock rom) both rooted and encrypted (using device encryption). I've already done this for GT-I9100 (Galaxy S II) and GT-I9192 (Galaxy S4 Duo) in the past and it worked like a charme. But for some reason I couldn't get it working on the SM-P900...
Trial log (for short version see below):
I have successfully rooted this device via the CF-Auto-Root method by Chainfire (many thanks for the greate job!). When I later tried to activate the device entcryption, it first looked like the process has started (I got a black screen with a green android manikin), but after some time (~1min) the device just re-started and booted in normal mode. I tried it several times with the same end of story - no success, no harm either.
After some time of googling I found a hint, that on KitKat devices Superuser should be temporarily de-activated in order to get the device encryption starting properly and activate it after the encryption process has finished. So I tried that and indeed, this time the encryption process started after the reboot. I let it finish and after a reboot it looked like I was where I wanted to be at. But then I realized that I wasn't able to activate the Superuser back (SuperSU said "Can't find the su binary... You need to restore it manually" or something similar). Damned! I thought "OK, let's try CF-Auto-Root again". The root process itself seemed to work, but after that the device just hang at boot... Soft-brick... :crying:
Taking a more deeper look at the script source of an Update-Super-SU package from Chainfire I realized that it also does some writes to the /data partition. Well, I guess this broke the partition, since it was encrypted... (If anyone has a better explanation for this, please let me know!)
So everything back to the start: I flashed the stock rom, did a factory reset and re-ran CF-Auto-Root... Now the device was operating properly and was rooted, but no encryption. Before starting another try of encryption, I wanted verify that the temoprary un-root wasn't broken by the encryption. So I did a temorary un-root (by removing the tick at the option "Activate Superuser" in SuperSu settings) and then activated it back right away. This worked fine. I rebooted (just to confirm everything is still working) and Superuser still worked as expected. Then (to try one more thing) I "de-activated" su again and rebooted. Trying to activate it back after the reboot, I realized that I now was at the same situation as just after the encryption, but without the encryption. I.e. the problem was not the encryption itself, but kind of a bug in SuperSU - it was not able to activate su back after a reboot (I'll try to check it via a bug report to Chainfire).
So I digged a bit deeper into this and realized that SuperSU was simply deleting the su binary in /system/xbin on de-activation and writing it back on activation. And it looked like it wasn't able to write it back after a reboot (probably because of missing permission).
Knowing that, I decided to go a step further: I flashed the TWRP (many thanks to the TeamWin guys!), booted into recovery, mounted /system and copied the su binary manually to /system/xbin. After a reboot I tried once again open SuperSU, but it still said, it couldn't find the su binary. Hmmm... There must be something more... Having another look at the script source of the Update-Super-SU package I found that at the end it was calling the su binary with the option "-install". So I booted back to recovery and tried that as well... Hurra!!! After a reboot SuperSU was finally starting and the root-apps were able to get su access... So this seemed to be the desired solution.
I deactivated su again, rebooted and started the encryption. It ran and finished successfully, as expected. After that I booted to recovery and installed su manually, as I've done it before... Reboot... finger crossed... Tadaa!!! System is back, encrypted and root is working! :good:
Solution approach:
Device is not rooted and not encypted (if already rooted, scip 2; if already encrypted, decrypt or do a factory-reset - don't try CF-Auto-Root on an encrypted device, it'll soft-brick)
Root the device (e.g. using Auto-Root-CF by Chainfire (it'll trigger the Knox-counter)
Temporarily un-root the device (when using SuperSU: go to Settings and remove the tick at the option "Activate Superuser")
Activate the device encryption (the battery must be at least at 80% and the device must be plugged in the wall charger)
The device will restart after a short period of time and start the encryption (this will take some time, but you should see a progress bar indicating how far it is)
After the encryption is finished the device will reboot and ask for the password, just log in
If not yet done, flash a custom recovery where you have a console access or can use ADB as root (I used TWRP)
Boot into recovery
Mount /system (it's not mounted automatically, at least not in the version I used - TWRP
Open the console or ADB shell
Copy the su binary (if you use SuperSU: cp /system/xbin/daemonsu /system/xbin/su)
Execute the installation (if you use SuperSU: /system/xbin/su --install)
You should be done
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I'm sorry, but I don't know, what you mean with "more step by step". There are no more steps in between, the steps are as granular as possible. If you use TWRP, there is a menu "Mount" (go there and tick /system) - you should have seen it already (if not, have a look at the TWRP documentation). But you could also mount your system from the console or ADB shell.
