[Q] How to restore system settings after clean flash? - OnePlus 2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm looking for suggestions regarding restoring system settings after a clean flash.
I use an app from the play store called rom settings backup but it only restores about 60-70% of the settings.
There are multiple threads about restoring apps and their settings but I couldn't find one that was about restoring system settings.
I'm on official Resurrection remix. Latest build.

If you restore 100% of you system data....then I guess its equivalent to dirty flashing....why clean flash then take all hassles to restore....
A better alternative would be to use titanium backup to backup all user apps and after a clean flash , setup the system manually and then restore apps to get as close to old setup even after flashing new rom



Hello can anyone explain to me how to backup and after that restore data oh my android
Now i use TyphooN CyanogenMod 7 but now there is 4 versions new and i want to update.I read posts and people say that it's better to make fresh clean install,not update.
Ok i will.but cai i restore my aplications after that or i make install all of them again
Thank you
Do normal android backup via cwm, then wipe everything, flash new rom and after that go to the advanced restore and restore only data. But of course you can flash new rom directly and you will see if it's ok .
If it will be unsuccesful, you still have your backup ..
If you want to only restore your apps on the newer version, you could use Titanium Backup (from Android Market) to back up and restore the apps and their data caches.
I would first do a cwm backup, then back up the apps and their data with Titanium. Then flash the new ROM. Try first doing a custom restore -->data only, and if that doesn't work out for you, you can do a wipe and then install Titanium and at least restore your apps and their data caches.
Sent from my HTC HD2

ROM Backup

Is there a way to do a complete backup of the current ROM? I know I can always reflash the stock firmware but I'd like to keep all the installed apps/customizations.
If you flashed CWM recovery, doing a nandroid backup (boot into recovery, backup and restore->backup) will back up your entire system, including ROM, your installed apps, accounts, settings, the whole kit and caboodle. If you're just worried about your own apps, you can use an app like Titanium Backup to back up all your apps and their data and restore them after a wipe.
Just to be clear, flashing stock ROM through odin won't actually wipe any of your apps or data, but it's usually a good idea to do so manually when changing firmware versions, as you may run into problems, usually apps force closing, if you don't.
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teiglin said:
If you flashed CWM recovery, doing a nandroid backup (boot into recovery, backup and restore->backup) will back up your entire system, including ROM, your installed apps, accounts, settings, the whole kit and caboodle. If you're just worried about your own apps, you can use an app like Titanium Backup to back up all your apps and their data and restore them after a wipe.
Just to be clear, flashing stock ROM through odin won't actually wipe any of your apps or data, but it's usually a good idea to do so manually when changing firmware versions, as you may run into problems, usually apps force closing, if you don't.
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Thanks for the info, and sorry for the late reply...
I would be interested in doing a full ROM backup. Are there any known issues in flashing CWM? so far I have only rooted the stock rom.

[Q] TWRP Recovery- How to use?

So I am currently on Paranoid Android and wish to switch to another ROM (most likely AOKP or PACman just to try). In TWRP recovery, what would I select to just back up my app data and NOT my ROM, and after that is possible, what must I restore to get it back and in what order of flashing alon with my new ROM and GAPPS???:silly:
You can go into TWRP and backup and choose what partitions you want to backup. However, I'd suggest you backup everything and don't try to restore the data to another ROM.
I use Titanium to backup all app data as well as MMS history, WiFi networks etc then do a full backup in TWRP. Then wipe everything and flash the new ROM. Then boot up and reconfigure accounts and restore apps + data with titanium.
It may be a little more effort but this way you can always roll back to the previous setup if anything goes wrong and you're less likely to run into any weird issues from moving data around between ROMs.
Or you could try something like app2zip off the play store to make a flashable zip of only selected apps and data which is probably safer than the whole partition. If you do a full backup first you can always rollback if something goes wrong.
When using Titanium Backup, when I hit run backup, where does it go and how do I restore it after I flash my new ROM. Or do I do the update.zip option and flash that when I'm doing my new ROM?
GraysonB said:
When using Titanium Backup, when I hit run backup, where does it go and how do I restore it after I flash my new ROM. Or do I do the update.zip option and flash that when I'm doing my new ROM?
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It goes into a folder on /sdcard called TitaniumBackup. When you flash a new rom, you will need to redownload titanium backup. When you redownload it, it will find the backups and you can click on the app to restore it.
Theres no need to use the update.zip method. Do it like this ^

[Q] How do I revert to stock?

