No internet/push notifications while connected to WiFi and screen off - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Well, basically the title says it all. I've tried a factory reset and the app push notification fixer but when I'm connected to WiFi and my screen goes off, I don't receive push notifications or have internet access. As soon as I switch on the screen, the notifications come in. I've also tried connecting to other WiFi networks and the issue still persists, it's not just the home WiFi. No issue getting notifications on any mobile network.


Wifi widget sometimes doesnt work

Sometimes ill push my wifi wiidget and it will Jehoshaphat that it is on but it wont connect to my network. If ithen go to settings, then wiring, it will start connecting.
Anyone have a similar issue?
Are you talking about the power control widget that comes with the phone?
In that case then yes, my phone doesn't auto connect to my network when I turn on wifi I have to go into settings too.
I've been having issues with my phone staying connected to wifi also. It's become quite annoying.

T-Mobile HD2: Wifi Keeps Turning On Automatically

So I've noticed this over the past few days since I've been flying and in bad service areas. When there is no network access, such as being in Airplane mode, or in a no service area, my Wifi automatically turns on. I have Activesync polling every 15 minutes, so I can only imagine that the phone is trying to access the network, is unable, and starts up Wifi.
Is anyone else having this problem, and does anyone know how to turn it off?
are you using 3rd party software to toggle Wifi? (e.g. Wifitoggle) It seems that only the Comm.Manager can turn on/off Wifi properly.
I've used the HD2 Connectionz shotcuts. Even without using those it was happening, though.
I am having the same issue as well.......anyone fixed this?
me 2.
But I've only noticed this after using a Wifi toggle.
I had it after installing the home tab quicklink toggles, uninstalled it, everything OK again.
Now I've installed the End key with Wifi... and the problem returns...
I'm going to check my dialing rules, maybe that will help.
I have been having this issue too over the last 2 or 3 weeks, i have no wifitoggle or anything like that installed. I turn my GPRS off when i have finished using my phone and if the phone cant get a gprs connection when locked it seems to auto turn the wifi on in the hopes that you are next to one of the few wifi spots you have enabled on the phone!
This needs looking at and fixing cos i find my wifi connection drains the battery big time esp when there is nothing to connect to as i am at work!
guys i m having the same issue ..i think its a bug in hd..2 i just got the phone 2 days..ago any solution
This issue still hasn't been resolved in the 3.14 rom with radio....
using energy rom september 23/24 21679
I believe it's related to the wi-fi toggle in cht, still testing...
edit: The wifi issue IS solved when using Comm manager to turn wifi off, not using the toggle as stated by ozkaya
have the same problem, did some research on this and for me anyway its is, I have push email set up from google and if i am on a phone call wi-fi turns on to keep the connection alive, also if i have no service then again wi-fi to keep connection active
Anyone found the solution for this issue already? I have got the Raphael, but the issue is the same. Activesync with gmail, it checks for mails every 30 minutes. Whenever there is no network it automatically turns on the WiFi. I replaced Radio on my device and the problems are not too often, but it has only something to do with the strength of signal. For me this happens only when I have ActiveSync synchronization set up. If I use IMAP all is ok.
EDIT: I think the issue is about toggle buttons in CHT. When I got to the connection manager a switch off the WiFi there instead of by the CHT Toggle button, the problem disappeared.
EDIT: I think the issue is about toggle buttons in CHT. When I got to the connection manager a switch off the WiFi there instead of by the CHT Toggle button, the problem disappeared.[/QUOTE]
This is definetly the case, the issue only hapoens when switching off wifi using Cht toggle. Use com manager and alk is ok

[Q] Wifi to 3G hand-off problem and vice versa

I'm running Cyanogen 7.2 stable on my Droid 2
It seems I cannot successfully transition from wifi to 3g, or from 3G to wifi without hard resetting my phone. If I turn wifi on, then hard reset the phone, it will connect to my chosen access point, I'll get an IP address, and be able to use internet. But when I go into wifi settings and disable the WiFi, it will claim to connect the 3G but I will not be able to connect to any internet site. The notification area will show 3G icon in white, but never turn cyan to indicate a successful data connection. Trying to turn on airline mode does nothing, and the phone will not go into airline mode until I also, turn it off and turn it back off. Then it will reboot into airline mode. A simple soft reset doesn't seem to solve this problem, I have to preform a power off, and then turn it back on.
Conversely if I set it to use 3G and hard reset it will successfully connect to 3g and work fine, but turning on wifi will result in a connection to the access point but no actual data tansfer. Just as before it will show the connection option's icon on the notification bar will show the WiFi icon but it will say white, and never successfully connect. Alternately wifi will connect and the drop the connection repeatedly.
I've looked all over here, and Google for any working solution but I haven't seen any. Mostly just people having trouble connecting to a specific router, which I DO NOT have. Specially the hand-off to 3G and back seems broken and I have to do a hard reset 100% of the time to change from wifi to 3G and back.
Could somebody point me in the right direction for a solution that hopefully won't involve wiping my phone?

[Q] Keep losing WiFi connectivity

I have an SGH-I337 that is running Cyanogenmod 11-20151112-SNAPSHOT-M12-jflte with baseband I337UCUAMDB, and I am experiencing some odd WiFi behavior.
The WiFi will be connected, showing in both the notification bar and the WiFi settings, the notification bar with show traffic (blinking up and down arrows), and yet apps won't be able to access the network. I can restart the WiFi via settings and this will usually restore app connectivity, though not permanently; eventually apps will lose connectivity again. Rinse; repeat.
At times I'll get annoyed at having the WiFi problems and turn WiFi off and use LTE. However, the WiFi eventually turns itself back on, often times exhibiting the connectivity issue that drove me to switch to LTE.
Another issue is that the WiFi will forget the settings for a given network. The WiFi app will simply show the network, not indicating that settings are saved, and I'll have to enter them again.
I haven't been able to establish a pattern to these issues, and it's driving me mad! Has anyone seen anything like this? Have any suggestions, besides taking a handgun to the phone?

All wifi settings off but app can be activated from PC via wifi

I use MyPhoneExplorer to sync with a Windows 10 PC All seemed to work perfectly with the Android app over wifi.
The strange thing is today when I clicked sync on the PC it caused the Android app on the phone to start, as expected ... but then gave me a pop up msg that it could not connect. I checked and wifi was switched OFF, so was turn wifi on automatically, open network notification & wifi scanning, all turned off. So the phone should not be waking up when MFE on PC attempts to connect but something is obviously on & a signal is getting through from PC to activate the Android app, even though the data transfer channel is blocked.
How come? Is this a bug (Android or Essential)?