If you don't know, what "mount", "console" or "ADB" is and are not able to use google to lern it yourself, then you should really not use this guide and even avoid rooting your device...
Beeing a newbie is not an excuse, it's completely up to you to spend some time and change this!
Please avoid quoting the whole post! If you want to reference some part of a post, pick only the relevant part and quote that.
Alternative Method
I have used another method that also works. It worked with my Galaxy S4, Note 10.1 and now with Note Pro. Hope this can help:
1-Root your device and install/update SuperSu;
2-Convert SuperSu to system app (there is an option in SU config). Reboot.
-OBS: If your root method has already installed SuperSu as a system app, this step can be skipped;
3-As SuperSu is now a system app, it can be deactivated through Applications Management in settings. Deactivate it;
-OBS: does NOT use deactivate in SU own config;
4- Reboot in Safe Mode. This can be done pressing both Volume Up/Down while rebooting;
5-Start encryption the normal way and wait until it finishes. Enter your password and wait device boot normally;
6-Go to Applications Management in settings and activate SuperSu;
7-Reboot one more time and your system is encrypted with SuperSu working normally.
I was able to follow all of the posted solutions through but for some reason my phone insists on just booting back into Android instead of actually encrypting my phone. Any ideas?
I have a SM-G900T, TWRP, SuperSU
m33rkat said:
I was able to follow all of the posted solutions through but for some reason my phone insists on just booting back into Android instead of actually encrypting my phone. Any ideas?
I have a SM-G900T, TWRP, SuperSU
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There is some more things that you can try with the solution I´ve posted:
1-Put original recovery instead of TWRP. I have never tried to encrypt with custom recovery;
2-When you boot in "Safe Mode", go to Application Management, running applications and stop as much processes as you can (do not stop google services).
OBS: To ensure that you have booted in Safe Mode, look at the bottom left corner of the screen an see if it shows “Safe Mode”.
rooting and encrpytion
The alternative method worked like charm....Thanks guys
NB:My tab got soft bricked after I did the factory reset and tried to root. I had to install a stock rom b4 proceeding with the guide.
Sorry to resurrect this thread but I just ran into this issue for the first time. (Thanks for posting this, btw, it's encrypting as we speak). A couple questions....what happens if we apply an OTA update after doing this? Will that cause any problems when we try to re-root it? I'm guessing after doing this CF Auto root won't be much of an option without soft bricking, right? I can always install custom recovery and fix root manually after an OTA. I'm just wondering what happens when (you know, some year) we eventually get 5.0. Thanks again!
To be on the safe side, I always unencrypt my device before a FW update with ODIN or Kies or OTA, because I root again after the update.
If you use OTA or Kies you can do the update with the device encrypted, BUT, as you are going to root again, when you install CFAutoroot your device won´t boot, because of the difference in kernel. This is the reason that I unencrypt before FW updates and proceed with encryption again after I check that everything is working as expected.
I may just fully unroot it temporarily, install the update, and then root after with custom recovery. We shall see. I suspect since we're still on 4.4.2 on the Note 10.1 2014 I got quite some time before I have to worry about it. LOL
P.S. I asked because 5.0 is going to turn encryption on by default, so decrypting may not be an option going forward.