I'm a newbie when it comes to all things Android. I have a T-Mobile Galaxy Note 4 which I've rooted.
I've installed a flashable zip via TWRP and I think it may be causing some problems. Due to lack of forsight, I did not make a backup.
So, how do I get everything back to stock so I can start from scratch and make a backup the right way? Can I use the factory reset option in TWRP?
The zip I flashed was supposed to unlock my wifi tethering, but it didn't work. I think it altered some system files.. If I use TWRP which boxes would i want checked?
Reflash stock rom of your device. It will be back to complete stock with no root what so ever
Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
lmills.117 said:
I'm a newbie when it comes to all things Android. I have a T-Mobile Galaxy Note 4 which I've rooted.
I've installed a flashable zip via TWRP and I think it may be causing some problems. Due to lack of forsight, I did not make a backup.
So, how do I get everything back to stock so I can start from scratch and make a backup the right way? Can I use the factory reset option in TWRP?
The zip I flashed was supposed to unlock my wifi tethering, but it didn't work. I think it altered some system files.. If I use TWRP which boxes would i want checked?
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Factory reset does not help to revert back to stock.
Install Phone INFO ★Samsung★ app > Menu > 'Firmware Browser' to find and download stock firmware for your device.
Then boot into download mode and flash via Odin software.
vndnguyen said:
Factory reset does not help to revert back to stock.
Install Phone INFO ★Samsung★ app > Menu > 'Firmware Browser' to find and download stock firmware for your device.
Then boot into download mode and flash via Odin software.
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Just checked it out on the Play store; looks like it redirects to sammobile for firmware downloads. I already tried to download my firmware via sammobile on the PC and it seems like the link is currently broken. However, I found it over on samsung-updates. Hopefully that's a reputable site as well.
My plan is to re-flash with stock, re-root, install TWRP, and then immediately make a backup. Is that a solid plan, or should I use titanium backup before/instead of TWRP backup?
Also, are the default options in TWRP backup good enough? Is Titanium backup redundant if I use TWRP?
A TWRP makes a full backup of the ROM, so its more useful if you mess up and its is highly recommended you make one.
Titanium Backup is useful if you wanna change ROMs, but keep your apps and app data
Tom540 said:
A TWRP makes a full backup of the ROM, so its more useful if you mess up and its is highly recommended you make one.
Titanium Backup is useful if you wanna change ROMs, but keep your apps and app data
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So for example, let's say that I want to install some mods on top of the stock firmware (like this one that supposedly unlocks my wifi tethering). But then I change my mind and I want to revert back to stock -- I can restore my TWRP backup to revert back to before the mods were installed (with default backup options checked?) and then use titanium backup to restore my apps and app data?
What exactly happens if I back up with TWRP using default options and then restore? What will be different? I'm assuming that all of the apps that I installed since the backup will no longer be there?
lmills.117 said:
So for example, let's say that I want to install some mods on top of the stock firmware (like this one that supposedly unlocks my wifi tethering). But then I change my mind and I want to revert back to stock -- I can restore my TWRP backup to revert back to before the mods were installed (with default backup options checked?) and then use titanium backup to restore my apps and app data?
What exactly happens if I back up with TWRP using default options and then restore? What will be different? I'm assuming that all of the apps that I installed since the backup will no longer be there?
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Yep you are correct! Restoring the TWRP backup will restore the ROM, data, apps etc that were there when you made the backup; you can, however, use TB to backup any apps or data and then restore them when you restore the TWRP backup
Tom540 said:
Yep you are correct! Restoring the TWRP backup will restore the ROM, data, apps etc that were there when you made the backup; you can, however, use TB to backup any apps or data and then restore them when you restore the TWRP backup
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So, I just re-flashed the stock firmware and all of my apps are still there. The recovery mode went back to stock so I put TWRP back on. Then I rooted again and TWRP was gone again! What is going on..
lmills.117 said:
Just checked it out on the Play store; looks like it redirects to sammobile for firmware downloads. I already tried to download my firmware via sammobile on the PC and it seems like the link is currently broken. However, I found it over on samsung-updates. Hopefully that's a reputable site as well.
My plan is to re-flash with stock, re-root, install TWRP, and then immediately make a backup. Is that a solid plan, or should I use titanium backup before/instead of TWRP backup?
Also, are the default options in TWRP backup good enough? Is Titanium backup redundant if I use TWRP?
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In short, TWRP creates a backup of whole partition, e.g system partition - where Android OS is stored, userdata partition - where user data is stored (including all installed apps and their data, settings), etc...
While Titanium creates a backup of individual apps inside the userdata partition.

S7 Edge Root Question.

So I want to root my phone and install the superman rom or batman rom, I haven't decided yet which one yet, But can I root my phone without wiping data, backup my current apps fully (I.E Google Auth as is with how ever many 2FA I have added on it) and retain it and apps after restoring app backups? to the new rom once I install that?
i do not recommend that.
Flash TWRP > Format Data > Flash no-verify-opt.zip reboot to recovery.
Flash then any rom you want, in aroma you have root options. BUT!
When you setup your rom, install Titanium backup and backup all apps. Then next time when you will change rom you will not have to install all apps again.
So it's best to start fresh on a rom and once apps are installed make a backup basically.
