How to tune cpu governors to extend battery life? - LeEco Le 2 Guides, News, & Discussion

Hi guys, what's the best setting to save battery? I tried to turn off the a72 cores using in the hotplug section in Kernel auditor, and switch the a53's governor from interactive to powersafe, but the phone gets to laggy...
For example when I'm on the train to work listening to music (from internal memory, not spotify o google play music), 3g data on, writing some message on whatsapp or telegram (no games, web surfing or facebook), the battery drops 15-20% and the phone gets hot in about 30 minutes! I'm on the LOS 13 (13/3 official build) now, with theEUI 19s and 20s the result was pretty close. Always auto luminosity set to 40%, and greenify hibernating unused apps like messenger, facebook, instagram etc etc
How Can I set the hotplug to switch off immediatily the a 72 cores when unusd?
Can I use custom governors like fairpark, glassfish etc ect?
Thanks in advance to everyone

alessiogentile said:
Hi guys, what's the best setting to save battery? I tried to turn off the a72 cores using in the hotplug section in Kernel auditor, and switch the a53's governor from interactive to powersafe, but the phone gets to laggy...
For example when I'm on the train to work listening to music (from internal memory, not spotify o google play music), 3g data on, writing some message on whatsapp or telegram (no games, web surfing or facebook), the battery drops 15-20% and the phone gets hot in about 30 minutes! I'm on the LOS 13 (13/3 official build) now, with theEUI 19s and 20s the result was pretty close. Always auto luminosity set to 40%, and greenify hibernating unused apps like messenger, facebook, instagram etc etc
How Can I set the hotplug to switch off immediatily the a 72 cores when unusd?
Can I use custom governors like fairpark, glassfish etc ect?
Thanks in advance to everyone
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What more CPU and IO governor do your phone have?

piku 123 said:
What more CPU and IO governor do your phone have?
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a72 on interactive, a53 on interactive, IO governor on CFQ. stock frequencies.

alessiogentile said:
a72 on interactive, a53 on interactive, IO governor on CFQ. stock frequencies.
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Is your phone rooted?If yes then install kernel auditor and tell me what are the CPU and I/O governor that are available to you.

Try this in kernel auditor..
In hotplug Turn minimum CPUs big to 0
In Cpu change the minimum CPU frequency to 400 in both little.BIG

sydtek said:
Try this in kernel auditor..
In hotplug Turn minimum CPUs big to 0
In Cpu change the minimum CPU frequency to 400 in both little.BIG
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Above settings don't stick after rebooting the device, they all come back to the default ones.

abhishek943 said:
Above settings don't stick after rebooting the device, they all come back to the default ones.
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Yes it does not apply automatically.. Just use apply on boot this works most of the time..

yes you need to set "apply on boot"


Undervolt Setcpu settings

Hey guys. i'm using Solarflare rom and it uses snowleopard kernel. What's the right settings to undervolt it? I want to extend my battery life more. I tried to change the values in the undervolt settings but the phone always hangs.
actually i want to know those settings too, my battery seems to be running out so quickly.
Actually SetCPU UV settings are different from phone to phone, you have to find your own good settings. Just start running a day with -25mV on the different speeds and see if it's stable and if so lower it another -25mV the next day etc...
And if you are running out of battery too quickly try to set a screen off profile 200-500MHz with a conservative governor. Also try to recalibrate your battery if you have not done that, that may work wonders on your phones. What kind of battery times are you getting ? Screentime ?
Like Reidar said it's different for every device. Right now I'm using Ninphetamine v2.05 and I'm UC @ 800mHz. With UV I have it at -125mV for 800mHz, 500mHz, and 200mHz with a conservative screen off profile. Been running this for a while now and it has been stable.
A quick tip, if you want to see if a new voltage is stable quickly is to set the voltage and run a stress test in setCPU. And always remember to uncheck the Set on Boot box when testing voltages or even CPU speeds.
Sent from my Galaxy S II using MIUI
With my GS2 i use screen off profile on demand 200Mhz with undervolt of 800mV and work very nice, only thing is a 0,5 sec lag when i unlock my phone