After hours of trying to get encryption an root at the same time for my Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014), temporary disabling SuperSU just worked. Thanks! :good: (I even could skip the part with copying the su binary, probably chainfire has fixed the bug. Just tried enabling SuperSU did it perfectly.)
Hi there
I'm facing a similar problem like you on my Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 LTE.
I have my device:
- rooted
- twrp recovery installed
- run custom ROM
However even when I disable SuperSU and reboot the device and then start encrypting. I only see the Android Logo and no progress. AFter a while (10 minutes or so), it reboots the tab and I end ab at screen lock login and devices is not encrypted. Any ideas?
Thank you for your great effort to help!
But, none of the methods, including the alternative from Nickfreedom did not help me...
I have a Sony Xperia Z1 with rooted Lollipop and SuperSU.
I tried to kill daemonsu with ADB before encrypting, I tried to disable the SuperSU app and I always booted into safe mode before starting encryption.
Nothing helped.
In previous times I had Xposed framework on my device, but as far as I can see, Xposed framework is no longer on my device, I installed a fresh, clean Sony ROM from scratch, I think this has erased Xposed.
Does anyone has a hint?
Thanks to everyone for the posts on this topic. I too have struggled to get my Sprint Note 4 to encrypt after rooting. I was able to encrypt with the stock unrooted ROM but I flashed the Noterized ROM and was not able to get encryption to work. I have verified the following:
1) Busybox is installed and is the latest version
2) SuperSU is deactivated. I tried this through terminal emulator and also the process defined in this thread within the SuperSU app itself. I also verified through Root Checker that SU was not active.
3) Tried in normal and safe mode with the same result
I am getting the Android screen for a few minutes and then the phone reboots. Each time I was hoping to see the encryption start but it just reboots the phone and never works. I am at a total loss for what could be causing this as the reason is beyond my capability. If anyone has ideas let me know because I am willing to try anything.
As a longshot I tried to flash back to stock ROM and encrypt which worked fine. I then tried to flash the Noterized ROM back on the phone and that didn't work. I froze on the Sprint yellow screen of death for over 6 hours.
Simplified steps for rooting &encrypting your device.
Thanks Bruzzy, I took your instructions and applied them to the Note 4. I also simplified them. I will make a universal instructions set for pretty much ALL DEVICES! Will let you guys know here when i take the time to do that.
bruzzy said:
Solution approach:
Device is not rooted and not encypted (if already rooted, scip 2; if already encrypted, decrypt or do a factory-reset - don't try CF-Auto-Root on an encrypted device, it'll soft-brick)
Root the device (e.g. using Auto-Root-CF by Chainfire (it'll trigger the Knox-counter)
Temporarily un-root the device (when using SuperSU: go to Settings and remove the tick at the option "Activate Superuser")
Activate the device encryption (the battery must be at least at 80% and the device must be plugged in the wall charger)
The device will restart after a short period of time and start the encryption (this will take some time, but you should see a progress bar indicating how far it is)
After the encryption is finished the device will reboot and ask for the password, just log in
If not yet done, flash a custom recovery where you have a console access or can use ADB as root (I used TWRP)
Boot into recovery
Mount /system (it's not mounted automatically, at least not in the version I used - TWRP
Open the console or ADB shell
Copy the su binary (if you use SuperSU: cp /system/xbin/daemonsu /system/xbin/su)
Execute the installation (if you use SuperSU: /system/xbin/su --install)
You should be done
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Did you solve your problem whit encryption on t805 ?
sjau said:
Hi there
I'm facing a similar problem like you on my Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 LTE.
I have my device:
- rooted
- twrp recovery installed
- run custom ROM
However even when I disable SuperSU and reboot the device and then start encrypting. I only see the Android Logo and no progress. AFter a while (10 minutes or so), it reboots the tab and I end ab at screen lock login and devices is not encrypted. Any ideas?
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Did you solve your problem whit encryption on t805 ?
I have the same problem on T800 on 5.0.2.
On 4.4 encryption whit CFroot works good, but on 5.0.2 its not work
Vitaly_G said:
Did you solve your problem whit encryption on t805 ?
