Custom recovery for Asus zenpad 10 Z300c - Asus ZenPad 10 Questions & Answers

I need install a custom a recovery in my tablet Asus zenpad 10 Z300c
Could you provide one ?
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any answer????
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Firefox OS forma HUAWEI HONOR 2 (U9508)

Hi Guys Can Anyone Port Firefox OS For Huawei Honor 2 (U9508)
If Any One Ported It Please Represent Your Link To That Webpage
Enviado desde mi HUAWEI U9508 usando Tapatalk 2
Realistically, it is a dream.


Im using a tablet from smartouch... The thing it isla a chinese tablet and i wanna to change the ROM stock forma another more light fast and reliable. Im asking this just because this tablet isla very unknow. If you need some information please ask for it. Ty
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Ok nadie ayuda
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MX4 Pro flyme account deleting

I have bought my mx4 pro from an online store in Czech.
And its already registered in a flyme account, how to delete the old one, so i could use my own flyme acc? Please help
Yo have to get the password, there is no other way
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Group of Telegram

New group of telegram for lovers of Nubia.
Enviado desde mi NX563J mediante Tapatalk

Group of Telegram

New group of telegram for lovers of Nubia.
Enviado desde mi NX563J mediante Tapatalk