SetCPU Settings

I need suggestions to setup good config in SetCPU i have kyrilos rom 7.5 beta and Galaxy 3 phone of course. thanks
There is option to automatically detect optimized setting.You can create profiles and enable them.Setting speed to powersave mode while charging and while screen off saves lot of battery.You can still experiment and see what suits for you.By the way setting some extreme values might affect life of your phone so be careful.
It is strange but in setcpu on my galaxy 3 conservative mod is not working. So ichoose userspase
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
Try latest version it works for me.Maybe you can try rebooting phone see if it works then.
Use 400Mhz-800Mhz on demand for battery.
Go to full 1300Mhz for performance but this will drain battery
darkokic said:
I need suggestions to setup good config in SetCPU i have kyrilos rom 7.5 beta and Galaxy 3 phone of course. thanks
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I have g3mod 2.0 OC kernel
My config its
Main 400-800 Mhz Ondemand Set on boot
Temp >45°C 200-500 Mhz priority 100 Ondemand
time 2am-6am 83-83 Mhz priority 95 powesave
screen off 83-500 Mhz priority 90 Ondemand
Battery <20% 200-600 Mhz priority 80 Ondemand

[Q] about CM 7.1 Performance Settings~

hmm, may i ask about :
CM7.1 performance settings:
CPU Settings :
Available Governors
as i know performance is keep the CPU run at maximum. how about hotplug, ondemand(default) and userspace, which one should i select??
And what the best Min CPU Frequency set ?? 300Mhz (default) or 600Mhz???
Thank you~~~~~
I leave mine set to ondemand set max to 1300 and set the min. to 600 because when I set my min. to 300 I would get the sleep of death.
So far with my min. set to 600 I have gone a full 24 hrs. with no SOD and it seems to have not had any ill effects on battery life.
if you want to know more about the specific governor options you can read the cpufreq configs, for example
will show you the configs for intersectRaven's kernel.
honestly until someone tests each of these on an array of frequencies it's hard to know which is actually best. obviously the previous statements regarding sod are more than valid points.