I have the same problem on T800 on 5.0.2.
On 4.4 encryption whit CFroot works good, but on 5.0.2 its not work
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Hi guys,
there is an alternative instruction from Nickfreedom in my original thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=54679223&postcount=6
I used for several devices and it works like charme (and is much simpler)...
Hey guys this is probably a dumb question but what is the advantage of encryption and does it matter if the knox is tripped since these notes are out of warranty or is it due to resale? I found a cf autoroot link that supposedly wont trip knox which is the odin method since towelroot wont work.

Best current method to root S5 on Lollipop with Knox 0x0 / Help needed.

Hello everyone
I just bought a new Samsung Galaxy S5 international (SM-G900F) and I am about to root it in order to be able to install a sound mod which boosts the sound. I was considering using the one from this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2729652
Basically, it will modify the sound setting values found in mixer_path.xml file in /system/etc
How it is going to be done: (Help needed here)
Plan A- I am planning to downgrade to KitKat in order to root without triggering the Knox counter, then install the mod, then upgrade to LolliPop again.
Plan B- Alternatively, I can downgrade to KitKat and root, then install a prerooted lollipop rom (not sure if it will trigger the Knox counter), then install the sound mod.
Plan C- Maybe there is a method you can tell me about to access the system files of the phone from ADB on my pc without rooting and just modify the values found in mixer_path.xml file in /system/etc
Plan D- A less probable way would be to download an original Lollipop Rom, modify the mixer_path.xml file in /system/etc, save it and then flash it to the phone as an official Rom using Kies 3. I don't even know if this is possible.
Whichever method I choose to go with, I intend to unroot once the Mod is installed in order to get OTA updates. (Not sure how to do this)
My questions:
If I upgrade from KitKat to LolliPop, will it write a new mixer_path.xml file with the default values? Or will it keep the modified version of the file?
If I install the Mod on Lollipop, will an update (OTA) write a new mixer_path.xml file with the default values? Or will it keep the modified one?
Also, once my phone is rooted, I believe OTA updates will not work, so how do I manage to get back the OTA updates from Samsung without losing the modified version of mixer_path.xml file in /system/etc? I don't mind losing root access once I have my sound mod installed.
Thank you very much for your answers, and feel free to tell me what is the best plan or point me toward a better method to achieve this, or anything else that I might not know regarding rooting the S5 without triggering the Knox counter.
Have a great day
Plan A- it will be rewritten when you flash the new ROM (system partition), so you would lose the mod.
Plan B- to flash a pre rooted you will need a custom recovery, and flashing a custom recovery will trigger the knox.
Plan C- I'm not totally sure, but I guess you will need root the same way as it's going to make changes in system partition
Plan D- I'm not sure if it's possible
Enviado de meu Nexus 5 usando Tapatalk
There's always plan E......
Downgrade to KitKat, Towelroot it, use Chainfire's Flashfire to flash Lollipop with injected root, and apply the sound mod then.......(I assume the sound mod is compatible with Lollipop?)....
Sent from my rooted, debloated stocKK kn0x0 SM-G900F
Thank you luisaosan and keithross39 for the helpful answers
As suggested by Luisaosan, Plan A will not work because the file will be overwritten after the update.
Plan C will not work, I tried ADB and all I could do was to pull the files to my computer and edit them, but I couldn't push them back to the phone because the system is in Read-Only and I would need root acces to push a file using ADB.
Plan D is only partly answered following some research I did, basically the rom needs to be signed in order for Kies to accept flashing it, I don't think it's possible to sign it for Kies but it can possibly be signed to be flashed by Odin, although I don't know how to do this and I have no idea if it will trigger the knox, so let's discard this idea for now.
I guess I will have to go with Plan E as suggested by keithross39 (which is same as Plan B, lol). I will give it an evening to backup everything before flashing KitKat and following the process suggested in this method. What is sad is that there isn't a step by step guide to go through this method, and this makes me a bit scared of doing something wrong and end up triggering the Knox counter. I will do some more readings before starting this.
Btw, the only interesting guide that I found so far has this title:
Guide: Rooted Android 5.0 for the International Galaxy S5 (SM-G900F) while preserving Knox 0x0
You can easily find it if you google this title.
Also, for the Mod I was trying to do, it's just an *.xml file that I want to open in a text editor and modify few values in order to increase the volume output of my S5, so yes, it is compatible with Lollipop
Thank you again for answering my questions, and feel free to post anything you judge useful
Wish you all a great day

anyway to root galaxy s7 edge without erasing everything ?

I found only one way to root the galaxy s7 edge but it includes erasing everything and thats just too much trouble for me since i don't trust backup apps with my apps data and all
my model is sm-935FD
this the method i found :
thank u
You don't need to erase everything, that is complete horses**t.
First off you need to confirm you have the Exynos international version. If you're on the Snapdragon version, you're s**t out of luck as the bootloader is locked and root isn't possible at this time, nor will it likely ever be.
You then have two option, install CF Autoroot from ODIN and leave your recovery as stock. Or install TWRP over your recovery via ODIN and install SuperSU from a zip file from within TWRP. Either way you won't lose data. See the following threads.
CF Autoroot -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/s7-edge/development/sm-g935-exynos-cf-auto-root-t3337354
TWRP - http://forum.xda-developers.com/s7-edge/development/recovery-official-twrp-hero2lte-3-0-0-0-t3334084
You only need to erase everything if you want to flash custom roms in twrp. Otherwise you can just root with cf autoroot and you're all set
As the others said, flashing cf autoroot in odin won't erase anything, will leave your phone as is and will add supersu.
You should be aware that by rooting you will trip the knox flag, which permanently breaks samsung pay, and will break the following stuff on the stock rom: private mode, secret mode in the browser with fingerprint authentication (which can later be fixed by flashing a custom Rom).
If you want a properly working twrp recovery, you will have to erase everything, including the internal storage of the phone, there is no way around it.
If you absolutely must have root and you're into custom roms then I say do it now, if you're OK with the stock firmware I would advise not to root. This phone doesn't have too much development and you should not expect too many custom ROMs. I personally regret rooting.
I'm erase mi data because I want to do twrp backups, if you don't want to use a custom recovery for flash Roms and use a nandroid only flash supersu.
Beefheart said:
You don't need to erase everything, that is complete horses**t.
First off you need to confirm you have the Exynos international version. If you're on the Snapdragon version, you're s**t out of luck as the bootloader is locked and root isn't possible at this time, nor will it likely ever be.
You then have two option, install CF Autoroot from ODIN and leave your recovery as stock. Or install TWRP over your recovery via ODIN and install SuperSU from a zip file from within TWRP. Either way you won't lose data. See the following threads.
CF Autoroot -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/s7-edge/development/sm-g935-exynos-cf-auto-root-t3337354
TWRP - http://forum.xda-developers.com/s7-edge/development/recovery-official-twrp-hero2lte-3-0-0-0-t3334084
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Glad I came across this thread, as I was having the same thoughts. How easy is it to just flash recovery back to stock? or do you need to flash the complete firmware package?
TwinCalibre said:
Glad I came across this thread, as I was having the same thoughts. How easy is it to just flash recovery back to stock? or do you need to flash the complete firmware package?
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Flashing the whole fw of course 1 of the way. Maybe if we can extract stock recovery from the fw then just odin it?.
Sent from my SM-N920C
if your on nougat and try to flash TWRP, your device wont boot....they dont have a decrypt solution to 7.0 right now.
Beefheart said:
You don't need to erase everything, that is complete horses**t.
First off you need to confirm you have the Exynos international version. If you're on the Snapdragon version, you're s**t out of luck as the bootloader is locked and root isn't possible at this time, nor will it likely ever be.