O/C Voltage Survey

Alright guys, I've had my Dinc for almost a week now, and I think I've found a pretty good set up as far as what I need goes.
I am a professional auto detailer so I have my headphones in about 8-10 hours a day. I LOVE pandora and normally if you play pandora it will kill your phone within 4 hours.
SOOOOOOOO I decided to create a little survey to see what Kernel/Rom, O/C app, Governor, Profiles/Settings, Notes, etc.
Please guys share your settings, I would love to try out everyones setups and see what really is the ULTIMATE set up for the Droid incredible
Please everyone stick to the format just so its easily understandable for everyone who isn't part of the forums or doesn't understand what everything is.
I'll start with mine
Rom - Stock Plus
Kernel - GingerTiny
O/C app - SetCPU
Governor - On Demand
Profiles/Settings - (1) Screen Off - Priority 100 - On Demand - 245 max - 128 min
(2) Battery <101% - Priority 50 - On Demand - 960 max - 128 min
Notes - I've found I can last about 10 hours streaming radio the whole time
Also, I've found that IheartRadio uses less resources than Pandora, Thus using less battery.
When I'm not streaming any music either, I have had my phone stay on the SAME percent - 66% - for 10 hours STRAIGHT and then It stayed on 65% all night when I get home, and when I woke up in the morning it was only on 60%
internecinehigh said:
Alright guys, I've had my Dinc for almost a week now, and I think I've found a pretty good set up as far as what I need goes.
I am a professional auto detailer so I have my headphones in about 8-10 hours a day. I LOVE pandora and normally if you play pandora it will kill your phone within 4 hours.
SOOOOOOOO I decided to create a little survey to see what Kernel/Rom, O/C app, Governor, Profiles/Settings, Notes, etc.
Please guys share your settings, I would love to try out everyones setups and see what really is the ULTIMATE set up for the Droid incredible
Please everyone stick to the format just so its easily understandable for everyone who isn't part of the forums or doesn't understand what everything is.
I'll start with mine
Rom - Stock Plus
Kernel - GingerTiny
O/C app - SetCPU
Governor - On Demand
Profiles/Settings - (1) Screen Off - Priority 100 - On Demand - 245 max - 128 min
(2) Battery <101% - Priority 50 - On Demand - 960 max - 128 min
Notes - I've found I can last about 10 hours streaming radio the whole time
Also, I've found that IheartRadio uses less resources than Pandora, Thus using less battery.
When I'm not streaming any music either, I have had my phone stay on the SAME percent - 66% - for 10 hours STRAIGHT and then It stayed on 65% all night when I get home, and when I woke up in the morning it was only on 60%
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Rom - Touch Of Blue
Kernel - Latest GingerTiny
O/C app - No-Frills CPU Control
Governor - SmartassV2 (245 min / 998 max)
I/O Scheduler - SIO (Set with No-Frills)
Voltage Control - IncrediControl (-25v all freqs min and max)
Profiles/Settings - None, they are not recomended or needed as the kernel has a built in sleep mode.
Changing from Ondemand to almost any other governor and slightly undervolting, will greatly increase your battery life.
And not using a sense rom will add 2 to 4 hours depending on use in my experience
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
cmlusco said:
Rom - Touch Of Blue
Kernel - Latest GingerTiny
O/C app - No-Frills CPU Control
Governor - SmartassV2 (245 min / 998 max)
I/O Scheduler - SIO (Set with No-Frills)
Voltage Control - IncrediControl (-25v all freqs min and max)
Profiles/Settings - None, they are not recomended or needed as the kernel has a built in sleep mode.
Changing from Ondemand to almost any other governor and slightly undervolting, will greatly increase your battery life.
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I'm gonna try this out today and see how it well it works with streaming music all day. The reason I've set profiles is because I feel like when I'm playing Pandora andthe screen is off, it will force it to go to the lowest voltage I have set, whereas if I don't set profiles it will play at whatever voltage feels nessecary. That's just the way I see it, if anyone can confirm or deny this let me know.
BTW nice addition to the survey, Idk why I didn't add io scheduled in the first place lol
Sent from my ADR6300 using xda premium
thanks for information..this is quite interesting...i gotta try this out
The phone doesn't sleep when music is playing so then what speed is running can influence battery. If you're curious try it without any profiles and you can still use ondemand.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Rom - Inc-Deck-Gingerbread-1.3
Kernel - Incredikernel
O/C app - none (baked in ROM)
Governor - SmartassV2 (245 min / 998 max)
I/O Scheduler - default Incredikernel
Voltage Control - default Incredikernel
Profiles/Settings - None...
I do use an app called Automateit PRO which I have used to create many different custom "rules". Every rule has a "trigger" and an "action". Some of my rules are used to automatically disable (or enable) 3G, Wifi, and GPS at certain times and/or situations that are appropriate. That really helps with battery usage...and its convenient that I don't need to do the enabling and disabling manually. But streaming music would require pretty much constant data connection of one kind or another.
My custom rom setup
I'm running CyanogenMod 7.1 on my Dinc.And Go Launcher Ex With Ice Cream Sandwich 3D Van Theme overclocked with Cyan to 245min. 1036 max. So smooth an fast.
ROM-CM9a5 alpha ICS
Kernel-Incredikernel HWA beta 1
Profile-default, screen off-data/wifi off with JuiceDefender Ultimate
Voltage Control-default
Smooth and fast. Excellent battery life as data and wifi are under JDU control.
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-6

Cpu changes maximum frequency.

I have a D802 with cyanogenmod 10.2 .Everything is perfect except the cpu controlling. My problem is that when i set a maximum cpu frequency it wont stay there. After a couple of minute the phone override it and change it self.. I have tried setCPU , cpu adjuster and the system default settings. Do you have any suggestion. I would like to underclock my cpu because it generates lot of heat while on heavy load.
Thanks for your aswers!
I am having the same issue. Have you found the solution?