You then have two option, install CF Autoroot from ODIN and leave your recovery as stock. Or install TWRP over your recovery via ODIN and install SuperSU from a zip file from within TWRP. Either way you won't lose data. See the following threads.
CF Autoroot -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/s7-edge/development/sm-g935-exynos-cf-auto-root-t3337354
TWRP - http://forum.xda-developers.com/s7-edge/development/recovery-official-twrp-hero2lte-3-0-0-0-t3334084
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Have anyone tried and successfully done it?
there are many ways to root
I recommend use TWRP to root with SU apk file
Beefheart said:
You don't need to erase everything, that is complete horses**t.
First off you need to confirm you have the Exynos international version. If you're on the Snapdragon version, you're s**t out of luck as the bootloader is locked and root isn't possible at this time, nor will it likely ever be.
You then have two option, install CF Autoroot from ODIN and leave your recovery as stock. Or install TWRP over your recovery via ODIN and install SuperSU from a zip file from within TWRP. Either way you won't lose data. See the following threads.
CF Autoroot -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/s7-edge/development/sm-g935-exynos-cf-auto-root-t3337354
TWRP - http://forum.xda-developers.com/s7-edge/development/recovery-official-twrp-hero2lte-3-0-0-0-t3334084
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In nougat it will disable access to data folder and force you to format, but if you flash stock firmware nougat the same it was in and reboot it everything was like before.
Basically backup everything using non root apps and adb then format then restore.
Today I accidentally did oem unlock to OFF then rebooted and then it said custom binary blocked by frp. I then flashed many nougat versions but they all caused force close of 2 things ims service and srbg? I ended up flashing nougat from January 2017 dqlc. I got everything back and working. Next I did twrp and supersu etc but data encryption failed. Then I flashed stock dqlc and got everything back. Use home csc or otherwise it will erase everything. Now I have to backup everything.
Beefheart said:
You don't need to erase everything, that is complete horses**t.
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That's not horse**** at all. If your storage is encrypted (most of them are by default) then it will force you to format once you flash TWRP. I took ages of trial and error of flashing stock firmwares and bootloaders etc via Odin to get it all back as I couldn't afford wiping (even if I had backed up).
Anyone reading this thread and wanting to try it should be careful.
I also found no way to backup ALL apps and ALL their data & settings reliably without root (Helium gets only part of the job done) so I could not risk wiping and restoring. I have too many apps configured and fined tuned that I use regularly.
Sorry for necro, but I found out the hard way after being badly advised ...
mastabog said:
That's not horse**** at all. If your storage is encrypted (most of them are by default) then it will force you to format once you flash TWRP. I took ages of trial and error of flashing stock firmwares and bootloaders etc via Odin to get it all back as I couldn't afford wiping (even if I had backed up).
Anyone reading this thread and wanting to try it should be careful.
I also found no way to backup ALL apps and ALL their data & settings reliably without root (Helium gets only part of the job done) so I could not risk wiping and restoring. I have too many apps configured and fined tuned that I use regularly.
Sorry for necro, but I found out the hard way after being badly advised ...
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And finaly do you find a way to restore your data after installing TWRP ?
By now I would hope your important data is 100% redundantly backed up.
Of all the things that can and do go wrong with rooting, data lose shouldn't even enter into the equation unless you really goofed up bad.
Only two types of data users, those who have lost data and those that will...
I consider any data on internal memory 100% expendable. A complete reload/restore takes me about 2 hours and that's without the luxury of rooting.
At any moment I'm (and you should be too) ready to do a factory reset regardless of the cause without critical data lose.
After two forced back to back forced reloads on my 10+ I learned my lesson.
Thanks Blackhawk for your explication
I am on the second part of user which have lost his data but only the configuration not the contact, photo, etc...
But without root they are plenty of data (configuration, autorisation, widget) which take very long time to "reinstall" and those data are not saved if you are not root. And sometime with root also. They are not important but the time to restore them is very long and use a phone without his custumization is very anoying.
That's why I'm loocking for a way to save it without root or root without loosing those data.
jameslevalaisan said:
Thanks Blackhawk for your explication
I am on the second part of user which have lost his data but only the configuration not the contact, photo, etc...
But without root they are plenty of data (configuration, autorisation, widget) which take very long time to "reinstall" and those data are not saved if you are not root. And sometime with root also. They are not important but the time to restore them is very long and use a phone without his custumization is very anoying.
That's why I'm loocking for a way to save it without root or root without loosing those data.
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A clean wipe of all settings data means no misconfigurations or malware will survive.
Nuke em.
I'll see how well SmartSwitch does saving the home page next reload. If it screws up it will cost another reload... of course.
Only shortcuts/folders, Good Lock, One Handed Operation plus etc kill me with setup time but it's no big deal. I've gotten pretty adapt at it
Poweramp is completely, redundantly, backed up as that would take weeks to sort of recreate, a true nightmare... as it is now, it only takes a few minutes to do.
My music database has existed for over 15 years. I've lost count of the number of backup copies I have for it... plus the source CD/HDCDs.
Currently have 3 up to date copies to be expanded soon to 4.
Overkill for data backup is a good thing.

Rooting G530H running on 5.0.2

Hello all,
I want to root the phone mentioned in the title. Its of my fiancee and she will visit me to root her phone. I have used Samsung Galaxy S before and I am familiar a bit with the use of ODIN. I have researched a lot and there is no proper and easier method of rooting (or maybe I have not came across one). As my fiancee will be coming for a few hours so I want to use the most reliable method which I think would be through Odin rather than One Click methods (often run into problems).
1. I saw mohans method but many people have got trouble trying that.
2. I came across KingRoot but a person said it has malware plus it does not have the SuperSU (I dont know if its installation is just plain simple from Playstore or complicated, that is why looking for method which does all in one)
3. I saw CF Autoroot but it says "Flashing these with locked bootloaders will brick your device". Now I dont have any idea whether the bootloader is locked or not and whether it matters while rooting.
It also says "A modified recovery and cache partition will be flashed, which will install (only) SuperSU, then clean-up the cache partition and re-flash the stock recovery." I suppose it means that it will do which is stated rather than asking me to "install stock recovery" later. Right?
Kindly tell me the most reliable method among these or any other.
Thank you in advance.

How to take disk image of shared storage?

Starting from a non-rooted SM-G950W with a locked version 7 bootloader, what does it take to make a disk image backup (like with `dd` or `adb pull`) of the /data/media, without first destroying the data that's there? Is it even possible?
I ask because I did something dumb that truncated (not deleted) all files in shared storage to 0 bytes. If I could take a disk image of /data/media, I'd be able to use offline recovery programs (like PhotoRec) to restore what was on there, but I'm currently blocked from doing that since my phone isn't rooted.
I could root my phone, but it looks like most options for rooting involve wiping out /data/.
After having done some research, it appears that I may have the following options:
Install a custom recovery like TWRP, which will grant me root access in Recovery Mode that I can use to make a disk image. The problem is that my bootloader (version 7) is locked, meaning I'd need to use Safestrap, but that apparently requires root. Is it possible to install an additional custom recovery with a locked bootloader (as opposed to replacing the built-in one) without rooting first, or am I out of luck?
Install an additional custom ROM that has root, leaving the phone's original ROM intact as opposed to replacing it, if that even makes sense.
I think I've gone in circles about what the requirements are for installing a custom recovery or ROM. This post in a G950 rooting thread says it's possible to install a custom recovery image that has root access (at least on the S8+):
The linked instructions are for installing a custom ROM with Safestrap:
But the link for G950W leads back to the G950 rooting thread, which requires wiping /data/:
Also, the Safestrap install guide says that root is a requirement:
Is there a solution here, or are all options locked out?
Thanks in advance!

